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July 10, 2003
Dusty Baker Worried About President's Africa Trip
by Scott Ott

(2003-07-10) -- Chicago Cubs manager Dusty Baker said he's concerned that U.S. President George Bush's pale skin pigment might cause problems for him during his current tour of African nations.

"He should have sent Colin Powell or Condi Rice," said Mr. Baker, whose recent comments about the superior ability of Blacks to withstand heat have earned him the respect of diversity advocates nationwide. The baseball skipper has now expanded his teaching on the value of epidermal pigmentation.

"Historically, whites prefer cold regions because their pale skin provides better camouflage against the snow," said Mr. Baker. "But Mr. Bush is going to stick out like a sore thumb over in Botswana. To a lion or a cheetah, our commander in chief looks like a big piece of white meat on Thanksgiving."

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Private Lynch was injured when her vehicle crashed after being struck by a projectile.

She was neither shot nor stabbed.

Iraqi doctors in Nasiriya had provided the best treatment they could for Private Lynch in the midst of war.

Posted by: Frenchman at July 10, 2003 08:44 AM

Or so the line goes this week anyway, eh?

Posted by: Vorpal at July 10, 2003 08:46 AM

Posted by: Frenchman at July 10, 2003 08:48 AM

Frenchman, your point is?? PFC Lynch still showed more bravery by just being there than any Frenchman did. Why don't you take your vituperative ramblings and place them where the sun doesn't shine. If you do not understand the metaphor, stick it!!!!

Posted by: Old Sailor at July 10, 2003 08:55 AM

Ah, yes, the man from France--King of the Non Sequitur. Would you like to mention anything regarding flyfishing? After all, the topic area of "Dusty Baker's recent comment" applies as much to Pvt. Lynch as it does to flyfishing, you chucklehead.

Posted by: Squid at July 10, 2003 08:57 AM

"I don't want to American kiss my, I mean my wife. I want to french kiss my, I mean my wife."

Posted by: gabsboy at July 10, 2003 09:00 AM

So what's the point Frenchman? The story about Lynch performing like a female Rambo didn't come from the administration or the Army. In fact it came from the liberal Washington Post, specifically from a feminist columnist. The Washington Post only retracted the story but as far as I know, the columnist wasn't punished for her NY Times style journalism.

Now, why don't you tell us more about how the French economy relies on trade to outlaw nations and brutal dictators?

Posted by: Frodo at July 10, 2003 09:01 AM

Frenchmen---the other YELLOW meat. I'm still trying to make the connection with Jessie Lynch and the Dusty Baker topic???? that only a "french connection"...say bye bye Frenchy Fry. These delusions of being God? the occur often?
You don't need to come here to quote what you heard or read in main stream lefty media. We're well aware...parrot where someone wants to hear it, please.

Posted by: Orkin Woman at July 10, 2003 09:06 AM

Cabdidate Al Sharpton (11 of 263) recently responded to Mr. Baker's remearks. Said Rev. Sharpton,"This is just another example of the prevailing racist attitudes in this country. These comments by a propable member of the KKK are the type of...what? He's what? Oh. Umm. Mr. Baker is of course corrent. This just demonstrates the natural superiority of the darker skinned peoples of the world."

Posted by: some random guy at July 10, 2003 09:07 AM

US keeps Iraq faith - for now

Posted by: Frenchman at July 10, 2003 09:08 AM

Why bother French bothersome one!!.You really think we read your links? That's your only ahem--"contribution" and it's about as appreciated as if you were to pass gas in this "room"! Your poodle awaits its nails being painted.

Posted by: LFCat in Colorado at July 10, 2003 09:12 AM

In the name of Mooka, I claim the first posting not having to do with Frenchy. And who the heck is this Mooka, anyway?

Posted by: Carolinian at July 10, 2003 09:16 AM

the bbc is not the truth in broadcasting, you dolt(you like that word?). they're much like our liberal media, which is trying to convince the american public that the war was a failure. just be happy that we prevented saddam from ever marching thru paris like hitler did. lord knows you wouldn't have stopped him. i guess you french morally oppose removing a genocidal dictator. i'm not surprised. your worthless nation hasn't contributed anything to this world other than french jokes in quite awhile.

Posted by: biz at July 10, 2003 09:24 AM

Ahhhhh, the Frenchman. The master of the well timed intellectual repartee. Like a hungry tiger he waits, allowing the uncultured imbeciles to languish about, herdlike, exposing themselves to attack. When the subject matter is right, he pounces, ripping apart statements and opinions with a withering volley of wit, sarcasm and factual mastery. Leaving his victims in a puddle of intellectual pulp, he retreats back to his lair with a satified air of superiority, waiting for his next victim.

We are unworthy of your arguments, oh master. Please forgive us our sins of simplese, our cowardly cowboyism, and worst of all our ubiquitous unilateralism. We are uncultured in the ways of those who stand for principle and act in good faith. Please continue with your posts so that we, the unworthy, may absorb these nuggets of knowledge like the pearls of wisdom they truly are.

We believe.

Posted by: tom at July 10, 2003 09:25 AM

Tom, you are the master of sarcastic subtlety. (tip of the hat)

Posted by: Squid at July 10, 2003 09:33 AM

Dusty may have been right. Weren't the French supposed to keep the peace in the Congo and then had to hightail it out of there after a few people ate a few other people? Must have been the light skin pigmentation.

Posted by: KJ at July 10, 2003 09:50 AM

Dearest Squid, thank you but I am not worthy. All hail the Frenchman! Oh the omnicient one, he who weaves his tales with that subtle blend of fact, story and magic that leaves all of us the better for having been exposed to his greatness. Being somewhat presumptuous to speak on behalf of the ScrappleFace regulars, I wish to thank the Frenchman for allowing us to become better persons through his participation in this forum. I shudder to think of the multitude of the masses that have not yet read his rapacious rants. Ticking off facts, sources and well timed commentary like a cunning linguist, our Frenchman displays the breadth and depth of his cultured intellectualism with every posting. The collection of his ScrappleFace posts should be required reading across America.

We believe.

Posted by: tom at July 10, 2003 09:56 AM


Posted by: biz at July 10, 2003 09:59 AM

Outrageous Tom
Do you do parties and or charity events?
What Baker said is similar to what Jimmy THE GREEK Snyder said.
the greek was castoff into the good night.

Posted by: Mike G at July 10, 2003 10:27 AM

Frenchy!...did you catch that?..Tom just out of his mouth worshipped...err horsewhipped you! me alphamuhbet ixed mup!...

Frenchy posts---work better than Al Gore audio or the golf channel to help you get a good nites sleep. yaaawwwwnnn.

Posted by: LFCat in Colorado at July 10, 2003 10:32 AM

Ah yes, Frenchman, once again you have highjacked the thread from its original intent. You are indeed a master of subterfuge. The original post was really about racism. You French have let so many into your country by not enforcing your immigration laws and deporting those that break your laws that you are now afraid of being labeled a racist if you allow anyone to discuss anything relating to foreign people. Oh, wait, maybe you are right again, poor United States, can't even enforce its own immigration laws.

Posted by: Old Sailor at July 10, 2003 10:35 AM

MikeG is right. So should consistent thinking Americans be upset that Dusty HAS NOT been cast off by his employer and his career ruined for making a statement of biological "fact" (that may or may not be true, I don't know or really care), or should we be upset b/c Jimmy the Greek WAS cast off by his employer and his career ruined for making a statement of biological "fact" (that may or may not be true, I don't know or really care).

Neither has been shown to discriminate, so is the issue the statements, or the inconsistent treatment? I ramble on, Scrapplefacers decide.

Posted by: KJ at July 10, 2003 10:40 AM

Discrimination, like the PC concept of tolerance, is only for one group of people.

Posted by: The Other Scott at July 10, 2003 10:54 AM

Hello Frenchy,

Does it bother you that an American from Texas (who considers W. a close personal friend) has left the best Europe has to offer in the dust for 5 years?

Go Lance!!

Posted by: Go Lance Go at July 10, 2003 11:12 AM

Dear Tom,

Even if I don't like to admit it, I have to say that you are very witty and very funny.


Posted by: Frenchman at July 10, 2003 11:18 AM

Lance is very impressive. But my car is still much faster, and I still wish he and his wanna be's would find someplace to train other than the road to my house!

Posted by: KJ at July 10, 2003 11:25 AM

Robert C. "My dog Billy" Byrd, (D-KKK) couldn't have said it any better!

Posted by: Univited Guest at July 10, 2003 11:50 AM


You want Frenchy's posts to become required reading across America? I do believe the NEA (and if nothing else, the WEA here in WA State) would love the idea...but as for the rest of us, the public school system has done plenty to dumb-down the population without goign to such lengths.

I say just let him loose on Western Europe.

Posted by: The Other Scott at July 10, 2003 12:06 PM

Dear All,

Ne soyons jamais dupes des mots car ils ne sont PAS hors de l'Histoire.

Souvent mÍme, ils la fabriquent.


Posted by: Frenchman at July 10, 2003 12:11 PM


Matt, why have you abandoned the anti-cat posts? am I alone in waging war against the cat?

Posted by: Mohamed Al Sutra at July 10, 2003 12:17 PM

Sometimes I feel guilty living in Minnesota and having the AC on when it's 69?F. But it sure feels good. I went to college in Missouri and I spent my first week there laying in bed covered in sweat. I can't believe I spent 4 years there. I have gone back twice and each time I go I swear that I will never go back. 'Way to hot. I also thought it was funny when people asked me why I was wearing shorts when it was only 62?F. Go figure?

If a coach wins ball-games, shouldn't that be the only criteria to judge him by?

Posted by: gabsboy at July 10, 2003 12:17 PM

You American pig-dogs should read LeMonde. They are the only unbiased and truthful media that will surely open your eyes to the disgrace of the US and Britain. Glorious France will be elevated to the status of Leader or the EU and be the new counter-hyperpower to the US. We will assist our Muslim populations and their brothers in Palestine to oust the Zionists and see what you genocidal American conspirators will do about it.

Posted by: Frenchman's Girl at July 10, 2003 12:31 PM

Le Monde is of course not an unbiased and truthful media.

The best solution to approach the truth (if any), is, in my opinion, to read several newspapers

from different countries,

from different languages,

from different political opinions

and also to read books for deeper analysis

and at the end try to make one's own opinion.

Systematic skepticism, questioning and readiness to criticize are very good indeed...


Posted by: Frenchman at July 10, 2003 12:52 PM

when oh when will the lambs rise against the lions?

Posted by: Sunshine Smith at July 10, 2003 01:08 PM

I'm just a stupid American. If I read a bunch of newspapers from other countries in languages other than english, I wouldn't learn a darn thing. Otherwise, I do the things Frenchie mentions, which is why I think his posts are usually cr@p. But then, all non-Scottish things are.

Posted by: KJ at July 10, 2003 01:16 PM

It would be nice, Frenchy, but some of us have to work for a living.

Posted by: some random guy at July 10, 2003 01:19 PM

"The best solution to approach the truth..."

Truth is NOT relative. Truth is a constant across peoples, societies, cultures and religions.

"1+1" is NOT a relative concept. Demogogues, tyrants, dictators and sociopaths truly believe in THEIR truth. But the truth suffers when good men and women stay silent when untruths are loudly shouted in the public square.

Surely we should allow everyone their opportunity to state their case. But reading newspapers from different regions of the world will not, ipso facto, deliver the truth. It just might expose those who wish to use untruths against the masses. Those who have knowledge also have a responsibility - allowing untruths to be told again and again without rebuttal is cowardice. Goebbels was right, to an extent - the Big Lie, repeated loudly and persistently, will be perceived as the truth by the people. Thankfully there were people who stood up to the untruths of national socialism, communism and fascism when these evils tried to take the day.

We believe.

Posted by: tom at July 10, 2003 01:32 PM


The best way to deliver a lie is to convince yourself that it is true.


Well done. Your first coherent response and to Tom. Please tell me this is a glimmer of the dawn rising above the trees.

Of course it could just be his name hijacked again...

Hey, I'm black, on the inside at least, its very dark in there.

Posted by: Fr. Guido Sarducci at July 10, 2003 02:05 PM said: "But then, all non-Scottish things are." (Crap"

did you mean Scottish or Scott Ottish?

Posted by: LFCat in Colorado at July 10, 2003 02:06 PM

Hey Frenchy,

They did provide the best they could for PFC Lynch. At least she still has her ear. What you are appalled at my insensitivity?

Who do u blame for all those missing ears anyway, Frenchy? Not Saddam, surely.

I'll also give Frenchy this, he brings out the posts like no one else.

Posted by: Fr. Guido Sarducci at July 10, 2003 02:08 PM

LFC n C:

My response was a clever pun on the author's name, and a reference to a famous (to some) Mike Meyers SNL character. So, it was both.

The character is known for saying:
"If it's not Scottish, it's CRAAAP!"

This line has previously been used as well in a Scrappleface post by SRG.

Posted by: KJ at July 10, 2003 02:44 PM

Well, let me tell you people a thing or two. You missed the point completely and totally about this post. Mr High and Mighty George W. Bushcountrysafari is going to Africa to hunt and kill Elephants. Don't beleive anything else you here about it! Sure, they will take pictures of him kissing little babies so that African Americans like Dusty Baker will vote for him, but you sure won't see the pictures of him shooting are Gorilla ancestors! This is what makes me so mad about Republicans! The only cubs they care about are the ones whose heads are mounted on there walls!

Posted by: Bambi Stokes_Hymington at July 10, 2003 05:55 PM

"Owl" Sharpton, stated that, "Mr. Bush--took the word of officals,----about Iraq having WMD's, and acted before checking out the facts!"

Well, ------This sounds like 'Owl', going on T.V. accusing some "White Men", of attacking and raping Twana Brawley, before we found out this was a 'RACIST' lie, that almost caused race riots!

This is why "Owl" is receiving about 1% of the poll votes. Most his own race doesn't trust, or respect him!

Back to "Crusty' Baker, I don't care that he said something stupid, what I don't care for, is his arrogance that, if you don't like it, tough, he is not going to even say, "If I was taken the wrong way, I'm sorry." Which proves, there is a double standard, and maybe, from now on, EVERYONE should say, "I know what I said, and I am infering the 'Dusty' Baker rule, I stand by it, no apoligy!"

P.S. I can't believe that people let, some nut, (I will not mention, 'It's' name), to hijack a thread. My suggestion is to ignore 'It', that is what the scroll function is for!

Posted by: Susan Serin-Done at July 10, 2003 06:02 PM

Frenchman, this BBC article is written by people who obviously don't understand American politics and have no idea what happens on this side of the Atlantic. It's bunk so take it with a grain of salt.

Posted by: Bobby at July 10, 2003 08:16 PM

Well Frenchman, I guess you can teach an old yeller dog new tricks. Seems your president and Germany's Chancellor have both recognized that Bush was right all along ... they're lowering taxes!!! The welfare state in crises ... lol!

Posted by: Frodo at July 10, 2003 09:23 PM

Whooooooooooaaaaaaaaaa!!! Dusty's write, man. I ain't much good at swimming in the summer but dude, don't you dare challenge me to a snowball fight.

I do surfing real early in the morning before it gets hot.

Posted by: stoner at July 12, 2003 01:14 AM

BBC: British Bias Corporation.
Frenchman: Why don't you stick to the subject at hand? Oh, yes, I forgot: You NEVER do!

PS: This is a bad day for ScrappleFace. Frenchman got first post! UGGGHHHHHHH! I must now go to to remove Frenchman's stench from my screen.

non cordialement (for frenchman),

Posted by: Ken Stein at July 15, 2003 10:56 PM