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March 17, 2003
Dixie Chicks and Daschle Release New Single

(2003-03-18) -- The Dixie Chicks have teamed with U.S. Sen. Tom Daschle, D-SD, on the new single "Ashamed and Saddened." The song, to be released only in parts of Europe, Russia and China, is expected to chart at No. 1 in its first week.

The lyrics are based on a recent comment by the Dixie Chicks and yesterday's remarks by the Senate minority leader.

"I'm saddened," Daschle told a union convention, "Saddened that this president failed so miserably at diplomacy that we're now forced to war. Saddened that we have to give up one life because this president couldn't create the kind of diplomatic effort that was so critical for our country. But we will work, and we will do all we can to get through this crisis like we've gotten through so many."

A spokesman for Sen. Daschle said he was too saddened to talk about his part of the song.

"That's just the way the Senator is," said the spokesman. "He doesn't get mad. He doesn't get even. He gets saddened. There's no Senator more saddened than he is. And of course, along with the Dixie Chicks, he's also ashamed. That's what makes him a great American."

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Actually, the president failed miserably at diplomacy.

Posted by: John Smith at March 18, 2003 07:31 AM

Yes, Johnny boy...and God has failed miserably at trying to get Satan to stop being evil.

Posted by: Robert at March 18, 2003 07:43 AM

Actually, diplomacy was the day before yesterday.

Reality was yesterday.

Posted by: John J. Coupal at March 18, 2003 07:44 AM

John Smith - you're dead wrong.

The president didn't fail at diplomacy, diplomacy failed the world. This was a trap from the beginning, the French lied outright to Colin Powell.

Working for 4 months to make inspections real and working, going back to the table time and time again, that's effort. The French said they would veto "no matter what".

Diplomacy doesn't work when you're talking to a brick wall.

The comment about the President failing at diplomacy is what you hear when a brick wall talks back.

Posted by: Cowboy Bob at March 18, 2003 07:45 AM

You are all wrong. John has it right. It's time to wake up from your bloodthirsty fantasies and see how miserably Bush failed.

Clinton knew diplomacy. HE could have pulled it off. He used diplomacy against North Korea and they promised not to build nukes! We averted war and prevented NK from....oh wait... I guess diplomacy failed there too...DAMN!

Posted by: Robb at March 18, 2003 07:48 AM

Good one Robb

Diplomacy occurred when the UN jointly signed resolution 1441. Ball-less is never having intended to enforce it (Thank you Germany and France). This is not Pres. Bush's failure. He possesses the honor and the stones of a true leader. Nice to have a leader again...

Posted by: Nomad at March 18, 2003 08:27 AM

John Smith - diplomacy failed, not the Prez. Germany had a "diplomatic" plan in place as early as Feb to VETO the enforcement of 1441 for the sole reason of "forcing the US to return afterwards to us, hat in hand, to request help...." France thought they could be big and bad enough to humiliate the US and become the world power. (To do so, they'd have to put some turbos on those ferries of theirs). In every case of war (how many hundreds?) it's because diplomacy failed.

Diplomacy is only as good as the integrity of ALL those practicing it.

Posted by: USA at March 18, 2003 08:32 AM


Are you sure that Senator Daschle's spokesman didn't say: "There is no Senator more sad than he is"?

Posted by: John J. Coupal at March 18, 2003 08:40 AM

ChiraQ snatched up his RED phone and yelled to Schroeder, "we are being attacked! It must be in retaliation for our duplicity in the UN regards Iraq. I have mobilized our military jet. I've never seen this kind of weapon but it says COURTESY OF THE US. They have unleashed their own weapon of mass destruction!!"
Schroeder replied, "we also! Tell your jet not to attack our tank, it's protecting Berlin and is not threatening your jet. Don't worry, this unprovoked action will show the world American is just a big fat bully! World opinion will surely sway our way now!"
They both retreated to their secure underground bunkers as the thunderous noise continued to reverberate in the skies over their countries.

International intelligence later determined that the incredibly loud noise was the sound of millions of American wallets slapping shut.

Posted by: AHA at March 18, 2003 08:46 AM

I think the US administration should have consulted France and the other allies a long time ago to prepared a resonable resolution with an ultimatum agreed by everyone.
Instead he tried started his own little war game ,shipped troops to Kuwait, and started to bully the French to change their mind at the last minute.
If you all sit on diplomacy, what do you suggest about NK?

Posted by: coucoulevoila at March 18, 2003 08:55 AM

Tell Dashle to go dig a hole and jump in and cover himself up never to come out again, he is like a child who had his candy taken away, spoiled that is, as he is so dumb, how can we have such people leading this country. Thank God for President Bush, our savior after the last administration who didn't care about the people of the country only the money they could pocket.
As for the Dixie Chicks, they are history, once you make a comment like they did, it cannot be taken back, so sorry they ruined their career or they can go stand by Barbara STriesand and the rest of the Hollywood losers, they need to take their money and go to another country.

Posted by: Mary M. Smith at March 18, 2003 09:04 AM

Tell Dashle to go dig a hole and jump in and cover himself up never to come out again, he is like a child who had his candy taken away, spoiled that is, as he is so dumb, how can we have such people leading this country. Thank God for President Bush, our savior after the last administration who didn't care about the people of the country only the money they could pocket.
As for the Dixie Chicks, they are history, once you make a comment like they did, it cannot be taken back, so sorry they ruined their career or they can go stand by Barbara STriesand and the rest of the Hollywood losers, they need to take their money and go to another country.

Posted by: MaryM. Smith at March 18, 2003 09:05 AM

Tell Dashle to go dig a hole and jump in and cover himself up never to come out again, he is like a child who had his candy taken away, spoiled that is, as he is so dumb, how can we have such people leading this country. Thank God for President Bush, our savior after the last administration who didn't care about the people of the country only the money they could pocket.
As for the Dixie Chicks, they are history, once you make a comment like they did, it cannot be taken back, so sorry they ruined their career or they can go stand by Barbara STriesand and the rest of the Hollywood losers, they need to take their money and go to another country.

Posted by: MaryM. Smith at March 18, 2003 09:06 AM

coucoulevoila - they DID. Ever hear of 1441? Last I checked, the word "immediate" meant

1. NOW

and not "WHENEVER" or "LATER" or "4+ MONTHS"

Q: Does the French dictionary define the word "immediate" differently?
Q: How do the French define the word "fully"?
Q: How do the French define the word "complete"?
Q: How do the French define the word "disarm"?
Q: How do the French define the phrase "one last chance"?
Q: What do the French consider to be "SERIOUS consequences?

A**holes kept braying "inspections are working!" Did they think the world didn't notice 265,000 coalition troops massed at the Iraqi borders???

Do you not know that after they signed 1441 they THEN publicly stated their aim of vetoing ANY resolution with any ultimatum? The fact that they signed 1441 and worked aggressively to give the US a hard time shows their diabolical plan. They were willing to piss off the US in a MAJOR way and destroy what was left of the UN for their own pathetic bid for power. They can't stand it that they are a "has been" and that the glorious USofA is a superpower for good reason. Little-boy-tantrums is what this was all about - while millions of Iraqis continued to suffer, the weapons inspectors were led around by their noses and their OWN nation of France, among others were in danger of attack. To them it was worth it if the US could suffer another attack the magnitude of 9/11.

No wonder we're SICK of them.

Posted by: AHA at March 18, 2003 09:19 AM

I was expecting to hear Daschle say he was also "disappointed". That is another common refrain from him. "Saddened...and disappointed". He's a snake. Hopefully, the voters of South Dakota send him back to the rock he slithered from under after the next election. As far as the Dixie Chicks, one of the local radio stations here in Virginia has banned the play of all Dixie Chicks music until after the current conflict is over. This decision was based on a survey of the opinions of the station's listeners. Good for them! I doubt the Dixie Chicks are finished, but their pocketbook is going to be lighter for quite some time.

Posted by: Kevin at March 18, 2003 09:25 AM

This is quit a stepfor Tom Daschel!! Usually he is either "concerned" or "disapointed". I for one am glad to see that the Senator has discovered a new emotion.

Woodstock Willie

Posted by: Woodstock Willie at March 18, 2003 09:30 AM

War is diplomacy by other means.

Posted by: CPatterson at March 18, 2003 09:30 AM

The most amazingly shameful part of this whole UN, France, Germany fiasco, is the the number of useful idiots that have been brainwashed over the years and actually believe that the UN is a body of relevance.

These fools are willing to throw self-determination out the window in the hopes that a ridiculously lopsided body (countries with as little as 30,000 people have the same voting power as one with 280 million, in matters that don't even involve them????) that has stood in the face of genocidic evil (anyone remember Koffi's fab stance that got almost 1 million Rwandans killed and thousands of Bosnians?) and done nothing.
Their voting record is staunchly anti-American and then Annan has the guts to question the legitimacy of any military action we take now as if he has the ultimate say over US sovereignty.
Dream on.
Can't these a-holes read their own resolutions?
He's preaching about legality to a country full of lawyers!
Just goes to show you what a useless pile of horsecrap the UN really is.

Posted by: grillmaster Celissa at March 18, 2003 09:32 AM

To all John Smiths of this world

When you go to bed tonight, think that somewhere there's a US Soldier sleeping in a cot in a tent, probably on top of a sleeping bag with a sprinkling of sand for extra comfort...maybe he has a picture of the wife or kids, or if he's really young, mom and dad.
He may have joined for education, or to get out of Dodge, or to see the world, or family tradition, maybe even for patriotism, maybe even because of what he saw on TV on 911!
Can you grasp this? I'm talking about a real person, and he's suffering gladly now to protect you so please take a minute of your life to learn something important about him:
He has the real possibility of dying tomorrow.
He may have to kill someone tomorrow. It won't be like on TV, that person will be real dead.
It may be a long painful death, John.
A lot of Moms on both sides may already have hugged their kid for the last time, John.
The human cost of the next few days may be astounding. To know the whole reality is more then you or I or anyone could bear.
People will die.
It could have been avoided.
I will keep this simple for now:
A united world could have, just maybe, brought down Saddam without firing a shot.
We will never know.
Americans who exercised their God-given right (by virtue of American Birth, and defended by the American GI) to protest helped ensure that unified front would never form.
Strangely enough, that right is what the soldier will fight for. Will kill for, may die for.
Will he hate you for it, John? Does it matter to you John?
What about his mom, John? Think it's funny? Are you thinking up funny things you can post in denial right now John?
Your denial doesn't matter John.
I don't know how any one else might feel about you John. It would be the height of arrogance for me to claim I did.
But now multiply that guy by 300,000..
Here's how I feel John. I can not comprehend, nor will I ever til the day I die, how someone could be so vile as to force the onset of war just because they think they might have a better shot at getting one of their fellow dirt bags elected President in two years, John.
You have blood on your hands, you little pathetic cretin. You are beneath contempt. Your priorities are so twisted there may be no hope for restoral.
Now blame George Bush, you transparent little moron. Guess what, John? I posted yesterday that you would do it. I posted D'ash'holes comments before he made them, John. Look around the previous posts and you'll find them. You people are predictable John.
Obstruct, then blame the victim for lack of progress.
This time, John, your victim is not just George Bush. It is the US military and the people of America and Iraq. (Do you think you can trick the Iraqi's into loving you John? They hate Saddam Hussein you know? They saw you on TV, too John.)
Their blood is on your hands, John.
You may have sown the wind John.
Good night John, sleep tight.

Posted by: greyhawk at March 18, 2003 09:53 AM

I read a piece by someone affiliated with NPR(No Perceptions Right) in which he likened the anti-war left(actually, they are anti-Bush left as I have pointed out in past posts) to the "good Germans of the 1930's, and President Bush to Adolph Hitler. He suggested that one can support the troops without supporting the war. And here I thought that it had been proven that one could not eat one's cake and have it too. His thesis is that if we greet the troops with handshakes, brass bands and parades upon their return home, it will send the wrong message to the rest of the world, which, in his estimation, is totally opposed to this strike in Iraq. Apparently 70 per cent of the US population, and 21 of 26 European nations plus Australia are all wrong, and he is right. We should "thank whatever gods may be" that someone this stupid, rigidly idealogic, and marginal has no chance to ever handle any reins of power. I would like to see Scrappleface establish a Neville Chamberlain Award to be presented to the leftist with the most vituperative rhetoric of the week. We could do a straw poll each Friday to determine the winner. Seriously, reading vitriolic pieces like this one is like swallowing ground glass. One doesn't notice the harm until the bleeding deep within begins. Liberals like this one are poster children for self-deception. Any person who cannot see, at the very least, justifiable circumstances that support armed intervention is blinded by idealogy. I guess it is true that "There are none so blind as those who will not see".

Posted by: Joseph at March 18, 2003 09:55 AM

My heart saddens for our U.S. Military when comments are made that are negative towards our President. Our military....dedicating their lives in order for us to have FREEDOM which, by the way, does have it price. We are a UNITED STATES of AMERICA...note UNITED and I can't understand why someone like Daschle could consider himself UNITED with our country??? I hope his comments continue to wake AMERICANS up to the fact that he doesn't deserve any respect. Our county needs our loyalty to our U.S. Military, our President and to the people who consider themselves proud AMERCIANS> UNITED WE STAND! Kay Tesch

Posted by: Kay Tesch at March 18, 2003 10:11 AM

A pre-emptive strike:
Please don't anybody try the "support troops not war" line okay?
Also, some may want to re-read the comments on the Naked Koffi Annan Piece below, and note that the portion I'm talking about was posted before D'asholes speech. More then a few of us predicted the democratic response. But we ain't gonna let 'em get away with it podnuh's! Yea-haw, Cowboy time!!!!!!!! Rounfd en up, we'll brand em right here on ScrappleFace!!!

Posted by: greyhawk at March 18, 2003 10:12 AM

At the risk of taking up more posting space than I deserve, just a few words on Mr. Daschle. This is as sorry an excuse for an American, a Senator, and a human being as I have come across in quite a long time. Aside from the fact that he is the king of vacillation, aside from the fact that his wife is a major lobbyist who uses his position, with his approval to perform her political prostitution, aside from the fact that he is umbilically attached to Democratic polling data, he has the brazen audacity to play games in the face of a conflict whose seriousness marginalizes not only his blighted ideology, but also his soulless existance. I never thought I would ever use the phrase,"beneath contempt" but this man is its epitome. A more spineless specimen would be hard to find, even in a worm farm. As a football coach, I have always taught my players to respect opponents, but I don't think I have ever run across a more loathsomely despicable one in my life.

Posted by: Joseph at March 18, 2003 10:19 AM

Dashole has added to his repertoire (sorry, I had to use a French word) He is now saddened, as well as concerned and disappointed.

Whoa! Scary Tom! Maybe you will get "cranky or perturbed" and then we will really care what you say.

Posted by: Mikey at March 18, 2003 10:24 AM

A Neville Chamberlain Award. Great idea Joseph. A small statue of a guy bent way over, head between his legs and disappearing up its backside? The ultimate in hear no evil, speak no evil, see no evil. I like it!

Posted by: Michael at March 18, 2003 10:26 AM

Dash-El is and has always been a communist. He can't be i charge anymore so he does exactly what he did while the Senate majority leader, he onstructs and ridicules. Frankly, when I hire somone to work for, I actually expect them to stop talking around the water cooler and get their work done. He's beena around the water cooler for years-can anyone tell me any work he has actually completed? He does work for the citizens of South Dakota. He is their representative, so does that imply that the citizens of South Dakota have the same opinions of the world that he does?? I would like to hear from some South Dakotans, otherwise we won't see what they think until Dasch-el runs for reelection. If you South Dakotans think dash-El doesn't speak for you, then he is yoyur employee, let him know.

Hey greyhawk-good to see you.

Posted by: Darth Chef at March 18, 2003 10:34 AM

Hi Darth. I'm waiting for someone to say they are "for the troops but against the war" so I can smack them. It's a trap I set in a previous post.

Posted by: greyhawk at March 18, 2003 10:39 AM

Your previous post to John put a tear in my eye. I have a brother serving in the Marines and he is over in all that mess. I got an email from him that they are ready to get the party started and just want to get it over. I cannot imagine what my brother is about to face, the sound, the smell, the terror and all else when in battle. I fear that he will not come home, but if he does I fear that he will no longer be himself. I said a long prayer for him and all our troops. I also said a prayer for all the poor Iraqi people who are going to be hurt/killed during this war. But I know why he is there and he is ready to serve his country and his PRESIDENT. I admire him and all the others for their service. If I could take my brothers place I would, but I can only pray for him.

So my message to you John is this: Get over your partisan politics and stand behind the men and women of our armed services. The fact of the matter is that Iraq will be better off and this world will be a safer place.

Another point to remember is that we need to look who is behind the anti-war protests. Go to this story for an eye-opener:,2933,81314,00.html
I guess we can say that people like John are really anti-american marxists who support the likes of Castro and Kim Junk Il, what else can I say?!

Posted by: Justin at March 18, 2003 10:49 AM

Diplomacy doesn't mean totally give in to the other side's demands. I think Bush gave diplomacy WAY more of a chance than most people would have. I think France's "we will veto any new resolution" stance made Bush realize there was no more hope.

Posted by: Businesspundit at March 18, 2003 10:53 AM

"Do not destroy oil wells" he said !

Posted by: John Smith at March 18, 2003 10:55 AM

Are you sure he didn't say saddamed?

Posted by: Timmy the Wonder Dog at March 18, 2003 10:57 AM

dashle is with the coalition of france, germany, and russia. Bush has 21 European nations and Australia behind him. Plus most of the people of the USA.

Posted by: Michael at March 18, 2003 11:00 AM

Odds are extremely good that your bro will be all right. I know this doesn't make you feel any better though. Most folks have chosen to forget Gulf War I. The outcome of this will likely be similar, but swifter. Lots of people (including talking head I saw giggling on CNN last night about "what Bush needs to do to get people on his side") would prefer to re-hash the "another vietnam" scenario. Not likely people. Sorry, left wing wackos. This war will not rejuvenate your cause.

Posted by: greyhawk at March 18, 2003 11:01 AM

Are you stoned or stupid? Speak in sentances man!

Posted by: greyhawk at March 18, 2003 11:03 AM

We observed the emergence in the second Bush administration of a determined and increasingly influential core of activist conservative foreign policy ideologues promoting a doctrine of unabashed American empire, advocating the preemptive projection of power to prevent the emergence of any military challenges to American dominance;

Even as it pursued the UN route in the hope of maximizing international support for a war, the Bush team began moving swiftly and without pause to assemble an invasion armada.

Gulf War II is a preemptive attack rather than a response to any specific aggression; it is being launched without UN authorization and over an unprecedented degree of opposition from traditional allies; and victory will bring an almost colonial mandate to single-handedly remake a key Middle Eastern nation in America's image.

Posted by: John Smith at March 18, 2003 11:09 AM

ok John Smith-where'd you copy that from, cause you aren't smart enough to use all those big words on your own, see all of your previous posts for that "smoking gun" evidence.

Why do poeple insit on being anonymous if they have such strong opinions. Obviously they are ashamed of their opinions. See John Smith's email address for that "smoking gun" evidence.

Posted by: Darth Chef at March 18, 2003 11:20 AM

The paragraphs above that you copied and pasted are quite interesting. Love the part about the planes flying into the buildings...ooops! Left that out!
Still, your paragraph three is mostly pure truth,
except you do not have the right to dictate here exactly what "victory will mandate"
You are not a player.
By the way, where'd you copy this from? Quoting is okay, not crediting the source is plagiarism. When you get to High School they will frown on this sort of thing.

Posted by: greyhawk at March 18, 2003 11:22 AM

Darth! Again, great minds think alike! I did not see your post before mine!

Posted by: greyhawk at March 18, 2003 11:23 AM

But it's so easy greyhawk. Joh went from

Do not destroy oil wells" he said ! to

"We observed the emergence in the second Bush administration of a determined and increasingly influential core of activist conservative foreign policy ideologues promoting a doctrine of unabashed American empire, advocating the preemptive projection of power to prevent the emergence of any military challenges to American dominance;

Even as it pursued the UN route in the hope of maximizing international support for a war, the Bush team began moving swiftly and without pause to assemble an invasion armada.

Gulf War II is a preemptive attack rather than a response to any specific aggression; it is being launched without UN authorization and over an unprecedented degree of opposition from traditional allies; and victory will bring an almost colonial mandate to single-handedly remake a key Middle Eastern nation in America's image"

Even a blind man could've see the difference in the writing style.

I just love it when these morons, who can't think on their own, use words provided by another source, without even checking on the source or the accuracy. Remember Barbara Streisand quoting "shakespeare" that turned out to be something totally made up. While referring to other sources of information is always a good idea, actually thinking on one's own is helpful is selling your point. You greyhawk, and I, as well as many others here can make the arguments with our own knowledge and we credit the other sources we use. Morons like John Smith come to this battle of wits unarmed.

And it makes me laugh.

Posted by: Darth Chef at March 18, 2003 11:30 AM

9/11 was the shot that started this war. Bush had no intentions of doing any of this until those terrorists did what they did and gave us a serious reality check. I'm thankfull that Bush has had the cajones to stand up to the challenge and take it on, not slink away into a corner and do nothing. Actually maybe we should use the clinton diplomacy that worked for NK. That is to work a deal with a country and then let them break the deal for almost 10 years and do nothing. Then when it is made public a different president will have to fix the delayed problem.

Thanks for you words, I know that there is a very slim chance anything will happen to him, but he is still my little bro and I have to worry for him.

Posted by: Justin at March 18, 2003 11:31 AM

The French Foriegn Minister has stated that if the Iraqis use chemical or biological weapons against American troops than that will serious change their position on any war. I see they are trying to get in position for post Saddam rebuilding and oil. Nice position, the ware will be over before they can get their guns out of storage.

I guess the one comfort I have is that I don't have to worry about my son. Frankly, I'd rather worry about him than visit him now at Arlington.

Posted by: Darth Chef at March 18, 2003 11:35 AM

Wow! So if the Iraqi's use WMD, the French may grudgingly admit the Iraqis have WMD...

The sad thing is these wackos are all talking to one another, they do have an agenda, Dashole is following it. Sound paranoid? Please read
and see I am not delusional here.
(this is the "Bush Wins" story from the Left-wing e-zine, for those who've seen it before.)

John, would be nice to have your spin on this story.

Posted by: greyhawk at March 18, 2003 11:39 AM

Gotta love Daschle. He voted to give Bush authorization to go to war, says Bush should have avoided war, but won't take back his initial authorization or say that it was a bad idea. What's wrong with this picture?

Posted by: James at March 18, 2003 11:49 AM

Canada is against us, Australia is with us, Turkey is with us...soon only the congressional Democrats will be undecided!!!

Posted by: greyhawk at March 18, 2003 11:55 AM

Observations (still apropos) from Mark Twain
(from Barbara Schmidt's directory of quotes by Mark Twain, American writer and philosopher)

In certain public indecencies, the difference between a dog and the Frenchman is not perceptible.
Notebook #17 Oct 1878-Feb 1879

France has usually been governed by prostitutes.
Notebook #18 Feb-Sept 1879

Posted by: AHA at March 18, 2003 11:58 AM

The Euros resent George for his independence. The concern is the threat of an unchecked United States administration imposing it's will on the world.

The Dems are in trouble come 2004 with people like Dashole. Clinton does not win in 1992 without Perot, or in 1996 if the Republican candidate had a pulse (E.Dole would have done better).

The Euros better learn to deal with this cowboy.
Send Chirac a hat and pair of boots. Better to be wearing the boots on your feet than in your ***.

Posted by: danery at March 18, 2003 12:06 PM

John, I am surprised at your statement that we face oppostion from our tradtional allies. France has been our tradtional ally when we spend time bailing them out of the mess that their poor planning has has created for them. Why should we take advice from a country that has given us the Holocast and another that sank the Rainbow warrior. France did not consult with the rest of the world when they showed up in the Ivory Coast and if I'm not mistaken they are still there. Let's get back to your point of the Bush team assembling an invasion armada, while going to the UN. If you intend to enforce a mandate you must have the force in place BEFORE you issue the mandate. You sound like you are embrassed to be an American, well that is your right I will defend your right to feel that way. But your rehash of tired and overused arguements against this President are weak and not very well thought out. We can spend all day insulting the French and the Germans, but the reality of this failure of diplomacy is these two countries embarked on a cynical policy of opposing America at all costs. And now we are looking at the costs. it is about oil, but is not about our need for it, it is about Europe's need for it. The irony of this whole thing is that most of the protesters in the west are equating America to a fasist state, but I don't see in Iraq or Cuba,China,or many of these other places any demostrations against the government, because they can't. So John I understand what you are saying I just don't buy it.

Posted by: Keith at March 18, 2003 12:06 PM

I heard Daschle's statement on NPR this morning. I know what you're thinking...He listens to NPR, what a commie...., but it was the only station that was playing the news at the time. I digress.... Now, back to chiming in.....

We have a new cliche from the land of liberals. "I support the troops but I don't support the presidents decision." Or something to that effect. It's been spouted many times over on these message boards and through the media.

To those who support the "troops" but don't support the "president", you've mastered the art of talking out of both sides of your mouth at the same time. When I hear or read this statement, what I hear is..."I don't have the spine to face up to the war veterans when I meet them down the road, however, I believe that it may mean something to my liberal friends when we're laying around sucking on a bong while others are out putting their lives on the line." "We sure do miss Bill Clinton."

For the record.

I support GWB.
I support the US Military (I used to be one)
I support Daschle's right to say what he likes.
I support your right to voice your opinion.
I support the French despite their wavering friendship.
I support the French for their good cooking too.

I do not support Saddam or an Iraq that supports him.

For the record.

I disagree with anyone that say's war is only possible solution. I think war is the solution at hand.

I can disagree with the reasons for war and still support the action.

Who was it that said something like "war is just politics by other means"? War is one possible solution.

Once committed to a solution, stick to your plan and give it your all. Anything less is spineless and self-defeating.

In the end, GWB will be held accountable just as
we all will be. For the record, I don't think GWB failed at diplomacy. He never attempted it. You can't fail at something you never try to do.

Frenchie...It's okay, I heard one of your politicians statements this morning on NPR also.
Seems the French do have a conscience after all.
I still like your food. The French sure have good food. Tell me, is it hard to cook without a spine?


Posted by: Radio at March 18, 2003 12:21 PM

To Joseph

Quotation : M'seur: France assisted the rebellious colonies during their fight for independence, not as an altruistic and respectful gesture toward freedom, but as an economic investment in the future. France was looking to the future and the tremendous potential that this land had as a trading partner. There was also the desire to tweak the British, their long time enemy. It is ingenuous of you to imply that there was any other reason when it is obvious that, with your understanding of History, flawed though it might be, you know better.

Answer : I totally agree with you about the motivations of countries in Realpolitik. As well, USA rebuilded England, France, Japan and Germany after WW2 not as an altruistic and respectful gesture toward freedom, but as an economic and political investment in the future. The potential that these reconstructed countries would have as trading partners and military allies against USSR were the motivation for helping the detroyed countries.

Posted by: Frenchman at March 18, 2003 12:34 PM

How 'bout it?? I would like to get some feedback from citizens of South Dakota regarding Tom Daschle. I am interested in seeing what they think of their senator. Do they agree? Disagree?

Posted by: AHA at March 18, 2003 12:40 PM

I'm off. Back to do. If anyone does show up with the "I support the troops but not the war" line, please tell them:

"Thanks for clearing that up. Those people who are for the war but against the troops are really getting out of hand, don't you think?"

Posted by: greyhawk at March 18, 2003 12:47 PM

Three cheers for Jacques Chirac for showing it is possible to stand up to the bully-boys!

Vive Chirac !
Vive Chirac !
Vive Chirac !

Posted by: Frenchman at March 18, 2003 12:54 PM

Mr.Daschle take note; on the Drudge today
FRANCE READY TO HELP US IF IRAQ USES CHEMICAL BIOLOGICAL WEAPONS....I mention this because France is Daschle's ideal, he takes his oblique political cues from them.

Posted by: an old old lady at March 18, 2003 01:13 PM

I read "Altercation" yesterday on MSNBC and had a laugh. He said he doesn't want the war because it will mean "more terrorists will hate us."

Is he actually saying he wants terrorists to approve of our country? He wants the terrorists to like America? Do we really want that?! Just goes to show that America is on the right side on this one -- we don't want people who target and kill civilians to like us, nor do we want to appease raping, murdering dictators.

Bush seems to be a moral man, as flawed as he might be, and he wants to help his nation, his people ... and yes, even the people of Iraq. He might not be the best speaker ... but he has the best heart of any president in the last 50 years.

This also just underscores the mess of self-interest plaguing the Democrats and the rest of the delusional world. It's a group full of cowardly hypocrites who don't give a damn about the suffering. Nothing but mouthpieces without substance.

"Damn their eyes!"

Posted by: Anthony at March 18, 2003 01:24 PM

. . . and to Dominique de Villepin [who is a man] for telling Colin Powell a hideous lie 4 months ago and doing so with a straight face.




--Mark B.

Posted by: Mark B. at March 18, 2003 01:30 PM

. . . and to Dominique de Villepin [who is a man] for telling Colin Powell a hideous lie 4 months ago and doing so with a straight face.




--Mark B.

Posted by: Mark B. at March 18, 2003 01:31 PM

Damn!! Double-tap . . .

Posted by: Mark B. at March 18, 2003 01:31 PM

Daschle further stated: "Yes, I have a 'Death Wish', as far as remaining a politican. Some people kill themselves with drugs and alcohol! That's a quick death, those people have no strength! I am to strong for that, I want my (political) death to be a prolonged, twisting in the wind, kind of death, until even the most left-wing, fanatical, liberal, just can't stand the sight of me anymore!"

Posted by: Susan Serin-Done at March 18, 2003 01:37 PM



The guy who waited on me last night at a restaurant was French and he told me that 90% of French hate Chirac.

I listened to him while making him get me more water every six seconds, letting him pick my napkin up from the floor every minute, and, after I ran up a 150 dollar tab and left my table a complete disaster area, I left him NO TIP.

Actually, on the line of the bill where it said 'TIP', I wrote:

"Don't piss on a flat rock"

There's a tip for ya.

Love ya, Frenchie - KABOOOOOOOM!!!!!!

Posted by: Ameri-can at March 18, 2003 01:40 PM

Should we all send Daschle "get well" cards. This guy is continually sad and outraged and concerned. All this guy ever spews is emotion. Try rational thought for once.

Posted by: John Lemon at March 18, 2003 01:41 PM

You are partly right about having trading partners with the countries that we rebuilt following WWII and that they would help us in our struggle against Russia.

You are WRONG to assume that those were the only reasons.
How did Hitler become so popular?
Why did Germans allow Hitler to do what he did?
Why did Germany act the way that it did?

I know those questions are hard with your understanding of history (as you so eloquently put..), but it comes down to what happened after WWI. The treay of versaille limited Germany in a very bad way. They had to limit their industrial output and pay a massive debt of war reparations. This left the Germans in a sad and pathetic state. Here comes a man who says that he can pull them out of it and does. He makes the country powerfull again in defiance of other nations. They initiailly supported him for these reasons. The world had backed them into a corner and they fought back.
You see, we learned our lesson from that experience and decided that it would be in the worlds best interest to build these nations up to become countries that could contribute and help out in the world.,.

Sorry about the rambling all, but I hope he understands.... Please believe (or whatever..)

Posted by: Justin at March 18, 2003 01:44 PM

I just read Dennis Hastert's comments on Daschle's bad diplomacy speech. Hastert was not nearly so hard on the Senator as he should have been. Daschle must be smarting from all of the reductions in power, influence, and imprortance he has suffered since the last election. Hastert said that Daschle's comments were close to giving aid and comfort to the enemy. I would have gone much further. Daschle's pain at being marginalized is nothing to the pain he would feel if I could lay hands on him. His putting politics and personal prestige ahead of everything else is the most intensely repugnant behavior I have ever seen from a member of the Senate. It rivals Ted Kennedy's cowardly abandonment of his young female companion that night at Chappaquidick (sp?). The main difference is that Kennedy only killed one person, while Tiny Tom's gutless self-serving speeches and behavior could kill many more. His refusal to view the obvious, his selfishness and deliberate offuscation, his personal cowardice, and his fundamental dishonesty place him in the crosshairs of somebody's campaign to capture his seat in his next election. This man should be punished, either for his stupidity or for his perfidy. Perhaps for both!

Posted by: Joseph at March 18, 2003 02:09 PM

To John, Frenchie and the other Socialists------- I am an old man now and will not be around to many more years. One thing that I have learned in all my years is that the best diplomacy is: Peace through superior firepower!!! Iraq is about to learn what superior firepower means. Speaking from experience, there is nothing like combat to scare the ----- out of any sane person. Our soldiers, sailors and airmen go in harms way to bring about the end of cruel regime that has threatened our people with death from chemicals and bugs and would kill us with nukes if he could get them. We have always done our duty to our country and our fellow Americans when we were called. We saved your butts in 1945 and during the cold war. We will now liberate the Iraq people with SUPERIOR FIREPOWER. Daschle is a ""___________""fill in the blank (coward, traitor, scum bag, etc.!!! come to mind) for the self serving things he has said; furthermore, the people in his state really ought to look for someone else when he is up for reelection.

Posted by: Old Sailor at March 18, 2003 02:12 PM

Back to the original post... Daschle's ambivalence (to use a nice term, since treason may be a bit harsh) is actually an ingrained part of his training. Check who he interned for and all the wonderful positions that individual held.

As far as Pixie Chix, who cares? They're entitled to their opinion, no matter how misguided and useless (see Scott's post below).

Here's my nickel: all of this ado about their opinions could only fuel further mistrust of right-wing staunch Republicrat-leaning folks by the silent majority.

And if GWB decides to continue ignoring the economy (the tax cuts and his handling of the economic advisors do not inspire much confidence), he'll meet the same fate his daddy did... After all, once the dust clears on this war some time next week, we'll have a good year to think about the economy before the next election.


Posted by: logicpenaltybox at March 18, 2003 02:27 PM

Many of the comments are correct, Daischle is the sorriest legislator I know of. When is the last time he did anything other than posture for votes?

But: In our country he won't be beaten for such remarks, as the people of Iraq are.

Posted by: Sweetlou at March 18, 2003 03:06 PM

Our economy depends on the

Hey Scott.......

How abooot a satire piece on Peta and Canaries in the Middle East.

Posted by: Gabsboy at March 18, 2003 03:29 PM

What all these Leftist wackos like Daschle and Clinton ( need is a country full of nothing but themselves... With a Saddam Hussain Administration. It would probably closely resemble France, ( I hear it's a really beautiful country) except i'm sure it would be an even bigger mess.

I guess the definition of "Diplomacy" is kinda like "is" is... now.. it means France and Germany and Russia approve of it. Nevermind what the rest of the world thinks.

John, Frenchman, and the rest of you Lib's... please... read some books about Freedom and free enterprise along with all your language and philosophy. Get some useful eduction to go along with all your conspiracy theory bull..... Get a clue what "make the world safe for democracy" is all about... it's the reason you get to come out in public like Daschle and spout your psycobabble.

Yes, "war is hell"... but I personally would rather be a miserable wounded soldier fighting for freedom in a grimy foxhole in some [armpit] of the world, than a slave of some despot like Saddam... thats what happens you've tasted freedom... no going back for US. ( I am ex-military btw.. never saw combat, but i've dug a real foxhole and spent the night in it. You Daschle/Chiraq guys should all try that just for the fun of it)

I am "saddened, disgusted, dissappointed, and concerned, that smarms like these Demo's and Celebs don't know the good guys from the bad.

These are the people who can't be reasoned with.. not Saddam... we are going now to "talk" to him in the only language he understands. Who ever really wondered if it would eventually come to that? Get a grip. Diplomacy has only given SH a dozen years to get ready.

What language do we have to speak to get Tommy's and Billy's attention. I hope enough of the voters can speak it.

To Darth and the troops.. Fight on Men. Not for pride (pride goeth before destruction) or revenge ("Vengence is Mine") or even for 9/11... but for the Patriotic Freedom that prevents this evil. the REAL Americans love you. In God We Trust.

Posted by: Phrog Poet at March 18, 2003 03:36 PM

Here's "Tiny Tom Das-hole's" E-mail web page, please, drop him a line! Some intern will probably end up reading it, but, it's worth a try!

Posted by: Susan Serin-Done at March 18, 2003 04:00 PM

This is off this specific topic thread, but here it is anyway. Thought the info would be appreciated for those of us interested in speaking with our wallets.

**This is the number of barrels purchased by oil companies from the Middle East (for the period 9/1/00 - 8/31/01):

Shell....................205,742,000 barrels
Chevron/Texaco...........144,332,000 barrels
Exxon /Mobil.............130,082,000 barrels
Marathon/Speedway........117,740,000 barrels
Amoco.....................62,231,000 barrels

If you do the math at $30/barrel, these imports amount to over $18 BILLION!

Here are some large companies that do not import Middle Eastern oil:

Citgo..............0 barrels
Sunoco.............0 barrels
Conoco.............0 barrels
Sinclair...........0 barrels
BP/Phillips........0 barrels
Hess...............0 barrels

All of this information is available from the Department of Energy and each company is required to state where they get their oil and how much they are importing. They report on a monthly basis. Keep this list in your car; share it with friends. If we can boycott Lipton Tea and the Dixie Chicks, we can do this! Stop paying for terrorism.............

To to have an impact, we need to reach literally millions of gasoline buyers. Patronize those gas companies that DO NOT import oil from the Middle East.

Posted by: AHA at March 18, 2003 04:16 PM

Hi all,

Found out about this site a few weeks ago and have enjoyed reading it everyday since.

Figured I would jump in and say "Hi".

Looking forward to more discussions with you all.

Got this from sombody else and cannot verify it but thought I should post it anyway. Figured somebody ought to be able to verify this one way or another.


"What has changed in recent months or years" to justify confronting Saddam, Daschle asked last Wednesday after meeting with President Bush. Dick Gephardt wants to know what a democratic Iraq would look like. Dianne Feinstein wants the Israeli-Palestinian conflict settled first. Bob Graham says the administration hasn't presented anything new. John Kerry complains about, well, everything.

Matters looked different in 1998, when Democrats were working with a president of their own party. Daschle not only supported military action against Iraq, he campaigned vigorously for a congressional resolution to formalize his support. Other current critics of President Bush--including Kerry, Graham, Patrick Leahy, Christopher Dodd, and Republican Chuck Hagel--co-sponsored the broad 1998 resolution: Congress "urges the president to take all necessary and appropriate actions to respond to the threat posed by Iraq's refusal to end its weapons of mass destruction programs." (Emphasis added.)

Daschle said the 1998 resolution would "send as clear a message as possible that we are going to force, one way or another, diplomatically or militarily, Iraq to comply with international law." And he vigorously defended President Clinton's inclination to use military force in Iraq.

Summing up the Clinton administration's argument, Daschle said, "'Look, we have exhausted virtually our diplomatic effort to get the Iraqis to comply with their own agreements and with international law. Given that, what other option is there but to force them to do so?' That's what they're saying. This is the key question. And the answer is we don't have another option. We have got to force them to comply, and we are doing so militarily."

John Kerry was equally hawkish: "If there is not unfettered, unrestricted, unlimited access per the U.N. resolution for inspections, and UNSCOM cannot in our judgment appropriately perform its functions, then we obviously reserve the rights to press that case internationally and to do what we need to do as a nation in order to be able to enforce those rights," Kerry said back on February 23, 1998. "Saddam Hussein has already used these weapons and has made it clear that he has the intent to continue to try, by virtue of his duplicity and secrecy, to continue to do so. That is a threat to the stability of the Middle East. It is a threat with respect to the potential of terrorist activities on a global basis. It is a threat even to regions near but not exactly in the Middle East."

Considering the views these Democrats expressed four years ago, why the current reluctance to support President Bush?

Posted by: Zen at March 18, 2003 04:36 PM


I support the US troops and wish for their safety.

It is my right as a free, thinking citizen to conclude that the Bush administration has not shown evidence justifying the making of war on Iraq at this time, as opposed to, say, North Korea. Every reason he has given has so far paled when exposed to the light of day.

Enforcing the UN resolutions following Gulf War I: Why now? One could argue that 100,000 UN troops on the ground in Iraq would keep the peace just as effectively. Can anyone deny that Saddam has been peaceful AND compliant by the simple presence of hostile troops nearby?

Terrorism - 9/11: How many Iraqis flew planes into US targets? There is NO evidence tying Iraq to al quaeda. Apparently, Bin Laden despises Saddam for the degenerate he really is.

Freedom for Iraqis: Freedom apparently means constitutional democracy, American style. Well you heard it here first, American style democracy is not a one size fits all concept. It requires, for one thing, a stable economy. It also requires as a corollary, a working class. A person who's main thought for each day is getting food for his kid's belly doesn't give a rat's arse about the nuances between one party and another. And what about the Afghans? Aren't they entitled to freedom, too. Or shall they be relegated to the pages of history like a jilted lover?

Who the hell are we (US) to tell any country's leader he has to resign?: Okay, I'm not defending Hussein, who is a rat and a bloodthirsty murderer on his nicest day. But it might be good to rememberthat regime change can cut two ways. Just ask John Kennedy and Fidel Castro. Oh wait, only one is still around. Yeah, US is the dog with the bug nuts today. Alienate China, Russia, the Islamic world, and enough of Europe to the point where they feel like they have more to gain opposing US (violently), and it would be a different story altogether. And BTW, Rumsfeld, with his big, fat, crass, unelected mouth has certainly done his best to further that cause.

What troubles me now is that Bush, by default, has found the best reason to galvanize the public in suppert for this adventure - France is opposed to it. Rather than having one clearly identifiable positive reason, he will rely on the public's resentment at feeling betrayed by our "ally" - stabbed in the back as it were. Okay, by God, we'll show them who the No. 1 Superpower is. We don't need anybody!!! Is that really the best reason to go to war with Iraq at this time?

Now you know a good clean debate is great fun. But you yourself said it best. Somebody's mom, wife or kids are going to be receiving flags when this is over instead of their loved one. And that's just on our side.

We will win. Saddam will be out, and that's good from a relative standpoint. Maybe we'll even find that reason for being there in the first place. I hope it happens and quickly. Cuz just wait till Al-Jazeera starts rolling that film of all those mutilated, asphyxiated, blistered women and children...

Call me still unconvinced. It's my right.


Posted by: yaksun at March 18, 2003 04:52 PM

I'm French and I'm not against the war. But I think guys like you are creating an awful mess by being so stubborn. Many people are quite cross with stupid things that American Patriots said and, really, there was no point in saying them.

For instance you may think twice before using "70% american people and 21 out of 26 european countries support the war" as an argument (that's for Joseph). That's quite stupid- what does it prove?

And please, oh puh-lease, dont use the word "mom" like four-years olds (That's Greyhawk and also that spokesman of your army: "moms and dads of our soldiers expect us to keep them alive", or something like that). The real word is "Mother".
You dont want your big guys in uniform to become the laughingstock of the world, do you?

By the way, you may as well forget this "evidence" crap. And the Ben Laden link. There are a lot of good old geopolitic reasons to blast Iraq, why do you lose time with such nonsense?

Posted by: Linus at March 18, 2003 04:55 PM


One of the best posts I have ever read.

Brought tears to my eyes.

Thanks man.

Posted by: Okie Dokie at March 18, 2003 05:08 PM're a fool for so many reasons.

If you really think 100,000 Bangladeshis in blue berets would "keep the peace" as effectively, you have no clue as to what you are talking about.

You have no clue about Rumsfeld, either. Notice how all the anti-American rhetoric in South Korea has disappeared? One little offhand remark about moving a few thousand troops was all it took.

No evidence? Now you're beyond're just plain dishonest. Bush has shown plenty of evidence. You just choose to blindly ignore it. Yes, that is your right.

In your own words...who are we to tell a bloodthirsty murderer he has to resign? Are you always such a moron? Shouldn't someone?

You want to talk media coverage? Promise all of us that you'll come back after the liberation and we hear from Iraqis firsthand of all of Saddam's atrocities. In the meantime, go hear to listen to one of yor cousins discuss the subject with an Iraqi exile:;=x3503&Layout;=KVI.xsl&AdGroupID;=x3248

Posted by: Robert at March 18, 2003 05:54 PM

>>"Well you heard it here first, American style democracy is not a one size fits all concept. It requires, for one thing, a stable economy. It also requires as a corollary, a working class. A person who's main thought for each day is getting food for his kid's belly doesn't give a rat's arse about the nuances between one party and another."

No Bigger lie has ever been told... it's mind boggleing how people will resist the truth sometimes. It almost sounds like a Noam Chompsky pinko commmie quote... Good grief dude. It is this kind of idoicy that we really are at war against... and you missed it "lock stock and barrel"....

THERE IS ONLY ONE SIZE OF FREEDOM. and all it "requires" is that someone be left alone with no government interference. Go back and read the Constitution. It has a novel concept called.. "inalienable rights"... "life, liberty, and the persuit of happiness."

Freedom IS what creates these "required" things. NOTHING else can or will. It's this constrictive insanity that keeps the minorities in the ghettos and third world nations groveling. Freedom is the one thing that despots, druglords, pimps, (and Democrats) can't allow the "ignorant" masses to have. It destorys their power base. (and taxation remember)

and as you spew this cuastic "anti-American" Leftist rhetoric, (Bush hateing political BS) which is what it really is... men are dying so you can. Where did you go to school anyway?

Do you want to preserve Saddam's freedom... in the name of non-intervention... or are we interested in giveing the people of Iraq a chance at it.
I say hell ya !! lets go and "impose" some of this American Style freedom on them.. for a 10,000 year change. Americans, Arabs, and Jews alike (what the hell?.. even the French too)... Give peace real a chance !

Posted by: Phrog Poet at March 18, 2003 06:28 PM

GreyHawk.....I think I Love you... your great.. you have a way with words..keep up the great posts!!!

Posted by: AnGeL Thoughtz at March 18, 2003 06:56 PM

A new reader here. I just went to the link posted by Robert above, and what an amazing sound clip! Go to the link he posted and then click on the "click here" near the bottom of the page.

You will be listening to an Iraqi citizen exiled here in the US try to talk some sense into an ultraliberal peacenik. Amazing!!

Posted by: Oswyn at March 18, 2003 07:15 PM

How can Puffy rap when he's so sad? Can someone send him a prozac?

Posted by: Pooke at March 18, 2003 07:48 PM

You go, Greyhawk.

...The U.S. is just entering "Aggressive Negotiations"- (star wars.....sorry, i couldn't help myself.)

Some of you need to remember that there is no right or wrong answer for the Iraq crisis. They can be mis-informed or just not informed at all, and at that point is ridiculous to formulate an opinion, but people do anyway.

So, just don't flame people for being Pro-War or Anti- War, we aren't little kids anymore. Now, if you don't agree, or if they are basing their opinion on out-dated or wrong information, you can "enlighten" them on your opinion/ the facts without degrading yourselves to insulting people.

To quote some lady in a movie somewhere (i'm old, forgive me) - "didn't (slap) your mama (slap) ever (slap) teach you (slap) any (slap) manners!?! (slap slap slap)"

Posted by: Gi-Gi at March 18, 2003 09:31 PM

The new single "Ashamed and Saddened" has met with some technical difficluties...

"Our message is definate," said Daschle(D), "we are clearly in the center of the issue, whatever it is, at the moment"

The Berkley scientific deptartment is teamed up with some French scientist working feverishly to develop a new technolgy that allows for the CD to played from the middle... "It just simply won't do in the current world political environment to play it from either side." said thier spokesperson. "In the interest of time, we may have to make a different version for each side. That way people can just play the one they like best."

I am saddened, saddened and dissapointed. It will be a shame if they can get it figured out by the time the Dippsy Chticks are forgiven.

Posted by: Phrog Poet at March 18, 2003 10:36 PM



Tom, good work as always but a little bit over the top. Tone it down a few notches or suspicions may be aroused. You need to maintain some credibility in order to achieve maximum outrage with your big "Let's surrender to North Korea" speech.

Try to stick to medium-level blather until we have further instructions. Recommended hissy fits in the meanwhile:

Bush tax cut will leave government with only 10 trillion dollars to spend annually, threatening wasteful spending nationwide.

Nation should strive to be more like France.

New York Times has a right-wing Republican bias.

Military conflicts in future will not require air power; USAF should be disbanded.

Rush Limbaugh is stalking you.


- KR

Posted by: Keith at March 18, 2003 11:06 PM

DoH Doh Wow - wow

Posted by: um de at March 18, 2003 11:37 PM

Wow! Hey! Robert AND Phrog Poet. Great job!!! Keep it comin, babies - and I do mean babies. Is that all you got?

No, I'm not always such a moron. I just had to drop it down a few pegs intellectually to engage in dialog with the likes of you, Robert.

Gosh, so many things to reply to. Where to start. Is it even worth it? (Doubtful. You're probably still looking up the word "nuance").

What evidence? Forged documents? Hollowed aluminum tubes capable of more than one usage? Family portraits of Saddam and Bin Laden arm in arm. Just like your pal, the Phrog-meister, you only read what suits your purpose, which is to thump the drum of War (very, very far away from the battlefield). Oh wait, but I'm the one ignoring reality here.

Why don't you wake up and admit that one reason we (US), lead by 49.9% Bushie, are flexing the military muscle is because, well frankly, who's to stop US? Unlike NoKor, which is protected by those pesky Chinese, Iraq has no benefactor with real military capability. Oh, and speaking of your valiant SecDef, I just loved Rummy's answer to the the Vietnam question: "Serving in the military wasn't a priority at that time. Sounds a lot like Clinton to me. He's sure brave enough to send other people's loved ones off to die though, isn't he. Yeah. He and George (Texas Nat. Guard) Bush. Real stones on those guys. Almost as brave as you and your keyboard.

Oh, Phrogger. Phrogger, Phrogger, Phrogger. Let's see. I went to under grad at ***, and ### Law School. That's where I learned to spell words like "giv(e)ing", hat(e)ing", and "caustic". Its also where I learned a few things about evidence and burden of proof, neither of which can be found in adequate supply in any of the presentations given by George (Let's Be Humble") Bushie and his Oiligarchy. I'll tell you what evidence I have seen, though. I've seen Halliburton and subsidiaries receive lucrative gov't. contracts to rebuild a post-Bush iraq. I've seen this whole issue be manipulated in order to advance Big Oil's dream of finally drilling that North Slope to within one vote of passage. I've seen, oh well who cares. Its impossible to reason with your kind of "logic" anyway.

And what's so Anti-American about my "cuastic" (sic) rhetoric? That I insist on thinking for myself? That I disagree with you?? That I hope our troops are safe???? That I can't help but notice apparent conflicts of interest (oil/Israel)in our, yes I said OUR Administration as they are in France and Russia? That I'm a little concerned that 1 billion Islamic fanatics are going to be whipping themselves into an (oops) Anti-American fervor when they see the "unbiased" Al Jazeera coverage? Who's gonna protect US from the wave of suicide bombers? Ewe? Hah.

Both of you. Of all the unmitigated gall. You have the nerve to chastize me for exercising my right to free speech and thought. You arrogant boobs. My relatives fought and died in just as many wars as yours did, bub. And they died so EVERYONE could have an opinion. Not just people like you who wrap themselves up in the flag whenever you hear a brass band. I had a draft number in the early 70s and was making my plans to do my duty to go abroad when the war ended. One of my best buddies lost an eye in that war. Another still suffers from the effects of Agent Orange. My grandpa spent his last 30 plus years in bed from swallowing mustard gas in WWI. I sat up with him and watched him gasp for every breath till the day he died. So don't lecture me about patriotism, jerkoff. Frankly, you are cowards. You hide behind that flag and the security of prevailing opinion and the honored glory of soldiers... Ah, what would you know about it.

And call me dishonest? Listen boy, I was born and raised in Texas (El Paso. My daddy flew B-52s for a living). You don't want to call a Texan a liar. At least not to his face. I wish I could spit right in your eye. I know about evidence. I know about burdens of proof. How many cases have you ever tried, mister? It ain't there. Not yet.

And don't label me as a liberal, freaking Democrat. You don't even know me. I voted for Reagan twice, and I believe Nixon was a great President.

God save us from the day when one can only speak what 50=plus percent of us believe.

Chew on that, fascist scum. How do you like labels now? "Hell ya!"

Anytime, anywhere,


Posted by: yaksun at March 19, 2003 12:21 AM

I am shocked, saddened, ashamed, upset, embarrassed, flabbergasted, horrified, and deeply, deeply concerned about the comments made by Senator Daschle.

Posted by: Sick of Stupid People at March 19, 2003 12:49 AM

I just laugh my @$$ off when we (Americans) claim that France owes us for WW1 & WW2, but then also acknowlege that we owe them for the Revolution.

We owe France for their Revolutionary aid because the French hate the British and the British hate the French. They're silly rivalry has been going on for centuries!

So, here's my left field theory du jour: When Blair and Bush are shoulder to shoulder it can only irk the French. Each, secretly, wants us to choose one or the other. So, I think the French cantankerousness is less due to a suspicion of American authoritarianism as it is to an Anglo-American unity.

It's still the language barrier, people!!!!!!!

(that may seem far-fetched, but I think gutteral impulse is strongest when we're most wallowed in brain wringing.)

Posted by: Tuning Spork at March 19, 2003 01:18 AM

here i am at the bottom of the heap again.

anyway. Some head pointed out sometime this morning(PST)that Dashle blames GWB's failure of diplomacy for bringing us to the brink of war, but the talking head pointed out that if Bush had succeeded in diplomacy we would have been at......the brink of war. So what is Dashle really complaining about? GWB has this guy twisted like a pretzel. And when the dust settles on Dashle's career he'll take his seat next to Ann Richards and Al Gore on the loser's bench. IS NEXT........John (oy vey I used to be Irish)Kerry.

Posted by: wizegoi at March 19, 2003 01:39 AM

well yokum,

Just because you can spell doesn't mean you can logic your way out of a paper sack. And please, dont claim to be a lawyer and expect that to impress me either. Everyone knows you dont have to be right to win a lawsuit.

I never professed to be "educated"... so I admit to the poets curse... the muse gives me words that I can't spell.. bfd. Lib's always seem to 'gasm over spelling punctuation and sintax... i'm an idea person.. and your idea sucked really bad.. imho. I don't care where you got it.

And just cuz your dad was a war hero, doesn't mean you got it together... I don't have a contest with you..OK? just that BS idea about people not being able to handle freedom without your help.. I'm sorry for the mis-understanding but thats a very Leftist concept... since the opponents of Washington and Jefferson. Duels were fought over it..Constitutions were written becuase of it. A bill of rights was adopted to refute it, and it is right and wrong issue. Lives were lost to establish it as the foundation of our great nation... you are are just plain damn wrong this time.. even if i spell and punctuate it rong.

...and this is not the first war fought for freedom, its an ongoing battle. So save your spit and bluster for the enemy... I aint it. If it gets you all pissed off... wonder why? It's probably becuase you are wrong and you know it. That's a typical Democrat reaction too.

If you really are conservative.. why don't you just leave US a few clues. I don't care a damn bit about the percentages. I wouldn't change my mind about this if I was the only person in the US who thought it. Fortunately for all of us.. I aint.

Humble apologies.. for any misunderstandings (including the spelling)... but in your face ... on principle. Truth is a very stubborn thing.

Posted by: Phrog Poet at March 19, 2003 02:36 AM

>>That I can't help but notice apparent conflicts of interest (oil/Israel)in our, yes I said OUR Administration as they are in France and Russia? That I'm a little concerned that 1 billion Islamic fanatics are going to be whipping themselves into an (oops) Anti-American fervor when they see the "unbiased" Al Jazeera coverage?

Just for the record.. I think you are right on about this... If America has a fault here it is her pride. That worries me too. I would like to believe that there is no conspiracy and no ulterior motives and no complicity... but I am also afraid that's a bit naive of us. But when we get taken down a notch or two for this it won't be the Arabs... we are going to know who's weilding the hand of judgement when that day comes. Isreal is the one in harms way on that score.

No proof to cite for you though sorry. Hide and watch I guess.

Posted by: Phrog Poet at March 19, 2003 02:50 AM

I believe Nixon was a great President.
Posted by: yaksun on March 19, 2003 12:21 AM
Thank You for saying that, President Nixon saved My life, it is very rare to hear a good word about him, yes I do remember the draft lottery
hey these guys are ok just got to get used to em
its not should see what they do to this French guy..

Posted by: 1969 at March 19, 2003 02:59 AM

I was on the Stanford Daily editorial board during the Vietnam War. Our standard line was "shocked and dismayed."

I'm surprised nobody's written lyrics for "Ashamed and Saddened." Here's a start:

I've gone through the desert on a mission of blame,
And it's left me dry and burning with shame,
Cause Bush is a Texan and I am the same.
Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no.
Oh, no, no, come to my show.
I'm a true patriot, but feeling so sad
Cause our president is awfully bad
Look how he made those poor Frenchies mad
Oh, oh, no, no, no, no.
George Bush has just got to go.

Or perhaps a take-off on Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered.

Posted by: Joanne Jacobs at March 19, 2003 03:04 AM

It may help folks remembering the 2000 elections to also remember the 2002 elections - a "first" - the seated President gained congressional support. The electorate was a little more awake for that one. The dems in post-mortem decided thay "didn't get their message out." I think they did, loud and clear. Anyway, I've posted my thoughts on Bush vs Gore re 911 elsewhere here. I'll repost on my blog. (This is not a plug for my Blog...just don't care to fill Mr Otts space.)

Posted by: greyhawk at March 19, 2003 04:46 AM

Wish I had a nickle for every spellin' or grammar error I've committedd here on ScrappleFace. Some are because school was a long time ago, I now rely on spell checkers, (but not here), mental blocks, etc. etc. Some are typos. In this post some are on porpose.
You may want to save your words for addressing what people are saying, not how they are saying it. You sound uncivilized, distract from your (possible) real valid points, and in debate may turn the fence-sitters against you. Too, you run the risk of reducing lively (or heated) debate into pointless bashing, one-up-manship, etc.
In this forum, that's fairly harmless, but on a Global scale, it's one of the reasons we're going to war.
A logical leap, but think about it.

Posted by: greyhawk at March 19, 2003 05:02 AM

I appreciate your post. I offer you a virtual handshake. I wish I could discuss the world today in person with people like you. Your perspective is welcome.
One aspect of American culture everyone would do well to understand - It's Mom.
For the Big guys in uniform, it's Mom.
For the Moms in uniform, it's Mom.
If the world wants to laugh at our big guys in uniform who love their Moms, then that is the worlds mistake.
Don't say I didn't warn you.
I love you Mom.

Posted by: greyhawk at March 19, 2003 05:13 AM ...idiot. So you wanna get into a ...contest about family trees? Well, let's go. My dad was shot down in a B-17, spent 18 months in a German POW camp, and was part of the Stalag Lift IV "Death March" What's your...point? My dad would say that your own grandad would whip you ...if was alive today and knew that you would believe Saddam Hussein over Colin Powell.

You're another of these idiots who believe that anything Bush is for must be wrong for no other reason. Sounds like you've got a great family tree...but every family has its share of losers.

Posted by: Robert at March 19, 2003 06:24 AM


I appreciate your position and your beliefs, but I agree, I think your rhetoric is more anti-Bush than anti-war.

Born and raised in El Paso? Could you please tell me where the B-52s were stationed there? Not saying they weren't but as an Air Force verteran of 22 years, I guess I just never saw them there.

Law School and trials. Did you really go to law school? If so, which one? And if you did, you probably realize that the vast majority of law school graduates never see a courtroom. What exactly do you now about evidence and the burden of proof. What standard are you using and which one actually applies here. Come on, give me your legal analysis. Is it "beyond a reasonable doubt" and can you tell me when that standard applies and why it applies here. Or is it a "preponderence of the evidence" standard? Also, aren't there presumtions here based on all of the resolutions and the armistace agreement signed in 1991. In fact, in a civil context, don't Saddam's actions since 1991 violate the armistace agreement, thereby making that "contract" null and void and placing us back in the popition we were in prior to the armistace being signed? If thats the case, wasn't the "position we were in" one of wartime (we were actually in combat then).

As an attorney who graduated from Georgetown University Law Center (I am not ashamed to tell you the name of my law school) and one who practices criminal law, many years as a prosecutor, as well as a national speaker on legal topics, I am always interested to hear differing points of view on legal analyses.

If you are as intelligent as you claim, and if your daddy was truly a B52 pilot (and I have no reason to doubt that) than the one thing you would know (which I am sure you do) is that there are levels of classified information that due to the potential damage to national secuirty or to the sources of that information will never be made public. Comments from Senators and Congressman that Bush isn't showing us the evidence are intellectually dishonest, because one, they've seen the evidence, and 2, they know it can't be revealed.

By the way, not only did I serve 22 years in the Air Force and retired from the position as the Liaison to the Director, National Security Agency for my agency, my son also served in the Air Force, trained and became an Air Force C-130 pilot, and died serving his country. He made the ultimate sacrifice. To say Bush avoided Viet Nam because he was in the Guard, give me a break, many Guard Units and Reserve Untis went to Viet Nam, it wasn't Bush's choice that his unit didn't. He was by the way a fighter pilot, and if your daddy was a B52 pilot Yaksun, then you of all people should know that morons don't make it through pilot training.

Please excuse any typos as I have fat fingers and no spell check.

Posted by: Darth Chef at March 19, 2003 07:32 AM

You singled me out. I have responded to you on my own blog. This is not a plug for my pathetic little site, I posted there due to the length of our now combined posts. Anybody cares to read it just click my name below. If not, don't. Ain't America great?

I've sent you an e-mail.

Posted by: greyhawk at March 19, 2003 08:06 AM

In the second Bush administration a core of ideologues are promoting a doctrine of unabashed American empire.

Posted by: John Smith at March 19, 2003 08:37 AM

To Yaksun

From CIA reports:

In 1979 "the largest covert operation in the history of the CIA" was launched in response to the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan.

With the active encouragement of the CIA and Pakistan's ISI [Inter Services Intelligence], who wanted to turn the Afghan jihad into a GLOBAL WAR waged by all Muslim states against the Soviet Union, some 35,000 Muslim RADICALS from 40 Islamic countries joined Afghanistan's fight between 1982 and 1992.

Tens of thousands more came to study in Pakistani madrasahs.

Eventually more than 100,000 foreign Muslim radicals were directly influenced by the Afghan jihad.

Motivated by nationalism and religious fervor, the Islamic warriors were unaware that they were fighting the Soviet Army on behalf of Uncle Sam.

Posted by: Frenchman at March 19, 2003 08:39 AM

John Smith, you still do not quote your source. Nice of you to reduce the ammount of garbage you launch on this site though. You must be an environmentalist. (That means someone who's mental about the environment, John. And you can look it up in a your daddy's dictionary.)

Posted by: greyhawk at March 19, 2003 08:56 AM

DARTH CHEF and GREYHAWK - now i have a crush on both of your brains!

Yaksun - the biggest reason anti-"war" protesters are having such a hard time is that their hidden agenda isn't so hidden. Y'all are just too too transparent and your attempts to talk about all the reasons you fear war are disingenuous at best. The celebrities who have spearheaded your "protest" movement haven't helped your cause either because
1 -the average American citizen resents the access to broadcast (unfair advantage - didn't help though)and
2 -resents an "entertainer" presuming to act like a foreign policy expert with access to intelligence briefings and
3 - mostly because they only ever "protested" Bush and we never saw ONE SINGLE SIGN aimed at Saddam and his atrocities.

Therefore your "protests" had no credibility and that's why we can't respect your views. If we felt you really cared about war (i don't say v. peace because in this case, that's not an option - as any one-eyed imbecile could see) we'd consider the weight of your arguments etc.. or at least respect the difference of opinion.
As it is, after 9/11 and on the eve of terrible conflict - we just don't have the time or energy to re-live the 2000 election with you.

I swear that is the truth. Can I get a poll here?

Posted by: AHA at March 19, 2003 08:58 AM

what's a blog?

Fairly New on this Site

Posted by: AHA at March 19, 2003 09:07 AM

After much searching, I found out where John got that! He got it here!
I feel so smart.

Posted by: Paul C. Tindall at March 19, 2003 09:07 AM

You rock. Hve always enjoyed your posts. Keep posting.

A Blog is a Web log (we"blog"- see basically an online spot where you can post what you want. Several excellent ones are listed in the column to the right>

Note your broadcast access comment? Blogs are how real people go public.

Posted by: greyhawk at March 19, 2003 09:26 AM

greyhawk - a place where I can rant and ... rant?


Posted by: AHA at March 19, 2003 09:36 AM

Greyhawk - got it, thanks, sent one back.

Frenchman- live today, not last century man.

Yaksun - are you there to answer my questions??

Posted by: Darth Chef at March 19, 2003 11:08 AM

To Darth Chef

2003-1979= 24 years

The time necessary to indoctrinate a fanatic.

Posted by: Frenchman at March 19, 2003 11:28 AM

al Quaeda link?
I don't need no stinking al Qaueda link!

Read the text of UN Security Council res. 687, 688, and 1441. All the justification we need, voted on and approved by the United (sort of) Nations.

Now we can kick some butt and get back to what is really important: college basketball!

p.s. Dear Democrats,
Please stop whining about the "popular vote." Read a little political science and learn to understand the Electoral College. This is what ensures that a few highly populated states do not determine the elctions, but rather the election is determined by the country as a whole.

re: Butterfly ballots
If you can't punch a hole in a pre-perforated (sp?) sheet of paper, then you are too stupid and/or inept to be allowed to vote.

Yakson! I may not agree with what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.

Come on guys, debate (even peppered with Bronx cheers) is about hearing both sides.

And I still say the world would be a better place id I were in charge.

"It's good to be the king."

Posted by: Gorn! at March 19, 2003 11:47 AM


3/20/03 - 3/21/03 = 2 days, time to eliminate a fanatic


Posted by: Darth Chef at March 19, 2003 11:56 AM

I wouldn't have believed it if I didn't see it myself, but apparently Dominique (who is a man) de Villepin is in the chorus!

Posted by: Pooke at March 19, 2003 12:29 PM

Good day. I'm back, and cooled off. So I would like to say a couple of things.

I would die if need be to protect the right of any of you to disagree with my opinions or beliefs. I welcome it. I rejoice in it. Rigorous debate usually lead to the truth, which is valuable beyond measure. Feel free to call me the most miserable, short-sighted, ignorant, idiotic, laughable sob you ever encountered - and I may well be. But I'm willing to learn. Just don't call me dishonest.

John Marshall Law School, Chicago, and proud of it. I don't want some loony tracking me down because I had the temerity to speak an unpopular opinion on a really great site. Civil and criminal cases, mainly specializing in family law (contested child custody). Now, tax law. (Take your pick, Darth. I don't even see a preponderance of evidence here to support his stated reasons for going to war. And since when is there a legal presumption in favor of war? The only war we're still in is over in Korea.) Edwards AFB, El Paso, Tx, followed by Albany, Ga., London, England, Chanute AFB, Rantoul, Il, etc... Lawyering is just a job to me, sir, so this is not about matching resumes with you. However, in choosing to go before the UN, the Bush Administration tried to make a case to persuade other nations of his right to wage aggressive war against a nation which has not attacked US. (Personally, I would not have gone that route, assuming the existence of proper justification.) In assessing the situation as an attorney, which I habitually do, I believe he failed. You are of course free to disagree. I won't think you a traitor to the nation.

If there are other valid reasons or there exists better proof of his stated reasons which justify the huge risk that US pretty much alone is going to catch hell for, and which cannot be disclosed for reasons of national security, then I wish he would say just that. Colin Powell alluded to it in passing. However Bush has not, to my recollection. Absent that, then to me what we are seeing is a great leap of faith - or, to use legal jargon, a bloody fishing expedition. And that's giving him the benefit of the doubt about the oil/Israel conflict of interest. The start of a war does not mean check your brains at the door.

AHA, you don't know me. Therefore, please don't lump me in with any crowd that is influenced by what some vacuous celebrity has to say. The opinions I express are all my own, thanks very much. And who said I am anti-war? I absolutely believe war is justified under certain circumstances. I just think there ought to be a good reason, that's all. Like the friends I mentioned in my last post, many of us thought Vietnam was the right thing to do at the time. Now, looking back, what a waste. Time and facts can change one's perspective.

You appear to be right. Bush seems to have ruled out any peaceful solution to the POSSIBLE future threat posed by mighty Iraq. It makes his decision to "sit it out" while NoKor PRESENTLY busies itself building nukes and lobbing misslies a bit hard to fathom though. One point I'd like to make is that Kim "Ill" Jong seems to be the one crying out for the personal attention of our military at the present time, not Saddam. (Perhaps if they struck oil there...).

Do I fear war? Yeah, a little. Am I repulsed by the effects of war? You bet. Do I want my family, or yours, to be bombed, gassed, shot, irradiated, etc., in retribution for this adventure by some Islamic lunatic? I think not. Neither do the people in France and Russia and Germany and Canada and so on down the line.

Greyhawk: Your site is cool. You needn't be bashful about promoting it. I have no beef with you. Initially, I was trying to play Devil's advocate for the sake of a lively discussion like before. It amuses me to see how some people (not you) cry "kick ass" when someone else is doing the kicking for them. As for your remarks, I can't find anything meriting serious disagreement. I think you are wise. And your one post above was absolutely eloquent.

Robert: As far as family trees go, I was merely trying to illustrate that not everyone who is cautious about getting involved in a shooting war is a yellow, Commie-pinko, rat bas**** uh, fink. Likewise, I suppose you are not really a neo-fascist scum whose only personal experience with war and killing comes from watching tv and playing video games. Otherwise, I will not further dignify your remarks by responding to them point by point.

Phrog-man: The spelling crack was a cheap shot. Please accept my heartfelt apology. (I sprinkle commas as from a salt-shaker.) Actually, you reaped some of the anger I was feeling about being called "dishonest". Not fair at all, but it serves to illustrate a point. There are (truly there are, just ask Sputnikx, from a different thread on this site) people who resent what seems to be US lashing out at Iraq for what happened on 9/11 without any apparent connection. Again, please accept my apologies for acting like a pompous a**. I hope you will forgive me.

Colin Powell is an American hero. It is mainly my faith in his belief that this is the right thing to do that I am not out marching in the streets against this push for war, now, with Iraq. He alone in the Administration has the credibility to favor sending our men and women off to fight and maybe die starting perhaps tonight in Iraq. Heaven knows, we're all likely to pay for it.


Posted by: yaksun at March 19, 2003 01:28 PM

Yaksun, who was at Edwards and when?

Posted by: Darth Chef at March 19, 2003 01:41 PM

Now, for the sake of levity:

As far as I know, no one else can take credit for this. If I'm wrong sue me. If I'm right, I want ALL the credit!

"Could one say that Bush has an acute case of 'Iraq-nophobia'?"

C'mon, laugh. Its a joke. ;-)


Posted by: yaksun at March 19, 2003 01:45 PM

Darth: Excuse. I meant to say Ft. Bliss. Edwards is in Ca. Are you stalking me? Can we exchange phne numbers?


Posted by: yaksun at March 19, 2003 01:53 PM


Just uno pequino point about Noko- we are at the beginning of the confrontation with them, whereas we are at the end with Iraq. I don't think we are sitting out, but it's true that other nations have a role to play. Uno mas - I don't think we should engaged in cookie-cutter diplomacy.

Posted by: Pooke at March 19, 2003 02:00 PM

No, my parents live near edwards. But you have listed both army and air force bases which doesn't make me want to believe you, and beleive me I do. So were you in the military yourself?? Or was it just your dad who flew B52s from bases that didn't have them? That's what you listed anyway.

You can see my predicament. I want to believe you, really I do, but most of my time in the Air Force was in Investigations/Intelligence (AFOSI) so I have to take everything said with a grain of salt. I did fly as an Instructor Loadmaster on C-141 for about 5 years.

This next comment isn't about yo Yaksun, but don't you just hate those guys who, in order to support their arguments makes up some type of non-existent experience/history? We see them on BBSs all the time. ususally they are 14 year old boys who want to sound like adults.

Keep the faith brother.

Posted by: Darth Chef at March 19, 2003 02:09 PM

What's your friggin' point?????????

Posted by: Justin at March 19, 2003 02:11 PM

Darth, baby, what was I saying about some loony trying to track me down? Do you really think I would knowingly reveal anything that would assist you? Ewwwwww. You're creepy. Believe that.


Posted by: yaksun at March 19, 2003 02:17 PM

that was a funny little parody I will give you that. you could always email darth and tell him if you really went to law school... just a suggestion since it would seem that you are dodging the question..

Posted by: Justin at March 19, 2003 02:26 PM

Darth, I had no idea you've been stalking Scrapplers all this time. Have you been pinging their IP addresses to track them down again? I'm telling Scott.

Posted by: Pooke at March 19, 2003 02:31 PM

Yaksun: you played devil's advocate and you got...the devil! Why, then, did you get so angry at the reaction you received? Your last post was most eloquent and articulate. I do have to say, previously the battle of the posts did seem to degenerate into the Battle of the D***s. I will admit, I am rather sensitive to that which I perceive to be thinly veiled Bush-bashing versus true ethical and conscientious dissent. Was I over-sensitive? Did I jump to conclusions? Misjudge you? I'll reserve judgement on that and say only this for now;

"Don't pee on my leg and tell me it's raining."

Posted by: AHA at March 19, 2003 02:34 PM

AHA: I want to believe in him. I really do. We need a real leader. It could be him. I hope it is. Take my word, after 9/11, I was thanking God above Bush was President rather than any of the current Democratic stable of pretenders.


Posted by: yaksun at March 19, 2003 02:50 PM

Barksdale Air Force Base, Sep 11, 2001. The President of the US addresses a shocked world. On the runway, wingtip to wingtip, the B52 fleet sits, fueled and loaded. Think about it. The first thing he saw when he got there and the last when he left, firepower the likes of which few can imagine, and his finger on the "trigger". The images of the fallen towers, a smoking hole in the Pentagon, and a crater in Pennsylvania fresh in everyone's mind. Shock and quiet rage prevail nationwide. Restraint? You better believe it, and thank God (and I mean it, thank God) the right man was in charge. Rush to war? Not then, not now, not ever. Let's roll.

But now...what's that distant rumble I hear...thunder?

Posted by: greyhawk at March 19, 2003 02:58 PM

Yaksun, if I wanted to find you its really rather easy. I have found many before, You are not ananymous. I was just trying verify the accuracy of the information you presented. Not knowing whether you were at Edwards AFB, or Ft Bliss (yes they are both in the desert) tells me you are just making all of it up. You sir, are the wizrd of oz, don't look behind the curtain cause everything you say to bolster your arguments are falsehoods.

I tried to beleive you I really did. But thats ok, I still appreciate and respect your opinion. By the way, when is it exactly that you will die for my rights? I hear people say it, but its usually because they know they won't have to. My son said it, lived it, and died believing it.

Posted by: Darth Chef at March 19, 2003 03:03 PM

Darth: You keep proving my point. Thanks. "I've found many before." Ooooh. Positively ominous. Let that be a lesson to everyone. Don't mess with the Darth Side of the Force. Now, why don't you threaten me via email so we can make a real issue of it?


Posted by: yaksun at March 19, 2003 03:13 PM

Just wanted to share some humor.

Five presidents are on a plane: George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Jefferson, George W. Bush, and Bill Clinton.

George Washington says, "I will make someone happy!" and throws a dollar bill off the plane.

Then Abraham Lincoln says, "I will make five people happy!" and throws 5 one dollar bills off the plane.

Then Thomas Jefferson says, "I will make 500 people happy!" and throws 500 one dollar bills off the plane.

Then George W. Bush says, "I will make the whole world happy!" and throws Bill Clinton off the plane.

OK! OK! Juvenile schmuvenile....

retreating from the lists for now.

Posted by: AHA at March 19, 2003 03:36 PM

To Yaksun, You said to other people, "You don't know me----", but you talk too much, because after reading your rhetoric, I KNOW at least two things about you~! You're an attorney, and more than 99% of them, worship the all mighty dollar, and are SCUM! The second thing is, you are an african- american! Sorry, there are three things, the third is YOU are a BIGOT! You really should rethink running your mouth so much as, you tell WAY more than you think you do! Oh what the hell, four, you have a giant pridefull ego, Five, you are a liar, etc.-------Please get your own blog, and stop taking up space here!

Posted by: Mary at March 19, 2003 03:45 PM

Okay, Greyhawk is going to work now. Can't post for a while but will be watching. Bummer I have to work tonight, with all the things going on here and in the world. But the company I work for, the worlds largest manufacturer of Pink Mist, has a very large rush order to fill.
(A sick little joke just for you Darth...)

Posted by: greyhawk at March 19, 2003 04:00 PM

Yaksun, where in the hell do you get that I am threatening you?? You are so caught up in your own little fanatasy world its amazing. What one thing did I say that indicated a threat? Can anyone else here tell me??

The only thing I've done since your posts was try verify the information you are providing. You claim alot of stuff, but the facts you use to make these claims don't back you up. :my daddy flew B-52" I asked what bases, as you said you grew up in El Paso. Being a career Air Force Officer (some enlisted time that I am very proud of as well) I knew we din't base B-52's in El Paso. You then listed other bases, a mixture of army, air force, and who know what else, whcih also never had a B52. Chanute was a traing (ATC) base. You claim to be a lawyer, that practices primarily family law, oh yeah "contested" cases. No civil or domestic law attorneys want to focus on trials, as they take up too much time and the money is not there, unles you only handle rich clients, let alone specifically say "contested" ones. Even as a prosecutor most of my cases pled out, and bad guys went to jail, because the defense attorney's didn't want to try cases that were pretty slam dunk. I tried alot of cases, but I also handled over 100 cases at a time (meaning assigned, it took several months to bring each one to court).

But instead of answering the questions, you play this "oh my he's stalking me" crap. I have alot better things to do than stalk a loser like you, for example, taking a dump.

Get over yourself. Make your point, be truthful and stop trying to bolster your arguments with false credibility. Your points frankly are good and valid on their own, not that I agree with them.

Posted by: Darth Chef at March 19, 2003 04:16 PM

Darth Chef... isn't Chanute in ND?

Posted by: AHA at March 19, 2003 04:37 PM

no problem yaksun, like i said.. i'm not the enemy.

"Just becuase I am paranoid doesn't mean they are not out to get me."

I liked Nixon too btw.. because he got me a five month "early out" by reducing the forces in Germany in 1972. (Drafted Army 1970)

"Soldiers who wanna be hero's
Number practically zero,
But there are millions,
Who wanna be civilians."

But you go guys... If I was there with you now... it would be 100% you can beleive that. Come home safe!

The best i can do for now though is Scrapple for you with these Pinko, leftist, liberal, democrat, wussy, Frenchfry, anti-americans.

Civilization has come a long ways though.. just a few thousand years ago.. we would have been expecting you to come home with a few foreskins on your spears.

Posted by: Phrog Poet at March 19, 2003 07:06 PM

As the hour approaches let us all have a moment and pray to whomever you pray to and ask this to be a brief and decisive war. Let them be victorious and return home to us safely and that the Iraqis will enjoy their first years of freedom in a very long time.

Signing off for the night, hope all goes well and we shall see what the next 24 hours brings.

Posted by: Justin at March 19, 2003 07:42 PM


Dont you understand ?
We " AMERICA " are taking over now

your commrade Bin Ladens plan has failed
this is the consequence of your own doing

We " AMERICA " shall be in every corner of the world you asked for this now you

and there aint a d--- thing you our your commrade Bin Laden are going to do about it


To all of you would be and wanna be terrorist

There are no caves deep enough
There are no mountains high enough
We will find you
and destroy you

Posted by: TIME IS UP at March 19, 2003 08:09 PM

M'seur le Frenchman: Of course we rebuilt Germany and Japan to be prosperous trading partners. Should we have kept them prostrate as a constant reminder of their warlike past? The point that you miss, mon ami, is the way that we rebuilt them. We did not install a tinpot dictator and a secret police force, rather, we instilled a sense of freedom and justice into democratically elected representative and parliamentary democracies. These did not become vassal states, they became world economic powers, and, eventually, competitors. Compare these success stories with the French handling of Viet Nam, Algeria, Equatorial Africa, and various and sundry other French adventures of the past century. There is very little similarity. I know that you will probably offer some deflecting commentary on this post and I eagerly await its arrival.

Posted by: Joseph at March 19, 2003 08:38 PM

Saddam Husein has stepped down and relinquished power. At the eleventh hour war has been avoided.

I'm very sorry that's not true, but now admit to yourself how you felt for just a second there.

Now you know whether you are pro-war or anti-war.

Gooooooooooooood morning Baghdad...

Posted by: greyhawk at March 19, 2003 09:57 PM

two things: I'm from Texas and I'll call you a liar. Second, El Paso is in another time zone both literally and figuratively from 95% of Texas. We all know that El Paso is closer to San Diego, California than it is to Houston. So we can see you already lean to the left. Lastly, stick to English cuz it's UN PEQUENO. What a pendejo.

Posted by: south texas ranchman at March 19, 2003 10:45 PM

Shut up. You don't know anything about the legal profession. You are just parroting what your equally ignorant associates have said.
OR you lost a lawsuit, and its just sour grapes.

I'm not going to say that there aren't some attorneys around that crawled out from under a rock. The same is true in any profession. But a majority of us are just regular hard-working folks who do their jobs.

Contingency fees? Yup. We're gambling our time and money, so we expect a return.
High hourly rates? Yup. Just like psychiatrists and plumbers. Why? We're all highly trained at difficult jobs. Additionally, a lot of the time we work on a case doesn't count as billable hours.

Posted by: Gorn! at March 20, 2003 09:34 AM

Gonrn, as a fellow attorney, thank you for standing up for the preofession. 99% of lawyers are not scum sucking bottom dwellers, but we have to admit that may 40% are. I don't work contigency or billable hours cases. I have been a proecutor since passing the bar. I may go in to criminal defense work one day (although I am trying to avoid that because I like being on the side of right). even if I did I would probably charge a flat fee, thats common here in Maryland.

But I do not begrudge you or those that can make the big bucks doing good work.

What Mary and many others don't see is that attorneys make no more than doctors and dentist. the reason they don't see it is because insurance pays the fees so they don't care. If there was lawyer insurance (what a concept) that in the event of a criminal charge or a tort you get free attorney services (after a deductable) than they wouldn't care about that either. Of course that would make the insurance companies rich, kill the legal profession as there would no longer be an argument for contingency fees (unless paid by the insurance carrier)resolve tort reform issues and therefore reduce medical care costs due to malpractice insurance.

Hey, if any of you try to use my idea I am going to copyright it today, just so you know. LOL

Posted by: Darth Chef at March 20, 2003 11:48 AM

Ha ha! You attorneys settle down! Why do lot's of people have a bad opinion about attorneys? For every court case someone is represented by an attorney and wins, and someone else is represented by an attorney and loses. Therefore you've gotta' remember that at least 50% of all people represented had a disfavorable experience. It's just a numbers thing guys and gals...

Posted by: zzebu at March 20, 2003 05:28 PM

It seems that I'm the only person who doesn't know this, but, what did the Dixie Chicks say?

Posted by: Megan at March 20, 2003 05:30 PM

Yes yes oh yes Allah be praised this is good to be here i am Ooglay and may soon need some attorney and may 1000 bessings be upon your houses i would never speak harshly curses upon you.

Posted by: Ooglay Hussein at March 20, 2003 05:57 PM

Megan - the Dixie Chix are on a tour of Europe. Last week they were in London playing a concert. Natalie Maines (the lead singer) said, between sets to the crowd, "Just so you know, I'm ashamed Bush is from Texas."
The outcry is mostly because she bashed the President to a foreign audience, although also because we are SICK of celebrities bashing the Prez as though they know anything about foreign policie or attend intelligence briefings....

Posted by: AHA at March 20, 2003 06:03 PM

I was an adjuster for work comp for many years. Let me tell you, almost all the lawyers, and I count my own, were quite the low-lifes. I dealt with doctors as much as I did attorneys, and let me tell you, my opinion of them is no better. Nor did I admire most of the "injured" workers. I always had a lot of respect for judges, until I dealt with them directly for 10 years. I found most of them just as stupid, corrupt or biased as the rest of the ooze. We'd give a videotape of a supposedly "permanently disabled" claimant doing things like pulling an engine out of a car... and the judge would say "oh, well, he/she just had a good day; doesn't mean he/she can ever work again." Honest to god, one of my investigators ran in a marathon with one of my claimants who was "permanently disabled". Even got her scores and marathon time from the marathon website on the net, and a videotape of her running 10k. One thing I learned, doctors are afraid to say there's nothing wrong with the claimant, even if every test under the sun (I know, because I authorized payment of each and every one)showed no injury because of fear of lawsuits... Glad i'm out of that arena....

Posted by: AHA at March 20, 2003 06:29 PM


Its called Pre-Paid Legal. I used to sell it. It's been around for 25 years now... only they slap your hands for calling it "insurance". But it does need to be expanded to cover more services. It has to only be good for "defense" though.. or it would really turn the legal system in a bigger ball of thrums than it already is.

Besides needing some more judges like Estrada.. the system needs to grind people (AND the LAWYER who helps them) who do "frivolous and vexatious" (Rule 13? or something) into pulp and spew them into the sewer where they belong... then your idea could work pretty good.

Posted by: Phrog Poet at March 20, 2003 06:40 PM

I agree, it is time to see some responsibility on all sides. These frivolous lawsuits need to go and we need to tell these lazy overweight people to go on a walk (and I don't mean to the local Mcdonalds). Once we get some responsibility everything will fall into place.

The Dr.'s that do damage need to be punished, but it seems like you could sue for whatever reason and that is killing communities. I live in Las Vegas and my wife and I got lucky to get an obstetrician before they stopped accepting patients city wide.

It is time to reform the insurance/legal/medical professions for the benefit of all.

Posted by: Justin at March 20, 2003 06:46 PM

And now here is Ooglay to be saying that I don't know dixie chicks but praise to the prophets Mr Tom Daschle is a good and honest man who keeps only his word to my glorious father (all hail mighty father may he father me 2000 brothers) while some others (chiraq you know who i mean) are not able to keep all promises!!!!

Posted by: Ooglay Hussein at March 20, 2003 07:23 PM

AHA and Justin you are on my list and you will tremble in fear when after this war is over !!

Posted by: Ooglay Hussein at March 20, 2003 07:25 PM

Good evening all. Sorry for the delay. I've been conferring with federal, state and local law enforcement authorities about matters of homeland security. I've also been busy trying to tell my kids how much safer they are now, but I don't know how convincing I was.

Now that I've thought about it a bit, I've decided it doesn't bother me to be called a liar after all. So feel free, if it pleases you to do so, and may I suggest "horse thief" as well.

I was seriously thinkiing about moving on with my little fantasy life until I re-read a previous post. Any website that features a person who says she can divine the color of my skin just from reading my words AND call ME a bigot in the same sentence is just too intriguing to give up on. And as for my own blog, well, I don't get much time between shifts at Taco Bell. Besides, nowhere are my talents and time more sorely needed at the present than right here. BTW, that poster is at least half right. I am an American.

South Texas Ranchman - As a factual matter (and I don't claim to know much about them), it was Pooke who used a different language in his message to me. But since you inquired, amigo, here's a message for you:

"Wo ye ai ni, xiao tu-zi."

And as a full-service poster, I will translate from Mandarin: "I love you too, little rabbit."

As for the law, I'm no expert (or so I'm told), but I have watched a couple of episodes of "The Practice". I truly feel bad for your anger, Mary, because it sounds like you must have had a terrible experience at some point with the legal profession. I'm guessing it was a domestic relations dispute, (not that I would know, but I hear things, you know). I think you should know that there are attorneys out there who donate their time helping people for free when they can't afford to pay. They (real lawyers) talk funny. They call it "pro bono publico". I think it means work for the public for free. Most decent law firms insist on it, and many jurisdictions require it. I hear tell there are a lot of stinkers, too. That's what comes from having too many lawyers and not enough quality work to go around. Result: Some lawyers look upon a client as a one-time thing and try to squeeze all the money out of them they can. (Makes me glad I'm a used-car salesman.)It could be that, like another poster rightly said, you got into a situation where one side "won". If that's the case, that means someone else "lost". If that was you, you have my sympathy. The adversarial nature of the system can yield some pretty rotten results sometimes, especially where children are concerned, or so I read somewhere. That's probably why, as someone above pointed out, its almost always better to try and work things out away from the courtroom. In any event, if it makes you feel better to vent at me, then please do. I understand.

My heart is too heavy to chide some of you for getting the war you sought. And I can't wish that it turns out to all you wanted and more, because that just means more death. I will say this: There is an expression among divorce trial lawyers, who come into my gas station from time to time. (I overhear them in the restroom). Its called "Dancing with the bear." As I understand it, from my years in the circus, it means that once you start dancing with a bear, you don't sit until the bear is ready to sit. I just can't get that phrase out of my head.

So ponder this when you tuck your kids into bed tonight: At what point do you think our troops, who HAVE gas masks, guns and chemical suits, will start praying for US?

God Bless the USA.


Posted by: yaksun at March 21, 2003 01:09 AM


Could one say that Bush has an acute case of 'Iraq-nophobia'?"

HA :) kudo's

ok now I will make you smile
2 division of the republican guard thats 20,000
have surrendered we " MAY " get through this with out any shooting

Posted by: jp at March 21, 2003 02:24 AM

Heard that in some cases Iraqis are surrendering but our trops are rolling on by, like no time, business elsewhere. I suppose we may be acused of war crimes for leaving them in our dust, but I still chuckle a little at the image...

Posted by: greyhawk at March 21, 2003 02:53 AM

Ran into an Acquaintance of yours on the "Original Weasels" post - Sputnikx- tell 'em i said hello if you see them again? seem like you have more then one personality to me. Hmmmm? Or just have a lot of personality? Extra...? ;)
And c'mon, man, no one here is bloodthirsty,.so far the violence is in the streets of Chi town and SF. The cops in those towns are in real danger because of these nut jobs who are (excepting their "leaders") too naive to know what they're doing. I truly hope they dont succeed in getting one of those kids killed to raise sympathy for their cause. Remember Bulldozer girl? No outpouring of sympathy, just a poor dead girl.
And quit forgetting that we were attacked, so this "we're not safer now" just doesn't really apply - there is no unit of measure for "safe".
And more terror as a result of Iraq? Maybe - but this is also not a valid argument against going in, because we could also have "more terror" as a result of doing nothing! Or as a result of famine in Africa, or a coup in South America, or unemployment in California, ad nauseum... but since this is the real world and we can't do things differently once they're done. We'll never really know (though the "told ya so's will happen)
what might have been. Realism, I suppose.
And next time when Mrs Greyhawk orders her burrito with no onions she better get it that way, okay?

Posted by: greyhawk at March 21, 2003 03:21 AM

...and... whatever you do ! Don't serve the coffee too hot.. that could cost your employer millions.

Read and re-read your "briefs" yaksun, looking for the "color" Mary saw... I thought i was just haveing a slow day.. couldn't find it... i'm releived I wasn't as dumb as I thought?

If you get limburger on your mustache the whole world smells like chitt.. (note that Frenchman)

Got my law "degree" watching the the Practice too. hee hee hee... Lib's though.. they always muddle thru, win lose or draw.. but never solve anything... real life is just tooooo complicated.

I agree with greyhawk... its big fat lie.. and the left knows it.. that the pro-war people want fireworks and carnage... aint so. You guys who think that; just don't know military strategy. No self-respecting Officer (or Commader in Chief) would ever, ever, ever, put his men in harms way if there was a way to accomplish the mission without risk. Diplomacy was only increasing the risk by the day.

Divide and Conquer, Element of Surprise, Sergical Strike, Target of Opportunity! We love coining phrases like that... it's very Military. Direct confrontation is always a last resort... even after the shooting war starts.

And not haveing massive casulties (and Collateral Damage) makes the Left into liers.. not US. What's the deal?... we haven't heard any stupid Daschle/media "failed miserably" blurbs for several days. I'm saddend and concerned.

We want Saddam and his evil progeny under a pile of rubble and the people of Iraq free from oppression. Thats it! No one is even going to be real dissapointed if we don't find any toxic waste. Appologizing to Blix and Chirac on that score, won't be that tuff... if the time ever comes... but it's a long long shot. Do you think they would forgive us for surrendering then? No. Probably not.

Here's my deal... if we dont find any WMOD .. i'll go buy a bottle of French wine and celebrate. Fair enough?

Posted by: Phrog Poet at March 21, 2003 04:42 AM

Hey Gang!
Nice One Phrog. Just saw a tiny little man in Iraq with his beanie poking over the top of all the microphones say the US is an ugly gang of thugs and George Bush is the chief Gangster. So I just wanted to point out that in all future posts I will be referring to all of you as "gang".;)

Posted by: greyhawk at March 21, 2003 05:20 AM

D'ash'hole on Today Show says we all need to support the troops and now he has changed his mind about the war thing. I think he is somewhat happier, though he also still looked sad. It's probably the hate mail. Then he really perked up when Katie asked him about the economy and then the worlds foremost Bush Basher cracked a smile and ripped it up. Seems like that idiot Bush wants to give us a tax cut before we know how much money the war will cost us and...well I don't know. I'm distracted from the economy by the war so I don't care. I'm going to watch some more war on the TV now. Thank you for the war Mr Bush...

Posted by: greyhawk at March 21, 2003 07:26 AM

And to all you John Smiths from San Fran to Chicago and elsewhere (original post way up there^):

You have so far helped kill 5 Americans
and 8 British Allies
each of which was worth ten of you.

Posted by: greyhawk at March 21, 2003 07:30 AM

The US administration IS an ugly gang of thugs and George Bush IS the chief Gangster.

Posted by: Frenchman at March 21, 2003 08:31 AM

We missed you so much! While you were gone we didn't have anything but "targets of opportunity."

I love watching Tariq Aziz and his ilk get up in front of a bunch of microphones and say stuff like, "George Bush is the evil leader of an international gang of bastards." It makes me laugh.

40+ nations and counting. Did somebody say "unilateral" ?

It won't be too many days before Chiraq and company finish their slow flip and offer the support of the French military (such as it is). It will be the only way they can prevent everyone from finding out that they have been violating UN sanctions for the past 12 years. A purely face-saving move to retain some semblance of power at the UN.

I agree with earlier postings: we should pull out of that impotent organization. Or at least stay in and alter its mandate: a mediation forum and/or international clearinghouse for humanitarian aid. It is clearly ill-suited for anything else.
In "peacekeeping" missions nationalistic influences tangle and geld any military force. THe rules of engagement get so tangled that UN troops are barely able to shoot back if attacked.

I still think the best option is a United States of Earth (capitaled in Washington, D.C.). But then I'm just a blood-thirsty, money-grubbing, conservative, exploiter of the third-world.

"It's good to be the King!"

Posted by: Gorn! at March 21, 2003 09:06 AM

Am I missing something?? What's wrong with this picture.

"Peaceniks" throwing bottles, rocks and rebar?

Posted by: AHA at March 21, 2003 09:41 AM

I am always amazed by that myself AHA, these freaks are against violence and war but then act like common thugs and threaten, intimidate, vandalize and assault people. What happened to PEACE??

What the most of them really are are marxists and communists (International A.N.S.W.E.R. affiliated with marxist groups) and many are professional protestors who are there for the protest and the party, hoping to hook up with naive young girls "willing to do whatever for the movement".

And also, who cares if a bunch of high schoolers walk out class to protest, if their opinion was worth anything they would have the right to vote.

Posted by: Darth Chef at March 21, 2003 10:08 AM

40+ nations.

I say Blair and Aznar !

Posted by: Frenchman at March 21, 2003 10:12 AM



I didn't use the poster's name in order to spare that person embarrassment, but see the post of 3/19/03 at 3:45 pm, in which the poster says: "The second thing is, you are an african-american! Sorry, there are three things, the third is, YOU are a BIGOT!"

ps: I am proud to be identified as an (african)American. But any other kind of American suits me fine as well. Thanks for asking.

Have a fine day.


Posted by: yaksun at March 21, 2003 10:38 AM


Actually, Mrs. Grey says she wishes you'd lay off the onions, too. ;-)

Sputnikx is really a pretty good guy. He has a few wrong-headed notions, tho, and a pronounced Anti-US bias, but I'm working on him.

I assume ab initio that no one intelligent enough to write the fine, diverse posts which appear on this wonderful sight favors gratuitous carnage. But not everyone understands the wisdom of "Dulce et decorum est, pro patria mori." (Hope I got that all in correctly).

Now that the war has started, the arguments pro/con are rendered, oh, what's that thing lawyers say? Ah, moot. Since further protests against it mainly seem to show the world, and Saddam, a divided front, I choose to support the effort, albeit in a subdued manner. A quick victory in Iraq would be best for all concerned, so that is what I hope for, along with minimal loss of life. Saddam has earned his fate.

What next, I wonder?

Yours in fraternal good spirit,


Posted by: yaksun at March 21, 2003 11:07 AM

I support everyones right to have an opinion, but when it comes to civil disobedience that takes the cops away from protecting against terrorist acts I get a little upset. They are only undermining the safety of Americans at home by throwing stuff, breaking things and falling off bridges. If there is a terrorist act in a city that is partially paralized by protesters, they should be trained for aiding and abetting the enemy.

So far Saddam has showed that he DOES have SCUDS and WILL set the oil wells on fire. The coming days will show what else they have been up to (and that our ever competant Hans Blix missed).

Posted by: Justin at March 21, 2003 11:57 AM

Dear Yaksun

As you are more opened to subversive ideas than the other posters, I would like your input about the following :

1) The alleged links between CIA and Pakistan's ISI [Inter Services Intelligence] during the last years of the Cold war.

2) Their alleged active support to the most extremist Muslim RADICALS during Afghanistan's fight between 1982 and 1992.

3) Their alleged financial support of Pakistani madrasahs where young men were endoctrinated and motivated by nationalism and religious fervor to fight the Soviet Army.

I personnally think that it is true because it was (at the time) a good idea.

But now the Muslim Fanatics are out of control.

Could I say "Sorcerer's Apprentices" ?

Yours Faithfully,

Posted by: Frenchman at March 21, 2003 12:21 PM

Once again you are bringing up things that may or may not have occurred 10-20+ years ago and has no revalence here. We LEARN from our mistakes and now we are righting another one.

BTW, I meant they should be put on trial in my post above, I have no idea how the word "trained" came out.

Posted by: Justin at March 21, 2003 12:59 PM

Frenchman: no you may not.

Posted by: AHA at March 21, 2003 01:01 PM


Let me think about that. I'm busy pondering Greyhawk's notion that I have more than one personality, and believe he might be on to something. So far, I think I've identified 3: Me, Myself, and I(raq). Till I get this worked out, please Carrey on without me. :-)

ps: So far, the line of surrendering Iraqis is longer than the one at Taco Bell at lunchtime on Cinco de Mayo! Ay, caramba!!!


Posted by: yaksun at March 21, 2003 01:09 PM

See yaksun, even Frenchfry thinks you are more open to "subversive ideas"... ( I think he meant it as a compliment ) But you should seriously re-think your position.


I think your problem has become painfully obvious this time. All those "alleged links" are still good ideas. But true to the left you "spin" the results and take the credit if it matches your "world opinon" and blame the US if it doesn't... and always after the fact.. usually about a decade or two.

Get a clue... Foriegn Policy has to have eyes in the front of its head and it's nose poking toward the front... not stuffed up in some smelly [explitive]. Quit trying to plug your convaluted "History" into the future like a time warp... and you'll have a paradigm shift. If you go past the border of France... you wont fall off the edge of the world. That's a myth. ok?

Posted by: Phrog Poet at March 21, 2003 01:38 PM

Herr Frosch
Your persistence amazes me to the point I question your motives...this site would not be half the fun wiithout you! But c'mon, tell me, are you doing thesis work?
Or.....term paper research?

Posted by: greyhawk at March 21, 2003 02:04 PM

You have inspired me. Voila!

John Smiths of the world:
Rosie's are red
Violet's are Blue
Baghdad's are Burning
Because of you!

(Is that funny, Johnnie?)

Posted by: greyhawk at March 21, 2003 02:07 PM

Now Frenchman, you know I love you to pieces, but lets think this through, okay?

The notion of powerful countries training and using indigenous personnel to fight their common enemies did not origninate with the CIA, or even the US. As I recall, and time does cause the memory to fade, did not France train and aid soldiers from the 13 colonies as well as Native Americans (God love 'em) to overthrow the mutually-hated, inperialist British overlords? (I keep hearing the word Heugonot in the back of my mind. Does that mean anything, I can't remember.) Certainly the Germans (Hessians) did exactly the same thing.

I don't suppose that every soldier who got licked at Dien Ben Phu was of pure French descent either. Speaking of Vietnam (ugh), both there and in Korea, the ChiComs and Soviets exploited the local populations to serve their own ends as well. And yet, Vietnam has fought more than one war against China, and North Korea is presently an embarrassment there as well. (In 1941, the Indonesians, Malaysians and Thais literally cheered the Japanese invaders for helping them drive out the British and Dutch - that is, until the Sons of Nippon starting gang-raping pregnant women and throwing infants in the air and catching them with their bayonets.)

Would you, or the rest of the world, have preferred to see US/NATO soldiers fighting USSR/Warsaw Pact soldiers in Afghanistan at that time? Afghanistan is awfully close to Pakistan, India and China as well, remember, and they don't all get along so well. Do you see where I'm going?

Its hard to remember 9/11 and have anything much good to say about the people we might have trained and armed back then who may have subsequently turned against us (US). So I won't. In the context of the times and the political climate, it evidently seemed like the right thing to do. 5 billion people were not killed in a total nuclear war in 1980, so I guess, compared to the martyred 3000, one could say it has so far worked out in humanity's favor. that's all the good I can say about it.

Subversively yours,


Posted by: yaksun at March 21, 2003 02:28 PM

I had to laugh when I read this from Barbara Streisands website.. go ahead and take her survey, Must be nice to be able to sit around all day and write questions to yourself....Babs you are truly a piece of work,

Some Questions to Think About...

I wrote these questions in September, 2002, but never put them on my website. I think they are still relevant questions and are worth considering:

1. How many body bags does the military expect to send home to America?

2. What is the cost of the war in billions of dollars? One advisor to the president estimates the war would cost up to $200 billion, but he was quickly replaced by a more conservative successor.

3. Are there estimates for how long American troops would have to stay there? Are they remotely realistic? A lot of knowledgeable people predict a very long and expensive haul.

4. What are the costs in civilian lives and social and environmental destruction (i.e. is Saddam going to burn oil fields again)?

5. How much of this war is about oil?

6. How much of this war is a vendetta against "the man who tried to kill my dad"?

7. Why now? For 11 years (without attacking the United States) Saddam Hussein has been defying U.N. resolutions, as many countries have. Since writing these questions last September, the international community is now faced with a prime example of this situation, with North Korea defying multilateral nuclear proliferation treaties. The Bush administrationís response has been a policy of containment. Why the double standard? Could this be because North Korea doesnít have oil?

8. If we preemptively attack Iraq, will Iraq strike Israel who will then retaliate, leading to the Arab world responding, which will set off the powder keg in the entire Middle East and will disrupt the continuity of some Arab nations Mr. Bush counts among his allies?

9. Is there really an alliance between Iraq and Al Qaeda, since one society is secular and one is fundamentalist? (I've read that bin Laden had issued a Fatwa calling Hussein an apostate who needs to be destroyed.)

10. What is the responsibility of a powerful nation to follow the rule of international law? ... We should be setting an example for the rest of the world.

11. Will Hussein give weapons of mass destruction to Al Qaeda? (Iíve read Hussein would be afraid to ... because if Al Qaeda obtained weapons of mass destruction, one of their first targets would be Iraq).

12. What will be the increased terrorist threat to the United States as a result of going to war with Iraq?

Barbara Streisand

Posted by: Harden Stuhl at March 21, 2003 08:07 PM

Well...Hello...Dolly... !!!! *slaps forehead*

I think we have just discerned Frenchmans true identity... who would have ever thought.. whoa?

Well.. at least Bab's can come read this ScrappleFace site now and get all the answers these complicated questions.

"You can't snuggle up to your cash register, but it rings."

Posted by: Phrog Poet at March 21, 2003 08:32 PM

When you were with the circus, were you the bearded lady, or maybe the amazing multi-faced boy? Seems you have more faces than, Hillary (Sea Pig) Clinton! You remind me of the Peace?? protesters! My, how much they want peace, throwing bottles and rocks, and the peaceful French protesters. They really taught that threatening McDonald's a lesson! I guess we really can't blame people of your ilk, after all, you watched your idol, 'Bubba' (No Morals) Clinton, lie and get away with it for 8 years. It's no wonder you think you can lie here and no one will notice.
P.S. Just because you have some college, does NOT always make a person smarter. I will take a little COMMON SENSE anyday! God help your children, -----IF you really have any! Back to you SCUMBAG!

Posted by: Mary at March 21, 2003 11:51 PM


Here's another question that should be on Bab's site:

13. How many nickels do you think will fit in my nose? (please round off to nearest roll.)

Posted by: Hillary The Hog at March 21, 2003 11:56 PM

Hi, Mary.

I am drawn to the "circus" because I am absolutely fascinated by clowns. I occasionally try to sweep up the dung left behind by elephants AND donkeys. I do this work for free.

I condemn the actions of people who use violence to protest for "peace". Its like murdering to protect the right to life - which, BTW, I support, as evidenced by the kids I don't have.

And I learned a valuable lesson here, for which I give thanks. If you're going to stretch the truth and invent facts (even harmless ones) to prove a point, you shouldn't get offended by being called a liar. (Gulp). So I apologize, again, for losing my temper. It was inexcusable. "Play Devil's advocate... got the Devil." Very well put, AHA. Go to the head of the class.

May we live in interesting times.


Posted by: yaksun at March 22, 2003 12:59 PM

Actually, Bush didn't fail.

FYI - Daischle called for military intervention in Iraq to oust Hussein back in '98.

Odd how his tune changes under a Republican Administration.

Daischle appears to be driven by politics, not conscience.

Posted by: snyoda at March 22, 2003 02:27 PM

Dudes! Shut up with the personal attacks. Anyone can make up a bunch of crap about who their daddy was or where they went to clown college and it just doesn't matter. A good argument is a good argument and it doesn't matter about your personal issues or the spelling. Sources are nice and really make your point more believable, but this is a blog, not a session of congress. As far as I am concerned you are both a couple of fat old grandmas in a trailer park in Arkansas. I am a one eye'd one horned flyin' purple people eater with a degree in lethargy and I can beat up all your dogs. Who freakin cares?

Posted by: NothinPersonal at March 23, 2003 08:22 PM

Which is it? War for oil or a rediculously expensive endeavor? The two arguments are mutually exclusive, since it would have been much cheaper to ignore Sadam's danger to the world and buy his oil, (Like the french did). As far as diplomacy, after the europaeon's sentiment of 9/11 that "America deserved this for its foriegn policy." all need for considering their feelings went out the window. I personally enjoyed Rumsfeld's jabs at old europe. (Intentionaly not capitalized) They aligned themselves with Russia and China for god's sake, what does that tell you? (By the way, thanks Russia, for getting our men killed by supplying Sadam with advanced jamming electronics and night vision goggles. You deserve the mafia running your country.) Our biggest mistake was defering to the un in the first place and loosing the fear factor. Sadam knew the french would do all they could to scuttle the effort and only complied enough so the french could say "see what a great guy he is?" This war could be delayed, but not avoided by any diplomacy since Sadam is a delusional madman and immune to such civilized concepts. He models himself after "The Godfather" for cryin' outloud. chIraq just looks stupid and sad now, and I can't say he doesn't desreve it. daschle is just chIraq's cousin.

Posted by: Nothing Personal at March 23, 2003 08:51 PM

Dear Yaksun

Perhaps I could marry one of your sisters ?

I of course really mean "being open to subversive ideas" as a compliment.

I am a Realpolitik-lover cynical decadent old european.

I agree with all what you answered in your poster.

Your brother in lucidity

Posted by: Frenchman at March 24, 2003 08:33 AM

I personnaly think that Monica L could help GWB to discover that life can be very pleasant without drinking heavily or bombing heavily.

Please believe,

Posted by: Frenchman at March 24, 2003 10:10 AM

BTW, the famous Old Lie from Horatius is "Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori".

Posted by: Frenchman at March 24, 2003 10:19 AM

Frenchry, Do people still get married in France? French people I mean... not the tourists.

You are still in the past with GWB... jump forward a couple decades. btw Did that make life more pleasant for Billy & Bimbo, or did I miss something. It's very French of you to think so though. Live for the moment, instant gratification, don't think about the future, and remember it all about a decade behind time. (With a Spin, so you can c/p out of someone else opinion I suppose)

The Clinton foreign policy(and domestic too actually) was to just play with everything like it was big huge toy for him (and Hillary).
"Hey lets fly over here and bomb, and yah over here and bomb, wow .. that would cool. Yahh. Bump this guy off and throw him in the park, if he's annoying you; Which beach should we go see this time Hillary?... What was that? Oh yah send her in here; Now where did I put that new box of Cuban Cigars, Fidel sent me; Dang, it's really too bad I can't I (opps WE, sorry Hill) run again.. this is great?"

I heard someone arguing how much better it was when he was running things... with no comprehension that he didn't make it so, or keep it that way... Just showed up when the fridge was full of beer, and left when it was empty. "Thanks guys it was a fun party, Life is Good. Would you mind, terribly, if I took this chair, and this picture and few of these leftovers?" Then trash the place and leave the mess for someone else to clean up.

Yaksun, I think you are in big trouble...Frenchman likes you. He was saying something about being your ludicruous brother? At least try to use your influence. ;-)

I dont know french, is that lie something about "sweet delusion."

Posted by: Phrog Poet at March 24, 2003 01:05 PM

Took a little time off to enjoy some early great weather.

Frenchy - You're a good man. I know where you're coming from. No sisters, alas. (But I know some singles!)

Phrogman - Its latin and, as a full service poster, I translate: "It is sweet and beautiful to die for one's country." (Or darned close). Draw your own conclusions... Regarding Frenchman, I admire anyone who goes into a hostile forum and speaks the countervaling view, especially in a foreign language. The only thing it costs to listen to the other side is time and, hey, one might even learn something. Hence, I confess that after reading CNN, curiosity compels me to go to, to see how the other side is reporting the war too. If one needed another reason to dislike Saddam, well, the pix they showed of the first 5 POWs and the dead (may they rest in peace) made me very angry indeed. Barbarians.


Posted by: yaksun at March 26, 2003 12:51 AM

ps: Among others, Paul Revere's father was a French Heugonot. Tres Bien!

Posted by: yaksun at March 26, 2003 12:59 PM

"E" entertainment news reports this morning that the Ditzi Chiqs album sales are down by 43%....and just so that you know we're still ashamed y'all are from Texas. Here's hoping for your very warm reception at those concerts in Austin and San Antonio.

Posted by: south texas ranchman at March 27, 2003 09:23 AM

Ditsy Twits latest album is now available.

Posted by: Okie Dokie at March 28, 2003 06:20 PM

President Bush is a brilliant man with a deep understanding of computer technology. How else could he have become Australia's Leader? It's a smooth piece of work that enabled him to hyperlink to the virtual-man known as Prime Minister John Howard: Click on Howard and you instantly get Bush. Fantastic work George!

Posted by: Craig at April 1, 2003 11:26 PM

OMG...Clinton coulda pulled this off?? The only thing he was really interested in was using his position to his OWN best hell with the country. Saddam woulda had him snowballed from the beginning....especially if he wooed him with some women!!

Posted by: Gdog at April 2, 2003 02:08 AM

Used to somewhat like the Dixie Chicks....until now. Ill smoke a turd in hell before i listen to another song from them. They remind me of someone...mmm..Jane the Vietnam war....wonder what reception they would have in Iraq? If they were just plain people like the rest of us, and the color of their skin was brown....probably singing a different tune, and that one off key!!

Posted by: Gdog at April 2, 2003 02:11 AM


1. Slap him or her as hard as you can across the face for no reason.
2. When they ask you why you just slapped them, remind them that they want peace, a.k.a. "turn the other cheek".
3. Then slap them again, this time harder. Remind them again of september 11 and the multiple threats sent by the Iraq regime. Remind them again that they believe in peace, and tell THEM to "turn the other cheek".
4. Repeat this process until they come to their senses.


Posted by: KAE at April 3, 2003 11:34 AM

From LaunchYahoo...
(4/4/03, 7 a.m. ET) -- The Dixie Chicks are expressing concern for their personal safety since singer Natalie Maines uttered the now infamous anti-Bush statement, "We're ashamed the President of the United States is from Texas," to a London audience. "We've gotten a lot of hate mail, a lot of threatening mail," Martie Maguire told reporters in Australia. "Emily (Robison) had the front gate of her ranch smashed in. We have to have security when we get back to the States. It puts my well-being in jeopardy."

Maines, however, has reacted more flippantly to the situation, according to reports. The singer said, "The more flack I get for it, the prouder I am." She was also quick to point out that in her hometown of Lubbock, Texas, "only six people showed up," for a public Chicks CD-smashing protest. Maines's comment has also taken its toll on the Dixie Chicks' album sales, which have dropped a reported 52 percent. Despite the dip in sales, the group remains the top-selling country act, with their album Home firmly entrenched in the Number One spot on the Billboard Top Country Albums chart.

The Dixie Chicks will kick off their "Top Of The World" tour on May 1 in Greenville, South Carolina.

-- Margy Holland, Nashville


Posted by: AHA at April 6, 2003 11:48 AM

RE: Above link.... scroll down to bottom of sony web page to get to "feedback"

Posted by: AHA at April 6, 2003 11:50 AM

To jp:

If your still out there, regarding your post of 3/21, thanks. Pardon my manners for not saying that sooner. Take care.


Posted by: yaksun at April 7, 2003 12:12 AM

DUH! WAR is part of diplomacy. It isn't failed diplomacy. It is part of the diplomatic arsenal. And, just because we go to war does not mean diplomacy stops. Diplomacy (among other things) ended the Korean and Vietnam Wars. I am so ashamed to be from "Dixie" because of the "Dixie" chicks.

Posted by: Tim at April 24, 2003 01:45 PM

It is interesting that anyone who posts a comment here can say anything they want.Just because someone says the CIA allegely did this and allegedly did that. Opine as you wish when you post. But please cite sources if you purport to impart facts. Also, don't pepper your diatribe with meaningless interrogatories.

Posted by: Tim at April 24, 2003 03:15 PM

Frenchman, can you say Neville Chamberlain? OH, I get it - you don't even know who he was. Well, if he had called the shots, your precious french derriere would be weinerschnitzel. I suppose you believe Chirac wants world peace, too. Chirac wants his billions of dollars owed by the Iraqi government and his precious oil contracts. Get your head out of the bidet!

Posted by: Becca at April 24, 2003 03:28 PM

It's ironic that despite America being the "land of the free" and a country that celebrates freedom, turns around and spits on people when they use that right. Case in point, the Dixie Chicks. I'm not a fan of country music, but it amazes me to see country fans turning on their own (like rabid dogs). But then again, a lot of people who like country music seem to be simple-minded. They don't seem to spend much time analyzing anything. It's easier to jump on the bandwagon of hating the Dixit Chick than to think about what they are saying. These people don't even see the hypocrisy that they committing. This war is supposed to be all about freedom, and yet they hate when one of the most valued freedoms in America (freedom of speech) is used.

People have lost all touch with the values and foundation that this country was built on, so eloquently spoken in the US Constitution and Declaration of Independence. But then again, many country fans probably can't even read, so they wouldn't know about documents like that. They're too busy sitting on the couch all day watching junk TV like CNN.

Posted by: Jim Ross at April 25, 2003 12:47 PM

Becca, I love you!

Posted by: Tim at April 25, 2003 12:48 PM

Gee Jim, we are just exercising our freedom of speech about the Ditzy Twits. Too bad they (and you) don't think we have our right to dis them. We do. Say anything you want. But have the courage to accept rabid fans, death threats and more. That's what liberal pansy asses don't get. Freedom aint free. You pay for it. You make the point yourself. They (The DITZY TWITS) hate it when one of the most valued freedoms in America is used. Back at ya bud.

Posted by: Tim at April 25, 2003 12:55 PM

I am so sick of Dashole, Dixie Bimbos & the like.
Especially the comment "we support the troops but
not the war". What a load of nonsense.
We support the troops but not their leader or what
they are doing makes absolutely no sense to me.
These people hate our President, but fear the backlash from a public who love him.
God forbid we should have integrity & decency in the White House!

Posted by: Don Blanton at April 25, 2003 01:40 PM

Wake up Jim, are the people who hate our President
the only ones who can enjoy free speech?
Typical liberal stupidity, only those who follow your little choo-choo of thought should be able to excercise that right.
Freedom of speech & freedom of consiquence are 2 very different things.
Say what you like, but do not expect everyone else to stand by & not call you on what I can only describe as treason.
I am disgusted that they would pull this crap on foreign soil.

Posted by: Don at April 25, 2003 01:50 PM

ok....I've spent 2 1/2 hrs. reading all current postings, and you guys/gals are very entertaining and quite educational. New to posting, duhhhh....,but the immature weed does break through the concrete, so go ahead, make your day. I don't flinch. I appreciate and aspire to what I admire in others, and Yaksun has all of you beat, if in fact we still want to waste time bringing them out for measure. Notice how he doesn't do that?....ya'll have wanted him to stumble over himself, but he just won't do it, will he? HUMMMMM.....must be something in the water he drinks, and I'm sure it's not Perrier(sp.) I'm on the web as much as anyone, and spelling isn't diddly squat, so enough of that. Not that Yaksun is Einstein's lost cousin, but if I could have anyone beside me in ANY form of battle which involved wits(and that includes WAR), I would gladly hope to stand beside( in no order but my notes), Greyhawk-Yaksun-Phrog Poet. Man......Ya'll may not know this, but men like that were the ones that drew UP the Declaration of Independence. Passionate thinkers. That's what I'M TALkin about! Give me liberty, or give me people I can trust! Either France lied to Colin Powell, or they take really bad notes at international meetings. I can't remember all of the jokes I've heard about France's lackings but, then again, maybe they would like to press charges on us for trespassing on the beaches of Normandy. IT'S A CASE!!!!!!!!

And the Dixie Chicks? Jim Ross, this one's for you, bud. You have the freedom to yell "FIRE!" in a crowded theater, but you won't sue a soul who tramples on you gettin' outta there. So go ahead and speak your mind, get it off your chest, get your fans in a frenzy, but don't complain when it hurts you. You know, I feel for them a bit, and I know the $$$ pain will end for them sometime, but the bruises on "the love" will last, #1 slot or not. I don't suffer from not buying Exxon gas, and I won't suffer from not listening to da chicks. I wouldn't have been stupid enough to comment as Natalie did, especially with all that $$$ on the line, and I don't even have a publicist. OHhhhhh come one now Chuck, them girls was just talkin'!!! They have a right to their opinion without being punished!!! Words, opinions, phrases....heck, why don't we just let everyone who wants to call people NiG***S?! And how will we protect them? Should we? Heck no. They get what they deserve. I worked for a fortune 30 medical supply co. who had to replace a regular delivery driver with a black man on a route to a famous, prejudiced town one day. When they saw him unloading the shipment at the dock they refused it. Told him to take it all back. He smiled a grin, called the distribution center, and did just that. What about a redelivery? Whataboutit? If they need supplies they'll call; they obviously didn't need them then. That was 1998.
I'm a Texan, and how's about this.... I don't really care too much about George Bush. I didn't think he was nothin' special when he was our great Gov., and as far as the Presidency goes, I'll darn sure respect it, but in reality, he's just the one sittin' atop the horse. No disrespect to him or anyone, but my Dad, and even my sister, could "take us into war" by agreeing with the dozens of more intelligent and well-informed advisors beside him. Let us remember that one reason he's there, is because we need a "civilian" at the head of our gov't., so we don't look like a military or religious regime. It's a good thing. He's kept in check by us and the media, so we're allright.
The USA, as the only real superpower on the planet, had every right, and moral authority to get Saddam out of Iraq. If only because 5,000 children die every MONTH because, among other things, the "food for oil" (HAH!) program keeps 60% of the nation in starvation poverty. But don't tell that to the Russians, the French, and the Germans, who among others have made billions from supporting? that program. Could THAT be one of the reasons they didn't want us to "fix" the "problem"? Nooooo....surely not. But now that we're there, France wants ASAP repayment of all the loans they gave Iraq. Sure, no problem, as soon as the country is running smoothly with a surplus. Did you Frenchmen forget to look after your interests, or did you just keep looking at the wrong end? France never was good at seeing the big picture, and here they are, arguing to maintain the legalization of starvation, rape, and murder because they profit from all of that, without having to suffer directly from any of it. Indirectly, suffer you will. Your pride or your wallet? You decide, France. And make it fast....the contracts are going even faster. Ya'll don't care about money, tho, right? No. They are a population of principles. More power to them.
I won't brag about my education, nor even state it. I did make it beyond high school, and I took college. Even though I agree fully with taking care of Iraq as we have, we may find that years, if not months from now, we are standing in the Middle of a great ant bed, pissing on our shoes. Only history, 5-10 years from now, will be the accurate judge of the rightiousness and propriety with which we behaved. Has Darth Chef finished taking his "dump" yet? Come on dude, I know you like the last word. I'll give it to you. My word is stronger than my liberal, Democratic party affiliation, as it should be. I always vote for the man, not the party. What are we, a bunch of sheep?
And my father is a lawyer. He's no ambulance chaser, but he charges for his services if that's ok. He keeps people out of jail, and helps them keep their driver's licenses, when they didn't have much chance of doing it without him. It's supposed to be a noble profession. Just like Doctorin', right? What's the matter with some of you?! I mean, when you have a legal problem and you need representation in a court of law, you have yourself, and if that doesn't seem to work, you have an attorney. If your water pipes freeze and bust open in winter on a Sunday at 11pm, you have duct tape, what's your gripe?!?! Well, go ahead and fix it!! I mean, you paid $26,500.00 for a car that's actually worth about $18,000.00, so we all know you know better. FIX IT!! Or shut up, pull out your wallet, and try not to let yourself get into an expensive situation like that again. What time is it.........sheeeeesh l8tr - you guys rock - all of you - except Frenchman. I like your quotes in French dude, but don't you know any German? You must appreciate all that they have done for your country in the past enough to know their language more than English.( No one really wants a "thank you", but do you hear yourself talkin'?) It's ok, it's a free country. Thank God. And it's the nukes that keep it that way. Doing what we do around the world helps to make sure that we don't have to have another Hiroshima or Nagasaki ever again. Ever.

Posted by: Chuckles at April 26, 2003 08:28 AM

It seems so easy to exercise the free speech that all Americans are entitled to. So many of you do it without a thought regarding the pain, lives, blood and sorrow that have been given through the years. My family has fought and died for the freedoms you now enjoy. You however do not feel that others in the world should have an oppertunity to share the same privledges. Some of you are cowards, some are terroist, some are newcomers to America. But all of you are Democrats. If my American flag offends you, you have the right to move to a country that is also offended by the U.S flag! Freedom comes with a price. Folks like the Dixie Chicks, Tom Daschele, Hilary Clinton, Diane Sawyer, Al Gore and others feel we can simply turn our heads, throw away some more of the taxpayers money to special interest charitites and all the problems will go away. How do these type of people justify allowing the tortures and murder that we all know exist in Iraq? We have the ability to stop this barbaric behavoir. I can't imagine looking in the mirror and thinking "who care's it's not me". Have we forgot 9/11? Nobody seemed to mind the U.S reaction to that, in fact some of the coward democrats claimed President Bush was not reacting fast enough. Kind of funny how those folks change their tune when it may be their freedoms infringed upon! So the next time your bashing the President, burning a flag or causing a public disturbance as you slander our nation in an otherwise peaceful environment, take advantage of the low cost airfares and go to Iraq, Russia or some other country that feels like you do about America!

Posted by: Mark Spears at April 26, 2003 01:11 PM

I have a son of age to serve in the military and while I would not want to see him go off to war, some times you have to do things as a matter of principle. Unfortunately that is something that most politicians don't have or have forgotten what it is, when people say things and follow through with it. Resolution 1441 made threats that Iraq must unconditionally comply or suffer the consequences. President Bush and Tony Blair were the only two who were willing to back up there words.
As a veteran myself, anyone who trys to tell you they support their troops but not the President, is much the same as someone trying to convince you they did not do something, when you watched them do it.
God help us when the spineless people start running this country.

Posted by: Dan at April 26, 2003 04:29 PM

I currently serve in the service and I call the state of South Dakota my home. Senator Daschle is suppose to represent me and many others. He betrayed our trust in our great state. My fellow service members will never vote for him again along with our relatives. I come from a place in the state where voting discrepancies have occurred. "Dead people are not suppose to be able to vote." We provide freedom so loud mouths can use disrespect for our Commender in Chief. We fight for honor, so demonstrators can burn our flag. Don't tell me you can support the troops and not the President, because we are one in the same. For many years we have been isolated by the fear mongers and those seeking to overthrow the freedoms we have the Right to enjoy. We have a Commander in Chief willing to fight for the cause of Freedom, that I will give my life for because it cannot be found anywhere else in the world. I serve to protect, even those that think they might want to be part of a socialized society. We live and die for FREEDOM. I will never buy another Dixie Chicks recording of any kind. That is my right, I have earned it. I will never vote for Mr. Daschle again. That is my right, I have earned it. Many of those that are bad mouthing President Bush are the same people that spit on us when we came home from Vietnam. Yes I can remember and I remember your faces, they haven't changed. They are those of discontent and hatred. Don't tell me you can support the troops but not the President, because I see the same hatred I saw 30 years ago. This country is not perfect, but it is by far the best there is right now, because you have your FREEDOMs that were given to you because others died for what they believed in. I do not want to hear the excuses of your behavior because it is hallow in its content. I support the President because I believe in the FREEDOMs that we have.

You need not answer this email because I will not read your answers. I know that there will be many hateful responses. I wanted my voice as a servant be known. FREEDOM is loving your country more than yourself. I may die before the next day comes, but I will know that I died free and chose for myself that I honored those that came before me to fight for the same cause. Freedom Rings here and now in Iraq.

Posted by: Paul at April 30, 2003 03:58 PM

I currently serve in the service and I call the state of South Dakota my home. Senator Daschle is suppose to represent me and many others. He betrayed our trust in our great state. My fellow service members will never vote for him again along with our relatives. I come from a place in the state where voting discrepancies have occurred. "Dead people are not suppose to be able to vote." We provide freedom so loud mouths can use disrespect for our Commender in Chief. We fight for honor, so demonstrators can burn our flag. Don't tell me you can support the troops and not the President, because we are one in the same. For many years we have been isolated by the fear mongers and those seeking to overthrow the freedoms we have the Right to enjoy. We have a Commander in Chief willing to fight for the cause of Freedom, that I will give my life for because it cannot be found anywhere else in the world. I serve to protect, even those that think they might want to be part of a socialized society. We live and die for FREEDOM. I will never buy another Dixie Chicks recording of any kind. That is my right, I have earned it. I will never vote for Mr. Daschle again. That is my right, I have earned it. Many of those that are bad mouthing President Bush are the same people that spit on us when we came home from Vietnam. Yes I can remember and I remember your faces, they haven't changed. They are those of discontent and hatred. Don't tell me you can support the troops but not the President, because I see the same hatred I saw 30 years ago. This country is not perfect, but it is by far the best there is right now, because you have your FREEDOMs that were given to you because others died for what they believed in. I do not want to hear the excuses of your behavior because it is hallow in its content. I support the President because I believe in the FREEDOMs that we have.

You need not answer this email because I will not read your answers. I know that there will be many hateful responses. I wanted my voice as a servant be known. FREEDOM is loving your country more than yourself. I may die before the next day comes, but I will know that I died free and chose for myself that I honored those that came before me to fight for the same cause. Freedom Rings here and now in Iraq.

Posted by: Paul at April 30, 2003 03:59 PM

Their are plenty of talented female singers who are not anti USA so the question is - who needs the chicks?. They really belong in France.

Posted by: Rick at May 8, 2003 08:43 AM
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