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June 09, 2003
Sen. Clinton Rules Out Presidential Bid Unless...

(2003-06-09) -- U.S. Sen. Hillary R. Clinton, D-NYArk, told ABC's Barbara Walters she would not run for president in 2004 "unless the Democrat party floundered about without a consistent message and failed to field a candidate who could muster a significant challenge to President George Bush."


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Posted by: "Slick" Willie at June 9, 2003 10:40 AM

I would look forward to a presidential run by Hillary only if was reported by the NYTs using unamed sources. The Dems certainly need a candidate to make 2004 interesting and if nothing else the Clintons have that very special touch. Maybe a Sharpton as candidate for VP?

Posted by: Mapache at June 9, 2003 10:44 AM

Does writing "first" actually mean something?

Posted by: Mapache at June 9, 2003 10:45 AM

Hillary said she, "----feared what Ken Starr was trying to do to the Presidency!" When what she MEANT was she, "feared what Ken Starr might do to her chances of being President someday!"

If she feared damage to the Office of President, she would have done the 'HONORABLE' thing and told Bill to resign, and would have stopped lying right then! Instead, the little 'teases' she has released from the book, are full of lies, that only Forrest Gump, or Homer Simpson would believe!

I wonder how much the taxpayers will have to pay, (i.e. her salary), while she signs/does interviews/hawks her book, and in the words of that great statesman, Robt (KKK) Byrd, does, 'Photo OP's? Will 'Shaky', make a speech before Congress chastising her? (Sarcasm)Of course, I know better!

Posted by: Susan Serin-Done, Campaign Manager for Cassandra For President 2008 at June 9, 2003 10:58 AM

>>>Does writing "first" actually mean something?

Posted by: Mapache on June 9, 2003 10:45 AM

Yes it means I beat you, Mapache, ----IF that is your real name?

Posted by: "Slick" Willie at June 9, 2003 11:02 AM

WAITADOGGONEMINUTE! This witch in human clothing, Endora's evil twin actually got paid $$$ to write
drivel and slop and that Mr. Newt had to get booted for accepting a book deal? Wha' happened, Loosy?

I am eagerly awaiting the 5th Harry Potter book for these reasons: 1) I KNOW it is fiction 2) It won't be rated R 3) JK Rowling didn't need a ghostwriter
4)The plot is simplistic, but good alwyas triumphs over evil, much the same way the Bush triumphed over Prince Al 5)It only cost me 18.00 plus delivery.

Oh, I forgot. Dogs can't read. Jesse will have to read it to me.

Posted by: Lynch Family Dog at June 9, 2003 11:08 AM

The following is an honest question; How does Hillary's book deal differ from Newt's book deal?

Posted by: Eric the Red at June 9, 2003 11:10 AM

Right-wing extremist candidate Cassandra, (R-ScrappleFace), told ABC's Barbara Walters she would likely not run for president in 2004 "because the Democrat party is already floundering about without a consistent message, and has failed to field a serious candidate who could muster a significant challenge to President George Bush."

Her fingertips stained a light green from counting the 8 million dollar advance on her tell-all book "It's Over Hillary: Move On", Cassandra finally revealed her reaction to learning that President Clinton had lied about having "an inappropriate relationship" with White House intern Monica Lewdinsky.

According to the candidate, she "laughed so hard that tears streamed down her face and she almost stopped breathing. This went on for roughly seven minutes and 37 seconds after Bill Clinton's televised revelation.

Posted by: Cassandra at June 9, 2003 11:17 AM


It's simple: Newt was a Republican, therefore he was a money-grubbing, cold-hearted b*stard. Hillary on the other hand is a Democrat, and her only purpose in writing the book is to share her wisdom and insight with those of us who are less fortunate. Any money she might make is purely incidental.

I am surprised - no, shocked and deeply, deeply saddened that you would question Senator Clinton's motivation. You are obviously a mean-spirited, envious right-wing conspirator engaged in the politics of personal destruction.

Shame - shame on you Mr. Red!

Posted by: Cassandra at June 9, 2003 11:34 AM

Reports that she will not be the first woman Democratic candidate for president in 2004 and 2008 only confirm that she's about to undergo a sex-change operation.

Posted by: Laurence Simon at June 9, 2003 11:39 AM

On behalf of the Lynch Family Cat And Matt Goober Shivers I would like to announce their candidacy as the Rainbow Coalition's candidate for presidency in 2004.

"Matt & the Cat in 04"

Posted by: Rev Jessie Jackson at June 9, 2003 12:12 PM

Which one will be President and which one will be the First Lady (why am I experiencing deja vu?)

Posted by: Cassandra at June 9, 2003 12:23 PM

I am not envious!!
I am experiencing fever and chills. My self diagnosis is either I have monkey pox or the idea of a Hillary presidential campaign has just sunk in.

Posted by: Eric the Red at June 9, 2003 12:30 PM

Don't try to get your mind around it - the human brain was never intended to encompass absurdity on such a grand scale. That way lies madness...

Posted by: Cassandra at June 9, 2003 12:40 PM

There's a chill wind in the air and it's coming from the Jr. Senator From NY. I keep having the same nightmare where Presidente Rodham-Clinton gives back Iraq to Uday Hussien. "With our heartfelt Apologies and I hope the I sent French wines soothes your anger for our country" ACK!

Posted by: Cyber Sarge at June 9, 2003 01:28 PM

WHY, can't the Clintons just go away???You know, sink back into the slime from whence they came!!! I don't hate them, that would take too much effort and I would have to care about them in the first place (one way or the other) in order to hate them. BTW was that a Blue Dress that Madam Hilary was wearing on the BAA BAA WAH WAH show?

Posted by: Old Sailor at June 9, 2003 01:36 PM

Answer to why Hillary's book is different than Newt's:

Although I think Cassandra accurately portrayed most of the media's true motivation in treating them differently, I think the legal distinction was that Newt was a member of Congress when he signed his book deal, and thus subject to certain ethics rules that Dimocats claimed he violated. Hillary wasn't in Congress when she entered into her book deal, though the publication would come while in office. She was already "elected" but not in office when she received her $8M signing bonus. So she skated through that loophole, a distinction without a difference, to claim the moral highground.


Posted by: KJ at June 9, 2003 01:40 PM

Slick Willie if you mean first to do hillary, well, maybe for males sure.

As many of you know the loss I suffered, I wanted to share with you my outrage of a comment Hilary made during the interview. She said, at it was sued as advertisement for the special, that when Bill told her he had been less that truthful, it was the worst feeling she could have, OR IMAGINE THAT ANYONE WOULD SUFFER" She actually thinks that her husband admitting to her the truth is the worst thing anyone can suffer only indicates she has no sense of reality. LOSIN A CHILD IS THE WORST THING ANYONE CAN SUFFER!

Sunday was the six-month anniversary of my first-born son, christopher's death. It was also the Pentacost, where Jesus returns and blesses the apostles and fills them with the Holy Spirit. Everythin about him was related to the etachings of the Catholic Church. He was born on May 29 (would have been his 25th birthday)and which is also the day of the Ascension, it was also memorial day in the year he was born. He died on Dec 8, which is the day of the Immaculate Conception. He smiles down on all of you, even you frenchman.

Posted by: Darth Chef at June 9, 2003 01:52 PM

Darth: I mourn your loss. I'm sure he was a great young man.

Please accept my prayers in your behalf.

Hillary who?


Posted by: yaksun at June 9, 2003 02:19 PM


I don't mean to belittle your loss, but to someone who has not gone through what you've gone through, loss of trust and disillusionment with the person that put all of their trust in, could be very grievous... Not that I'm buying her entire shpiel, as she seems much too machiavellian for this, but I have seen some of my friends completely unravel in similar circumstances. Anyone who's gone through a nasty divorce could, I suppose, sympathize.

As an aside, why does everyone here seem to hate her so much? This kind of bile is rather unbecoming, ya know.


Posted by: logicpenaltybox at June 9, 2003 02:24 PM


Can't speak for others. My dislike of her is based on her demonization of everyone who disagreed with her or her husband or who questioned their actions. She indulged in a lot of name calling - if she disagreed with someone, they were "mean-spirited", etc.

Contrast her behavior with that of George and Laura Bush, who have also been criticized harshly (on much flimsier grounds) but have not responded in kind. Hillary also showed contempt for values I hold very dear, such as staying home to raise your children or being a homemaker. Had she not chosen to insult me, my beliefs, and my way of life, I might have been a bit more forgiving. The condescending remarks about "staying home and baking cookies" and "standing by your man" were a bit hard to take.

The other thing she did was to try to act as an elected or appointed official and circumvent sunshine laws with her whole ridiculous health care debacle. She is an attorney, so she should have a good understanding of laws as well as legal ethics - unfortunately, she demonstrated neither.

We had a tour of the White House by a staffer shortly after the Bushes moved in. You would not believe the number of items that had recently been "returned" by the Clintons after they absconded with them. One was a painting by Norman Rockwell that hangs just outside the Oval Office.

Posted by: Cassandra at June 9, 2003 02:36 PM

LGP she could have left it at "this is the worst thing I have ever had to deal with" of course I don't know if i should believe her, since she is so smart she couldn't have just been blind to all the crap he was pulling. But to say, right after the war in Iraq, where many families lost their sons and daughters, husbands, fathers and mothers, that it was the worst thing that "anyone could go through" is just plain ignorant.

A lying, cheating spouse is a terrible thing, but this can't be the first hint of his lying and cheating where she wasn't prepared for it. But don't "imagine" it's the worst thing anyone else would "ever" have to go through, when she of all eprsons should be aware of the pain of so many others, not just for their losses of loevd ones, but for desease, cancer, aids, etc. Her statement proves how self-absorbed she really is.

Why do people hate her? because she is a coniving, scheming (female dog)

Posted by: Darth chef at June 9, 2003 02:40 PM

LPB; I don't think anyone here hates her, she just makes us all sick with her holier-than-thou, smarter-than-thou, attitude. To me, the only difference between her and a streetwalker is their clientele. I think she would sell her soul for the chance to be President, even though she doesn't give a big rat's a$$ about anyone or any thing except HRC.

Posted by: tired of whiners at June 9, 2003 02:42 PM

Coming soon to bookstores near you...Hillary's long awaited sequel to her first book:

"It Takes A Village (To Keep An Eye on My Husband)"

Posted by: Robert at June 9, 2003 02:43 PM

Tired of Whiners...speak for yourself. I hate her.

Posted by: Robert at June 9, 2003 02:58 PM

Where is LFCat?

Posted by: Cassandra at June 9, 2003 03:07 PM

Laurence Simon,
Can I Pleeeeeeeeese assist Dr. Harden Stuhl in the operation? I once cut the heart out of an earthworm in biology class about 40 years ago, and am currently working on my (mostly BS) degree with the good Dr's. help.

Posted by: Mike S at June 9, 2003 03:09 PM


Did you not read my notice? I am on my honeymoon with the lovely Matt Goober Shivers. We are registered at Radio Shack and PetSmart. He likes electronic gizmos and remote controlled cars while I need hairball tonic and catnip laced toys.

Posted by: The Honeymooning with my Beloved Matt Goober Shivers Lynch Family Cat at June 9, 2003 03:16 PM

Let's see... I'm gonna try to disect all of these, and y'all are gonna hate me for this, but I do like playing devil's advocate (appropriate label in this case, n'est-ce pas? :)


1st... GB2 has not responded with harsh criticism to his detractors? Really? I must've been living in a different world the last 3 years, coz I still don't see Kerry and his ilk carrying French passports. French looking my ...

2nd... Is it that Hillary was front and center while Laura tends to stay in the background? In that case, are you not then guilty of what you're accusing her of, e.g. devaluing her contribution as a politician just because you value domestic skills higher than her success outside of them?


History of humanity shows that we are all conniving and scheming (insert gender here) dogs. And the ones who condemn others the loudest are either the worst offenders, or would be worst offenders given a chance.


1st... She acts as if she's smarter than you... Which is the problem, that she is smarter than you or that she's willing to act as if she's smarter than you? If it's the former, then my ego is not so large as to believe that I'm the smartest person around, so theoretically, since there are smarter people out there, she could be one of them. If it's the latter, I think you might need to re-examine your values. I find the 'ghetto mentality' (i.e. how dare she be better than moi!?) quite surprising in this forum.

2nd... Despite all protestations to the contrary, we're all comparable to streewalker... Remember: Gas, Grass, or Ass - nobody rides free. She's just better at it than most of us, which is why she's in position that she's in, while you are in the significant minority of people who don't like her :)


Posted by: logicpenaltybox at June 9, 2003 03:21 PM

Oppps, Sorry, I forgot to put in the little stop bold print thing that looks like this. I will do it now. Don't want everyone yelling the rest of the day.

Posted by: Mike S at June 9, 2003 03:24 PM

Why didn't it work. Darnit

Posted by: Mike S at June 9, 2003 03:25 PM


I don't hate Hillary. I'm with Cassandra though about "standing by your man" and "staying home to bake cookies". Her remarks belittled every woman in America who, like my loving wife, put raising her kids ahead of the almighty dollar. I'm not crying in my beer about all the things we did without. I am saying there is NO SUBSTITUTE for spending time with your kids. Its not a job you can just "phone in".

BTW, our kids turned out pretty good, and my wifey just got her degree in computer science. So, (bleep) you, Hillary.


Posted by: yaksun at June 9, 2003 03:35 PM


1st... GB2 has not responded with harsh criticism to his detractors? Really? I must've been living in a different world the last 3 years, coz I still don't see Kerry and his ilk carrying French passports. French looking my ...

***OK - one remark. Woo Hoo! I think we can forgive him one little remark - he hasn't made many. Remember that Kerry was the one who said Bush acted dishonorably during his stint with the National Guard. He later had to retract that on television when confronted with the fact that he had his facts wrong and Bush was honorably discharged. But he never apologized for the insult.

I think he and Laura have been remarkably forbearing considering the really horrid things that have been said about (and to) them. (e.g, Bush is a Psycho (Susan Sarandon's t-shirt), Natalie Maines (less said the better), Bush = Hitler (Janeane Garofalo), yada yada yada...

2nd... Is it that Hillary was front and center while Laura tends to stay in the background?

***Not at all - as I stated in my post, my objection was her lack of tolerance of other women's choices.

In that case, are you not then guilty of what you're accusing her of, e.g. devaluing her contribution as a politician just because you value domestic skills higher than her success outside of them?

***But I don't value domestic skills higher than work performed outside the home. You're putting words in my mouth which I never uttered. I don't go around criticizing women who make that choice (even if I disagree, because last time I checked, most kids have TWO parents, and the Dad is welcome to stay home). I spent a lot of years at home, then I spent several years working full time and going to school at night. Now I am quite successful and have managed to negotiate working from home while earning a salary I never dreamed of. I'm not rich by any means, but it sure beats minimum wage or less, which is what I earned for years when I worked part-time or did home child care or mowed lawns as an adult so I could take my kids with me. I don't value that more than staying at home, nor do I value staying home more than working. I always thought the whole point of women's lib was so women would have some choices.

Even my women's studies teacher (I was forced to take this silly class to get my BS in California) who thought Hillary was a saint and the ultimate role model was forced to agree with me that Hillary was snotty and condescending when I brought several news clippings of Hillary quotes to class. Made the teacher madder than h*ll, but even she couldn't deny the double standard.

Posted by: Cassandra at June 9, 2003 03:44 PM

significant minority of people who don't like her I work at a retirement community. 80% of the people here are hardcore 60 year dimocrates that would vote for Hitler if he were on the ballot, and had a D next to his name. I can't find a one of them that likes hillary, or trusts her. The little fat bottom grannies have refered to her as everything but nice.
Are you sure you are in the majority on this one, or are you one of those people that couldn't understand why Nixon got elected, because no one you know voted for him?

Posted by: Mike S at June 9, 2003 03:49 PM


On the 1st, I was just giving you an example... It's one thing when Hollywood types (with no power or serious following) start spewing nonsense about you, it's another when it's Newtered and Unmedicated Gingrinch and Kenneth "I wish I was a Porn" Star prosecuting you... I'd wager that if the assinines found something to prosecute GB2 about, there'll be some serious bile flying back from 1600 penn :)

On the 2nd... Sorry bout misreading between your lines, but the way it was phrased made it an easy target :) What was correct in my barb, though, is that you have a different set of priorities when it comes to life than she does. Nor will I sit and judge who's right and who's not, because it's all gray in this case :)


Would you say that Chelsea turned out awright, despite having an itinerrant set of parents? :)


Posted by: logicpenaltybox at June 9, 2003 03:53 PM


Lies, da*n lies, and then there's statistics... If I recall, last night' poll numbers had 32% hating her, 15% loving her, and the rest not giving a hoot, which by the way is where I fall :)


Posted by: logicpenaltybox at June 9, 2003 03:55 PM


Being a cynic is what I do best. And you can't begrudge me that, considering that all of the high and moral folk around the country just can't keep their hands where they belong :) We've all broke a few of the 613 commandments in our lives to further our ambitions :)


Posted by: logicpenaltybox at June 9, 2003 03:57 PM

Cassandra ... You might be surprised to hear that the staying home baking cookies remarks also generated the ire of some stay at home dads I know.

These guys made the same choice you referred to, the family over the $$$$$ ... in their cases the wives had the better careers so they elected to stay at home and raise the kids. As a guy they took some razzing over it (with the exception of a former Ranger who no one dared kid), so they didn't appreciate the added put down.

Posted by: Frodo at June 9, 2003 03:58 PM

We lived near a great Dad when we were in quarters at Monterey. His wife was getting her post-grad degree and he cared for their 2 kids. He was the toast of the neighborhood - we used to refinish and reupholster antiques (fancy name for early yard sale) together. Aside from our disagreements on style (he liked Victorian and I like Federal, simple Queen Anne, or Chippendale - no not the dancers - or the chipmonks), he was a hoot.

Quite the hit at the odd Tupperware party...

Posted by: Cassandra at June 9, 2003 04:12 PM


God help poor Chelsea. She grew up with two strikes against her.

Cassandra: You gotta problem with chipmunks, huh?? :-)


Posted by: yaksun at June 9, 2003 04:22 PM


I do have a different set of priorities, but then I didn't attack hers. Her remarks were intended to belittle - as if all Moms or homemakers do is bake cookies. That was a nasty thing to say, and it is not true.

On the cynicism thing - I know I'll sound like a prig for saying this, but I disagree. My parents provided a great example of how people can possess integrity and still do well in life, and I have tried to follow their example and to pass it on to my children.

I have never lied to get a job or to avoid one. I haven't exaggerated my skills - if anything, I tend to understate them. I always figured if I can't get hired honestly, I need to find another job. I've taken manual labor jobs when I couldn't get a regular job but needed money. I haven't broken any sexual harassment laws, perjured myself before a grand jury, or obstructed justice.

I could make 2-3 times my present salary if I were a consultant, but I decided I can't adhere to my own values and still be an effective consultant. So I probably won't get promoted at my company - there's nowhere for me to go. But it's worth it to be able to say what I think and not to have to fudge or avoid the truth. It's kind of a joke at work - my bosses always tell me "Gee whiz - don't hold back - tell us what you REALLY think".

People need to decide what's important to them, but I don't buy off that "everyone does it" (break moral or ethical rules) - that's just an excuse to not do what you know is right. I'm not perfect by any means - not even close. I make mistakes, and I admit them before anyone has to come and ask me. I hope I would never knowingly do anything dishonest to get ahead. And I hope if I ever did do something wrong, I would own up to it and take the consequences.

Posted by: Cassandra at June 9, 2003 04:34 PM


Actually I have quite a thing for chipmonks...

The Chippendale thing reminds me of one of my favorite memories from home schooling my two boys. They were in junior high - the home school curriculum was very religious and challenging.

One day I was helping my oldest son with chemistry when my youngest boy leaped into the room wearing nothing but a pair of tight jeans and a red satin bow tie (I had the boys in separate rooms because they goofed off otherwise).

Loud music was playing in the background, and my youngest started gyrating around like a fool. We were laughing so hard we almost died. It was even funnier because my youngest was normally so quiet and kind of on the serious side.

Kids are so funny...

LFCat: I saw you were on your honeymoon. How about I get you a radio controlled car with a catnip-filled Stuart Little action figure in it?

Posted by: Cassandra at June 9, 2003 04:42 PM

Chip Monk,
A little guy that lives in a monastery in Tibet. Real nice fellow.

Posted by: Mike S at June 9, 2003 05:08 PM

You know, even more important than all this talk about ethics and morals - I am very hurt that no one liked my cheesy Chief Moose picture. You know, pictures like that one don't just...happen. For a moment, I thought I smelled Pulitzer.

I am so disappointed that I am going to take it down...I should have just stayed home and baked cookies...

Posted by: Cassandra at June 9, 2003 05:41 PM

After reading my own testimony to how wonderful and virtuous I am, I have decided to withdraw my statement of non-candidacy for President in 2004.

Count me in.

Posted by: Cassandra at June 9, 2003 06:04 PM

Thanks Cassandra for putting it so well. I chose to stay home, and do the domestic thing. If Dubya POTUS in the order of the exalted CIC is standing taller than his predecessor, it isn't because of the bodies.

I seem to recall much flap about the Rose Law firm billing statements where she overbilled...

Her moral high ground was anything but. Chelsea was sent to a private school while Clinton belittled choices in education such as homeschooling (waxman got waxed on that one), voucher, private education, etc.

Hillary also hired a nanny for Chelsea, courtesy of the taxpayers of Arkansas...when most moms would love to be able to afford childcare. They lived a dual standard and a double life.

Posted by: Cricket at June 9, 2003 06:57 PM

You go, Cricket! I'd forgotten about that, but I remember how much it frosted me at the time because I was paying through the nose for one of my boys to attend private school. And home school costs money too, which many people don't realize. I was surprised how expensive it was. But well worth it.

Scott: Mike S. is making fun of me because I can't spell Chipmunk...twice. MAKE HIM STOP!!!!

(sigh)I'm so embarrassed.

Posted by: Cassandra at June 9, 2003 07:22 PM

Cassandra! You posted:

Where is LFCat?

Posted by: Cassandra on June 9, 2003 03:07 PM
LFCat: I saw you were on your honeymoon. How about I get you a radio controlled car with a catnip-filled Stuart Little action figure in it?

Posted by: Cassandra on June 9, 2003 04:42 PM

Cass----don't know if you were asking about the ORIGINAL LFC or the impotent/incontinent Loser FC(a.k.a L Fam Weasel) that's ripped off Scrappleface handles.....but the TRUE one---ME hasn't been posting for DAYS since I've been working out of state. While out---I've been reading a little here but not posting.

Been too busy working to spend much time here....which is obviously not the case with the guy who posts under others names. Probably just a matter of time before his boss catches and cans him since he's obviously NOT working. (that's helpful information if you're depressed enough to be going thru the drive thru he's manning ( boy-ing) at Jack In The Box. You may be wondering why the slow moving backed up line: imposter child is playing on the office computer!

(Darth need to be "jealous" (:~})

Furthermore Cassandra---THIS HETERO FEMALE cat is partial to Firemen---(NOT farting gay "goobers"!!) (:~}).

Posted by: THE Cat at June 9, 2003 08:09 PM

Hillary is like that dog poo that ends up in the cracks of your sneakers:
It's smelly, it's horrible to look at, and just when you think you've gotten rid of it, it defiles something new and clean by falling out again.

Man, I can't stand her.

Posted by: Celissa at June 9, 2003 09:35 PM

LPB - Speak for yourself- I have never sacrificed my values to get ahead-which is why I am not one of the "rich" lawyers. Its people like you who have sacrificed their values and morals who justify it by saying "everyone does it." Got news for you, not everyone does, maybe just the people you admire, those that set the example you like to follow. If life is so horrible than you have the power to do something about it. You can either take the moral high ground (and be criticized for it by the scum such as the Clintons) and lead, or put a gun to your head and pull the trigger. I hope you take the first option, because I think you can make a valuable contribution to the world we live in. But if you can't, stop wasting our air.

Posted by: Darth Chef at June 9, 2003 09:41 PM

So she skated through that loophole, a distinction without a difference, to claim the moral highground.

both she and bill are noteworthy for eight years of eithic and legal brinksmanship. That was just another tight squeeze--just like all of the previous ones. Stay tuned for more bobbing, ducking and weaving regarding misconduct that occuring even as you read this

Posted by: johnh at June 9, 2003 09:48 PM

Maybe hrc said it was so 'painful' was because she had most of her dirty laundry aired on international television! Not saying that she or her 'husband' are two of the most deserving to receive such treatment! Liberals are all the same-they claim the higher ground, but they are allowed to 'break' the rules because of their circumstances; eg- all of the anti-gun hollywierd stars who have ARMED bodyguards, SPenn(t) anti- war but beats up photographers on a regular basis, etc!!

We are all perfectly imperfect and do the things we shouldn't even when we know we shouldn't! If one can not be trusted in small things- they will never be honest with more responsibility- power, money, authority!!!!!

There is a difference between being truly sorry and being sorry that you were caught..... where would you say the clintons are....???


Posted by: hrdlordi at June 9, 2003 11:18 PM

An observation from the ghetto...
Before the Clintons were president, all single parents without a sturdy "village" to help us with child care were scr**ed. We got the same sick days as the 18 year old bachelor and so of course lost our jobs on the second da*n flu season of every pay year. Health care for the low income folks sucked dirty canal water, and it took armed robbery to have enough to get off welfare if you landed low enough to need social services.
Once they were in, I could walk up to the factory boss and say, "my baby was sick, here's the doctors note. No, you'll have to find a real reason to fire me besides parenthood."
While they were president, we could afford medicine. Last week, my small family unit (of 3) came down with a nasty flu-fever, sinus and ear infections-a week of pure misery. My spouse's factory job (which has been all my computer genius-top-of-his-class good man could find when his small company got wiped out after 9-11) only offers him affordable insurance, mine would have been another 80 smackers a week-a third of his paycheck, the child's was cheaper, but the policy is set up so I have to be paid up before she can get on, so...we applied for anything and finally after a year and a half were accepted in a CHIP program. So now she has hearing aids finally. I'm still not covered, I had to beg both my husbands and then my daughter's doctor before the second one gave me a break and gave me some samples so I could get a little treatment. Of course my nice man suggested I take his, but we can't afford to have him down sick.Turned out we couldn't afford his rx anyway-the first copay was 75. dollars, we just don't have it.
I will never get this da*n tooth fixed, or the disc that's starting to herniate in my lower back-thank the Goddess for yoga and tea tree and clove oils (thee best tooth ache recipe on the planet for infection and pain).
The Bush family has never meant anything to me but harder times and pricier meds.
The Clintons did so very much for the poor, of which I am a member, as well as being heavily into the volunteer sector-it doesn't pay in cash, but I meet so many good people and then have the honor of assisting them and it makes great opportunities for some bartering of much needed goods and or services, and it keeps me peaceful.
So, instead of having the luxury of judging personalities, I mostly pay attention to how a president effects my life and that of my children.
No offense ladies and gentlemen, but maybe just looking over their records and not their beds is called for when the chips are down. There's my rant for the dayand this is me watching Hilary's back. Go forth and try smiling at that neighbor once a week, eh?

Posted by: Eve at June 10, 2003 01:12 AM

One question I would like to ask, 'Poor mistreated Hill' is, are you still receiving your 'taxpayer funded' Senators salary, while out writing/signing/hawking your book? My bet would be yes! Now, all seriousness aside:

Yesterday, I told everyone why, the actress who played 'Large Marge' in 'PeeWee's Big Adventure' was passed to play Hillary in the T.V. movie! Now there is word that Sharon Stone has been canned, and replaced with the actress that was in the 'Cheech and Chong' movie, that also had PeeWee in it. She was in the scene in the restaurant, where she mistook Tommy Chong for Jerry Garcia of the 'Grateful Dead'!

A A&E; spokesman, (who will remain unnamed), said, "This woman has that Arkansas/N.Y. accent, just like Hillary's, and when I saw the part she played (that of a loud obnoxious blimp), in this Cheech & Chong movie, I knew she was perfect! Especially the part where everytime she left Cheech & Chong's table, she 'left' with everything that wasn't nailed down. That was exactly what happened when she left the White House!"

Posted by: Susan Serin-Done at June 10, 2003 01:23 AM

EVE said;
>>Once they were in, I could walk up to the factory boss and say, "my baby was sick, here's the doctors note. No, you'll have to find a real reason to fire me besides parenthood."

Sorry eve, if you had a, 'Legitimate' Dr's statement, and were fired, even before clinton, you had a cause for legal action. By telling this lie, I payed little attention to anything else you said! P.S. with your own words, it sounds like you had an attitude problem with, 'The Factory Boss'. Maybe that was the 'real' problem!

>>thank the Goddess for yoga

Perhaps if you would give your thanks to my GOD, (of the Bible), things would be better! GOD says, "I WILL meet ALL your needs!", He doesn't say, I will meet all you greeds! I only refer to my beliefs, because of who you said you 'thank'!

>>An observation from the ghetto...

Maybe you're not one of them, but there are many people, (of ALL races), that are 'in the ghetto', because that is where they want to be, taking handouts from the Government! If I hit a nerve sorry, but I have worked for the same company for 25 years, make about $30,000.00 a year, and work with people of all races. I don't expect the Gov. to tax the rich and give me their money through Gov. programs. BTW, I started working there during president peenut, NO raises during that time, President Reagan, biggest raises ever, Bush 41, a few, clinton, smallest ever, Bush 43 a few.

Meaning, I didn't see much if any difference during clinton, if YOU did, then I have to believe that you were on the receiving end of some Government Programs!

Posted by: Susan Serin-Done at June 10, 2003 01:52 AM

A little history:

Richard Nixon - Cover-up of burglary - Republicans force him to step down.

Trent Lott - Insensitive racial statement - Republicans force him to step down.

Bob Linvingston - Immorality - Republicans force him to step aside.

Newt Gingrich - Immorality - Republicans force him to step down.

(By the way did anyone see that the former leader of the Abraham Lincoln Foundation non-Profit shell who made it available to fund Newt Gingrich's history class was finally, after nearly a decade long fight vindicated. Of course the media (NY Times reporting and reprinted everywhere - why are editors still doing that?), never one to miss an opportunity to change the subject or set up future attacks warned that it might lead to future campaign finance abuses. The ruling was that Gingrich's class and its broadcast were just that a class that was broadcast. Real bad stuff. Scary, scary!!! Gingrich is at his heart a history teacher and the former adminstration (and basically the entire liberal wing) decided to attack him for teaching history, calling it campaign abuse.)

Linda Chavez - Helped immigrant families, numerous ones, some even lived with her, numerous tearful ones stood beside her at press conference - She was skewered in press for having illegal workers; A down and out illegal immigrant who she protected and while living at her house did some chores??? We had a young woman live us for 10 months; in addition to cleaning her areas of the house she also did some chores out of the goodness of her heart. I thought the Democrats loved the 'illegal immigrants.' - Republicans decided Chavez would step aside for the good of late starting presidential transition.

Robert Bork - Smartest and most educated Constitutional scholar of the twentieth century - Rejected for no good reason for supreme court. Reason given - he was a conservative ideologue(and Ginsburg and Stevens are not liberal ideologues?)

Justice Thomas - Kind, quiet man who has never once stooped to answer, after his confirmation, the horrendous attacks upon him by all manner of the Democratic wing - He was drug through the mud on the testimony of a single witness.

Three Bush II appeals court nominees - rejected/delayed for reasons of 1) Pickering, racism (yet numerous well respected Blacks from his home county testified for him), 2) Owens, rejected for writing a brief about abortion that was part of her job, and writing an opinion about a ruling on abortion that was also required of her, 3) (the Hispanic guy - sorry I forgot his name) rejected/delayed because he is ... what ???? a conservative ... oh, the horror. Gotta impeach basically everybody on the court except Kennedy and O'Connors because the rest are either Conservatives or Liberals.

One judge did not make it from the floor to the bench during the Clinton era - Ronnie White from Missouri. Never before the Senator Lahee (sp?) chairmanship (June 2001-February 2003 - why did it take a month for the Democrats to decide to vote and reorganize the Senate???), was a candidate deemed well qualified by the bar voted down in committee; never! Yet it happened twice in Lahee's tenure at chair.

And then there is President Clinton - Two Democratic Congressman and One Democratic Senator spoke from their respective floors before impeachment in the House to ask him to step down. No Democratic Congressmen spoke to the press about their belief that President Clinton should step down. The Senator (Lieberman) eventually voted to retain. The amount of testimony against President Clinton's unfitness to serve has been prolific, sourced throughout the governments he has led, and by many former supporters (i.e. Dick Morris).

That we as the American people did not sufficiently direct our Senators to do the right thing and remove President Clinton is the second saddest statement about the character of this generation - the saddest being our complicity in the murder of 45 million American babies.

We can't go back and have President Clinton removed (though we can be sure not to make that error again). We can't bring those 45 million babies back, but we can make sure that the Senate confirms the choice of President Bush this summer for SCJ(s) and end this horror of murder.
I think how the German World War II generation must have to explain things to their grandkids about why they did not act to stop the murder of 15 million. What will we say to our grandkids when they ask, "Grandpa, what did you do to stop all the babies from being killed?"

(aaaah, I feel better)

Now go out and do good, you all.

Posted by: Jericho at June 10, 2003 03:38 AM

It's clear that Bush now takes the Israeli-Palestinian conflict seriously. I will perhaps have to apologise on this forum. (I wish to have to.)

Posted by: Frenchman at June 10, 2003 04:55 AM

The road map is a fraud, a lie , and an excuse.

It doesnĄt deal with the real problems,it benefits Israel as usual.

Bush is not taking the conflict seriously just conveniently for himself and his poor image.

The good action of the month, maybe?. Is there anyone who really believes it?.

Posted by: Gala at June 10, 2003 08:05 AM

It is so obvious the EVE can't tell the truth to save her life. No wonder she's a dimocratic. The closest Eve has come to the Ghetto is hearing the Elvis song. Can you point to any specific thing the Clinton's actually did to help the poor? What law did they pass?

They spoke of children and families, but what did they actually do for them?

Inquiring minds want to know.

Posted by: Darth chef at June 10, 2003 08:09 AM

I've always supported Israel's right to exist and defend itself against terrorism, but I'm starting to disagree with their handling of the middle east peace process. Abbas is in a very delicate situation, but he seems to be handling it fairly well. But if Israel wanted to derail the road map, they sure did a good job of it today. I can't see Abbas not being able to condem the attack against Rantisi (and killing two bystanders)... especially when Hamas was considering resuming the cease-fire pledge. What was the point of it? Any thoughts?

Posted by: Cat at June 10, 2003 09:02 AM

Get a grip. I had better health care before Hitlery screwed it up. My drs. bills, when I can get health care on the economy, have tripled. Eighty bucks for an office visit, and 51.00 of that is MY copay. Tell me how is that cheaper? How is that more affordable for ME? And don't get me started about dental care. But you won't find Hitlery getting the same health care that SHE thinks is good enough for the American people. Her health care coverage is the way it ought to be for all Americans. She has choices and the premiums are lower as well as the deductibles

If I don't call my PCM when there is an emergency, I have to pay three hundred dollars because Try-to-get-care won't cover emergency room visits, when private health care insurance would.

Not only that, but I and other Americans are paying for Medicare and Medicaid through an illegal retroactive Medicare tax, which YOU by Hitlery's bizarre ideas and notions of what constitutes poverty qualify for and I don't. The government
doesn't own my money, I do. If your neighbor had two cars and you needed one, would you take it if he did not offer to share with you? Of course don't have that right or the authority to do so, as it isn't yours. So, why empower the sherrif to do so if you don't?

IOW, it is my money and because of Hitlery, I have less of it to spend on my own families' needs.

Now, before you go assuming that others have all this money and we are just being mean for not giving to you, look at where you can trim some fat from your budget: cell phone? cable satellite television? junk food? Cigarettes? Eating out or eating convenience foods versus homecooked?

If you have any of those items, (maybe not the cell phone)that will save you an extra 600.00 a year or more by eliminating them. That adds up fast. And with the money you save you can either keep it in the bank or buy some stocks.

Posted by: Cricket at June 10, 2003 09:32 AM


Thank's for censoring me, I get carried away sometimes :)


I'm quite disappointed in your post above... It positively reeks of hypocrisy, but without any evidence to the contrary, I'll ask for your sainthood sometime in the near future. Although, given the people who have been 'sainted' in history of this world (maybe outside of Mother Teresa), that may be a put down :)

I live in a real world, where, *gasp*, people do mean things to get ahead, and unlike a lot of the right-wing ideologues here, I take personal accountability for doing them. And while I have yet to leave a swath of corporate bodies in my wake w/o being provoked, I know that at some point in time I'll have to make that decision. You know, do unto others as they do unto you.

As to the rest of you flaming Eve... I don't know if what she posted is true. And given my views, you can't really accuse me of being a bleeding heart liberal. But to dismiss her views out of hand just because you disagree with them puts you in the same category as... Well, I don't have to go there.


Posted by: logicpenaltybox at June 10, 2003 10:17 AM


Good, except that Hillary's proposals were never implemented, I fail to see how she's responsible for your medical issues. Now, as far as the state of health care in this country and how Hillary would've screwed it up...

Medicines cost quite a bit and their cost is rising not because of increased investment by the drug companies to develop the drugs, but because of extended FDA testing requirements, new advertisement guidelines, and new patent extensions that have been granted to the companies.

Even though I have excellent health insurance through work, I have trouble finding a doctor that will accept my health insurance. 7 IPA's in this area completely DROPPED accepting certain HMO's and PPO's, leaving patients up a creek w/o a paddle.

3 hospitals and 2 emergency rooms have shut down here in the last year because of financial issues. The only hospital chains staying afloat are Catholic, due to the large subsidies they receive from the archdiocese here. However, given the recent scandals, their survival is not assured anymore.

Do I need to mention that malpractice insurance is driving doctors out of business not because of crazy claims against them, not because of their incompetence, but because of insurance industry consolidation and insurance industry investment losses?

So exactly, how would Hillary's version of the health care system be worse? Surprise, surprise, most of the addressable issues she used to sell her flawed plan back in 1993 are actually coming to fruition.

Back then, just as now, instead of debating the merits of her case for health care reform, and what the best approach to fix a doddering system, elephantines used a simple hate-politics to discredit it. Oh yeah, the patients bill of rights is a joke, read it some time. And the joke's on you, since y'all are buying it, hook, line and sinker.


Posted by: logicpenaltybox at June 10, 2003 10:19 AM


Was U.S. justified in going after Osama even against the wishes of the Taliban? Even though it meant some collateral damage? The illustration is closer here than people give it credit...

Hamas, and other Arafat sponsored groups, are dedicated to the destruction of Israel. These groups also currently possess most of the weapons in the territories, making Abbas militarily impotent against them. Palestinian public opinion has been running about 75-80% in support of what these groups are doing, making Abbas politically impotent against these groups.

Just because US or other actors would like to make peace, no breakthroughs can be achieved until someone like Abbas has popular and military support to enforce his promises. Until then, Israel is perfectly within bounds eliminating those who would murder its citizens at home or abroad. And if Abbas is impotent to take down Hamas, then an external party needs to step in. Would you rather have it be the U.S. Army doing the dirty work, instead of IDF?


Posted by: logicpenaltybox at June 10, 2003 10:29 AM


I am not pro-abortion, but how many of those 45 million un-wanted, crack babies were you offering to raise exactly?


Posted by: yaksun at June 10, 2003 10:36 AM


Have you ever taken a government class? You seem confused about what the various branches of government do. You blame the President for your economic ills, but I'm having trouble understanding why. The President does not pass laws or control the Federal purse strings: Congress does.

I am so tired of seeing Presidents get the blame (Bush I)or the credit - Clinton - for something they do not control. If you like what you see, look to Congress - if you don't, call or write your Congressman or -woman. The President has nothing to do with it.

Also, many of the problems you mention, while unfortunate, don't have much to do with government either (except that you feel the "safety net" isn't there). When Bush I was in office and the election was close, the economy was in a downturn but all the leading economic indicators (signs of which direction the economy is heading in 6 months to 1 year) were pointing upward. This means the economy was already pulling out - yet Bush I was voted out. Clinton came into office, the economy did what it was predicted to do before he took office.

The stock market and Internet bubble caused huge growth in the economy - this had NOTHING to do with Clinton. About halfway through his second term, economists started saying, "This can't last - stocks are overvalued and there will be a crash". The crash happened at the end of Clinton's presidency and cause an economic downturn. The computer sector (i.e., your husband) was hardest hit. 9/11 certainly didn't help matters any.

Now people are blaming Bush for the downturn. I'm trying hard to figure this out - was the stock market correction his fault? Did he somehow cause it to happen before he took office? The guy keeps trying to propose tax cuts to Congress. The Democrats complain that there will be a deficit. Deficits aren't great, but you run a deficit during hard times and try to balance the budget during better times - this is tried and true economic policy. Bush tried putting money in the hands of taxpayers (to bolster spending and confidence) and was ridiculed. Interesting, because the stats show consumer confidence and spending are at pre-downturn levels. He is trying to put money into employer's hands (you know - they're the ones who create the jobs - if they aren't showing a profit, they fire people and cut benefits) and the Democrats say he is favoring the rich.

What I want to know is, when's the last time a poor person created a job? Can you go to your neighbor on welfare and say, "Hey - please hire me"? If a business wants to sell stock to open up in a town and create jobs, do they sell this stock to poor people to get operating funds?

Finally, people have to accept a little responsibility for planning for and adjusting to hard times. My husband and I lived below the poverty level (which sounds worse than it is) the first 2 years we were married. He worked 2 jobs and went to school. I stayed home and cared for our baby, working part-time on his off hours when he could babysit. We couldn't afford child care, we didn't have health insurance (had to pay cash for our son's delivery!) If I or the baby got sick, we didn't get prescriptions - 90% of the time, they're not needed anyway, but I know there are some times you absolutely have to have them.

After the first year, we reassessed our finances. We couldn't afford to live together, so I went home to live with my parents and work graveyard shift and he sublet our small apartment to help with rent and food. I saved the money I earned so we'd have a disaster fund.

I know it's comforting to think of a government safety net to catch you when you fall, but what the government gives, it can also take away. I also know how hard it is to work with kids. I ran the numbers for our family several times and always came to the same conclusion: once you pay for child care, the extra car (we only had 1 the 1st 10 years we were married), lunches, clothes, the extra taxes deducted from your combined wages (not to mention the increased cost of running a 2-career household ), it's cheaper not to work. And your kids get sick far less when they're not in day care.

Just a few things to think about. I'm not blaming you for your troubles, but I'm not sure you can rightly lay them at Bush's door either.

Posted by: Cassandra at June 10, 2003 10:52 AM

hamas and arafat are arch enemies,hamas has tried to get him several times.
arafat had the most militant of these people locked up until the idf had him pinned down in ramallah,then he turned the dogs loose..

the al asqua martyrs are the ones affiliated with arafat and theres little doubt in my mind that arafat is in charge and does in fact order certain acts of terror.

where were the idf kids killed on sunday???
they were in occupied land no??
they werent civilians for a change,not that it matters to the parents who lost one of their own.

Sharon responded with what we most of us figured he'd respond with,missed his target and killed 2 innocent bystanders..
abbas is once again rightly outraged and the noose is tightening around his throat and now you have both the radical jews and arabs pulling it tighter..
another black eye in the ""road map"" to peace...

Posted by: Sean at June 10, 2003 12:41 PM

cassie the govt also renegged on the v.a. benefits people like your husband are entitled to and were promised...

nice reward for putting your life on the line eh??

Posted by: Sean at June 10, 2003 12:45 PM


What VA benefits? Actually, I'm not happy about the whole medical care (TRY TO GET CARE) as Cricket calls it, but I've never counted on anything from the VA. Give me some specifics so I can argue with you :)

Posted by: Cassandra at June 10, 2003 01:10 PM

A stock broker, on his way home from work in New York City, came to a dead stop in traffic and thought to himself, "Wow, this traffic seems worse than usual. Nothing's even moving."

He notices a police officer walking back and forth between the lines of cars, so he rolls down the window and asks, "Officer, what's the hold up?"

The officer replies, "Hillary Clinton is just so depressed about all the media poking fun at her new book that she stopped her motorcade in the middle of the freeway and she's threatening to douse herself in gasoline and set herself on fire!

She says her husband is still running around on her more than ever and the Democrats told her to forget about the presidency in 2008."

"So we're taking up a collection for her."

The broker says, "Oh really? How much have you go so far?"

The officer replies, "About 4-1/2 gallons, but alot of folks are still siphoning!"

At this time I am amusing my reverse side away extremely.

Posted by: LilKimIl at June 10, 2003 01:31 PM

Specifics....lets see..
the v.a stopped picking up d.a.v patients back in august of last year after the feds cut the v.a. budget..
meaning my father in law who lost his eyes in korea now needs to find his own transportation to the v.a. in big deal for us but for some of these guys who are alone it is rather traumatic...
civil service..
gop gov mitt romney(r) utah or massachusetts has filed legislation that effectively ends any bonus that congressional medal of honor winners have in applying for a job..meaning if they got 10 points for being a CMH winner it is no longer relevant....THIS IS SINFUL..

there are a plethora of cuts being made against the v.a. and its affiliates,I will get back to you on them as soon as I can make a phone call as I just came back from the dentist and my face is numb and I cant talk..
Christ Im drooling like Bill Clinton at a miss teen usa pageant...

lil kim thats sweet....

Cassie see what hubby says about v.a. cuts and perhaps we can compare notes,I know many guys at the legion hall who are besides themselves and theres nothing I like better than bustin the elderly,all in good fun of course...

Posted by: Sean at June 10, 2003 02:33 PM

Slingin Sammy Waksal 7years!!!
Lets hope that the people on the inside trading get a whiff of this..
Problem is hes going to serve his time in some Floridian country club instead of being locked down in Rikers Island or Rahway..

Posted by: Sean at June 10, 2003 03:17 PM

The military got Hillary's health care, thank you very much.

As far as drugs go, don't use them unless my pain level is an 11.

However, Sunday, three fingers got broken. Long story don't ask. I had to call Tri Care ask a nurse to get her permission to go to the ER. Then, I got the reminder that my PCM had to know about the visit so that it could be billed appropriately.

Was in and out in the ER in about 3 hours...they splinted said fingers.

Went to pharmacy Monday to get the script filled. It cost me 12.00 for the narcotic they prescribed.
Not a bad cost, as I told them I had no insurance card. That part was true. So, when patients have had to pat out-of-pocket, some costs go way down.
I have seen that happen across the board.

Now, as you were saying about funding and the lack thereof, it would stand to reason that an institution dependent on government to pay for patients' bills would go bankrupt...simply because the funding pays admin costs first.

There are three layers of bureaucracy where there was only one, and those layers have to be fed.
Next: When Clintoon cut into the Armed Forces and eliminated jobs, and most of what the military did for itself got contracted out, the increase in welfare benefits went up.

You cannot give someone a 'right' without depriving someone else.

The study of law and economics bears this out. I have to get mold testing done for my basement. Can I do the tape test? Nooooo. I have to pay someone that the Dept. recommends to come out and take the test strip, (they aren't even pros, just applied for a license after reading what passed on the floor of the state legislature) and then another fee for them to send it in to a lab. It used to be that I could write a lab for a kit for some I have to pay someone with an increased cost.

So, Hillary's health care plan has not made health more affordable, only less readily available. Today, one of my kids got a fishhook in his foot. I dug it out rather than go to the ER. The doc was all filled up, couldn't get in for a same day, and they are short handed, yadda yadda yadda.

It pays to be self reliant.

Posted by: Cricket at June 10, 2003 03:19 PM

Couldn't agree more with Cricket. I only had the 2 boys, but going to the military was so horrid that I paid for civilian care whenever I could. My husband has NO IDEA how frustrating it is because he didn't have to take the kids and try to see a real, live doctor. And this is from someone who has 2 kids over 20 with medical jackets less than an inch thick.

Posted by: Cassandra at June 10, 2003 04:00 PM

Hillary R. Clinton and the word president in the same sentence makes me depressed....chocolate,I need CHOCOLATE..NOW!!!

Posted by: the old old lady at June 10, 2003 04:09 PM

Cricket!!!...."However, Sunday, three fingers got broken......

I'm so sorry to hear...err...READ that. No worries about the future. It won't affect your bid for WhiteHouse Chef when Cassandra runs for pres. in 08--nor does it have bearing on my interest in in representing you.(:~}).

How'd it happen? Ooops....I just re-read your post. Never mind!(:~})

-----"one of my kids got a fishhook in his foot. dug it out rather than go to the ER. OUCH!....for the both of you!

I feel badly for the docs who are forced to "bow" to the system of quota's and legalized mafia
( a.k.a Insurance companies----I mean the Dr's who genuinely CARE about their patients but can't do as they'd like because of "the system". A Dr. friend went on a sabbatical.. in his early 30's so he could strategize & "re-route" himself in such a way as to be able to offer care he deemed proper and still be "legal".

I pray the mends are quick for you. ( I'm with you on the meds as a LAST resort--- Don't forget about the good ole Bromelaine/Pineapple/Papaya Enzyme anti-inflammatory stuff!(:~}))

Lil Kim Il
....although a bit "violent"---I admit to amusing my reverse side away extremely in response to your "Hillary's got gas" post. You're doing much better with your engrish, too, Nukie Munchkin. Ya got any spare Nucleus Missiles you could direct at the imposter child that steals names from Scrapplers? Put that "mission" on your list after Nose Tra Dame Us Streisand----???

Posted by: Used 2B LFC-in Colorado at June 10, 2003 04:13 PM

Attentioning here to,
Imperialist, is yellow running dog Used 2 Be LFC and the scrapplemask which it operates.

Looking at you are again in the scrapplemask menu I am very happy. You were let escape?

Simply, in addition as for the engrish improving in me, a certain cutting also pasting also is revised well excessively.

You not hear? I making many the new nucleus missles at this time. Eventually there are from sufficiently many for everyone ¶ )

Posted by: LilKimIl at June 10, 2003 07:08 PM

Attentioning to Small Kim not-well!
What did you think of my offer for one of your nucleous missiles. I offered many Cheetos and a case of Mountain Dew for one medium range missile.
I'll even throw in a few boxes of vaious types of Little Debbie Snack Cakes.
How 'bout it?

(I always wanted to be a nuclear power. And to think, my high school counselor said I had no ambition.)

Posted by: some random guy at June 10, 2003 08:00 PM

Lil Kim (grandson of Men Tal Li) Il

Word of your using "Menu" is cause of cat zzzzz's time with open of one eye with claws for battle ready!!!.

Working excessive in Michigan was not escape like you say. I choose for $$. Nip of the Cat makes for excessive spend of the coin of radio cat!

U2BLFC is LOVING of water not like cats of most. Water in Michigan and many green and purple of lilacs make for happy cat.

Work hard make for cat tired. Finding Nemo make for happy cat when not work. Cat amuse self so excessively (at movie of the Nemo) reverse side (a.k.a "hoody hoo") fall off. Again cat will see Nemo and amuse excessively.

Over 5 mile Mackinac bridge make for cat like velcro on ceiling of car!. Less scarey is you of Nukey Munchkin's nucleus missiles than looooong suspesion of bridge. NOT happy cat when thunderstorms says not going to Mackinac Island.

(Why say "mack-in-awww" and "c" in name end??..)

Used 2 B LFC not all the time name for me. Change is soon. Please make of good use nucleus missiles to imposter of stealing of the names.

Many dangers are faced of YOU with nucleus if missile in pompadour is tangled....BOOM!....OUCH!

Now I amuse MY reverse side excessivley so hoody hoo detach from anatomy!

Miss Swan escape? Not on Scrapplemask menu of many days. Reverse of Il not amused? Is Pompadour munchkin stealing of the Gorgeous Pretty Beauty salon spray of hair reason?

hear me in Godfather voice say:
"Some Random Guy making you an offer you cannot refuse!"

WOO HOO--- Little Debbie Snack Cakes of various types!!---meaning:
Spam & avocado;
Peanutbutter & onion;
tuna & marshmallow cream and
chicken & mocha!!.
mmmmmmm....Nukie Munchkin favorites, no??

thought is almost of making furballs rise to the north and exit! Already now while typing is excessive of "hAA-CHOO'ing"...allergic to humans maybe is cat!

Posted by: U2B LFC in Colorado at June 10, 2003 09:15 PM

the bee atch will do a ted kennedy.
she'll start her run late in the game and then she'll find out that the press really plays rough on declared candidates and then she'll make some lame excuse to bow out rather than face the music.
It was basically the end of Ted's chances and will be the end of hers.. good riddance.

Posted by: wizegoi at June 11, 2003 12:06 AM

PS the old witch claims they sold 200,000 copies of her sorry excuse for a memoirs. That really shipments. The publisher has to buy back what doesn't sell to retail customers. look for a bargain in the remainder catalogues very soon.
That's where you'll find all of "her" other books.

Posted by: wizegoi at June 11, 2003 12:09 AM

Attentioning here to,
Imperialist, is yellow running dog Some Random Person and the scrapplemask which it operates.

Now you speak. I the fat quality which hydrogenates, exchange one nucleus missile because of two cases of the little Debbie and Oreos food lightly. I must make the troop smaller. I must make many missiles in order to achieve this. We must speak of the Dew of the Mountain and of the Cheetos, as for this sound tastily.

The counselor of your high school brags for you now. ¶ )

Posted by: LilKimIL at June 11, 2003 01:56 AM

>>>The road map is a fraud, a lie , and an excuse.

It doesnĄt deal with the real problems,it benefits Israel as usual.

Bush is not taking the conflict seriously just conveniently for himself and his poor image.

The good action of the month, maybe?. Is there anyone who really believes it?.

Posted by: Gala on June 10, 2003 08:05 AM

I sure YOUR people have the answer Gala, ------Hmmmmmmmmmm, Maybe it's 7,000 of your people showing up nude in public? Were you one of them? You certainly have a WEIRD culture, and shouldn't be faulting others, when your own people are so weird!

Posted by: Who IS this Gala? at June 11, 2003 01:59 AM

>>>As to the rest of you flaming Eve... I don't know if what she posted is true. And given my views, you can't really accuse me of being a bleeding heart liberal. But to dismiss her views out of hand just because you disagree with them puts you in the same category as... Well, I don't have to go there.


Posted by: logicpenaltybox on June 10, 2003 10:17 AM

LogicPB, Perhaps you should marry eve, then the two of you can live on the government programs that the dims have created!

Don't like my opinion? Too bad, I don't like yours! Here's a novel idea, state your opinion WITHOUT telling others how wrong they are, and maybe they won't 'FLAME' you.

P.S. Your name is perfect, you should be in the logic penalty box, as you have NO logic.

Posted by: NoLogicBoxHead at June 11, 2003 02:16 AM

>>>cassie the govt also renegged on the v.a. benefits people like your husband are entitled to and were promised...

nice reward for putting your life on the line eh??

Posted by: Sean on June 10, 2003 12:45 PM

Sean, I agree that both the Dems and Repubs have let our Veterans down. I had to go on disability from my job with lung disease after 25 years. After 2 years, my Company paid supplemental insurance stopped covering me. I applied for, and was granted Medicare, but it doesn't cover prescriptions. I was told by a friend that prior service personnel could get RX through their closest VA Hospital, so I applied to get benefits. After serving in the Army for 6 years, (but unfortunately, not having a 'Service related' disability), the EARLIEST I can be seen by a doctor is MAY 2004. BTW, you aren't eligible for the RX program, until after you see a doctor, and then there is no guarantee! So much for Compassionate Politicans for our Veterans!

Posted by: SGT ElevenBravo at June 11, 2003 02:37 AM

U 2 B LFC,
I got my fingers shut in a door...totally my fault and my middle little guy did it. He is nine. He has a VERY tender heart...I was scrubbing down a wall and had my fingers in his door jamb on the hinge side, and he was romping through the house with his sibs.

Of course, being as excited as they were, he went barreling into his room and closed the door and when my fingers prevented that from happening, he just pushed harder.

I was howling...and he was absolutely mortified.
He was crying harder than I was. Poor little guy.
So, I plunged my hand immediately into some ice water and the doc did say that that prevented him from having to drill to relieve the pressure.

WHEW! But he has been so concerned over my fingers that he at least doesn't slam doors shut!

They are black and blue and taped together. Never go to Wally World on darvocet. One might be drawn toward the dark side and actually pick up Hillary's book...and feel your pain over again as you relieve the eight years of Clinton....AAARRRGGGHHHH!!!!

She actually had a pic in there with the Slickster wiping an eye for 'feeling someone's pain, I fell in love with him alll over again.'

Oh for vomit....

Posted by: Cricket at June 11, 2003 05:53 AM


Still hurtin' for you with those injured digits. Your poor "baby" too feeling HORRIBLE for slammming the door on his momma's hand..... OUCH!!....I'm cringing just typing this!
Unlike Slick Sick Willie who said it but couldn't possibly mean it: "I feel your pain" least to a certain degree since I'm NOT the one with the injured fingers. ( my lower back is empathizing some!)

I'm sure the (photo op) wipe a tear pic you saw also featured the curled bottom lip??...If only hill and bill were as "likeable" as Boris and Natasha...

Classic Cricket line: "oh for vomit"....LMBO...or in furry cat and Scott Ott hybrid speak: LM[F]O

[]=Ott approved "code" for butt (and other "bootified" synonyms)
F= furry

Also....bold of you to admit going to WalMart! (:~}).
{HAD to be the drugs---I KNOW you're not "stupid & fat" like Walmart (stereo)types} I avoid "those" kinds of stores and grow my own catnip or have it imported! HA!

Posted by: U2B LFC in Colorado at June 11, 2003 09:41 AM

No Head:

Appropriate name for you, but I don't see how I'm the one being flamed :) People disagree with my statements/positions, and I disagree with theirs. Sometimes we even agree (rare, but it has happened :) If a statement is so outrageously wrong/hypocritical that it deserves flaming, then I have no problems doing that. If someone can't engage in a meaningful argument w/o flaming, then I'll surely flame them as well :)

Now follow this line of logic, please. I'm actually trying to engage in an argument, so read and learn, and some day you might be able to argue too.


Posted by: logicpenaltybox at June 11, 2003 09:54 AM


Not arguing that what's happened on the military side of healthcare system is a disgrace. I'm just not sure that the deterioration of service that you're describing is actually due to Hillarycare for the military or the general deterioration of the healthcare system in this country in general. I don't think it's a coincidence that both private and public healthcare programs have come to an equally disgusting level of service in the last decade of bickering over how to best fix them.

As far as complaining about not being able to see a doc until May of 2004, at least you GET an appointment on benefits... I can't even get a doctor to make an appointment for me :(


Posted by: logicpenaltybox at June 11, 2003 10:01 AM

The military is always the guinea pig for any social experiments. Right now, we live on the economy (that is Armyspeak for 'off post'). Thank goodness we do.

For it is NOW the Current Thought that if your children are not adequately supervised, you can be evicted from quarters, for living in quarters is a privelege, not a right. Well, who makes that determination? That was never brought out in the Town Hall meeting...but it sounded good, so we will go with that.

The problem with that, is you have junior enlisted who can barely afford to live IN quarters who need the break in rent and utilities, and now we are gonna add that stress to the family? GEEZ!

Some of these silly things come from the command, and some come from Congress. Sigh. However, we do own some real estate because of that insane policy,
so it benefitted us financially.

Posted by: Cricket at June 11, 2003 11:01 AM

LPB, Go to your penalty box, until you have some logic that intelligent people can understand.

Posted by: NoLogicBoxHead at June 12, 2003 07:21 AM

As far as complaining about not being able to see >>>a doc until May of 2004, at least you GET an appointment on benefits... I can't even get a doctor to make an appointment for me :(


Posted by: logicpenaltybox on June 11, 2003 10:01 AM

I have a solution if you think I have something YOU don't, do what I did, and serve your Country! Go enlist, heck you don't even have to serve 6 years like I did, go for 2 or 3. If you want good healthcare, just STAY in. I was never denied WHILE I served.

I don't have a crystal ball, but I bet I know your answer to my offer to enlist, ("I shouldn't have to serve, ---what, so I would have to kill innocents for 'Bushie',-----I'm not willing to 'murder' for healthcare, I could go on but will instead wait for your 'Logical' answer),and it's typical of people wanting something for nothing, something they haven't worked for, i.e. MOST democrats/libs/socialists.

Posted by: SGT ElevenBravo at June 12, 2003 07:36 AM

SGT ElevenBravo:

Blah, blah, blah. You wear your military service on your sleeve. Its so becoming. Only those who served in the military have a right to opine, right?????

Only those who fought (not W) have a right to send others off to die.


Posted by: yaksun at June 12, 2003 01:33 PM

This means she is running. Because the Democratic party will flounder about without a consistent message and fail to field a candidate who musters a significant challenge to President George Bush. This goes without saying.

Posted by: Jack Ryan at June 12, 2003 08:03 PM

yaksun, are you some kid, or do you just act like one?

Posted by: SGT ElevenBravo at June 12, 2003 10:23 PM

yaksun, you are right, I AM proud to have served my Country! Have you done Anything for your Country, besides tearing it down?

Posted by: SGT ElevenBravo at June 12, 2003 10:26 PM

Sgt EB:

I appreciate your service in the military of this nation. I apologize for phrasing my objection to your remarks in a disrespectful manner. It was rude. However, your rejoinder to LPB rankles, just as similar statements I have read by other posters on here citing military service as a special right to voice an opinion. Your military service gives you special credibility to speak to related factual matters. It does not mean your opinion is necessarily worth more, or that you have more right to speak it.

To answer your question, um, "yes". Just last year, I paid taxes to support my country's efforts to tear down another country in the middle east, which had not even attacked or declared war on US.

It is not the country I am tearing down. Just those who would abuse power and lie to the public to further that abuse.

Thank you for defending this nation during your time of service.


Posted by: yaksun at June 13, 2003 02:22 PM

To the one who posted: "Maybe it's 7,000 of your people showing up nude in public? Were you one of them? You certainly have a WEIRD culture, and shouldn't be faulting others, when your own people are so weird!".

If thatĄs the way you define weird you must be an ultraconservative, moralistic , narrow-minded , bored person.

You call it weird , I call it freedom and art.


Posted by: Gala at June 13, 2003 02:45 PM

Hey, it's me, the wrong religioned, not hateful enough, what was it? Welfare Mother? Kiss my ---, I was working factory jobs when most of you were discovering your belly buttons. I was in a spot and got some available help, that's what it's supposed to be there for. I walked in here on a lot of chickens clucking over how this one behaves about that one and tossed in my 2 cents. You attack my sencerity, my faith, and my integrity? Insult my intelligence all you want. You matter somewhere I'm sure.
No wonder this place is a mess.
I most deffinately know what a ghetto is, and was blessed not to be born in one. But I've helped a bunch out of them.
And to the christian sister swinging that holy book around like a flogger--snappy comeback, your oppinion is important to me. no, really.


Posted by: Eve at June 19, 2003 04:20 AM

eve, i notice your e-mail says, meana$$

it SHOULD say dumba$$@welfare.CADDY

you were attacked for your, holier than thou, obvious, typical, "i'm always gettin' the sh#t end of the stick" rhetoric, christian/conservative bashing. if you attack, expect to be attacked back, can't have it both ways. you get free speech, then so do we! something you libs better get used to.

p.s. your opinion is important to us too, -------------NOT! now go put elvis's song back on, and cry some more about being, 'oppressed', your reparations check is in the mail,---trust me.

Posted by: eve, "in the ghetto" at June 20, 2003 07:28 AM

eve, one more question. i've always wondered, in the elvis song he sings, "------he buys a gun, steals a car, tries to run, but he don't get far,------. if he was going to steal a car, how come he didn't steal the gun too? any thoughts eve?

Posted by: if they won't give it, steal it! at June 22, 2003 03:39 PM
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