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Entries from April 2005

Kerry Threatens to Unveil Social Security Plan

by Scott Ott · Comments Off

(2005-04-30) — While he was campaigning for president, Sen. John F. Kerry, D-MA, often noted that he had a plan to save Social Security.
Today, in his boldest move yet, he threatened to unveil his plan unless President Bush backs away from his proposal to reform the taxpayer-funded retirement system.
Mr. Kerry, during his 2004 [...]


Tags: Politics

Rush Limbaugh Now Accused of ‘Justice Shopping’

by Scott Ott · Comments Off

(2005-04-29) — America’s premier talk radio host, Rush Limbaugh, may face new legal troubles today after the Florida Supreme Court voted 4-3 to reject an appeal to keep his personal medical records private.
An assistant state attorney announced that in addition to an ongoing investigation into accusations of so-called ‘doctor shopping’, Mr. Limbaugh now [...]


Tags: U.S. News

Ivory-Billed Woodpecker, Rare Taxcutter Sighted

by Scott Ott · Comments Off

(2005-04-29) — In the same week that scientists reported spotting an ‘extinct’ ivory-billed woodpecker in an Arkansas swamp, experts in Congress say they caught a fleeting glimpse of another creature thought to be extinct, the red-blooded taxcutter.
The taxcutter (Itzur munyus), whose numbers had been decimated by the predation of the lily-livered deficit hawk (Rino popularis) [...]


Tags: U.S. News

Republicans Redefine ‘Majority’ to Fit Current Usage

by Scott Ott · Comments Off

(2005-04-28) — Republicans in the House and Senate today introduced bills which would redefine the word “majority” to mean “a group compelled to do the will of a smaller group.”
The change in definition is designed to bring the word back in line with current usage and practice, according to an unnamed Senate source.
The new definition [...]


Tags: Politics

Churches to Add ‘Most Holy Telecast’ to Ritual

by Scott Ott · Comments Off

(2005-04-25) — After the success of a nationwide event, dubbed ‘Justice Sunday,’ many conservative churches are considering the addition of a ‘most holy telecast’ from a political action group to the weekly Sunday morning order of worship.
“When I saw Sen. Bill Frist on that giant screen talking about Democrat efforts to block conservative judicial nominees, [...]


Tags: Politics

Bolton Withdraws to Run for Voinovich Senate Seat

by Scott Ott · Comments Off

(2004-04-22) — Embattled U.N. Ambassador nominee John Bolton stunned the Senate Foreign Relations Committee today by withdrawing from consideration for the U.N. post in order to challenge Ohio Republican George Voinovich for his Senate seat in 2006.
“You must become the change you wish to see,” said Mr. Bolton, quoting his ‘tranquility mentor’, Mahatma Gandhi. “And [...]


Tags: Politics

Bolton Roid Rage: Did Canseco Inject Nominee?

by Scott Ott · Comments Off

(2005-04-22) — Republican members of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee revealed today that they have stalled the confirmation of John Bolton as U.N. Ambassador to investigate claims by Jose Canseco that the former Major League Baseball slugger had injected Mr. Bolton with steroids on several occasions.
If Mr. Canseco’s allegations prove true, it would help to [...]


Tags: Politics