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July 10, 2003
Sen. Edwards to Sponsor NASCAR Crashes
by Scott Ott

(2003-07-10) -- Following the example of Sen. Bob Graham, whose presidential campaign sponsored a Ford F-150 in a NASCAR race, Sen. John Edwards hopes to boost his own presidential potential by sponsoring NASCAR crashes.

Sen. Edwards, D-NC, a former personal-injury attorney, said his name and slogan will appear at the bottom of the screen during all televised wrecks in NASCAR events.

"We know why people are watching these races," said an unnamed campaign aide. "So as soon as the car hits the wall and spins out across track, our man pops up with an 'Edwards for President' graphic and our slogan: "I don't get paid unless I collect entitlements for you'."

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Posted by: Old Sailor at July 10, 2003 10:21 AM

Where does John Kerry (who is a Vietnam Vet) fit into this??? Is he really the bug on the windshield or is he the windshield?? Inquiring minds want to know!

Posted by: Old Sailor at July 10, 2003 10:28 AM

Ye Haw. I am second in posting but first in pantlessness.

That there Edwards is a clever fellor. He will gain votes and gain business for his law practice at the same time.

Will Marks or Harrison be his running mate?

Posted by: Matt Goober Shivers (I am pantless again and lovin it. I got a Dortors excuse this time.) at July 10, 2003 10:28 AM

In the name of Mooka, I again miss 1st post! Here ends the quest for Mooka Priority Posting! And who the heck is this Mooka, anyway?

Posted by: Carolinian at July 10, 2003 11:18 AM

Mooka was a character on HR Puff and Stuff. HE was Witchiepoo's assistant.

Posted by: The Pantless Matt SHivers, Riding My Moped and Staying Cool at July 10, 2003 12:10 PM

Oh, Now that the cat is out of the bag, I thought that I would confirm that I am now Joe Liberman's communication director. Goober was my psuedonym.

Posted by: The Pantless Mat Gobush Shivers Peddaling Joe Liberman into the Whitehouyse at July 10, 2003 12:14 PM

Dear All,

Ne soyons jamais dupes des mots car ils ne sont PAS hors de l'Histoire.

Souvent mÍme, ils la fabriquent.


Posted by: Frenchman at July 10, 2003 12:24 PM

Old Sailor - 'Where does John Kerry (who is a Vietnam Vet) fit into this??? Is he really the bug on the windshield or is he the windshield?? Inquiring minds want to know!'

Well, I happen to know that the French looking senator from Massachusetts, who by the way is a Vietnam Veteran, plans to improve his national standings by resorting to the same tactics that earned him the nickname 'Liveshot' in his home state. His strategy is to show up at every major news event in the area he's campaigning, natural disasters, violent crime scenes and major court trials. Knowing that news organizations will be there covering the stories, Senator 'Liveshot' Kerry will offer himself up for comment on the topic at hand.

The Senator does realize that this effort will be cost intensive considering the cost of limousines, make up people and ambulance chasers tasked to find liveshot opportunities, but he married well and should be able to cover the costs involved. He has admitted that the added expense may cause him cut some corners. One expense he admitted he may need to reduce is his donations to charitable organizations.

"I usually give freely, but just like every other millionaire, I need to watch my budget", stated Kerry.

Posted by: Frodo at July 10, 2003 12:53 PM

The honorable Sen. Kennedy D-MA is looking to sponsor a car in races that doubles for a submarine...

He is also looking for a gal to ride in the car with the driver. Any takers out there? Cummon Frenchy u know u wanna ride... So do we!!

Posted by: Fr. Guido Sarducci at July 10, 2003 01:54 PM

Speaking as one reads Scrappleface for laughs not politics ('cuz I'm relatively liberal) -- this story was hilarious.

When is the author getting a book deal?

Posted by: Tooheys at July 10, 2003 02:04 PM

Scott: that is AWESOME!! Brilliant.
I bow before your creative excellence.

Posted by: bleeding heart conservative at July 10, 2003 02:49 PM

Isn't that the way both Houses work? They get voted in again when they give out entitlements?

Aren't they all sharks who smell taxpayer's blood? It is time for repellent and cages.

I am sick of Senators and Congresspeople who work for a constituency that allows them to bloat off our labor (golden parachute).

I am helping a friend through one helk of a messy divorce and settlement (as a sounding board, not a lawyer or counselor). It seems that the state would rather give her a stipend than go after her ex husband. What happened to all that screaming about dead beat dads and the like?

Can someone 'splain to me, Loosy?

Posted by: Cricket at July 10, 2003 05:21 PM

Well, anyone wood be better then King George.
Also if ScrappleFace writes a book that's fine by me I'll write my comments in the margins. You can't silence me!

Posted by: Bambi Stokes-Hymington at July 10, 2003 06:38 PM

Maybe Dead-beat dads need to be Beat-dead dads or Dad's Dead-beets.

How about having to get a nice facial tatoo of a big X for all divorced people? Then we would know where to find them. It might cut down on the divorce rate if the state got everything from both parties. House, dog, kids, highschool diploma, old tax records-- you know everything. Put it all in a pile and set fire to it while the neighbors are forced to watch by the Gestapo.

"The two shall become one flesh and what God has joined let no man separate". There are some justifications for divorce, but I suspect that the value of marriage went out the window when sexual purity before and in marriage did.

I don't want to make light of your friend's pain--- thats the exact reason why God hates divorce --- divorce is nothing but pain. Explain to me why the woman "always" gets the house? Explain to me why she almost always gets the kids? Why does the man pay alimony?

They don't go after dead beat dads because there is no sure mechanism to collect. Its hard to get money off of people who feel no obligation to give it. There is a guy in my church who says paying taxes is unconstitutional and hasn't payed in six years. Every year they send him a nasty letter and he sends them references to the constitution. He is still free.

Go figure.

Let's go back to arranged marriages, dowries and hope chests. Corsets and buggie whips. Headlice and iceboxes. Back to a time when you had to catch kill and eat your own breakfast cereal.

Posted by: Fr. Guido Sarducci at July 10, 2003 08:27 PM

Fr. Guido".....Back to a time when you had to catch kill and eat your own breakfast...

Yo Padre! as a for ME--except the meal is always better when ya play with it first! Better than that "cereal" always left in da' cat's bowl. (Please tell the humans THAT in behalf of their fur friends---- who didn't ask for the "rules" to be changed!.) Tried once to catch and kill that little sucker next to the computer. Chipped a couple of teeth in the effort.

Posted by: LFCat in Colorado at July 10, 2003 09:38 PM

Scott, that headline made me laugh harder than I had all day. The text sealed the deal. Better even than the Onion's congressional date auction parody today.

Posted by: Greg at July 16, 2003 04:48 AM

I might find this funny but seem to recall that it was Sen. Edwards whose teenage son was killed in a car crash in North Carolina.

Posted by: Hans at July 16, 2003 09:54 AM

it's those socialists again , they help fund al-queda .

those bin-ladden loven , special interst , tree huggin socialists who want to turn the west into a islamic version of the soviet union .

they will want to " watch you , listen in on your conversations , make you carry id papers and cards . reduce your privacy , reduce your civil rights , hold you in jail without charges , restrict your access to lawyers . so we can keep the people of north America safe . ( the same excuse Russia and east Germany used , to justify these policies ) .

opps sorry , this is being done and supported by , blair , cretien , bush ect . ( just who are the socialists ?)

steve dockeray
millner bc

Posted by: steve dockeray at November 24, 2003 10:33 PM