
Democrats Charge Cheney Ordered Halliburton Audit
by Scott Ott

(2003-12-12) -- Congressional Democrats today accused Vice President Dick Cheney of personally ordering the Defense Department audit which discovered a $61 million discrepancy in charges for fuel deliveries in Iraq by a Halliburton subsidiary.

"Cheney helped Halliburton get the no-bid contract, and by ordering this audit he helped them get more international publicity," said an unnamed House Democrat. "The Halliburton name is in headlines around the world, and in every newscast. You can't buy advertising like that. Cheney has turned Halliburton into a global household name like Coca-Cola."

Mr. Cheney, released the following statement by secure text-messaging from an undisclosed location: "I had no influence over the Pentagon contract with Halliburton. I did not order the audit of Halliburton. There is no ongoing relationship between me and Halliburton, which is listed as HAL on the New York Stock Exchange. Ask your stock broker for a prospectus. This text message does not constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy any security and shall not constitute an offer, solicitation or sale in any jurisdiction in which such offering would be unlawful."