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March 05, 2003
Virtual March on Hollywood Gains Major Sponsor

(2003-03-05) -- A coalition of patriotic organizations promoting the 'Virtual March on Hollywood' announced today that they had picked up another major sponsor.

The virtual march -- actually a barrage of emails, phone calls and faxes to pro-Saddam actors and producers -- is a response to Win Without War's overwhelming 'Virtual March on Washington' last month.

The new lead sponsor for the Hollywood march is Entertain Without Drama (EWD), a group opposed to the use of conflict in movies and TV shows.

"We think there are other ways to entertain people," said an unnamed EWD spokesman. "There doesn't always have to be this tension, this conflict, even violence at times, in so many movies. It's unfair to the audience to make them feel uncomfortable for minutes on end before the dramatic tension is finally resolved.

Entertain Without Drama advocates long, rambling stories composed of many seemingly meaningless events which lead to nothing.

by Scott Ott | Donate | | Comments (28) | More Satire | Printer-Friendly
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EWD! I've heard of them! They are a European group with strong support in Canada...

Posted by: zzebu at March 5, 2003 10:58 AM

Hmmm----Rambling stories, with many meanless events, and no accomplishments of any real worth? Sounds like the Presidency's of Carter and Clinton may now be made into movies!

Posted by: Susan Serin-Done at March 5, 2003 11:18 AM

Sorry, I meant "meaningless" events!

Posted by: Susan Serin-Done at March 5, 2003 11:20 AM

As a Canadian, the embarrassment caused by our current gov't is large, extra large. And the CBC has entrenched itself as the Campus Broadcasting Corporation: more stupid than can be voluntarily configured.

As I like to say, "you never really know someone till they beat you up."

My favourite entertainment quote is from 'ol Larry Hagman who compared Bush's reality and his decision therein to what a team of scriptwriters could come up with for his JR character "to avoid violence". Hmmm, comparing reality to hollow TV drama and finding reality lacking - could it be the lack of a craft service in reality? Could it be the flimsy props?

One thing is for sure, Hagman should stick to script.

Posted by: thegreatcosmicjoke at March 5, 2003 11:41 AM

Entertain Without Drama...there the ones who make those French movies about gay cowboy's eating pudding.

Posted by: George at March 5, 2003 11:55 AM

..and then stick his script.

Posted by: Phrog Poet at March 5, 2003 11:55 AM

Larry Hagman---Ha! This is the idiot who destroyed his liver with alcohol, then did the same thing to one donated to him. MOST people learn from their mistakes, idiots don't!

Posted by: Susan Serin-Done at March 5, 2003 12:03 PM

I heard a little radio spot ( Bill Handle KFI )the other day about
the big march/rally in the SF area:

Some Leftist was sniveling about how the media estimates of 150,000
were "grossly under estimated".. speculating that it was probably more
like 250K. So they got some arial news footage and did a "grid count"
to determine a more accurate figure.

Guess What?!: Only about 65,000 Actually.

So typical... of the Liberal perspective.

Posted by: Phrog Poet at March 5, 2003 12:12 PM

I have figured it out. Susan Sarandon, Martin Sheen, Sean Penn and the rest of their hippie allies are really an elite French terror cell sent here to infiltrate our nation.

Stop the Radicals! Join my Reactionary Army!

The Fist has spoken *thunk*

Posted by: Iron Fist at March 5, 2003 02:56 PM

Virtual March on Hollywood

We shall fight them at the ticket window, we shall fight them at the popcorn stand, we shall fight them on the Internet, so that if moviedom shall last for one thousand years, they shall still say....THIS WAS THEIR FINEST HOUR!

Posted by: Wallace at March 5, 2003 02:57 PM

It amazes me that about 120 Celebes think they are smarter than our leaders. we really believe people like Julia Roberts who bashes the intelligence of our President. Big words and from a high school drop out too.

These words of witlessness come from a woman with the face of a horse that only made it in Hollywood by playing the part of a street whore.

My, how conveeeeeeeeeeeenient? Bet that wasn't too hard for 'ya, huh Julia?

I'll never watch anymore of her films or videos.

Besides, with teeth like hers, she could eat corn on the cob through a picket fence.

I wonder if she whinnied like a horse during auditions? Naw... we all know she whinnied like the part she got playing the street whore.

Posted by: Idiot Police at March 5, 2003 04:56 PM


The pro-terrorist, pro-tyrant group 'Lose Without Fighting' has asked the Pope to endorse their campaign to appease Saddam Hussein. A spokesfreak explained, "Although our anti-Israel, pro-Jihadi sympathies ultimately call for the destruction of western civilization, we thought he might help give us a little public relations spin and endorse our appeasement efforts. We've had great success suckering other public officials and media types with our goo-goo nonsense, and we have every reason to expect the Monkey-King of the Infide-- er, His Holiness -- will prove equally short-sighted, especially since we note the Church has in the past been sympathetic to all of our other causes; namely, communism, socialism, anti-Semitism, anti-globalization, anti-Americanism, and the like."

The request, however, seems have been shot down. A spokesbishop in Rome responded, "Although we do encourage the West to bow down to its enemies and share in the joyous world communion of poverty, ignorance, and tyranny, the Pope refuses to be associated with that annoying weinie Martin Sheen."

Posted by: Keith at March 5, 2003 05:22 PM

Along with Hollywood, the Pope keeps calling for peace, like that will work. If he had dealt with the problems of priests sexually abusing children in his church, instead of hoping it would go away, (As he also hopes the likes of Saddam will go away), I might be on his side. Truth is, evil doesn't stop because we ignore it, or try to be nice to it, it ONLY stops when, good men and good women CRUSH IT!

Posted by: John Robbins at March 5, 2003 05:22 PM

You're wrong! Julia Roberts keeps the roles by "sqealing like a pig". (Remember Deliverance?)

Posted by: Chad at March 5, 2003 06:09 PM

A gallop pole this week stated that most Americans would not boycott actors/films for their political views. I PROPOSE WE MAKE THEM WRONG! To hell with celluloid lipped Julia, Martin "I love sex with mideast homicidal dictator" Sheen and Sean "he man, let's get nuked" Pean. I cannot believe we allow the media to broadcast these yellow b#@%#@#@, of course the media is in on it...

Posted by: Justin at March 5, 2003 06:09 PM

The left has said that the Pope has the moral authority to be against the war so therefore he is on thier side due to moral issues. Yet when the church brings up the moral issues raised about abortion-the left accuses the church and the Pope of having no morals. Which is it?

Posted by: nodaky at March 5, 2003 08:22 PM

Simple! The church is wrong on both issues.


Posted by: Shlif at March 5, 2003 08:35 PM

LOL you guys are great!

On other news did you hear the axis of weasles had an emergency bussiness meeting.

"we believed our interest were threatened by the american's will to overthrow Saddam and free the people of Iraq, we couldn't have this. France needs its oil and wants to continue selling bomb parts to iraq. Germany wishes to keep selling military hardware and making money too. Russia said it just is hoping for its money saddam still owes them. On top of it we believe we are reaping benefits from the peace loving suckers...we mean super people. This good cop bad cop game with the US makes us look good!"

When asked about the iraqi people suffering they replied.
"who cares about them, we are making money at the expense of their suffering. If worse comes to worse we are making plans to see we get goodies from the postwar Iraq. Plan is already underway at the UN, we'll take credit for freeing the people and won't have paid a dime for the war efforts."

They also reported they were doing it for the world.

(LOL, my little interpritation of the trios emergency personal interest and gains meeting)

Posted by: Nathan B at March 5, 2003 08:46 PM


see how the fools play
this is the coalitions talking points

1.Saddam has no weapoms of Mass Destrutction

2.weapons inspection are working


Posted by: freedom now at March 6, 2003 12:48 AM

In regard to Entertain Without Drama, I thought that the commercial networks had long ago espoused this concept. I mean, look at "Ed", a sitcom with no jokes, and "Judging Amy", menopausal, premenopausal, and postmenopausal women attack men because they aren't menopausal. Oh, and don"t forget "Boston Public", or as I call it, "Boston Pubic" which, trust me on this, gives an accurate picture of student?teacher interaction - NOT.
What we really need are some GOOD reality based TV shows such as Tom and Linda Daschle Get Down and Funky, or Al and Tipper's House Party. Or what about a comedy? Everybody Loves Willy sounds OK.

Posted by: Joseph at March 6, 2003 11:02 AM

The United States of America possess statues that are designed to indemnify the people of this nation against sedition and treason.

However, they have not been enforced in this country for decades Ö unless you were a top-level scientist or held a high a position in the administrations of places like the JPL or Los Alamos, for instance.

Celebrities, teachers, professors, and politicians have not been prosecuted for so long they actually believe they are untouchable.

Guess again!

These statutes were SPECIFICALLY passed with these very people in mind. These statues have been drafted and passed to prevent these people from undermining our Government.

We possess the laws, now we need to begin enforcing them again.

Public servants, especially teachers have tremendous influence over their students. These traitors necessitate immediate incarceration, first and foremost.

When my children come in from school telling me that their teacher is right and our leaders are wrong we have a serious problem of astronomical proportions at that point.

Not only is litigation in order, but also indictments are automatically mandatory. They are guilty of one the most serious crimes in our nation. TREASON. Lets remember that EXECUTION has always been a most appropriate sentence for this crime. It would be prudent of these people to bear that in mind.

Celebrities, many who aren't even educated, speak as if they are divine profits and condemn our leaders. They blatantly are guilty of violating these laws. Especially when organization is involved.

For any American to visit, collaborate, participate with, speak out for, or stand behind our enemies is without a shadow of a doubt 100% guilty of treason.

There is no gray area here. These laws are most specific regarding acts of sedition and treason.

Furthermore, you don't need to be a rocket scientist to know the difference between "free speech" and "sedition or treason".

It's time for our leaders and law enforcement agencies to do their job and prosecute these people to the fullest extent of the law! These traitors must be held accountable for their actions.

If not, then these law enforcement agencies must be charged with the same crime, even more so because they have specifically sworn to serve and protect us from these very criminals. If they believe they are indemnified against prosecution themselves, then think again.

Only when we enforce our laws and these traitors are incarcerated or executed, which is allowable by law, will these traitors be brought to their knees and held accountable.

No longer can these people be allowed to operate as if they are above the law. They are criminals in every sense of the word.


Start sending certified letters to congress and senate demanding that they enforce these laws for national security. That is why we have them in the first place.

Do not send email or make a phone call to congress or you representative. Send them certified mail so these politicians will be forced by law to sign for the letters themselves! Otherwise you are wasting your time. Email is easier, but it is also easier for them to just click "erase all".


It takes little effort to send a letter, but the results on the receiving end will be overwhelming.

Just think about it. Then do it. You know it will work.

If you are too busy ÖÖ.. then just copy and print this letter and mail copies to all of your state and federal politicians. You can get their mailing addresses at these web sites:

Believe me, they will get the message.

Posted by: M. Ronald Smith at March 6, 2003 03:02 PM

Posted by: M. Ronald Smith on March 6, 2003 03:02 PM



Posted by: FREEDOM at March 7, 2003 02:48 AM


Eeeeeeowww! How true....How true! Ouuch!
'Ya bad. Yeah U. R. (LOL)

Posted by: M. Ronald Smith at March 7, 2003 12:58 PM

Does anyone know what happened to the postings containing the letter from the WW2 vet?

Seems to have dissapeared.

Posted by: D. Lewis at March 10, 2003 01:22 PM

Regarding: WWII VET

I'm old but I still prefer to have access to what I have written.

You can still find my letter to the ignorant little French boy at the link below.


Posted by: WWII VET at March 10, 2003 01:33 PM

Any REAL WWII vet I know is anti-war, the only pro-war people are the usual angry white male right-wingers who need to prove somehow they are real men.
Isn't now the time NOT to make other people pay for your moral cowardice and weaknesses, right wingers?

Hey WW2 veteran, why wasn't America fighting BOTH world wars right from the beginning? Why was Bush's granddaddy doing BUSINESS with them? Ah, does the truth just HURT, dear?

Posted by: Bush lied, people DIED at June 3, 2003 01:59 PM

You nazis just SLAY me. FREE SPEECH is a right, dimbulbs!!

I love how the ignorant, nose-picking male rejects and their useless feminazi/garbage wives (well, isn't that what you geniuses love to call your right wing twit women folk? LOL. As a lib, I can only laugh!)

Why sa, all dem LIB preFESSers and dem lib'ral eleetists ur rong! Fry spEeach is rong, Rush is writ! An' he ain't FAAT!

What lazy minded [] you are.

Posted by: Lib gal at June 3, 2003 02:07 PM

Please Note: ScrappleFace readers are intelligent enough to express themselves without obscenities. ScrappleFace endeavors to be suitable for all ages. If an obscene interloper posts here, please report the incident to the blogmaster who will delete the comment. (Include the name, date and time of the comment.) So please take that extra moment to think of a civil synonym.

Posted by: Wasn't fooled like you at June 3, 2003 02:12 PM
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