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April 28, 2003
Chirac Advocates Bipolar World Order

(2003-04-28) -- French President Jacques Chirac today announced his vision for a "bipolar world" in which the European Union and the United States counterbalance each other.


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I'm waiting for the part where Chirac starts bawling and laughing hysterically back and forth....

Posted by: Robb at April 28, 2003 12:10 PM

Chirac elaborated "The first step is for the UN Security Council to pass a resolution calling for the total elimination of Lithium Carbonate. Now that the UN inspection program has made such strong progress towards eliminating 'so-called' weapons of mass destruction, the world is ready to take the next step towards a true Bipolar World Order by eliminating Lithium Carbonate."

Posted by: David Kutzler at April 28, 2003 04:13 PM

Now I admit to being a little slow.... is "bipolar" anything like "switch-hitter"? That's the only world I can conceive that Chirac would be interested in.

Posted by: tired of whiners at April 28, 2003 05:23 PM

I have a different definition of switch hitter (think, do you like tacos or hot dogs? Maybe both). Who knows, maybe he is a bipolar switch hitter and his mood pushes him to one or the other. Of course being associated with Villepin-head "who is a man" is not encouraging.

Posted by: Justin at April 28, 2003 06:21 PM

I think our definiton of "switch hitter" is the same. After all, he is French. I was just wondering if bi-polar was a kinder way of expressing it or if my redneck-ness was showing.

Posted by: tired of whiners at April 28, 2003 06:50 PM

Let me guess. Americans are manic and Europeans are depressive.

Posted by: Joseph Hertzlinger at April 28, 2003 09:37 PM

Chirac followed his proposal with a plea that "we all become more co-dependent."

Posted by: lafforcry at April 28, 2003 10:07 PM

Tired Of Whining,
you've probably gathered it by now, but just the same: bi-polar means manic-depressive (a psycho-emotional schizo-typal disorder), whereas "switch-hitter" means bi-sexual (a psycho-sexual schtupo-typal behavior disorder).

Posted by: Tuning Spork at April 28, 2003 10:49 PM

Each person should now ask, "what then is my place in the new bipolar world disorder?"

Posted by: Greyhawk at April 28, 2003 11:08 PM

Roses are red;
Violets are blue.
I'm schitzophrenic,
and so am I.

I'd like to give Chirac a big Prozac suppository, but his head is in the way.

Posted by: some random guy at April 29, 2003 08:48 AM

check out this posting to monsewer chiraq. I feel the post speaks for most Americans.

Posted by: tom at April 29, 2003 10:06 AM

La Grenouille qui veut se faire aussi grosse que le Boeuf / de jean de la Fontaine _ Livre I

The Frog who Aspired to Become as Big as the Ox.


Une Grenouille vit un Boeuf
Qui lui sembla de belle taille.
Elle, qui n'Ètait pas grosse en tout comme un oeuf,
Envieuse, s'Ètend, et s'enfle, et se travaille,
Pour Ègaler l'animal en grosseur,
Disant : "Regardez bien, ma soeur ;
Est-ce assez ? dites-moi ; n'y suis-je point encore ?
- Nenni. - M'y voici donc ? - Point du tout. - M'y voil‡ ?
- Vous n'en approchez point.". La chÈtive pÈcore
S'enfla si bien qu'elle creva.
Le monde est plein de gens qui ne sont pas plus sages :
Tout bourgeois veut b‚tir comme les grands seigneurs,
Tout petit prince a des ambassadeurs,
Tout marquis veut avoir des pages...


A Frog espied an Ox that seemed to her of a noble size.
She, no bigger than an egg,
Envious, stretches, puffs up and labours
To match the animal in size,
Saying: "Hey watch me sister;
Is this enough? tell me; am I there yet?
-No way! -How about now? -Not at all. - Is that it ?
You aren't even close." The puny, pretentious creature
Swelled up so much that she croaked.
The world is full of people who aren't too wise:
People with some money wish to build like royalty,
Every minor prince has ambassadors,
Every marquis wants servants...

Posted by: La Fayette at April 29, 2003 11:03 AM

If you want to know the true nature of France just read this article:
And they have the nerve to talk down to us!

I just love the fact that the french, germans, belgians and luxemburgonians (sp) formed their own little group. I'm sure their sign will say "no boys/men allowed!"

Posted by: Justin at April 29, 2003 12:02 PM

Dr. Stuhl, where are you when the EU needs you? Surely you must have some treatment for this.

Posted by: Pooke at April 29, 2003 01:43 PM

Auf Englisch, bitte.


Posted by: some random guy at April 29, 2003 04:00 PM

I didn't know he was bipolar, but I did know he was bisexual. He once told me, "If I want sex, I have to 'buy' it!"

Posted by: Susan Serin-Done at April 29, 2003 06:30 PM

He once told me, "If I want sex, I have to 'buy' it!" dixit

Susan S., while kept silent make?

You charged him very expensively at least the bisexual / bipolar (but I assure you it is no good blow)

susan, alors qu'a tu fais ...?

tu l'as fait payer trËs cher au moins le bisexuel / bipolaire ( mais je t'assure c'est pas un bon coup... )

Posted by: La Fayette at April 30, 2003 06:07 AM

The center of the world is all around, sorry if some of you don¥t seem to see beyond your borders.Do you really like democracies? Maybe only those that are in favour of you.

First of all you should learn what democracy means. To be respected , a democracy must be not only formal but also and specially material. By the way, what about death penalty, that¥s what I call respect for human rights, to kill to show that killing is bad. And you want to give lessons of democracy? why don¥t you start with your country first.

Posted by: libertÈe at May 2, 2003 03:06 PM


Out of 50 states, only a few have the death penalty. Criminal law in the US is a matter of state, not federal law. So regardless of what you believe about the death penalty, it is silly to say the US is pro death penalty when the overwhelming majority of states do not even have the death penalty.

We know we are not perfect and we know we are not the center of the world. We also know it is unfair to expect us to contribute 90% of the money, manpower, and military strength in exchange for...what, an equal vote in the UN? The privilege of hearing everything we do criticized by nations who have contributed...nothing? Having Tommy Franks brought up on war crimes charges in Brussels while Saddam and Uday Hussein get off scot-free?

Oh no - I can never remember how to spell privilege - quel horreur... (probably spelled that wrong, too)

Posted by: Cassandra at May 2, 2003 06:19 PM

Go Cassandra,
We give all the aid, military support etc and the thanks we get is to be spit on, reviled and disrespected. To Hades with all them.

We have the death penalty, SO WHAT!

Posted by: Justin at May 2, 2003 07:48 PM

Does a bipolar bear have a home at both the north and south pole?

Posted by: Harden Stuhl at May 3, 2003 01:48 AM

bravo Harden Stuhl vous m'avez fait rires...!!!

LibertÈe ( en franÁais sans E )un si joli prÈnom et une si jolie idÈe de conception de vie...

´ La libertÈ est en nous une imperfection: nous sommes libres et incertains, parce que nous ne savons pas certainement ce qui nous est le plus convenable.
Il n'en est pas de mÍme de Dieu: comme il est souverainement parfait, il ne peut jamais agir que de la maniËre la plus parfaite. ª

MONTESQUIEU / SpicilËge / OEuvres complËtes II

Posted by: La Fayette at May 3, 2003 04:42 PM

You frenchies have a lot of explaining to do about this Iraqi/EU passport issue. Please expain, we can't wait to hear the excuses.

Posted by: Justin at May 6, 2003 02:21 PM

It is not an excuse justin, that I formulated before.

Personally even if I am totally sorry by this affair, I do not feel at all responsible for this, but also victim that you...

in France if do not know it to you 25 % of our population think like me.(15 millions)

personnellement mÍme si je suis totalement dÈsolÈ par cette affaire, je ne me sens pas du tout responsable de ceci mais aussi victime que vous...

en france si ne vous le savez pas 25 % de notre population pensent comme moi.

bye bye

Posted by: La Fayette at May 7, 2003 04:40 AM

This passport thing is an hoax, like the WMDs. Propaganda.

Posted by: vbo at June 1, 2003 06:06 PM
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