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Entries Tagged as 'Politics'

Gore Sounds New Alarm About Global Spinning

by Scott Ott · 27 Comments

(2009-12-11) — As experts in Copenhagen prepare for an historic vote to set the global average temperature once and for all, former Vice President Al Gore today warned of a new threat that contributes to global warming.
“I have recently learned that planet Earth is spinning at an incredible rate,” said Mr. Gore, “and this high [...]


Tags: Global News · Politics · Science · U.S. News

Scott Ott Debates Opponent, Election Tomorrow

by Scott Ott · 8 Comments

For ScrappleFace readers following editor Scott Ott’s run for Lehigh County Executive, you can now watch a 30 minute debate between Scott and incumbent Democrat Don Cunningham online. The career politician’s high regard for Scott’s craft becomes evident. The election is tomorrow, Tuesday, November 3.
Link to Video


Tags: LCE · Politics · Video

White House Hails iCU-R-Fishy App as ‘Truth Tool’

by Scott Ott · 59 Comments

(2009-08-08) — Just days after the White House asked Americans to report their fellow citizens to when they see, read or hear ‘fishy’ information about health care reform, there’s an app for that.
The new ‘iCU-R-Fishy’ application for iPhone, created by the makers of the popular ‘Tap Tap Revenge’, employs the revolutionary device’s ability to [...]


Tags: Law · Politics · U.S. News

[Non-Satire] Scott Ott News, Writing & Video Roundup

by Scott Ott · 12 Comments

For readers who follow the non-satirical adventures of editor in chief Scott Ott, who’s now also a candidate for Lehigh County Executive, here’s a roundup of recent news, writings and video/audio appearances. You can subscribe to Scott’s election campaign email updates by sending a blank email to Follow the campaign at Twitter, or [...]


Tags: LCE · Non-Satire · Politics

Funding Dries Up in ‘Cash for Incumbents’ Program

by Scott Ott · 62 Comments

(2009-07-31) — A pilot program to replace older, inefficient, high carbon-emission Congressmen with greener models has already run out of funding, according to a bipartisan statement by Congressional leaders.
“It’s all gone,” said Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-NV, “America will just have to keep what I like to call her ‘classic’ members of Congress.”
The so-called [...]


Tags: Politics · U.S. News

Palin Quits to Spend More Time with Couric, Gibson

by Scott Ott · 22 Comments

(2009-07-03) — Sarah Palin today announced she would step down as Governor of Alaska in order to spend more time with CBS News anchor Katie Couric, ABC News anchor Charlie Gibson and several unnamed former staffers from John McCain’s presidential campaign.
“We all have our priorities in life,” said the former Republican vice presidential candidate. “I [...]


Tags: Politics · U.S. News

Palin Offers Top 10 Explanations for Crude Letterman Joke

by Scott Ott · 34 Comments

(2009-06-11) — Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, whose daughter became subject of a lurid joke by late night comic David Letterman this week, today provided Mr. Letterman with a Top 10 list of potential explanations he might offer for the offensive attempt at humor.
The CBS host, in his opening monologue Tuesday night, suggested that New York [...]


Tags: Entertainment · Politics