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Entries from August 2004

Bush: RNC Doing Good Job ‘Hiding Our Wackos’

by Scott Ott · Comments Off

(2004-08-30) — President George Bush today told reporters on Air Force One that he’s pleased with what he has seen of the Republican National Convention, and said party leaders are doing a “good job hiding our wackos from the cameras.”
“If you watch the TV,” said Mr. Bush, “You might think that the Republican party consists [...]


Tags: Politics

Internet Turns 35, Moves Out of Parent’s Basement

by Scott Ott · Comments Off

(2004-08-30) — The Internet officially turns 35-years-old on September 2, and according to sources close to the world wide web, it may finally move out of its parents’ basement.
Born in 1969, the Internet really came of age during the early 1990s. But with a tough job market, the Internet couldn’t earn a decent living doing [...]


Tags: Technology

Kerry Demands Apology from ‘Opinionated’ First Lady

by Scott Ott · Comments Off

(2004-08-30) — Democrat presidential candidate John Forbes Kerry today demanded an apology from First Lady Laura Bush for remarks that implied support for TV ads by Swift Boat Veterans for Truth which are critical of Mr. Kerry’s 1971 ‘atrocity’ testimony before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.
“In a word, Laura Bush is opinionated,” said Mr. Kerry. [...]


Tags: Politics

Kerry Proposes Deciding Presidency by Chants

by Scott Ott · Comments Off

(2004-08-30) — On the eve of the Republican National Convention, as anti-Bush protestors gathered near New York’s Madison Square Garden, Democrat presidential candidate John Forbes Kerry called for the abolition of the electoral college. Instead, he proposed that presidential elections “be decided by chants.”
“We have heard democracy in action from the vox populi-the voice of [...]


Tags: Politics

Kerry: Celebrities at Risk if Bush Reelected

by Scott Ott · Comments Off

(2004-08-28) — Democrat presidential candidate John Forbes Kerry today warned that America faces “a celebrity exhaustion crisis” if President George Bush wins reelection in November.
“It’s just another example of how this administration fails to care for the ordinary, needy people of this great country,” said Mr. Kerry, a Vietnam veteran who is also a U.S. [...]


Tags: Politics

Iraqis Get Lesson in Freedom, Next Lesson: Justice

by Scott Ott · Comments Off

(2004-08-27) — Iraqis this week got a lesson in freedom as they watched accused murder Muqtada al-Sadr walk free after spending several weeks directing his followers to shoot at U.S. and Iraqi government forces from inside of the most holy Imam Ali Shrine.
The lesson in freedom is part of a multi-year curriculum called “How to [...]


Tags: Global News

Al-Sistani Calls on Arafat to Broker Peace in Najaf

by Scott Ott · Comments Off

(2004-08-26) — Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani, Shia Islam’s most revered leader, today returned to its most revered holy city and said that only one man has the credibility to broker a peace deal between Iraqi government forces and revered cleric Muqtada al-Sadr whose forces remain entrenched in the most holy Imam Ali Shrine.
“Yassir Arafat is [...]


Tags: Global News