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June 11, 2003
Bloggers Claim Credit for Bringing Down Sun
by Scott Ott

(2003-06-11) -- Writers of weblogs throughout the "blogosphere" last night posted items bragging about the latest demonstration of the so-called power of blogging.

Having attributed the fall of Sen. Trent Lott, and New York Times editors Howell Raines and Gerald Boyd to persistent badgering in the blogosphere, the writers yesterday took credit for bringing down the sun.

A spokesman for the flaming orb at the center of the solar system denied that bloggers had anything to do with the sun's disappearance late yesterday. He insisted, "The sun will come out tomorrow. Bet your bottom dollar that tomorrow there'll be sun."

Sure enough, the sun slowly appeared this morning from below the horizon. An unnamed blogger said this morning's rising of the sun did not disprove the power of blogging.

"Think of all the other stars that fell last night, never to rise again," said the blogger. "Who do you think caused that? Heh."

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did I win...#1?

Posted by: U2B LFC in Colorado at June 11, 2003 10:07 AM

Behold the power of cheese. I mean blogging. :)


Posted by: logicpenaltybox at June 11, 2003 10:09 AM

This is just as good as some of the arguments used to prove global warming...

Posted by: Cassandra at June 11, 2003 10:16 AM

everyone let's sing along with Scott Ott:

I love ya

You're always
A day
A way!

Posted by: U2B LFC in Colorado at June 11, 2003 10:17 AM

Global warming is a myth.


Posted by: logicpenaltybox at June 11, 2003 10:24 AM

Global Warming is not a Myth. It coupled with the internal combustion engine will bring about the ruination of the environment. My only hope,...our only that somehow, the internet, which I invented and was the sole user of for five years until I shared the idea with someone else (It made for an easy day of reading e-mails), will help get the word out and lead to a possible solution

Posted by: The Nattily Shaved and shabbily Dressed Al Gore from a gutter outside of a bar in Nashville at June 11, 2003 10:39 AM

Oh, I will govern for food. Or at least for money to buy more booze to crawl back into and forget about my horrible electorial loss.

Posted by: The Nattily Shaved and shabbily Dressed Al Gore from a gutter outside of a bar in Nashville at June 11, 2003 10:40 AM

blogger: "oh, yeah? Guess who made the earth turn again so the sun could rise? Need more? Try to find the moon on the 29th. You'll be blegging to get it back. Heh."

Posted by: veg at June 11, 2003 11:11 AM

Now that was a funny post.

Posted by: Bill at June 11, 2003 11:44 AM

Global warming is partly responsible for the tragic decline in the number of Corked Bats in the northern hemisphere. The industrialized nations must ACT NOW to prevent the eradication of a noble species that has played a vital role in balancing the habitat of ballparks everywhere.

Posted by: Cassandra at June 11, 2003 11:59 AM

I wuz oop at 5am singin' me song, "Here comes the sun", that's why it ap-peared! I wuz singin' it to me Gran-daughter, -----oops, I mean Wife!

Posted by: Paul McCart-knee at June 11, 2003 11:59 AM


I thought the killer asian carp were to blame for that..


Posted by: logicpenaltybox at June 11, 2003 12:10 PM

What worries me is, what if the killer Asian carp hook up with the Killer Tomatoes?

Is our military equipped to deal with that threat?

Posted by: Cassandra at June 11, 2003 12:15 PM

Probably not, since at that point you'll have a 100lb killer asian carp that explodes like a tomato, while it tries to thwack you by jumping out of the water... *shudder*


Posted by: logicpenaltybox at June 11, 2003 12:18 PM

"I tried to use a stun gun on Matt Goobere Shivers when he came after me and it had little effect. Sure, his hair stood on end and smoke came out of his ears, but his eyes were still clouded over by the look of lust (and the smell of burnttoast filled the room). Sure, he eventually won me over and we did have a 2 month long romance, but I had to break up with him when he asked me to use the stun gun in the bedroom. He is one wierd guy. So, Frenchman, LFC, Emmanuel Kant, you can have Mr Shivers. Just beware. " _Tinky WInky

Tinky Winky stop telling our secrets and please come home

Posted by: Matt Goober Shivers at June 11, 2003 12:48 PM


The sun rises and sets on my Blogging. I will lance thee with cruel invectives if you prove otherwise!

Posted by: Fr. guido Sarducci at June 11, 2003 01:58 PM

See - Attack of the Cruel Invectives from Outer Space - it's worse than Killer Tomatoes and Killer Asian Carp combined.

Posted by: Cassandra at June 11, 2003 02:22 PM

You will not be able to inflict anything more than a flesh wound with your cruel invectives. Now stop oppressing the other bloggers and go back to your comfy chair.


Posted by: logicpenaltybox at June 11, 2003 02:34 PM


Posted by: Glenn Reynolds at June 11, 2003 03:42 PM

So are they going to do the same thing tonight. I'll be ya five bucks they can't do it again.

Posted by: Evil Midnight Poster what Posts At Midnight at June 11, 2003 04:03 PM

Blogging, Shmogging. I want my monkeyman.

What happened to the thingy that said "21 Scrappleface Readers Online"? Now how can I tell if I'm the only one here, huh?

Posted by: Bart at June 11, 2003 10:57 PM

To :The Nattily Shaved and shabbily Dressed Al Gore from a gutter outside of a bar in Nashville

Al, YOU DIDN'T LOSE. The election was stolen from you. By the republicans. Got it? Don't get off message again. Understand?

Posted by: Bill Clinton at June 12, 2003 01:09 AM

"Posted by:Bill Clinton on June 12, 2003 01:09 AM


Posted by: Cootie at June 12, 2003 01:34 AM

This just in from Jerusalem:

A killer tomato - Asian carp hybred dressed as a Hasidic Jew boarded a bus tonight and detonated itself. It is now official, everyone hates the Jews, except those that love them and thank them for their multiple millenium of keeping the scriptures and the suffering they have undergone for it.

Posted by: Jericho at June 12, 2003 01:52 AM

The API reports Damascus nuclear laboratory to open soon.

The city of Damascus will soon be a nuclear laboratory because a culture of death leads to such things. Scientists from around the world are expected to gather and investigate the long term effects idiocy have on creating a radiological site.

Posted by: J at June 12, 2003 02:08 AM

UP is reporting that five cities in Egypt are now praising God.

Five Egytian cities scattered along the Nile River are having masive revivals. A spokesman for the Amisometin Mosque stated when asked if this was the fulfillment of Biblical prophesy, "Uhhh...."

Posted by: E at June 12, 2003 02:10 AM

NY Times flash headline:

Americans stunned and grief stricken over killing 45 million of their own in 30 year horror show.

Posted by: R at June 12, 2003 02:12 AM

Vetinarian News:

Lynch Family Cat in full recovery.

The beloved Lynch Family Cat set upon by a frightful multiple personality attack has run off those foolish demons and is on the road to a full recovery. Her many devoted fans are much relieved.

Posted by: I at June 12, 2003 02:14 AM announces spelling workshop: in order to promote literacy and boost revenue has announced a spelling workshop to instruct bloogers and posters on common mispelled and misused words and phrases such as, Veterinarian, French Virtue, and the Scott Ott for Presidential-Press Secretary society.

Posted by: C at June 12, 2003 02:20 AM

Paleo - Def'n (pay-leo) Gotta pay the Leo, the Main Man, the Guy upstairs.

Neo - Def'n 1) New, Starting over, The old man has passed away, all things have become new. 2) Can fight like that Matric Guy.

Posted by: H at June 12, 2003 02:23 AM

Dateline Beijing

The Young Princes when asked at their latest press conference if they thought they were fulfilling Biblical phrophesy by building that big six lane highway straight east across desert in the ultimate direction of Jerusalem replied, "Sure, why not. What do we have better to do? -- Rattle the US cage?"
Much laughter followed.

Posted by: O at June 12, 2003 02:28 AM

Who is this H guy? He can't even spell the word Matrix right. How out of touch is he???, huh???? - what a loser!!!

Posted by: Jericho at June 12, 2003 02:31 AM

Get this, the API is reporting that the second Hamas condition that the US and Israel agree in writing to not committ counterattacks has been met. The IDF shortly thereafter released information that any future IDF attacks would be refered to as, "Got ya back, na, na's"

No word yet on whether Abu Mazen has agreed to the Hamas insistence of calling all further Hamas strikes as "National Liberation" efforts.

(Click Jericho for link)

Posted by: Jericho at June 12, 2003 02:41 AM

Jerryco ("C"): what are "bloogers"? They sound yucky.

A great post Scott. The mirror is not responsible for the condition of that which it reflects.

Posted by: Greyhawk at June 12, 2003 07:46 AM

Jericho...wasn't gonna say anything about "Matric" JUST after your "spelling workshop" post! HAA HAA.

What a thought! Wouldn't Scott Ott be a GREAT WhiteHouse Press Secretary! I'd say it's safe to assume when Cassandra is elected President for 08' She'll offer him the job.

I'm with Greyhawk...please refrain from blogging about bloogers....especially before breakfast... have my forever respect simply because of your "award winning" Memorial Day tribute to our heroes. I can not forget that incredible work of yours.

Posted by: U2B LFC (spellchecker) in Colorado at June 12, 2003 08:41 AM

Bloggers rule the universe! Especially on this site. :P

Posted by: Jack Ryan at June 12, 2003 07:46 PM

since most of you probably won't be Scrappling this weekend:

Happy Father's Day to all the daddy's (including the King of Scrapple,Scott Ott).

Especially keeping in mind & heart those who are valiantly and faithfully serving and are away from their children.

And an extra special place in the heart for Darth Chef who's going to be spending his first Father's day without his firstborn, Christopher. You're definitely in my (our) thoughts and prayers, Darth.

{I had a hard time deciding which Fathers Day page I'd link to my name so there's one there for you and you can copy/paste this 2nd one in your browser,if you'd like.}

If I had that html thing down I'd have made this a special fancified greeting for you poppa's!(:~})

God bless you Dad's!

Posted by: U2B LFC- Blessin the Daddy's at June 13, 2003 01:54 PM