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Entries Tagged as 'Entertainment'

Twitter & Facebook Crippled, Jonas Bros. Reported Safe

by Scott Ott · 49 Comments

(2009-08-07) — A day after unknown Russian hackers took down Twitter, and crippled Facebook, a spokesman for the Jonas Brothers said the Disney pop trio was “exhausted, a little freaked out, but resting safely in an undisclosed location.”
For several hours yesterday, as a distributed denial of service (DDOS) attack clogged social networking servers worldwide, [...]


Tags: Business  · Culture · Entertainment · Technology

GOP Offers ‘Michael Jackson’ Cap & Trade Alternative

by Scott Ott · 35 Comments

(2009-06-27) — Senate Republicans today introduced an “innovative alternative” to the 1,300-page cap-and-trade climate change bill which passed the House 219-212 virtually-unread Friday night as the nation sat transfixed by wall-to-wall coverage of the death of an iconic pop singer.
Supporters said the GOP-sponsored ‘Michael Jackson Energy Act’ will clear away a raft of environmental regulations [...]


Tags: Business  · Entertainment · Technology

Palin Offers Top 10 Explanations for Crude Letterman Joke

by Scott Ott · 34 Comments

(2009-06-11) — Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, whose daughter became subject of a lurid joke by late night comic David Letterman this week, today provided Mr. Letterman with a Top 10 list of potential explanations he might offer for the offensive attempt at humor.
The CBS host, in his opening monologue Tuesday night, suggested that New York [...]


Tags: Entertainment · Politics

Poll: Most Know Who’s the Voice of GOP…Susan Boyle

by Scott Ott · 62 Comments

(2009-06-10) — A new USA Today-Gallup poll finds that, despite the internal debates now dividing the Republican Party, most Americans are able to identify the preeminent voice of the GOP as Susan Boyle.
Gallup asked 763 Americans, ‘Who do you think is the leading voice in the Republican Party?’
Miss Boyle, also well know for her singing [...]


Tags: Entertainment · Politics

After Waterboard, Mancow Submits to 9/11-Style Attack

by Scott Ott · 94 Comments

(2009-05-23) — After submitting himself to waterboarding, then calling it ‘absolutely torture’, WLS talkradio host Erich ‘Mancow’ Muller announced that next week on his show he’ll stand by a shattered window in a burning office tower and decide whether to jump or to perish in the flames.
Like the waterboarding experiment, the simulated 9/11 attack will [...]


Tags: Entertainment · U.S. News

Golden Globes Vindicate Faith of ‘30 Rock’ Viewer

by Scott Ott · 73 Comments

(2009-01-13) — Tina Fey’s gracious acceptance speech at Sunday night’s Golden Globes capped a thrilling year for the off-beat sitcom’s viewer.
“I feel vindicated,” said the unnamed viewer. “It’s been a long, lonely year, surrounded by family, friends and an entire nation of people who simply aren’t smart enough to laugh at ‘30 Rock’. The only [...]


Tags: Entertainment · Media/Journalism