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April 30, 2003
Iraq War Brings White Male Resurgence

(2003094-30) -- A spokesman for the National Association for the Advancement of White Males (NAAWM) said that, thanks to the Iraq war, white male dominance is back and better than ever.

"We agree with Norman Mailer that white males really needed this war," said an unnamed NAAWM spokesman. "We had lost our cushy jobs, watched our portfolios plunge and been crushed under the stiletto heel of emancipated womanry. The Iraq victory was a real boost. For some inexplicable reason, it's cool to be a white male again."

The NAAWM spokesman said he was "saddened...saddened and dismayed" that Norman Mailer himself didn't seem thrilled with the war victory.

"We're going to try to cheer up Norman," he said. "My secretary is going to wire him some flowers -- a nice big bunch of pansies."

by Scott Ott | Donate | | Comments (23) | More Satire | Printer-Friendly
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My secretary is going to "Bit__ Slap" Norman all the way to the ladies room. She claims that there are no real men left so she has to do the job herself!! Makes me wonder what I have been doing wrong?????

Posted by: Old Sailor at April 30, 2003 08:25 AM

Norman Mailer is a marxist.

Posted by: gymply at April 30, 2003 09:03 AM

Does that mean that the caucasian males are no longer solely responsible for all of the world's problems???

or are we still the scapegoat? But feel better about 'ourselves'???

Posted by: hrdlordi at April 30, 2003 09:52 AM

Hey, I'm not technically "white", can I still feel good about the war?

Posted by: Robb at April 30, 2003 10:04 AM

I have long relished my place in society as the oppressor and source of all that is bad in the world.
And now they tell me that I can actually possibly consider myself one of the "good guys?" No! I reject this watering down of my place in the world! I am evil white man; hear me roar!
(Helen Reddy can bite my a**)

Posted by: some random guy at April 30, 2003 10:33 AM

AH HA!! It's obvious from his statement, that the spoksman for NAAWM is none other than Tom Daschel! I wondered were he went to.

Posted by: woodstock willie at April 30, 2003 12:06 PM

You gotta love that "emancipated womanry". I hope Oprah does a show on them soon, so they can get over this defeat and get back to where they need to be: barefoot, pregnant and in the kitchen.

Uh-oh, was I just thinking that or did I actually type that? Ummm, I do have women friends ... I mean acquaintances ... and my wife is my best friend, and uh (scraping sounds as attempt at climbing out of hole is failing miserably) uh Honey, let's go out to eat tonight!

Posted by: MarcV at April 30, 2003 12:33 PM

Why were those Sunni folks so suprised that they were fired on by the Marines?
If I were in a "protest march" in which a bunch of the participants were carrying AK-47s (firing into the air), and I was told by the Marines to stop marching toawrds their headquarters (the crowd ignored the order), and smoke grenades were set off to disperse the crowd (ignored), and some warning shots were fired over our heads (ignored), and some of the crowd started targeting Marines, I would expect the Marines to return fire.
I wouldn't start bleating about the "criminal" Americans who shot at me.
I guess the Sunnis and Ba'athists were so used to Shia and Kurds not being able to defend themselves that they just forgot that Marines have guns, and will use them when provoked.

Like, "oops!"

Posted by: some random guy at April 30, 2003 01:03 PM

How do I get one of them there stiletto-heeled emancipated women-folk to walk all over me?? Shucks, it sounds purdy dang good to me!

Posted by: tired of whiners at April 30, 2003 01:25 PM

I would celebrate all of this, however, I'm affraid that my wife will beat me senseless if I'm late getting dinner cooked. The last time I stood up for myself, the judge took my kids, my house, my car, my dog and my furniture and gave it to my x's boyfriend to use.

Posted by: Radio at April 30, 2003 02:38 PM

We must have had the same judge. If I would have shot her when I first thought it, I would have been out by now, and still had most of my stuff.

Posted by: Mike S at April 30, 2003 02:56 PM

Before the war, I was down on white males*** just like everyone else. Now, all I can say is, "Oppress me, you big, macho, white males". How clever of you to figure out that war is the way to a girl's heart. Oh Baby, oh baby, oh baby...

-- An example of Emancipated Womanry

***I'm warning you, leave this one alone

Posted by: Cassandra at April 30, 2003 02:57 PM

****and all though I ( unnamed NAAWM spokes-twit)
remain saddened and dismayed by President Bush's horrible failure at diplomacy---I am heartened by the wars outcome: a re-surgence of Macho-Macho men ( for me to live thru vicariously) and the economic boost brought on by the sale of pansies....* hey what happened to MY price tag?*

Posted by: T-Twitty Daschole at April 30, 2003 03:33 PM

Chicks (not Dixie) dig a guy in uniform. I'd dig mine out of the closet, but the 40 lbs I put on since then kind of look ridiculous getting squeezed into camo pants
Since I have swelled to roughly Bradley-ian proportions, maybe I can convince them I was an armored troop transport.

Posted by: some random guy at April 30, 2003 04:02 PM


*****although I would agree most of us ladies like men in uniform. I qualify "MEN" in that statement. The likes of the"Mayor Of Munchkinland"-- Kim Jong (mentally)Il--??? ..he detracts from the uniform. He's just a vertically challenged, brain cell deficient MALE in uniform.

I believe most women differentiate between "males" and "men" too!.

As for your post war poundage plight----your uniform was made before they started using spandex, right?? (:~})

Michael Moore (who NEVER would have worn a uniform has been rumored to have told women he wanted to impress that he served in the military as a tent.

Posted by: Lynch Family Cat at April 30, 2003 04:34 PM

"...he served in the military as a tent."

That is, his clothes did.

Posted by: Ken Stein at April 30, 2003 05:19 PM

Here is a related opinion editorial:

Norman Mailer Says War Is Better Than Viagra

Posted by: Fritz at April 30, 2003 06:15 PM




MOHAMMED SAEED AL-SAHAF,was being sought by The Arab News Network Al-Arabiya, satellite channel

The Al-Arabiya satellite channel has confirmed the deal

This is for real kids no joke

April 30, 2003
Arab News

DAMMAM, 30 April 2003 ó The Al-Arabiya satellite channel has confirmed that it has offered employment to the former Iraqi Minister of Information Mohammed Saeed Al-Sahaf. Ali Al-Hudaithi, director general of Al-Arabiya, told Arab news that Al-Sahaf would be free to work for the channel whenever he wanted and that the channel would facilitate whatever he needed, including a residence permit. The idea is that he could choose between presenting special programs or being a political analyst or both, Al-Hudaithi added.In explaining the offer, the director said that Al-Sahaf had been part of the former Iraqi government and that because of that, he knew many things of interest to viewers. He also has wide knowledge and experience that could help in explaining Iraqís history and discussing the countryís future.

April 30 2003
Voice of America News

Mohammed Saeed al-Sahaf, The Al-Arabiya satellite channel has confirmed al-Sahaf has been offered employment, Al-Sahaf would be free to work for the channel whenever he wanted. Former Iraq minister of information Mohammed Saeed al-Sahaf is not on the list of the 55 leading officials in Saddam Hussein's government that are most wanted by U.S. officials, an Arab satellite television station wants him very much.


Posted by: jp at April 30, 2003 07:20 PM

Dearest Cassandra;

Your wish is my command. Just a note to say I certainly enjoy your posts here.

(I can dream d***n it)

Posted by: Danjo at May 1, 2003 10:49 AM


Oh DO go on... Seriously, what would we do if we couldn't laugh? I like reading the posts just as much as Scott's stories (which says a lot!).


Posted by: Cassandra at May 1, 2003 12:55 PM

White male is in again??? Yes...

Posted by: Magnum PI at May 1, 2003 02:17 PM

The vast majority of history is composed of White Males. Most wars, accomplishments from photography, pencillin, the ball point pen, quantum mechanics, most political ideologies, economic theories, the computer, semi-conductors, the internet, etc. etc. all have a white male origin. I don't think White Males need a war to feel good. White Males, by far, were, are & probably will be on top of the food chain until the end of time. We shouldn't pretend that the origin of things don't matter.

Posted by: Joseph Martin at August 18, 2003 04:40 AM

The vast majority of history is composed of White Males. Most wars, accomplishments from photography, pencillin, the ball point pen, quantum mechanics, most political ideologies, economic theories, the computer, semi-conductors, the internet, etc. etc. all have a white male origin. I don't think White Males need a war to feel good. White Males, by far, were, are & probably will be on top of the food chain until the end of time. We shouldn't pretend that the origin of things don't matter.

Posted by: Joseph Martin at August 18, 2003 04:40 AM
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