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June 17, 2003
NARAL & NOW Launch 'Happy Fetus' Animated Ads
by Scott Ott

(2003-06-17) -- The National Abortion Rights Action League and the National Organization for Women announced today they will fight Norma McCorvey's efforts to overturn the U.S. Supreme Court decision which made her the central figure in the abortion debate.

Mrs. McCorvey, the 'Jane Roe' of Roe v. Wade, has filed a motion in Federal District Court in Dallas, asking the courts to overturn the decision to legalize abortion. Her case is based on new evidence of the negative effects of abortion on women.

NARAL and NOW say they will strike back with a multi-million dollar national TV ad blitz featuring an animated character called "Happy Fetus."

In the ads, Happy Fetus, who resembles a brine shrimp, is "not very happy." He's stuck in a "dark, cramped and lonely womb." He wishes someone would pull him out right away because he doesn't want to be born and "have to grow up in a world where a woman's right to an abortion is threatened by right-wing extremists."

At the end of the commercial, the narrator says, "Making abortion illegal again would be a life sentence to hundreds of thousands of fetuses, who would otherwise have avoided having to live on this miserable planet. It's too late for you and me. We're already stuck here. But you can help make Happy Fetus happy again. Keep abortion legal."

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Posted by: LilKimIl at June 17, 2003 06:13 PM

Interesting. This could really make the waste material strike the ventilator. I'm sure NOW is crapping their panites right about NOW.

Posted by: tired of whiners at June 17, 2003 07:00 PM

Satire with a STING that can only be done by one who's a daddy himself. Let NOW lose some sleep. How many millions of (little) women and men have lost their lives....their rights.....their "choice"! Kinda hard to come up with something humorous about the issue.

Tired of whiners (me TOO!) I enjoyed your turn of phrase about the "dookie encountering the propellor"(:~}).

....but as for soiling their undies---- I suspect NOW wildebeests wear canvas boxers! muuhaahaa

Posted by: U2B LFC in Colorado at June 17, 2003 08:36 PM

Lil Kim Il Nukie Munchkin

you said: 첫째로

I couldn't agree more! Except that only twice a week when there's a full moon is it so. And occasionally when your grannie Maek You Il closes her restaurant.

You seem to be going backwards in your learning of the engrish ranguage. Lose your hooked on phonics book in your pompadour? (:~})

Posted by: U2B LFCat in Colorado at June 17, 2003 09:01 PM

You seem to be going backwards in your learning of the engrish ranguage. Lose your hooked on phonics book in your pompadour?


well done, my favorite Lynch Family Cat

Posted by: johnh at June 17, 2003 10:28 PM

johnh aaahhhh...I feel da' love! and appreciate it(:~}). purrrr purrrr purrrr! Want me to go catch you a mouse? We cats see em as presents to give.

Posted by: LFCat in Colorado at June 17, 2003 11:20 PM

Attentioning here to,
Imperialist, running, is yellow dogs and the scrapplemask which it operates.

I being 1st it means this. Claiming of this one number place for Peopleís Democratic Republic of Korea. All your posts are belong to us.

As for cat there is my list you are on. Chop chop.

Now truly I am amusing my reverse side away extremely. ¶ )

Posted by: LilKimIl at June 18, 2003 01:53 AM


With that wad of eagles nest on top of your is aerodymically IMPOSSIBLE for you to catch me....even if I'm just sunning. NOT running--lying around in the sun, Nukie Munchkin!! How about some chop, chop on that beehive on your empty skull?

Does that big hair make you a big man? So with the hair you're 5 ft. 3"? without it 4 ft. 2"???

Now I am amusing my furry reverse side away extremely. By the way ---nice platform shoes.You steal those off of Little Richard?? They add another 6" to your stature? So in reality minus the hair and shoes your 2ft. something? OOPS...there it goes again....reverse side being amused away.....

You've threatened me--you've threatened my friend Sausage....Be AFRAID....BE VERY Afraid!

Posted by: U2B LFC in Colorado at June 18, 2003 02:22 AM

A boy is a dog is a pig is a rat (is a shrimp?) or Not.

America spent the last nine months debating whether Saddam was as evil as Hitler, during that same nine months we offed about a million American babies.

The milionaires club - the world's worst murderers in increasing order.

Pol Pot - 1 million
The Hutu leadership 1.5 million
The Young Turks - 2.5 million
Sadaam Hussein - 6 million
Hitler - 15 million
Stalin - 20 million
Mao - 35 million
The United States - 45 million and growing

Can we get the 101st airborne redeployed to effect regime change at NOW and Murder Inc. (Planned Parenthood) headquarters?

Posted by: Jericho at June 18, 2003 02:25 AM

Hey U2B LFC in Colorado.
First I thought you were only a moron. Now I know you are a racist pig. Why do you make fun of chinese speaking? You jealous of the money they make in this country? Go back to your trailer park, trash, some one is dragging a ten dollar bill outside your door.

Posted by: Mr. Mohammed Saeed al-Sahhaf at June 18, 2003 03:18 AM

Hey Mohammed, Not sure if you have caught on yet, but this is a satire site. Satire is a type of humor, something of which most Muslims are in dire need.

On that note here is an oldie but a goodie.

The Arabs and Israel were at war.

Beni had an idea and cried out, "Hey Ahmed," at which point Ahmed said, "Yes," stuck up his head and was shot by Beni.

Beni thought hey that worked well, so he yelled again, "Hey Ahmed" and again Ahmed stuck up his head at which point Beni shot him.

This went on for several more Ahmeds.

Then getting smarter an Arab yelled, "Hey Beni" and Beni answered, "Is that you Ahmed?" and Ammed said, "Yeah, it is me" as he raised his head and was then promptly shot.

Feel free to switch that joke around or insert whatever group you like into the roles.

Posted by: Jericho at June 18, 2003 05:59 AM

It's time for NOW, to change their name, as they DO NOT speak for any Women I know! Maybe to, 'National Organization of Weirdos'?

Maybe, 'National Organization of Womb-Cleansers'?

The left like to talk about 'Right Wing Fanatics', if I was this woman, I would hire a body guard, as the 'Left Wing Radicals', are more dangerous, when their, love of killing innocent babies is threatened!

Posted by: Susan Serin-Done at June 18, 2003 07:04 AM

How about National Organization of Whores?

Works for me!

Posted by: mj larkins sr at June 18, 2003 11:51 AM

Mohammmed-a.k.a: Angry Commie, (ANGRY) Matt Goober/LFC Hater Club, Lynch Family Pet Rock, goat, osprey, yada yada yada.(IMPOSTER of: LFC, Mike S, Darth Chef, Frenchman adnauseum, etc, etc, etc)( since they're all of YOU!)

Get OVER IT!! I caught you... exposed you and now you're humiliated??. Thus I'm your target? Grow up!!!!.

Furthermore, "chinese" speaking? "Lil Kim Il" is NORTH KOREAN. Ask HIM if he's offended by the sparring we do with one another. And NO---you posting as him will NOT work. Don't even bother trying!!

Humiliating you was NOT my intention toward you but rather to see if there was a shred of hope you'd be a "team player" here (once the game was up).... and not just a spoiler. You're like the ants and flies at the picnic.

Furthermore: "bandwidth being clogged up?"(other post you did)...How about when you post as 3 or more different people in a row? Basically talking to yourself!!!...THAT"s a waste of blog and bandwidth.(no cajones to post by the same name????) Have you considered finding a more age suitable blog for you?

You are so BUSTED!!. Just play fair, decently, respectfully and by the rules here or go away!!

Your angry, hateful, mean-spirited posts seem to be either ignored or backfiring on you. WHAT is it that made me your target?

If it's busting you and calling you on your MISbehavior...I can't apologize for that. If I've falsely accused you---I DO apologize for that.

If it's being uashamedly open about my faith---I can't apologize.

IF I genuinely, unknowingly, unintentionally offended you. I sincerely ask your forgiveness for the offense. I never want satire and sparring to turn into hurtful, offensive words.

I can't manage your emotions. Nor do I excuse your mean-spiritedness OR hijacking names and marring the "atmosphere" here.......

But for a genuine offense I caused---although I may not "feel" like it--I choose to humble myself and sincerely ask your forgiveness. I'd like to know WHAT it is that personally offended you too, please.

It would only take a decision on your part to drop all the stupid crap and not play lone ranger here and just join the "group"!

God bless you

(just having bit the bullet and making the choice and "exposing" my need to humble myself ("in public") has made my dislike for you wane significantly (:~})

I've washed my hands of it now. So the choice is yours, alright?

Besides--- I need to run outside and pick up that $10 bill outside my trailer before my biker, meth lab neighbors get it or start shooting at each other.(:~})
--NOT to mention stopping cuz of all the bandwidth I've used up.

(soorreeee to the rest of the scrapplers for the length of this post)

Posted by: LF Cat--Compassionately & Humbly Confrontational at June 18, 2003 12:17 PM

mj larkins I can't remember if it was SRG, Mike S, LPB or WHO that posted this weeeeks ago but they called them
-----National Organization of Wildebeests---

Isn't that GREAT? (:~})

Posted by: U2B LFC in Colorado at June 18, 2003 12:20 PM

Murder is defined as the unlawful killing of a human being, thus calling abortion murder is wrong on one factual aspect, and possibly wrong on another (the exact point at which a fertilized egg is defined as a "human being").

Let's not let histrionics clutter rational discourse.

(as if anyone, pro- or con-, could be truly rational about the subject. Including yours randomly.)

Posted by: some random guy at June 18, 2003 12:56 PM

srg, That is particularly what is in dispute. At what point are you a human being?

Posted by: Pooke at June 18, 2003 01:17 PM

I've always had the feeling of "no human mind, no human being." Taking that to mean you become a "person" at that point in gestation when you start to display complex brain activity.
Now, I know there isn't a lot of sensory imput in utero, but the cerebral cortex does display distinct baseline activity- brainwave patterns unique to our species. Not just medullar activity or limbic system activity.
At what point this occurs in gestation, I'm not sure, but I think it is around 4 to 5 months. Please consult your neighborhood embryologist.

Posted by: some random guy at June 18, 2003 01:28 PM


I believe the brain activity starts around 5 month period... However, even at that stage, we're talking about a potential human being. Even at that stage, there is no guarantee that the child will be born successfully. Too many factors could endanger that, even with the wonderfully advanced medical system.


Posted by: logicpenaltybox at June 18, 2003 02:00 PM

So, once a gestating tissue mass achieves "complex brain activity," we could probably conclude that it at least feels pain and can contemplate why the business ends of a pair of scissors are headed its way. Perhaps its thinking is complex enough that it can justify the scissors in the penumbrae of Amendments backing Roe v Wade in the first place.
Not that anyone asked, but I'd consider life to begin when the full complement of genes or chromosomes are present (once egg meets sperm). Of course, my cerebral cortex was raised Catholic.

Posted by: some random cerebral cortex at June 18, 2003 02:00 PM


Not sure who's supplying your drugs, but you definitely need to switch. Stalin is credited with ~60 million deaths (20 million in WW2 alone), and Hitler's little misadventures are credited with ~55 million dead. Now, those were actual living (at the time) human beings, not potential human beings you believe have and are being potentially murdered. What should the conversion rate of actual human beings to potential human beings be?


Posted by: logicpenaltybox at June 18, 2003 02:01 PM

Now there's an endorsement anti-abortionists don't need right now: Catholic upbringing... That's based on the tenets of the same church that believes in pedophilia, genocide, and running people over, right? :)


Posted by: logicpenaltybox at June 18, 2003 02:07 PM

As long as the people we run over are not currently engaged in pedophilia and genocide, it's okay.
It's always interesting to compare how groups are painted in the media when a small subset of them do something wrong. If the group generally maintains beliefs that the media supports, a larger percentage of that group can get away with stuff, whereas if

Posted by: some random cerebral cortex at June 18, 2003 02:16 PM

random imitator,
then the brain-washing started early.

Fertilized eggs fail to implant all the time. Nothing wrong with them, they just don't stick to the uterine wall, and pass out of the body. Are you going to prosecute these women because they didn'y prevent it?

Besides, the planet is already crowded enough. The total population should be less than half of what it is now. As a species we should be figuring out how to prevent even more births.

"One family, one child" works for me (WITHOUT the rather Draconian methods the Chinese employ to enforce this. Serious "ick!"). Allowances of ourse for naturally occuring multiple births. And a number of other allowances for SIDS and the like.

I had high hopes when I first heard of SARS. I thought, "Great! We need a good plague!" But, alas, it turned out to be a wimpy virus. Old favorites are best; I'm looking for a good Black Death outbreak sometime in the next 5 to 10 years.

Am I kidding? Maybe yes, maybe no.

Posted by: some random guy at June 18, 2003 02:17 PM

LPB.....You've got it right. Stalin is the champion killer of all times, much to the dismay of the lefties. Stalin had caused the deaths of 22 million of his own people before WWII. The loss ratio with the Germans was 17:1 due to the methods used by the Soviets. Soviet equipment was in some cases superior to the German. The Soviets use human wave tactics and pushed across minefields with 'disciplinary' troops. This is an uncomfortable with liberals because the leftist icons of the 1930's had nothing but praise for 'papa' Stalin. The Soviets and now the Russians use abortion as birth control. I consider abortion a personal decision, but the fact that I now side with 'papa' bothers me.

Posted by: Eric the Red at June 18, 2003 02:20 PM


The point of my previous post was to highlight the holes of the argument that you're 'siding with 'papa''. There's a world of difference between what Stalin, Hitler, Amin, and other 20th centrury despots did to real people and what is being done to potential people.

The question is this: when does potential become actual? What's the acceptable tolerance level? Is 99% good enough? Can one guarantee that once the baby is in 2 days prior to scheduled birth that it will survive the birth? Of course not - too many variables are involved and too many things can happen... So, if you can't guarantee to a degree of medical certainty that 2 days prior to birth that a potential human being will cross into actuality, it gets easier to forecast that the earlier in the pregnancy you are? Please, stop shouting/listening to slogans and start thinking for yourself.


Posted by: logicpenaltybox at June 18, 2003 02:42 PM


I am opposed to abortion, but how many of those "45 million" unwanted babies were you going to step up and raise anyway?

You do realize that 45 million is approximately the number of people living in California?

Will you answer my questions this time?


Posted by: yaksun at June 18, 2003 03:07 PM

Is the fetus alive? At what point in its development is it alive? What is a human being? What are the traits,values,abilities that makes a creature human? When does the fetus cross that threshold to become a human being? I don't know these answers. I don't think anyone does know them. That is why it MUST be a personal decision made by the woman and holpefully with the support of the man. Enough of this,lets get back to satire.

Posted by: Eric the Red at June 18, 2003 03:11 PM


Agreed... Now, is Norma's affidavit satire or pure fiction? :) The entire 'abusive childhood' and 'I didn't know what I was doing' thing smacks more of a liberal excuse then a anti-abortionist argument... Maybe she and her supporters are banking that since another Texan can get away with making up stories then she can too?


Posted by: logicpenaltybox at June 18, 2003 03:15 PM


Answering questions like that requires independent thought... So if I were you, I'd continue breathing :)


Posted by: logicpenaltybox at June 18, 2003 03:17 PM

srg, I don't normally get into the fray on this subject, but, for fun just take a look at this; brain activity can be detected after 42 days, not five months.

Is this a debate on when life begins or the sanctity of life in general?

Posted by: Pooke at June 18, 2003 03:37 PM

Don't you just hate it when those athiest, Pro-Choicers bomb innocent people outside clinics, shoot doctors doing thier jobs, blow people up at the Olympics, and then act all morally superior about it? I sure hate that. You know what else I hate? Women. They suck. What, with their thinking on their own and stuff. I wish we could have sharia law here so that they wouldn't talk or look at you. Just think, then there would be no such thing as rape and those da*n liberals wouldn't be able to use that whole "What if your wife was raped?", argument. That would be so much better, don't you think?

Posted by: Touched By Clergy at June 18, 2003 04:04 PM

Well then, must love all those wonderful places (China, Saudi, etc.) where abortion is commonly used when it is discovered that the fetus is female.

Posted by: Robert at June 18, 2003 04:12 PM

I hate abortion and if I had a choice on election day I would vote against it for personal reasons that basically revolve around religion..Being 1st gen Irish and 2nd gen sicilian I'm 100% Catholic.

That being said its none of my business what pooke or eric or jericho or yansun do to their bodies as long as I dont have to fund it.

There are many many many people who regret the decision of having an abortion and there are many people who are of the mindset ""WHEW THANK CHRIST THATS OVER""...again different strokes for different folks.

I just hope for the sake of my soul I am not implicated by the Lord for not being more involved in the pro-life movement

Posted by: Sean at June 18, 2003 04:46 PM

That's an easy one. Yes, Robert. I love those places. There's nothing people like me love more than aborting female fetuses. I am totally against killing innocent "babies", but I hate women much more. I have hated them ever since they made me spill, er, kill 75 million "babies" after looking at one of my brother's dirty magazines.

Posted by: Touched By Clergy at June 18, 2003 04:48 PM

Like I said: human brain activity. Cerebral cortex activity.
The medulla and the limbic system start generating signals much earlier, and neither are unique to the human brain.

Posted by: some random guy at June 18, 2003 04:48 PM

I hear you srguy.

Posted by: TBC at June 18, 2003 04:54 PM

In Ny
if you get into a car accident and end up causing the death of a fetus of any age then you will serve time as if you killed any one else but a woman with a doctors note can scrape a fetus of any age without impunity.
If a woman has a drug habit she can be charged with child endangerment and how long will it be before smoking while pregnant is equel to child abuse?
Waiting in line on Madison ave to get an abortion isnt child endangerment???
When does it become child endangerment??
when youre strapped in the gurney???

some people can have their cake and eat it too i guess..
Anyone out there in favor of post-natal abortion??
I mean in a grand scale
Anyone who has a dale earnhart bumper sticker with him surrounded by angels and a halo qualifies 1st.

Any single woman who drives a gigantic ford explorer while talking on her cell phone,sipping coffee and simultaneously is giving you the finger certainly qualifies,especially if shes applying her makeup..

The entire staff of the registry of motor vehicles

Anyone who calls Newark home.

The friggin cab drivers in nyc that havent bathed or seen water in their lives
and finally and no disrespect to the esteemed ladies that post here
but most of these people need to be beaten with hammers in front of their children....

Hillary Clinton apologists starting with Eleanor CLiff and I am sure y'all could fill out the rest of the list...

Peace all till tommorow

Posted by: Sean at June 18, 2003 05:25 PM

Interesting that this has been debated by men who have never gotten pregnant. I am not injecting the 'sensitivity' issue into it, just making an observation.

Well, at least y'all come across as men.

FWIW, IMNSHO, I felt life at three months, and some women feel the baby quicken later. That being said, I have talked to my babies and played them music in utero. They responded to sound, as that is one of the sensory inputs they could experience, as well as a light tap, or a rub.

I am anti abortion.

I have enough room and to spare for unwanted little ones.

Posted by: Cricket at June 18, 2003 05:44 PM

AMEN!!!!!!!!!! Mitigating circumstances for a retroactive abortion.

Bless you. Two couples I know both opened hearts and homes to beautiful little girls from China. One family, one child (and by Golly that child had better be a boy!) means the orphanages are full of little girls who need homes.

And not having a uterus, my opinion on this issue should carry less weight than a woman's. A single male can impregnate millions of women (hopefully AI or his heart would explode. Not to mention other organs), but a woman can only get pregnant a few times in her life. And it is much riskier, medically speaking, to be pregnant that it is to impregnate.

Posted by: some random guy at June 18, 2003 06:30 PM

Well, goodness, save us all from your moaning and kill yourself. It'd be doing yourself a favor. You won't have to live in the world controlled by right wing extremists.

Posted by: Attila the Hun at June 18, 2003 06:48 PM

I want to live in a world controlled by me!

Kneel before me, or feel my wrath!

(this schizophrenic moment brought to you by Lithium. Four out of five psychiatrists recommend Lithium for their seriously whacked out patients.)

Posted by: some random nut-ball at June 18, 2003 07:08 PM

Roe v Wade isn't about when life begins, it's about who makes the law. My copy of the constitution doesn't say that's the Supreme Court's function.
Our elected representatives make the law and with Roe they never had that chance.
The falacy of the pro-choice folks' argument is that they have denied the people of this country the choice of making abortion legal or not.
The legality of abortion should be decided on a state or county level.

Let the people of this country have that choice; overturn Roe v Wade

Posted by: Ross at June 18, 2003 08:00 PM

Horse-hockey, Ross.
The Supremes are the authority when it comes to interpreting the Constitution, and deciding whether or not existing laws violate it or not.

If Roe v. Wade gets overturned, then it will be up to the legislatures of the 50 states to decide the legality of the matter in that state.

Posted by: some random guy at June 18, 2003 08:18 PM

Exactly the way it should be, SRG. Then we all get a choice. Some states will make the right choice and some the wrong choice. Time will tell who was right - that's how the federal system is supposed to work. Fifty experiments.

Posted by: Ross at June 18, 2003 08:30 PM

I have wanted to do foreign adoptions for a long time. You are welcome to come over and throw knives. I got my early teen a Manual of Planes book, and my oldest has the Dungeon Master's guide, the Player's Handbook and the Monster Manual.

We have been looking into it for Romania, China and Turkey.

We have also been looking into it here in this country as well. I know I can't save every child in the world. But I do have the power to do much.

Posted by: Cricket at June 18, 2003 09:51 PM

I thought that the liberals would respect Norma McCorvey's efforts- isn't she just saying "Not in my name"???

I read an article about her recently- she never even had an abortion.... some slick lawyers manipulated her into the case!!!


Posted by: hrdlordi at June 19, 2003 12:27 AM

Yaksun - I emailed my repsonse directly to you.

Posted by: Jericho at June 19, 2003 01:36 AM

Login Penalty Box - I am so glad to hear that America has another 15 million babies to kill to be the number one murderer. For a while there I was getting concerned about the repercussions of our actions. Whew!!!

Posted by: Jericho at June 19, 2003 01:37 AM

Sean writes: That being said its none of my business what pooke or eric or jericho or yansun do to their bodies as long as I dont have to fund it.

Sean --
It is not the body of the woman that gets hurt, but the body of the baby that gets killed.
(However, a large number of woman's bodies are affected. Numberous woman are unable to conceive because of previous abortions, further there are a number of deaths each year from abortions -- more than there were in '73 (Don't ask me the source it was years ago when I read this.)

And Sean you do pay. You pay in higher Soc Sec taxes, Medicaid taxes. You pay presently by the economic need of America to continue a liberal immigration policy (though militarily such a policy is presently unwise), because we would otherwise be in negative population growth. You also pay because of the culture of death that abortion has wrought - the calvalier attitude of the young, the cost of babies abandoned in trash cans, the cost of the euthanasia battles, and on and on.

How about the cost of a graying society? How about the deflationary pressure by such a population vacuum? Do you know your history, Sean? Do you know the demographic effect of World War One's casulaties on the Depression. (We were spared a second depression after World War Two because of the advances of modern medicine, hygiene, clean water, and growing world trade that tempered the demographic-economic impact of that war.)

Thirty years and 45 million dead just in America, Sean. That is more in America than the entire battlefield count of World War Two. There is only so long that the gray heavy 1st world can sustain this rate of murder and still survive. Why do you think there are so many muslims in Europe now Sean? The Europeans have killed off all their own kids. Why is Russia's population projected to fall from approxiamately 150 million to 112 million by 2025 -- too many scarred wombs from the Soviet era. Why does China have 100 million more men than women? Sex selective abortions. Sean, what positive impact do woman have upon men? They temper their aggression. Now, what is a nation to do with an extra 100 million men?

Answer a) Civil war b) External war

You are paying for it, Sean. Don't fool yourself.

(Please excuse me Scrapplers for the length of this one.)

Posted by: Jericho at June 19, 2003 02:01 AM

Mr. Jericho....

When did satire become excuse for racism?
Making fun of Kim Il Jong is ok. The guy is a jerk. Making fun of Asians is racism.

Satire is highest form of humor. Telling racist jokes (even with interchangeable subjects)is racism.

Making fun of Frenchman is mandatory. Making fun of the French is irresistable (but wrong).

U2B LF Cat posts garbage. (Here's one for all the daddy's) Uhn!!! I am sure to lose breakfast.

Mohammed NEVER hijack any name.

Posted by: Mr. Mohammed Saeed al-Sahhaf at June 19, 2003 03:45 AM

Mohammed Sees All Sharpton:
Oh quit while you are behind. We are not being racist. You are the one that is reading that into the musings of this elect and erudite group.
Shame on you...and what have you done with our Beloved Ooglay? LFC doesn't post drivel...she is funny in her second language.

Posted by: Cricket at June 19, 2003 04:12 AM


Click on my name, read the article, lighten-up.

Jericho :-)!

Here is another joke for you.

In the ancient Collesium in Rome a big hungry lion was one among several who were thrown in to entertain the crowds devoring Christians. One of the Christians really wanted to live, feeling that he still had something on earth to do. Amazingly he was able to break out of the arena into the causeway (like the tunnels sports teams now run through in modern stadiums). The big lion was right after him, flowing mane bouncing as he ran.
The Christian managed to get out of the whole complex into the streets of Rome. The Lion was getting closer.
The Christian ran from street to street and finally into a park area. The Lion was right on his heels.
The Christian, knew he couldn't outrun the lion anymore so he backed himself up against a tree and prayed. "Dear Christ, make this lion a Christian." The lion came to a screeching halt, fell onto its front legs, put its paws together and bowed its head, praying, "Lord, thank you for this meal I am about to partake."

p.s.s. Mohammed - Either you are a humorless Muslim (a typical afflication) or a bad imitator of a humorless muslim (a liberal afflication). Either way you need to liven up and get some joy in your life. To overcome your affliction I suggest a thorough research and implimentation of the principles of Christ detailed within the book of Philippians (Paul's letter to the Philipian church in the Bible). :-)!

Posted by: Jericho at June 19, 2003 05:04 AM

Mohammed - I have noted by reading your previous posts on other threads that you are about as muslim or as likely as having Arabic roots as our most recently retired President is likely to soon practice law in Arkansas.

You bore me Moha. You got to be more creative than using phrases such as 'pie hole.' I doubt a lot of middleeasterners have watched Chris Farley do his routines - and if you are muslim and were watching SNL you were not being a very good muslim now were ya, Moha?

Moha - The thing about honesty is that you never have to remember what you said. It works the same with with blog i-d's. Sticking to one, being honest about who you are, means you never have to remember in which voice to write.

Here is another joke for you Moha - Where can you find a dog with no legs? The answer is not at the hotdog stand that would make it a riddle, ya goof. The answer is you would find a dog with no legs right where you left him. Get it? Huh?
No, probably not, well - that is to be expected. That liberalism -- it attacks the cereberal humoral nerves first you know. You really need a steady schedule with the funny physician, also known as the humor king, the one the only Creator of the Universe, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.

Posted by: Jericho at June 19, 2003 05:40 AM


MUHAHAHAHAHA more like it. You stopped by the wrong blog silly, sad thing. Up your medication. You are unsucessful in finding friends here and you appear to be in desparate need of some. goodbye MUHAHAHAHA You'll be sorely missed. NOT!
Check your breakfast. Me thinks someone "yellowed" your Wheaties.

Posted by: Just Passing Through at June 19, 2003 07:12 AM

Mohammed NEVER hijack any name.
Posted by: Mr. Mohammed Saeed al-Sahhaf

In the same way tanks were NEVER in Baghdad.

Making fun of crazy, dead Iraqis is akin to racism and is tasteless and childish. Adopting the name of a maniacal LIAR is also not by accident. You are tasteless and childish sad, silly,lying, lonely,anti-social thing.

Posted by: Baghdad Babalouie at June 19, 2003 07:33 AM


The topic of abortion certainly brings out strong opinions don't it?

If an aborted fetus is just tissue, will u eat it if cooked properly? A little wine to go with it perhaps?

By extension, then you are just tissue, cognition or lack therof aside, yummm yumm.

There are so many people on the face of the earth is true and we will probably be reduced in numbers by something we cannot manage immediately. However, if your going to set yourself up as God or the decision maker as to who goes and who stays-- put yourself on the top of the "OUTGOING" list and you will not be a hypocrite. Many would likely volunteer to assist you in eliminating yourself.

If population control and not $$$ is the issue, why is it not "Constitutional" to sterilize those who are obviously unfit to be parents? The first punishment for conviction of child abuse and neglect aught to be sterilization. Its all about the money, control, fear and eugenics.. the issue has nothing to do with "choice". "Choice" was the only way abortion providers could dress up the issue to make it palatable.

Posted by: Fr. guido Sarducci at June 19, 2003 09:17 AM

I dont have the moral authority to tell you,your mother or your sister what to do with her body.

In my house,inside my family,I do have the authority.I will leave it like that but I do respect your opinion and your points are certainly valid.

Posted by: Sean at June 19, 2003 09:32 AM

1. Although Christians tend to be the most pro-life, there are MANY who are pro-life for purly scientific and philosophical reasons. For example, there is a group of ATHEIST LIBERTERIANS who are pro-life (HTTP://WWW.L4L.COM) (check out their articles)

2. Science progressed dramatically after Roe v. Wade in the areas of Prenatal Care. Soon after Roe V. Wade, we got ultra sound and a host of other technologies which confirmed that the baby is more than a blob of tissue.

(a.) The heart begins to beat at 3 weeks!
(b.) Brain waves that can be measured with an electroencephalogram at 6 weeks!
(c.) etc., etc.
(d.) Roe V. Wade (a 5 to 4 decision), would never have cleared the Supreme Court if the science of the 70s happened in the 60s.

3. Overpopulation is way overdone. The entire worldís population can fit into the state of Texas at the density of London and still have 1/3 of Texas available for farm land and the rest of the world empty! Don't believe me??? Research this and do the math yourself. Also, England is twice as crowed per sq. mile than China. Overpopulation hysteria is a tool used by the Left to control people and public policy. It is also used to hide the fact that starvation and poor living standards are more the result of the policies of communism, socialism, facism, and a host of other isms as well as the fanatical dictators and other leaders who run these.

4. If the issue of Life is even debatable. Why are we erring on the side of killing. Furthermore, how hypocritical of the Left to make such policies as to spend BILLIONS on removing asbestos from public buildings across the country when its danger is controversial and questionable. These liberal would then say, it don't matter about the money, we must err on the side of life. Furthermore, it is amazing what the government spends to save and nurture animals which are really not that close to extinction, just as preventative maintenance. What a double standard.

5. Those of you who say, I can choose for me, you can choose for you. I believe, from deep down inside, that if you had lived in Nazi Germany, you would have easily said, "I don't personally advocate killing the Jews, but who am I to judge the morality of the Nazi party. What is right for them may be wrong for me and visa-versa." How pathetic, how wimpy. (see The Hollow Men by T.S. Elliot)

6. By the way, in contrast to these kind of people, the reason that Christians do TEND to be the most motivated pro-livers is because they recognize that life is God-given and that we are not just a bunch of lucky-slim evolved out of mud. But that is another issue for another day.

7. If you STILL think that an unborn baby is just a bunch of tissue, view the videos on the following page:

(warning, very graphic)

Posted by: Rob McEwen at June 19, 2003 10:45 AM

Eugenics gets a bad rap (I blame Hitler, what a putz).
Advances is genetics may make it possible to one day select specific traits for your children, or to edit out certain ones.
If I could ensure that my child did not have my bad eyesight and allergies, I'd do it.

However, the flip is worrisome. If you thought Little League parents were bad now, wait until the genetically engineered baseball, football, soccer, volleyball, etc. players start hitting the field.

For all sorts of scenarios, good and bad, consult your local book store's SF section. My personal rec. is "Beggars in Spain" by Nancy Kress. It starts off innocently enough, a father is selecting traits for his new daughter and decides that she should not have to waste a third of her life by sleeping through it. I mean, think of what you could do with an extra 6 to 8 hours in a day. What about the extra room you would have since you needn't dedicate one for sleeping in.

Lots of interesting possibilities, lots of terrible ones (See S.M. Stirling's "Draka" series). We've been "playing God" by selectively breeding animals and plants for millenia. In terms of biology, humans are just another mammal. So let's cull the herd and improve the breed.

Posted by: some random guy at June 19, 2003 10:50 AM

As a person who plays a Doctor on Scrappleface I find abortion disgusting and the most foul act imaginable.I hear people call it choice and yet the silent voices of children are never heard. Imagine screaming in your soul and no one can hear you.If you can't - pull out your own tongue and let me kick you in your private parts.I assure you the pain isn't equivalent to one 50/th of what they feel. No semantics about what they feel please! Step on a bug and see if they react to pain.Nature is self revealing. Pain protects so you don't do it again. That all being said, I have decided to support abortion for grownups and I would like to start with all of the pro abortion people.Give "em" a rash of their own annoying self flatulation.

PS. Cat is not a racist you moron. I have been around here for awhile and that is so illogical my socks actually rolled down.

Posted by: Dr. Harden Stuhl at June 19, 2003 10:58 AM

I should explain my "moron" comment - it was directed at the dweedlehead who called Cat a racist.Too much surgery too little sleep.

Posted by: Dr. Harden Stuhl at June 19, 2003 11:08 AM

Ok, enough is enough. I am now refusing to wear pants until you people stop taking yourselves so seriously. This is a website founded on sarcasm not a formu to solve all of the world's problems or a place to send out "hugs to dads". I have alerted the media to my pantles protest and hopefully I will be on the news tonight.

Posted by: The patnless Protester who U2B Matt Goober Shivers from somewhere in the Rocky Mountains at June 19, 2003 11:14 AM

Overpopulation is Leftist hysteria?

Can you say "Soylent Green"?

Yes, the carrying capacity of this planet can support a population of well over 20 billion, but that carrying capacity (total amount of biomass) is a constant. The more humans, the less of every other species. Personally, I like a little species diversity: lots of animals and plants.

If you want to try an ecosystem that has nothing but humans and a few plant and animal types for them to feed on, try it on another planet.

Also, in case you haven't noticed, humans in industrialized nations tend to pollute the environment around them much more than any other animal type. And the non-industrialized nations are trying very hard to remove the "non" part of that classification.
Fewer humans=less pollution.

Read the book "Our Stolen Future."

And if you want to call me a tree-hugging eco-Leftist, go right ahead. But so was Teddy Roosevelt.
And the biggest wet-lands preservation group is called Ducks Unlimited. They're hunters.
Sounds just like a bunch of whining Dimocrats to me.

The math is simple: more humans=less of everthing else.

Posted by: some random guy at June 19, 2003 11:43 AM

Dr. Harden Stuhl!!! So VERY VERY good to see your name here!! Welcome back and MAN did you come back packing a PUNCH!

Interestingly enough the "moron" to which you referred to posted right after you on this thread!!----of course with NOTHING on topic.

As for the "patnless {huh??} protestor" [a.k.a Moham-Matt, etc etc etc.... {who STILL can't come up with any originality["U2B" is something you ALSO hijacked from ME!] As for you bitter child-----
I have attempted to take the high road and bring "peace" to this blog but by your continued idiocy you have stated that you CHOOSE to remain hateful, foolish and divisive...{not to mention uninteresting & unfunny--although I just DID mention it} Your continued moronic behavior tells me that from here on out as for ME you will just talk to the[]!..Even playing field for you since you talk FROM the[] as it is.

For someone you have targeted with your SURE imitate me alot.( although I'm NOT flattered!}

If you don't like what's on TV or change the channel, right? Well------
-------------DONT READ MY POSTS!!
Sad to see how jaded, synical, resentful and pathetic you are at such a tender age. An intervention of some sort would be a life saver for you ---keeping from becoming an OLD even MORE synical,hateful, jaded, mean individual.

BACK ON TOPIC!! How many people here can say they're thankful their moms didn't have their own
womb scraped of the tissue that is now YOU...with or without brain wave activity, yada yada yada.
Although from a simplistic approach, I realize:
Pregnancy COULD be avoided in the first place!

{my apologies to all genuine posters here for again having to "hijack" this thread to AGAIN deal with the angry ant that seeks to "spoil the picnic".

Dr. Stuhl....stating the obvious: You have a CRITICAL patient! It will require from you: "critical" PATIENCE!!!

Posted by: LFCat in Colorado-Peacemaker! at June 19, 2003 11:56 AM

Fr. guido: Great piece, I am becoming a real fan!

Moha: LF Cat is not a racist! So it must be something else about her you don't like. Tell us what it is, and stop TRYING to play the race card!

Dr. Stuhl: Brillant responce, as usual!

Got any new story's Scott? How about Al Gore's new news channel? I can already feel myself getting ready to bust out laughing!

Posted by: Susan Serin-Done at June 19, 2003 12:07 PM

Susan--"Moha" is the ever present Moha/Matt GS/Imposter LFC /by MANY other names...(my KNOWING & exposing that alone has made me his target)

Fr Guido!--- Along with Susan I ALSO have found myself filling out a membership card for your "fan club"!. Your words above on this thread CUT to the chase! I applaud you.

Posted by: LFCat in Colorado at June 19, 2003 12:26 PM

Thanks, Rob, for the stats. You are right on target. Heartbeat is detected at 3 WEEKS, brain waves at 6 WEEKS--by the time the average woman even finds out that she is pregnant. Some not-at-all Random Guy, if you want to find out if a baby feels pain during an abortion, I would suggest (again) that you view the video "Silent Scream." This is an actual ultrasound of a baby during a FIRST trimester abortion. It is OBVIOUS that the baby is experiencing pain when being pulled limb from limb (yes, they are all there-arms, legs, fingers, toes) by the suction apparatus. If you are really worried about the world and its population, I have a great book for you to read. In fact its the definitive on what will happen. Its called the Bible. While you are busy rejecting this suggestion and keeping your head in the sand, let me also say that I was once just as blind as you. If fact, your posts often remind me of myself twenty years ago before my eyes were opened to the Truth. I am praying that God will do the same for you and LPB and Eric that he has done for me, LFC, Harden, Susan, Jericho, and others on this site. I'm praying that the bitterness and sadness that I see in many of your posts are completely removed with the joy in knowing Him. I am praying that someday you will understand the holocaust that is abortion, and that the victims are the innocent babies and also the women who are suffering the repercussions of having been duped into having them by abortion clinics who worship only the god of $$$. Love, Deb

Posted by: Deb at June 19, 2003 12:26 PM

Hey, "Some Random Guy",

"tree-hugging eco-Leftist"... those were your words, not mine.

However, you have proved that these fit well by your own comments!

Like other ìtree-hugging eco-Leftistsî, there is apparently no middle ground and no rational thought. You demonstrate this from your message above. Like other radical environmentalist, you believe that everyone who is not a tree-hugger wants to destroy the earth.

Really, all issues have their moderates and their extremist. But the environmentalists have a very high percentage of extremists because it is a RELIGION to them. If you are not totally sold out to their position, even when irrational, they consider that you want to pollute the waters, cut down every tree, kill all of the animals, and destroy the earth.

There is no middle ground for them.

For example, that is why, on issues like drilling in ANWAR, most environmentalists can't seem to comprehend the fact that the area impacted is less and 1/10 of 1 percent of ANWAR. For example, if ANWAR was a typical 1,500 sq. ft. house, the area affected by the drilling would be less than the size of a doormat.

The cutting of timber is a similar issue, which really show the "religion" aspect of this. Some timber cutting and small controlled fires is good for maintenance of the forest and prevents larger out-of-control fires. But when environmental extremists prevent every instance of controlled burns, we set ourselves up for the huge mammoth wild fires that ravaged the West in recent years. The reason that these radicals can't come to a compromise is because they believe that humans are the scourge of the Earth and that our presence is like a cancer. Also, they believe that animal life is morally equivalent to human life. They believe that running over a cat is morally equivalent to running over a human. They also believe that we have a moral responsibility not merely to be good stewards to the earth, but to keep the earth looking as much as possible as it would if humans did not exist. These beliefs lead to repugnant policies those mentioned above.

Moreover, even though I favor drilling in ANWAR and small, controlled forest burnings for preventative maintenance, I also favor enforcing clean air and water standards (particular stopping pollution of waterways). Also, I favor maintaining the tree population. (Which the timber industry has done quite well through replanting, by the way). But these must be balanced by private property rights, among other things.

Finally, regarding your "Fewer humans=less pollution" comment...



...less crime, less murder, less poverty, less appeasement of 3rd world dictators by Democats, and less corrupt 3rd world governments, more democracies with responsible policies, and YES...YES... as a result... LESS POLLUTION by out-of-control irrresponsible 2nd and 3rd world countries. (Did I mention less abortions, too?)

Posted by: Rob McEwen at June 19, 2003 12:29 PM


Keep praying... As for myself, I tend to rely less on asking others (including G*d) to do my work/thinking for me, so I'll just keep working and thinking on my own. Thank you for you concern.


P.S. I've seen the word holocaust used several times in relation to this topic, and some others. That belies the lack of understanding of both the actual issue that we're discussing here and of what the Holocaust actually was. While it's a nice 50c word to throw around, please don't sully the memories of the actual people who actually lost their lives in order to make a point based completely on your beliefs.

Posted by: logicpenaltybox at June 19, 2003 12:48 PM


You posted just before my last post, so I didn't get to see your post until after I had posted a later comment.

If I HAD read your post FIRST, I would have NOT even posted my last comments so as to NOT take attention away from your EXCELLENT AND MORE MEANINGFUL comments. I hope that everyone gets a chance to read your post that is a couple notches up.

Posted by: Rob McEwen at June 19, 2003 12:48 PM


You got your facts crossed up a bit... The crime statistics have decreased significantly since abortion became legal... Coincidence? I think not :)


Posted by: logicpenaltybox at June 19, 2003 12:49 PM


Think about this...

Eventually, there would absolutely ZERO crime if we just aborted ALL babies... Would this make you happy?

But seriously...

Everyone with half brain who is over thirty (or at least over forty) recalls that the economy of the seventies was much, much worse than anything we have gone through recently or even in the mild recession of the early 90s.

Overall, the economy from the mid 80s until today is much, much better (even at its worse times) than most of the 70s. We have even lost touch with reality when making comparisons and generating stats. Sometimes, what we CONSIDER hardship today doesn't even compare to hardships in the 70s or earlier (double digit inflation, double digit unemployment, and double digit interest rates). Moreover, people struggling in poverty during the 70s would consider many people who complain about poverty to day to be living like kings.

As you probably would agree, more poverty also equal more crime. Therefore, your more crimes issue is more logically and consistently explained by factors other than abortion.

Posted by: Rob McEwen at June 19, 2003 01:05 PM

"For you formed my inward parts;
You covered me in my mother's womb.
I will praise You for I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
And THAT my soul knows well.
My frame was not hidden from You.
When I was made in secret.
And skillfully wrought in the lowest parts of the earth.
Your eyes saw my substance being yet unformed.
And in Your book they were all written. The days fashioned for me.
When as yet there were none of them."
---- Psalm 139:13-16 (fr. the B-I-B-L-E)

something else to be considered: When is a child's "spiritual" identity born?...would it NOT be at conception? A baby's movement, etc., in the womb is evidence of a 'spirit is it not?

Posted by: LFCat --Bible Thumper :-} at June 19, 2003 01:34 PM

Rob Mc E's post reminded me of a thought I've often had:

How many of those protesting outisde of fur stores --- and in behalf of animal rights, etc., arrived shortly after having slathered their post bathed bodies with lotion made from aborted baby parts? (it IS made as such--[a hysteria free reality]

As for "tree hugging", etc. I, even as a Christian am accused of that sometimes because I do the recycling thing, yada yada--- and have ZERO tolerance for animal abuse as well. Yet, I have a conviction about it. From my perspective---- I--and others who profess to know God---have a responsibility to do what He says in "taking dominion" and take good care of His "property". Being a good steward of our Father's "real estate"---INCLUDING it's inhabitants (:~})

Furthermore---back to the fetus ( meaning "little one" in Latin(?)) issue. I've seen the bumperstickers: "Love Them Both". If people as individuals knew their INDIVIDUAL infinite worth to Creator God( that's also SUPPOSE to be communicated thru those who call themselves His) would it NOT then cause them to consider they infinite worth of the life being formed inside (their or) a woman's body?. Not to mention solving other ill's in the world like terrorism, murder, war, dictatorships,slavery, ete etc etc. I'm faaaar from having it mastered but:
Love (VALUE) your neighbor AS (you VALUE) yourself!..not just a cliche' but a world changing concept.

Deb good to "see" you again (:~})

Posted by: LFCat Huggin' Trees & Thumpin' Da' Book at June 19, 2003 01:34 PM

Bible schmible. I've read it.

Leftist? I'm registered, and vote Republican.

Tree-hugger? Only when I'm picking up big pieces of fire-wood.

Folks like Earth First have their heads so far up thier a**es they see their bellybuttons from the inside. None of them has any kind of real knowlege or education about ecological matters. For the most part they majored in art history, or something equally useless.

As for reacting to pain, so does the mimosa plant (also known as the "praying hands" plant).

Appeasing 3rd World Governments? Are you nuts! I'm the guy who advocates a United States of Earth, with its capital in Washington, D.C.

Why am I so in favor or protecting the environment? Because it's a nice planet. We all live here, our kids are going to have to live here, and their kids, and their kids, etc. ect.
So let's stop scr*wing it up!

Anwar? There are more Caribou living in the oil fields than before they built the bloody pipeline. Seems they like the waste heat from burning off the natural gas. So drill it. The amount of oil isn't that great, but it means we rely less on OPEC.

Humans a scourge on the planet? Yeah, right. We evolved here, we're supposed to be here. But we are a sloppy species. It wasn't a problem when planetary population was measured in the millions. We moved around alot, our gargage was all biodegradable or totally natural. There are a few more of us now, and we aren't all that nomadic. Our habits haven't changed that much, though, and we tend to foul the nest. Don't believe me? Go find the highest point on the North-Eastern coast. It's called the Freshkills Land-Fill.

Posted by: some random guy at June 19, 2003 02:27 PM

Random wheres this at in the northeast??

Posted by: Sean at June 19, 2003 03:14 PM

New Jersey.

Where else would New Yorkers put their garbage?

Posted by: some random guy at June 19, 2003 03:33 PM

Sorry, just a Jersey joke.
Actually, its on Staten Island.

Posted by: some random guy at June 19, 2003 03:35 PM

What you are talking about is being a steward, or guardian...and to a small extent, when small farms were the norm, the planet was cleaner. It is the mega farmers that have the runoff that pollute, not the little guy to grew a little of everything and sold his surplus.

I sorta like roughing most memorable summers as a kid and teeanger were spent in my uncle's cabin in the Rockies, near Zion Natnl Park...and it had all the amenities: Two seater outhouse, cold running water from a mountain stream, food on the hoof and a cast iron stove to make life comfortable.

But to BLAME the US for the standard of living we have, well, heck. I politely beg to differ
based on the Kyoto Protocols, and the emissions put out by such Third World Countries like Estonia, Poland, East Germany, China, India, etc and that will not be bound by them.

The dual standard needs to be addressed first before we can seriously say it is a problem of overpopulation/consumption versus sloppy consumerism and manufacturing. I do look for the Made in America label where ever I shop because I know that these factories DO follow the Clean Air Act, etc. What gripes me is MFN trading status given to places like China with its abysmal record on human rights and disregard for the environment.

Meryl Streep's nonsensical "Race to Save the Planet" really bothered me because she was comparing the standard of living in the US to the meanest level of poverty in India, and making it sound as if WE were responsible for the inequity.

Posted by: Cricket at June 19, 2003 04:07 PM

I just love MS. Streeps term "Race to save the Planet". As if some idiot with alternative views on the other side is actually racing to destroy the planet. We have truly let marketing departments invade the strata of peoplespeak.

I wish Meryl Streep would complain about India's caste system and the fact that they have one of the most suppressive racist ideologys in the world.Trees are smart enough not to be racist.They don't need her "enlightened" knowledge.[Cough, gag, sputter...gasp..}

Remember -Ghandi may have been a man of peace - but that was because he wouldn't let his daughter share curry sticks with with the untouchables and according to the Laws of Manu...

Heh...heh..heh...I crack myself up...

Posted by: Dr. Harden Stuhl at June 19, 2003 06:08 PM

Because I am the abortion where I escaped, I should speak here. I meaning, that a reason where I embrace the wood is the fact that there is no one embraces me. I would sometimes embrace even the Anwar reindeer.

Mohammed you make the mistake. The Asian race discriminatory principle person here that is me.
Ask this to any Asian person. ¶ )

Posted by: LilKimIl at June 19, 2003 07:08 PM

well out of 82 notations, Susan Serin-Done said it best.."National Organization of Weirdos"

Posted by: the old old ladyg at June 19, 2003 07:41 PM

Sooooo Dr. Harden Stuhl (who I"ve VERY much missed!--I send you a cyber hug!!

...... Ghandi was known for his wierd dietary habits including lots of fasting which obviously had some bearing on his frail frame AND would make for some FUNKY breath,-----He always walked barefoot which surely did a number on his feet. What does all this mean:

He was a Super Calloused Fragile Mystic Plagued with Halatosis.
-----pah dum ching!

What does this have to do with the thread?...Dr. Stuhl opened the door for me. (Like all posts stay on topic..HA!

Lil Kim (men tal li) Il The reason YOU are not being accused of racism with your "character" is that YOU are not the target of the angry, pouty, anti-social little boys hatred. I happened to catch him in his juvenille little game of name stealing and called him on it...Therefore I am "the enemy". My Scrapple buds, have been kind and smart enough to smell and swat at the little weasel and his LAME attempts to insult or incriminate me...sad lil' Mohamarroid! MUHAHAHAHAHA!)

Posted by: LFCat in Colorado at June 19, 2003 10:45 PM

Hey Cat,

Good to see you are still alive and purring.

I have missed my fellow Scrapplers. I was away battling the ìevil and liberal forces of podiatry pedantriantics".

I am happy to say that by removing the foot from many a liberal mouth and teaching them how to use good conservative mental hygiene,[while also wearing freshly cleaned socks], many liberals no longer suffer from "Liberal Orifice Flangewaditusî.

For the Scrapple layman, this is the effect that comes about from putting your liberal foot in your mouth and developing "toe-jam" fungus in the oratative cavity.A dreadful disease that causes a most foul and displeasing respiration (i.e.,Bad breath similar to rotten cheese.).While I am not claiming to be an expert in the Medical Science of Chiropody or for that matter bad breath, or spoiled cheese,I have been known to plant my size 14 shoe up the backside of many a foul mouthed liberal causing them to gasp for air and expeling similar cheese like substances. Perhaps,I could assist Mr. and Mrs. Tim Sarandon in their attempt to ìRace to Save the Planetî? Brie anyone? Eh Frenchman?

Posted by: Dr. Harden Stuhl at June 20, 2003 12:34 AM

All Scrapplers are welcome to sit on my back porch and watch the fireflies. Now, about dumb Europeans...well, having lived in Germany I would have to put it down to a state agenda education.

Same here. Substitute liberal socialism for royalty and you have the new version of the old game...the ruling elite telling others what to do, and taxing them for the privelege.

Since most Americans are European in ethnic origins, the self determining factor was what made this country the greatest on the earth, and what the good citizens of opressive governments wanted for themselves.

I have no objection what ever to people coming here, just don't take welfare and social services
as a right or an entitlement. I also do not care what the color of one's skin is as much as I care about their desire to live and be a part of a former Republic, and to not read nonsense into the constitution, but to know that by leaving a
dictatorship they have a chance and that their lives, liberty and their property is all that government has to protect, as their inalienable rights.

That we will never tax ourselves into prosperity.
That we will never level the playing field by dragging others down or stifling achievement by rewarding mediocrity.

I am rambling as I have had a very bad week and I am dreadfully tired. But it is good to see all the Scrapplers here again...and Happy Father's Day to you all.

Posted by: Cricket at June 20, 2003 03:15 AM

>>>...... Ghandi was known for his wierd dietary habits including lots of fasting which obviously had some bearing on his frail frame AND would make for some FUNKY breath,-----He always walked barefoot which surely did a number on his feet. What does all this mean:

He was a Super Calloused Fragile Mystic Plagued with Halatosis.
-----pah dum ching!

SIMPLY Hilarious Cat, Did you make this up? It really doesn't matter, I can almost see Julie Andrews singing it!

Posted by: Susan Serin-Done at June 20, 2003 06:41 AM


Get this through your fur lined skull...I aint Mohamed. I have no idea of who he is.

Posted by: The still protesting pantless Matt Goober Shivers on a Moped somewhere in the Rocky Mountains at June 20, 2003 08:47 AM

Susan Serin-D-

I can not take creative credit for that. It was an e-mail forward an associate pastor sent to a friend of mine a few years ago! Never forgot it.

Picture this: a PBS special on the life of Ghandi with the soundtrack including Julie A. doing that! :~}

Posted by: LFCat Studio Singer at June 20, 2003 10:47 AM

Has anyone noticed that the 'sexual revolution' of the late '60s and 70s helped to create the atmosphere for Roe v Wade???

Lets reflecton the lesser known consequences of the 'sexual revolution'. (I have read all of these statistics throughout many years of teaching sexuality and reproduction to adolescents +)

-the drastic increase in the number of STDs, current stat is that 1 in 4 Americans will someday experience an STD- many which are incurable!

-the increase in teen sexual activity.

-the increase in the number of teen pregnancies- highest in all industrialized countries.

-increase in infertility.

-obviously the whole abortion issue- but how about the physiological and psycholgical issues stemming from an abortion.

-the increase in single family households, breakdown of the family 'unit', and the increase in social-related school problems.

Very few people mention that the 'sexual revolution' has many negative effects on women. How many of you know women who got pregnant and the male skipped off because it was no longer fun or convenient- how is that safe sex? Safe for whom? How many people do you know that equate sex for love- I have friends that have relationship issues- I ask them if they ever thought about actually developing EMOTIONAL intimacy than physical... I realize that takes time, effort and a level of committment and trust!

Sorry- I could go on- but I will stop here! Not 'legislating morality'- but trying to educate so you don't buy into the LIE!!!

Since developing fetuses and embryos don't count as life- why don't we get rid of all of those people who are too old to work, care for themselves or be a 'productive' member of society-those people, especially institutionalized ones really cost a bundle!!! We are missing a great oppurtunity to become more efficient!


PS Let's get rid of the old ones who drive to slowly, too!!!

Posted by: hrdlordi at June 20, 2003 04:12 PM

That's right. All you women get out of the office, and back in the kitchen.

Posted by: some random guy at June 20, 2003 04:16 PM

Just a little reflection, because we have all been on the subject of tree hugging and abortion. I am involved in a program with a friend revitalizing an area that has been ecologically mismanaged and we are attempting to clean it up and re-grow where the previous owners had let it go to post nuclear. This particular friend is extreme pro choice and yet one of the best friends I have. Of course they will remain nameless. Although we disagree on various philosophical subjects, I was mystified beyond belief when they were deeply concerned about saving a species of California Kangaroo Rat babies we came across living in an old discarded couch and yet don't have a problem sucking the brains out of another gestating life form. When did a rat become more valuable than a baby? Is it just me or has the pendulum of sanity taken a swing up the backside of ludicrous judgment?

Posted by: Dr. Harden Stuhl at June 21, 2003 11:25 AM

Dr. Stuhl,
Unfortunately, its not just you.
LFC, I've been out of town. Happy to be back.:)
S.anything-but-random G., I'm glad you have read the Bible. I'm sorry you didn't get it. I had the same problem at one time. In fact, I was much farther from God than you seem to be, because, along with being an atheist, I was a bleeding heart ultra liberal feminist. I'm still praying for you. "Come to me all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light." Matt. 11:28-30

Posted by: Deb at June 21, 2003 04:30 PM

Dr. Stuhl,

Sanity went 'out' the door when Roe v. Wade was 'passed'!!!

SRG- I am not saying put women back in the kitchen- my wife works, and I am glad! Gives me more time with the kids and allows me to have a job that gives me more freedom- less $$ than being a public school teacher!!

If liberation equals being 14, pregnant, dumped and heart-broken.... lock me up and throw away the key. (and I am a man, never been pregnant or would be if I was a woman- ever see natural childbirth or a C-section up close!! I saw the movie Aliens- not me, NO WAY!!!)

Posted by: hrdlordi at June 21, 2003 09:38 PM

I am not sure if I understand all these "potential" human being arguements. I can understand that a box of "parts" is a potential "bicycle" until put together but a fetus has all the parts, only at different stages of growth. Is a small child still only "potentially" a full human because it has not achieved puberty? What is added to a fetus besides nutrition that suddenly moves it from potential to actual? Inquiring minds want to know.

Posted by: mapache at June 21, 2003 10:53 PM

Consier this, mayhap madness, mayhap sainted wisdom.

Our drive for entertainment has caused us to anthropomorphize (make human) nearly every imaginable animal or object (e.g., any animated Disney movie). The humaization of these objects was once a way for humans to gaze upon their own foliables in an acceptable way (e.g., Aesops fables).
In our present culturally-hallowed wisdom we now learn that animals and the inanimate are wise where our own spirits are faulty and worthless. A generation of children not taught about God have learned the lesson of moral equivalency where none was intended.

PS. Don't read "Ivanhoe" lest ye be afflicted with like loquatory habits.

Posted by: Fr. Guido Sarducci at June 22, 2003 01:50 PM

PPS: For my card carrying fan club members, give glory to God, for He oft gives me the inspirational muse (my better post are prayerfully considered).

Posted by: Fr. Guido Sarducci at June 22, 2003 01:54 PM

So, if a dumb (non speaking and non sentient) animal is wise, then a fetus is a genius. Good Point.

Posted by: Cricket at June 22, 2003 06:03 PM

Not weary, not burdened. And I'm not putting on anybody's yoke, no matter how light they say it is.
I prefer to look at something and decide for myself than to follow the writings of long-dead shepherds, tribal chiefs, and theologians.

In deciding how I feel about issues, I look at what a number of sources say, digest and consider the information, and then make up my mind. I think it more intellectually honest than asking: What would Jesus do?

Remember, he challenged the religious authority, knocked over political applecarts, and kicked quite a few sacred cows.

Hmmm...guess I am doing what Jesus would do. Maybe you should give it a try some time.

Posted by: some random guy at June 23, 2003 09:58 AM


Your Quote:îI prefer to look at something and decide for myself than to follow the writings of long-dead shepherds, tribal chiefs, and theologians.î

While I appreciate your points and respect your humor.
I hope that list of dead celebrities also includes scientists, archaeologists and anthropologists.
What is good for the goose is good for the tridactyl.

I was once a skeptic.
I found out that God sometimes prefers the direct approach.
It isn't so much a pride issue with him, as it is with us.
Don't take my word for it just ask him.

Posted by: Dr. Harden Stuhl at June 25, 2003 02:19 AM


By the way...he not only knocked over applecarts, he has been know to knock over "Scrapplecarts" also...(Very bad Pun intended)


Posted by: Dr. Harden Stuhl at June 25, 2003 02:22 AM