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July 01, 2003
Tax Reform Bill Would Make Payments Voluntary
by Scott Ott

(2003-07-01) -- Taking a page from the campaign fundraising playbook, a new bill in the House would eliminate the mandatory income tax and require elected representatives to persuade citizens to send in voluntary tax payments.

"We choose our President, Senators and Representatives in a way that emphasizes fundraising abilities," said an unnamed legislative aide who helped draft the bill. "Since the Capitol and the White House contain more than 500 of the best money-raisers in America, this legislation would tap that talent and put them all to work traveling the country, exhorting people to send money to Washington to fund government activities."

The text of the bill notes that the Federal government has become a social service organization which demands support under penalty of law.

"That's just not American. We're capitalists," said the aide. "If you have a great idea, you need to sell it to people, and they can choose to buy it, or not. If you believe in welfare, government-controlled schools, government-funded art, cabbage research or National Public Radio, then hit the trail and get others to believe in it too. Let the people show their support with their contributions."

Under the 'merit-based promotion' provision of the bill, only the most effective fundraisers in Congress would earn leadership positions. A flat five percent commission would compensate elected officials for their work.

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first to play, first to pay

Posted by: KJ at July 1, 2003 09:35 AM

This is one of the greatest inovations in the history of taxation!

Posted by: netmarcos at July 1, 2003 09:42 AM

You're kidding, right?! a FLAT commission?

Posted by: AndyMan at July 1, 2003 09:47 AM

Finally, a tax bill I can support!

Posted by: W. Donoby at July 1, 2003 10:12 AM

Brilliant idea. Best I've heard short of repealing the 16th Amendment. Forwarded to my Congresspersons.

Posted by: Tom at July 1, 2003 10:31 AM

Works for me!

Posted by: some random guy at July 1, 2003 11:05 AM

that sounds good but would they be banned from calling me if im on the do not call list?

Posted by: Darrell at July 1, 2003 11:26 AM

I want to sign up!!! Is the link ?? Or is it :>)

Posted by: Old Sailor at July 1, 2003 11:39 AM

This is it, Scott. The 5% commission is what makes it work. Your giving the greediest people in the world the opportunity to generate unlimited income. Ain't greed wonderful? I vote for it.

Posted by: Eric the Red at July 1, 2003 12:57 PM

You laugh, but in Massachusetts they did a variation on this ... in the most liberal state in the country, they offered tax payers a choice, pay the state income tax of 5.3 % or for those civic minded liberals who whine about tax cuts, you could pay at 5.65 % ... anyone want to guess how many of the liberals put their money where their mouth was? Hint, less then 1,000 in a state of 14 + million!

Posted by: Frodo at July 1, 2003 03:40 PM

Nothing like a "put up, or shut up" to have folks show where their loyalties really lie.

"But shouldn't the government largesse come down like manna from heaven?"

More like "pie in the sky."

Posted by: some random guy at July 1, 2003 04:41 PM

Do you think Patrick Kennedy (DIM), ("I don't need Bush's tax cut, I've never worked a [ ] day in my life!"), will send in a tax payment?

Posted by: Susan Serin-Done at July 1, 2003 07:46 PM

Please, please could this be true. I am afraid that I will wake up and find that this story is a three-month old April Fools joke.

Posted by: danmeyer at July 1, 2003 11:24 PM

Makes sense actually. Instead of being too busy raising campaign cash to do their jobs well, they'd be too busy raising government revenue to do quite as crappily of a job.

Posted by: b psycho at July 2, 2003 12:09 AM

Voluntary tax payments? you have to kidding.
Think about that one.That would end this country and put us in the fourth world of nations.

Mike Morrison

Posted by: Mike Morrison at July 2, 2003 06:31 AM

REALLY!!! The fourth world of nations? Is that like a sci-fi address? Is it next door to South Park? OR, is it the way this country used to be? I'm going to have to ask Hill and Bill, they know everything.

Posted by: Eric the Red at July 2, 2003 09:35 AM

("I don't need Bush's tax cut, I've never worked a [ ] day in my life!"),

Scott: I don't like that word either, (the one reeplaced with [ ]), but that is what Patrick Kennedy actually said! BTW, I used other symbols in the word I typed in.

Posted by: Susan Serin-Done at July 2, 2003 10:46 AM