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June 29, 2003
Palestinian Terror Groups Look Forward to Off-Season
by Scott Ott

(2003-06-29) -- A spokesman for Hamas and Islamic Jihad, the Palestinian terror organizations, said the groups are looking forward to the off-season, a brief hiatus in scheduled activities which starts this week.

"During the regular season there's no time to regroup, strategize, equip your team members," said the unnamed spokesman. "It will be nice to take a couple of months off to refresh ourselves, and prepare to renew the resistance against the Zionist enemy, our partners in peace."

While no official activities will occur during the off-season, some group members may organize "pickup games", which apparently involve small trucks.

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When is the Palestinian Terror Leagues Draft Lottery? I hear that Islamic Jihad is scouting a few picks from Al-Qids University and the left bomber from Abdul-Aziz in Riyadh might go pro early.

Posted by: Laurence Simon at June 29, 2003 04:00 PM

I hear the Hamas pitcher has to work on his grenade throwing arm.

Posted by: Trench at June 29, 2003 04:04 PM

..."A spokesman for Hamas and Islamic Jihad,..."

...and now we know that Comical Ali IS indeed alive, re-located and has a new job!

Posted by: LFCat in Colorado at June 29, 2003 04:26 PM

This is a good time for anti-Zionists to work on their blood libels and organize pogroms across Turtle Islam, er, Turtle Island.

Posted by: The Great Cosmic Joke at June 29, 2003 06:04 PM

Yassar Arafat said, "We are interested in a few draft picks from Gitmo! They have the suicide thing down pat, but we need to coach them on the importance of taking 'out' the defence with them, when they, 'go'!"

At camp the Palestinians have been working out against Jerome Bettis, who's nickname is "The Bus!"

Posted by: Susan Serin-Done at June 29, 2003 07:35 PM

Anyone notice that a US diplomatic convoy through Gaza was attacked recently? No causalties, but two vehicles damaged by explosives.

Posted by: Jericho at June 30, 2003 01:10 AM

Yet another league scouting on potential, since track records are reserved to the dust bin...


Posted by: logicpenaltybox at June 30, 2003 09:58 AM

With a noticeable lack of new season sponsorship opportunities from Baghdad, terror agents are scrambling during this off season hiatus to find state sponsors for a whole new line-up of "flash-in-the-pan" talent.

Posted by: Big Time Sublime at June 30, 2003 09:58 AM

meanwhile the peace loving Israelis will get on with stealing the remnants of the Pals land.
in peace.
while the pals honour their comittments under the road map the israelis carry on building illegal settlements.,0,6496366.story?coll=bal-oped-headlines

Posted by: Comical Rummy at June 30, 2003 10:42 AM

yes jericho a swiss convoy was the victim of an IDF terrorist attack.,14183,393452,00.html
the IDF now insist that "foreigners" in Gaza noiw agree the IDF terrorists can kill them without comeback.
by foreigners they do not mean illegal Israeli intruders of course

Posted by: Comical Rummy at June 30, 2003 11:24 AM

dear Comical Funny,

you must be european, or at least a democrat wannabe european ;-) the simplistic anti-semitism you voice in your postings is quite easy to discern. I daresay anti-semitism is always simplistic in nature, having roots in medieval anti-judaism ;-) for sure, to all appeasers it's always the jews, and Israel in particular, that burdens the bulk of guilt. this view had been especially popular within the low-educated mob in germany over 60 years ago and we all know to where this hate led. your kind always argues "forget the targeting of civilians by suicide bombers", like baghdad bob, you always insist "there is no suicide bombing, this is an illusion...go ther look for yourselves! it's the jews fault!" ;-)

maybe your are just an arab student or common muslim, then of course your ratio always turns off when it comes to those " jews". there is no rational arguing possible with those infantile hardcore-children of the ummah ;-)

I urge you to study about near-eastern conflict and the holocaust. every war against Israel began by arabic aggression, but for sure this doesn't count to you. is it a wonder that Israel occupies many areas for security reasons, especially when all arabs have vowed to slay every jew? it's always the same to your kind "the jews did this, the jews did that"...objectivity is not one of your strong features, as lack of morals to most as well.

due to your plain nature you will for sure fail to expand your mental capacity ;-) you prefer to succumb to the cozy embrace of hypocricy.
live long in your pitty pink world in hope your islamist buddies will one day sacrifice all "jews" on the bloody altar of peace-loving allah ;-)

but until then spare us your whining ;-)

Posted by: Ephialtes at June 30, 2003 12:46 PM

to comical rummy;

Go post you anti-jew hatred on Little Green Footballs blog-site. They will love ya there.


PS: as long as the murdering terrorists continue their killing of innocent people, you are never going to get the support of most Americans, period!

Posted by: Danjo at June 30, 2003 02:34 PM

I just hope they don't do any training in the off-season. Those last two schmucks (what does this button do? BOOM!) were too funny to be believed.
I just hope there's a lot more just like them.

Posted by: some random guy at June 30, 2003 03:25 PM

Instead of using the lottery to determine the draft pick order, they can play Russian roulette. The team whose representative who dies first picks last, etc. The first draft pick goes to the last guy alive, and then, just for good measure, they off him to. As reward for getting his team the first draft pick, he gets an extra virgin.

Posted by: KJ at June 30, 2003 03:41 PM

Whats this the website for the greater miami b'nai brith?
Is every one on this forum a Zionist or just hypocritical?
Do you only see the ""ragheads"" acting up or do the apache helicopters taking out infants appease your cries for vengeance?
In the latest intafada the current score is Israel killing 2200 Palestinians,1000 under 18 years old,the Palestinians 800.
All the Palestinian infrastructure including all the security offices and police stations have been wiped out and then you have Sharon demanding a secure Palestine?

Essentially you have murderers leading both sides,you have experts on terrorism leading both sides but you have 1 side getting arms and aid and the other subjected to living conditions that would make Haitians cringe.

Posted by: Arthur Rowe at June 30, 2003 04:03 PM

I can more easily understand the killing of an innocent when it is collateral damage in an effort to take out a legitimate target. Organizers and leaders of terrorist organizations and attacks are legitimate targets. Also, when legitimate targets hide behind innocents in times of battle, I blame the target for the innocent lives taken, not the shooter. I am not aware of there being any "legitimate" targets in all of those bus and market suicide bombings in Israel. The killers aimed to kills civilians, and only civilians, and if any policy or military leader was killed, it was dumb luck.

Posted by: KJ at June 30, 2003 04:21 PM

(to the tune of "Camptown Races")

Napalm sticks to little kid!
Doo-dah, doo-dah
Napalm sticks to little kids!
All the doo-dah day!
Mama don't distress,
Achmed's a crispy mess!
Napalm sticks to little kids,
All the doo-dah day!

Is that insensitive and war-mongerish enough, or would you prefer a few more verses?

Posted by: some random guy at June 30, 2003 04:43 PM

Nothing puts you in the mood for workin' like a good old fashion negro spiritual. How 'bout a little singin'.

Dock that Chinc a day's pay for sleepin' on the job.

Posted by: Mel Brooks at June 30, 2003 09:25 PM

"Go post you anti-jew hatred on Little Green Footballs blog-site"

you'l find no "anti-jew hatred" in my posts, and the best place for me to post is here where you anti-pal haters are.

"as long as the murdering terrorists continue their killing of innocent people"
come, come ! half the elected PMs of Israel have been terrorists - you must be some sort of jew-hater !
Menachem Begin bus bombing innocents

Twenty Arabs, five Jews and two British soldiers killed and thirty wounded in Jewish terrorist bomb attacks on buses in Haifa and Ramleh, Palestine. British mandate to rule Palestine ends on 15 May 1948; state of Israel established.

December 29

Jewish Irgun terrorists throw grenades from passing taxi into cafÈ near the Damascus gate, Jerusalem, Palestine, killing eleven Arabs and two British policemen. >

Shamir murdered the UN peace negotiator Bernadotte
Yitzhak Shamir reputedly played a role in planning the assassination; however, he was never tried and went on to become Prime Minister of Israel. >

"I can more easily understand the killing of an innocent when it is collateral damage in an effort to take out a legitimate target"
you mean like when Hamas bombed a Egged bus to take out the IDF militant Sergeant Tamar Ben Eliyahu, this man was a ticking bomb endangering the lives of innocent Palestinians.

Posted by: Comical Rummy at July 1, 2003 04:24 AM

the palestinians are animals. they started the intifadah. there was no such place as palestine....ever. once the jews call it isreal they act like their homeland has been stolen. but it isnt just the palestinians, its everybody in the middle east. rummy just wait until the next terrorist attack its american soil. then we wont have to worry about the mid east ever will get vaporized. why dont you head over there now and hang out for awhile...and take some frenchmen with ya!!!!

Posted by: biz at July 1, 2003 08:35 AM

"the palestinians are animals. "
ah, love to hear your anti-Arab hatred shining through.
the Intifada was a spontaneous rising stoked by the anger caused by ongoing Israeli theft of the remains of the Pal homeland even during Oslo- apparently 78% of Palestine isn't enough for those greeedy israelis. the rising was sparked by Sharon's visit and the killing of 13 unarmed israeli arab protestors.
no such thing as Palestine: your hatred has blinded you to facts. its been the homeland of Palestinians for 100s of years.
And by the way its spelt Israel.

Posted by: Comical Rummy at July 1, 2003 08:56 AM

And before that the Israelites lived there.
Also the Assyrians, the Scythians, the Chaldeans, etc. etc.
The West Bank was part of Jordan.
The Gaza Strip was part of Egypt, as was the Sinai. (Arafat is Egyptian)
The Golan Heights were part of Syria.
None of it was a country called "Palestine."

Each of those three countries launched a war on Israel. All three lost, and got a chunk of territory taken from them for their trouble.

If the rest of the Arab world is so concerned about the poor Palestinians, why don't they let them settle in their countries? A majority of these "Palestinians" are Jordanian. Most of the rest are Egyptian. How about a little land in their home-lands?

If you want to whine about the creation and continued existence of Israel, call the UN and complain to them. They sponsored the creation. And don't whine about U.S. and British manipulation behind the scenes, either. That is what diplomats do. They cut deals.

Posted by: some random guy at July 1, 2003 09:19 AM

the West Bank was never part of Jordan, Gaza never part of Egypt: these lands have been called Palestine for centuries and Palestinians have lived on them. They were under the control of these countries to defend them against the ISraeli invaders who seized the Pals land in 1947.

You need to know the US bribery and blackmail that passed the res'n seizing the Pal's land against the wishes of its 2/3 Pal majority of inhabitants.
"It was not a pretty sight. Harvey Firestone, whose rubber company owned extensive plantations in Liberia, personally intervened with the president of that country to change its planned vote against partition after Jewish representatives threatened a boycott of Firestone tires.
President Truman would later say that the US did not pressure any country to vote for partition. That statement, however, would seem to be based on an interpretation of pressure as gunboats or White House stationery. Two US Supreme Court justices, Frank Murphy and Felix Frankfurter, contacted the Philippine ambassador in Washington and sent telegrams to Philippine president Carlos Rojas warning that a negative vote would alienate millions of Americans. Ten senators also cabled Rojas.
Presidential aide David Niles, Truman's channel to the Jewish community, contacted influential American-Greek businessmen in an attempt to persuade Athens to vote for partition"

Posted by: Comical Rummy at July 1, 2003 09:25 AM


just noticed your weasely defense of the US/UK bribery to chisel the Pals out of their land.
maybe we need to cut a few deals to hand the US over to the Native americans who were of course there first.
I think you really mean that anything goes so long as its not you on the sharp end.
I guess if you think its OK to cut deals to steal other people's land you also think its OK to bomb buses to defend your land ? am I right ?

And since, on this issue but no other, you're well behind the UN remember the Israel "settlements" are illegal as confirmed by UN resolution 446. All of them. This doesn't mean Israel, with the US backing them, can negotiate about keeping bits, it doesn't mean they can just freeze the settlement growth (which Israel anyway has refused to do) : it means they are all illegal and must go.

Posted by: Comical Rummy at July 1, 2003 09:36 AM

CR, we did cut a deal. It's called casino rights, a business right other people in many states don't have. Maybe Israel should just let Arafat (only Pals) own and opperate a lot of casinos.

Posted by: KJ at July 1, 2003 09:48 AM

yeah I know we cut a deal with the native americans. in the 1820s president andrew jackson gave the Creek and Cherokee the land west of the mississippi where he "would have no claim" on the land.
of course there is as much chance of the israelis keeping to the road map as there was of jackson keeping his deal.
"Beyond the great River Mississippi, where apart of your nation has gone, your Father has provided a country large enough for all of you, and he advises you to remove to it.

There your white brothers will not trouble you; they will have no claim to the land, and you can live upon it you and all your children, as long as the grass grows or the water runs, in peace and plenty. It will be yours forever"

Posted by: Comical Rummy at July 1, 2003 10:00 AM

its spelled israel since we're on grammar. i'm anti arab. arabs are anti american. and you are anti israel. we're just one big unhappy family. and like i said before there was never any country named palestine. but you seem to think there was. it was no mans land until israel took over, now all of a sudden it was palestine. the arab culture is stuck in the stone ages. dont let yourself beleive that we or the israelis are holding them back. it is you who is blinded by your own hatred. are the jews holding back the iraqis? are they holding back iran? how about syria? face it, islam is a hateful religon that stagnates its people. but you are to blind to see that. is israel responsible for the horrible way muslims treat their women? the list could go on but you still would refuse to see it. try again comical dummy.

Posted by: biz at July 1, 2003 10:36 AM

I think Biz you've just been brainwashed by to many movies showing Arabs as the baddies: true lies etc
"there was never any country named palestine"
no not formally a country but the homeland for 10000s of Pals nevertheless, certainly not a no mans land.
at least you admit your anti-muslim hate, actually several of the undemocratic regimes you cite are US allies eg Saudi and Iraq wasn't Islamic under Saddam it was very secular and actually treated women well despite all the other HR abuses there. Of course if Iraq does become a democracy it will be Islamic as thats what its people want.

Posted by: Comical Rummy at July 1, 2003 10:53 AM

How many years of self determination is necessary before a group is required to accept responsibility for its own culture?

How many stone aged islamic countries do there have to be before the question is asked: why do you live this way?

How long will people blame the "west" for their society's sorry plight in life?

Posted by: Curious George at July 1, 2003 11:13 AM

CG, the US is of course perfect.
remember it was only 40 years ago that large parts of the US had segregation.
and only 10 years before that that the witch hunt known as McCarthyism took place.
I bet many Americans considered themselves the leader of the free world even then !
Yes maybe the West should look at itself and wonder how many problems it causes by succouring tyrants like Saddam, Pinochet, Suhiarto, overthrowing democracies in Chile, Guatemala, subverting democracy now in Iraq, sponsoring a terror regime in Israel and adopting a callous Albright "the price is worth it" attitude to the deaths of 100,000s under sanctions in Iraq.

Posted by: Comical Rummy at July 1, 2003 11:22 AM

you didn't answer any of my questions. and i didn't site saudi arabia in my comment. you obviously didn't read my post well. you need to admit your own hatred of jews. i have not been brainwashed by movies as funny as you put it. the obvious is obvious when it comes to the disfunctionalism of islam. i guess you didn't answer any of my questions because you couldn't. you were totally burnt.scroll up to my previous post and then look at your reply and ask your self exactly what questions you were answering. its seems to me like you just assume i said things which i didnt. how typically liberal of you. at least you agree with me that there was never a palestine. your not in complete denial. but it will be a long road to recovery for you.

Posted by: biz at July 1, 2003 11:46 AM

Lugubrious Dummy,

WE GET IT, YOU'RE AN IDIOT! You don't have to go on convincing me with post after post, I'm sold. When you refer to the "West" I take it you mean the good ol' USA, in which case WE ARE THE LEADERS OF THE FREE WORLD, and Arab / Muslim states are backwards pits of repression and hatred.

Posted by: Big Time Sublime at July 1, 2003 11:48 AM

"They were there first"!?
Well then definitely give it to the Israelis. There were there long before the Palestinians.
Study some history. Look at a historical atlas or two.
Of course you won't believe them since they will have been written by a bunch of anti-Arab Zionists.
Incidentally, most native American tribes drove others out of the territory they inhabited when they met us. So who gets what? How far back do you want to go?
Maybe I should blow up school children to try and regain my ancient homeland in Scotland.

Posted by: some random guy at July 1, 2003 01:22 PM

Random Guy,

Set a new standard, no ulterior motive, blow up school children for the aesthetic.

Posted by: Big Time Sublime at July 1, 2003 01:30 PM

Kind of like an Arab Jackson Pollack?

Posted by: some random guy at July 1, 2003 02:35 PM


The transit system is your canvas.

Posted by: Big Time Sublime at July 1, 2003 02:38 PM

Leave the Polish out of this.

Tyranical Scummy: Yes, the US has (and has had) its problems too. We did segregation, we finally convinced our fellow countrymen we were wrong, and most of us try not to repeat the same mistakes. But we didn't bomb Palestinian children or its embassy b/c of it and blame some unknown boogey man from the East for our problems. Oh yeah, Palestine isn't a country, so it doesn't have an embassy (my tribute to biz).

Posted by: KJ at July 1, 2003 02:43 PM

Laughable Scummy: You call everyone here a racist, and hater, but everyone knows what happens to Christians in the Middle East if they talk about Jesus Christ or Christianity.

If Americans were like YOUR people, there would be no Mosques or talk of the Islamic faith in our Country!

So which Culture is the one who DENIES religious freedom?

As for watching movies to see Palestinian terrorists as the 'bad guys', you only have to watch the news from the middle east, and weigh the EVIDENCE!!!

Posted by: Susan Serin-Done at July 1, 2003 06:54 PM

OK, let me make sure I've got this straight.

Muslims in Palastine hate Jews, who are the cause of all their problems.

Muslims in Kashmir hate Hindus, who are the cause of all their problems.

Muslims in Egypt hate Christians, who are the cause of all their problems.

Radical Muslims hate moderate Muslims, who are the cause of all their problems.

Muslims in general hate all non-Muslims, gays, those from a lower class, and abuse their women.

So, in conclusion, I am glad to hear that Islam is a peacefull religion. Imagine if they were violent.

Posted by: Woodstock Willie at July 1, 2003 10:42 PM


I know you didn't mention Saudi but why not ? they are relevant ? or is it just ME regimes that aren't friendly to the US you object to.
jew-hate ? please !! I know you've lost when you resort to that, there is no jew-hate in my posts. I'd object to Israel if it was occupied by Eskimos or Martians oppressing the Pals.
Does that mean GWB attacked Iraq due to his rabid Iraq-hate then ?
biz re your questions I agree of course that many ME countries are oppressive as are others past and present: burma, laos, indonesia, south vietnam, pinochet's chile - funny how many are/were our allies !

rand, you are losing the plot.
I said the Native Americans had the US first to show how ludicrous the argument is that the Israelis should be able to ethnically cleanse the Palestinians from Palestine their homeland just on the grounds that they had the land 2000 years ago.

re segregation and "the East" you need to read some of the history of HUAC. A senior member testified " if a man alleges there is discimination against negroes or inequality of wealth in this country then there is every reason to beleive he is a communist"
so we weren't perfect 50 years ago and recognise our faults ? maybe in 50 years time we'll recognise out flawed policies re Israel, Iraq etc

Susan, I call people who display racist hate against arabs as haters yes. I feel thats OK as I have been several times accused of anti-semitism and there is no one anti-jewish line in my posts

and what is the evidence frmo the ME you mean ? Israel constantly stealing Pal land in defiance of the road map and UN on the ludicrous basis that if they allowed the Pals any land then " Israel women would have to have abortions" - the Israelis have no shame. or maybe you mean the evidence of Israel indiscriminatley bombing Pal civilians aka terrorism

hey Woodie - you have noticed that the 1 billoin plus Muslims are in a lot of wars and claim this is due to "hate" not the oppression of Kashmiris, opression of Chechens etc
so whats the US's excuse ? they are in a lot of wars given they are 1/6 less ? do they "hate" Serbs, "hate" Afghanis, "hate" Iraqis then ? thats your "logic" isn't it ?

Posted by: Comical Rummy at July 2, 2003 04:33 AM

IDF spew hate and destruction,
BEIT HANOUN, GAZA STRIP - Faisal Shawwa, Palestinian olive grower and US citizen, is a man in search of compensation.
In late May, Israeli bulldozers plowed under 1,524 of his five-year-old olive trees - leaving a lone tree standing. The Israelis also destroyed an automated well and the irrigation system that delivered water to the trees. "It's not for security, it's just hate," Mr. Shawwa says. He plans to sue the Israeli government.

He and some other businesspeople in this northern Gaza town are stunned by what they are finding in the wake of the Israeli military's withdrawal: industrial buildings flattened, machinery ripped apart, trees uprooted.

Posted by: Comical Rummy at July 2, 2003 05:55 AM

there is a difference between going to war with someone who commits atrocities against its people (like the U.S. does) and hating people because they don't worship your god (muslims). I'm gonna stop trying to explain stuff to you. It's obvious you are jealous of america and hate the defenders of freedom due to your own impotence.

Posted by: biz at July 2, 2003 08:09 AM

hmm, biz, not sure the US always does that : Burma, Zimbabwe all commit atrocities but there's no action from the US there.
still its good you let the Pals off the hook, they are fighting for survival to throw Islam or anything else down anyone's throat.

yeah, yeah, the US is all about freedom and anyone who condemns Israel is a jew-hater, its scary you believe all this BS.

Posted by: Comical Rummy at July 2, 2003 08:14 AM

i didnt say everyone is a jew hater.... just you.
that's cool because i pretty much hate the entire middle east.jews included. its funny however that an america hater like yourself thinks america should save every other country but the ones it does. when we go into that country you will cry foul and tell us to go to another one because they are worse than the one we are in. and by the way, the pals arent fighting for survival, they are fighting to kill all jews. if you want to lie tome it's cool, i can handle it. just stop lying to yourself. it's scary that YOU believe all the B.S. that YOU spew.

all you america haters crack me up.....who are you gonna call when your (phony) self-righteous butts get invaded.....HMMMMMMMMM
i wonder???

Posted by: biz at July 2, 2003 09:58 AM

There are none so blind as those who will not see.

Posted by: Woodstock Willie at July 2, 2003 10:21 AM

thats good so no one else who condemns Israel is a Jew hater ? just me ? fair enough - I think.

I'm not an america hater, just the policies of its government. I don't think they benefit americans much either.
did we save Iraq ? we'll reserve judgment on that, saving Afghanistan seems to consist of turning a blind eye to the numerous bloodthirsty warlords there on the grounds that they aren't the Taliban.

no the Pals are fighting for survival, you obviously haven't noticed or son't care about the israelis hoovering up the remains of their homeland, indefiance of the UN res 446, hey maybe the UN are all jew-haters ? maybe the UN wants all Jews killed too. The pals would defend their land even against eskimos or martians

"There are none so blind as those who will not see."
er, yes ! many hands make light work !
your turn

Posted by: Comical Rummy at July 2, 2003 11:19 AM

first you say we are defending "our oil" and our interest now you are saying we dont benefit from our policies??? you are a fraud.
on the topic of the jews....i am hardly pro jew i just have a hard time accepting "the muslim lie". which is that all of their problems come from jews, the west, etc... exactly how were any islamic nations advancing their society before 1948??? do the jews have any influence in egypt or saudi arabia???
also whenever there is a cease-fire and a deal is offered the Pals, they turn it down if all but one thing is to their liking. do you really believe that if palestine is created (for the first time) hamas and their ilk will disappear? doubtful. they are a violent people. it is the muslim way. wahabism has hijacked an already evil religon. these people have nothing and have never had anything. however it is not the fault of the US or the jews. it's the fault of their own stagnante religion. but its great to have a scapegoat isnt it? you would know. then you can ignore your own problems
another question, why do you get so defensive about being anti-jew. it's obvious. and its not that big of a deal. their arrogance pisses me off too. but the whole middle east is a bunch arrogant holier-than-thous. which is why sooner or later the world will need to rid itself of their nonsense. it will be a better world when we do. like i said before lie to me all you want, but don't lie to your self

Posted by: biz at July 2, 2003 11:53 AM

Lugubrious Dummy,

I see that you did not respond to my posts as you did to others, cat got yor tongue, huh? Obviously you bow to my superior, unassailable logic. Big Time Sublime has perfect knowledge of all space and time.

Posted by: Big Time Sublime at July 2, 2003 12:12 PM

C.R. & biz: "Kill them all and let God sort it out." (an old Army Ranger saying, I think)

All Hail to Big Time Sublime!!

Posted by: Woodstock Willie at July 2, 2003 01:09 PM

But really, C.R., I have a lot of trouble listening to the rationalization of sending children to blow up other children for some religious or political purpose. You, and the Pal's would do good to read Gandhi, a truly great man, who accomplished more by sitting down in the street than all of Hamas, Jihad, etc., etc., etc. could accomplish in a hundred years.

Posted by: Woodstock Willie at July 2, 2003 01:13 PM

Warring tribes in Africa?
So what?
Warring tribes in Afghanistan?
Big deal.
Sunni vs. Shi'ite?
Arab vs. Hebrew?

Let's face it. A large percentage of the population is going to be a bunch of violent combative a**holes. Let's do the planet, and ourselves a big favor: turn our backs on 'em.
Let them kill each other off and we won't have to lift a finger to take over the newly-depopulated territory.
Fewer people means limited resources go farther.
Shoot, let's be enablers! Tribal combat in Africa slowed down by famine? Send over a few cargo ships full of food. It gives them something to fight over.

"But people are suffering!"

Ask me how little I care. I look at Europe. I look at Japan. I look at the "developed, industrialized world." Then I look at the Third World.
Nobody helped Europe climb out of barbarism and ignorance. They clawed their way up to where they are now, and it spread to a couple of other continents.
If the rest of the world wants to claw its way up out of the s**t-hole then they can do it themselves. I, for one, am tired of seeing the efforts of my country and others going to waste.

Posted by: some random guy at July 2, 2003 01:23 PM

"first you say we are defending "our oil" and our interest now you are saying we dont benefit from our policies??? "
thats right, the Bush/Cheney oil cartel benefit, the american people don't
""the muslim lie". which is that all of their problems come from jews, the west, etc... "
do they claim that ? dunno, I think the dogs in the street accept that the ethnic-cleansing of the Pals is due to the Israelis, historical fact, the genocidal sanctions on Iraq were US-led, the succour of Saddam was backed by the US and other western nations.
"the Pals, they turn it down if all but one thing is to their liking"
as opposed to the Israelis who turned down the road map as 14 things (the 14 reservations) weren't to their liking ?
ah, you're promulgating this myth that its the Pals who won't compromise when the Pals have accepted Israels sezire uf 78% of their homeland, accepted without condition the road map just as they accepted, and Israel rejected, the Mitchel plan 2 years ago - the israelis only want peace when they have driven the pals into the sea.

"why do you get so defensive about being anti-jew"
dunno about *so* defensive, when I'm accused of being anti-Jew I deny it, thats all.

big time, there was nothing of substance in your post to respond too, you answered none of my points

Willie, well so do I have have trouble with terrorism, so I wnoder why Israel elects terrorists as Prime MInister and why we supported the terrorist KLA, btw do you have trouble listening to rationalisation of the nuking of Hiroshima, 1000s of civilians, or can you rationalise that one ?

Posted by: Comical Rummy at July 3, 2003 04:18 AM

ongoing Israeli violations of road map;=2&subContrassID;=3&sbSubContrassID;=0&listSrc;=Y
The demand for dismantling outposts has yet to
be honored - except for the cat-and-mouse game
in which the settlers are exhausting the army.
Similarly, there has been no slowdown in
widespread construction work under way in many
of the settlements. Here the "wink" of the
political echelon was quite clear: the prime
minister recently announced that building can
continue in the city of Ariel as long as it is
done with little fanfare.

Posted by: Comical Rummy at July 3, 2003 04:30 AM

Australian claims Europe full of Jew-haters
Why blame the BBC for Anti-Semitism?
Judd Rusnak St Ives, Sydney NSW Australia ( 2 Jul 2003)
The BBC (I call it Beirut Broadcast Corporation) is not the only biased and Anti-Semitic broadcast institution in Europe. Europe is full of Anti-Semite governments, Institutions, corporation and TV/Radio stations. The BBC is acting in accordance with the current way of thinking/acting of the EU; it is almost a common practice to hate Jews and Israelis these days. In the UK we have seen the foreign office, Oxford University, MP’s, all acting in unison to bash both Jews and Israelis, why should we expect the BBC to behave differently. Europe has not changed a bit in the past 2000 years; Anti-Semitism in Europe is part and parcel of the daily dose of hatred, teaching and practice at most homes; most reporters at the BBC grew up hating Jews and Israelis. It seems that we “Jews “will have to live with these kind of attacks for the next 2000 years. On this note, we should not only ask the PA to change their books and teachings at their schools in the West Bank and Gaza strip, we should ask the EU to ensure that “Love thy neighbor” is covered in their schools and books too.

Posted by: Comical Rummy at July 3, 2003 05:54 AM

the blood of the iraqi people is on saddam's hands not ours. look at the mass graves and gassing of his own people. he starved his own people. and once again you are lying to yourself. "denying you are a jew hater" lmaoooooooooooooooo. its cool dummy, i hate em too. but the difference between me and you is that you are a liar. and a man who lies to himself is only fooling a fool. thats why your arguments are also paper thin. i dont care if you try to back em up with web sites. "just cause you read it somewhere doesn't make it a fact." the bleeding hearts you represent always try to spin the facts. its an imperfect world rummy, you cant save a people who thrive on suicide. they say themselves that they look forward to death the way we look forward to life. i dont need to post a web site for that one. talk to ya later .....fraud.

Posted by: biz at July 3, 2003 07:40 AM

is it possible, biz, that you know so little.
the mass graves were those of the Kurds and Shiites you rose up on Bush snr's instruction and we then left them to it because we preferred Saddam to an alternative where Shiites and Kurds held power in Iraq.
Thats why the US defended Saddam when he gassed the Kurds, I've already posted links to the details of this issue,
not interested in my links ? you mean you're unable to refute the facts !! which one in particular do you take issue with ?
just more ranting from biz without any substance

Posted by: Comical Rummy at July 3, 2003 07:52 AM

you know we don't have any substance over here in the US. we are not as cultured or intelligent as you euro trash are. the problem with your links are the same as i listed above. dont believe everything you read. you brits are jealous of the US and your press has it in for our oil cartel. i'm still waitng for you to admit that you hate those murderous jews.
ps is your screen name

Posted by: biz at July 3, 2003 08:05 AM

are you as opposed to your own countries occupation of NORTHERN IRELAND as you are of "israels occupation of palestine"?!?! is it ok for the ira to kill little british kids? it seems to me that your own british "regime" is an oppresive occupier in someone else's historical homeland. but i'm sure you dont worry much about that. you brits have it all under control. lmao

Posted by: biz at July 3, 2003 08:33 AM

biz, you do talk tripe,
where on earth do you get the idea I'm a Brit ?
the same place you get the crazy idea that I'm a Jew-hater ? voices in your head ?
so you hate jews, muslims and brits do you ?
you may have missed it but there is peace in Northern Ireland at the mo, or maybe I've been reading too mnay websites. I wonder if the reason ther's peace is because the Brits were prepared to compromise ? or is it because they didn't indiscriminately bomb civilians with F16 warplanes ? who knows. and don't bother mentionning Bloody Sunday - the Israelis inflict a BS every week on the Pals and unlike the Brits don't bother with an inquiry,
actually - and this is another story - I do think the dispossession of Catholics in the 17-18 cent was wrong and discrimination against Catholics in the 1960s was wrong too, that doesn't mean I want to kick out the Protestants now. they've been there longer than most americans have been in the US (but not as long as the Palestinians have been in Palestine). and it doesn't mean I support the IRA or UVF or LVF killing people.
you must have me mixed up with people who defend terrorism, maybe those who say nuking japs is OK or electing Israeli terrorists as PM is OK ?

Posted by: Comical Rummy at July 3, 2003 08:57 AM

"You, and the Pal's would do good to read Gandhi, a truly great man"
maybe Menachem Begin should have read more Gandhi then he might have blown up fewer buses full of innocent civilians,
or maybe he was more of a Mandela/ANC man,
hey do you reckon any Israelis will ever adopt the attitude of this South African ? his toddler son was killed when Mandela's ANC bombed a burger bar
"Then there was the Afrikaner father whose toddler son was killed in the African National Congress (ANC) Amanzimtoti Wimpy Bar bomb attack. He said he believed his son had contributed to the coming of the new dispensation;"

Posted by: Comical Rummy at July 3, 2003 09:07 AM

Justification for Hiroshima:
Estimates were for up to 1 million U.S. casualties, and at the very least, the same number of Japanese causalties. Not to mention that the combat was expected to last at least a year.
So which do you prefer: Thousands dead in nuclear blasts, or millions dead by bullet, bomb, and bayonet?
Also, the planned invasion and subsequest combat would have taken an even harsher toll on the Japanese infrastructure thus adding time and expense to the rebuilding.

In human terms and dollar signs, it was preferable to invasion.

And on a completely different subject: The United States elected a traitor and terrorist to the office of President.
His name was George Washington. To the British, he was a criminal.

The same thing can look vastly different, depending on where you stand.

Relativity, it's not just for physics anymore.

Posted by: some random guy at July 3, 2003 09:16 AM

hmm, rand, your defense of terrorism has made me think,
if you can justify 100,000s of japs killed by an atom bomb then you must feel thats its no big deal that a few hundred Israelis are getting killed by Palestinians defending their homeland and who are being strangled by ever expanding settlements illegal under UN resolution 446.
The same thing can look vastly different, depending on where you stand

Posted by: Comical Rummy at July 3, 2003 09:29 AM

rummy you said you were in the uk. or was that another lie?

Posted by: biz at July 3, 2003 09:39 AM

biz: "rummy you said you were in the uk. or was that another lie? "
where did I say that ? and what was the first lie ?
I did post a link to a jpost letter which included the text "In the UK we have seen the foreign office, Oxford University" - was that what you were thinking of ?
actually the letter was from an australian.

Posted by: Comical Rummy at July 3, 2003 09:52 AM

From where I stand, the Palestinians are murdering Israeli civilians. The Israelis are simply defending themselves from terrorists.

And yes, I do support the killing of thousands of Japanese with nuclear weapons, rather than millions of dead on both sides through conventional warfare.

Pity we didn't finish the project sooner. We could have done the same thing to Berlin, and ended the war in Europe that much sooner.

Posted by: some random guy at July 3, 2003 10:02 AM

dont let me find out you live in america!!! did our lax immigration policy let your rag head slip in. you sicken me you fraud.

Posted by: biz at July 3, 2003 10:04 AM

"From where I stand, "
yes well the same thing can look vastly different, depending on where you stand

rand, are you really saying that from where you stand you can justify terrorism against japanese but not against Israelis.
you've introduced another word here now: "murder". is that the same as terrorism ? did we murder those japs ?

Posted by: Comical Rummy at July 3, 2003 10:07 AM

bring back the Permanent National Origins Quota Act, eh
it sure kept those Jews out in the 1930 and 40s. Bet you were pleased about that, eh ?

Posted by: Comical Rummy at July 3, 2003 10:09 AM

I can see rand we are getting close to the argument we had before discussing the state dept of terrorism as carried out by a "sub-national" group.
You said it was perfectly OK for the US government to deliberately murder innocent civilians but if another government deliberately murdered american civilians then it became terrorism.

Posted by: Comical Rummy at July 3, 2003 10:13 AM

No, if another government kills American citizens it is an act of war.
If the group that carried out the attack is not recognized as a government, then it is termed as "terrorism."

Posted by: some random guy at July 3, 2003 10:30 AM

how about the 30 million $$$$ the US just gave to "palestine". seems like bush likes your cousin Abbas. Now we are funding hamas and israel. sounds like a good idea to me.

Posted by: biz at July 3, 2003 10:35 AM

so Lockerbie may not have been terrorism then ?
and those people weren't murdered ?
it was an act of war instead ?

but because the Pals have no government - and the PA doesn't order the attacks anyway - then the killing of Israelis IS terrorism not war.

assuming that terrorism is usually regarded as unjustified killing in some way then the line between justified and unjustified killing is as slim as that is it ?

Posted by: Comical Rummy at July 3, 2003 10:39 AM

Yes, it is that slim.

I would term the Lockerbie incident (if it was ordered by the Lybian government) as a "war crime" based on the methods and targets.

Determining if an incident is terrorism, an act of war, or a war crime depends on a number of factors: who ordered it carried out, who committed the act, what were the targets, how was the incident carried out, what was the intended result, and most of all the opinion of the person labeling the incident.
It's been said many times: one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter.

You see the IDF as murderous thugs trying to drive the Palestinans out of their homeland.
I see the IDF as soldiers defending their country from Palestinian terrorists.

The same events, the same people involved, vastly different interpretations.
I'm not likely to change my point of view. Neither are you.
I'm afraid we'll just have to agree to disagree.

Posted by: some random guy at July 3, 2003 11:08 AM

war crime, eh ? yes Amnesty International condemned the NATO bombing of the Serb TV station as a war crime.

you know rand in that case maybe we should get rid of the term terrorism entirely if it is that subjective. it obviously means nothing.
shall we stop demonising the 911 attackers as "terrorists" since its that subjective then ?
I don't think many people would agree.
I think terrorism is targeting civilians and remains so even when carried out by the IDF or USAF

Posted by: Comical Rummy at July 3, 2003 11:25 AM

rand, gotta go now but one last thing
its not often I quote Netanyahu but he discussed terrorism in a way that totally disputes the "subnational" bit and I wonder what your view of his remarks are - he said
"terrorism is not dependent on the identity of the perpetrator of terrorist attacks, it doesn't depend on the cause that is supposedly espoused. Terrorism is defined by one thing and one thing alone, the nature of the act. It is the deliberate systematic assault on civilians that defines terrorism."

Posted by: Comical Rummy at July 3, 2003 11:28 AM

I don't agree with him.

Amnesty International's labeling of anything has no validity. I could call getting pulled over by the police a "terrorist act" and it would have as much validity.

It may be that the term "terrorism" is bandied about too much. We could simply call 9/11 a horrific mass murder by Arab extremists. It doesn't change what happened or who did it. Calling them terrorists may be doing them too much credit. It may be more honest to simply call them murderers. Just like the suicide bombers.
Not martyrs, nor freedom fighters, just murderers.

Posted by: some random guy at July 3, 2003 11:42 AM

The USA had broken the Japanese diplomatic code since 1938. Then the naval code in 1942. The Japanese had figured out there Naval code was broken, so they switched strictly to the diplomatic code as they were unable to get the new codes to the by-passed island garrisons. Since we had much better understanding of the diplomatic code than the naval, it was an awesome stroke of luck. When Truman was agonizing over whether to drop the bomb or not, Imperial HQ sent a message to kill all of the POWs (some 300,000K Americans, Brits, Aussies, etc.) In actuality it was not to be cruel, but simply could not feed them the inadequate portions they were doing at the time. This, along with the casuality estimates for Operation Olympus, (1 million American GIs, and if in keeping with the figures for Iwo Jima, Okinowa, 25-28 MILLION Japanese, military and civillions)
were the main factors in dropping the bomb.

Dropping a bomb, even the most destructive one ever invented, during a time of war, is NOT a terrorist act. Its an act of war. Therefore this arguement by commy rummical is invalid.

Yes, you are not anti-jew. You are just anti-Israel. David Duke doesn't hate blacks, he hates the majority of the NBA. So if he screams and whines on and on about the evils of the NBA people, would you really think it was the NBA he hated?


Posted by: Danjo at July 3, 2003 05:48 PM

Comical Rummy is an Israeli double agent!
Want proof?
I, used to be impartial in the conflict between Israel and Palestine.
Now after reading C.R.'s rants, and realizing he might speak for the Palestinians, I want them ALL DEAD, so he will for the love of Heaven, JUST SHUT UP!!!

Posted by: Com-Rum is digging Pals graves at July 3, 2003 05:59 PM

yet more Israeli violations of the road map !

yesterday Israel's desire for more war to justify their ongoing land grab led them to kill a Pal militant leading to a breakdown in their ceasefire

meanwhile the expanion of illegal settlements over the final remnants of Pal land continues apace, in defiance both of internation law and UN resolution 446 and the settlement freeze demanded by the Bush road map. Bush is turning a blind eye to these violations, maybe he doesn't know whats happening - scary thought - I guess foreign policy was never his strong point. or maybe he's just scared of Israel. Ooooo ! bring em on !!!

Posted by: Comical Rummy at July 4, 2003 06:25 AM

"Dropping a bomb, even the most destructive one ever invented, during a time of war, is NOT a terrorist act. "
fair enough, Danjo, bombing buses during the Pals War of Survival is not a terrorist act then.

Posted by: Comical Rummy at July 4, 2003 06:27 AM

so its murder you prefer not terrorism ?
I think we can repeat our entire previous argument with the word murder replacing terrorism.
so was it murder when we bombed the japs then ?
is murder sometimes justified then ?
or was it just a normal act of war and not murder at all as we think we had a good reason ?
I guess the Pals think they have a good reason for bombing Israelis, so is it then not terrorism or murder but just a normal act of war.
I have read before some of our reasons for bombing Hiroshima including an essay in a book called "More What If" on historical counterfactuals that argued it was justified.
On a related note did you ever hear about the Soviets campaign against the japs at the end of WW2 in Mongolia ? they went through them like butter with death ratios similar to those in US/Iraq wars. doesn't mean it would have been like that on mainland japan.
I must admit I'm not sure re hiroshima, Danjo, but thanks for your remarks re anti-Jew/anti-Israel. As an academic I've actually a deep respect for Jews academic and entrepeneurial record. and their maintenance of their customs over millenia in the fact of oppression.

Posted by: Comical Rummy at July 4, 2003 06:59 AM

Athough my bones are old and my tomb is now cold I can tell you the history of the that promised land. Many times it escaped my reach. I am Serkh of Narmer, King once of all living then and now no more.My home was in Dashur and my spoils came from as far away as Tel Beth Shemesh.I was a conqueror King and now I am as a dead corpse sleeping in an empty bent tomb.When men spoke the same language and the world was not closed to confusion, I was a giant. I the days of my time all men feared my name for their was no mortal name as strong as mine.I was like a god to them.I held the balance of power tight to my chest and claimed all the victory.

The people who lived in the land of promises called Canaan fought together. There numbers few. Many of my warriors fell to their chisel-shaped axes, or daggers with wooden handle. I myself felt the glance of a stone pommel.My ancestors protected me till the end of my days so that my grief as a sign would be known to those who were to be given the land.The coming ones.They were not the Canaans.Like sheep they wil be brought. And their name above all names shall love them.

My destiny was chosen before it began.My evil written on my own mortar stone.I fear that my children are not cursed because of my deeds.May the God of their land have mercy on a tired warrior and his family at the time of his coming, when all will be shown. Even my tomb can't save me from my final judgement.

Posted by: Serekh of Narmer at July 5, 2003 03:52 AM