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Entries Tagged as 'DC Examiner'

Satirist Leaves Examiner to Spend More Time with Obama

by Scott Ott · 44 Comments

Examiner Columnist Scott Ott, editor of the world’s leading family-friendly news satire site,, announced Thursday he was “stepping away from my important journalistic endeavors at The Washington Examiner in order to spend more time with the man who has been the inspiration for so much of my work, President Obama.”
[READ THE REST at Washington [...]


Tags: DC Examiner

NOW Demands CBS Yank Tebow Pro-Life Ad, Heisman

by Scott Ott · 23 Comments

The National Organization for Women on Monday called on CBS to yank a pro-life Super Bowl ad featuring former Florida Gators quarterback Tim Tebow, and it started a campaign to demand that authorities withdraw Tebow’s Heisman Trophy and pull his National Championship ring.
[READ THE REST at The Washington Examiner.]


Tags: DC Examiner

State of the Union Speech Pivots to Employment Reform

by Scott Ott · 85 Comments

With his health care agenda on the back burner in the wake of Republican Sen.-elect Scott Brown’s election in Massachusetts, President Obama plans to use Wednesday night’s State of the Union address to unveil sweeping employment-reform legislation that would provide a good job to every American regardless of his ability to work, and would prevent [...]


Tags: DC Examiner

Obama: Coakley Victorious if Brown Gets Less Than 60%

by Scott Ott · 104 Comments

As voters in Massachusetts go to the polls today to decide who will complete the late Sen. Edward M. Kennedy’s unexpired term, President Obama declared that “anything less than a 20-point win by Scott Brown represents a resounding endorsement of my entire domestic and foreign policy agenda.”
“If Brown ends up with less than 60 percent, [...]


Tags: DC Examiner

Reid: Martha Coakley ‘more than just my 60th Yes-Man’

by Scott Ott · 43 Comments

With just hours to go before Tuesday’s special Senate election in Massachusetts to fill the unexpired term of the late Edward M. Kennedy, Sen. Harry Reid said that Democratic candidate Martha Coakley would be “much more than just my 60th yes-man.”
“Sure, she’d be a rookie senator, who’s never functioned in a legislature, with no power, [...]


Tags: DC Examiner

Reid Adds ‘Skin Lightening Therapy’ to Health Reform Bill

by Scott Ott · 28 Comments

Sen. Harry Reid, in an effort to increase the popularity of the imperiled health care reform bill, on Monday added a provision requiring insurance companies to pay 100 percent of the cost of treatments intended to lighten the skin of African-Americans.
The news came a day after the revelation that in 2008 Reid had said Sen. [...]


Tags: DC Examiner

C-Span Ban Protects Private Health Information

by Scott Ott · 39 Comments

Today, the White House said President Obama’s alleged failure to keep an oft-repeated campaign promise to televise high-level health care reform negotiations on C-Span was necessary to protect the “private health information of the participants” under so-called HIPAA privacy rules.
The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 prevents unauthorized disclosure of patients’ health information, [...]


Tags: Business  · DC Examiner · Medicine