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Entries from June 2003

Palestinian Terror Leaders Prepare to be ‘Joint Chiefs’

by Scott Ott · Comments Off

(2003-06-30) — In the new Palestinian state, leaders of the major terror organizations plan to serve as military joint chiefs, similar to the U.S. model.
An unnamed terror leader said, “Instead of Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, we’ll have Hamas, Islamic Jihad, al Aqsa Martyrs and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine…the latter of [...]


Tags: Global News

Sosa Called to Help NASA with Cork Insulation

by Scott Ott · Comments Off

(2003-06-30) — The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has contacted Chicago Cubs slugger Sammy Sosa to help solve a persistent problem with cork insulation on the Mars Rover rocket.
“We did an internet search to find someone with expertise in the properties of cork,” said an unnamed NASA spokesman. “Sammy Sosa kept popping up.”
Mr. Sosa, [...]


Tags: Sports

California Goes Belly Up, eBay Auction Scheduled

by Scott Ott · Comments Off

(2003-06-30) — The government of the state of California, awash in red ink, went bankrupt this morning, and will be auctioned off on eBay starting next week.
“We’re just like any other business,” said an unnamed official in the treasurer’s office. “We can’t pay our bills, so we’re going belly up, firing all the staff, and [...]


Tags: U.S. News

Supreme Court Overturns Crack-Smoking Ban

by Scott Ott · Comments Off

(2003-06-29) — In a ripple effect from last week’s sodomy ruling, the U.S. Supreme Court this week will overturn state laws banning the smoking of crack cocaine in the privacy of one’s own home.
“The state may not invade a person’s privacy, nor judge the morality of what happens behind closed doors,” according to a leaked [...]


Tags: U.S. News

Palestinian Terror Groups Look Forward to Off-Season

by Scott Ott · Comments Off

(2003-06-29) — A spokesman for Hamas and Islamic Jihad, the Palestinian terror organizations, said the groups are looking forward to the off-season, a brief hiatus in scheduled activities which starts this week.
“During the regular season there’s no time to regroup, strategize, equip your team members,” said the unnamed spokesman. “It will be nice to take [...]


Tags: Global News

Democrat Candidates Concede 2004 Election to Bush

by Scott Ott · Comments Off

(2003-06-28) — Each of the several dozen Democrat presidential candidates today delivered formal concession speeches, acknowledging that there’s “no imaginable scenario” for any of them to win the White House in 2004.
“It’s really just a pragmatic decision,” said DNC Chairman Terry McAuliffe. “President Bush is going to spend $170 million campaigning before the Republican convention. [...]


Tags: Politics

Democrats Call for Huge Military Buildup

by Scott Ott · Comments Off

(2003-06-28) — Democrats in Congress, frustrated that Republicans stole their thunder by passing a Medicare prescription drug plan, say this week they’ll introduce a bill to double the Pentagon’s budget for 2003-04.
“We want more troops, more weapons systems and a rapid rollout of the missile defense system,” said one unnamed Democrat Congressional aide. “If [...]


Tags: U.S. News