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May 27, 2003
Krugman Reveals GOP Plot to Cut Taxes, Spending

(2003-05-27) -- New York Times columnist Paul Krugman has uncovered a Republican plot to slash taxes and spending.

Mr. Krugman unearthed the scheme by reading The Financial Times of London, the paper of record for American economics.

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Posted by: Susan Serin-Done, First at May 27, 2003 08:25 AM

He also heard it from, A SOURCE, that asked to remain nameless!

Posted by: Susan Serin-Done, Second at May 27, 2003 08:28 AM

Are you sure he isn't making it up? I would. And I would do it with greater style.

Posted by: Jayson Blair at May 27, 2003 08:59 AM

As I said on the last thread, The N.Y. Times kept promoting me, because they KNEW, if I made more money, the White Man would get a bigger chunk of my money, because I would be in a higher tax bracket. Bush and the GOP knew this!

Posted by: Jayson Blair ALSO at May 27, 2003 09:18 AM


I'm surprised you decided to after Krugman today (not that he doesn't deserve it, but... Kristoff's column just left me bewildered :) I suppose I'll have to do a good treatment on that tonite. As for now, back to work.


Posted by: logicpenaltybox at May 27, 2003 11:21 AM

Mr. Krugman enjoys the style of the Financial Times, with its NY Times-like plagiarizing of the Wall Street Journal, a paper that he once tried to comprehend before turning to writing fiction.

Posted by: veg at May 27, 2003 11:45 AM

For the past few years I have so missed the days of scandal and schemes in the Whitehouse---Its taken a toll on my comfort zone--and you know how cats like their *comfort.

So thanks to Scott Ott and this article-it SETTLES it for me. That's IT..I'm voting for Bush this fall!...

{*comfort--not to be confused with "Southern Comfort a favorite of farel imposter sleaze cat)

Ik ben veel meer bij de handt dan de grewel kat...stommert!!(:~})

Posted by: Lynch Family Cat (ORIGINAL & often imitated) at May 27, 2003 12:42 PM

Believe it or not, I heard that the Republicans actually won the last election on purpose. This could be a tremendous scandal in the making.

I was listening to NPR saturday night and heard Garrison Keiolor's Prairie Home Companion broadcast live from GA. While I expect him to be liberal, he is usually somehwt restrained and a bit funny. Well, Saturday's show was a unclever attack upon the Republicans and a praise of all things democratic. WHat makes this even more remarkable was the fat that this diatribe was launched in a state that is exceptionally Republican in national ecletions (with the exception of metro Atlanta). I regretted that any of my tax dollars were funding this crap.

Posted by: Boring Serious Guy at May 27, 2003 01:19 PM

"B.S. Guy" ( not THAT kind of BS(:~})

I'm disappointed to hear that ( I enjoy Keillor)....although NOT surprised. Is there ANY conservative voice on NPR stations?

Their "fairness in broadcasting" has been questioned multiple times including firing a pro Bush on air talent...and making up some lame excuse for doing so.

Posted by: Lynch Family Cat (ORIGINAL & often imitated) at May 27, 2003 01:27 PM

Helloooo----Helloooo. Excuse for interrupt.

Yeah Okay, Okay. I tell you everyTing. I loooka for someone. Can you help me find?

He uh---He uh----He looka like....

Name is Lil Kim Il. He have pompadour and short legs. He looka like. He looka like a......

I tell you everyting....EVERYTING. Yeah Okay.. he
looka like...he looka like a man. Yeah Okay.

If you see, please tell my little nukie man that Miss Swan ( Bunny) say: "I hot for youuuu, little nukie missile man."..Okay.

Tell him he come to my Gorgeous Pretty Beauty Nail Salon and he have free manicure and pompadour touch up. Yeah okay..

Tell him, too I say: " I fix for you bowl of Chapche, nukie baby"...Yeah Okay. Tank you. I have picture for him.

Yeah Okay...I tell you everyting. I teach him, too to speak my language of Kuvera. ( where Santa Claus is from)

You such nice scrapple people to help me. Tank you.


Posted by: Miss Swan at May 27, 2003 02:21 PM

NPR News has long had a vendetta against conservatives. I used to listen to it regularly and get frustrated hearingthe editorial by thr foreign journalism intern (NPR Had a series of Indian reporters) that bashed the US. After all, if we were so bas, why were they here instead of in their own country.

I know Keillor is liberal, but usually he is clever about it. This time he was not.

So what's up with all of these claims of impostors?

Posted by: Boring Serious Guy at May 27, 2003 02:23 PM

Remember we're talking about a party that really thinks allowing conservative media to own 2.8% of the broadcasting market amounts to a conservative monopoly of the airwaves...a party that believes FOX news of all things is a sinister threat.

To completely rip off lafforcry 's name, this would be funny if it weren't so blatantly biased.

Don't know about you, but I'm feeling a chill wind - and unlike the one Tim Robbins feels whistling through the vast empty space between his ears, this one really does have an impact on free speech. If you ever really want a good reason to start binge drinking, take a look at the % of conservative academicians who are granted tenure. No wonder our kids come home from college spouting nonsense.

Posted by: Cassandra at May 27, 2003 02:30 PM

New York Times columnist Paul Krugman has ALSO uncovered a Republican plot to spread conservative ideas.

"It's no accident that most Republicans are more liberal than most Democrats", Krugman stated. "Republicans have a hidden agenda - they want less federal government interference, lower taxes, and a free market economy."

"By cleverly backing candidates who run on this type of conservative platform, some people will actually be fooled into voting for conservatives! If enough of them get elected, they may actually have enough votes to make laws that reflect their ideas."

"Worst of all, if a Republican is elected to the Presidency, he can appoint federal judges who aren't liberals."

"This type of unrestricted voting cannot be allowed to continue. It is obviously a plot by exteme right-wing Republicans to control the House, Senate, and even the White House. We must protect Americans from this destructive and sinister plot by limiting access to unsafe ideas."

Posted by: Cassandra at May 27, 2003 02:48 PM


What you said is EXACTLY why I have NEVER been more dogged ( and I'm a cat) determined to get my citizenship (and vote) this year-----AFTER having lived in the U.S. for a few decades. It just hasn't been as big a deal for me. I've paid taxes outta the wazoo, been far more patriotic than many U.S. born Americans, etc....but not been able to vote.

I attended some DAR lead classes when I lived in Tulsa but that went south as the little old "DAR's" didn't show up sometimes and I was attending classes after having worked all night--and just gave up!..

If say a group of 500,000 people ( or ANY number for that matter) as INDIVIDUALS realizes their vote makes a difference---imagine!...

I realize the "electoral college" IS the end all in the presidential election. However, (without simply being cliche'ish--- I KNOW 1 vote does indeed make a difference.

I marvel at most all your posts. You have an amazing amount of insight, wisdom and you ace all your "homework".

Plus I've taken note of the many times you've been so gracious with dissenters...and then if they're still behaving like []heads. You very calmly slap the "stoopid" outta them.(:~}

Now can you show me how to do that thing where you make bold print, italicize, etc.?? (:~})

Ik ben en Nederlandse meisje.

Posted by: Lynch Family Cat (ORIGINAL & often imitated) at May 27, 2003 03:17 PM

This just in, a controversial democratic econimist has discovered that money is needed in order to buy goods and services. Speaking under terms of anonimity, the economist claims that he stumbled upon this truth while trying to mooch a frostie at Wendys "They would not give it to me, no matter how hard I begged. I tried to explain to them how their act of charity would make them a better person and they all but laughed in my face." The disheartened democrat launched a month long study that concluded that he would either have to get a job to buy frosties in the future or get congress to change its laws and mandate free frosties for all.

Posted by: Lynch Family Cat luvs Cassandra at May 27, 2003 03:20 PM

I have just made a startling discovery...the Lynch Family Cat is not really a cat at all. Instead it is an artificial intelligence program being run on a Juniro High School students pc. I am aghast. LFC, LFC, I thought we really new thee.

Posted by: Opossum of Love at May 27, 2003 03:41 PM

I have just made a startling discovery...the Lynch Family Cat is not really a cat at all. Instead it is an artificial intelligence program being run on a Juniro High School students pc. I am aghast. LFC, LFC, I thought we really new thee.

Posted by: Opossum of Love at May 27, 2003 03:41 PM

Do you guys hear an echo?

Posted by: Harden Stuhl at May 27, 2003 03:50 PM

Do you guys hear an echo?

Posted by: Harden Stuhl at May 27, 2003 03:51 PM

There it was again...?

Posted by: Harden Stuhl at May 27, 2003 03:51 PM

LF Cat: As always, you are too kind - (actually I typed "kink" the first time, but I don't think that's much of a compliment!) I'm not feeling too smart right now - I had to give in and ask for help with something at work, so I feel a bit of a []munch right now (which leads me to your question):

To italicize or bold print:

To get:

I'm a big []munch...

Put a before "I'm a big []munch..." and a after the phrase you want to italicize.

To get:

I'm a big []munch...

Put a before "I'm a big []munch..." and a after the phrase you want to bold.

For even more fun, you can put one set of tags inside of the other:

To get:

I'm a big []munch...

I'm a big []munch...

I had to put spaces in between the brackets and what's inside the brackets so the browser will display them literally vs. using them as formatting, so make sure you remove the spaces or they won't display properly. :)

Posted by: Cassandra at May 27, 2003 03:56 PM

Opposum of Love

First off Dr. Stuhl may be able to help you with your stuttering problem

2ndly---Is the "Juniro" High School you talk about located in Alaska? (detect a "jab")

I've ALWAYS wanted to go to Alaska!

But for now. I must go outside and watch the Thunderbirds do their practice flights for the big Air Force Academy graduation tomorrow. (they're not located in Juniro but it may be fun to fly on one TO there...wherever Juniro may be)

Posted by: Lynch Family Cat (ORIGINAL & often imitated) at May 27, 2003 03:58 PM

Cassandra--maybe my (sincere) words of respect and appreciation were well timed then.

I have NO idea what the following "LCFluvsCassandra" poster was talking about. Chances are--they themselves were clueless.

Thanks much for the font info. I will copy/paste the directions into Word as to avoid rolling, scrolling induced vertigo. ( I wouldn't want to add that to my "bi-polar" (mis)diagnosis. :~}

Its obviously not work that will be done by someone desiring that coveted first post slot.

I got a good laugh out of the "kink" gaffe. Not THIS LFC (:~})

Posted by: Lynch Family Cat (ORIGINAL & often imitated) at May 27, 2003 04:10 PM

I confess. I was a party to the Republican election plot.
Not only did I participate, but actively endeavored to convince others to join with me in doing so.
I will now have to live the rest of my life with the knowledge of what I have done and the impact it's having on our great country.
I hope everyone can get over the tax cuts, successful campaign to free the Iraqis, the total lack of real scandal and not bringing shame on the office of the President of The United States.
It's a burden, but I can live with it.

And with the small business tax cuts being put into place, I'll live a bit better with it.

Ohhhh yeah.

Thank God for George Bush.

Posted by: Okie Dokie at May 27, 2003 08:23 PM

I don't know about you, but I refuse to gloat. If liberal politicians are truly becoming obsolete, they will face the same end as old computers, and be donated to an inner-city middle school.

Posted by: Visiting Professor at May 28, 2003 12:11 AM

*** GOOD points Visiting Professor**** a bit of a frightening thought. Just when progress is made in the inner city..."damaged goods" could be it's undoing. They do have "waste management" in those places, too though. (:~})

You're right about avoiding gloating. Pride and haughtiness--gloating lands the doer thereof on their face oft times. It's not proactive/forward momentum motion either. No need to stop and gloat...just keep plodding on in the "mission" of making the world a better place. FORWAAAARD!!...RIIIGHT!!...MARCH!

b.t.w. thanks for stopping by and paying us a visit,V.P. hope you'll feel free to stop by anytime.

Posted by: Lynch Family Cat (ORIGINAL & often imitated) at May 28, 2003 12:28 AM

It's certainly a shame that no Liberal professors were near enough to the explosion at Yale, to have the Desired effect!

Posted by: LIBERAL PROF at May 28, 2003 02:15 AM

Hi, My name is wade_warren. I went to kolledge. We wuz taut many thingz out of books by Liberal Professurs! That iz why I am much smarter than u guys!

As you may have noticed, I REALLY like to talk, ----ALOT! I talk a lot, but all Im really trying to say iz, I hate Bush, I iz a Liberal, I think that taxin the rich and givin to the lazy, is the answer to EVERYTHING! Bigger guvernmint, thats the key!

I jus want to saay one more thing, I wish I had a life, then I would not have to bash Bush and uther moral decent people. Itz true, misery doew luv company!

WELL, maybe one more thing, if I wuz in charge, i wood slove all the worlds problems, overnite! Ther wood bee piece in the middle east, I would, sumhow, feed all the chilldren, everrywhereee, and be all things, to all peeple, just like bill anndd hillery!

Now go to bed, i"LL bore u sum more tommorro!


Posted by: wade warren at May 28, 2003 03:28 AM

i cound knot have said it bettur myself!

Posted by: Comical Rummy at May 28, 2003 03:29 AM


soreyy, i ment ditto!!!!!

Posted by: ziz at May 28, 2003 03:30 AM

The American HeritageĆ Dictionary of the English Language: Fourth Edition. 2000.


NOUN: 1a. A small piece of ground, generally used for a specific purpose: a garden plot. b. A measured area of land; a lot. 2. A ground plan, as for a building; a diagram. 3. See graph1 (sense 1). 4. The pattern of events or main story in a narrative or drama. 5. A secret plan to accomplish a hostile or illegal purpose; a scheme.

VERB: Inflected forms: plot?ted, plot?ting, plots

TRANSITIVE VERB: 1. To represent graphically, as on a chart: plot a ship's course. 2. Mathematics a. To locate (points or other figures) on a graph by means of coordinates. b. To draw (a curve) connecting points on a graph. 3. To conceive and arrange the action and incidents of: “I began plotting novels at about the time I learned to read” (James Baldwin). 4. To form a plot for; prearrange secretly or deviously: plot an assassination.

INTRANSITIVE VERB: 1. To be located by means of coordinates, as on a chart or with data. 2. To form or take part in a plot; scheme.

ETYMOLOGY: Middle English, from Old English.

OTHER FORMS: plotless —ADJECTIVE plotless?ness —NOUN

The American HeritageĆ Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition. Copyright © 2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by the Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.

Posted by: Frenchman at May 28, 2003 04:44 AM

I'm so very sorry.

I'm so used to calling you wonderful Americans liars.

Please believe my sincerest apologies.

Jacque Chirac is an evil, underhanded, horrible friend of mass murderers. I'm ashamed he's my countries leader.

I have been foolish in my false accusations.

Please believe.

If you click on my name you can see what I'm talking about.

Posted by: Frenchman at May 28, 2003 04:51 AM

Dear all !

Again this is only intended to help some of you (even at the highest levels of the present US administration) who seem to need to read (again and again) the basic definitions of the words they use every day.

Again the best one is the last one !



NOUN: 1. Slang Excessive publicity and the ensuing commotion: the hype surrounding the murder trial. 2. Exaggerated or extravagant claims made especially in advertising or promotional material: “It is pure hype, a gigantic PR job” (Saturday Review). 3. An advertising or promotional ploy: “Some restaurant owners in town are cooking up a $75,000 hype to promote New York as ‘Restaurant City, U.S.A.’” (New York). 4. Something deliberately misleading; a deception: “[He] says that there isn't any energy crisis at all, that it's all a hype, to maintain outrageous profits for the oil companies” (Joel Oppenheimer).
TRANSITIVE VERB: Inflected forms: hyped, hyp?ing, hypes
To publicize or promote, especially by extravagant, inflated, or misleading claims: hyped the new book by sending its author on a promotional tour.
ETYMOLOGY: Partly from hype, a swindle (perhaps from hyper-)and partly from hype(rbole).


NOUN: Inflected forms: pl. truths (trthz, trths)
1. Conformity to fact or actuality. 2. A statement proven to be or accepted as true. 3. Sincerity; integrity. 4. Fidelity to an original or standard. 5a. Reality; actuality. b. often Truth That which is considered to be the supreme reality and to have the ultimate meaning and value of existence.
ETYMOLOGY: Middle English trewthe, loyalty, from Old English trowth. See deru- in Appendix I.
SYNONYMS: truth, veracity, verity, verisimilitude These nouns refer to the quality of being in accord with fact or reality. Truth is a comprehensive term that in all of its nuances implies accuracy and honesty: “We seek the truth, and will endure the consequences” (Charles Seymour). Veracity is adherence to the truth: “Veracity is the heart of morality” (Thomas H. Huxley). Verity often applies to an enduring or repeatedly demonstrated truth: “beliefs that were accepted as eternal verities” (James Harvey Robinson). Verisimilitude is the quality of having the appearance of truth or reality: “merely corroborative detail, intended to give artistic verisimilitude to an otherwise bald and unconvincing narrative” (W.S. Gilbert).


NOUN: A statement, especially one intended to deceive, that omits some of the facts necessary for a full description or account


NOUN: A key or basic truth, especially one that is discomforting to acknowledge.

LIE (1)

INTRANSITIVE VERB: Inflected forms: lay ( l), lain ( ln), ly?ing ( lng), lies
1. To be or place oneself at rest in a flat, horizontal, or recumbent position; recline: He lay under a tree to sleep. 2. To be placed on or supported by a surface that is usually horizontal: Dirty dishes lay on the table. See Usage Note at lay1. 3. To be or remain in a specified condition: The dust has lain undisturbed for years. He lay sick in bed. 4a. To exist; reside: Our sympathies lie with the plaintiff. b. To consist or have as a basis. Often used with in: The strength of his performance lies in his training. 5. To occupy a position or place: The lake lies beyond this hill. 6. To extend: Our land lies between these trees and the river. 7. To be buried in a specified place. 8. Law To be admissible or maintainable. 9. Archaic To stay for a night or short while.
NOUN: 1. The manner or position in which something is situated. 2. A haunt or hiding place of an animal. 3. Sports The position of a golf ball that has come to a stop.
PHRASAL VERBS: lie down To do little or nothing: He's lying down on the job. lie in To be in confinement for childbirth. lie to Nautical To remain stationary while facing the wind. lie with 1. To be decided by, dependent on, or up to: The choice lies with you. 2. Archaic To have sexual intercourse with.
IDIOM: lie (or lay) low 1. To keep oneself or one's plans hidden. 2. To bide one's time but remain ready for action.
ETYMOLOGY: Middle English lien, from Old English licgan. See legh- in Appendix I.

LIE (2)

NOUN: 1. A false statement deliberately presented as being true; a falsehood. 2. Something meant to deceive or give a wrong impression.
VERB: Inflected forms: lied, ly?ing ( lng), lies

INTRANSITIVE VERB: 1. To present false information with the intention of deceiving. 2. To convey a false image or impression: Appearances often lie.
TRANSITIVE VERB: To cause to be in a specific condition or affect in a specific way by telling falsehoods: You have lied yourself into trouble.
IDIOM: lie through one's teeth To lie outrageously or brazenly.
ETYMOLOGY: Middle English, from Old English lyge. See leugh- in Appendix I.
SYNONYMS: lie2, equivocate, fib, palter, prevaricate These verbs mean to evade or depart from the truth: a witness who lied under oath; didn't equivocate about her real purpose; fibbed to escape being scolded; paltering with an irate customer; didn't prevaricate but answered honestly.


NOUN: 1. A deception deliberately practiced in order to secure unfair or unlawful gain. 2. A piece of trickery; a trick. 3a. One that defrauds; a cheat. b. One who assumes a false pose; an impostor.
ETYMOLOGY: Middle English fraude, from Old French, from Latin fraus, fraud-.


SYLLABICATION: fraud?u?lent
ADJECTIVE: 1. Engaging in fraud; deceitful. 2. Characterized by, constituting, or gained by fraud: fraudulent business practices.
ETYMOLOGY: Middle English, from Old French, from Latin fraudulentus, from fraus, fraud-, deceit.
OTHER FORMS: fraudu?lence —NOUN
fraudu?lent?ly —ADVERB


VERB: Inflected forms: de?ceived, de?ceiv?ing, de?ceives

TRANSITIVE VERB: 1. To cause to believe what is not true; mislead. 2. Archaic To catch by guile; ensnare.
INTRANSITIVE VERB: 1. To practice deceit. 2. To give a false impression: appearances can deceive.
ETYMOLOGY: Middle English deceiven, from Old French deceveir, from Vulgar Latin *decipre, from Latin decipere, to ensnare, deceive : d-, de- + capere, to seize; see kap- in Appendix I.
de?ceiver —NOUN
de?ceiving?ly —ADVERB

SYNONYMS: deceive, betray, mislead, beguile, delude, dupe, hoodwink, bamboozle, double-cross These verbs mean to lead another into error, danger, or a disadvantageous position by underhand means. Deceive involves the deliberate misrepresentation of the truth: “We are inclined to believe those whom we do not know, because they have never deceived us” (Samuel Johnson, The Idler, Number 8) Betray implies treachery: “When you betray somebody else, you also betray yourself” (Isaac Bashevis Singer). Mislead means to lead in the wrong direction or into error of thought or action: “My manhood, long misled by wandering fires,/Followed false lights” (John Dryden). Beguile suggests deceiving by means of charm or allure: They beguiled unwary investors with tales of overnight fortunes. To delude is to mislead the mind or judgment. The government deluded the public about the dangers of low-level radiation. Dupe implies playing upon another's susceptibilities or naivetČ: The shoppers were duped by false advertising. Hoodwink refers to deluding by trickery: It is difficult to hoodwink a smart lawyer. Bamboozle means to delude by the use of such tactics as hoaxing or artful persuasion: “Perhaps if I wanted to be understood or to understand I would bamboozle myself into belief, but I am a reporter” (Graham Greene). Double-cross implies the betrayal of a confidence or the willful breaking of a pledge: The thief double-crossed his accomplice.


SYLLABICATION: de?cep?tion
NOUN: 1. The use of deceit. 2. The fact or state of being deceived. 3. A ruse; a trick.
ETYMOLOGY: Middle English decepcioun, from Old French deception, from Late Latin decepti, deceptin-, from Latin deceptus, past participle of decipere, to deceive. See deceive.


SYLLABICATION: prop?a?gan?da
NOUN: 1. The systematic propagation of a doctrine or cause or of information reflecting the views and interests of those advocating such a doctrine or cause. 2. Material disseminated by the advocates or opponents of a doctrine or cause: wartime propaganda. 3. Propaganda Roman Catholic Church A division of the Roman Curia that has authority in the matter of preaching the gospel, of establishing the Church in non-Christian countries, and of administering Church missions in territories where there is no properly organized hierarchy.
ETYMOLOGY: Short for New Latin Sacra Congregti d Prpagand Fid, Sacred Congregation for Propagating the Faith (established 1622), from ablative feminine gerundive of Latin prpgre, to propagate. See propagate.
OTHER FORMS: propa?gandism —NOUN
propa?gandist —NOUN
propa?gan?distic —ADJECTIVE
propa?gan?disti?cal?ly —ADVERB


SYLLABICATION: prop?a?gan?dize

VERB: Inflected forms: prop?a?gan?dized, prop?a?gan?diz?ing, prop?a?gan?diz?es

TRANSITIVE VERB: 1. To engage in propaganda for (a doctrine or cause). 2. To subject (a person or group) to propaganda.
INTRANSITIVE VERB: To spread propaganda: propagandized against legalized drug use.
OTHER FORMS: propa?gandizer —NOUN


TRANSITIVE VERB: Inflected forms: de?mon?ized, de?mon?iz?ing, de?mon?iz?es
1. To turn into or as if into a demon. 2. To possess by or as if by a demon. 3. To represent as evil or diabolic: wartime propaganda that demonizes the enemy.
OTHER FORMS: demon?i?zation (-m-n-zshn) —NOUN


NOUN: Repeated distortion of the truth on a grand scale, especially for propaganda purposes: released falsified documents to bolster the big lie that no government troops were involved in the fighting.


Posted by: Frenchman at May 28, 2003 05:18 AM

I'm so very sorry.

I'm so used to calling you wonderful Americans liars.

Please believe my sincerest apologies.

Jacque Chirac is an evil, underhanded, horrible friend of mass murderers. I'm ashamed he's my countries leader.

I have been foolish in my false accusations.

Please believe.

Why do I keep repeating myself. I'm such a mess. Someone, please help me. I talk too much and nobody listens.

I am a liar and no one cares.

Please believe---I'm confused.

If you click on my name you can see what I'm talking about

Posted by: Frenchman at May 28, 2003 05:24 AM


NOUN: 1. An act intended to deceive or trick. 2. Something that has been established or accepted by fraudulent means.
TRANSITIVE VERB: Inflected forms: hoaxed, hoax?ing, hoax?es
To deceive or cheat by using a hoax.
ETYMOLOGY: Perhaps alteration of hocus.


Posted by: Frenchman at May 28, 2003 05:33 AM



Posted by: ARMSTRONGCUI at May 28, 2003 05:34 AM

From Wires and Tuesday, May 27, 2003

"Europe Launches Plans for Military to Rival U.S.

The European Union demonstrated its determination to become a major military power today when its leading members signed a $23 billion contract to buy a fleet of 180 Airbus A400 military transport jumbo jets, with the capacity to deploy up to 20,000 troops far beyond Europe's shores in a single airlift.

The move is a dream come true for French President Jacques Chirac and German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder, who since breaking with Washington over Iraq have vowed to create a power to rival the United States."

It is my dream come true !

Vive le President Chirac !
Vive le Chancelier Schroeder !
Vive le General De Gaulle !
Vive la France !
Vive L'Alliance Franco-Allemande !
Vive l' Europe Puissance Economique et Militaire !

Posted by: Frenchman on May 28, 2003 05:28 AM

Posted by: Frenchman at May 28, 2003 05:38 AM

I'm so used to calling you wonderful Americans liars.

Please believe my sincerest apologies.

I have been foolish in my false accusations.

Please believe.

Why do I keep repeating myself. I'm such a mess. Someone, please help me. I talk too much and nobody listens.

I am a liar and no one cares.

Please believe---I'm confused.

As an admission of my own ChIraqness I posted the above. It shows my true nature for being a war monger. Jacque and I just didn't want you Americans to have all the boom boom toys.

With our own weapons we can now wage war ourselves and maybe even get back our oil.

We are and have been a mighty force to be reckoned with. (I can say that now since it is no longer to pretend to be a pacifist.

Saddam has been brought down and now my fearless leader can take over where he left off only in France.

Viva la War
Viva la Hypocrisy
Viva la G*y men
Viva la Pacifist Army
If you click on my name you can see what I'm talking about

Posted by: Frenchman at May 28, 2003 05:48 AM

Vive le President Chirac !
Vive le Chancelier Schroeder !
Vive le General De Gaulle !
Vive la France !
Vive L'Alliance Franco-Allemande !
Vive l' Europe Puissance Economique et Militaire !

Posted by: Frenchman at May 28, 2003 07:38 AM

Would whoever hid Frenchman's pills please give them back?

Posted by: JAGCAP at May 28, 2003 07:42 AM

Lynch Family Cat
Lynch Family Cat
You are where its at
Hairballs, fur, fleas and all
I love to watgh you play with your catnip ball.

Posted by: Frenchman at May 28, 2003 07:53 AM



NOUN: Repeated distortion of the truth on a grand scale, especially for propaganda purposes.

Posted by: Frenchman at May 28, 2003 08:02 AM

"History is the version of past events that people have decided to agree upon." Napoleon

"Whose neglects learning in his youth, Loses the past and is dead for the future." Euripides

"America's one of the finest countries anyone ever stole." Bobcat Goldthwaite

Posted by: Frenchman at May 28, 2003 09:29 AM

So MR. Frenchman, you can use a dictionary. Now learn to use your mind.

Posted by: The Irrate and often Imitatated but Never Duplicated Lynch Family Cat at May 28, 2003 09:43 AM

"History is written by the winners."
--Gen. George Patton

Posted by: some random guy at May 28, 2003 09:50 AM

D'oh -Homer Simpson

Posted by: Max Power the name you long to touch at May 28, 2003 09:58 AM

I must apologize for all of my ramblings. I especially apologize to Lynch Family Cat and Darth Chef, who obviously have been provne much more intelligent and sophisticated than I, a lowly, smelling, cheese eating, wine swilling Frenchman who has identity and masculanity issues.

I was wrong in all of my oredicitions, so wrong that I have spiraled down to quoting from dictionaries. I have to admit that I have never had an original thought, but have stolen all of my ideas from others. I can't be blamed because it is embedded in me from my culture. The French haven't had an original idea, and idea they haven't stolen, since King Louis the 14th.

Please forgive and Please Believe

Posted by: Frenchman at May 28, 2003 10:35 AM


I thought it was #16 that was guillotined... The reason I bring that up is because the guillotine was the last great french invention I can think of :)

Quite sad, but understandable.

Louis 14-16 did their best to undo everything Richelieu worked so hard to achieve. Napoleon tried a brief revival, but truly, Waterloo brought about the begining of the end of France and it's culture as the dominant force in foreign affairs.

So it's understandable why there hasn't been anything good (outside of some fine vintages) coming out of France since the early 1800's. People who spend too much time ruing their fall and celebrating the highs that are long past are not likely to be a source of any real innovation. There's a lesson in that for today's assinines.


P.S. There are plenty of reactionary ideas on both left and right. There are also some good ones, though they are few and far between. Dismissing good debate on liberal ideas by labeling them "liberal" or "French" or dismissing valid arguments against conservative ideas doesn't strike me all that intellectually rigorous.

Posted by: logicpenaltybox at May 28, 2003 11:01 AM

LPB I disagree
at least with your last statement. While all ideas should be initially weighed on their merits, once a precursory analysis reveals them to be liberal, they can and should be discounted. After all, I do not have to pick up a dead skunk to know it stinks, I can just trust my nose from half a mile away. The liberals brandish the sword of "open mindedness" only because they can not handle being disarmed by the claim that their arguments are weak and worthless

Posted by: Idiot George at May 28, 2003 11:24 AM

An open mind is like a bucket with wholes at both ends, incapable of holding on to anything or value and ultimately useless.

Posted by: Lynch Family Blue Footed Booby at May 28, 2003 11:36 AM


As a level set, here's the primary definition of "liberal", courtesy of Websters:

a. Not limited to or by established, traditional, orthodox, or authoritarian attitudes, views, or dogmas; free from bigotry.
b. Favoring proposals for reform, open to new ideas for progress, and tolerant of the ideas and behavior of others; broad-minded.

Based on that, your response would make you

a) a Luddite
b) a Bigot
c) Small-minded
d) All of the above.

Now, I don't believe that you're any of these things (though I could be wrong :) Just because the media wants to redefine "liberal" and "conservative" to adhere to party lines, doesn't mean it's true. Neither party provides a clear and consistent platform for "liberalism" or "conservativism".


Posted by: logicpenaltybox at May 28, 2003 11:38 AM


Heard that quote before, where is it from?


Posted by: logicpenaltybox at May 28, 2003 11:41 AM

Word definitions change with usage. Liberal today is clearly related to the taxocrats (democrats). It has lost much of the idea of reform in the traditional sense.

You are correct, in the political science classroom, liberal deals with change, reform, progressivism. This defination is now subordinate to the political one. So, in order to be a good comminicator, you should keep this in mind.

Posted by: idiot george at May 28, 2003 11:51 AM

***"Stench Family Weasel***!!!

"So MR. Frenchman, you can use a dictionary. Now learn to use your mind.

Posted by: The Irrate and often Imitatated but Never Duplicated Lynch Family Cat on May 28, 2003 09:43 AM

I suggest you take your OWN advice, unoriginal, juvenille, delinquent, name thief. You're probably frenchman talking to himself! You certainly are "one of him"....equally as pathetic Your mommy and daddy said NO internet for you. But apparently you are left unsupervised once again. Poor latch key street walkin, flea ridden, twit.

Ji ben so en echte idiooten rootsak en de grewelste mens in de wereld!

Posted by: Lynch Family Cat (ORIGINAL & often imitated) at May 28, 2003 11:51 AM

ya idiot liberal ideas like a 40hour work week
idiot ideas like overtime compensation,like the weekend,like health insurance,like workmans comp,like osha,like the epa....
all stupid ideas that should dismissed like the g.i. bill,like the minimum wage,like afdc,like wic,like head start,like the veterans administration,which is currently being crucified by the war hero at 1600 penn ave..
really,when you pull your head out of your collective []s you can see much more than god and the flag...
most americans would rather have these programs funded than the 30bill they offered the generals in turkey wouldnt you say so idiot george or perhaps you think otherwise?

Posted by: Sean at May 28, 2003 11:52 AM

LPB, I have been using this phrase or one like it since my days in grad school where I was the lone defender of George Bush Sr and Ronald Reagan against the incoming wave of Clinton fans. At the time, I argued that Clinton was winning because he advocated change. Useless change. He never really explained what he was going to reform and how he was going to reform it. And,while it would be hard to prove, I also projected that his administration would be the most ethically challenged one since that of US GRant (the signs were already out there. Their land deals, their unprecedent success on the futures market wit a firm that later was fined for improper assigning or profits and losses, Bill's sexual indescretions, etc)

Posted by: Lynch Family Red Footed Booby at May 28, 2003 11:56 AM

The cat is back and she is mad again. Rabid Cat. Needs her shots.

Posted by: Lynch Family Sperm WHale (I live intheir oversized bathtub) at May 28, 2003 11:58 AM


Correction, that's what this word means to you. Now, as far as taxocrats go... Are you implying that you and the elephantines are against taxes?


Posted by: logicpenaltybox at May 28, 2003 12:01 PM

There is not now nor has there ever been a whale in my bath tub. This is impossible because, as everyone knows, cats hate water. I have no bathtub! So, MR WHale, if that is indeed your real name, you are a liar and a coward. Feel the wrath of the cat.

Posted by: Lynch Family Cat (ORIGINAL & often imitated) at May 28, 2003 12:02 PM

***Furthermore STENCH FAMILY WEASEL***..or is it "Irate" Commie?'s IRATE...not IRRATE.... irritating IDIOT!

wat ben ji toch en stommert!vreeselik!

Posted by: Lynch Family Cat (ORIGINAL & often imitated) at May 28, 2003 12:05 PM

I am against the current tax system. All investments should be tax free, Once the money is pulled out of the market or the small business is sold, the investor should have 90 days to reinvest or it becomes a taxable event. As long as the money is not hidden under a mattress, it is helping the economy grow.

Yes, there will be a shortfall in governmental revenue, but this can be made up in part by either a flat tax or a federal sales tax. ANd the remainder could be made up by privitizing many social service providers and creating powerful tax incentives to give to these providers. This way, the governmental inefficiencies would be eliminated and private charities would compete for dollars. Free enterpirse would take over and new ideas would surface

Anything is better than having a dozen beaucrats handle your money on the way in (taxes) and a dozen more handle on the way back to the community (grants)

Posted by: Idiot George at May 28, 2003 12:09 PM

LF something:

Sheesh, can you tell me what stocks will be hot in 6 months then? Need to make some serious money here, and since you have this crystal ball, how about some pointers?


Posted by: logicpenaltybox at May 28, 2003 12:10 PM

Usurper!! Usurper!! The identity thief has struck again. Remember, I am a cat. I have 9 lives. You are not and you only have one. The Lynch Family Possie and I will hunt you down and irridicate (or at least irradiate) you.

Posted by: Lynch Family Cat (ORIGINAL & often imitated) at May 28, 2003 12:16 PM

"There is not now nor has there ever been a whale in my bath tub. This is impossible because, as everyone knows, cats hate water. I have no bathtub! So, MR WHale, if that is indeed your real name, you are a liar and a coward. Feel the wrath of the cat.

Posted by: Lynch Family Cat adolescent imitator) on May 28, 2003 12:02 PM


EVERYBODY HIT THE FLEA DIP! the juvenille delinquent, pathetically unoriginal french sl*t rat is back....

Your personality...or lack thereof,SF WEASEL...not to mention your lack of maturity has become VERY obvious. You stick out like a mange infested, scarred up, one eyed, half-earred, rabid weasel.

Your mommy and daddy said NO internet. Boot camp after quarantine is your future, doofus.

Ik ben de leuksten kattje in de hele wereld! Ji can niet Nederlandse praaten, he, grewel??


Posted by: Lynch Family Cat (ORIGINAL & often imitated by a lonely, immature, pathetic "unit" in the gene pool. at May 28, 2003 12:17 PM

LPB, it is easier to predict doom and gloom (Ie Clinton and the inevitable market adjustment that we are in) than it is to tell what individual stocks will take off. I do know that the market is about to begin a cautious upturn. Other than that, studies have shown that a chimp pointing at a newspaper blindly has a better stock picking record than conventional experts.

Posted by: Lynch Family Booby at May 28, 2003 12:19 PM

How do I recognize the real cat from this so called usurper? And why should I care. This power struggle within the Lynch Family is quite amusing. There appears to be intrigue, espionage, and outright hostilities. It is better than a book. Perhaps it is a metaphor for international relations?

Posted by: King Juan Carlos at May 28, 2003 12:22 PM

LFC, you seem to have a great deal of knowledge about juvinille weasels. Is there a reason? DO you need counseling or an intervention?

Posted by: Matt Goober Shivers at May 28, 2003 12:25 PM

***Stench Family Weasel***


your mommy and daddy ( or the wolves that you grew up with) said NO INTERNET!!

Now get over here...its time for your colonic!

Misbehaved child....the content of your posts never exceeds a 3rd grade're obvious (and pitiful.) You must be so lonely. I actually feel kinda sorry for you. You act out for the attention.

Does Disney have a forum more on your level?..or maybe the mental health dept.??

Dr. Stuhl!!! Paging Dr. Stuhl!...Here's you an emergency case! Triple dose on all the meds..shock therapy recommended!

Ji ben so en vreeselik onrijp acthereste!

Posted by: Lynch Family Cat (ORIGINAL & often imitated--but not flattered by Ritalyn addicts doing so) at May 28, 2003 12:29 PM

You know, this is indeed amusing watching the family cats fightit out for dominance. Almost as much fun as a cock fight.

Posted by: Fidel So Swell Castro at May 28, 2003 12:36 PM

KING JUAN CARLOS--you asked: "How do I recognize the real cat from this so called usurper?

You can probably find the answer in this from my previous post:
"Misbehaved child....the content of your posts never exceeds a 3rd grade're obvious (and pitiful.)

NUFF SAID!....actually there's more:.......

Ik ben de EENICHSTE familie kattje, dat is echtwaar!

Posted by: Lynch Family Cat (ORIGINAL & often imitated by a pathetic, lonely, immature "unit" in the gene pool- at May 28, 2003 12:36 PM


re: 40hour work week(s), idiot ideas like overtime compensation,like the weekend,like health insurance,like workmans comp,like osha,like the epa....
all stupid ideas that should dismissed like the g.i. bill,like the minimum wage,like afdc,like wic,like head start,like the veterans administration...

Conservatives are not necessarily against all these things (and "conservative" covers a very broad spectrum of beliefs, just like "liberal" does). What bothers many conservatives is:

1. That social programs, ESPECIALLY entitlements, grow over time regardless of the need they were created to serve. Most of the money that goes into these programs never reaches the intended beneficiaries - instead, it disappears into the vast bureaucracy required to administer the programs. And because they are government programs vs. private sector programs, there is no real penalty for inefficiency, no incentive to improve, and no accountability for making things better - the goal is to hand out money or benefits. As long as you hand out money, you're a success.

2. This is the old "give a man a fish vs. teach a man to fish". At best, many social programs provide a temporary hand-up during a crisis. At worst, they reinforce poor choices, encourage lack of responsibility, and disincent positive change. It's like taking Advil when you have a brain tumor - you may ease the pain, but you're not addressing the cause of the pain. Some people are poor because they had bad luck, but they are willing to work hard and just need a hand. Some people continue to make bad choices, but the government steps in between them and the consequences of their actions and they don't learn. No one wins - they suffer, their children suffer, and the federal budget suffers.

3. Work-related benefits such as minimum wage, liberal maternity/paternity leave, overtime, mandatory health insurance, etc. have a real effect on hiring and the unemployment rate. When you effectively raise the cost of hiring employees without also increasing net profit, the logical outcome is that employers will hire fewer people and invest in technology vs. human capital. The people who are most hurt by this are the ones at the bottom of the food chain.

Agencies like OSHA can make the workplace safer, but they also create lots of problems. Like the day I stapled my own finger and my boss made me leave work and go to the doctor. They were so afraid I would sue or they would be cited. I kept pointing out that I was obviously an idiot who didn't know how to use a stapler, but it didn't matter: there were federal regulations to be followed, no matter how silly.

Or the day I fired an employee who had been warned several times. He was scheduled to work New Year's Day and had already told me he wasn't planning to come in. I told him to show or he'd be fired. He called in sick. Then he showed up at the store and played pinball that day during his shift. I fired his [].

Next day, I get a call from the state - he filed a complaint against me and was also filing for unemployment benefits! There was an investigation - MASSIVE waste of time for me, my boss, and the inspector. Waste of taxpayer money. In the end, they agreed with me. He still got unemployment - now he just didn't have to show for work. WHAT A COUNTRY!

4. This is my pet peeve: every time conservatives try to impose limits on any of these programs, the Dems start screaming "They're trying to take away your benefits!". These programs are a re-election tool for unprincipled Democrats (not the entire party) - if anyone questions the program or tries to reform it, they are mean-spirited or racist.

Posted by: Cassandra at May 28, 2003 12:41 PM

Wow - that was way too long. Sorry.

Posted by: Cassandra at May 28, 2003 12:42 PM

We had a family cat once. It liked to explore and its curiosity would often get it into trouble. One evening, after dinner, Mo mom loaded the dishwasher and left the door to it open when she left the room to run a quick errand. Unbeknownst to her, the cat climbed in the machine while my mom was out of the room. When she returned, she closed the dishwasher and cut it on. Suddenly a horrible ěWHUMPA WHUMPA WHRR,, YEAOW!î filled the house. We all ran into the kitchen to see what was the matter. Mom identified the source as the dishwasher and opened the door. A soggy and angry cat leapt out and scratched the bejesus out of anyone within its reach. First it leapt on mom, then it victimized me, and then dad. Dad managed to pry the beast off of him and hurl it outside the nearby kitchen door. The cat was never allowed in the house again.

Posted by: Bob the catmonger at May 28, 2003 12:45 PM

Cassandra - 'Wow - that was way too long. Sorry.'

Sorry my tush ... that was great! And if any one doubts number 3, take a look at the current state or the French and German economies. We think it's been tough here the past couple years .. just look at them with their persistant 10+ % unemployment rate. The cost of hiring labor there and the difficult regulations on terminating an employee have made economic growth there impossible.

Posted by: Frodo at May 28, 2003 12:52 PM


All valid points. Especially when it takes me a year to get rid of someone, per HR policy... That can get somewhat aggravating. We've all heard both parties complain about inefficiency. I haven't heard any constructive ideas on how to improve these programs from either side of the republicrat aisle.

And if you think that corporate bureaucracies are more efficient than the government bureaucracy, try being me for a day :) Well, off to the next meeting :)


Posted by: logicpenaltybox at May 28, 2003 12:55 PM

Cassandra, once again you are correct

One of the biggest benefits of the republican revolution was to force agencies like OSHA to apply a coast/benefit analysis to these so called workplace improvements. Prior to this rule, they could mandate that all office workers wear goggles and a helmet because one idiot in Des Moines was injured when he shot himself in the eye with a rubberband. Irregardless of the fact that he had been using the rubberband in a playful manner in the first place.

Much of conervative ideology is based in returning commensense and personal accountability to the world. Too often the government is asked to bail us out for our errors. Fail to plan for retirement, whine about social security. Smoke all of your life, whine and sue the tobacco companies.

Governments role is to provide an even playing surface and allow us to compete for the prizes. If we choose not to compete as hard as others, this is ok and may yield non monetary benefits (stay at home mom vs working mom is a prime example). Government is not charged with providing equal outcomes -this is what the modern democrat claims in one form or another.

Another tenet of conservatism is the belief that the individual is a better money manager than the government. While this is not always the case, it holds true in most scenarios. I can remember being taxed when I earned next to nothing in graduate school ($75 a week plus student loans). I was making huge sacrifices to better my self. And I would go to the grocery store and buy the cheapest food available (a pack of hot dogs would last a week). Then the lady next to me was buying steak and other luxory foods with her food stamps. She probably sat at home all day doing nothing and she was being rewarded for it.

Yes, I believe that there should be a social safety net. But it has turned into a comfy couch. Our poor would be considered middle class in most countries of the world. Hundreds of thousands of people in China still live in caves. In South Korea, a prosperous nation, many people still live in huts cobbled together out of bamboo and scraps of wood (and these are not the poor). We provide housing, hot and cold running water (unheard of even for the midle class in many countries of the world) and food for ours.

In fact, the system has failed our poor. An individual can make more on welfare than he would working a minimum wage job. This needs to be fixed. I suggest lowering wefare and providing a sliding scale to of benefits to suppliment the wages of the working poor to reward them for their labors and help them climb out of poverty.

Posted by: King Juan Carlos at May 28, 2003 01:04 PM

Sorry about the diatribe. When I have more than two margaritas at lunch, I get carried away

Posted by: KingJuanCarlos at May 28, 2003 01:06 PM

Your Majesty:

re: When I have more than two margaritas at lunch, I get carried away

Can I have lunch with you next time?

Posted by: Cassandra at May 28, 2003 01:15 PM


"Government is not charged with providing equal outcomes -this is what the modern democrat claims in one form or another."

Grad school didn't help you all that much, apparently... Last I checked, Dem's were still part of a capitalist system.... You're not actually suggesting that they're all socialists, are you? :)

Today's republicrats have absolutely on ideology outside of a wad of Ben Franklins. The function of both parties today is to level (meaning #2: level = destroy :) the playing field to help their contributors.


Posted by: logicpenaltybox at May 28, 2003 01:20 PM


Any time.

Politics and alcohol make for a lively lunch. I might even share with you my secret plans to annex florida

Posted by: King Juan Carlos at May 28, 2003 01:23 PM

French Toast,

*The European Union demonstrated its determination to become a major military power today when its leading members signed a $23 billion contract to buy a fleet of 180 Airbus A400 military transport jumbo jets, with the capacity to deploy up to 20,000 troops far beyond Europe's shores in a single airlift.*

With that kind of air power the entire country of France could easily retreat in a matter of hours...

Posted by: Harden Stuhl at May 28, 2003 01:27 PM


Posted by: Lynch Family Mad Cow at May 28, 2003 01:28 PM

excellant points as usual,i was merely identifying very good programs that are id'd as liberal.
As far as id'ing me as a liberal,I dont think so and neither would the lesbian judge who fined me 500.00 for ""tresspassing"" at the local abortion clinic.Heres one for the ages and a great example of what youre talking about.
Sitting on a labor board here in town and this Dominican kid is filing a wrongfull termination suit against a local resteraunt.
Seems the man carved up a coworker with a filet knife and was fired because of it..fair enough right?
Because the man was never issued an employee handbook and was never instructed of employee behavior in his native tongue,my esteemed colleagues in Albany awarded this chap back wages + double damages while he was serving a 16year sentence in Rikers Island after his 47th conviction for assault.
Im not naive enough or so blinded by doctrine that I cant see right from wrong but these friggin labels people use are laughable.
Bill Clinton was for capitol punishment and went so far as to fry a retarted kid,is this liberal thinking?
Construction contractors are paying union rates in the Queens Tunnel,employing hundreds of people at good wages with health insurance,comp,401k matches etc...They also backed Michael Bloomberg to the NTH degree in his battle for mayor,same thing in Boston in the big dig.
Teamster boss George Cashman is facing a 200 count federal indicment,you name it hes been charged with it..He also donated and backed the last 3 Massachusetts gop candidates for governor,all who won easily in the most ""liberal"" state in the country,christ they even voted for a mormon from utah over the irish girl from south boston...??? go figure that one out..
In my short time in the asphalt jungle I have come to the conclusion that every thing comes back to middle,with the bookmaker,with the casino,with politics and with marriage..
Politically speaking I believe people like checks and balances,hence the incredibly small margine that the gop currently enjoys and the similar amount the dems owned a few years back in congress.
Y'all call me what you want,I tend to call spades spades and would any of us here eat meat from the chicago meat plants without osha in the house?
Never mind thumbs on the scale,how about thumbs in your sausage.

Lynchie,any relatives in Somerville Mass?

Posted by: Sean at May 28, 2003 01:33 PM

I love the way you Lynch family pets constantly complain.

Like you have it so bad?

Toilet paper never has a nice day.

Posted by: Lynch Family Toilet Paper at May 28, 2003 01:35 PM

My Dear Dr Stool, the French never retreat.

Instead, we surrender and force our enemies to occupy our country. Then we allow our beaucratic inefficiencies to bring about their demise. Ha Ha Ha!!!

Vive La France. The only country to loose WW2 and still have a place at the victors table. We are far more clever than you.

Posted by: An Irate Frenchman at May 28, 2003 01:39 PM

Glass houses people glass houses.
All of those snake charmers in appalachia,the guys who hunt bambi with assault rifles and the families who support such republican stalwarts like ohhhhhhhh,Oral Roberts,Jim and Tammy ""heritage usa baby""Baker,Jimmy""i have sinned"" Swaggert and not least is the good reverand Pat ""jack kemps daughter had an abortion and tinkie winkie is gay"" Robertson.Do you really take the high ground being in bed with this swill?
do i need to go on with prime time players from the nixon administration like bibi rabosa or e howard hunt or liddy or erlichman,halderman,johnnie ""JOHNNY THE RAT"" dean...need we discuss the morality of john mitchell?
That being said nixon passed a ton of civil rights legislation and continued the programs lbj started on the social service levels.
Rowe v Wade was passed under Nixon as well.
Would anyone on this esteemed panel suggest Ole dickie was a ""liberal""?
Didnt Oliver North,never mind,different administration and theres not enough time to get into people like casey and poindexter etc...

Posted by: Sean at May 28, 2003 01:59 PM

There you go again,anyone seen Jimmy Waat,last I heard he was shaking up with Dennis and Brian Wilson.

Posted by: Ed Meese at May 28, 2003 02:09 PM

Tinkie Winkie is Gay!! Why else would he carry a purse?

DId you know that this was the top rated program in the UK for a while. Among adults too?

Posted by: Lynch Family Tree Frog at May 28, 2003 02:10 PM

Mr Meese, the way I heard it, James Watt was hanging with Dennis Roddman, not Dennis WIlson

Posted by: Robert "the Borkster" Bork at May 28, 2003 02:12 PM

sean said-

"Rowe v Wade was passed under Nixon as well."

Remember- the legislative branch is not necessarily 'in step' with the executive! Remember- the dimocrats aren't allowing any 'conservative' judges to be approved.

He who is without fault can cast the first stone....

Posted by: hrdlordi at May 28, 2003 02:27 PM

very true,the make up of that court was shall we say a bit ""liberal"".
Can anyone on this distinguished panel name the 9 justices on that court?
I have thurgood marshall and byron white and i believe jp stevens was on that bench as well.
someone help a brother out here.

Posted by: Sean at May 28, 2003 02:39 PM

Rowe vs Wade was never passed. It was handed down (as in a Supreme Court ruling) and it is a bad decision. Not because of its outcome but because of its reasoning. It cites Griswald Vs Conneticut which was a manufactured case involving the illegal (under a blue law) sale of contraceptives to a college professor. The State court, rather than address the law, sited some amorphous "right to privacy". The supreme court cited this same right to privacy in its decision. It has never addressed any of the medical and philosophical questions. Instead it has taken the easy way out.

Posted by: Robert "the Borkman" Bork at May 28, 2003 02:47 PM

I believe the Burgermiester Waren Burger was on same said court.

Posted by: Elvis Costello at May 28, 2003 02:49 PM

What happened here? The comments used to be funny. They have sunk to stupid. The name theft is out of control, and now that the former commentators have their own blogs they don't visit as often anymore. It's sad.

Posted by: blah at May 28, 2003 02:49 PM

Blackmun, Burger, Marshall, Powell, Douglas, Brennan, Stewat on the Majority and White and Rehnquist on the minority

Posted by: Darth Chef at May 28, 2003 02:56 PM

Someone made the comment about burauecracy! That is why GWB wanted the ability to hire and fire at will with the creation of the new department of homeboy security (ya- i know it is homeland!!!) Talk about significant duplication!! But some did not want to give him the 'right' to fire! Why- because both parties use federal jobs as a reward for people who have supported them!!!

If there was an accounting given to the public on each department and organization (where applicable)- I believe that there would be some 'institutional changes' done!!! But they are kind of like the un- no one really knows what is going on behind closed doors (sorry American civil servants for comparing you to the un!!!)!! BTW I mean factual accounting, not like Enron, MCI Worldcom and Ahold (SP?)!!!!!

Who really cares if the EU has the 'military might' to rival the US- the US practices with the technology and is not afraid to use it(depending on commander in chief)!!! If anything- they will buy U$ made weapon$ and it will help the economy- they $urely don't want to buy ru$$ian!!!


Posted by: hrdlordi at May 28, 2003 02:58 PM

Just to clarify, I don't find all the comments stupid, but the good ones are getting lost in the jungle of crap.

Posted by: blah at May 28, 2003 03:02 PM


Miss a little, miss a lot.


Last conservative justice confirmed was Clarence Thomas. Enough said. Don't really need anyone else to 2nd Scalia, as is.

As far as right to privacy, isn't it what the gun lobby is hiding behind in resisting the gun registration legislation? Just curious, that's all :)


Posted by: logicpenaltybox at May 28, 2003 03:05 PM

I'mmmmm Baaaack!! Been in Alaska for a few weeks. Looks like the usual gang is still here. Frenchman is still spewing invective and swill about how great the Frogs are, the LFC is having fun and Cassandra is still having True Visions. BTW who the heck is Krugman???? I thought that the PLOT (see above definitions) was well concealed and the libs would not be able to see it. Oh well!

Posted by: Old Sailor at May 28, 2003 03:09 PM

thank you darth,i'm a bit young for that court.
the justice i remember being appointed was stevens and i just wasnt sure of the date.
hard to believe it was passed 7-2..

Posted by: sean at May 28, 2003 03:11 PM

LPD, you make my point well. The gun lobby has used this fictitous right of privacy for a mean unfroseen when the court made its ruling. Precidents are dangerous things. Rulings should be based upon tangible law not epherial principles. WHile the principles might sound good, they often have unentended results. Additionally, since the judges are a a minority of 5 or 7 (old courts), or 9 (present court), people appointed for life, it is dangerous to allow them to create law based upon principles that they believe because thay might be the only adherants to these principles. We have been fortunate to have had many good judgements based upon these "higher principles" but we have alos had several bad ones including the Dredd Scott Decision (A slave was returned to his master as a result of this case).

Posted by: Robert The Borkman' Bork at May 28, 2003 03:15 PM


"the jungle of crap" - is this anything like the Vortex of Crap*?

*The dreaded Vortex of Crap, first identified by an unnamed Marine Lt. Col., forms under certain meteorological conditions. It has frequenly been observed during long staff meetings at the Pentagon.


Last conservative justice confirmed was Clarence Thomas. Enough said. Don't really need anyone else to 2nd Scalia, as is.

***So you are openly advocating some sort of limits on the number of conservative justices? Perhaps a quota? Good God. Do we get a token conservative as some sort of sop now that Congress has effectively abolished the constitutional provision that the current President appoints justices to fill vacancies that occur during his term of office?

As far as right to privacy, isn't it what the gun lobby is hiding behind in resisting the gun registration legislation? Just curious, that's all :)

I believe the objection in this case is that, if there's a list of gun owners, it's easy for the government to identify and round up the gun owners. Someone who genuinely believes in the right to arm bears might consider this a threat. Not sure I agree, but it's a consideration.

Posted by: Cassandra at May 28, 2003 03:18 PM

Whoo we, I am all for arming bears. Just as long as them there critters do not get automatic weapons.

If a bear shoots a gun in the woods and nobody is around to hear it, does it make a sound?

How bout if a bear poops in the woods and no one is around, does it smell?

Posted by: Former Congressman Turned Male Prostitute Bob Barr at May 28, 2003 03:26 PM

Hey Bob, what happened? You used to be somebody and now look at you?

Posted by: Lynch Family Komodo Dragon at May 28, 2003 03:34 PM

imagine the ba*ls of clarence thomas being against affirmitive action?
big george really has some explaining to do with the likes of thomas and david ""the confirmed batchelor who saved fat johnny sununuke"" souter.
that being said
when was the last time someone kissed ruth bader ginsburg with passion?

Posted by: sean at May 28, 2003 03:35 PM


The answer to your questions:

If a bear shoots a gun in the woods and nobody is around to hear it, does it make a sound?

How bout if a bear poops in the woods and no one is around, does it smell?

is....not unless there's a woman around to tell the tail... (yes - that was intentional)

Beware of the Female Bear

Posted by: Papa Bear at May 28, 2003 03:39 PM

Make Hunting Fair, Arm the Animals!
The oft mentioned "right to privacy" was created by the Court as a "penumbral" right based on the First and Fourth Amendments (mostly the Fourth).

Posted by: some random guy at May 28, 2003 03:40 PM


You said "created". The framers of the constitution explicitly spelled out what rights to privacy that an individual has. So there was no reason to create a new right. To defacto ammend the constitution through judicial fiat. Their job is to interpret the constitution. If a new right is needed, the problem should be addressed by the legislature.

Posted by: Robert "ther Borkman, Bork at May 28, 2003 03:44 PM


I'm not advocating a quota on conservative judges, just saying that the last one was (and still is) a dud who hasn't had an original thought since being appointed to the bench (Yes, Justice Scalia, whatever you think, Justice Scalia).

As far as right to privacy, I was just pointing out the hypocritical nature of it's use by the gun lobby, and the fact there is a strong intersection of gun/anti-choice types.


Posted by: logicpenaltybox at May 28, 2003 03:45 PM

What would PETA think about the arm the bears movement? And would the government be obligated to do so for low income bears sense the constitution includes this provision?

Posted by: Lynch Family Pet Therapast at May 28, 2003 03:46 PM


I believe in Sunni Islam, the strict-constructionists are known as adherents of Wahhabism. That's some fine intellectual company, don't you think? :)


Posted by: logicpenaltybox at May 28, 2003 03:48 PM


I'm not a lawyer - just an ordinary person, but I think the power of the courts is often exaggerated. If the court hands down a bad decision, the legislature is perfectly free to make a new law or amend the existing law. The real role of the courts is not so much to create law as to interpret laws passed by the legislature.

In the process, they may augment the written statute or provide guidance where the statute is vague (or doesn't speak to the issue). But in general courts don't make law, and their decisions are not final because they can be superceded by new legislation.

Part of the reason many cases end up in court is that the original legislation was poorly written. This is not surprising when you consider that legislatures are not all lawyers. (Actually, I'm not sure that would improve matters!) Apologies to our lawyer posters. :)

And, because they ARE appointed for life, justices are not as subject to political pressure. This explains why you often see a judge's philosophy change over time as he gains experience and develops his own voice.

PS: Tinkie Winkie was gay. But that's OK - the real offense is that Teletubbies is a stupid show.

And stop bagging on my man Clarence, everyone. Have you ever heard him speak? I have (several times) and he has always impressed me as a careful, serious thinker who is quite passionate about what he believes, but is not so doctrinare that he can't listen to and evaluate the other side of an argument.

Posted by: Cassandra at May 28, 2003 04:01 PM

why are people trying to take away the right to bear arms?
ok anti gun people,give me the whole schmeel about what the 1st and 4th say,ive heard this before and i dont care and i certainly dont hide behind it.
my gun,purchased legally,legally liscensed,want it??
come and get it.
do i think they should sell over the counter uzi's or tech 9's or m-1s?
no not me..dont tell me about how safe the streets will be without guns,thats ridiculous.
people have been murdering each other since the days of caine and abel and gunpowder didnt exist back then..
y'all get on the 7 train around 11pm tonite and sing peace songs to the 385lb 16 year old that hasnt had his dinner yet and isnt sure where he's sleeping but he's lookin at you like you're faye wray and youre lookin at him like king kong and you hope you can out run him but your wife has 7 inch heels on and its unethical,albeit understanding to leave her in the dust..
some of us use state farm,others use all state
those of us from the lower east side believe in smith and wesson alot more than the michigan militias.

Posted by: charlton heston at May 28, 2003 04:06 PM


I love it when you say "penumbral"...


re: Their job is to interpret the constitution. If a new right is needed, the problem should be addressed by the legislature.

I think what the Supreme Court found was that the right to privacy was implied by the existing language in the Constitution, so some would argue that they were interpreting the existing document vs. creating a new right. I don't have a problem with the implied right to privacy - it is ludicrous to believe that the framers could possibly forsee all the issues we encounter in the modern world, and I think there was clear intent in the Constitution to limit the power of the federal govt. to interfere with our private lives.

Whether Roe v. Wade is a great application of the implied right to privacy is a separate matter. And unfortunately, at this point an unborn child has no legal standing (that I'm aware of) vis-a-vis the Constitution. So you're right - sometimes it's not the original principle that's flawed as the application of that principle.

PLEASE - I don't want to start another discussion of Roe v. Wade - I'm just addressing judicial activism in general.

Posted by: Cassandra at May 28, 2003 04:16 PM

p-p-p-please don't shoot poor - have a nice crunchy fish - so sweet, so juicy...

Gollum will move to a different seat..he promises nice Master with gun.


Posted by: Gollum at May 28, 2003 04:27 PM

All have a good nite especially our favorite gal Cassie.
Off to teach my sons baseball team english and hopefully they can teach me some baseball.

peace and remember god loves us all.
donkeys elephants pink triangles and gold stars too..


Posted by: Sean at May 28, 2003 04:41 PM

Some would say that the universe as we know it is flawed. That's why I'm creating a better kind of reality.

The Architect

Posted by: The Architect at May 28, 2003 04:42 PM

Hi, My name is comical rummy. I went to kolledge, in Floorida. We wuz taut many thingz out of books by Liberal Professurs! That iz why I am Soooo much smarter than u guys!

As you may have noticed, I REALLY like to talk, ----ALOT! I talk a lot, but all Im really trying to say iz, I hate Israel, GOD, JESUS, The Bible, and Bush! I iz a Liberal, I think that taxin the rich and givin to the lazy, is the answer to EVERYTHING! (That, and distroying Izrael!) Bigger guvernmint, thats the key!

I jus want to saay one more thing, I wish I had a life, then I would not have to bash Izrael, Jew's, and uther moral decent people. Itz true, misery doew luv company!

WELL, maybe one more thing, if I wuz in charge, i wood slove all the worlds problems, overnite! Ther wood bee piece in the middle east, the way to piece in the middle east, iz to push the Izralii's into the sea! I say they iz planting those bombs on the innoscent Palestinians and then blowing them up and blaming our wonderful, kissable Arafat!!!I would, sumhow, feed all the chilldren, (xcept for the stinkin Izraeli's), everrywhereee, and be all things, to all peeple, just like My Wunderfull Airafat! (Distroy Izrael!)

Gota clothes now, i"LL bore u sum more with my next poast!

CONical Rummie---------

(Kill all Jewish people, that's the ticket!)

P.S. I MAY have changed my name, but you will noe me, becuz of my obvious love for palestine and airafata$$!

Posted by: comical rummy at May 28, 2003 05:10 PM

Hopefully by clicking my name and licking the screen, things should start looking a bit better in here (aprox 6 weeks) takes that long for them to start taking effect...Meant for "Frenchman" and those who need it..

Posted by: AnGeL Thoughtz at May 28, 2003 05:35 PM

Old Saaaaiilor! Welcome back...although I'm a bit envious! (I was wondering where you be?) I hope all your ladies ( daughters and granddaughters, of course) are well.

I have LONG desired to go to Alaska. What a gorgeous place. For now I vacation there vicariously thru PBS shows about the "last frontier".

I DON"T complain about living just feet away from "purple mountains majesty" though either!...and seeing the Thunderbirds fly today with a sunny blue sky, fluffy clouds and those gorgeous mountains as the back drop was QUITE enjoyable. Even all the cars at the Air Force Academy Stadium ( straight shot across Hwy 83, I-25 and some real estate) sparkled like colored rhinestones .(:~})

Back to AK though. *whiney voice* I wanna go!

Unfortunately, in your absence, the scrapple place has been infested with some handle copping vagrants. Dr. Stuhl is on the case though. HE's been working tirelessly in an effort to make a diagnosis and come up with form of treatment.

This has nothing to do with the forum...but no one's keeping track.

and of course: Ik ben blij dat ji trug heeft gekomt gezond and goet!

Posted by: Lynch Family Cat (ORIGINAL & often imitated) at May 28, 2003 05:37 PM

AnGel Thoughtz! that's too dern funny. Thanks for bringing that along. I know at least 6 (in one body) who are in desparate I hope the jumping stops! (:~})

Dr. Harden ( mostly BS) Stuhl will be pleased that you've intervened in his temporary absence as he's responding to what's probably another emergency.

Posted by: Lynch Family Cat (ORIGINAL & often imitated) at May 28, 2003 05:40 PM

than I, a lowly, smelling, cheese eating, wine swilling Frenchman who has identity and masculanity issues.

I was wrong in all of my oredicitions, so wrong that I have spiraled down to quoting from dictionaries. I have to admit that I have never had an original thought, but have stolen all of my ideas from others. I can't be blamed because it is embedded in me from my culture. The French haven't had an original idea, and idea they haven't stolen, since King Louis the 14th.

Please forgive and Please Believe

Posted by: Frenchman on May 28, 2003 10:35 AM

WOW, it sure looks like frenchfry has a bad case of "BRAIN OVERLOAD!"

frenchfry, try this, take your computer COMPLETELY apart, put all the parts in a bag, then swing them over your head, and 'CLUCK' like a chicken!

It worked for Dick VanDyke!

'Please Believe!'

Posted by: Susan Serin-Done, RN at May 28, 2003 05:57 PM

**Susan...wouldn't it also help French Fry to follow your prescription WHILE listening to the Limbaugh/Boxer Axis of Weasles Re-Mix ( or is it []'s of weasels)?

f.y.i. It appears that MANY have posted as Frenchman. I think the cheezy, etc. one was also a fake....funny but fake. Keep in mind. He's only been capable of copying/pasting the dictionary and saying viva la whatever.....*yawn*

Posted by: Lynch Family Cat (ORIGINAL & often imitated) at May 28, 2003 06:04 PM

Have you noticed how the Dim/Libs still LOVE to bash President Nixon, even after he is dead? Nixon got us OUT of Viet Nam, after Kennedy and LBJ, escalated the war, KNOWING it was un-winable!

Let us examine what Nixon did that was so bad. It wasn't REALLY the WaterGate break-in, or 'spying' on the other party, heck, Politicans have done that since the 1800's.

The TRUTH is, that he LIED about knowing! That was his big crime, and 99% of Dimocrats, slander and drag his name through the dirt for it, so MUCH so, (along with the Lib biased media), that they have Conservatives, AGREEING with them!

I believe Nixon was a good President, NOT great, but GOOD! His crime was lying and getting CAUGHT, and then, (because he was a Moral Man, with SOME Integrety, and cared what his indescretion MIGHT do to the Country), he resigned!

Of course these SAME, people think CLINTON, did NOTHING wrong! Explain that? Is it only wrong when Republicans lie? If anybody thinks the IMMORAL SCUMBAG Clinton, would do ANYTHING, for ANYBODY, over himself, INCLUDING our Country, you are saddly mistaken!

The only person I respect less than 'Bubba', is his wife, (in NAME only), Queen sHillary Clinton.

The way the Libs try to squelch any critics of the clintons now, GOD forbid when they die. They will probably erect a shrine to them. What a sickening thought!

Posted by: Susan Serin-Done at May 28, 2003 06:33 PM

LF Cat, Original:

A lot of people have been posting as frenchfry. It was an idea posed by someone on one of the last few threads. It seems to be very amusing!

P.S. Be careful Cat, I think I saw ALF lurking around awhile ago! Heads up! Always enjoy your posts!

P.P.S. Scott, please start another story, this thread is gettin ENORMOUS! That or delete frenchfry's dictionary!

Posted by: Susan Serin-Done, ONE of MANY! at May 28, 2003 06:49 PM


I used to think that President Nixon was guiltyl, until I found out two things: There never was a "Deep Throat", and one of the lawyers writing the articles of impeachment in 1974 was one Hillary Rodman.

I hope that one day that the actual truth will come out about the break-in and the "cover-up" but I'm not holding my breath.

Posted by: MJ Larkins Sr at May 28, 2003 06:55 PM

Attentioning here to,
Imperialist, is yellow running dogs and the scrapplemask which it operates.

This argument becomes disaster. What makes the beverage for your lunch?

The stalker the Swan (the bunny) finds me, you do not have to permit.

No Longer at this time I am amusing my reverse side away extremely.

Posted by: LilKimIl at May 28, 2003 06:56 PM

Ooooohhh Lil Nukie Missile Man!
Yeah Okay..Okay.......I find you! Happy happy Bunny!

Yeah Okay----Okay---I tell you everyting...EVERYTING.

You such nice scrapplepeople to me for to tell Lil Pompadoo-Nukie Man:
" I hot for yooouuuuu" and now he find Me, too.

Okay--Yeah okay---you see too like me he looka like....he short, wild eyed but looka like...he looka like....

Okay Okay...Yeah okay...he look like....he looka like--- a MAN. {only half the man he is without Elvis head}

Ohhhhh. Pompie Doo....I happiest when we meet at "commie connection" singles chatroom. You make Miss Swan swooooon. Bunny hot for yooouuuu!

You come to Gorgeous Pretty Beautiful Nail Salon, no?...I fix nails and wash spray out of pompadour with lye soap for you. Yeah Okay.

Yeah Okay...I tell you everyting...You swoon for my picture? You see? I wear Gorgeous, pretty beautiful dress for you in picture. You look. You see it behind my name?

Yeah okay...Okay...I so happy now. I meet you again soon at commie connection no?

Cute is it for you...yeah play hard to get. Only are you hard to find when shoe lifts you forget and pompadour go flat. You silly lil nukie missile pompadoo!

When we talk I amuse excessive my hoody hoo to when it detach from anatomy.

I appreciate in you to stop by and share wine and margaritas with us in crazy scrapple room. You make all better. Tomorrow maybe we have Kahlua and Peppermint Schnappes...mmmmm

I kiss screen and blow it to you. I know you not away far. Yeah tell me EVERYTING...everyting Yeah Okay. You such nice nukie missile man to me.

I make happy dreams tonite---I know you too. * I bat my eyelashes*

Posted by: Miss Swan at May 28, 2003 07:42 PM


Wassssssssuuuuuuuuuppp??? Without you, none of us have been amusing our reverse sides away extremely. I myself have felt my reverse side to be distinctly unamused in your absence. Even though my poor Engrish makes it impossible for me to understand you and LFCat when you start jabbering away.

The beverage, your choice of which is our lunch of today, is:

b) lime dacquiris

The persuading of which I am making to my husband as soon as he returns from the daily grind. Which reminds me, have you destroyed Barbara Streisand yet?

Posted by: Cassandra at May 28, 2003 07:46 PM

Cassandra---funny you should mention "daily grind" and then Kahlua was mentioned in the post before.

Just basically around the corner from my small little domain near downtown Colo. Springs there's a little coffe shack called "Daily Grind" [the 3 other of its kind located in hospitals/medical facilities.!?]

All their drinks are named with some sort of medical term. My fave is called the "Nuclear Nurse" hope Men Tal Li's Il Lil Kim doesn't get too excited if he reads this (:~}).

but ANYWAY. The nuclear is a White Chocolate/Kahlua Latte'--- WOO HOO!. Decaf on ice for me. MAN is it good.

I haven't had one in ages...but all this "daily grind" kahlua, nuclear talk has sparked a crave. {oops! shouldn't say "spark"in the presence of a pyro-nucleo maniac.

Some iced Yerba Matte tea will have to do for now.

I'll deal with Lil Kim Il later. First I gotta go bang my head against the wall a few times so I can DO the "Il speak" thing. I already left an at length "Il speak" masterpiece at the "Kerry--protective force" forum. That Il speak is alot of work...hate for it to go to (nuclear) waste.(:~}

Enjoy your evening with hubby and lime daquiris. Sounds good. I'm happy with just crushed ice and lime and water.

Posted by: Lynch Family Cat (ORIGINAL & often imitated) at May 28, 2003 08:08 PM

Yo! LPB--- regarding: LF something:

Sheesh, can you tell me what stocks will be hot in 6 months then? Need to make some serious money here, and since you have this crystal ball, how about some pointers?

I think the "frenchman" poser's poem said something about a CATNIP ball. NOt crystal ball. Sorry to disappoint you---BUT catnip may not be a bad investment. Possibly Crickets handy "prescription" on this or another blog ( intended for individual in category 5 identity crisis) would be a sound investment. Nothing showing up in the catnip ball....but I sure see all kinds of stuff AFTER I play with that thing!

To quote any Stoner post: "whhhhooooooaaaaaa ".

Don't tell him--- but my catnip's stashed in a fake furball. Aint NO one gonna touch it. (:~})

Posted by: Lynch Family Cat (ORIGINAL & often imitated) at May 28, 2003 08:44 PM

A conspiracy is a foot or about or occuring or ... in vogue?

Scrappleface is being attacked by liberals who desire to in general sow dissent, write ill-humored or unfunny posts and generally steal handles. The situation is similar to liberal callers getting on Limbaugh et. al. and claiming to be conservatives, but then attacking President Bush.

In the future if any of my (Jericho's) posts are not - either funny or insightfull (or if they are in any way rude) it is clearly because a liberal has temporarily abscounded with my handle.
Similarly any time that a post appears with a misspelling or grammattical error using the Jericho handle this also nearly always is a liberal monicur thief, unless of course the general tone of the post is so funny (or so insightful) as to override the grammar and/or spelling errors. If such is the case then it clearly is Jericho in the original.

Conversely, if a Jericho post makes you laugh (or reflect, 'Wow! That Jericho sure has it together.') then of course it is from me (the original Scrappleface Jericho), unless of course, you are now or have ever been a member of the communist party have some French ancestors. Lastly, if a Jericho post gets mentioned in a positive light by the host of a FOX News Channel program (Greta Van Sustern notwithstanding) then without a doubt, grammatical and spelling errors or no, it was posted by the orignal Jericho.

Needless to say Jericho (the original) does not make factual errors.

This Scrappleface Public Service announcement has been brought to you by the committee to get a Jericho post mentioned on a FOX News Program.

Posted by: Jericho at May 28, 2003 09:05 PM

Jericho!---from YOU: "grammatical and spelling errors or no, it was posted by the orignal Jericho."

surely....or shirley? you can see the humor in THAT.... ( no=not?)

So someone has actually hijacked YOUR name, too? We "ott" to see if we can take up a Scrapple offering so Scott can install whatever would secure our handles from the less fortunate. [ those so lacking in originality, creativity, insight, knowledge, decency, maturity] that they have to cop from those they so envy and admire.

After reporting the I.D. theft problem to Scott--he DID tell me he was talking to Tom Ridge about security measures.

Good luck on your FOX pursuit.

MY "FOX pursuit" would include (a single)Shepard Smith, William LaJeunesse, or David Lee Miller & I think Greg Kelly was the other rugged lookin' cutey...(:}~)**raised eyebrows, tilt of the head and mischevious grin**

I thought "FOX" had a 2-fold meaning...(:~})

Back to identities. Most of us "regulars" ( boy is that a stretch-HA!) know the true personality of the posters. Hopefully they'll get their well deserved shock treatments, prozac, ritalyn, or each member of our imposter studio audience will receive a white jacket with extra extra long sleeves so the can wrap their arms around themselves and give themselves a nice long hug.

Oops...running outta daylight. Gotta let the dog take me for a long walk!

Posted by: Lynch Family Cat (ORIGINAL & often imitated) at May 28, 2003 09:24 PM

Frenchman frenchman
You darling twit:
your verbal cooties are really nits
You accuse US of telling lies,
We have records of froggy spies.

Now you have your boom boom toys and wells,
Do us all a favor and blow yourselves to h**l.

Posted by: Cricket at May 28, 2003 10:51 PM

Attentioning here to,
Imperialist, is yellow running dogs and the scrapplemask which it operates.

Why, no one yet to stole my name?
The Bunny you, your chest is large excessively. I yearn for your manicure. My hair is hello to you many times.
As for the Cassandra there is a nose in my list of nucleus missile. It is for you.
Lynch the family cat (pun here inserted purposely). As for me as for a certain very regrettable you it is personality multi so many times here. So sorry. To be good profit do directly.

Now at this time I am again amusing my reverse side away extremely. | )

Posted by: LilKimIl at May 28, 2003 10:58 PM

Cricket! lmbo! Some of those fireflies out in your lounging area been getting to you?

You DO realize that SEVERAL posted AS Frenchman. Mostly his "originality" is spotted in loooooong posts that are copy/pastes of the dictionary. or Viva la whatever.

He's like the reverse side of the woman who draws the abusive guys to herself. He's the "guy" who walks into where he know he'll be abused.??? Not healthy...but look at his hero. Jacque "evil eyes" ShIraq.

I find it QUITE hyprocitical that he is so anti war--UNTIL they get the boom boom toys. Then all of a sudden its different?

Hey French boy: I found you shoes! At They fit perfectly. Will you wear them?

HYPOCRITE: ( you relate on the level of the dictionary so here ya go.....

one who puts on a mask and feigns himself to be what he is not;

.....the "godless" or "profane," as it is rendered in Jer. 23:11, i.e.,

polluted with crimes;

one who feigns to be other and better than he is;

a false pretender to virtue or piety; one who simulates virtue or piety.

We don't hate you Frenchy. For me personally---I'm infuriated when I see someone sooooo deceived.

That's actually a form of compassion. (sure I give you a hard time...but ultimately seeing you duped so deeply in deception and wanting to STAY there is anger inducing)


Sorry Cricket....kinda hijacked the post for the Frenchy cause.
B.T.W....back to posts gone by. My little Fox family has relocated, apparently. I'm relieved since those little pups were always running after daddy and the people flying down the street AREN"T attentive.

I hope they're alright and weren't taken by some pukes, either. I thought I saw the daddy run by the drain and sniff around the other night. Maybe "momma fox" took off with them and didn't leave daddy a note. That being the case I expect to see them on a milk carton soon.(:~})

Now to get rid of the Alfred Hitchcock-esque moths. Good Googly Moogly they're BAD!

****my theme song for this post is: " This is the post that never ends...It just goes on and on my friend........"

Posted by: Lynch Family Cat (ORIGINAL & often imitated) at May 28, 2003 11:16 PM

LFC - No or not. (LOL) It's all good.

See Jericho posting rule regarding humor or insight.

Posted by: Jericho at May 28, 2003 11:22 PM

O'Reilly reported tonight that the french tourism board has hired Woody Allen to help bring tourists back to france. That has about as much chance of working as Bill Clinton taking a vow of celebacy!

'Woody', refused any pay, but said he wouldn't mind meeting a few 16 years old french girls! He's looking for a new Mrs., the old hag he's married to, will be 30 before you know it!

Woody and his pal, Hugh Hefner, have been checkin' out some french babes in Pigalle. One girl, about 16, was asked by 'Hef' for a date. The stunned girl said, "I don't know Mr. Hefner, I've never dated anyone over 21 years old!" "Hef' replied, "That's alright, neither have I!"

Posted by: Susan Serin-Done at May 29, 2003 12:07 AM

****"Why, no one yet to stole my name?.....BAAAAD Move Nucleus Munchkin!! THAT's what's called an invitation!

Lil Kim (grandson of Men Tal Li) Il-----

Today Thunderbirds I see say for you looking and "driving" fast! I am in them appreciating!

I am having MEAN letter to write you but for as you show tiny name concern of thief --waiting is for me better now.

Suspicious is my being still--- Nice being to kitty for Maek Yu Il's kitchen? BETTER NO ARE! [Reading note written attentioned to you at "Kerry hires force to protect targets"

Worried I am not as MUUUUCH brilliant, beautiful, and witty is the kitty from the Family about to Lynch imposter flea bag, gutter dwelling, mange mobile Korean restaurant menu cat!.

Knowing difference from pukey cat to now ME is hard not at all. I drools say in America.

Not fooling me, Men Tal Li's grandson, either---I am seeing your speaking of the Imperialist language better than pretending so!

YOU name faker? You pretending as LFC.? Not able to imitate one so as me. Give up while you're behind is forward!

Mean note I save for nucleus threatenings aim at ME...Then happens!..Number of you I have, Nukie munchkin!! Fooling of LFC complicated for you a task! Another time to say: Give up while behind is forward!

OOOHHH....confusing is it to read from me. Mad or nice to you can not be made known underneath pompadour!

Now for ME Hoody Hoo detach from anatomy for amusing excessive....

Oh.!! front of forgetting---my house you come to for "pu pu platter"?? Like in restaurant NOT.
Kitty own "recipe" has! he he he me ow he he

Now REALLY amusing excessive--- with hoody hoo no more left to drop from time of amusing before!!

Posted by: Lynch Family Cat (ORIGINAL & often imitated) at May 29, 2003 12:31 AM


ALL of it rings sickeningly true.

About the time Mick Jagger...OR Woody Allen for that matter are voted sexiest men alive...MAYBE then Bill "never caught with his pants UP" Clinton will be celibate.

I STILL am SOOOOO Pleased to not HAVE to call him the President.

Sound familiar but a few names/words changed?:
"Just so you know: I'm ashamed Bill Clinton was the president and is a resident of the U.S."

My emotions are like a combination of anger/pity when people as those you mentioned are soooo far "gone".

Sorry...I threw the serious into your satire! I need to get back to my happy place now and post from there (:~})

Posted by: Lynch Family Cat (ORIGINAL & often imitated) at May 29, 2003 12:40 AM

Susan Serin-Done,
I agree with what you said about Nixon. He had a lot of problems but he wasn't a bad president when you compare him to some of the guys that have been in office. I think history will be kinder to him the farther away his timeline gets. You struck upon something that I do find interesting. He resigned rather than face the indignity of impeachment for himself and the office. Something Clinton wouldn't do. I guess that shows that some men/women even when they make mistakes, have enough charcater to face the heat. I think that Clinton will become a blurb in history, for his lack of anything. By the way he stunk up the Willie Nelson Birthday party the other night. There were some boo's if you listen to his introduction. Happy Birthday Willie - 70 years old and still kicking hiney and taking hostages.

Posted by: Harden Stuhl at May 29, 2003 01:02 AM

LiL Kim Il, my Pompadoo Nukie Man say: "The Bunny you, your chest is large excessively. I yearn for your manicure. My hair is hello to you many times.

Yeah...Okay...okay...I tell you EVERYTING...yeah, Okay.

Yeah okay...You not seeing my face?...I tell you who looka like a LOOKA like a man---down too low from face!

Manicure and hair not free. You...yeah okay... are rich nukie missile pompadoo no? I bat my eyes at you now and smile like in picture. Okay I tell you everyting....

..everyting looka looka like a man.... a man ( mayor of munchkin land---ha ha ha I make funny for youuuu)

Noooo---Your hair talks not, Silly Lil Il. Nooooo---it's not saying "hello"...You funny...Swan swoon at what people I hear say...okay is "full package"....

I tell you handsome, oohhh and funny nukie missile man...and rich ...yeah okay...fuuuull head of hair for maybe making Bunny a furcoat?...ooohhhh...Miss Swan like fur and diamonds! not playing hard to get long. Picture of Swan make swoon, huh? You see picture of Bunny and say: " I hot for yooouuuu"?

Yeah okay...I can't sleep waiting for meeting you again at "commie connection" chat room.

Yeah...okay...okay...I dream happy tonite for yoouuu, my little pompadoo lil kim nukie man...Okay...I tell you everyting.

You print picture of Miss Swan and make copies for all your rooms and on nightstand?...You like dress, too?.okay...I wear all times at Gorgeous Pretty Beauty Nail Salon.

Yeah Okay--I wait for call, too at Salon. Okay...I tell you..I tell you EVERYTING... I teach you too Kuvera for you to speak. Santa Claus is from Kuvera.

I blow kisses at pompadour.

Posted by: Miss Swan at May 29, 2003 01:23 AM


Your comments may hold some truth - there are impostors here who are acting like nincompoops and practicing imitative electronic deception. These people know who they are and they think they are protected by our naivete. They might be surprised how ubiquitous they have become...

ěplodded through the shadows fruitlessly like an ubiquitous spookî (Joseph Heller).

they were known by telltale signs,
liberal expressions like scales,
fell from their eyes,
children of the spawned interlopers,
soon to fall victim to their own lethargies,...
this group of angry political blogging reformists ,
succumbed to their destiny,
foreordained by the wrath of Scrappledom.....

Imitators be warned this is not an apery you can call home - go be a monkey somewhere else...

Posted by: Harden Stuhl at May 29, 2003 01:37 AM

*panting after a fast run down the hall*

Dr. Stuuhhl...Hey Doc...uh....we. whew....we need you over in the Raines Room. Got a patient who ate the stray. I told him it had bubonic as one on a looong list of maladies but since he did us a favor you could prescribe some antidotes...better go see him quick before he ends up in ER.

Posted by: Lynch Family Cat (ORIGINAL & often imitated) at May 29, 2003 01:37 AM

Of course that doesn't apply to all of the funny comments and various personalities that have taken root here....Mine being sixteen of them :)

Paid by the People to Help Lynch Family Cat Recover Their Original Name

Posted by: Harden Stuhl Hall Monitor at May 29, 2003 01:43 AM

Egads - I'm being paged - Quick to the Bat Pole...

Posted by: Harden Stuhl at May 29, 2003 01:46 AM

Susan...I'm with Stuhl and you on that EXCELLENT point about Nixon. I have only recently paid much attention to things political. BUT even with Richard Millhouses lying, etc. The "character" it took to step down rather than defame the office of Presidency is in a backhanded way --applaudable.

What's always SICKENED me about Clinton and Co. is that he ALWAYS has been a "I'm right even when I'm wrong" punk!...with him/dims Its NOT about's about being "right"....

Like Dr. Stuhl....I have to mockingly say "what legacy" when there's talk of Clinton talking about his "legacy". UGH...

excerpt from "legacy" ....

" During President Clintons time in the white house. TV networks were required to put an "R" rating on all newscasts. Parents spent more time on the topic of sex education as children asked quetions about the office of the President....."

Posted by: Lynch Family Cat (ORIGINAL & often imitated) at May 29, 2003 01:50 AM

AAAARRRRGGGGHHHHH!!!!! (said with love and doggy kisses)What is a blond doggy to do? I can't keep up.
I wonder if Da Cat and Cassandra will tell the LF critters to move over so I can snooze. Helping Jessie with her PT is tiring for this canine! Not to mention the poems...I think Cricket did have a bit of a brain cramp.

Posted by: Lynch Family Dog at May 29, 2003 01:52 AM you have some "esplaining" to doooo???

I TOO have taken on SEVERAL personalities. Usually its when a response merits a character or certain "title" or name.

I can't imagine the one LF "animal of the day" is an adult, though. I mean REALLY.

I also can't imagine you engaging in any of the crassness of the posts of the imposters OR LF "animals of the day" I actually have a pretty good feel for WHO I think it is. The tone, "engergy" level, personality...comparisons to other posts...etc. I have a pretty doggone good idea!

I also haf vays of leafing MY "fingerprints" on posts...yaah???

I so want to ask you if you're some of the characters I think you are but NOT gonna do it. Not gonna eat broccoli..(oops got carried away). Won't even go there! (:~}).

disclaimer: I LIKE brocolli! (:~}(

Vat ben it TOCH en vreeselik LEUKEN katje!

Posted by: Lynch Family Cat (ORIGINAL & often imitated) at May 29, 2003 01:56 AM


Now here's the drill: DOG has tirelessy been helping Jessie so she can come home soon and you're takin' up Doggies rightful place. Think of others for a change. Jessie didn't raise us like that.

thanks everyone!

Alright Dog--there ya go....go get your spot. Sweet dreams. I"ve got a bazillion moths to chase before I hit the hay. I'll be quiet..

Posted by: Lynch Family Cat (ORIGINAL & often imitated) at May 29, 2003 02:09 AM

LF Cat: I liked your post about Woody and Mick being voted sexiest men alive. Mick was hideous when he was young!

I used to watch the Simpsons alot, until they starting ragging on Christians, on almost EVERY episode. But still remember when Marge was doing a painting of Mr. Burns. She ended up doing him in the buff, and I can only imagine that Woody looks, 'Pretty close', to that image in my mind!

Dr. Harden Stuhl: I didn't hear about Willy Nelson's party. I bet Toby Keith was there. He said the other night, that Willy said, "Let's get outta here.", was why he wasn't still there, to get his 'Entertainer of the Year" award, at the awards show. I wonder if he has the same distain for Clinton that he does for Natalie Maines? What's with her stupid hairdo, she looks like an 80's punk rocker. That or a white female, Mr T!

Speaking of Mr. T, although I haven't had an alcoholic drink in several years, my favorite used to be a 'Bloody Mary', with all the spices! Every once in a while, I buy a bottle of Mr. and Mrs. T's Bloody Mary Mix (TM)! YUMMY, even without alcohol. I never cared for him on 'A Team', but he and his wife sure can make a mean 'Bloody Mary'!!!

Well, there goes my mind again, it's time for bed when I start sounding like Hank Kimball, County Agent! Goodnite ALL!

You too, frenchfry!

Posted by: Susan Serin-Done at May 29, 2003 03:10 AM


I have only been three,
just me,
and plain old me,

I wouldn't be a copy - cat....

Posted by: Harden Stuhl at May 29, 2003 04:00 AM

LFC, The one and only Cat, Original and Deflt Blue!
(love Delft)
Anyway, I posted that rhyme because I wanted to try my hand at political verse. It has been fun reading the posts, as I have learned so much from you and others. I usually read, and seldom post because I am thinking, and only come out with something when I HAVE to get it off my chest. How I wish for the wit and insight all of you have! I am somewhat of a coward in posting satire, so I keep it short and try not to get too involved, especially if I don't know the issue, or know enough to raise a point.

But I am reading and I am laughing and Miss Swann's post to the son of Men Tal Li Il are sublime. I wonder if she will feed him some kimchee?

Have a good weekend

Posted by: Cricket at May 29, 2003 04:58 AM


I am the first to imitate the Lynch Family Cat today. And I am da_n proud of it!

ANd, no I am not the Frenchman.

Posted by: Lynch Family Cat (ORIGINAL & often irritated) at May 29, 2003 08:04 AM

SO, is this a new contest? Is it the first to imitate the Lynch Family Cat, the first to Irritate the Lynch Family Cat, or the first to do both?

Posted by: Matt "Goober" SHivers at May 29, 2003 08:12 AM

So what I am first to steal the identity of the frenchman today, May 29, 2003. And all you Americans who say you are the Lynch Family Cat are liars, and your lies have been exposed.

Where are then the LFC's? None have been found.

Bush said there were LFCs on Scrappleface but has anyone actually seen one - no.

It is only a scam to steal the catnip from the rest of the world.

Posted by: Frenchman at May 29, 2003 08:17 AM

I think both are interrelated. Once she is imitated, she starts hacking up furballs and ranting about weasels. Listening to her tirades, one must think that she must have had a bad experience with a weasel once. I want to hear more her "close encounter of the weasel kind". This could prove to be more entertaining than most of the posts.

Posted by: Lynch Family Cat (ORIGINAL & often imitated and irritated) at May 29, 2003 08:20 AM


you might be right for once. After all, has anyone actually seen this cat? I have a well trained dog at home and she can not type, so it is hard for me to imagine that a cat can. I'll bet that it is really a person posing as a cat. This raises the intriguing question of why? Why would you want to assume a cats's identity? And is this little feline dementia restricted to web postings or does he/she/it wear a cat costume in real life.

In the words of Winston Churchill "I am not afraid of clowns, only of people who want to dress like them."

Posted by: Matt Goober Shivers at May 29, 2003 08:24 AM

Let's all give a big Bronx cheer to Amnesty International for saying that the liberation of Iraq, the emptying of the Children's Prison, and the discovery of mass holding tens of thousands of murdered Iraqis (not to mention getting Ouday, Qisay, and don't forget Ooglay out of the torture business) has actually made things WORSE for ending human rights violations.

Hey! Anmesia International! Pbpbpbpbptptptptp!!

To quote that eminent philosopher Bugs Bunny: What a maroon!

Posted by: some random guy at May 29, 2003 08:40 AM


Pulitzer prize winning New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd denied any impropriety in her quote of President Bush's speech in Arkansas. Dowd has been accused by Zev Chafets of the New York Daily News of deliberately misquoting President Bush by using ellipses to change the meaning of what the president said.

In her column Dowd quoted the president as, '"Al Qaeda is on the run," President Bush said last week. "That group of terrorists who attacked our country is slowly but surely being decimated. . . . They're not a problem anymore." '.

In official transcripts of the speech, the president is quoted as saying, "Al Qaeda is on the run. That group of terrorists who attacked our country is slowly, but surely being decimated. Right now, about half of all the top al Qaeda operatives are either jailed or dead. In either case, they're not a problem anymore."

Dowd defended her use of ellipses and denied any wrong doing, "I blame the whole culture of mistrust that has taken hold here at the Times since Jayson Blair's problems erupted" stated Dowd. "I won't submit to modern day McCarthyism ... I will continue to point out the terrible things Bush has done to this country, In fact my next column will point out what a hateful misogynist Bush is".

Dowd referred to the same speech in Arkansas where she claims president Bush stated, 'We routed ... barbaric and backwards ... young girls in Afghanistan. Society is a better place because of ... Al Qaeda'

Posted by: Frodo at May 29, 2003 09:23 AM

This just in...Dan Rather is really a claymation character.

Well, that would exlpain his "stiffness" and lack of charisma.

Posted by: Lynch Family Cat (ORIGINAL & often imitated ) at May 29, 2003 09:35 AM

We want a new story. PLEEEEEEEEEEEASE!!!

Posted by: Lynch Family of Critters including the cat, the dog, the wombat, the squirrel, the Hippo, the Tree F at May 29, 2003 09:50 AM

The ny times people,from the delivery boys to the editors,are the most aloof s.o.b's ive ever met and i still dont know why they behave that way.

seperated at birth
dan rather and leonard nimoy

Posted by: Sean at May 29, 2003 09:51 AM

I hate to disagree on this one Sean, but Dan Rather is too dull to "Boldly go where no man has gone before..."

Posted by: Mike S at May 29, 2003 10:04 AM

Sam Donaldson is a Vulcan!

Twins sparated at birth: Alfred E. Newman and David Letterman.

Posted by: some random guy at May 29, 2003 10:04 AM

Dan ""what the frequency"" Rather?

i will tread lightly on this subject so as not to offend anyone who is in the know but it is common knowledge in soho and the village that ole danny boy has..

shall we say some bizarre sexual tastes!!!

Posted by: Sean at May 29, 2003 10:12 AM

Dan the man a pervert?

I am both intrigued and frightened. I guess that is probably better not to know than to know.

Posted by: Mike S at May 29, 2003 10:16 AM

"What's the frequency, Kenneth?" *SMACK*

Posted by: some random guy at May 29, 2003 10:25 AM

You naive American conservative imposters! Coward posers all of you. You use my boyfriends name because your precious Runny is responsible for Sadaamís weapons that he destroyed and no longer exist.

You blind sheep follow Bush without the intelligence to question your Chaneyís disregard for the plight of innocent Palenstinian suicide bombers. Your responsible for Isreals occupation of sacred Arab land.

Chirac and deVillepin are hearoes. Bush is a coward. Woody Allen is genius second only to Jerry Lewis and no shame in marrying young daughter as I am a very mature 13 and Frenchman sees my maturity. Much more mature than you hoodyhoos.

And Clinton legacy of truth will be told by only American Sidney Blumenthal to tell the truth about honor of Clinton as per his respect for NATO. And Amensty International will tell the truth that George Bush and Condi Rice are the true terrorists.

Posted by: Frenchmans Girl at May 29, 2003 10:26 AM

"The horror, the horror!"

I'm gonna have to pour Drain-o in my ear to scour the images from brain.

Posted by: some random guy at May 29, 2003 10:38 AM

Spew... Very strong and sweet coffee...

Posted by: secondtopuke at May 29, 2003 10:38 AM

After apocolypse now some of the guys i hung with used an expression when describing something ugly or just plain wrong......
6 words

the horror
the horror
the horror

Posted by: Sean at May 29, 2003 10:44 AM

Susan Serin-Done: You are dead-on about Nixon. In high school our history teacher asked us who our heroes were. I said Elizabeth I and R.M.Nixon. He almost fainted. Nixon was a tragic figure worthy of Shakespeare - he had great vision and great abilities, but lacked the charisma that made other politicians (notably JFK) loved no matter what they did. He was a fascinating man.

Cricket: loved your poem. If fact, I always enjoy reading your posts. You should post more often.

Frodo: isn't Maureen Dowd a piece of work? I amused my reverse side away extremely at your 'We routed ... barbaric and backwards ... young girls in Afghanistan. Society is a better place because of ... Al Qaeda'

Posted by: Cassandra at May 29, 2003 10:46 AM

Can't... this.

Posted by: Pooke at May 29, 2003 10:53 AM

Pooke ... the dark lord wants the ring again, we must deny it to him!

Posted by: Frodo at May 29, 2003 11:01 AM

Could you really image four more years?

The Clinton Memoirs:

ěYou should have seen the look on their faces when we fired the entire travel staff! Iíll tell ya they were just stunned hee heeî

ěYou know, those billing records really did disappear, then reappear. Now I know that Dick Morris was really responsible, and Iím sure heís a secret member of that vast right-wing conspiracyî

ěNow, I know Al, and well, heís always had a bladder problem. Even though Rolling Stone may have ěenhancedî his well, you know, he just canít hold it in like I can and Iëm certain, certain that any donations he received were legitimateî

ěI have no idea where the Chinese got that informationî

ěI did not have well, you know, as I would define sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinskyî

Posted by: Pooke at May 29, 2003 11:03 AM

The Lovely Cass,

Nixon was a brilliant President. His foreign policy was brilliant (detent, opening china, ending Vietnam)and his domestic agenda was not too far behind. However, he was plagued by paranoia (his tragic flaw). And he cursed like a sailor. White house conversations could make a sailor blush.

As far as term limits and Clinton go, well, his life is meaningless without power. This is obvious. His whole life was arranged around obtaining it. Now that he has lost it, he has no purpose and he finds it harder to get women to sleep with him.

Jimmy Carter, Gerald Ford, and George Bush Sr all had outside convictions and interests to focus on. Carter started writing bad poetry and building houses. Ford gave speeches and helped sober people up. Bush devoted his time to his family.

SInce Clinton has no beliefs and a disfucntional family, well all he has left is failed attemts at sexual conquests.

Posted by: King Juan Carlos at May 29, 2003 11:04 AM

Bawbwa Wawa (nod to the late great Gilda Radner for the name) is going to interview Hitlery Rodman-Clintoon. What was so electrifying about this
is the pic! AARRRGGGHHH! What was on my computer is the photo and they LOOK ALIKE! It is creepy.

I can just imagine them both even talking alike.
And Dan Rather? Oh the humanity! But the Sam Donaldson/Vulcan thang had me in hysterics. I won't comment on the Helen Thomas affaire. EEEeeeuuuuwwww.

I wonder what an interview with the most self absorbed woman with the most self absorbed female reporter would be like? Any takers?

Cassandra thanks for the nod. I have actually had to sharpen my research and thinking skills when you post because you are insightful and well reasoned.

And you don't lose your cool.

Miss Swan and Frenchman's Girl can talk about hairstyles or the lack thereof in the objects of their fixation.

Back to the first item in my post. I have a pretty good idear that Bawbwa is going to recap the Senator's performance and then coyly ask the Senator if she plans to run for the Presidency.

I wonder if she will have Bill as a running mate
for VEAP.

Or Tipper Gore.

*creepy* A goose just walked over my grave...I got those involuntary shudders.

Posted by: Cricket at May 29, 2003 11:18 AM

Term limits are interesting things. We had a Mayor who was nick-named "Mayor for Life." As he was well-loved and darned good at his job, we didn't mind voting for him again and again. Now that we have merged city and county governments, it is a new city and the "Mayor for Life" has been elected again.
This is one case where a lack of term limits is a good thing. There are probably not too many cases where a lack is a good thing. Take Congress for example. Strom Thurmond was there since the Civil War. Teddy has been there since he climbed out of Chappaquidic.
Letting the Billster be president again is a very bad idea (to put it mildly). Although I don't think he could get elected. Too many skeletons in the closet, all wearing skirts.
Besides, doesn't his wife want to be president again?

Posted by: some random guy at May 29, 2003 11:22 AM

Ask the cambodians about the ""nixon doctrine"".

He was a great man as far unconvicted felons go.
Imagine being up like 75-25 in the polls then being so paranoid as to order the watergate break in?
Self destruction was his problem and lets not forget if he didnt resign he wouldve ended up in prison like most of his staff did.

As far as domestic policy goes he did a great job in healing the country after the communists tried to steal it with the likes of tom hayden and hanoi jane fonda. as far as ending vietnam in a timely way i would steadfastly disagree on that.
he came in january 1969,saigon fell april 75 and we were still bombing hanoi on christmas day 1972,4years after he was elected...FOUR YEARS AFTER HE WAS ELECTED.
thats as long as it took to fight the civil war,longer than ww1 and even longer than ww2..

that being said he also ended the draft,increased the afdc budget and signed a ton of civil rights legislation,these are things the democrats have a hard time accepting but they are in fact true.

it will be interesting in 50years to see how this man will be judged and that will depend on who is doing the judging.
in my opinion he was a decent human being that was blinded by his own raging ambitions and the incredible hatred he fostered for the kennedy bros.
certainly the best president we had since truman but flawed non the less.

Posted by: Sean at May 29, 2003 11:24 AM

Cricket, ditto what you and Cassandra both said!

I'd love to see Hilliary run for prez. She's the true face of the democratic party... I can't imagine anyone who would get out the (Republican) vote more! But then, like the Lynch Family Cat, I didn't have much intereest in politics until the '92 election. I couldn't believe anyone was buying the lip-biting antics of her hubby.

Posted by: Pooke at May 29, 2003 11:25 AM

Can we pleeeeeeeease have a new story?

Posted by: some random (whiny) guy at May 29, 2003 11:25 AM

El Rey Juan Carlos:

You're right - Nixon did have several tragic flaws - insecurity and paranoia among them. It always fascinated me that he religiously taped his own conversations, but was so "unpresidential" with the vocabulary words. But that may have been a side effect of having to wear a mask in public all the time - sort of a way of letting off steam. He also said some amazing things about Jews and other minorities, yet he had a higher percentage of them in his appointments than anyone until W came along. Yet another example of actions speaking louder than words.

Cricket: hopefully we won't have to worry about Babawa too much longer...LilKimIl assures me he has a nucleus missile for her.

Posted by: Cassandra at May 29, 2003 11:30 AM

Sean, do you still wet your bed? It is obvious that you are a ranting liberal. However, I wonder if you are a bed wetting liberal. Just curious.

Posted by: King Juan Carlos at May 29, 2003 11:31 AM

Only when Queen Isabella wants the golden shower King.

Posted by: Sean at May 29, 2003 11:34 AM


That last statement was truly childish, and dare I say, stupid... I thought you said earlier that you attended grad school. Truly, which internet site did you buy that diploma from? :)

Sean: that's what you get for trying to be somewhat evenhanded :)


Posted by: logicpenaltybox at May 29, 2003 11:35 AM

Thank you lpb
this is what i deserve engaging in a dialogue with european royalty.

Posted by: Sean at May 29, 2003 11:40 AM

Master Frodo!

The Lidless Eye...we sees it in our dreams. It BURNS...always it seeks the Ring!

Two terms for most Presidents
in the House of White;
Four for Roosevelt in the last World War;
The Dark Lord served his two terms out -
But he's trying to serve two terms more.
In the Land of D.C. where the Interns lie.

Four Terms to rule them all,
Four Terms to bind them.
Four Terms to bring them all,
And with his bullsh*t blind them.
In the Land of D.C. where the Interns lie.

Posted by: Gollum at May 29, 2003 11:44 AM

Sorry Sean, I had a hard time getting past your whining about Watergate,Cambodia, and the length of time it took to get out of Vietnam. I gave up reading at that point. You did a surprising turnaround after that horrid beginning.

The Watergate break in was never proven to be authorized by Nixon. It was the cover up that brought him down. The act of dodging investigators and lying to congress (The very same thing that Clinton was guilty of, lying to congress, led to several watergate conspirators going to jail).

Vietnam was a very nontraditional war being fought by an enemy that had no regard for boundaries nor any respect for human life. We were obligated by a treaty to be there and this treaty should have been honored. Our only flaw was in not forcing the govt of South Vietnam to clean up its act. However, this would have been difficult since they were fighting a war against terrorist (by today's definition, the act of blowing up a marketplace would be terrorism).

Posted by: The Indignant King Jaun Carlos at May 29, 2003 11:46 AM

srwhineyguy- you just want to be first! With the great material out there... it won't be long :-) I'll just sit here and wait...

Posted by: Pooke at May 29, 2003 11:53 AM

Susan Serin-D! Poor ole homely boy Mick is often used in my "extreme" comparisons of "it'll NEVER be". He's just a very good example! Can't shake the Natalie Maines as Ms Mr. T "do"...HA HA HA
Cricket---In agreement with Cassandra. Your posts are enjoyable and you SHOULD do so more often.
*wink* "Delft" chic!(:~} I love it too. "Sprinkles" of it all over the house. Well, perceived my country livin' friend . You discern "method to my madness" (:~})
Matt"GOOBER" Shivers + LFC Imitator +LFofCritters= same fool(as suspected) Ijit! You forgot to change the URL fool! A HA HA HA HA..time for your colonic now.
Dr. Harden (mostly BS) Stuhl---ya know I love ya Scrapple Chapel Chum!...I wouldn't insult your intelligence by pinning "that" on you.{you been working on that one patient?? that double laced fatigue boot would be in order}
Sean--- ( re: menage)await in fear & trembling the mighty eraser of Scott Ott's Good Scrapple Keeping Seal of Approval's vast staff. Dan Rather...good methodist boy gone goofy! As a little boy he was punished with having to eat persimmons when he misbehaved....must have been a very bad little boy.
Cassandra,--AND--in agreement with Cricket about YOU (as I've said before & echoing Cricket: "...when you post because you are insightful and well reasoned...Other topic: so what wast it last night--lime daquiri or margaritaville? (:~})
Random Guy...can't argue with you on the vulcan and the Letterman/Alfred E- comparisons but I sure can wholheartedly agree & laugh with you and about it! (has Donaldson ever been a double for Spock? (:~})
Pooke---thanks for the "comedy central" article...MUUUHAAAHAAAA....Wouldn't surprise me if Scott picks that one for a "coming soon to a blog near you" forum. My first reaction...after eyes rolled...I felt something moving up from my tummy NORTHWARD...bluh..BLUH...BLAAACCHHK. What a "wanna-used-ta-be"!

Ik zal wel terug kommen en anderen tijt als ik niet so druk beezig ben, ja?

Lieven katje (:~})

Posted by: Lynch Family Cat (ORIGINAL & often imitated) at May 29, 2003 11:54 AM

Your highness
if you honestly think nixon had nothing to do with watergate then
I am your host,Mr Rourke

i am a registered independant,i never voted for bill the zipper or his wife,speaking of which if rudy guiliani couldve kept His pants on then he would be a senator as opposed to a guest speaker on the rush limbaugh show..instead the gop had to use little ricky lazio as the sacrificial lamb..
my god,senator hillary clinton???
i'm finally sobering up after the 18 month bender i went on after she got elected.

apology accepted
sean patrick hammond

Posted by: Mr Rourke at May 29, 2003 11:56 AM

I think another thing to remember about Nixon was that he was very much a product of the times. LBJ had (and used) FBI dossiers on members of Congress - that's how he got much of the Great Society legislation passed.

JFK had more wiretaps during his short administration than Nixon did during his full term, yet you don't hear much about that.

Prior to Nixon, the Presidency was not the target of intense media scrutiny that it is today, and lots of things went on that shouldn't have. I still believe Nixon's biggest problem was that lack of charisma - he saw other politicians get away with murder and because he was not a sympathetic figure, he took the fall for doing the same thing many other public figures had done before. All of which doesn't make it right, but at least he had the cojones to understand that if it happens on your watch, you bear the responsibility. Unlike a certain ex-Pres I could name.

Posted by: Cassandra at May 29, 2003 11:56 AM

Posted by: Cassandra at May 29, 2003 11:58 AM


I was partially virgin (only 1/2 the rum) Lime dacquiris, and they were wonderful. My husband is a saint.

Posted by: Cassandra at May 29, 2003 12:01 PM

Actually, I was not a partially virgin dacquiri...

Posted by: Cassandra at May 29, 2003 12:02 PM

Be nice to Scott - he probably has a life outside of providing us with stories!

Posted by: Cassandra at May 29, 2003 12:04 PM

All these margaritas,pina coladas & daquiris we've been inbibing in the last couple of days has me seeing double!

[in the WORD of Stoner]: WHHHOOOOAAAAAA!!

Posted by: Lynch Family Cat (ORIGINAL & often imitated) at May 29, 2003 12:04 PM

All these margaritas,pina coladas & daquiris we've been inbibing in the last couple of days has me seeing double!

[in the WORD of Stoner]: WHHHOOOOAAAAAA!!

Posted by: Lynch Family Cat (ORIGINAL & often imitated) at May 29, 2003 12:04 PM

Mr. Rourke- you seem to have forgotten about that pesky little prostate problem, unless it didn't exist on Fantasy Island

Posted by: Tatoo at May 29, 2003 12:07 PM

All we can judge Nixon in Watergate is what we know he did (and what he would have been impeached for)and that is lie and coverup. And it was not even a centrally planned coverup. According to Chuck Colson (who went to prison for watergate and later started a prison ministry) In many cases, it was a bunch of individuals each telling lies to protect their own skin. When these lies were revealed and judged collectively, it became aparrent that the law was broken.

Now, I am not claiming that Nixon would have stopped the break in if he had known about it (he might or he migt not have). He just did not know until after the fact. These type of political evesdropping scandals are commonplace (Wasn't Newt -or other prominent republican-hurt by an "innocent" democrat taping his cell phone calls. A Va republican party leader was just in court for illegally listening to democratic conference calls. In both cases, no one blaimed the president or the governor.)

A much stronger case was built against Clinton for lying and obstructing justice and the Da_n senate let him off.

Posted by: King Juan Carlos at May 29, 2003 12:09 PM

By your logic, LFC, I would really be you since I leave the same link as you do. Instead I am a cat imitator. And you have only identified a few of my personnas. I have many aliases. You will never catch and declaw me

Posted by: Lynch Family Cat (ORIGINAL & often imitated) at May 29, 2003 12:11 PM

Cat, and stuttering to boot!

Posted by: Pooke at May 29, 2003 12:14 PM

I say we stage a coup and hijack the site. Post our own da_n stories.

Posted by: Lynch Family Mad Cow at May 29, 2003 12:17 PM

"Actually, I was not a partially virgin dacquiri...

L M [F] O ( in scrapple speak: Laugh my furry butt off...)

.... ahem..."I guess it all depends on your definition of partially virgin...daquiri....."

As for you husband---he is then a "sipping saint"-- as they're called.

I LOVE virgin Margaritas. They're basically a glorified gatorade/lime slush but stil VERY good--very refreshing. is it you got MUCHO smarts and are QUITE funny?. It just ain't fair! (:~}) The womanly mystique does not escape you...and I'd be willing to bet your husband is happy about that.(:~})

I suppose now it's time for me to ditch the "jammie land costume" (:~})

Judging myself by my own behavior..I wouldn't know that I know that I'm leaving the state on Sunday for 8 days!!!...Procrasticat in action..

{boy oh boy! I just made a "Hank Kimball meets Lil Kim Il statement!..what's become of me?..Must have banged my head on the wall one too many times last night in prep for responding to Nukie Munchkin}

Altijd leuk---altijd lief--katje!

Posted by: Lynch Family Cat (ORIGINAL & often imitated) at May 29, 2003 12:19 PM

Cat, don't know who the imitator is, but I know where he/she .

Posted by: Pooke at May 29, 2003 12:21 PM


came from

Preview, post

Posted by: Pooke at May 29, 2003 12:22 PM


Posted by: Pooke at May 29, 2003 12:23 PM

P P P P Pooke So sorry! (:~})...sounds like that one Winnie Pooh character...P P P P piglet? IF you want to imitate Eyeore...just imitate Tom Daschole! HAAAAA

LFC wasn't removing your claws that I had in mind..............*ponder*

Posted by: Lynch Family Cat (ORIGINAL & poorly imitated) at May 29, 2003 12:23 PM

This is not an official Gorejacking... thread continues.

Posted by: Ref at May 29, 2003 12:30 PM

thanks for noticing me

Posted by: Eyore at May 29, 2003 12:31 PM

Hey Pooke...I thought you were just being (.) clever!...It worked, too actually.

AAAAAHHHHH not AGAIN!......a swinging, dimpled, cajoneless CHAD....muuuhaaahaaahaaa.

Is your name pronunced with an "EEE" at the end or without. I like your name! {NOW I sound like the short circuit guy: " Oh...Johnny numberrr five...You arrre taking a name for yourself....I Like dat name"...}

( Cricket made reference to that movie in a long ago post I believe)

Make it a great day (most) ALL! hugs and holy kisses to (most) ALL! (:~})

Lief en leuk en bij de handt katje!

Posted by: Lynch Family Cat (ORIGINAL & poorly imitated) at May 29, 2003 12:32 PM

LFC-You can prounounce in anyway you like. And I'm not kidding about where heshe came from! Right LFC2?

Posted by: Pooke at May 29, 2003 12:34 PM

Ronald McDonald Is So Busy,
But Just How Does He Do It?

As Chain Beefs Up His Role,
The Mascot Is Keeping Mum

When it comes to Ronald McDonald, McDonald's doesn't clown around. It won't even admit that there is more than one Ronald.

For four months now, McDonald's Corp. executives have been meeting at headquarters in Oak Brook, Ill., trying to decide just how to script a Ronald revival. The Golden Arches is mostly mum on the matter, saying only that the 40-year-old character will start showing up more -- and in unexpected places. Maybe he'll even perform his new dance "Do the Ronald."

The careful choreography of this clown's every step shows the McDonald's machine in high gear. No detail is too small. In 1999, McDonald's ad agency Leo Burnett hired a Los Angeles stylist to refashion Ronald's wavy red hair, and it spent months studying whether to increase the width of the red stripes on his socks.

So protective is McDonald's of the character's mystique that men who play Ronald are never to admit that they do. Ronalds in costume aren't to say who they are in civilian life. That rather annoyed Craig A. Oatten, a police chief in Michigan, when a Ronald, in full red-and-yellow regalia, got into a fender bender near Saginaw a few years ago. Asked several times, the Ronald steadfastly refused to give his name for the police report.

"If we get someone who refuses to identify themselves, we'll take them to the local jail," says Chief Oatten. But, because there were no injuries involved, he says, he spared the clown a trip downtown.

McDonald's keeps a roster of about 250 Ronalds world-wide, according to marketing experts familiar with the program, and franchisees, with some support from the company, pay for Ronalds as an advertising expense. Each major market in the U.S. has at least one Ronald, with large cities employing several.

Ronalds often have schedulers, chauffeurs and bodyguards. Thanks to McDonald's franchisees, a Ronald in Nevada got a motor home so he could travel more easily. Bodyguards? "Kids would throw rocks from the parking lot. Sometimes you would get protesters," explains Jeff McMullen, a former Ronald, of Appleton, Wis. "Ronald can't handle that."

Typically actors, or ex-Ringling Bros. clowns or teachers, Ronalds make about $40,000 a year on average. A Ronald busy handling 400 shows a year can make close to $100,000, while the highest-paying Ronald, who appears in national commercials, earns more than $300,000, according to former Ronalds. Asked about Ronald's salary, McDonald's ducks the question. "Ronald doesn't go out to work," says Amy Murray, a director in U.S. marketing. "He goes out to have fun."

McDonald's trains and recruits many Ronalds through a Clayton, Calif., company, CW & Co. Productions. One of its methods is to place ads in clown magazines. One reads: "Clowns Wanted! We are looking for clowns to fit high profile, permanent positions. Must be willing to relocate."

Many amateur clowns covet the gig. "To be a Ronald is a lifelong career," says Janet Tucker, past president of the World Clown Association.

To preserve the illusion that there is only one Ronald, the chain forbids two Ronalds from ever appearing together except at a secret biennial convention McDonald's holds -- but won't talk about -- in which Ronalds brush up on their skills.


Read selected excerpts from the anthology "Floating Off the Page: The Best of The Wall Street Journal's 'Middle Column.' "

McDonald's own Web site seems to intimate that there is more than one Ronald. On World Children's Day last November, according to the site, Ronald was everywhere. He posed for pictures in Austria, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Hong Kong, New York and Russia.

Asked about that, Larry Light, McDonald's global chief marketing officer, stands pat. "There is only one," he says.

After repeated grilling on the multi-Ronald question, McDonald's officials released a statement, attributable, they said, to Ronald: "If I told you all my secrets, they wouldn't be secrets anymore. Let's just say that between you, me and Santa, it's magic."

In the beginning, Ronald was so tightly controlled that McDonald's wouldn't even let him take the costume home with him. He had to change clothes at an advertising agency. When McDonald's first introduced Ronald in 1963, he visited many restaurants. Now he may appear at a restaurant twice a year and spend the rest of the time on the road visiting schools, hospitals and nursing homes. He's often booked a year in advance.

Franchisee Luther Mack, who owns 10 restaurants in Nevada, says he routinely uses Ronald more than his allotment and pays out-of-pocket ($400 to $600 for each appearance) to get more face time. But not too much. "We make sure he's not overused," says Mr. Mack, a 30-year franchisee.

Ronald McDonald was the brain-clown of two people: Washington advertising executive Barry Klein and renowned Ringling Bros. clown Michael "Coco" Polakovs. At the time, Mr. Klein's clients included a McDonald's franchisee and a local "Bozo the Clown" television show. Mr. Klein persuaded the franchisee to run commercials on the Bozo show to reach out to children. After the kiddie show was canceled in 1963, Mr. Klein regrouped with Bozo, then played by Willard Scott, who gave the McDonald's clown his name: Ronald McDonald.

Mr. Scott, the longtime weatherman for NBC's "Today" show, donned the first Ronald get-up that year, using a paper cup as a nose and a cardboard tray as a hat. When McDonald's executives wanted to launch Ronald nationally in commercials, they hired Mr. Polakovs to give Ronald a makeover. He designed the white-face clown features and, to represent the Golden Arches, chose a canary-yellow jumpsuit. The red shoes and striped socks reflected the colors of the restaurant. And that fire-engine-red hair? "It was a ladies wig, actually," recalls the 80-year-old Mr. Polakovs, who pulled it off a mannequin in a women's clothing store.

When McDonald's decided to make Ronald a national figure in 1966, the company dumped Mr. Scott, fearing it would be hard to find people in each market with Mr. Scott's big build, recalls Mr. Klein. "That was a heartbreaker," says NBC's Mr. Scott. "I was too fat."

To mass-produce Ronald like its burgers and fries, McDonald's created a guide in 1972 called "Ronald and How." The book, by longtime McDonald's hands Roy Bergold and Aye Jaye, details everything from how to apply makeup to how to behave around children. According to someone close to the company, the book advises Ronalds "never to initiate a hug" with a child. Instead, Ronalds are to turn slightly to the left and pat the child on the back.

Ronald trainers enforce the rules. At the Ronald conventions, sometimes held in Oak Brook, they inspect Ronalds, say people who have been in attendance. "You had to pass, and, if you didn't, you would go home without a job," says Earl Chaney of Las Vegas, who played the clown for 20 years. Some simply got Ronald probation.

McDonald's conducts extensive background checks on Ronald candidates, but that hasn't always prevented mishaps. One former Ronald is a vegetarian who has since joined forces with animal-rights group People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals to chide the chain. "I feel badly about what I've done with young people," says Geoffrey Giuliano, who played Ronald in Canada in the early 1980s. "I was the happy face on something that was horrendous."

Joe Maggard, another former Ronald, pleaded guilty in 1998 to a charge of carrying a concealed weapon in New Hanover County, N.C., and the next year was convicted in county court of making harassing phone calls posing as a Ronald. The judge ordered him to take anger-management classes. "I'm one of the bad-boy Ronalds," says Mr. Maggard, an actor who portrayed Ronald in the mid-'90s. "Am I a bad guy? No, I'm not a bad guy. Did Ronald get in a little trouble down there? Yes."

McDonald's says that Mr. Maggard was a stand-in for Ronald for one commercial shoot, and adds that "he is definitely not Ronald McDonald."

Posted by: The Guru Shri Bakenish at May 29, 2003 12:48 PM

Oh sorry about the long post, but it was too good of an article to pass up. Secret Clown Conventions, clown journals, Willard Scott...I smell a conspiracy.

And I have to give credit to the WSJ on line. The entire article is cut and pasted from them.

Posted by: The Guru Shri Bakenish at May 29, 2003 01:15 PM

Clowns are scary.
I don't know why (probably scared by one at the circus loooooong ago), but I've always found clowns to be very creepy.
Mimes, on the other hand, just pi** me off (probably 'cause Marcel Marceau was French).

Posted by: some random guy dealing with issues at May 29, 2003 01:21 PM

As a teenager, we used to go around mime bashing. We would hurl rotten fruit at them and hit them with sticks trying to force them to make a sound. The judge found little humor in this. And neither did my cell mate. Now I hate clowns. There is actually an anti-clown web site called I hate clowns . com

Posted by: clown-o-phobe at May 29, 2003 01:30 PM

How does one make threatening phone calls as Ronald McDonald?

Hamburgular I can see being threatening. After all, he wore a mask and stole things.

And there used to be a pirate of some kind when they peddaled a fish sandwich. I think that there was hamburger shaped sherrif too.

Of course, it could just be the peyote kicking in,

Posted by: Lynch Family Cat (ORIGINAL & poorly imitated) at May 29, 2003 01:34 PM

Clowns are frightening but not as scary as the transvestites that hang out in the village or the annual planned parenthood meeting that takes place out here on 5th ave.
Ever see these woman????
Quite obviously there problems are deeply rooted in childhood.Too ugly and fat to be loved,even by their parents,they pick on the unborn as their only source of self worth.
i would like to see pat ireland get post-natally aborted.

Posted by: Sean at May 29, 2003 01:41 PM

That is pretty sad when the only person you are better, tougher, or prettier than is a fetus.

Posted by: Mike S at May 29, 2003 01:50 PM

Some random guy:

I'm watching you.

Posted by: Bozo the Clown at May 29, 2003 02:01 PM

This story has taken on a life of its own. Scott must be on vacation. I hope he's not ill or injured.

But because it seems to be a 'post anything" board now, here's an interesting article by Ann Coulter.

Posted by: Darth Chef at May 29, 2003 02:02 PM

"Typically actors, or ex-Ringling Bros. clowns or teachers, Ronalds make about $40,000 a year on average."

I see from the post that only those experienced already as clowns can become Ronalds.

For LFC, Cassandra and others: Today would've been Christopher's 25th Birthday. I visited him at Arlington. I appreciate your support.

Posted by: Darth Chef at May 29, 2003 02:13 PM

"LFC-You can prounounce in anyway you like. And I'm not kidding about where he came from! Right LFC2?
Posted by: Pooke on May 29, 2003 12:34 PM

Pooke...First I thought the "origin" was a lab experiment gone bad.....and after your link....I reaized we're BOTH right! HAA HAA HAAA..

I realize pronunciation of a name doesn't matter on a blog (:~})...I was just curious. Still a fun name, Pooke.

p.s...LFC2??---more like lfc wanna-be! Greatness is often imitated but the imitators lose sight of how foolish they look as they can't duplicate.

Take Cassandra, Dr. Stuhl, Darth Chef for example. I would NEVER attempt to imitate either of them. I, at least, AM smart enough to know that's way out of my league.

Ik ben vreeslik en schat kat.

Posted by: Lynch Family Cat (ORIGINAL & unimitatable) at May 29, 2003 02:13 PM

Darth, Darth, Darth...when will you stop using logic and facts to prove your point?

It's perfectly obvious to all of us who feel that global warming is ruining our lives that you are involved in a vast right-wing plot to cover up the deodorant industry's shameless plundering of the environment.

I suggest you find yourself one of the following bumperstickers at the local OzoneIzUs store:

Ban Roll-on Now
RightGuard is a Right-wing Conspiracy
Aren't you glad you don't use Dial?
Save our Sweat Glands

Posted by: Wicked Witch of the North at May 29, 2003 02:18 PM

Darth---your true LFC buddy here!

As promised yesterday when I went to see the Thunderbirds fly.(WOWOW!). I sent a salute skyward in Christophers honor ( tried not to be too obvious about it for fear of being hauled off to Cedar Springs (:~})

Also as promised I brought up your name and family to the One Who is all comfort. I'm so glad that even by way of a blog that Cassandra, myself, Mari lynn, Stuhl and others can offer some encouraging, life giving words from the heart.

You're a good and kind man, Darth!

God bless ,abundantly,you and your family.
(you always manage to bring tears to my eyes when we converse about Christopher...there they are now!)

P.S. I never did learn if Christopher died in the Iraq war??...just wondering...

Veel liefs van de katje (:~})

Posted by: Lynch Family Cat (OrIgInAl & unimitatable)) at May 29, 2003 02:25 PM


Posted by: Catchingup at May 29, 2003 02:32 PM


Posted by: 228th at May 29, 2003 02:33 PM



Posted by: some random guy hiding under his bed at May 29, 2003 02:41 PM

Williard Scott beat a cue card boy to death and the network is covering it up

Posted by: David Letterman at May 29, 2003 02:44 PM

****Some Random***** I gaaze intooo my crrreeestal catnip ball I seee MANY Bozo's....FEARRRR not. They are NOT in your future but at Scrappleface. Sorry.

Mooorree Money beforrre I tell youu morre.

Lief and arrdigen katje!

Posted by: Lynch Family Cat (OrIgInAl & often imitated) at May 29, 2003 02:44 PM

The cast of characters on this panel is vast and extremely talented.
Darth man keep your chin up God has a special place in heaven for those who bury their own and Im not sure I have ever seen anything more unnatural than that.
My little cousin Greg died of crib death back in the 70s and it destroyed my uncle and aunt to this very day.I was about 13-14 at the time and my grandfather was driving me home from the funeral,papa was an old i.r.a guy,5'4 tall 5'4 wide and nastier than a starving rat and constantly full of whiskey,as we get into the driveway he looks to the heavens and proclaims to the Lord ""YOU TAKE CARE OF MY GREGORY""
as the 75 year old man collapsed into the steering wheel bawling his eyes out with his 13 yr old grandson too frightened to move in the passenger seat for 45minutes....

god speed darth and thank you for sharing this with us humble people.

Posted by: Sean at May 29, 2003 02:46 PM

SRGHUB did you get to the part about the guy being arrested for carrying a conceald weapon under his costume and for making threatening calls disguised as Ronald McDonald. So now you can not even answer the phone.

Posted by: Lynch Family Cat (OrIgInAl & unintelligable)) at May 29, 2003 02:47 PM

SRGHUB did you get to the part about the guy being arrested for carrying a conceald weapon under his costume and for making threatening calls disguised as Ronald McDonald. So now you can not even answer the phone.

Posted by: Lynch Family Cat (OrIgInAl &highly unintelligent)) on May 29, 2003 02:47 PM

Posted by: -----?-------- at May 29, 2003 02:53 PM

There are no clowns
there are no clowns
there are no clowns.

Viva Les Mimes

Posted by: Frenchman at May 29, 2003 02:58 PM


I guess that's what God saived us from, Christopher's dying a horrible combat death. I always said his death could've been worse, at least he didn't suffer. He died doing his swim training the week before he was to deploy to pakistan to fly support missions for our troops in Afghanistan.

His sqaudron sent us a flag flown into baghdad on March 29. Remeber the big explosion, bigger than the others during the bombing? Could it have been a MOAB from a C-130. After I got the flag I believed it was, cause that is one of the missions his squadron has.

I am working on the website and will have a picture of the flag and everything there as well as his story and pictures.

Posted by: Darth Chef at May 29, 2003 02:59 PM


I hesitated to ask but by the time I started here at the "ScrappleZoo I only had read you make mention of losing Christopher {as you were responding to some pain in the boot dissenter type.} I never knew how he died.

Either way....he STILL was a hero willing to die in combat. Seems the military is good about honoring the families of those who gave least I hope they are!

God in His word instructs us to "bear one anothers burdens". Today he's allowed me to carry some of what's in your heart as I find myself weeping whenver I am posting to you. I perceive your heart is weighed down today and God's way is that others take off some of the load.

It is easy to feel the frustration of what could have been of a HUGELY promising life cut short. Yet that aside is the BEAUTY of you not having regrets of the relationship you had with him and the calliber of young man he was. Those things can and should overshadow those "what if's" and "if only's".

From all you've said about him. You've been gloriously spared having many reasons many people have for "what if's" & "if only's".

I anticipate his website is being put together with unlimited love, respect & honor. It WILL be incredible.

{I'm pausing inbetween doing my voice work for these out of state radio stations---and have to regain composure after communicating with YOU.}

BIG hug, Darth. You're a gem!

Leuk and lief familie katje!(:~})

p.s. I have a T-birds question I wanted to ask you know...curious cat.?(;}) I'll get to that in a bit.........

Posted by: Lynch Family Cat (ORIGINAL & often imitated) at May 29, 2003 03:18 PM

I don't think people realize how many military people are killed in training each year, even with all the precautions that are taken to prevent it from happening.

The media found it remarkable that so many of the deaths over in Iraq were due to accidents and friendly fire, but that's exactly what happens - what the military does is not easy and they have to train hard. Darth - do put the link up when you finish the site. And hang in there - we're all thinking of you more often than you know.

Posted by: Cassandra at May 29, 2003 03:34 PM


Let me take a moment to echo LFC's sentiments. I can't imagine how painful the loss of a son can be ... please accept my thoughts & prayers for you and your family.

Frodo (Maj USARNG)

Posted by: Frodo at May 29, 2003 03:34 PM

Cassandra said: " don't think people realize how many military people are killed in training each year, even with all the precautions that are taken to prevent it from happening....

Agreed! ( or as Stuhl says: "on spot")...It's equally as heartbreaking as it is still a LIFE...someone's child, brother or sister, father or mom, uncle or aunt...etc. etc..

As you said about your boy, Cassandra---being in police training. I see THEM as a form of "military" .
Our police and fireboyz are admirable. THEY daily step into harms way, as well.

Those killed in training still merit our honor as, like with Christopher, they were still willing to put it all on the line---STILL heroes in my book.

For me personally--(if I may wax "bible thumper"(:~})--that's why I'm pleased there's a particular website/ministry that allows people to "adopt our troops" so an INDIVIDUAL can be prayed for. The committment made is to do so everyday. You have a real NAME-which makes it so much more personal--individualized...not a generality. Last I knew somewhere around a million ( dont' quote me) have been "adopted" and a waiting list of 450,000!!.

{if anyone military related wants to post a name or adopt a name: or also at don't work for or get kickbacks from either(:~})}

Darth BIGGEE Ditto to what Cassandra said: "we're all thinking of you more often than you know. I do my v/o work on my puter..... I'm thinking of a new "handle". The " LFC imitator" (AND LF menagerie/mega multi named poster)--I feel has really been a HUGE "spoiler" here at Scrappleface. It's (he's) changed the "tone" of the "room".I don't desire to be party to that....SOOOOO....Along with my occasionally visiting "personalities"(:~})...I'm working on a new name. I would hope said individual would have enough decency and maturity to leave it alone & give up the game!! We'll see.

My integrity, characther, honor is important to me and I don't like being "attached" to most of what's been posted quite frankly using my handle...even if it is "just a blog".

My LFD & LFH bud's will "know me" still(:~}).

I've consulted the Great Scott Ott...who DID tell me he was talking to Tom Ridge about "security" here (:~})...REALLY he did! He's real!!!! I felt like Dorothy and crew FINALLY getting to "meet" the Great Ott...err Oz!(:~})

Posted by: Lynch Family Cat (ORIGINAL & often imitated) at May 29, 2003 04:26 PM

*** In doing "show prep" I just found this quote: (ignoring the tragedy that became her life)

"Always be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of a second-rate version of somebody else."---Judy Garland

....a timely word?

Posted by: Lynch Family Cat (unimitadibly originally so) at May 29, 2003 04:53 PM

Gollum - You must also beware of the evil Mouth of Clinton (also known as Hillary).

Posted by: Frodo at May 29, 2003 04:54 PM

Gollum doesn't even entertain the idea of eating the Hilly and Billy varmints does he?

Posted by: Lynch Family Cat (oughtabepatented) at May 29, 2003 05:14 PM


I have to fall out of character here in order to express my condolences. Godsí eye is truly on the sparrow, and he cares for each of us.

I work in the Training Support Center on a large Army base and deal with our young soldiers on a daily basis. Some of them I wonít get to see again. I get to share their fears and laughs, but mostly their pride in themselves. It makes me proud of what I do. When I started this job over twenty years ago I had no taste for the military after serving in Vietnam (USMC). Now I justify my pride by believing that I may have saved some lives by helping to provide quality training. I am so sorry I am not able to say that here to you. You are in my prayers.

To the rest of you,

You care.

I guess thatís why I like to post and read here. You are such a bunch of real people. Characters all. Thereís something here which makes you want to be part of it.

No Longer at this time I am amusing my reverse side away extremely. ¶ (

Posted by: LilKimIl at May 29, 2003 06:05 PM

Clintons??? Hmmm...are they yummy?

Are they...crunchy???...juicy??? Or are they wicked, tricksy creatures with nasssty habitses? (shudder)

Hungry, he is... yes - VERY HUNGRY! But poor, hungry Smeagol is not sure he wantssss to crunch Clintons - he might catch something...unpleasant.

Posted by: Gollum at May 29, 2003 06:27 PM

+++++"Ladies & Gentlemen! Welcome to the new Scrapple Chapel+++++

Darth...although there are no faces to attach with names here. More than you making friends thru these words---You've captured our hearts.

{"Friends" --not a word I use flippantly.}

Ya know----not having a new topic certainly hasn't been so bad after all!(:~}).

( some whining to Scott like a bunch of spoiled brats!(:~}).like baby birds clamoring for their food....{NOT that Scott feeds the chirpping scrapplers anything remotely close to what birds feed their young.}...ALright...not an appropriate chapel topic. I ask your forgiveness for my diversion and digression.

Posted by: Lynch Family Cat (oughtabepatented) at May 29, 2003 06:45 PM

Gollum. You'd catch a more severe form of botulism: Clintulism....Dr. Stuhl is working on a cure. A bottle of digestive enzymes washed down with gasoline MAY help...but the side effects...(not yet as serious as Clintulism itself) may prove adverse.

Posted by: Lynch Family Cat (ORIGINAL & often imitated) at May 29, 2003 06:52 PM

My wife wants to celebrate his borthday today and not mourn. We made Christophers favorite dinner - fried chicken, mashed potatoes, corn, and she made a scrath chocolate cake. She said we should be happy and not sad, although we all teared up when I said the blessing and thanked God for letting us have Christopher for all those years. I visited him at Arlington and told him about what we were doing.

I thank each of you for your gracious, loving and warm words. WHile I weep when I read them, I still appreciate sharing his memory with you.

One of his favorite songs was treetop flyer by Jimmy Buffett, because thats how he flew and lived, and one of the things his friends told he said whenever they were stressed or were working out was "Man this sucks, I wish it could suck more"

HAPPY BIRTHDAY Christopher, I know you are with the Lord and are feeling total joy.

Posted by: Darth Chef at May 29, 2003 06:59 PM

A friend sent me this:

Subject: Fw: 26 One-Liners about God

This is very, very good!!!

26 Beautiful One-liners

1. Give God what's right -- not what's left.

2. Man's way leads to a hopeless end -- God's way leads to an endless hope.

3. A lot of kneeling will keep you in good standing.

4. He who kneels before God can stand before anyone.

5. In the sentence of life, the devil may be a comma--but never let him be the period.

6. Don't put a question mark where God puts a period.

7. Are you wrinkled with burden? Come to the church for a face-lift.

8. When praying, don't give God instructions - just report for duty.

9. Don't wait for six strong men to take you to church.

10. We don't change God's message -- His message changes us.

11. The church is prayer-conditioned.

12. When God ordains, He sustains.

13. WARNING: Exposure to the Son may prevent burning.

14. Plan ahead -- It wasn't raining when Noah built the ark.

15. Most people want to serve God, but only in an advisory position.

16. Suffering from truth decay? Brush up on your Bible.

17. Exercise daily -- walk with the Lord.

18. Never give the devil a ride -- he will always want to drive.

19. Nothing else ruins the truth like stretching it.

20. Compassion is difficult to give away because it keeps coming back.

21. He who angers you controls you.

22. Worry is the darkroom in which negatives can develop.

23. Give Satan an inch & he'll be a ruler.

24. Be ye fishers of men -- you catch them & He'll clean them.

25. God doesn't call the qualified, He qualifies the called.

26. Read the Bible -- It will scare the hell out of you.

Now take 60 seconds and give this a shot! Let's just see if Satan stops this one. All you do is:
1. Simply say a small prayer for the person who sent you this, e.g. LORD, God, bless this person in whatever it is that You know he or she may be needing this day....)
2. Then forward to five relatives/friends. Within hours five people would have prayed for you, and you would have caused a multitude of people to pray to God for other people. Then sit back and watch the power of God work in your life for doing the thing that you know He loves. What we do in life echoes in eternity....

Posted by: Darth Chef at May 29, 2003 07:05 PM

PuhReach It Brothuh' Darth! (:~}). Some good stuff in there. Appropriate "Chapel" literature (:~}) (plus I'll borrow some for show prep stuff)

Hey! I wanted to pass along these lyrics for you on this--a very significant day for you.

( ya just keep reducing me to tears!)

B.T.W.--Your wife is a wise woman!..Good call on her part.

You carry alot of influence with causing even Lil Kim Il to step out of character with a depths of the heart felt post to you....NOT that anyone's so shallow as to not be touched by your heart revealing posts about Christopher.

I'll link the lyrics to my name. You can hear the song too...just scroll down on that page, Darth. Maybe play it on the speakers for your whole family to hear---?

I think it's safe for me to speak for all your buds here: love and hugs to your wife and boys, too, tonite!

Sorry...this post's a little scrapple scrambled.

Posted by: Lynch Family Cat (oughtabepatented) at May 29, 2003 07:30 PM

I'm tired of being yelled at because comical rummy (Ooglay) forgot to put in the little doohickeythinginy that looks like this so I will do it now. Now keep it down cause I can't sleep.

Posted by: Mike S at May 29, 2003 08:05 PM

Sorry Mike S! It sux when people mess with your sleep. Especially SCREAMING people.

I suppose you're tired enough by now that the tree trimmers next to your window---the bagpipers rehearsal next door, and the carpet shampooer's who plan to keep the appointment you scheduled --- won't bother you though, right?

OH...did you get the notice about the City street crew having to dig up a busted waterline underneath the pavement in front of your house?. I think they'll be showing up they are....but really---what's a few jackhammers up against the other sounds.

Posted by: Lynch Family Cat (oughtabepatented) at May 29, 2003 08:19 PM

Noway! Comical Rummy is not Ooglay! Grey, say it ain't so! Set Mike straight! Oh no, I forgot how to turn off the underline...

Posted by: Hunt at May 29, 2003 08:30 PM

I am so glad you can celebrate his birth and his life and give thanks for one of the greatest gifts God ever gave us.

He was born to goodly parents who taught him early on about the love of God by setting the example.

I send healing hugs and kudos to your wife. Wise woman, she is.

Have a good one.

Posted by: Cricket at May 29, 2003 08:47 PM

hey cricket!!!--I would love to be watching some fireflies tonite! Enjoy!

I have little use for bugs {I've got these creepy, dinky little jumping spiders in my back computer room--get em every year...same window...??..and now there's also a Hitchcock-esque Moth invasion...bleggcchh} But fireflies and ladybugs, butterflies I like....that's the extent of my bug "luv" list!

Darth--I doubt you're visiting the blog tonite but...I had this thought: how about you share these posts about Christopher with your wife. She could just sit along side ( or cozy on your lap(:~}) and read them with you--and even the boys might enjoy them.(you could also grab the archived Scrapple Chapel on 5/7/03 and share some of those posts---?}

Of course I realize you may have already copied them or had them read them. Thought it may be an enjoyable, healing thing for them,though too.

Posted by: Lynch Family Cat (ORIGINAL & often imitated) at May 29, 2003 10:03 PM


I hope you are still reading down this far. It hard to say to you, what hasn't ALREADY been said. I have yet to feel the pain of losing a child, but lost my Dad, 3 years ago, and it's hard to imagine the pain unless you have been there! I feel fortunate having the Father,(BOTH Heavenly AND Earthly) I Have/Had!

You can certainly be proud of your Son, (I am for serving his Country), and be thankful for the time you and your family had with him, and if you believe like I do, that you WILL be with him again someday!

May GOD be with you and Your Wonderful Family on Christopher's Special Day!!!

Your Scrappleface Friend, (Serious, for a change),

Susan Serin-Done, (NOT real name!) Veteran of 3rd Infantry, and PROUD of it!

Posted by: Susan Serin-Done, (EX-SP4) at May 29, 2003 11:23 PM

Darth: Thanks so much for the list. Amusing but all very true! I will be praying for you and yours as well as for so many other parents/spouses/children/friends who have lost loved ones because of this conflict. Thank you for courageously sharing your sorrow as well as your hope with everyone. I firmly believe that the internet exists (thanks, Al Gore) so that more of the world can be made aware of the love and life-changing message of Christ, and blog sites are just one more avenue which we can use to stand as witnesses to His grace and mercy. You and LFC (the real one) and Harden Stuhl and others on this site are graciously doing just that and fulfilling His mission for us here on Earth. Thanks again.

Posted by: Deb at May 30, 2003 12:10 AM

Lynch Family Cat,
It's not the treetrimmers, or any of that stuff. It's the stupid trains going through Riverside at all hours.
In a few days all that wont bother me anymore. June 13th I am out of the stinkin' state of Californicate, and headed North. Nice small town, next to the Cascade mountians, right on one of the best fishing, and rafting rivers in the world.
The big events of the year are the lumberjack competition, and Independance Day.
You can click on my name and check some of it out.
Going to be able to sleep like a baby again.

Posted by: Mike S at May 30, 2003 12:22 AM

Hey the Scrapple Chapel is back again...Cool.

Mike S. - Didn't mean to eavesdrop...but does the Riverside of which you speak, have a really famous inn/hotel in it?


Posted by: Harden Stuhl at May 30, 2003 12:30 AM

deb....I was JUST thinking about you and how its been awhile. Good to "hear" (:~}) from you. I actually forgot your handle but remembered your story from the "Scrapple Chapel #1". Isn't Darth "da' man"? Like you said about how he's so freely shared from his heart and shared Christopher with us in that way.

I LOVED your "thank you Al Gore". I'm sure he's reading it....yah, right!...and having panic attacks at most every post! HA.

God bless you, dear! (yes there is a cheap...and I have to emphasize "cheap" LFC imitator on the loose...poor soul)

susan serin-d!---My cousin in Holland sent me theeee cutest "movie" (e-mailed) about cats. You will LYBO!. I asked him if he could tell me how to make it a link because I REALLY would love to get it to you. {of course sharing it with Lil Kim Il would be a mistake... cat cravings accompanied by excessive salivating!HA!..

E-mails shared on here would obviously ( and especially as of late) be a stupid move...SOO...I'm asking around on how to **"transmorgify" it to a link so you can see it.

**Calvin & Hobbes flashback!(:~}). I LOVE C&H;!

Posted by: Lynch Family Cat (unimitatable) at May 30, 2003 12:36 AM

Mike S! Is it Estacada? it in Oregon? Can't blame you for exiting the CalifornicataState

I've toyed with the idea of going there (CA)...but I like my seasons changing...not constant summer...and although I believe the eloquent and elegant Cassandra is from there and I have some wonderful friends there---I'm content in CO.

Your new "hood" sounds like a FUN one. Or when you said mean REALLY North...Canada...Alaska? Remulac, France....oops...just kidding about THAT one...DUUUHHH LFC (speaking to ME)... You did say Cascade Mtn.s you's going to WASHINGTON, yah?. GOOD choice. I'd LOVE to go to Vancouver BC and see the Buschard(sp?) Gardens after some time in Seattle area. I wouldn't mind having more in WA...but I do love Pikes Peak IN MY FACE here.

God bless trip, etc. You sound like you're ready to leave---- months ago! How about when you get settled you invite your fellow (nice and fun) bloggers for a Scrapple "convention?"(:~})

Maybe you could hook me up with one of those Moses Men? LOL...I'd like to see if they part the water while they log roll! AHH HAAA HAAA.

As for the trains (going back to CA) I like the sound of the trains on the tracks...if they could just not use their honker! (:~})
Harden, Dr. Stuhl---you're not eavesdropping. Every one here reads everyone elses business ( and then some!).....except I DON"T read those eternal copy/pastes.*yawn...booooRING!..I'm sure Scott will clean those up when he's back in da' room!

You da' Doc, Stuhl! I think I know who else you are...maybe not?. Did you read my earlier post about the "tone" of the room here? I'm disappointed in how the place has gotten "stunk up" by such mean spirited childishness (althoughI don't mean to insult children)....input?? (that's publicly viewed!--code will work(:~})

Posted by: Lynch Family Cat (ORIGINAL & often imitated) at May 30, 2003 01:05 AM

MIKE S---P.S. I LOVE Webshots. GREAT pictures...and I dig the daily jigsaw puzzle, too(:~})

Posted by: Lynch Family Cat (oughtabepatented) at May 30, 2003 01:08 AM

LF Cat:

I would love to see the Cat "Movie"! I once made the mistake of using my real e-mail, needless to say, the inter-net, "tire slashers", ruined that address!

It's not enough for a Dimocrat/Lib to disagree with you, they have to strike back and get revenge! It's like the Libs saying, "It's pay back time for Bill Bennett!"

Like O'Reilly said, "For what?". As Jesus said, "Let he who is WITHOUT sin, cast the first stone!". What Bennett is guilty of is an addiction, no different than alcoholism, or drug addition, BUT, it's not a crime! As a matter of fact most Dim's are for State sponsored, "gaming", so called to legitimitize it. Brings in lots of TAX bucks.

Besides, are not the Libs USUALLY for helping people that are addicted, or is it just if you are, 'One of THEM'?

Sorry, didn't mean to go off on a tirade, but I just get so tired of the injustice in this World! Guess that means it time to go PRAY!!!!!

As Red Skelton, (A comedian who didn't have to use vulgar language, OR subjects, to be funny!) used to say, "GOD Bless, and Goodnight!"

Posted by: Susan Serin-Done, On The Soapbox at May 30, 2003 01:14 AM

test test test

Posted by: Stoner at May 30, 2003 01:30 AM

test test test again

Posted by: Stoner at May 30, 2003 01:31 AM

...WHOOOOAAA...turn her LOOSE on the dimwits...or as I call them demoNcrats!...

It's all about it's ok for them but not for anyone else. They wouldn't know straight truth if it temporarily wrapped itself around their neck and pulled tight! Or they wouldn't acknowledge it.

You're right, dear about "time to pray" Even I catch myself having to be pulled back to what my pastor says "eating from the tree of life" rather than from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil---that's not talking about all those church made rules and regs ("don't drink, don't chew and don't hang out with those who do".

It has to do with EVERY area of life. It has to do with NOT focusing so much on exactly what's got you "twitterpated" (:~}). I hope I'm explaining it clearly. Instead of entertaining the insanity coming from the libs/left. Go steadily in the direction..proactively---you know is right. It's too easy to get hung up on and hindered by the focus on "good and evil"--make sense? [I need to consult my "Cassandras Communication Techniques" manual! (:~})

I think Bush has been much that way. Not defending himself or entertaining the petty tiffs, etc. He just goes on about "following truth" as much as I believe he knows to. I haven't questioned his sincerity ( any bloggers wishing to argue that point... please,find someone who will listen!

Anyway...back to the Leuken Katten Filmtje...As soon as I find out a link is possible. I'll hook ya up with it! It's WAY adorable and you could have really used it tonite!

Posted by: Lynch Family Cat (ORIGINAL & often imitated) at May 30, 2003 01:33 AM


Oh baby, tell me more

Posted by: Stoner at May 30, 2003 01:34 AM

I'm amusing my reverse side away extremely. I innocently followed up a "STONER" post beginning mine with his famous word.WHHOOOOAAAAAAA!!!

Posted by: Lynch Family Cat (oughtabepatented) at May 30, 2003 01:36 AM


Posted by: Evil Robot Stoner at May 30, 2003 01:40 AM

I feel like im in the MATRIX, every time I hear her speak. WAKE UP... it is the same old Class warfare sh*# from the democrats. Poor children everywhere are going to be hompless becuse their families did not get money back from the government that they did not give in the first place.

"While the Republicans' tax break leaves no business behind, it leaves behind millions of children from working poor families," Rep. Nancy Pelosi (Calif.), the House Democratic leader, said yesterday in a prepared statement. "Faced with a choice between giving a tax break to an elite few or helping millions of working families, the Republicans once again chose to help their wealthy friends."

Posted by: zeltplatz at May 30, 2003 08:44 AM

Harden Stuhl,
It does. It's the Mission Inn. Sort of a while elephant for the city. Here's the site for it.

Posted by: Mike S at May 30, 2003 10:04 AM

That should read "white elephant" It's still early here, and I'm about a quart low on coffee.

Posted by: Mike S at May 30, 2003 10:44 AM

hey everybody, first chance i've had to find you interfered with my serenity... :( you like oughtabepatened, huh? i was also delighted to see you mention presidential prayer team...i have a soldier (besides my own son of course) that i pray for daily...

you know, what we really need is a chat room folks...oh, i guess this is one (kinda)

bbl... :)

Posted by: mari lynn at May 30, 2003 02:40 PM

mari lynn blossoming blogger babe! (:~})

HEY!....that cheap, worm infested ( heeheehee) imitator cat made one post..perverting what you said and put "oughtabeputtosleep". I wish the kids were back in school, "daycare", or not allowed on the internet!..God bless em, anyway!

I ended up with like FIVE adopted troops!!. I wanted ones from different branches.

I gotta get off here so I can get cleaned up to go see my wonderful Chiropractor!

God bless you!

chatroom with SECURE handles would be sweet!

Posted by: Lynch Family Cat (ORIGINAL & often imitated) at May 30, 2003 03:53 PM

what we need is one thread for ppl that want to actually talk about a topic (yawn) and one thread where we can just be weird and throw insults and nonsense around... :)

my chiropractor is a little sweetie too...gets all upset with me 'cause i continue to do all my own yard work and won't keep up with the "exercises"...he makes me laugh...then of course when i comment on how much i enjoy getting my neck cracked he almost cries..."it's an adjustment!!!"...i say it just to make him cringe ya know...ya take yer laughs where you can git em.

Posted by: mari lynn at May 30, 2003 04:59 PM

mari lynn!

You make it sound as if you're about 118 years old and your chiropractor thinks your straining too much out in the yard?? LOL

Some Chiro's prefer to call it "a manipulation" That's a fun one to use for sparring purposes, too! LOL

My chiro is like the best of everything: Internist, Chiro-p, Nutritionist. What a BLESSING!
He also uses one of these "bed" or "Table" type things that is in about 3 sections and is hydraulic. You stand up against the thing and then it goes horizontally (electrically) but where ever he applies the pressure/makes the adjustment/snaps your back (LOL). There's no resisance because that portion "gives". It's a beautiful thing.

I never did like getting my head jerked around. Always thought I'd end up doing a Linda Blair thing---- without any pea soup! HA HA HAAA OK...too much information...

I knew a visit to him would be in order with flying out of state this weekend. IS there ANYTHING ergonomic about airplane seating??...NOT really when you're 5'11"! I REALLY feel for the taller than me's!!)

If only Sleep Comfort would hire me to their advertising "voice"...aaahhhh...nice thought for my back and neck!

Your "sweet"(:~}) onery side continues to blossom very nicely.

I find it amusing you'd say ""...just be weird and throw insults and nonsense around... :)"

There's NO lack of that around here. Too bad so much of it has gotten unfunny lately.

God bless you

Posted by: Lynch Family Cat (titude) at May 30, 2003 09:37 PM

Mike S,

I thought so. It is a great hotel. It doesn't seem like it belongs there. I mean - I don't think Riverside is a bad town just a little out of place for that kind of hotel. I think they filmed a "Slider" Episode or something there.Well - have fun up north it is one of my favourite stomping grounds.I had webbed feet living in Oregon for a few years.Rain...Rain...Rain.

Posted by: Harden Stuhl at May 31, 2003 11:11 PM

Lynch Fam Cat:

>>>I think Bush has been much that way. Not defending himself or entertaining the petty tiffs, etc. He just goes on about "following truth" as much as I believe he knows to. I haven't questioned his sincerity---

Wonderfully stated! Did you see the interview of Gov Jeb Bush by Hannity the other night? I will have to admit, I didn't feel one way or the other about him before, but after the interview, I see a lot of George W's Character in him!

One last thing Cat, have you ever seen the "Cat's Diary"? I may be able to find a link, if so I'll post it. VERY FUNNY!

zeltplatz: Pelosi is a joke. She just keeps getting the Dim party in deeper all the time! I have to change channels when she comes on, it's not really her looks, but her disposition I guess that makes it look like she has been sucking on a lemon.

mari lynn: When we are down this far on a thread, I don't think Scott cares if we turn it into a chat room. Bad thing is, my old 'puter' starts smoking when I start loading this thread!

Dr. Stuhl: Howdy!

Posted by: Susan Serin-Done at June 1, 2003 06:29 AM
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