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June 09, 2003
Muslim Illegal Immigrants Demand American Homeland

(2003-06-09) -- Approximately 13,000 Arab and Muslim illegal immigrants have petitioned the U.S. government for a homeland of their own to be carved out of "all of that wasted space out west." The illegal immigrants said they deserve the right to self-determination.

If their petition for a North American homeland is denied, the illegal immigrants face deportation under an obscure U.S. law which makes perpetrators of illegal actions punishable.

Some of the Muslims have been in the U.S. for many years, and live in attractive suburban neighborhoods, which they now call "refugee camps."

A visit to the Starbuck's coffee shop in California's Twin Pines "refugee camp" found jittery Muslim men sipping bitter coffee, wondering about their future. They told a reporter how they live paycheck-to-paycheck on isolated cul-de-sacs where families of four often huddle in three bedroom, two bath tract homes without broadband internet access.

by Scott Ott | Donate | | Comments (74) | More Satire | Printer-Friendly
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First! BAM

Posted by: myworldtotravel at June 9, 2003 09:28 AM

Oh, the humanity! Does the UN have a position yet?

Posted by: Eggman at June 9, 2003 09:29 AM

I have an idea, let's give them the Grand Canyon, then fill it with nuclear waste!

Posted by: Palestine? There is NO such place! at June 9, 2003 09:42 AM

You are of course talking about all the wasted space that sick willie didn't grab when he was president.
Lets give them barbera strisands estate, her know it all nose doesn't need that much space.

Posted by: Mike S at June 9, 2003 10:03 AM

Hey! I like the Grand Canyon.

There's tons of space in Nevada that isn't being used for anything since they stopped testing nuclear weapons. Let's give them that.
I was going to suggest Death Valley, but there are some very unique and sensitive ecosystems that I wouldn't want to see damaged.

Personally, I can't beleive that an out-moded and obscure law like this would be enforced. Why, if this trend continues, people who commit all sorts of crimes could actually be punished!
(the above paragraph is intended as sarcasm)

I'm going back to where my ancestors came from and demanding their land back. Now, was that Ireland, Scotland, England, Germany, or Italy? hmmm....I think it was all of them. Decisions, decisions.......
(more sarcasm)

Posted by: some random guy at June 9, 2003 10:08 AM

Immigrants are illegal only if they are not powerful enough to kill the natives and steal the Land.

Posted by: Frenchman at June 9, 2003 10:10 AM

Sounds like your family went through the same society blender as mine. We got the start of an army here. I am therefore promoting my self to General. You can be the despot in charge of the dictatorship we set up. France looks like an easy target to start with then on to Germany?

Posted by: Mike S at June 9, 2003 10:13 AM

Be prepared to salute me and kneel before SGR when you say that frenchie. I would advise you to brush up on your groveling as well.

Posted by: General Mike S at June 9, 2003 10:17 AM

On Behalf of Matt Goober Shivers and myself, I would like to announce that we eloped this past weekend and now are wed as flaulent man and incontinent cat. Thanks to the otehr Lynch Family Animals for their support and encouragement. For anyone wishing to send gifts, our wedding registry is posted at Radio Shack and Pet SMart.

Posted by: The Blissfully Wedded Lynch Family Cat at June 9, 2003 10:18 AM


Immigrants are illegal only if they are not powerful enough to kill the natives and steal the Land.

I'm sure France has no immigration laws - they let just anyone in, don't they? Oh - I forgot - Europeans are OK - it's just those pesky North Africans who need to be kept under control...

***Legislation. On February 27, 1997, the French National Assembly approved by a large margin new immigration legislation that legalizes the status of some illegal aliens, but also implements measures to make it easier to locate and remove illegal aliens.

One provision of the new legislation requires foreigners without residency permits who stay in private homes to report their arrival and departure to local police. Under a 1982 regulation (decree), foreigners who apply for a tourist visa, but have no money or hotel reservations and intend to stay in private homes, must usually obtain an officially stamped affidavit, a so-called certificate of accommodation, from a French host in order to obtain a tourist visa to visit France.

An earlier draft of the legislation required the French host to notify the authorities of the foreigner's arrival in and departure from private homes. The legislation was amended on February 19 to shift the reporting burden from the French host to the foreigner; the host requests the certificate, and the alien turns it in to authorities when leaving France. Records are to be destroyed after three months.

The law is designed to cut down on illegal immigration, mostly from former French colonies in Africa and North Africa; Europeans and visitors from about 30 other countries are exempt from the reporting requirements. Another amendment would make the police rather than elected mayors responsible for operating the reporting system.

Posted by: Cassandra at June 9, 2003 10:20 AM

That should read SRG My mistake. Sorry your despotship.

Posted by: GEneral Mike S at June 9, 2003 10:23 AM

Viva le Mike!
My Anglo-Saxon heritage has always wanted to get even with France for the 1066 invasion (not savctioned by the UN!), and this looks like the perfect opportunity.
Let's make sure the German campaign starts near Oktoberfest. With the citizenry hammered, it will be that much easier to conquer.
Besides, the beer is great.

On a totally different topic:
"Hi, my name is Frenchy! Oh, look. A dead horse."
"George Bush is a big meany!"
"There are no WMDs (even though the blessed Chiraq said there were)"
"Americans are fibbers!"

Posted by: some random guy at June 9, 2003 10:24 AM

Make that "Some Random Despot Guy"

Mel Brooks said it best: It's good to be the King.

Posted by: some random despot guy at June 9, 2003 10:27 AM

Off Topic, but since the Media has pronounced this, 'Hillary Clinton Day', click my name for a true glimpse into the liars mind!

Posted by: "Slick" Willie at June 9, 2003 10:30 AM

Let them have Bikini Island.

Posted by: mikey at June 9, 2003 10:32 AM

I think I like Some Random Despot better. It has a ne sais, quoi - n'est pas?

If you and Generalissimo Mike S. are taking over, you need a propaganda office. I nominate LilKimIl for director. He has such a great turn of phrase.

Posted by: Cassandra at June 9, 2003 10:35 AM

I cannot believe that frenchfry is posting here, now. I would have bet money he would be standing in line to get an autographed copy of his idol, Hillary's book. Word is, she is going to sign them, "All my best, Jayson Blair!"

Posted by: "Slick" Willie/ Susan at June 9, 2003 10:37 AM

Frenchman wrote:
Immigrants are illegal only if they are not powerful enough to kill the natives and steal the Land. that definition there are no illegal immigrants in France, just procrastinating legal ones?

Posted by: Gabsboy at June 9, 2003 10:52 AM

I can't wait for them to build a mosque where the WTC used to be.

Posted by: Laurence Simon at June 9, 2003 11:19 AM

do you really hate muslims?

Posted by: Max at June 9, 2003 11:31 AM

Of course not.

Posted by: Cassandra at June 9, 2003 11:34 AM


Posted by: Max at June 9, 2003 11:40 AM

What was that, Cassandra? I don't speak Surrender Monkey...uh..I mean French.

Illegal Immigrants from Mexico are demanding the return of their ancient homeland. A mythical land called "Hollywood." When asked for a comment on this claim, several Republican representatives in Washington said they had no problem with returning the region to the "displaced people" and further commented that since nothing of value was ever produced there, the return would pose no great loss to the American people or economy.

Posted by: some random guy at June 9, 2003 11:54 AM


Legal immigrants are the ones that actually went through the bureaucratic process to make sure that they won't be kicked out in the future, if for nothing but pity of having to actually deal with the INS...


P.S. At least USA allows you to prosper as an immigrant by integrating you into a platform for obtaining it's riches, unlike the West Europeans, who still think that the 'separate but equal' doctrine is a sustainable democratic model... Well, no one has accused them of being the sharpest knives in the drawer.

Posted by: logicpenaltybox at June 9, 2003 12:00 PM

some random guy, i'm cheese eating surrender monkey, don't forget it little snappy boy

Posted by: Max at June 9, 2003 12:33 PM

What kind of cheese?

Posted by: Cassandra at June 9, 2003 12:38 PM

"Behold! The power of cheese!"

An extra-sharp Cheddar is a very good thing.
Or a smoked Gouda.
Or Swiss
Or Edam

pardon me while I wipe drool from the keyboard.

Posted by: some random guy at June 9, 2003 12:41 PM

Camembert is not bad

Posted by: Max at June 9, 2003 12:42 PM

And while I am from the South Eastern portion of the U.S. and I often use the word "y'all" I do not, repeat NOT, eat Velveeta.

(unless my Mom makes home-made Mac and cheese. Or I make a grilled cheese, or... aww nuts!)

Yes, I eat Velveeta!

And according to Jeff Foxworthy I must be a red-neck, because I have been too drunk to fish.

Posted by: some random guy at June 9, 2003 12:44 PM

Frenchman -

the largest swath of land added to the possessions of the United States (within the contiguous 48 states) was the Louisiana Purchase in the early 1800's. We bought the land, fair and square from...


The land was not conquered, it was purchased.

Regarding the topic of illegal immigrants, after your country's little trade union strike allows the anarchists to completely disrupt your country and the immigrants to take over and implement islamic law, will we (the United States of America) have to come across the Atlantic AGAIN to save your sorry lot?

Posted by: tom at June 9, 2003 12:58 PM

I like Camembert, but was told by a French exchange naval officer's wife that the Camembert we get over here is relatively tasteless - which is probably true. I also like Brie and SagaBlue.

I also love PepperJack (yeah, I know - can't help it).

SRG: as long as you don't eat CheeseWhiz, that's OK. I have a great recipe for broccoli-cheese soup that uses Velveeta - haven't made it for about 10 years, but it's to-die-for. Even people who hate broccoli go nuts over it.

I'm not a huge cheese-eater, but with a lovely bottle of Chateau Los Alamitos Conduit, it makes everything look a bit rosier :)

Posted by: Cassandra at June 9, 2003 01:10 PM

And, to expand on tom's post, Alaska (Seward's Folly) was purchased (again, that word, purchased) from the conquering


Posted by: mommydoc at June 9, 2003 01:12 PM

Did Carter officially scrap the neutron bomb?

Since France didnt allow us access to their air space back in 1985 I have been looking into the pros and cons of a neutron attack on Paris and I have yet to come up with a con.

I'm wondering if American vineyards can make a decent Beujolais?

Posted by: Sean at June 9, 2003 01:26 PM

Ahh, to again be on the scrappleface brings me utter joy. Frenchman, for once I have to agree with you. If it weren't for the Frecnh killing of the natural inhabitants of most of what is now the United States, stealing their lands, and then selling it to the new government of the United States, we wouldn't have Mardi Gras.

Since you are so intelligent, could you tell me what laws were in place in the country now known as the United States that would have caused immigration of the colonists to be illegal? Because, your post seems to indicate that if the colonists did not have superior firepower their immigration would have been illegal? What immigration law are you pulling this out of, I would be interested to research it.

catchie sayings do not may an argument, they make a rant. Argue with the facts bunghole.

LFC, I am jealous of your betrothal.

Posted by: Darth Chef at June 9, 2003 01:41 PM

Max asked "do you really hate muslims?"

Old Sailor sez "Yup!!!" and Frogs too, musn't forget the Frogs!!

I do not care for anyone that express an ideology that expresses itself by killing my fellow Americans in the name of their religion. If you don't like it ---- It is just too d__n bad! I for one would like to have muslims that advocate death to Americans in my sights for just long enough ......

Posted by: Old Sailor at June 9, 2003 01:47 PM

I'm cheese-eating (AMERICAN-MADE Brie is pretty good), but I ain't no surrender monkey!

What's the difference between a bucket of $#!+ and Frenchman?

The bucket!

I must say, I don't mind the nickname for a certain piece of electronic test equipment as much now - the equipment I am talking about is called a 'Frog spear' or 'Frog sticker'.

Posted by: Ken Stein at June 9, 2003 03:26 PM

Hey, Idiots! Here's how your right to self-determination works: Assimilate into American society, reject any loyalty to former countries, become "Americans", not Arabs, not Muslims. If that doesn't sound acceptable, don't let that door hit you in the a$$ on your way out. You came here because you didn't like the way things were run where you came from (no one forced you here) so don't try turn this place into the Shi**y Place you ran away from.

Posted by: tired of whiners at June 9, 2003 03:27 PM

Haven't you heard? There's been a recent "discovery" of more of Muhamed's night journeys.

It seems he traveled to Vienna, Las Vegas and London - so-o-o-o now those are muslims lands, so-o-o-o, get out, I guess, eh?

Or risk further humilating Islam.

Posted by: The Great Cosmic Joke at June 9, 2003 03:31 PM

Offending Muslims? Me?

Hell, I'm typing this with only my left hand!

Posted by: Robb at June 9, 2003 03:55 PM

Left handed typing is so you don't type dirty words?

Posted by: The Great Cosmic Joke at June 9, 2003 04:00 PM

It's an insult, like showing the soles of your feet. It's supposed to be because the left hand is the one holding the Charmin when you have to step behind a sand dune.

Posted by: Cassandra at June 9, 2003 04:07 PM

You have a few collective misconceptions about the French attitude to illegal immigrants.

They let anybody into the country as long as they are heading directly for the UK. They will even feed them, give free accommodation and transport them to the Channel refugee camps where they will allow them to pay extortionate prices to get themselves smuggled into the UK. A few die in the back of refridgerated trucks, some are caught, but most make it through and end up working in the porn industry or near slavery to pay off their transport "debts".

The UK which adheres strictly to the UN rules on refugees treats those that apply for assylum quite badly but rarely manages to deport any illegal immigrants. Anyone who has been to London in the last 10 years can see the results of unfettered illegal immigration from all over the world.

Despite all the French Help and the very bleak welcome in the UK which is getting much tougher on immigration (at last) they still can't wait to get out of France.

I am a white, middle aged, skilled avionics technician with no criminal record and ex military to boot. What chance do I stand of getting a Green Card in the USA? For those of you who don't know approximately none. However if I came in on a tourist visa and forgot to leave how much sympathy would I receive?

Posted by: Jonah8308 at June 9, 2003 05:40 PM

Heck - c'mon over - there's plenty of room :) We'll all cook for you. (Well, if I cook for you, that might make you want to leave again, but I hear Cricket is a wonderful cook).

Posted by: Cassandra at June 9, 2003 06:01 PM

If you stick around long enough, you can get a drivers license and register to vote via MotorVoter - no US citizenship required (sigh)

Posted by: Cassandra at June 9, 2003 06:02 PM

I do not care for anyone that express an ideology that expresses itself by killing my fellow Americans in the name of their religion.

ideology that expresses itself by killing [...] in the name of their religion -> fanatism
and it is not reserved only to see what i mean?

Posted by: Max at June 9, 2003 07:45 PM

Reaaaaaalllllllly?????? The Quoran says to kill Christians and Jews. It is a religion based in hatred. Christianity last time I checked was based on "Love thy neighbor as thy self". There is a basic difference in Muslims and Christians. Unfortunately no matter how much I try I can not turn the other cheek. It is a failing of mine and I will have to face my maker over it. However; until them, I refuse to allow muslims to get a free pass at ANY AMERICAN no matter what the PC folks think. So Max, no I do not see what you mean!!!

Posted by: Old Sailor at June 9, 2003 11:06 PM

what a crazy thought !
its as though all the Jews in Palestine suddenly decided they wanted their own state even though most had only been there a few years, carried out a brutal terrorism campaign to get their way maybe with Menachem Begin blowing up buses full of innocent civilians and Yitzhak Shamir murdering the UN peace negotiator Bernadotte, and then ethnically cleansed all the native Palestinians in a series of brutal massacres at Deir Yassin, Tantura etc.

Posted by: Comical Rummy at June 10, 2003 04:44 AM

Cassandra: Europeans and visitors from about 30 other countries are exempt from the reporting requirements.

Think that might have something to do with the fact its a legal requirement that all citizens of the EU have freedom to move & work in all countries of the EU?

How does this differ any from the USA's visa waiver programme?

Posted by: greap at June 10, 2003 06:40 AM

Old sailor,

You should travel more, read more , study more and know more people.

If that¥s the way you see muslims, you are showing a complete lack of knowledge about them.
Christianity based on love? Haaaa!!!!That¥s what I call idiocentrism.

You need a wider view of things I¥m afraid.

By the way , one thing is the existence of a particular legal system related to inmigration and other thing is whether you agree with it or not.

Posted by: Gala at June 10, 2003 08:26 AM


re: Cassandra: Europeans and visitors from about 30 other countries are exempt from the reporting requirements.

Think that might have something to do with the fact its a legal requirement that all citizens of the EU have freedom to move & work in all countries of the EU?

***I didn't know that - thanks for educating me :) Can't comment on the visa issue because I don't really know enough about it - I was just trying to respond to Frenchman's post about illegal aliens only being illegal if they were strong enough to rise up or some other such nonsense.

Posted by: Cassandra at June 10, 2003 11:03 AM

Scott -

great post, the irony is skewer-ful. I guess those arguing against your position don't grasp the point - all the hoopla on yesterday's NYT's front page about government treatment of illegals. The last time I read the Bill of Rights people who enter the US illegally have no rights. They're not citizens. If the worst thing that happened when the illegals got picked up and detained was that they were held for 80 days (on average) before they were deported then you guys are crying wolf (again). Scott's satire (remember folks, this is a satire site) pokes fun at those people who think illegal aliens have rights, to the point where the illegals are clamoring for a homeland.

see for the other perspective on the issue.

Posted by: tom at June 10, 2003 11:55 AM

Old Sailor,
The Quran doesn't say to kill Christians and Jews. It call them fellow "Peoples of the Book." The Quran stresses tolerance. Hospitality and mercy are two of the five "pillars of faith."
Unfortunately, just as Jesus' message got twisted throughout the millenia to excuse stuff that would have made him sick, the message of the Quran got twisted into all the crap that is going on today.
Incidentally, the Quran recognizez Jesus as a great prophet.

On a related, but different note: this whole "no alcohol" policy of there's needs a rewrite. If they could unwind with a beer or two after a long day, I doubt all fanaticism would be happening.

"Beer is proof that God loves us, and wants us to be happy." --Ben Franklin

And Yeshua turned water into what?
Grape juice?
Iced tea?

Posted by: some random guy at June 10, 2003 01:43 PM

If we could get Hamas to throw a kegger, the problem would solve itself.
1) They wouldn't be so dam*ed uptight.
2) Being unused to alcohol, the hangovers would have them in bed for a week.
3) AK-47s and alcohol do not mix. FUBARed Palestinians with fully automatic weapons. They'd fire up into the air in celebration, and miss the sky shooting their fellow "I like to parade with a table-cloth wrapped around my head" guys.
Not only would it end the Hamas threat, but it would be funny as he**.

Posted by: some random guy at June 10, 2003 03:13 PM

I was in Morocco back in the late 80s and you could get a coffee can full of hash with about 4-5 ounces of hash oil on top for 25 bucks..
I still dont understand arab anxiety if your smoking that cheap..
That being said perhaps many of them dont inhale..

In all honesty the safest streets in New York are where the mosques are.Say what you want about Calypso Louis Farrakhan but he is THE only black leader that tells the blacks how it really is..
Stop knocking up your little girls and treat your woman like ladies..Get off of the dope and get your mind and body healthy and stop having your hand out on the 1st of the month and get yourself educated and employed... Mutha f'er isnt a noun,verb or adjective it is a curse word that isnt tolerated in mainstream society and in most offices..
He is extreme,he probably hates whites but he is calling spades spades and that I do respect in the age of the spin doctors..

Posted by: Sean at June 10, 2003 04:26 PM

I usually spit on the ground where Farrakhan walks, but he doesn't pull any punches.
Devout Muslims are nice folks. There is a Muslim community center near where I live. I pass it often on walks, and they always have a wave and smile for passers by.
(I took part in a voluntary escort program for Muslims in my neighborhood for a week or two after 9/11. Making sure they got to and from home without being harrassed by a**holes. A couple of the ladies wouldn't let us leave without feeding us. Yum! Fortunately the walking kept the pounds from piling on too much).
Fanatics of any faith are a whole different kettle of fish: their own narrow world-view is the only correct one and everyone else is not only wrong but deliberately wrong and therefore EVIL.
There own God would bi**h-slap them right out of Paradise.

Posted by: some random guy at June 10, 2003 05:06 PM

They get mellow from smokin' the ganja, but they get all uptight 'CAUSE THERE AREN'T ANY CHEETOS!
To say nothing of the total lack of Twinkies.
Shucks, I'd get all militant and shoot my guns in the air, too.

Posted by: some random guy at June 10, 2003 06:24 PM

"Fanatics of any faith are a whole different kettle of fish:" - SRG

Mohammed definitely caused some trouble when he put that thing about dieing in a Jihad in the Quran.

Posted by: Ken Stein at June 10, 2003 09:53 PM

What do you guys have to say about Farrakhan today, after his boy was arrested? Some 'role model' he is!

Posted by: Farrakhan The Racist at June 11, 2003 04:07 AM

Bush: "we have a problem with Sharon"

Posted by: Comical Rummy at June 11, 2003 06:19 AM

I feel the same way about him today as yesterday
I dont like him but I respect him,I find his brutal honesty rather refreshing.

Although reckless and violent I also admire and respect Ariel Sharon for similar reasons but I hate the guy for his narrow minded policies such as yesterdays mess.

Posted by: Sean at June 11, 2003 08:40 AM

can't say I've ever found brutality that refreshing.
I can't say I regard Sharon as that honest either for example pretending he's accepted the road map when in reality he's raised 14 reservations including refusing to remove the illegal settlements (and no, caravans don't count as settlements) and in fact even continuing to build settlements on the grounds that ceasing the theft of Pal land will require "a pregnant woman to have an abortion?"
funny that, the Israelis have never said their policy of hardly ever granting Palestinians building permits in occupied East Jerusalem amounts to forcing Pal pregnant women to have abortions due to lack of living space.

Posted by: Comical Rummy at June 11, 2003 10:18 AM

thats interesting Sean, I always find Hamas's brutal honesty rather refreshing.

Posted by: northpole at June 11, 2003 10:55 AM

Once again a preemptive strike against Hamas savages ends with a commuter bus in 100 pieces.
A wise man once said an eye for an eye leaves everyone blind.

Posted by: Sean at June 11, 2003 11:34 AM

The Hamas honcho said the they would never disarm, and never give up an inch of Palestine (and he was including all the land currently called "Isreal").
If you add that to the PLO statements that call for the destruction of Isreal, and the Pal textbooks that call for the destruction if Isreal and that proclaim that Jews are evil and deserve death...WHy does anyone think there will be peace in the region?
Rome had peace with Carthage, after Carthage was destroyed.
In this peace of repeating history, how are the Romans and who are the Carthaginians?

Posted by: some random guy at June 11, 2003 11:40 AM

I find that remark rather callous considering Hamas just offed 9 innocents and maimed 50-60 more people just this morning.
Sharon is a politician too,therefore everything he says comes under scrutiny however theres no doubt in mine or your mind where he stands when it comes to the protection of Israel.
Do you believe Arafat when he renounces terrorism 5 minutes before an al-asqua guerilla blows himself up in a dining room full of passover worshippers?
The frustrating thing about all this is the period of relative quiet between 1993-2000,yes there were acts of terror but they were few and far between the nonsense that occurs in the holy land on a daily basis now.
I live on the frontlines of terror myself,I take the bus to work in manhatten,I know in my heart its only a matter of time before the city of my birth and the city with the highest population of Jews gets whacked again..
All I can do about it is hope and pray that its not my time,I nearly crap myself daily when my wife puts the kids on the school bus cause I cant be there with them...Tell me what my crime is and why I have to live like this?

Posted by: Sean at June 11, 2003 11:47 AM

ah well I didn't know about the bus bomb at the time.
however you SHOULD have known about all the innocent Pals Sharon has had killed. 2 unarmed Pal teenagers were shot dead last week in defiance of the road map. So how callous was YOUR comment about his brutal honesty being refreshing ?

Posted by: Northpole at June 11, 2003 03:21 PM

Im pretty well versed in Uncle Ari's savage ways and if you read me from 830 this morning you will see I dont really care for the man at all..
What I do respect about him is the iron of his convictions..For example,how many politicians in the usa have changed their minds on issues like abortion...about all of them have at 1 point or another...You will not see Sharon waiver on the subject of Jerusalem or the right of return..
you will see some type of compromise on the west bank and gaza but only if it benefits Israels interests..Point is you know where he stands weather you like it or not and in the age of the spin doctors and pollsters that is refreshing..

Posted by: Sean at June 11, 2003 03:37 PM


so Sharon is a politician whereas Arafat is a serial liar is what you're saying ?
it may come as a surprise to you but Israel have tried very, very hard to link Arafat to the current terrorism and failed. endless repetion by Israel does not equal the truth here. Israel supplied their attempts at evidence to the US and, apart from some sloppy factual errors, the main appearance of Arafat seemed to be of a man who was trying to control terror despite the fact that Israel was undermining him by detroying his security apparatus (Bush made this point to Israeli security only this week).

Come to think of it when did Menachem Begin or Yitzhak Shamir renounce terrorism ?

> The frustrating thing about all this is the period of relative quiet between 1993-2000

yes and during this period the number of Israeli infiltrators into illegal settlements doubled - is it any wonder Pal anger erupted into the Intifada. Israel squandered the chance for peace. Not content with getting 78% of Palestine they wanted more ? What did Golda Meir (nearly) say ?
"When Israelis learn to love their own children more than they lust for Palestinian land there will be peace"

you do realise that without banner headlines 22 Palestinians have been killed since June 4 - a minority were militants - what was their crime ?
yesterday having killed 2 Hamas militants in their deluded attempts to suppress terror the IDF sound up by firing a 2nd missile into a crowd of innocent Pal bystanders kiling 5 - what was their crime ? will the IDF terrorists get arrested and face justice ? will Sharon cease his terror ?

Posted by: Comical Rummy at June 12, 2003 04:20 AM

yup, Sean, Point is you know where Hamas stands weather you like it or not and in the age of the spin doctors and pollsters that is refreshing..

whether Hamas and Sharon kill innocents deliberately is beside the point I spose

Posted by: Northpole at June 12, 2003 06:31 AM

Northpole(cat),CONical Scummy this is for you,

I said it before, and I'll say it again, we should give ALL palestinians their own state, on the Moon! Once there, with their murderous/hateful nature, and no one else to fight with, they would soon turn on themselves, and put themselves out of their misery! Problem solved!

P.S. Be sure and take plenty of explosives with you, so you can kill yourselves in MASS quantity's, as you do with innocent Israeli women and Children!

Have a long stay in HELL!

Posted by: Palestine? There is NO such place! at June 12, 2003 07:49 AM

This just in; Hell has added a new wing, with the influx of Homicide bombers and MOST other followers of moe-ham-head, a proud Satan was heard to say, "I'm so happy that my best buddy Arafat, and his lovely group Hama$$, are helping me to pack-em-in. I love the look on these lovely murders face when I tell them we have a full menu here, pork chops, ham, bacon, pig knuckles, and sausage! I can't figure out what they are talking about when they ask me:

1. Will I turn the heat down?
2. Where are the virgins?
3. How come moe-ham-head is here with us?
4. How soon will the ones who lied to us be here, so we can 'TALK' to them?"

Posted by: Palestine? There is NO such place! at June 12, 2003 08:02 AM

I bet people were saying Israelis, "with their murderous/hateful nature", should be given a state on the moon in the 1940s when Menachem Begin was bombing the snot out of buses full of civilians and peaceful Yitzhak Shamir was murdering the UN peace negotiator Bernadotte.
Both these terrorists got elected Israeli PM !! what is it with Israelis ? why do they love terrorists so much ?

Begin bus bombing innocent civilians - 1 of many incidents
Twenty Arabs, five Jews and two British soldiers killed and thirty wounded in Jewish terrorist bomb attacks on buses in Haifa and Ramleh, Palestine. British mandate to rule Palestine ends on 15 May 1948; state of Israel established.

December 29
Jewish Irgun terrorists throw grenades from passing taxi into cafÈ near the Damascus gate, Jerusalem, Palestine, killing eleven Arabs and two British policemen. >

Shamir murdered the UN peace negotiator
The terrorists, wearing khaki shorts and peaked caps, left their jeep, found Bernadotte in the second car of the convoy and one man, later discovered to be Yehoshua Cohen, fired a Schmeisser automatic pistol into the car, spraying the interior with bullets and killing Seraut and then Bernadotte. The other LEHI members shot the tires of the rest of the convoy and all the terrorists escaped to the religious community of Sha’arei Pina where they hid with haredi (ultra-religious) LEHI sympathizers for a few days ...
Yitzhak Shamir reputedly played a role in planning the assassination; however, he was never tried and went on to become Prime Minister of Israel. >

Posted by: Comical Rummy at June 12, 2003 08:29 AM

------ Hey, Idiots! Here's how your right to self-determination works: Assimilate into American society, reject any loyalty to former countries, become "Americans", not Arabs, not Muslims.

Posted by: tired of whiners on June 9, 2003 03:27 PM

excuse me, mr. racist redneck but last time i checked, the u.s. constitution granted ppl the right and freedom to practice their own religion, so why would i forget about being muslim? Or is mr. Bush - the king of all racist rednecks - planning on writing his own constitution? hm... that would take a thousand amendments just to correct the spelling and grammar.

And by the way, if you hate french so much, plz do destroy the statue of liberty. wouldnt that be ironic? or stupid? hm... well wouldnt be anything new for rednecks...

P.S. do not forget your own past. you invented terrorism and mass murders. remember native americans. how about african americans?

Posted by: proud to be muslim at July 25, 2003 08:56 PM

proud to be muslim: before picking on spelling or grammar, how about checking your own? It's pretty atrocius (intentionally misspelled.) And we didn't invent terrorism. Also, "tired of whiners" was actually saying that we shouldn't go around being muslims or catholics or protestants or jews or whatever. We should go around being americans who happen to be muslim or catholic or protestant or jewish or whatever we are. And cut the 'racist redneck' crap. Prove that GWB is a racist redneck, and then make comments like that. But you gotta back it up with something other than hyperbole.

PS: The main debate is going on at the latest thread. This one has been dead for more than a month.

Posted by: Ken Stein at July 26, 2003 12:32 AM
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