August 15, 2003
Neighbors Attempt Rescue of Electric-Car Owner

(2003-08-15) -- In one of the more poignant episodes resulting from the multi-state power outage, this morning neighbors of a suburban Detroit man attempted to rescue the owner of an electric car.

"He was just sitting there in the driveway, staring," said one concerned neighbor. "We tried to help. We offered him rides in our SUVs but he just screamed something about global warming and George Bush and Iraq."

Apparently, the electric-car owner normally recharges his vehicle overnight.

"This blackout is obviously a Bush administration plot to slow the booming sales of electric cars," the vehicle owner said. "Dick Cheney is doing this for his buddies at Halliburton. Well, those neocons are not going to get me. I would rather die than burn fossil fuel in my car."

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It has to be a plot from those right-wing extremists.

Posted by: dj on August 15, 2003 09:29 AM


Do you know this guy?

Posted by: Big Time Sublime on August 15, 2003 09:35 AM

If we could burn stupidity, we could just cap the state capitals, Washington DC and have an endless supply. Hear that the exhaust might cause retardation in spotted owls which are dumb enough as it is. Hey. I'm near the top. What happened?

Posted by: Mike S on August 15, 2003 09:35 AM

Mike S Drilling for "stupid fuel" is scheduled to begin first in Hollowwood and the--ahem---"west" side of D.C.

That picture you e-mailed me..?...That IS a spotted owl after being a test subject for the effects of exposure to "stupid fuel" emissions.:~}

[suggestion: now ya just gotta link that pic here? (:~})]

Posted by: L F Cat in CO on August 15, 2003 10:03 AM

Why don't we have cars that run from gas emitted through a big hole in the bottom of the drivers seat?


(just tasteless, aren't I?)

Posted by: Easycure (full of it) on August 15, 2003 10:28 AM

I could have given that man and his electric car a ride in my back seat. I say, you drive electric, you're just asking for a blackout.

Hhhmmmmmm ... gasoline! Yum!

Posted by: Hummer on August 15, 2003 10:41 AM

Easycure---but still funny!

Posted by: L F Cat in CO on August 15, 2003 10:42 AM

He shoulda got a hybrid.

Posted by: some random guy on August 15, 2003 10:47 AM

Where is the Energizer Bunny when you need him...

Posted by: Cassandra on August 15, 2003 11:09 AM

Hybrids are unnatural. We must stop the mixing of automobile DNA. Who knows what mutations could arise. It is playing Ford I tell you.

Posted by: KJ on August 15, 2003 11:09 AM

I wish I had an electric car. I always wanted to ride in them at the airport but security won't let me.

Posted by: Pooke on August 15, 2003 11:13 AM

I agree with KJ. Hybrids are unnatural. If God had wanted us to drive with hybrids, he wouldn't have given us abundant supplies of crude oil.

Besides that, hybrids are just selfish. You want to ignore the Bible and drive with electricity? Fine. But pick a fuel. What do hybrids do, wake up, flip a coin, and say "heads, its petro, tails, plug me in?"

Posted by: Hummer on August 15, 2003 11:13 AM

I always get a real buzz going through the car wash. Thunderstorms are a real rush, too!

Posted by: Electric Car on August 15, 2003 11:31 AM

My dad is an electrician. He has a cool set of tools. We can fix it man.

Posted by: David Spicole on August 15, 2003 11:54 AM

Ok Cat, Here's the ugliest bird in Oregon. I by-product of what?

Anyone with any ideas of what it is?

Posted by: Mike S on August 15, 2003 12:17 PM

My guess: Aryana Huffohomeliofus platyturkiductapus, otherwise known as the Canadian Turkey Duck.

This species has been known to scrare off other fowl with it's annoying shrill squawk and emission of gasseous odor.

Though an endangered species, has detrimental environmental impact as it defacates up to 15 lbs. of feces per day, which tend to runoff into local streams and ponds, making them uninhabital for other life forms.

Posted by: Pooke on August 15, 2003 12:34 PM


Observation of this species in the wild also indicates that the female of the species is so repulsive as to cause her mates to be attracted to other males.

Posted by: Big Time Sublime on August 15, 2003 12:38 PM

Scott's sense of humor is usually spot-on. However, today, Democratic Underground has him beat. The tinfoil-hat theories over there are WAY more implausible than Scott's.

Try this thread:;=104&topic;_id=178534

Scott, have you been trolling DU for inspiration?

Posted by: RJGator on August 15, 2003 12:41 PM

BTS, That gives me a simply fabulous idea for the GTN (Gay Television Newtwork). Their own version of Animal Planet, featuring the male Canadian Turkey Ducks engaging each other in their natural habitat.

Posted by: Pooke on August 15, 2003 12:44 PM

The Chocolate Muscavy:

A nice recipe:

(Take that SRG!!!!)

Posted by: gabsboy on August 15, 2003 02:20 PM

Some dialogue from Fast Times at Ridgemont High was quoted incorrectly in this thread earlier, and I apologize for the delay in correcting it:

Sean Penn's character in FT@RH is Jeff, not David, Spicoli. His lines spoken to Jefferson's little brother after they crash his Trans Am are:

"My Dad is a television repairman...he has, like, this ultimate set of tools...I can fix it."

Posted by: Concerned Citizen on August 15, 2003 03:14 PM

"People on 'ludes should not drive!"

Posted by: some random guy on August 15, 2003 03:28 PM

Gabsboy!!! according to your linked article some RACIST raises those ducks!!.....and I quote: "......They (duck) also keep my ticks, flies, and even my chigger population down...

That's CHEGRO population!!...geeez!

As far as eating duck?--YUCK!

I hope Mike S has the good sense to get the "Bob Ugly's" on an endangenderedugly species list.

Posted by: L F Cat in CO Swatting out Duck Dining & insect discrimination on August 15, 2003 03:40 PM

Ducks are tasty if you cook them right.
So are geese.
Swans are unpleasantly fishy tasting.

And none of them taste like chicken. But rattlesnake does.

Posted by: some random guy on August 15, 2003 04:19 PM

Chicken tastes like frog legs. At least the white meat does.

Posted by: KJ on August 15, 2003 04:29 PM

I never let people on 'ludes drive me. Lewd people, on the other hand ...

Posted by: Hummer on August 15, 2003 05:55 PM


This is a Post Hijacking - We are The Guardians of America


RE: AUGUST 14, 2003


Does anyone know of, or participated in, or given any form of a coordinated plan or instructions
yesterday August 14, 2003 in lower Manhattan Did you hear a rumor of a declared plan to evacuate, do you know of any coordinated efforts or city wide instruction to evacuate New York City

These questions must be demanded of our government who declared such a plan was in place after
September 11, 2001

August 14, 2003

All are witness's, we ask you to make a statement,
We respectfully ask Scott Ott to allow this post to be Hijacked in good faith
the consequences of the total failure and none existence of an emergency plan for
New York City effects each and every American



Posted by: The Guardians of America on August 15, 2003 10:20 PM

no food
no water
no phones
no subway
no trains
no nothing

3rd world meet
Mayor Bloomburg,
and New Yorks Govenor Pataki
Two men who brought the stone age into the year 2003

No I am not mad
I want justice

before they get us all killed

Posted by: RECALL PATAKI - RECALL BLOOMBURG on August 16, 2003 02:19 AM
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