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June 12, 2003
CIA Iraq-Nukes Report So Secret No One Read It
by Scott Ott

(2003-06-12) -- A 2002 CIA report which disproved allegations of a nuclear deal between Iraq and Niger was so top secret, no one was allowed to read it.

An unnamed Senior CIA analyst said that a clerk accidentally classified the report beyond anyone's clearance level.

"Even the CIA director and the President couldn't open it," said the unnamed analyst. "At meeting after meeting in the White House, the envelope just sat there on the table. Mr. Bush would glance at it, shrug, and move on."

If the envelope had been opened, the President would have learned that a previous report that Iraq had sought nuclear materials from the government of Niger was apparently false. This would have changed the course of human history, by causing him to remove a sentence from his State of the Union speech.

"Of course, it wouldn't have stopped the Iraq invasion," said the analyst. "Saddam didn't need nukes to act on his hatred. Deadly weapons are manufactured, propelled, guided and triggered from the human heart. We all have one of those."

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First and best!

Posted by: Frodo at June 12, 2003 08:51 AM

....Runner UP! Ya don't need ALL the #1's Frodo!

Posted by: U2B LFC in Colorado at June 12, 2003 08:55 AM

All glory to the MensaMan for being first.
Hurray for me.

Posted by: MensaMan at June 12, 2003 08:55 AM

U2B LFC in Colorado....Runner UP! Ya don't need ALL the #1's Frodo!

I don't need all the number 1's??? Don't tell me you're turning liberal on me??? What do you propose, the government to step in and redistribute the number 1's fairly?


Posted by: Frodo at June 12, 2003 09:57 AM

When I was on duty in a certain place that shall remain nameless, we used to classify anything we could at levels higher than we were cleared so that the Security Officer would go nuts. If it was higher than he was cleared to see, he could not see if it had been classified correctly, which was fun because he had to clear the classification and then log it before it was sent out. We always set him up for this and then we would administer the "coup de gras" ------ All in unison now ------I would tell you what it says, but then, I would have to kill you!!!

Posted by: Old Sailor at June 12, 2003 10:03 AM


ssSo you have the first? The one? Come, join us. It is to strong for you. eheeheeheehee, Join ussss now.

Posted by: Dark Rider at June 12, 2003 10:21 AM

Why can't you find some weapons of mass destruction in Iraq ?

All you have to do is to find some.

Posted by: Frenchman at June 12, 2003 10:29 AM

sssStep asside sssilly frenchman or we sshall tell you the sSecret of Mordor and ensslave you for ever. MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Posted by: Dark Riders at June 12, 2003 10:45 AM

Dear Dark Riders,

What is a Mordor?

I am sure that it is coming from one of your stupid childish US movies.

Do you sometimes read books written for grown-up people ?

Posted by: Frenchman at June 12, 2003 10:59 AM

Frodo"Don't tell me you're turning liberal on me??? What do you propose, the government to step in and redistribute the number 1's fairly?

LM[F]O!....No Frodo honey!---I'll turn liberal on you when Mick Jagger and Janet Reno are on the cover of People Magazines sexiest man and woman alive edition!(:~})
[*note*: terms "man" & "woman" used loosely and speculatively]

As for hebephrenic FrenchMuffin--isn't a HUNGRY Gollum around here somewhere. No juicy, crunchy promises made....but.......

esplain in cat speak: F=furry []=butt

Posted by: U2B LFC in Colorado at June 12, 2003 11:07 AM

FrenchMuffin "Do you sometimes read books written for grown-up people ?

Posted by: Frenchman on June 12, 2003 10:59 AM

Yes we do but we prefer to read them RIGHT SIDE UP.

nuff said

Posted by: U2B LFC in Colorado at June 12, 2003 11:11 AM

french minion child,

It is a land where the Shadows lie. You sShould feel right at home.

Better, it is a American movie brought to you through the lens of a Bard from New Zealand. And much more enticing than some of your ohh ssso Seriouss and silly as french cinema.

We have just devoured the tome "Black Lamb and Grey Falcon" by Rebecca West. Peruse it if you dare and you might recover something of your lost sssSoul.

Posted by: Dark Riders from Czarna Gora at June 12, 2003 11:38 AM

This is not surprising.
To prevent more screw-ups,Mr Bush now only has clearance for level 1 material such as "Harry Potter and the magic trumpet" and "Learn the Alphabet with Barney".

Posted by: frogwatch at June 12, 2003 12:01 PM aren't SARS masks we're wearing...they're on because the Scrappleroom has begun to do you say?....smell rather FRENCH.

Posted by: Pepe LePew at June 12, 2003 12:13 PM


Idaho Republican Sen. Larry Craig stated today that he would not allow promotions of senior Air Force officers until the Air Force fulfills it's promise to give him Air Force promotional toys.

"They promised me six F-16 Eagle rattles, four crib mobiles with F-117A's and a B-1 pacifier, and they've only come through with the pacifier. I want my toys ... I want em, I want em, I want em", stated Sen Craig.

Senator Craig had been holding up all Air Force officer promotions for the past month, but under intense pressure by President Bush, he was persuaded to partially relent and permit promotions of captains and majors. According to an anonymous source in the Pentagon, Craig was convinced to relent when President Bush offered him milk and cookies and told him that good boys don't hold up officer promotions during war time.

Posted by: Frodo at June 12, 2003 12:37 PM

Dark Riders from Czarna Gora - 'Better, it is a American movie brought to you through the lens of a Bard from New Zealand. '

Better ... an American movie based upon a set of novels written by a British author, directed by a Bard from New Zealand in New Zealand with a cast of British & American actors.

Posted by: Frodo at June 12, 2003 12:44 PM


I have some connections just 15 minutes up the interstate from me at the USAFA. Want me to see if I can pull some strings for your bud Larry Craig? Now there's also a Toys R US south of me....?....and I have several friends who are VERY gifted counselors. I could get him fixed right up.

Posted by: U2B LFC in Colorado, agent for Dr. Phil at June 12, 2003 12:45 PM

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh! We wants to crunch the Frenchman, but we can't catch it, can we??? It runs too fast!

The Dark Riders...they sees us, don't they? We fears them, don't we My Precious! They follows poor Master Frodo, always seeking his ring.

Nasty Gandalf cast the Ring of Power into the flames. When it cooled, the following words were inscribed inside:

Many the posts each new story prompts,
Many the retorts and the inside jokes.
Numberless are the Frenchmanís daily lies,
One #1 spot for the First to Post.
On ScrappleFace, where the pundits vie.

One 1st Post to Rule them all,
One 1st Post to find them.
One 1st Post to kick it off,
And to a new story bind them.
For each thread on ScrappleFace where the posters vie.

Posted by: Gollum at June 12, 2003 12:57 PM

Ohhhh Gollum!'re so much more studly than Dudley.....

Posted by: Nell at June 12, 2003 01:26 PM

On the darkest steps of Mordor, I met a girl so fair. But Gollum at the evil wall crept up and slipped away with her.

Guess there ain't nothing I can do but Ramble On.

Posted by: Robert Plant at June 12, 2003 02:19 PM

Nows the time the time is now...

Sing my song

goin round the world gonna find my girl

on my way

been this way ten years to the day

Posted by: Jimmy Page at June 12, 2003 02:20 PM


Col. Kassem Saleh today denied any wrong doing after being accused of proposing to over 50 women over the internet. The scandal broke when several woman came to the Army claiming that the married 50 year old colonel had proposed to them and dozens of other women in the United States and Canada after meeting them through Internet dating services.

In a statement released through his lawyer, Col. Saleh denied wrong doing and cited confusion about his job description as causing what he described as a mix up.

"Col. Saleh was assigned to be the primary staff officer for the unit's civil affairs section of the 18th Airborne Corps, and in his capacity as the civil affairs officer he set out to the best of his ability to fulfill what he understood to be the requirements of the job. Namely, engaging in civil affairs ... Maybe Col. Saleh can be faulted for being a tad over zealous in pursuing his job, but the Army must take the bulk of the responsibility for not specifying in the job description that the civil affairs officers was not responsible for engaging in civil extramarital affairs', stated his lawyer.

Col Saleh's lawyer pointed out that the colonel has received letters of support from former President Clinton, and former Senators Gary Hart and Bob Packwood.

Posted by: Frodo at June 12, 2003 02:33 PM

Well...I'm keeping the ring, dangit!!...

Calm down Frodo...not THAT ring.

Posted by: Sarah Calder at June 12, 2003 02:51 PM

Master Frodo cannot keep the ring! This Sarah Calder cannot have the Ring! Give it to us - we wants it!

It is ours - OURS! Col. Saleh has no right to send it to gullible Internet floozies. It's...our Birthday Present, isn't it My Precious? (sob)

Posted by: Gollum at June 12, 2003 03:06 PM

Yaksun -

you know this "news story" is for you...

Posted by: tom at June 12, 2003 03:17 PM

Look boyz---you have about 49 other internet floozies to take rings from!

My ring?'ll have to pry it out of my cold, dead hands. Now BACK OFF BOZO's. Can't you see I'm still heartbroken?

Find those other heifers and threaten them. I'm sure Homely Heidi Fleiss can help you find them (for a fee I'd imagine)

I was the Col.'s favorite. Leave me alone.

Posted by: Sarah Calder-a.k.a Internet Floozie at June 12, 2003 03:18 PM

Master Frodo -

Don't let Sarah Calder hurt ussss...nice Master Frodo will protect poor Smeagol, won't he? He won't let Sarah Calder send nasssty clowns after us??? Ssshe only wants the Ring, blassst her!


Posted by: Gollum at June 12, 2003 03:46 PM

Yo! Fro! see this:

Master Frodo cannot keep the ring!
Posted by: Gollum on June 12, 2003 03:06 PM

Master Frodo -
Don't let Sarah Calder hurt ussss...nice Master Frodo will protect poor Smeagol, won't he?
Posted by: Gollum on June 12, 2003 03:46 PM

From DEFIANT to groveling---And you keep company with these clowns?? {hear AOL voice in head say:) You've Got "Ring Worms".


----NO love losssst there ssssnivelling weeniesss!

Posted by: Ssssarah Calder/keeper of the Ssssaleh ring! at June 12, 2003 05:34 PM

Ohhhh Gollum!'re so much more studly than Dudley.....

Posted by: Nell on June 12, 2003 01:26 PM

Gollum! I take back every word of that. From what I read here---You're no more studly than Dudley or manly than Stanley.

You're a WIMP!

I should have paid closer attention when Dudley would always say: "Dudley Do Right always gets his man". Now his moving from Canada to San Fransisco makes sense.

Posted by: Nell at June 12, 2003 05:45 PM

Sidetracked, this thread has become.

Posted by: Yoda at June 12, 2003 07:20 PM

Nell has hurt Gollum...yesss...he is hurt and very sad, isn't he Precious? Poor Smeagol is not amusing his reverse side away extremely at Nell's tauntings of his manhood*.

Unlike some people, Gollum would never go to San Francisco...Gollum doesn't go to pansy Elvish woods and live in trees and dress all in white. But do girlses admire Gollum's masculine charms? No..they don't - do they, Precious?

Poor Gollum only grovels to Master Frodo, and ONLY when attacked by the evil ring-stealing Sarah or that nasssty Hobbit Sam Gangee.

*Nell knows what they says...big feetses, big ...nevermind. (sigh) Gollum will go hide in dark caves under mountains for 500 years to escape jeerings and leerings of cruel femaleses.

Posted by: Gollum at June 12, 2003 09:09 PM

If Gollum crunches the Frenchman, will Sarah love Gollum again?

Posted by: Gollum at June 12, 2003 09:13 PM

"I have seen the report! Na Na, Na Na, Naaaa Na!

Posted by: 'Secret Squirrel' at June 12, 2003 10:51 PM

"I, TOO, have seen the report! So, Phhhhhhhhht!"

Posted by: 'Secret Sam', With Briefcase! at June 12, 2003 10:53 PM

"Missed it by that much!"

Posted by: Maxwell Smart at June 12, 2003 10:54 PM

"Nell has hurt Gollum...yesss...he is hurt and very sad,

....Is Gollum really Tom Daschole??

"Poor Smeagol is not amusing his reverse side away extremely at Nell's tauntings of his manhood*.

.....Is Smeagol really the already emasculated N. Korean Pompadoured Lil Il Nukie Munchkin?
(speaking of Sarah)
Posted by: Gollum on June 12, 2003 03:46 PM

*********and 5 hr. & 27 minutes later:
"If Gollum crunches the Frenchman, will Sarah love Gollum again?"

......Are you perhaps Al Gore or just bi-polar all on your own?

"Nell knows what they says...big feetses, big ...nevermind. (sigh)


"Gollum will go hide in dark caves under mountains for 500 years to escape jeerings and leerings of cruel femaleses.

....Don't let a boulder hit you on your way out, weenie boy!

"If Gollum crunches the Frenchman, will Sarah love Gollum again?

..... first you call me evil...??...I will be MOST grateful. How about, though, I just send you a thank you note in the mouth of a crunchy, juicy fishy?....original or extra crispy?..I'll tell "the Colonel".(sigh)

love Gollum "again"?....there wasn't an "ever". Furthermore I'm a vegetarian so it would never work. Mostly-- I'm still pining away over my Col. Saleh (sigh)

....and I (Nell) over my Dudley Do Right Doing me Wrong.(sigh) Stinkin' San Fran Pansie!

Here's some extra S's that I didn't include in the post...You can add them in as you please--SSSSSSSSsssssssSSSSSSsssss. Enough?

"Sidetracked, this thread has become.
Posted by: Yoda on June 12, 2003 07:20 PM

Indeed it has---Sorry. But it's been alot of fun.(:~})

Posted by: Nell & Sarah (the ring is MINE) Calder at June 13, 2003 01:18 AM

Dear Dark Riders from Czarna Gora,

"it is a American movie brought to you through the lens of a Bard from New Zealand. And much more enticing than some of your ohh ssso Seriouss and silly as french cinema."

It is only true if you have the mental age of a child. For the happy few grown-up persons, US movies are generally stupid and boring.

"We have just devoured the tome "Black Lamb and Grey Falcon" by Rebecca West. Peruse it if you dare and you might recover something of your lost sssSoul."

I perused it. It is not Haute LittÈrature but better than not reading ! Just try again !

Posted by: Frenchman at June 13, 2003 04:29 AM

>>>I perused it. It is not Haute LittÈrature but better than not reading ! Just try again !

Posted by: Frenchman on June 13, 2003 04:29 AM

Perhaps, you should 'peruse' a dictionary, or click my name, IF that is not too hard, you ignorant 'frog'!

Posted by: Gay Paree at June 13, 2003 08:33 AM

You Americans are such fools.
President Chirac has done what he wants, and now your stupid Mr.Bush comes to France and begs President Chiraq for forgiveness. Why would we treat you fools any different?

Posted by: frogwatch at June 13, 2003 08:44 AM

Gollum is crushed...perhaps he will munch and crunch frogwatch...

First there will be perusings, then many tassty nibbles, then crunchings...AAARGH! one warned poor Gollum that some things are not good to eat!

Frogwatch way too bitter for delicious crunchings and munchings...frogwatch appears to have head inserted in []...makes it hard to tell which end to bite into. Gollum must find something more edible....(shuffle, shuffle)

Posted by: Gollum at June 13, 2003 11:24 AM


L M [F] O!....but I have to give you credit for your discernment in avoiding some of the "items" on your self authored "menu"! (:~})

Posted by: U2B LFC in Colorado at June 13, 2003 11:58 AM

>>>Perhaps, you should 'peruse' a dictionary, or click my name, IF that is not too hard, you ignorant 'frog'!

Posted by: Gay Paree on June 13, 2003 08:33 AM

Good one 'Gay', them frogs iz purty ignrunt----Ralphy git that outta your nose, you wanna end up lookin' like one of them French frogs?

Posted by: Chief Clancy Wiggam at June 13, 2003 01:18 PM

This site must be infiltrated since I didn't write the above post dated June 13th. No wonder you guys think the whole world is anti-American.

Posted by: frogwatch at June 13, 2003 01:46 PM

since most of you probably won't be Scrappling this weekend:

Happy Father's Day to all the daddy's (including the King of Scrapple,Scott Ott).

Especially keeping in mind & heart those who are valiantly and faithfully serving and are away from their children.

And an extra special place in the heart for Darth Chef who's going to be spending his first Father's day without his firstborn, Christopher. You're definitely in my (our) thoughts and prayers, Darth.

{I had a hard time deciding which Fathers Day page I'd link to my name so there's one there for you and you can copy/paste this 2nd one in your browser,if you'd like.}

If I had that html thing down I'd have made this a special fancified greeting for you poppa's!(:~})

God bless you Dad's!

Posted by: U2B LFC-Blessin' the Daddy's at June 13, 2003 01:53 PM


If you didn't write nassty comment, then perhaps Gollum will not crunch you after all.

Posted by: Gollum at June 13, 2003 02:30 PM

false posts happen to the best of us. Sorry [ if you're not really mean & nasty (:~{})]--that you're having to endure the juvenille behavior others of us have been subjected to as well. Believe me I KNOW. Please forgive if I happened to rail on "you" that wasn't really you.

Gollum honey!---go crunch on the impossster possster, would ya?....mmmmm....crunchy, juicy but possssibly bitter & sssour AND toxicsss.

Posted by: U2B LFC in Colorado at June 13, 2003 02:40 PM

Falssse Foe (faux) boy!

We know your ssStench! You are certainly one of the Olog-Hai*. Your carelesss name-droppings are obvious to we who exist on the Dark ssSide.

We have searched the the Lizardaroid Lands of eL-GeeF, for the One Ring of Peace and not found it. You care not for Peace and you could not survive there. sSoon we may request that you cannot Survive here either! For you cannot perceive the Light sSpirit of sSatire better than we Nine. Beware.

Besides this, there are only Nine of us, and we are on medication. How many are there of you? Do you even know? Have you thought of sseeking professional help? Might we suggest a dose of therapy for your obssesive need to post under multiple namess?

We really doubt you are a Frenchman. You lack the true spirit of a real freedom loving French Man (boy! Did not someone here call you a worker at a drive thru job? Their perception cuts to the fraud that you really are.). You are merely a silly doppelganger playing at being French.

We are but a silly shadow of our former selves and yet, we Nine can see your waste of ethereal space, here on Wizard Ott's brilliant tableau.

the Nine
(courtesy of ICE roleplaying games)

P.S.: Bagginsss you are truly a Greater Warrior than we had expected. Ring bearer, we should follow you. Walk thru darkness without fear!

* look it up silly imposter thing - it's a Tolkien word for your lack of refinement.

Posted by: Nine Dark Riders at June 16, 2003 04:23 PM

hi tom:

Think I'll take the day off and let the experts have a say:

"Questions Linger Over Iraq Weapons Claims"

* * *

"Allied forces in Iraq have found two truck trailers equipped with fermenters. The CIA and Defense Intelligence Agency said last week they concluded the vehicles probably are parts of a mobile biological weapons production facility. Bush seized on the finds as proof Iraq had prohibited weapons.

No complete production system has been found, and tests showed no trace of biological agents in either trailer.

"So far it seems as if all the leads that have been followed up have come to nothing. ... So many false claims have been made in the past, it can only be politically driven. Responsible governments take time to investigate," said Alex Standish, editor of Jane's Intelligence Digest in London.

"It's like the boy who cried wolf. The credibility of these claims is shot."

Powell also had told the United Nations that "numerous intelligence reports over the past decade from sources inside Iraq" indicated "a covert force of up to a few dozen Scud-variant ballistic missiles."

None has been found.

U.S. allegations that Iraq was trying to develop a nuclear weapon have also not been verified.

Much discussed were some high-strength aluminum tubes Iraq tried to import. The CIA argued they were for centrifuges essential to a nuclear weapons program. Experts from the State and Energy departments said they were for conventional artillery rockets, Thielmann said.

No centrifuges have been reported found.

In his State of the Union address, Bush said that Britain had learned that Saddam "recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa."

The claim rested significantly on a letter or letters between officials in Iraq and Niger that were obtained by European intelligence agencies. The communications are now accepted as forged.

The administration also suggested Iraq supported terrorists, including members of al-Qaida.

The al-Qaida connection was built around the movements of Abu Musab Zarqawi, a senior associate of Osama bin Laden (news - web sites). Zarqawi received medical treatment in Baghdad in 2002 and supported an Islamic extremist movement in Kurdish Iraq, outside Saddam's reach.

A midlevel associate of Zarqawi was detained near Baghdad after the war. Zarqawi himself remains at large. Some reports indicated al-Qaida operatives had sought chemical and biological weapons expertise from Iraq, but there was little evidence Iraq supplied any.
AP News, 6/7/03.

Posted by: yaksun at June 18, 2003 03:02 PM

Word That U.S. Doubted Iraq Would Use Gas
By JAMES RISEN;=1&en;=583a99429a86816f

Sorry, Scrappleface will not host lengthy post from other sources. Please leave link or summarize.

Posted by: Comical Rummy at June 19, 2003 05:56 AM