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June 10, 2003
Gephardt Exchanges Clinton Book for Cup of Coffee

(2003-06-10) -- Former House Majority Leader Dick Gephardt, D-MO, today exchanged Sen. Hillary R. Clinton's new book for a cup of coffee at a local Starbuck's shop.

"I was so excited when I heard that the former First Lady had praised me in the book," said Rep. Gephardt. "I told my campaign manager about it, and he said 'With Clinton's praise and $3.50 you could buy a cup of coffee'. And he was right... Mmmm good coffee."

The $28-book includes a brief reference to the Missouri Democrat, noting that "Through position and experience, Gephardt would be a leading voice in any health-care deliberations in the House."

The passage was, of course, reflecting on Mrs. Clinton's successful overhaul of the nation's health care system during the 1990s.

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First! Hoody Hoo

Posted by: THEE Cat at June 10, 2003 08:58 AM


Posted by: Cricket at June 10, 2003 08:59 AM

The book is also available at PetSmart! It will be my next bag of "Yesterdays News" for my cat-a-let. Thanks Hillary. Your work is of great value to me. I'll give my "opinion" as soon as it's in my box.

Posted by: Lynch Family Cat in Colorado at June 10, 2003 09:03 AM

Judging from how other Clinton cronies faired in recent elections, Praise from Hillary will probably lead to Gephardt being homless, wearing tatterd clothes and reeking of last nights dinner of opossum au juis and holding a sign at an intersection stating that he will "legislate for food"

Posted by: Ron Brown's Ghost at June 10, 2003 09:24 AM

So LFC, How went the honeymoon. Inquiring minds want to know?

Posted by: Willy Lowman at June 10, 2003 09:26 AM

The seeming endorsement from Hillary came at a crucial time for the Gephardt campaign. Earlier this year Gephardt campaign officials were devastated when Senator Ted Kennedy endorsed rival John F (Frenchy) Kerry. Gephardt campaign officials had said that they were concerned that the Kennedy endorsement would trump Gephardt's Barbara Streisand endorsement in the fight to win the support of the average blue collar voter.

Gephardt said in a statement that he was thrilled to receive Hillary's seeming endorsement.

"I am thrilled to receive praise from someone as universally loved and respected as Hillary. With her support as well as my good friend Babs, I am confident that I will not only win the Democratic nomination, but that I will be able to finally end the Republican party's lock on electoral votes in the south and America's heartland".

Senator Kerry's campaign refused to give an official statement, however off the record many staffers claimed Hillary's support for Gephardt was designed to get a losing candidate for the party in 2004 so she would be free to run in 2008.

Posted by: Frodo at June 10, 2003 09:36 AM

Anyone going to watch the love fest between Larry King, and hillary tonight? I don't own a tv so I willnot. One less thing to pack.

Will he ask her about all the other women, and why she didn't get upset about them?

Will he ask her any question that will require her to tell the truth, or make her squirm just a little?

Will she be wearing the "pretty in pink" outfit again?

Two phonies trying to look good. Watch at your own risk. Like to see her go on O'Reilly's show.

Posted by: Mike S at June 10, 2003 10:30 AM

"So LFC, How went the honeymoon. Inquiring minds want to know?

Posted by: Willy Lowman on June 10, 2003 09:26 AM


++++++You'll have to ask the LFC Imposter--(a.k.a Matt Goober Shivers, Angry Commie,etc.) Judging by HIS post to which you're referring---it seems the ijit-boy has a seriously sick case of "self love" MUWHAAHAHAHA!!.

does said ijit-boy also post as Willy Lowman???...( Inquiring minds want to know because of aforementioned symptoms of him liking to post to himself and respond to himself---under different names)

---DR. STUHL...paging DR. STUHL----!! Can you help ijit-boy?---INCURABLE??...whaddya mean incurable?...You're calling Kevorkian?? Dr. Stuhl.. You are the BEST...You've never givben up on've been successful dealing with the worst of cases...this one must be really baaaad!.......

Posted by: Used 2 B LFC at June 10, 2003 10:32 AM

I would rather chew on a wad of tinfoil than watch hillary.

Posted by: mikey at June 10, 2003 10:44 AM

What the heck are you talking about cat? I read that you are married and on your honeymoon. Now you claim to have multiple personalities or something? Sounds like you might have gotten into the cat nip. And it is before noon.

Posted by: Diamond Dave Price at June 10, 2003 10:53 AM

Hi LFCat/The Cat:

I just wanted to make sure you were OK :)

Cassandra! You posted:

Where is LFCat?

Posted by: Cassandra on June 9, 2003 03:07 PM

Posted by: Cassandra at June 10, 2003 11:01 AM

Hey Cassandra!

How kind of you to check up on me! The LFC imposter continues to post I see but I've only been reading here in the few minutes I had to do so over the last week plus.. I'm comforted to see you and Darth, Frodo, Old Sailor, Cricket, Susan Serin-D,Mike S etc. have things under control (:~})

I'm suspecting the LFC imposter is (in posts) asking about the "honeymoon" stupidness posted by himself, too?...hellOOOOOO?

I appreciate your asking about me, Cass. I was working and doing alot of driving around Michigan....LOVING the beautiful Petoskey area, too! (even went bowling one night with the "gang" in Boyne City in an ancient alley....HA...couldn't help but use the old Hobson line from the movie Arthur {Dudley Moore/Sir John Gilguid/Liza Minelli}:

"one must go to a bowling alley to meet a woman of your stature"...LOL ( I used that line on/and changed the gender to suit my friends(:~}).

Also sorry to read you've put your name in the hat for NON candidate for presidency. But then you said 2004..right? We're holding out for your run in 2008. ( I'm pushing for Cricket to be Whitehouse Chef during your presidency (:~})

Maybe Dr. Stuhl could be Surgeon General/Sec'y of Health & Human Services.

There HAS to be a place in your cabinet for Scott Ott, Darth Chef & Frodo, don't ya think?

As for my true status. This cat is happily hetero and likes Firemen---NOT Frenchman or flatulent imposter ilk--as mentioned before(:~})

Posted by: Used 2 B LFC in Colorado at June 10, 2003 11:37 AM

Willy, Willy, I am sorry that I struck out at you. I have always had a fear of Arthur Miller plays. And death of a Salesman strikes an ominous chord within my heart.

I am more prone to farsical works like "Roller Ball" and, or course, "Cats". I know every song of that musical by heart.

I do hear that there is an attempt to adapt the tve show "Chips" for broadway. I can not wait until that comes out. I used to have a crush on Jon. I wonder who will play him.

Posted by: Used 2 B LFC at June 10, 2003 11:43 AM

Used 2b LFC:

Actually, late last night I fell in love with myself on another post* and have now re-entered the race for 2004. I will have an inclusive Cabinet, with representatives from all races/genders/ethnic groups/species/professions: hobbits, cats, lawyers, bloggers. Heck - I may even include a Democrat so we can have some intellectual diversity along with all the physical diversity.

*think it was Clinton rules out Presidential bid unless...

Posted by: Cassandra at June 10, 2003 11:49 AM

WHat is zis? LFC, LFC, why do you no love me? At least you have left that oafish Matt "Goober" Shivers. He was no good for you. He had secret passions for tellie tubbies. He is not a real man. He is an idiot.

How can I win your heart?
What can I say?
What can I do?
Please, please come to me and we can deny the existence of WMD together.

Posted by: Frenchman at June 10, 2003 11:53 AM

Frenchman, you cannot have her. as you say, "Zat cat is mine!"

Now pardon me, but someone just ordered a A Biggie Cheesburger and a supersize fries, so I have to run.

Posted by: Matt Goober Shivers at June 10, 2003 12:04 PM

Me ... in the presidential cabinet? Well okay, I serve anywhere as long as you promise to let me use Al Gore's lockbox. If it's good enough to hide Social Security benefits people under 50 will never see, then it's good enough to hide the one ring of power so Gollum can't find it!

Posted by: Frodo at June 10, 2003 12:14 PM

Willy, Willy, I am sorry that I struck out at you. I have always had a fear of Arthur Miller plays. And death of a Salesman strikes an ominous chord within my heart.

I am more prone to farsical works like "Roller Ball" and, or course, "Cats". I know every song of that musical by heart.

I do hear that there is an attempt to adapt the tve show "Chips" for broadway. I can not wait until that comes out. I used to have a crush on Jon. I wonder who will play him.

Posted by: Used 2 B LFC on June 10, 2003 11:43 AM

WHat is zis? LFC, LFC, why do you no love me? At least you have left that oafish Matt "Goober" Shivers. He was no good for you. He had secret passions for tellie tubbies. He is not a real man. He is an idiot.

How can I win your heart?
What can I say?
What can I do?
Please, please come to me and we can deny the existence of WMD together.

Posted by: Frenchman on June 10, 2003 11:53 AM

Well folks according to the substandard, unfunny above posts---unoriginal g@y bait is back-- not skipping a beat with his self amusing ( but no one else is) childishness

If we smear Preparation H on your posts,(im)poster child ,will you go away spoiler? There IS a cure for your special type of A.D.D...have you heard? Drink a mixture of 1 c. clorox and 1 c. ammonia. that'll fix ya right up! (Also a great way to "disinfect" the Scrapple Room.) Oh HAPPY day!

Now go back to your post at the Jack in THe Box drive thru.He is not a real man. He is an idiot.

ONLY thing I can credit you for is that although under a different name you posted this about yourself: "He is not a real man. He is an idiot."


Cassandra NEVER lower yourself to ANY comparisons with imposter puke!

I'm thrilled to read about your re-entry into the race (card?)-HA. That's not "self love" but an intelligent decision. I like your innovative ideas. Your inclusion of a Dimocrat would be much like how a cat behaves with a mouse? (the mouse's name: Matt Goober Shivers?) (hehehehehe)

Posted by: LFC Cat in Colorado huring furballs at troublemakers! at June 10, 2003 12:17 PM


(if this really is THEE Frodo)

I think its safe to say Cassandra would gladly give you Goredhead's lockbox for your ring. You may have to throw out a few bad hairpieces that you'll find in there...and some old whacky weed and his favorite stuffed toy: a tree.

I hope you accept whatever appointment President Cassie offers you.

Posted by: U2BLFC in Colorado at June 10, 2003 12:23 PM

If a LFC poops in a litterbox and no one sees it, does the cat really exist? Despite the HUGE amounts of kitty poop being tossed about the blogosphere, I am beginning to have my doubts as to the real existence of same said cat.

Remember Cat, Descartes argued "I think, therefore I am"; NOT "I poop therefore I am". SO please stop with the sad sordid tales of love and hatred with Goober and self. And clean up you act or face a possible spaying.

Posted by: Emmanuel Kant at June 10, 2003 12:45 PM

Emmanuel Kant---on behalf of my love interest Frenchman and myself we welcome you to the "g@y friendly" blog.

I'm sure in time all one of us will become very close.

Posted by: Matt Goober Shivers at June 10, 2003 01:15 PM

I bet Dick did Hillary. She must have been lonely while Bill was getting Miss Piggy in the Parlor.

Posted by: Cyber Sarge at June 10, 2003 01:21 PM

Yup, it's really me ... so far no imposters pretending to have the ring of power. I did have one scare when some guy named Al Neri mistook me for a guy name Fredo and claimed he had a message for me from my brother.

Posted by: Frodo at June 10, 2003 02:05 PM

I would rather watch a dog vomit than watch/read/ or listen to Hillary anywhere/anytime. She's nothing but a cold-hearted, clear-cut, calculating lawyer/politician who cares nothing more than her own personal gain and power base. The only reason she was mad at Bill for staining Monica's dress with his precious bodily fluids was because of the potential impact it'd have on her future government run. Yes, I believe her Senatorial pursuits have been in her mind for a long, long time. I also believe she definitely has presidential pursuits even though she's denying it now. Her denying anything now about it is not at all beyond belief. On the contrary, I completely expect her to be less than honest when asked. Iím not sure sheíd know how to tell the truth. Her book is nothing more than a ploy to sway people away from what really happened during her last tour of duty in the White House as co-President. Honestly, we really don't want her and Bubba in the driver's seat again.

Posted by: Zed at June 10, 2003 02:40 PM

Don't hold back. Tell us how you really feel.

Posted by: some random guy at June 10, 2003 03:07 PM


Your name sounds so familiar...Didn't I see you in an adult movie about 20 or so years ago???

Posted by: Cassandra at June 10, 2003 03:47 PM


In a scandalous development that has rocked the halls of our nation's capitol, it was revealed on The Drudge Report that several Democratic Congressional leaders paid huge bribes to Senator Hillary Clinton to avoid being mentioned in her newly release book, "Re-Living His Story".

An anonymous source (Sen. John Kerry, D. VietNam) stated, "At first I thought it would be good publicity for my presidential campaign, but later I realized that it probably wouldn't do me any good to have our relationship documented in a printed source. It's so hard to distance yourself once things get into print, and with Bill's book still to be released the future is an unknown quantity. Until I see which way the wind is blowing, I decided to forego any PR benefits in favor of keeping my options open."

Posted by: Cassandra at June 10, 2003 03:54 PM

Cassandra ... I'm shocked, you don't watch those kinds of movies do you? :D

Posted by: Frodo at June 10, 2003 03:55 PM

John F(renchy) Kerry further stated that he told Hillary he planned to buy the book but only under the assumption that she would never publish it.

Posted by: Frodo at June 10, 2003 03:58 PM

"Cassandra ... I'm shocked, you don't watch those kinds of movies do you? :D

Posted by: Frodo on June 10, 2003 03:55 PM

Frodo--Do YOU?

Posted by: Frodo's Wife's Spokesperson at June 10, 2003 04:27 PM

Sadly enough, I don't - I'm kind of a wimpy tech wench. I don't even watch the "adult" programming on our cable.

I did read a bunch of "bodice rippers" (steamy romance novels) back when I was in college and my future husband and I broke up, and I've been known to read the odd steamy Diana Gabaldon novel. I guess I prefer to use my imagination!

Posted by: Cassandra at June 10, 2003 06:21 PM


Jou got some 'splainin' to do....

Posted by: Cassandra at June 10, 2003 06:22 PM

>>>I will have an inclusive Cabinet, with representatives from all races/genders/ethnic groups/species/professions: hobbits, cats, lawyers, bloggers.

Posted by: Cassandra on June 10, 2003 11:49 AM

Don't forget to include a place for me Cassandra! Don't forget as your Campaign Manager, I got your 'Run' started.

I was thinking maybe, Vice-President?

Posted by: Susan Serin-Done, Campaign Manager for, Cassandra For President 2008 at June 11, 2003 11:24 AM

In a startling move today, DNC Chairman Terry McAuliff announced, "With the popularity that Hillary 'Hamhocks' Clinton and Former President William Jefferson Clinton have attained with telling, 'Unbelieveable Lies', and having the voters fall for it, today I am announcing that Jayson Blair will be in line for a possible Vice-Presidental Candidate on the Dimocratic ticket in 2004. ALL of our other Party Members will also lie about, anything and everything!"

A reporter in the audience asked, "How will the voters be able to tell the difference?"

Posted by: Susan Serin-Done at June 11, 2003 11:33 AM


You're in like Flynn... I was thinking of Health & Human Services so you could devise and implement a treatment program to dispell the liberal muddled thinking that besets this great nation.

Posted by: Cassandra at June 11, 2003 12:10 PM

Is there a way we can use smartbombs on all these imposters? I'm really sick of hearing from Frenchman & Co. They never even say anything below about NC-17 now, except for the occasional "No WMDs" head-in-the-sand post. To Frenchpervert & Co.: We are moving to Please follow us.

Posted by: Ken Stein at June 11, 2003 03:34 PM

Kind of ironic that one will keep you awake while the other is guarenteed to put you to sleep.

Posted by: Evil Midnight Poster what Posts At Midnight at June 11, 2003 04:08 PM

One pill makes you larger
And the other one makes you small
And the ones that Mother gives you
Don't do all...

Posted by: CaterPillar at June 11, 2003 07:06 PM

Clinton memoir breaks sales record
'Rewriting History' covers up White House years

NEW YORK (CNN) --Sen. Hillary Rod a Ham Clinton's memoir, focusing on her White House years as 2nd or 3rd lady, flew off the shelves on its first day of release -- breaking sales record compared to the sales of vomit bags-- and the publisher is already printing more copies because he never thought people would be stupid enough to a buy copy.

ëRewriting Historyí sold more copies in its first day of release than any other fiction book in Barnes & Noble's history, the company said Tuesday.

More than 4 books were sold in 24 hours; it's a tremendous amount of books, considering it is a bunch of crap said Carolyn Brown, director of communications at Barnes & Noble.

We expected ëRewriting Historyí to be the best-selling fiction of the summer and think the momentum will continue for at least five minutes Brown said.

Release of the memoir had been highly disregarded in political circles, fueled largely by leaks that anyone with a brain already knows what is in the book.

Simon and Schuster, the publisher of "Rewriting History," said nationwide sales so far are about 2.

We don't know of any other political fiction that has had such a high initial print volume," said Aileen Boyle, Simon and Schuster publicist for the book.

Posted by: Mark at June 11, 2003 09:09 PM

Tommorrow you can get the old hag's book at the fulton fish market. you just gotta buy enough fish.

Posted by: wizegoi at June 11, 2003 11:52 PM

Sam's Club has an entire 'end cap' of Hitlery books, imagine turning the corner and seeing 24 images of that mug, staring at you! I had to turn away, as I felt myself turning to stone!

I did have an evil thought to draw some facial hair on Hitlery, but when I got up close, saw that there was some, 'already there'! Besides if caught defacing her hideous face, I would probably be punished to the full extent of the law, because it's a clinton!

Posted by: Hillary IS A Hog at June 12, 2003 06:55 AM
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