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June 17, 2003
Kerry Gives Slapstick Performance at Dem Fundraiser
by Scott Ott

(2003-06-17) -- Sen. John Kerry has reinvented his stodgy persona, and political insiders say the new "slapstick" Kerry is a shoo-in for the nomination.

After Slate writer William Saletan praised Sen. Kerry's more relaxed attitude at an Iowa political reception, the presidential candidate "raised the bar" at a fundraising dinner last night.

First, the Senator stumbled up the stairs of the dais, briefly disappearing behind a table. Then he popped up wearing fake nose-and-mustache glasses with a faux arrow that appeared to pierce his cranium and emerge from the other side.

Pausing before his speech to sip some water, the Massachusetts Democrat pretended not to notice as much of the fluid dribbled onto his shirt front. A wave of guffaws rolled across the audience of big donors, who had come to see if this man could be the party's standard bearer.

When Sen. Kerry brushed the water stain with his hand, his necktie rolled up like a window shade. The Vietnam veteran shook his head violently causing his pendulous dewlap to quiver as he made the sloppy-jowl sound employed by many animated cartoon characters and large drooling dogs.

"The aloof, imperious John Kerry didn't stand a chance," said an unnamed Democrat strategist, "But this new candidate may have what it takes to cinch the nomination."

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in honor of Frodo who's serving our country I post FIRST for him!

Posted by: U2B LFC in Colorado at June 17, 2003 12:55 PM

"Senator, you're not arrogant, and you're not aloof."

Wow, what a compliment! I think this would be a great campaign slogan for Sen. Kerry (a Vietnam Veteran). Vote Kerry: Not arrogant, not aloof. He can raise one eyebrow.

Posted by: Pooke at June 17, 2003 01:26 PM

Anyone on this forum own 3 purple hearts like Senator John Forbes Kerry?

Posted by: Chris at June 17, 2003 02:28 PM

Does anyone else see why owning 3 purple hearts(however honorable that may be) constitutes immediate qualification as a presidential candidate?

Posted by: Torin at June 17, 2003 02:36 PM

Torin, I take issue of the way your trying to malign our next Condemner and Chief. John F. (Forgot to duck) Kerry is a decorated Vietnam Veteran. Can't you see that ANYBODY who served in Vietnam has to be a good Presidential Candidate? If you can't you probably have not served in Vietnam, Like John F. Kerry.

Posted by: Cyber Sarge at June 17, 2003 03:02 PM


Owning 3 purple hearts says just as much about someone's character as your post does about yours.


Posted by: logicpenaltybox at June 17, 2003 03:32 PM

Speaking of "slap-stick" have you seen this clever bit of humor by the DNC?

"Dems Launch 'Bush-enstein' Cartoon
E-mail targets judicial nominations"

Clinton would've sicked the IRS and the FBI Gestapo squad on anyone who dared produce like trash when he was in orrifice ... err orifice ... err office.

I suppose that Bush will continue on in aplomb and decorum.

I would make Bush our king!! Not in my life has a president moved me with such plain integrity and holiness. I'd take a bullet for him.

Posted by: Fr. guido Sarducci at June 17, 2003 03:38 PM

PS, my neighbor owns a silver star, a bronze star and 2 purple hearts. In the words of one astute general, "Don't die for your country... make that other poor SOB dies for his".

Posted by: Fr. guido Sarducci at June 17, 2003 03:41 PM

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Minority Leader Tom Daschle urged President Bush on Tuesday to consult with him and fellow Democrats before making any U.S. Supreme Court nomination.

"We believe that it is not necessary to have a divisive fight over a Supreme Court appointment," Daschle wrote in a letter to Bush. "If there are vacancies, we would like to see them filled by nominees who unite all Americans. As long as they are card carrying liberals, we won't cause a stink"

None of the nine justices have said they plan to retire, but any such decision could be announced at the end of the court's term later this month.

Senate Democrats have confirmed more than 125 of Bush's lower court nominees. "Mostly because the other 400 are just right-wing extremists" according to Daschle.

Daschle's letter to Bush followed similar ones by two Democratic members of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Patrick Leahy of Vermont and Charles Schumer of New York.

Daschle wrote: "On behalf of the entire remaining Senate Democratic Caucus, I want to emphasize that we remain hopeful that we can, as the democratic party, maintian at least a tiny little bit of power. Pleeeeze?"

Posted by: zeltplatz at June 17, 2003 03:43 PM

I worked for Kerry when he ran for lt gov of mass when I was at b.c.
I thought he was Irish,what did I know...
There isnt a human being more aloof and full of himself than jfkerry..Back in the day doonesbury had a cartoon that featured him,went something like this..
""Hey are you going to the vietnam vets against the war rally tonight,they have a speaker thats charismatic,witty,honest,charming and strikingly handsome""????

""Really who's speaking""

as a kerry look alike walks away with his nose in the air..

The story about the 3 purple hearts is true,he got lightly wounded in 3 different mortar attacks on his boat,he once beached his boat 10 feet away from a teenaged v.c carrying a grenade launcher and for whatever reason the kid didnt fire but ran.Kerry chased the kid around the back of a hut and shot him...
Not that I am any kind of expert on war and please correct me if I am wrong but those gun boats suffered like a 75% casualty rate,there job was to draw fire from the enemy on shore,smoke them out and then kill them...
Kerry couldve stayed in vietnam because his wounds werent that severe but he asked out of combat and became an admirals aid in newyork and finished his career as a lt jg...

Posted by: Sean at June 17, 2003 04:11 PM

I heard how John Kerry got his purple hearts.... Everytime they had incoming someone would yell that all purpose four letter word spelled 'if you see kerry' John would stand up and yell "Who, When, Where?" and Bing!!, another purple heart.

Posted by: Eric the Red at June 17, 2003 04:19 PM

I reaaly dont think that Kerry's Purple Hearts or his Vietnam Vet status should be a consideration in his election at all. A good soldier doesn't always make a good leader. Hell Grant was a sound General and his presidential run is almost without merit. I'm not going to bash Kerry (I'll save that for Lieberman and Dean the bloody wankers) but getting shot in war doesnt make you a good presidential candidate. It just means you were a pretty good target.

Posted by: Darrell at June 17, 2003 04:27 PM


re:Owning 3 purple hearts says just as much about someone's character

***actually, it says nothing other than they got shot/wounded. And several people were wounded but never got medals.

My father in law did two tours in VietNam (volunteered for #2) and was never wounded. He died at age 58 from colon cancer - doesn't run in the family. Very likely agent Orange had something to do with it - he was in the brownwater navy running up rivers doused in the stuff. No medals, though. Guess that says something about his character. He was nothing compared to John Kerry.

My husband's uncle did two tours in VietNam. Again, didn't get wounded, so no purple heart - just a voluntary return to that hellhole. He later went on to be a police officer and then Secret Service agent. He is completely disabled with severe Parkinson's. Again, doesn't run in the family.

Sean's post is worth reading = there is controversy surrounding Kerry's Silver Star - shooting an unarmed fleeing kid. Without more info, I'm inclined to give him the benefit of the doubt - teenagers and even women and children were combatants. But even if it is not a war crime, I'm not sure it is something to brag about either.

Posted by: Cassandra at June 17, 2003 04:34 PM

"Anyone on this forum own 3 purple hearts like Senator John Forbes Kerry?"

Didn't he throw them away?

Posted by: Robert at June 17, 2003 04:53 PM

No - that was someone else's medals. His own are hanging on the wall of his office now that it is fashionable to be a VietNam vet again...

Posted by: Cassandra at June 17, 2003 04:58 PM

Cassie how are you??
Go to
this week theyre running an expose on Kerry thats worth reading,I find it fairly accurate as well as unbiased,which says alot about the boring bum kissing boston broad sheet..
Of course getting shot doesnt make you presidential material,if that were the case then 1/2 of brownsville and 80% of harlem would qualify.
The thing is this man was in combat when he couldve sat in the governors office in Boston to fullfill his duties.
when I worked for him,being a vietnam vet wasnt even a topic we used to his advantage because at the time being a vietnam vet wasnt something everyone was proud of..

Anyone notice the amount of male school teachers that are between 50-60 years old??
This is because many draft age men went to college rather than enlist or get drafted,what,if anything,does this say about their character??

Posted by: Sean at June 17, 2003 04:58 PM

BTW, just because has 3 Purple Hearts now, doesn't mean they were the ones awarded to him in Viet Nam, he threw those away.

You can buy medals at your local Army/Navy surplus, or pawn shop!

Posted by: John Faux Kerry at June 17, 2003 05:00 PM

Speaking of Veterans, there is one kicking yaksun's a##, on the 'N.Y. Times Learns from Scandals' thread! Check it out!

Posted by: Frenchman at June 17, 2003 05:04 PM

>The thing is this man was in combat when he couldve sat in the governors office in Boston to fullfill his duties

If I had sat in the guv's office, I could not of got the kills I scored on women and children. It was so much fun, that if I am elected, I will declare war on everyone, and I promise, like I have before, that the killing will never stop! You first, Heinz chick!

Posted by: John (KILL, KILL, KILL) F. Kerry at June 17, 2003 05:11 PM


you do have a point about your school teacher comment, and I don't disrespect the man for anything he's done whil in the service(i.e. being injured in service of his country, serving for it in a time when that kind of thing was "un-groovy"). And I don't think anyone can judge him for killing the kid with an RPG. Whether he deserved an award or not, i dunno, but rule # 1 is if hes got a weapon in his hand, he's a combatant. The only thing left is to figure out which die he is shootig for. However, he's gotta show me a whole helluva lot more before i take him seriously.

Posted by: Darrell at June 17, 2003 05:12 PM

Boy oh boy
Y'all speak of your love of country but when someone who actually fought for it is a democrat then they are somehow flawed.

Too bad the rest of the country wasnt like the war hero in the Whitehouse but then again most of us didnt have our granddads in the Senate and our dads in the whitehouse.
How many dead in Iraq since our mission of combat was deemed over by this borderline retard?

Posted by: Teri at June 17, 2003 05:26 PM

Well, Teri, probably the same reason the democrats didn't fawn all over Bob Dole for his war record - it is basically irrelevent. You can find a lot of war vets in prison, or in board rooms, or where ever. It is not a given that a veteran is going to make anything great other than a veteran.

Everyone posting here seems to openly acknowledge the fact that Kerry and other Vets deserve our respect and gratitude, but I for one can't stand it when one's military service is worn like a shield, hoping to deflect any form of criticism for any any reason.

A friend of mine, a Vietnam Vet, told me he got his Purple Heart because he was not paying attention to his, and was "too stupid to keep my ****ing head down" (his words, not mine).
If the fact that John Kerry has been awarded medals in combat is important, perhaps some one can explain to me was it because he was very brave, or very stupid?

Just wondering.

Posted by: Woodstock Willie at June 17, 2003 05:54 PM

Uh...Teri...I don't think anyone blames him for fighting in VietNam, but for trying to capitalize on it constantly and for being a hypocrite. He flaunts it now, but he turned his back on it when being a Vet was unpopular. Yes he served, yes he was wounded, yes he bailed as quickly as he could. I don't even blame him for that - but it doesn't make him the best candidate for President.

Try reading Sean's link at - interesting reading. Kerry was hardly "unconnected" - trust me - he didn't land an aide's job coming back from his 4 month tour in 'Nam because of his personal qualities.

Sean: interesting article - I have to go - flying out to DC tonite to see my oldest boy graduate from police academy.

Posted by: Cassandra at June 17, 2003 06:05 PM

Casserole of the scrapplemask,

While you go, I am happy to looking at your dog for you. ¶ )

Posted by: LilKimIl at June 17, 2003 06:40 PM

Grrrr....Casserole says don't even go there...

Posted by: Sausage at June 17, 2003 07:10 PM

I heard that he threw his medals out... Now it's someone else's medals he threw out. What a scumbag. He couldn't even use his own, 'cuz he might need to show off again sometime.

Posted by: Ken Stein at June 17, 2003 07:35 PM

>>>How many dead in Iraq since our mission of combat was deemed over by this borderline retard?

Posted by: Teri on June 17, 2003 05:26 PM

Teri, apparently no one you have ever loved has been retarded, or you wouldn't be so crass as to use this word, as a slang!

>>>I heard that he threw his medals out... Now it's someone else's medals he threw out. What a scumbag. He couldn't even use his own, 'cuz he might need to show off again sometime.

Posted by: Ken Stein on June 17, 2003 07:35 PM

Kerry knew that the actual Medals were, a dime a dozen, it is the 'Award Papers' or 'Letter Orders', that mean something. I can throw away any Medals I have, and by contacting the DOD, can have them replaced!

As A Veteran, I can say I am proud of Kerry's service! That doesn't mean I agree with his politic's, or think that alone would make him a good President, nor would mine, make me one!

Believe me, I served with some, I would pray would never be my boss, let alone President, but respect ALL of them for their service!

Posted by: Proud Vet/Proud of Bush at June 18, 2003 06:30 AM

Democrats are shameless when it comes to service. We had eight years of a man who actually sassed the poor lady who was serving as the Hot Springs Arkansas draft board secretary by telling her "I'm too smart and well educated to be wasted in Vietnam." Now that we are rid of him, the military service issue polls well among the voters the Dems need to have a prayer of hanging on to 3 of ten disputed Senate seats- they don't think they have a prayer at the Oval Office. So they front this issue and slander GW Bush's service in their back channel Zeitgeist agitation propaganda. Hey, Timothy McVeigh was a Democrat combat veteran too. AS if anyone would vote for JF Kerry because he was in the Navy- oh wait women still get to vote, don't they?

Posted by: DemoDave at June 18, 2003 12:04 PM

It sounds like Diamond Dave has some pent up sexual frustrations and he is directing them toward Bill Clinton and woman in general.
We had a whole generation of men evading military service and specifically combat.

This is why connected people like Bill Clinton and George W got a free ride and people have no hang ups voting for them.
In many cases they know of someone in their family that got a break,maybe into college,maybe into the national guard or maybe like former gop governor from Mass,William F Weld,a 4f deferment because of his ailing back..Seems strange to me that Gov Weld got a 4f deferment because now,while he is in his 50s,he is a world reknown squash player..
To me it doesnt matter,it just seems the gop is all ""blood and guts""...
Our blood,their guts.

Posted by: Chris at June 18, 2003 01:57 PM

Actually, pseudo "Frenchman", he is doing nothing of the sort, tho' you probably wish it were so. I can kick back with the best of em. Go back and finish reading thru today, old shoe.

Blah, blah, blah, loud veterinarian.

yaksun, mule

Posted by: yaksun at June 18, 2003 03:25 PM

I wouldnt classify Mr McVeigh as a Democrat seeing as he blew up Oklahoma City in response to Janet Reno's madness in Waco and the fbi screwing up Ruby Ridge,that being said he's in a box now and thats just fine with me,my only problem is I think he took a lot of secrets with him.
I also think that the co-conspirator is getting porked on this deal.
Now dont go ballistic on me because I could kill the sob with my bare hands for what went down that day but when the prosecution makes a deal it should stick to it.
I dont like informants of any nature but they are required in the war against terror,specifically Islamic terrorists.
I dont see how the feds can prosecute Terry Nichols and agree to a plea bargain which he gets life for testifying against McVeigh and then the state of Oklahoma can now use that very same testimony to send him for a hot shot.
This could jeapordize future arrangments and make prosecuting these scumbags that much more difficult,however if they do in fact try him in Oklahoma and find him guilty I will volunteer to swab his arm with alcohol and hook up the i.v.

Posted by: Sean at June 18, 2003 03:26 PM

Woodstock Willie: "...I for one can't stand it when one's military service is worn like a shield, hoping to deflect any form of criticism for any any reason."


You reading that, loud vet/proud to flush?


Posted by: yaksun at June 18, 2003 03:28 PM

I've always thought it was funny that they bothered to swab their arm. Are they afraid they'll get an infection?

Posted by: some random guy at June 18, 2003 05:06 PM

yaksun: I fail to see the correlation between what I said and PV/PoB said.

Enlighten me.

Posted by: Woodstock Willie at June 18, 2003 06:31 PM

yaksun, yaksun, the G@y who likes to see his name. You shouldn't put things in print were you can be proved a liar, by your own words. You try to sound smart, but a college education doesn't give you common sense, and boy, are you living proof of that. Like most here, I'm through, yes, t-h-r-o-u-g-h, responding to you.

Only a nitwit would read your assine posts and respond very long. You have proven yourself a liar, and a coward, by your own words, and don't deserve a responce.

Besides, you talk more than any person I have ever known. You should put your brain in gear first.

So, goodby d**do, it the scroll key for you from now on. Here's a quote you should try to remember,

"Better to be thought a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt!"

Now surprise me and, don't use the same thing I did, it's Sooooooooooooo, childish, or should I say, Dim/Lib!

Posted by: Proud Vet/Proud of Bush at June 18, 2003 08:11 PM

And STILL kicking, on the "NY Times Learns..." thread. Everything I have to say is right there, unrefuted, for all to read - if you dare. But you don't, because the truth sucks when it slaps you in the face.

"Dil**". Ah, "loud veterinarian/proud that you flush", you have taken our dialogue to a new level. I know Scott must be pleased. And yes, I'm openly GOY. No Jewish roots here that I know of, but nobody's perfect.


liar, idiot, little, coward, dim/lib, elk, and Republican Candidate for President in '08; and Goy but definitely not gay.

Posted by: yaksun at June 19, 2003 01:37 PM

ohhhh I feel da' love. Can we all join hands together and sing?:

"Come on people now.
Smile on your brother.
Everybody get together
Try to love one another right now, right now, RIGHT NOOOWWWW"...

Kum Bah Ya???...

OK--maybe not-- how 'bout "What's Love Got To Do With It"???
but if we do THAT one--- on the chorus we all have to make that scrunchy Tina Turner face that seemed to say: "PUUEE! something STINKS in here" :~}

play nicely now kids and use your inside voices.

Posted by: LFCat -w/ "hits from the 70's 80',90's AND today!" at June 19, 2003 01:56 PM

At what point do you think this country is going to say enough is enough in Iraq?

Dont try to dazzle these nitwits with the facts as its obvious theyre blinded by the combat dodging,flag waving imbecile who is occupying 1600 penn ave.

Another mother about to get a visit informing her that her boy was killed,how many is that since ole blood and guts deemed hostilities over??

All of this in the name of what!!!!!

This is a friggin temerity and when its all said and done this country will look at lil georgie and dick cheney like I look at fat girls.

With utter contempt,unless you have 7 figures in the bank,then you'll worship their corrupt []s.

Posted by: Chris at June 19, 2003 02:14 PM

Chris ( a.k.a Brad Pitt look-a-like) Come on over big boy.
I've got 7 figures in the bank and a full one in the dress.


Posted by: Ms. Lewdinsky at June 19, 2003 03:01 PM

In the name of all imbeciles
I resent that remark

Posted by: Imbecile at June 19, 2003 03:16 PM

Kerry reminds me of Gray Davis (California's loathsome Governor). No charisma. No vision. Acts like a deer caught in the headlights when confronted with an issue of supreme importance and is reduced to playing both sides for as long as he can while trying to ride out the issue. I didn't agree with Howard Dean's opinion on the war with Iraq, but at least he HAD an opinion. Kerry wants to be Commander in Chief of the Military and he STILL doesn't know whether he would have committed troops in Iraq.

Its just a hunch, but I predict that Kerry's duplicitiveness will cost him the Democratic nomination. Look for him to lose in Iowa (to Gephardt and/or Dean), New Hampshire (to Dean) and South Carolina (to Liebermann, Edwards and/or Sharpton). After that, he'll be toast.

Posted by: Agent X at June 19, 2003 10:10 PM


"Donít try to dazzle these nitwits"

"This is a friggin temerity and when itís all said and done this country will look at lil georgie and dick cheney like I look at fat girls."

I am quite often amused by the pathological, anger that comes from someone like Chris who is an expert [his own words] on attempting to dazzle nitwits and looking with recompense towards people of obese circumferences. Does he think that his own personality entity is improved by disparaging remarks that he make towards others. It makes me wonder if Chris is suppressing the anger of his own inadequacies or simply regressing to a time in his past, when as a child he could enjoy the humorous timing of a burp or a fart in all of its splenetic glory and not feel the pressure of his obviously opaque ands disadvantaged peer group?Or is he just being one gigantic poophead because Bush won the election and he needs a course in anger management, hmm...? I just might have to do a workupÖ

Posted by: Dr. Harden Stuhl at June 20, 2003 01:17 AM

chris, you sound a lot like:

love and kisses


Posted by: yaksun at June 20, 2003 07:08 AM

that's me yaksun!

i have allined myself with you yaksun because, i am a mirror immage of u!

By the weigh, i am gay, and so r u! luvs

meet you over at the nambla website.

Posted by: chris at June 20, 2003 08:03 AM

Dr Stuhl
Is your wife or lover real fat?
Ever see a fat woman naked??
You like that type of crap??
We of the beautiful ilk dont put up with obesity.

In response to my anger in Washington???
I tend to get that way when the privledge class puts teenagers in harms way to expand their wallets,if it doesnt bother you Dr thats your problem but those of us who oppose this nonsense do have the rights to express these feelings,well we do for the time being anyway but your friend ashcroft is working on it.

I always thought if republicans got more action then they too could become democrats or at least think like 1.

Posted by: Chris at June 20, 2003 09:42 AM

Yes, Chris. You do have the right to express your opinion.
And so does everyone else. So here's mine:

Real women have curves. The average woman in America is a size 14. That is classified by persons like yourself as fat.

You have no understanding of politics or economics.

You don't know the definition of "temerity."

And even though Yaksun and I disagree on many things, I believe he thinks you're an idiot too.

I like "big girls."

Have a nice day, somewhere else.

Posted by: some random guy at June 20, 2003 10:14 AM

hows this
Waking up after a 4day bender with Random Guys cottage cheesed thighed ho.
That is a temerity.

Posted by: Chris at June 20, 2003 10:21 AM

Avg size of the American girl is a 14 eh??

Where do you live,Wisconsin?

Posted by: Chris at June 20, 2003 10:23 AM

Random, Stuhl!

(whispering) You guys may be a wee bit embarrassed when you find out who "Chris" really is!---?
the ever inebriated TEDDY KENNEDY!!!...Can you believe it? HERE! With his being the gorgeous god like package--he has a right to expect skeletal female perfection. Just a little more respect please.SSHHH! Here he comes again.

Posted by: Marilyn Monroe-size 14-16 at June 20, 2003 11:28 AM

For the record, I did not make the post attributed to me this morning at 7:08 am. Some gutless creep (loud/loud?) posted under my name and email address. That's pretty low, even by the "standards" established by several posters on this site.

To that person,please be advised that you are beneath contempt. Have the stones to argue with me straight up. I can take it if you can.

I am not gay. My wife and kids will attest to that. However, again for the record, I have several gay friends and I wouldn't trade a darned one of them for anything. So, I consider calling me gay or placing me with gays as a group to be a compliment. Hint: If you really want to insult me, call me a power-hungry, money-grubbing, child-of-privilege Republican Neo-Con.

Thank you Chris. In that regard, how about these facts:

(So, why are we here again?)

U.S. Army Sgt. Dennis Duell of Mexico, N.Y. kneels in front of the boots, rifle, helmet and identification tags of sniper victim, Private First Class Shawn David Pahnke, during a memorial service in Baghdad on Friday.

U.S. troops getting frustrated in Iraq

Disillusioned soldiers unhappy about murky postwar role

By Daniel Williams and Rajiv Chandrasekaran

Post deleted:Sorry, Scrappleface will not host lengthy post from other sources. Please leave link or summarize.

the real yaksun
gay-lover, criminal, coward, idiot, little, elk, and Republican Candidate for President '08

Posted by: yaksun at June 20, 2003 01:29 PM

Uh oh. In my anger at seeing a post falsely attributed to me, I missed Chris' remark about "fat girls".

Now Chris, while I agree with some of your political commentary, I must state that you are out of line about females.

First, my daughter is a bit heavy. She gets it from me. You couldn't find a more loving, smarter kid and she is quite pretty anyway. So on a personal level, your remark turns sour.

Second, I think all females are great. Give me a bigger girl with a sense of humor and a personality over a stick-thin Princess every day f the year.

SRG: My esteem for you just grew exponentially. I hope no-one here holds that against you.


Posted by: yaksun at June 20, 2003 01:39 PM

The dazzler of nits is one himself. It takes a micro brain to understand another one, so don't waste your energy, Dr. Stuhl. And, he is appropriately named as an infantile moronic pre pubescent louse.

so, let us ignore him and get the de lousing meds.

Posted by: Cricket at June 20, 2003 03:08 PM

Sprinkle me with DDT!

Posted by: some random guy at June 20, 2003 04:17 PM

Dr. Stuhl, Cricket, SRG, yaksun, etc. I am in total agreement with all of you.

chris: How sad that a person must fit a physical 'profile' in order to be loved or liked by you! Perhaps that is why NO ONE here agrees with anything you say.

Most people I have met in my life, that have YOUR 'requirements', end up badly! Usually with no friends and alone.

P.S. I'll bet that I am not the only one here who has dated what you call, "We of the beautiful ilk ---", and have found 99% of the time, (other than a nice body), there is NOTHING else, and are almost always, quite boring!

Posted by: Susan Serin-Done at June 20, 2003 05:21 PM

Every time I see one of these "beautiful people" I think they are saying either: 1) I have iron self-control that never gives way, or 2) I have no appitite for any physical pleasure.

Would you really want hang around with anyone like that?

Give me a woman who is at least 20 pounds "overweight" and who doesn't care!

My ex-wife was about 5'4" and 170lbs. Yum!

Posted by: some random guy at June 23, 2003 10:14 AM