
Electoral College Added to Michael Moore Speaking Tour
by Scott Ott

(2004-10-27) -- Michael Moore, the prominent documentarist, today announced that his Slacker Uprising Tour of American universities will visit the campus of the Electoral College on Saturday night, after a stop at Lehigh University on Friday.

"I suddenly realized that I'm wasting my time talking at other colleges," said Mr. Moore, "not only because the liberal slackers won't wake from their hangovers in time to vote, but also because their vote doesn't really count. The only college that matters is E.C."

A spokesman for the provost's office said Mr. Moore will receive his traditional honorarium of $35,000, much of which covers the cost of insurance and freight incurred in getting the filmmaker to the college.

"None of the money goes to my bank account," said Mr. Moore. "It's all eaten up in tour expenses."