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March 24, 2003
ADVERT: Readers Sound Off on Leatherman

You May Use It Every Day

If I had to choose between the Leatherman Wave, and broadband internet service, I just might take the Leatherman. In the two years since I have owned it, I have used this versatile tool nearly every day. You don't realize how much you need a tool kit on your hip, until you have one.

UPDATE: Read the comments under this post to find out what Scrappleface readers really think about the Leatherman Tool.

Here are some examples of how I've used the Leatherman recently:
-- Removed a faulty door knob from the bathroom yesterday.
-- Took a metal band off the leg of a friend's parakeet on Sunday. They had tried many ways to get it off, but couldn't find anything that would work without injuring the bird. The Leatherman had the annoying band off in minutes without harming the creature.
-- Opened dozens of boxes after our recent move.
-- Captured a live wasp that was threatening my children.
-- Sawed several small limbs from a tree next to our driveway.

That was all in the past week. In most situations, if I didn't have the Leatherman, I would either do nothing, or use an inappropriate object as a tool (like a butter knife) risking injury and public humiliation.

The Leatherman Wave is the single most useful product I have ever owned. My wife bought it for me, and she'll never have to get me another one since it has a lifetime guarantee.

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I agree. I've got one, and have had it for a couple of years. I don't use it everyday, but I do use it often enough to call it indispensable.

Posted by: Scott (not Ott) at April 22, 2003 10:27 AM

I'm looking for a Swiss Army wife my self.

Posted by: MIke S at April 22, 2003 10:44 AM

I have a $1000 tool set, and it's been collecting dust since I got my Leatherman.

Posted by: Geoffrey at April 22, 2003 10:49 AM

They're pretty good. I got one right before Desert Storm and used it all the time. I did break the file trying to use it as a pry bar one time.

Posted by: James at April 22, 2003 11:02 AM

I have a "Pleatherman". My wife got it for me from the Home Shopping Network.It isn't quite as nice as the leatherman, but from a distance no one can really tell it isn't real leather and she got to talk to Susanne Summers.I would also like to get a swiss army wife but I am afraid I wouldn't know what all the different appendages were for.

Posted by: Harden Stuhl at April 22, 2003 11:20 AM

Didn't the Swiss abolish their army?


Posted by: logicpenaltybox at April 22, 2003 11:59 AM

A pen-pal sent me a miniature Leatherman that came in a set with a mini Mag light. They clip together on the knife's keyring and I carry them all the time, along with a spare car key.

Before that I was stuck with a lousy Swiss Navy knife.

Posted by: Archie's Bunker at April 22, 2003 12:46 PM

LPB - That's why so many of their knives are for sale now.

Scott, I for one wouldn't object a bit to a few popups on the site if it would help support Scrappleface.

For anybody who doesn't already own a Leatherman, I also recommend it very highly. The local EMS crews call me and my Leatherman out to accident scenes all the time whenever the Jaws Of Life don't do the trick. Plus, I think everybody has seen the NASA report indicating the recent shuttle tragedy could have been averted if only a Leatherman had been on board.

Also consider recent Leatherman-hating comments from Hillary Clinton ... "Leatherman owners are just like gun owners. This Republican tool is a favorite with frothing FOX-watching crazies and slobs who refuse to honor the genius of Michael Moore. Good liberals and faithful Democrats should not own or use the Leatherman. The Leatherman is part of a vast tool-using conspiracy."

Posted by: Keith at April 22, 2003 01:05 PM

Hillary is just jealous. She has some type of envy of real men who know HOW to use all kinds of tools...properly.

Posted by: Cricket at April 22, 2003 01:17 PM

I have a Wave and a Supertool. I like the design of the Wave, but the Supertool get me chicks.

Posted by: Cartman at April 22, 2003 01:24 PM

When it comes to me and my mini-Leatherman, all the girls I've dated have said it's not the size of the tool, it's how I use it. It's a pair of scissors, it's a handy screwdriver, it's even a ruler. And with the included Mini-Maglite, I can use my mini-Leatherman in total darkness in those hard-to-reach places.

Posted by: Archie's Bunker at April 22, 2003 01:28 PM

Leatherman tools are like Snap-On Tools and Craftsman tools, it has a lifetime warranty. If you break it somehow, send it in to the company and they will gladly fix it or replace it for you. Any company that guarantees their product to that degree has my support (and obviously my business)

Posted by: fred at April 22, 2003 01:44 PM

The only tools Hillary likes to use need batteries, and can't be found in your local hardware store (unless you live in a VERY interesting town).
Accept no substitutes! I got a "bargain" multi-tool that was advertised as being just like a Leatherman. It wasn't.
Also, be careful about e-mails. I answered on from "Leatherboy." I thought it was a spam advertising a mini-Leatherman (see above posts). The picture involved a "tool", but not the one I was expecting.

I still have nightmares.

Posted by: some random guy at April 22, 2003 02:15 PM

i aam writng thos meessag usin wuth my letherman tull,

Posted by: jarhead at April 22, 2003 03:44 PM

Do you think we could find Baghdad Bob and get him to do an ad for Leatherman tools? THAT would be an ad that would get me to buy!!

Posted by: tired of whiners at April 22, 2003 06:46 PM

Are you talking about David Leatherman? Is he still off his show with the shingles?

Posted by: Bambi Clone at April 22, 2003 07:07 PM

Oh dear, now Bambi has a clone.

Posted by: Susan Serin-Done at April 22, 2003 07:09 PM

Did Edward Scissorhands collect royalties for the "Leatherman". Looks like it was a "plagarism" job!!....(:~D)

Bambi & Bambi clone: "Ive got you in my SIGHT!..and my Leatherman's handy!

On a bit of a different note------------
*****speaking of plagarism/Milli Vanilli
flavored behavior: ( this is from newsmax left coast report)---

"Michael Moore is proud of his Oscar. Recently, after telling a group at the University of Texas that Bush went to war with Iraq to keep the public's eye off his domestic failures, Moore passed his little gold statue around the audience.

It may be time for the debatable documentary maker to consider keeping Oscar on a leash. A movement has sprung up to get him to cough up his Academy Award.

The Web site asks visitors to send letters to the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences urging it to cancel this year's award for best documentary.

According to the site, and numerous news reports, "Bowling for Columbine" staged events and pawned them off as reality, edited scenes to distort reality and conveniently left out key facts.

That means Moore's film was in the wrong category. Rather than a documentary, the work should have been more aptly classified as fiction. " ( end of article)..

*******I guess we should all do our duty and visit

With all the brilliant posts I've read here. If y'all wrote------There would be NO lack of persuasive letters

to the "Academy" about revoking the oscar for this "FICTITIOUS flopumentary....from this FICTITIOUS "producer" ( of fantasies and imaginings~~~~)

Why the hey is the Mouth that Roared Moore
in America...."he hates EVERYTHING" American.

A few weeks ago I came up with a new nickname for
Lefty Libs!!......: "MIKEYS"......

....basing it on LIFE cereal commercial from a couple decades ago. In it the other kids didn't want to try this "new cereal" ---interestingly enough called LIFE. They wanted to get Mikey to try it but one said: He wont try it HE HATES EVERYTHING. Sounds like the high profile libs of late to me. They hate EVERYTHING....and "Michael just happens to be one of their loud mouth leaders~!. In the commercial at least Mikey tried it AND liked it!....Imagine that happening with Moore and TRUTH!!!.....

Posted by: Deer Hunter( just to scare off Bambi and copy at April 22, 2003 08:09 PM

I heard Michael Moore is *soooooooooooo* proud of his little golden Oscar that he's going to have it bronzed......

"You can take my Leatherman...from my cold, dead hands!"

Posted by: Archie's Bunker at April 22, 2003 08:37 PM

A "FICTITIOUS DOCUMENTARY" (bowling for columbine--michael moore)

Now THAT"S an " OX-he Moore-on"

Posted by: Merriam Webster at April 22, 2003 10:17 PM

I'm the proud owner of a Leatherman Pulse, but have to be careful where I wear one, because people get touchy about suspected madmen carrying deadly weapons.;)

As for Mikey, there are people here in Colorado who will never forget (and will be slow to forgive) him for shamelessly exploiting the Columbine massacre for his own ends.

Posted by: Bloodthirsty Warmonger at April 22, 2003 11:37 PM

I carry a [MS 1415] Electric McCulloch chain saw in my tool belt. It will cut down small trees, buck and prune just like a regular chain saw.

It has a Input 8.0 Amp 14" Reduced Kickback Guide Bar. A load bearing Net weight of 594 lbs.

No load cutting speed 9m/sec and a hand guard for added protection. It's lightweight, and has an easy to Handle Design,with a Low Kickback Chain.

It came Fully Assembled and Double Insulated,with a two year limited warranty. When I run it on full boar it completely muffles out any form of incessant female chatter that comes out of my wifes mouth.

The only downside is I can't leave my house due to the 36' foot length limation of my extension cord.

Posted by: Bob Vila at April 22, 2003 11:42 PM

I gave each of my sons one of these when they went into the service (along with their choice of fighting knives).
My oldest used it to clear a jam during GWI and my youngest used it as a Marine sniper.
I have three...including the little one for my keychain.

Posted by: bjbarron at April 23, 2003 01:01 AM

The Leatherman,
We have all three sizes small medium and large..
and it does make a hell of a desert topping,
whip thanks ..

Posted by: jp at April 23, 2003 03:11 AM

I hate these leatherman toolkits. Users think they are so good you can do anything with them and usually try. I get never ending streams of people who have butchered some fitting on their car trying to remove or fit it with a leatherman or similar. As a mechanic if I could sell off thousands of dollars worth of snap on kit and replace the lot with a leatherman I would have done it long ago. Besides which the leatherman does not include a very large lump hammer which is the most important tool in any kit.

But still carry on with your leatherman toolkits and I will carry on charging $80 / hour to fix the inevitable disasters. lol jonah

Posted by: Jonah8208 at April 23, 2003 08:40 AM

I have two, the Supertool and the original version. I carry the original to work (Air Force)every day, and feel useless without it. The Supertool stays in my deployment bag. These things are priceless in the field, let me tell you.

Posted by: Kevin at April 23, 2003 09:45 AM

In response to Jonah8208:
Users think they are so good you can do anything with them and usually try.
I didn't want to have to do this, but here...

-- The Leatherman Tool, in itself, cannot fix anything. It is dependent upon a human, or other sentient being for manipulation.
-- Please consult with a professional mechanic unless you are stranded and must rely on your own wits and the tools at hand to survive.
-- The Leatherman Tool is not recommended for use in amateur dentistry or other types of maxillofacial surgery.
-- The Leatherman Tool is not edible, but may be used to slay tubers, legumes and slow-moving rodents as the occasion demands.
-- The Leatherman Tool is guaranteed for life, but if you accidentally kill yourself with it, all guarantees, explicit or implied, are null and void.
-- If you are stupid, don't buy the Leatherman Tool.
-- If you are not sure whether you are stupid, don't buy the Leatherman Tool before consulting with your spouse for a full evaluation of your mental capabilities.
-- The Leatherman Tool is sharp.
-- Your skin is permeable, pliable and otherwise susceptible to laceration and puncture.
-- Never use the Leatherman Tool while driving, eating, sleeping, or embracing your children.
-- The Leatherman Tool is not FDIC insured. Some people have lost money investing in it, by misplacing it, or having it taken away be a concerned spouse or parent.
-- You have the right to remain silent.
-- The Leatherman Tool does not include a very large lump hammer which is the most important tool in any kit.

Posted by: Scott Ott at April 23, 2003 10:12 AM

I bet you could use a lump hammer to make a whole lotta lumps! I still like my Leatherman better.

Posted by: Pete Puma at April 23, 2003 11:39 AM

I've had mine since the late 80's & although it's never actually *saved* my life, it's made it easier more times than I can count. Best $45 I ever spent. My favorite piece is the leather punch. I don't think I've ever actually punched leather with it, but it works great on sheet metal. I've made (and widened) a lot of holes with it, and it's shown not a bit of wear.


Posted by: Harvey Olson at April 23, 2003 12:03 PM

Scott Ott....

You Sir, are a genious.

Posted by: Cartman at April 23, 2003 12:25 PM

To those that are unaware (residents of Rio Linda, Berkley and PA) Archies Bunker just announced an open invitation to his wedding to a mini-leatherman tool on May 17, 2002 (yes, I know). The happy couple announces that the ceremony will take place in PA. Bob Villa will be giving th bride away and Rick Santorum might be officiating.

I think we all need to congratulate the couple and encourage them to have many diverse offspring so that we might enjoy all the flavors of a mixed marriage.

Congratulations Archie...

In lieu of gifts, dontation are to be made to the North American Man/Tool Love Association(NAMTLA).

Posted by: Cartman at April 23, 2003 12:51 PM

I love my Leatherman Micra, which is a small key-ring type with scissors instead of pliers. I never realized before how useful a pair of scissors could be. All the time, people around me need help with simple things (like snipping a tag off of something) that would otherwise be left undone, but get done because I have a useful tool. I love it. I buy them as gifts for many people. Soon, all the world will be equipped with Leatherman products, and I will finally be able to sleep at night.

Posted by: David Gulliver at April 23, 2003 01:43 PM


I gave up my Leatherman 6 years ago for a Gerber Multi-Tool that was given to me as a gift. I didn't know if it would be as durable as a Leatherman, but it is. It was probably the second most useful thing I ever took to the field with me (besides my M-16.) I like it better because:

- The wrench slides out the end, instead of having to open the handle like a Leatherman.
- All the accessories lock into place, keeping me from shaving off any more of the sides of my finger.
- The case is cordura nylon, not "pleather."
- It comes with a bit accessory kit that I can use on even those small screws like the ones on a watch or battery cover of a kid's toy.

5 years ago, I was also given the Leatherman Micra as a gift, and I love it. Gulliver, I'm with you. I never realized how often a pair of scissors or tweezers come in handy.

Does liking a Gerber more make me a bad person? The only way I'd switch back would be if I found out the Dimocrats use them, or if Michael Moore used one to saw his leg out of a bear trap. I could never support a product that allowed that big bag of stupid to continue stealing oxygen from the rest of us.

EDITOR'S NOTE: No, gentle reader, liking the
more doesn't, prima facia, make you a bad person. Humans were created bilaterally symmetrical just so you can wear one multi-tool on each side.

Posted by: Goober at April 23, 2003 03:00 PM

The wedding is off. I caught my Leatherman Micra fooling around with my Kabar knife. I'm devastated. I'm thinking of taking up with my old Chinese-made pocket knife. We might be able to work out our cultural differences, but the reason that I gave her up years ago was due to her having been crippled in an accident. I still don't know the exact cause of it, but one day I reached into my pocket and found that she had started to fall apart. My mom says she's just plain "cheap". The trauma to my psyche was severe, and it was several years before I felt comfortable enough to have a relationship with a pocket tool again. I don't know what to do. Does anyone know of a support group? Maybe "Men Without Tools"?

Posted by: Archie's Bunker at April 24, 2003 08:33 AM

Once when I wasn't sitting on my butt I bought a Leatherman, not the fancy Wave model but has all the stuff. However, they are practically useless for someone as lazy as me. I have to wait for the remote control Leatherman so I can fix stuff while I am at my computer. Maybe I will wait for the Autonomous Leatherman that just fixes stuff on its own...I'm bushed just writing this.......

Posted by: Kenneth Neil at April 25, 2003 12:57 AM

Once when I wasn't sitting on my butt I bought a Leatherman, not the fancy Wave model but has all the stuff. However, they are practically useless for someone as lazy as me. I have to wait for the remote control Leatherman so I can fix stuff while I am at my computer. Maybe I will wait for the Autonomous Leatherman that just fixes stuff on its own...I'm bushed just writing this.......

Posted by: Kenneth Neil at April 25, 2003 12:57 AM

I love my Leatherman! It belongs with duct tape and vise grips in every man's toolkit.

Its wood saw actually saws wood. If a Leatherman wood saw could saw what a leather man would saw, how much wood would a leather man's Leatherman wood saw saw? Much more than a 2 by 4 is a strain.

And while it may not act like a sledge hammer, I can leave my Leatherman all folded up and use it as a little mini hammer.

Posted by: Alan M. Robertson at April 25, 2003 02:06 AM

Mike S, your comment almost got my husband (also Mike S) smacked up side the head this morning.

Me: *that tone* "What do you mean you're looking for a Swiss Army wife, Michael?"

My husband: "Huh? I don't know what you're talking about honey."

Me: *that tone* "Really? Says here you're looking for another wife, dear"

My husband: "Huh??? I never said that."

Fortunately I checked the email address before I picked up the skillet.


: )

Posted by: Rita at April 25, 2003 07:24 AM

It is inded a great tool. Once, when I was unting in Basque contry, I got caught in a wolf trap. The steel jaws snapped shut so hard that they broke my ankle. I was bleeding and night was growning near. I knew that if I stayed where I was, the wolf thatthe trap was intended for would come make a meal out of me. Since none of my retainers were within earshot, so I pulled out my trusty leatherman took kit and amputated my own leg just below the knee. My version even had a handy needle and thread attachement, so I was able to suture my self. I then whittled a nearby fallen limb into a crutch and hobbled out of the woods. So, all in all, the weatherman saved my life.

Posted by: King Juan Carlos at April 25, 2003 10:21 AM

King, you got suckered buying a Leatherman.

My Gerber multi-tool can function as a leg or arm prosthesis when locked in the correct position.

Posted by: J Mann at April 25, 2003 11:09 AM

I don't have a Leatherman, but after reading all these comments, I just might have to go out and get me one. How long does it take to have the background check done before I can use it? Is there a 7 day waiting period for purchase? Or can I by one from a collector using the "Leatherman Show Loophole"? What about a safety class? Please help a Leatherman neophyte.

Thank you

Posted by: Sheepdip at April 25, 2003 11:11 AM

Oh yeah, the Leatherman. Handy little thing. I used to carry one in my purse to straighten my son's titanium eyeglass frames. (He's also known as the child who could destroy an anvil.)

I lost mine somewhere along the way, but keep meaning to get another. Can you ever have too many tools? I think not.

Posted by: Rita at April 25, 2003 12:22 PM

Does Leatherman have a tool that is made to fit in Michael Moore's thong underwear?? I hear he is going to pose a la Ditzy Chicks, and wants to be armed in case any members of the vast right wing conspiracy happen to be on the set of the photo shoot.

Posted by: tired of whiners at April 25, 2003 01:56 PM

Little known fact. The US Army's 3ID, with all of it's high-tech equipment, struggled against the Iraqi Republican Guard Medina division for days South of Baghdad.

The Iraqi's were finally defeated when an embedded Cub Scout from Pack 101 used his Leatherman to destroy 3 entrenched T-72 tanks and disable 3 chemically-armed SCUD missles.

9 year old Jeremy Waller from Greenfield, Indiana is now being employed by the Army Corps of Engineers to use his Leatherman to restore power to parts of Baghdad.

Never underestimate the power of a Cub Scout with his Leatherman.

Posted by: Cowboy Bob at April 25, 2003 03:46 PM

Dearest Archie's Bunker;

Ok, man, us Scrap Heaps are here for you. We feel your pain. The important thing is not to give up. Get back in the dating game. Maybe start up back slow. Get yourself an eyeglass screw-driver, (the little ones.) Then, if things go ok, a monkey wrench. Good luck.

"It is better to have tooled and lost then never to have tooled at all"

Posted by: Danjo at April 25, 2003 05:16 PM

I'm thinking of changing my name to Harden Tool.

Posted by: Harden Stuhl at April 25, 2003 09:11 PM

But if you have to take a nut off of a bolt, you can't do it with just one pliers or it will just keep spinning around. That's why you need to carry two multi-tools... as I do. But tool-control advocates worry about the high prevalence of tools in our society asking why would anyone need to carry around multiple tools. Pretty soon we'll only be able to use tools designed for hunting and fishing. They even say we should have a maximum of 10 tools per leatherman, except for the police and military.

Posted by: ml at April 26, 2003 01:53 AM

Had one since I worked in a real old fashioned hardware (and stuff) store - all the time needing to take something apart (or put back together).

Now, that diamond file on the Wave is just the thing for touching up cutting tools without having to take 'em off the lathe. Sweet.


Posted by: pyotr at May 16, 2003 12:03 AM

If you're going to get a Leatherman, the one to get is the Special Edition Wave, that comes with a nice cordura pouch AND a mini Mag Lite- there is a loop for the light, and the assortment of tools is just delightful-- plus it has a pair of scissors, too!!

Posted by: Phil WInsor at June 11, 2003 04:36 PM

Important safety tip: don't forget to take your Leatherman out of your shaving kit before going through airport security. And all those bad things you've heard about strip-searches? They're true.

Posted by: Inmate #2947661 at June 25, 2003 02:42 PM

I received a call from the Internal Revenue Service about an appointment I missed. When I told him I was sorry, that I was cleaning my Leatherman, he hung up and hasn't called back.

Posted by: Jim at July 25, 2003 07:45 AM

My leatherman wave constantly amazes me. The other day I was moving computers around at the college where I work. They are locked with cable locks (like a non kryptonite cable lock) - of course, the keys for one department were lost so I needed to call maintenance to have them bring up the bolt cutters.
After 15 minutes of waiting, I took out my wave tool and the wire cutters are good enough to cut through a braided steel cable in about a minute and a half.

I have no idea how I survived without one of these.

Posted by: Toaster at October 8, 2003 03:15 PM

Im still sticking to my SwissChamp, though. The Leatherman guys overlooked the fact that Leatherman steel rusts! Check out the knife stamping on victorinox (swiss army knife). It says: Victorinox Switzerland Stainless Rostfrei
Rustfree! Howbout your Leatherhead tools huh? I guess you can't bring it to some place without a can of oil nearby to lubricate your tool? Swiss Army knives can even be soaked in salt water and still be rust free. Plus, you can't replace the funky toothpick...

Posted by: rusty_leatherman at November 14, 2003 03:47 AM
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