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April 30, 2003
Dozens Duped by Spam Scam from Virginia Jail

(2003-04-20) -- A new spam scam making the rounds via email is duping less-than-savvy net surfers into sending thousands of dollars worth of cigarettes to inmates in a Virginia prison.

The email starts...
Dear sir
We wish to solicit your assistance to provide us with a solution to a money transfer of Thirty nine Million United States Dollars. We got your contact from my brother in law that works with the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms in Nitro, West Virginia and a careful study of your business activities confirm that you are the one we need."

The note, which comes from a man who was jailed for sending fraudulent spam email, requests that the recipient order several cases of Marlboro and Kool cigarettes for shipment to a state correctional facility in Virginia. In return, the recipient would receive a wire transfer of the aforementioned $39 million.

The message writer alleges that the money was earned in a "legitimate Nigerian business deal."

by Scott Ott | Donate | | Comments (14) | More Satire | Printer-Friendly
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Rats, I thought I was the only one cashing in on that money!

Posted by: Geoffrey at April 30, 2003 11:04 AM

Big tobacco employing cons? No way!

Posted by: SirMike7 at April 30, 2003 11:56 AM

In a related story, Hormel, the company that manufactures the canned lunchmeat SPAM (translation: Roadkill) seeks a clarification that they will not have their homes, boats, airplanes, and bank accounts seized if they send more than 10,000 cans per day into Virginia. At the same time, computer users are wondering if authorities will send the management of AOL to jail if they send out 10,000 unsolicited AOL disks per day. "Which is the worse problem," said self-admitted computer geek Seymore Butts, "having to hit the 'delete' key several times a day to get rid of unsolicited email, or filling up your trash can 3 times a week with all of the darn AOL disks that come from every mail list known to man?" AOL representatives refused to comment.

Posted by: tired of whiners at April 30, 2003 01:56 PM

Kerry Campaign Headquarters

Attention: Regime Change Supporter

Dear Sir,

Confidential Business Proposal

Having consulted with my colleagues and other former Vietnam veterans, and based on the information gathered from the Democratic National Committee, I have the privilege to request that you transfer the balance of your cash assets into my campaign war chest. Incidentally, I am a Vietnam veteran. The necessity for requesting the sum of your holdings results from an electoral usurption, executed commissioned and paid for about three years (3) ago by Republican operatives and Israeli agents, none of whom are, or were, Vietnam veterans. (I should probably mention that I, however, am a Vietnam veteran.)

We are now ready to accept transfer of all your funds, and that is where you come in. It is important to inform you that 1) I am a Vietnam veteran and 2) we are unable to execute this transfer without your permission, due to various legal obstacles created by Republican sympathizers. That is why we require your assistance.

The transfer is risk free on both sides, although the odds are you are not a Vietnam veteran whereas I am. If you find this proposal acceptable, we shall require the following documents:

(a) your banker's name, telephone, account and fax numbers.

(b) your private telephone and fax numbers -- for confidentiality and easy communication.

The business will take us thirty (30) working days to accomplish, mostly due to concurrent activities arising as a result of my being a Vietnam veteran.

Please reply urgently.

Best regards

John Kerry

P.S. Did I mention I'm a Vietnam veteran?

Posted by: Keith at April 30, 2003 02:58 PM

****Keith!!!*****( a.k.a John Kerry--Vietnam Veteran)


Posted by: Lynch Family Cat at April 30, 2003 03:22 PM

Keith (err...Sen. Kerry):

Are you by any chance a Viet Nam vet???

Just checking - hilarious post.

Posted by: Cassandra at April 30, 2003 03:32 PM

What, those are hoaxes? I wondered where all my money was going... Just kidding, I never give those scammers anything. I always thought those were from crooks, not Sen. Kerry (oops - same thing)

Posted by: Ken Stein at April 30, 2003 04:12 PM




MOHAMMED SAEED AL-SAHAF,was being sought by The Arab News Network Al-Arabiya, satellite channel

The Al-Arabiya satellite channel has confirmed the deal

This is for real kids no joke

April 30, 2003
Arab News

DAMMAM, 30 April 2003 ó The Al-Arabiya satellite channel has confirmed that it has offered employment to the former Iraqi Minister of Information Mohammed Saeed Al-Sahaf. Ali Al-Hudaithi, director general of Al-Arabiya, told Arab news that Al-Sahaf would be free to work for the channel whenever he wanted and that the channel would facilitate whatever he needed, including a residence permit. The idea is that he could choose between presenting special programs or being a political analyst or both, Al-Hudaithi added.In explaining the offer, the director said that Al-Sahaf had been part of the former Iraqi government and that because of that, he knew many things of interest to viewers. He also has wide knowledge and experience that could help in explaining Iraqís history and discussing the countryís future.

April 30 2003
Voice of America News

Mohammed Saeed al-Sahaf, The Al-Arabiya satellite channel has confirmed al-Sahaf has been offered employment, Al-Sahaf would be free to work for the channel whenever he wanted. Former Iraq minister of information Mohammed Saeed al-Sahaf is not on the list of the 55 leading officials in Saddam Hussein's government that are most wanted by U.S. officials, an Arab satellite television station wants him very much.


Posted by: jp at April 30, 2003 07:17 PM

What, Begala couldn't get out of his CNN contract?

Posted by: Tuning Spork at April 30, 2003 09:34 PM

Dear Norman Mailer:

Increase your virility and stamina without pills or awkward devices. Try this amazing medical breakthrough: IRAQI WAR.

Would you like a larger one...? or for your spouse to have a larger one? IRAQI WAR is 100% guaranteed to add permanent length and girth. At least 2.5 and up to 4 inches have been recorded throughout all of our extensive testing. You can't go wrong with this wonderful
life changing product.

Get the confidence and size you've always wanted today.

*Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed. Just call 1-800-ASK-USMC for a return authorization, send in the unused portion and we will refund your money (less shipping and handling) immediately.

After this, I may have to change my name to "Tired of Wieners"...

Posted by: Cassandra at May 1, 2003 10:32 AM

Dearest Keith:

Good one.


Posted by: Danjo at May 1, 2003 10:45 AM

Dear Norman "Male-Her", right??....

Still crazy ( and angry) after all these years.

Maybe he's ticked too because he wasn't asked to join the other senior "Village People" imitators in that TV commercial doing Macho, Macho men.

The Octagenerian Peacenick neglected to say ANYTHING about those tough female soldiers ( a.k.a my buddy Jessica why did THEY go to war, Normie?)

Posted by: Lynch Family Cat at May 1, 2003 01:26 PM

A great loss will occur to Western TV News if Baghdad Bob goes to work for an Arab station. I was hoping he would become a political analyst for CNN or the BBC. Mind you it would be a pretty good trick if he did turn up on TV anywhere because according to the BBC (who have tracked down his brother who works in a hospital in Dublin) he killed himself a few weeks ago. Still I have no reason to believe this story bearing in mind the sources. Is there any such thing as the truth any more in the media?

Posted by: Jonah8208 at May 1, 2003 05:49 PM

After careful contemplation I have decided to work closer to home so I have turned down the job offers from CNN and the BBC. There are simply not enough flies in Atlanta or London to suit my taste. And besides, CNN and BBC were only willing to pay me out of their huge supply of Saddam dinars which we know are as good as gold but my uncle always told me "get it in dollars" so I am holding out (figuratively speaking).

Posted by: Mr. Mohammed Saeed al-Sahhaf at May 3, 2003 08:22 PM
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