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Entries Tagged as 'SNN'

[SNN] Obama’s Muslim TV Interview Sets New Tone

by Scott Ott · 110 Comments

President Barack Obama chose al-Arabiya to grant his first full interview as president of the United States, trying to repair the damage done by his predecessor’s efforts to free 25 million Iraqis from dictatorship and terrorism. The president snubbed CNN, MSNBC, FoxNews, ABC, CBS, PBS and even SNN, according to a White House spokesman because [...]


Tags: Global News · Media/Journalism · SNN · Video

[SNN] Pro-Life Obama Inaugural Stings Abortion Industry

by Scott Ott · 38 Comments

On the 36th anniversary of the Roe v. Wade decision, Planned Parenthood expressed alarm at what sounded like pro-life “code words” in President Obama’s inaugural address. ScrappleFace Network News (SNN) anchor Scott Ott brings us the story that the mainstream media ignores.

(SNN Episode 3)


Tags: Culture · Law · Medicine · SNN · Video

[Video] SNN 2: Usama Bin Laden’s New ‘Smart Jihad’

by Scott Ott · 39 Comments


Tags: Global News · SNN · Video

[Video] SNN 1: Geithner’s Not Uncommon Tax Error

by Scott Ott · 32 Comments


Tags: Law · SNN