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March 03, 2003
Powell Continues 'Saber Rattling' in Pakistan Interview

(2003-03-03) -- U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell continued his "bellicose, saber-rattling rhetoric" in an interview with Radio Pakistan this weekend, according to a spokesman for the organization of peace-loving intellectuals, Win Without War.

Here are some excerpts from Mr. Powell's interview, followed by the Win Without War (WOW) interpretations of what he meant:

-- What Powell said: "We believe that war should be avoided, and we have been trying to avoid a war."
What Powell meant: We are so thirsty for Iraqi blood I can't see straight. We must spill the blood of innocents, now!

-- What Powell said: "The United States does not want to go to war."
What Powell meant: It's all about oil. If we can just get the Iraqi oil we'll be satisfied...for a while, anyway. When that runs out, we invade Russia. It's so much easier to spend billions on a war to get oil than it is to just buy it from eager sellers.

--What Powell said:"...such conflict would be conducted in a way to minimize any damage or loss of life as much as possible, considering it is a conflict."
What Powell meant: We'll be targetting the hospitals and elementary schools first in order to inflict maximum damage on unarmed civilians. We learned this from Saddam himself, and since it seems to have earned him the respect of some on the Security Council, we thought we would try it.

-- What Powell said: "...we are committed to the integrity of Iraq. We do not want to see Iraq break up into pieces..."
What Powell meant: Our plan is to subdivide Iraq into 100-square-mile plots on which we'll build tract houses and shopping malls. Then we'll empty our crowded inner cities, shipping all their residents to our new 51 state, which we'll call Eerack.

-- What Powell said: "We come to help, we come to protect. We do not come to take life. We come to give better life to people of the nations that we have found it necessary to go and help."
What Powell meant: We are a warrior nation, bent on conquest. We dream of the day when the sun never sets on the American empire.

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The Real Reasons for the Upcoming War With Iraq: A Macroeconomic and Geostrategic Analysis of the Unspoken Truth by W. Clark

Although completely suppressed by the U.S. media and government, the answer to the Iraq enigma is simple yet shocking -- it is an oil currency war.

The real reason for this upcoming war is this administration's goal of preventing further Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) momentum towards the euro as an oil transaction currency standard.

However, in order to pre-empt OPEC, they need to gain geo-strategic control of Iraq along with its 2nd largest proven oil reserves.

There is a real threat to U.S. economic hegemony from the euro as an alternative oil transaction currency.

Posted by: Frenchman at March 3, 2003 07:59 AM

Frenchman-you really do need to get a life, or take your own. I don't understand how someone from a country whose populace think Jerry Lewis is the funniest person alive doesn't see the humor in this satire. If I can find humor, having just recently suffered the loss of my first-born son, than what is stopping you? You do realize that cheese, especially eaten all the time, causes constipation. From your comments to even this posting I woiuld guess that you are so bound up that Elvis looked thin. Now I know what the term full of [it] really means. It describes the french cheese eating surrender monkeys - namely you.

Trying to find humor while living a tragedy,


Auf Wiedersehen

Darth Chef

Posted by: Darth Chef at March 3, 2003 08:53 AM

Dear Darth Chef:

With all due respect, try to find the witty humour in the following quizz:

Who first referred to a genocide as “THE FINAL SOLUTION” ?

1) Hitler, Adolf
2) Eichmann, Adolf
3) Goebbles, Joseph
4) Goering, Hermann
5) Hess, Rudolf
6) Himmler, Heinrich
7) Sherman, William Tecumseh

Posted by: Frenchman at March 3, 2003 09:06 AM


Welcome back, mon ami. Glad to see you again: I haven't had a good laugh at intellectual pretensions lately.

And still in business at the same old stand. Well, I guess The Good Things In Life never change, vrai, mon ami?

In case you had a bad hangover and missed the latest [news], things have been looking up lately for The War Machine. Another nutcase Khalid something Mohammed has been captured and is getting the full attention of some skilled interogators. In the immortal words of the New York City Police Department, Khalid's about to fall down a flight of stairs. Or two or three or more...

However, at the end of some day he will be singing like a birdie. How sweet it is...

And then Mossad gets its turn. Full and Games ahead.

By the time you come up again for air, the Gulf War II may be history. If not, soon...

And France will be even more in the [soup] than it is today. Nobody loves a loser: especially a nation of losers.

Bon Nuit, loser...

Posted by: Charles at March 3, 2003 09:13 AM

Hey Frenchie:

Learn to spell: it's Goebbels.

Also: you got the Sherman quote wrong: "War is Hell, and there is nothing you can do about it."

Hasta la Vista, Bebe

Posted by: Charles at March 3, 2003 09:15 AM


Now I have to be your proofreader!

It's "quiz" not "quizz".

This is the last time I do you a favor. Try using a spellchecker.

Posted by: Charles at March 3, 2003 09:28 AM

Froggy, as I told you on the other post, the proper answer is:
8) Vichy, France

Posted by: MensaMan at March 3, 2003 09:31 AM

Dear Charles

1) There is something you do not understand : I am with you 100% in the war against terrorists and against you 100% in the war for oil.

2) Could you please tell me how many languages you speak ?

3) It is William Tecumseh Sherman who discovered the Final Solution. Something you can be proud of ;)

Posted by: Frenchman at March 3, 2003 09:52 AM

General William Tecumseh Sherman, the nefarious pillager of the South, shared his "enlightened" view on what he referred to as "the final solution to the Indian problem" with Ulysses S. Grant (commanding general of the federal army) in 1866 :

"We must act with vindictive earnestness against the Sioux, even to their extermination, men, women and children."

Posted by: Frenchman at March 3, 2003 10:05 AM

Frenchman, In addition to your warped political views, you are an insensitive [jerk]. Darth Chef just told you that he experienced the worst tragedy that can happen to a parent, the death of a child. Not only did you not show him any sympathy, but you proceeded to harangue him with more of your stupidity. You claim to be so worried about the potential death of Iraqi civilians, but the actual death of a child leaves you cold. You are a monster who has no feelings for anyone but yourself.

Darth Chef, I would like to extend my sincere condolences to you. Unfortunately, I know exactly how you feel. You never really get over it, but, with time, you will be able to deal with it.

Posted by: Richard at March 3, 2003 10:53 AM

Frenchman> I am an American and I favor the removal of Sadaam Hussein, as well as the removal of Arafat and Schroeder (well, that will be easy when Merkle kicks his red [tail] in three years), and I despise Sherman.

Part of this is because I am a Southerner and while I realize that the North was ultimately right, even though the Emancipation Proclamation failed to free a single slave, and I abhor the racism that has existed even in my home state of Louisiana.

I however have nothing but hate and contempt for Sherman, Sheridan, and Custer. My great great great grandfather's mansion was destroyed by that damnyankee firebug, and if I can honor the memory of the Amerindians out west and expose the misdeeds of Union soldiers, I'm all for it.

Now, Grant is innocent of the genocide only because he was in the White House a stumbling drunk.

Now for those thinking me a Confederate apologist, I fully support the statue of Arthur Ashe in Richmond as well as one of Lincoln.

Posted by: Green Baron at March 3, 2003 10:53 AM


In which conflict below were the French victorious?

1) French & Indian War
2) War of Spanish Succession
3) Napoleonic Wars
4) Franco-Prussian War
5) World War I
6) World War II
7) War in Indochina
8) Algerian Rebellion
9) None of the above

Note: I should have mentioned the French Revolution, where French were victorious only because they were fighting the French.

Care for some Bratwurst?

Posted by: Ameri-can at March 3, 2003 11:12 AM

Hey, Ameri-can...don't forget this one:

10) Greenpeace

Posted by: Robert at March 3, 2003 11:20 AM

Is the "Win Without War" group the same people trying to ban dodgeball at my kid's grade school? I think that group is called "Win Without Winning."

Posted by: John Lemon at March 3, 2003 11:40 AM


As I run to teach my course in theoretical physics (particle physics, ya know); my languages are - honest to Gawd -

1) Latin 6 years
2) Greek 2 years
3) German 3 years (of study)
4) French 1 year
5) Italian - raised with Italian speaking relatives
6) Russian - 3 years while studying for PhD (Science)
7) Czech - taught by a friend - 2yrs.
8) Farsi - taught by a girl friend from Iran.
9) English - since birth.

I'll send you a CV when I have a chance...

Auf Weidersehen, Kamerad.

Posted by: Charles at March 3, 2003 11:43 AM


In a candid interview, Mr. Chirac fondly recalls "the misty watercolor memories" of France's Vichy era, and confesses that his affinity for modern-day authoritarian regimes is largely due to "a degree of admiration and envy so intense that it thoroughly stirs my pants."

Mr. Chirac goes on to indicate that his opposition to U.S. efforts related to Iraq is not based on geopolitical concerns or morality, but rather personal distaste for the American president.

"I just don't like Bush", he said. "Now if the Americans had a president named Lance or Hammer or something hot like that, I'd be totally on board."

Posted by: Keith at March 3, 2003 11:49 AM

Um, Frenchman, are you trying to compare George W. Bush to William Tecumseh Sherman? Is this your brilliant argument against removing Sadaam Hussein, who is responsible for the brutal torture and gassing of his own people?

What is your point, anyway? You must have one if you keep coming here for intellectual badgering. Perhaps you have that purebreed French head up your posterior ;)

Posted by: Blackfoot Indian at March 3, 2003 11:58 AM

I thought French-wuss first post was some of the
best satire I had seen lately. Watch out Scott.

"The Real Reasons for the Upcoming War With Iraq:"

mmmuahahahahahaha.. Good one !

by the way? What did Napoleon have inside his vest?
A piece of pizza or a bratwurst? Limburger cheese ?

Posted by: Phrog Poet at March 3, 2003 12:02 PM

Trying to stay on message for a moment: Scott your "translation" of Powell brings your ironic powers to an all-new level.

Darth Chef, While our super-rich movie stars pat each other on the back and tell each other how "brave" they are for ALL AGREEING WITH EACH OTHER and little French worms spout hatred and bigotry against the US while fancying themselves brave, you quietly exhibit the real thing for us.

Posted by: Citizen Kate at March 3, 2003 01:32 PM

Hey you no-good, bicycle-riding, funny-talking, long-bread-eating, street-scene-painting, stinky-cheese-eating surrender monkey!

Why'ncha go fill up your Vespa with some more Iraqi oil?

No Surrender For Oil!

Rip Rowan

Posted by: Rip Rowan at March 3, 2003 01:38 PM

you just proved to be an arrogant, cold-hearted moron. You go into every forum, stating the same lies and expect us to agree. The fact is that you and your people are wrong. You all have more trade agreements with Iraq than is allowed by the United Nations and for that you should be thrown out becaused you are biased towards this war.
Does it matter how many languages one speaks to be educated. You are a perfect example of the Napoleonic complex. You and your people are little insignificant nothings, but you make up for it in arrogance and stupidity. Get over the envy, get a life and get on the bandwagon.
Oh, and you owe an apologie to dark chef for your cold hearted approach to his child's death.

Posted by: Justin at March 3, 2003 02:42 PM

i've recently been introduced to scrappleface and i like what i see, thought you might enjoy this. its a new game coming out, and yes i'm a college student, i do my share of gaming, i know a winner when one comes along. check it out.

Posted by: college boy at March 3, 2003 02:54 PM

Frenchman, here is the answer to your quiz:
Actually it was the French on the island of San Domingo (today Haiti) during the reign of Napoleon. Napoleon appointed his brother-in law General Charles Leclerc a commandant of the island. His job was to restore the island to French control following black revolt against reinstallation of slavery. The French troops conducted their campaign with unprecedented bestiality. I am quoting from one of many sources which deal with this monstrous chapter in French history: ìLeclerc ordered that all blacks over the age of 12, including women, were to be killed. The genocide that followed sparked outrage in America and Europe. His successor, General Donatien Rochambeau, took the massacres to even greater levels of brutality. In one incident at Cap Francois he executed 6000 blacks and brought in savage bloodhounds to hunt the rebels down. He ordered that the dogs not be fed, their only food would be the meat of blacks, he saidî
The unspeakable atrocities perpetrated by French in San Domingo dwarfed anything Western countries would stoop to at the time. Sadistic brutality has always been the hallmark of French rule in colonies. Just ask Algerians. They hate the French like pest.
Anyway, Frenchman does it answer you question? Well, doesnít matter really. Iím sure you will soon resurface with some other absurdity. You seem to love to make a fool of yourself. Or is it because you canít hold your cheese?

Posted by: Tadek at March 3, 2003 03:00 PM

I wish to thank all of you for your condolences for the loss og my son. I want you to know him so here goes. His name is Christopher Ian Stoddard and he was a 1st Leiutenant/C-130 pilot in the US Air Force. He was scheduled to go to Pakistan on a 60 day mission the week he died. His death was tragic and unexpected, as it occurred while he was doing his daily physical training to prepare him for battle. He always wanted to be an Air Force pilot and he succeeded. He was a Class of 2000 graduate of The Citadel, with a degree in Physics. He beleived that it was his mission to serve his country, and was not afarid to die for that belief. He knew God would take him when it was his time. He, like the many men and women who serve in the armed forces, do so because of their love of country. What the left forgets, and what irratates me the most, is that they don't and haven't served, their movies and tv shows do nothing to bring peace to the world, only money to their pockets, and it is not their choice what are soldiers, sailors and airmen do or don't do. for a group of people who everyday hold the military in contempt, as their leader Bill Clinton did, to say "don't put our sons and daughters at risk" is so hypocritical in makes me want to vomit. Thats a similar feeling I had when I visited Paris and had to smell the French. They use "our sons and daughters" just as they used "the children" to make it seem like they care for something other than themselves. The only sons and daughters they care about are there own. I guess they are stupid enough to think there may be a draft as there was when they protested the war in Viet Nam. They forget that "our" sons and daughters, not theirs, who actually serve in the armed forces of this great country, do so voluntarily, with the realization that they may have to go to war. But if you or they actually ask these great Americans how they feel about going to war, you will see that they are more than ready, motivated, and willing to risk their lives so that we may again have peace in the world. if anyone actually beleives that there is currently peace in the world, they need to check into Betty Ford and get some well-needed treatment.

God Bless All of "Our" sons and daughters and each of you.

Darth Chef
Cliff Stoddard

Posted by: Darth Chef at March 3, 2003 03:10 PM

Green Baron, I see no reason or you to 'abhor' Custer, for he was only following orders, and didn't have much of a choice to go and get massacred. You are a dumb-a$$, and need to read a history book.
Rip Rowan, your slogan is pure genius!
Welcome, College Student. Have fun enjoying Scott Ott's [excellent] satire, and hope you can post something funny along with it. By the way, if you're a liberal, find another satire site.
The Emancipation Proclomation itself did not free any slaves, but it ultimatly led to a moral-boost in teh north, who won, and THEN freed the slaves, so, indirectly, it did.

Posted by: Paul C. Tindall at March 3, 2003 03:15 PM

Everybody who called Frenchie, Frenchie:

I have no idea what he is talking about, but none of you do either. So why don't you quit the name calling and take apart his argument. It can't be that hard, there is obviously no anti-war argument that has any kind of merit, so just explain why this one doesn't either.

You are not just Right about this war, you are really Right, and Allah thanks you for your support.

Posted by: C'mon at March 3, 2003 03:18 PM

Dear frenchman,

If, as you and other Idiotarians contend, that the war is for OIL, according to the stats at the following link, the USA should attack and invade Canada.

But, American seems content to BUY it from Canada, Saudi Arabia, Mexico, Venezuela, Nigeria, THEN Iraq, respectively.

Find another argument please.

Posted by: thegreatcosmicjoke at March 3, 2003 03:22 PM

Darth Chef,
we appreciate the sacrifice of you son and the many others who serve to protect us from the evils of the world. I myself have a brother sitting off the coast of Kuwait with the Marines and as I fear for his life I still support our president and the effort they have undertaken. Again, sorry for you loss.

Posted by: Justin at March 3, 2003 04:59 PM

the cosmic joke
That site was very informative and is helping push my point to my co-workers that oil is not the issue. thanks..

College boy,
that site was good and funny. thanks

Posted by: Justin at March 3, 2003 05:26 PM


Your "oil currency" argument is about as coherent as any other generic "it's about oil" argument.
If this war is to "pre-empt OPEC", why aren't we attacking Saudi Arabia, which is its leading member/producer, has less WMDs and provides the convenient link of 15 of 19 9-11 hijackers? Hell, we have soldiers already IN the country, what could be easier. But such more obvious scenarios don't enter one's mind when one projects his corruption onto others, do they, Frenchie?

Posted by: Eggo at March 3, 2003 05:38 PM

Paul Tindall> No need for insults. I admit I have a bias against certain Union figures.

I've always been led to believe Custer went against orders when he got massacred.

However Sherman and Sheridan continue to recieve no love from me.

As for the Emancipation Proclamation, I definietly agree with you there. I also recommend Harry Turtledove's Great War series to anyone who wishes the Civil War went differently. It also has an interesting alternate timeline for Custer.

Darth Chef> I apologize for not offering my condolescences for the loss of your son. As I soldier, he sounds like a top leader, and I hope he inspired his contemperaries to be as noble. Requiest in Pacem.

Now I didn't know about Napoleon's genocide in Haiti. Doesn't surprise one bit. Some days, I regret that I have so much French blood, but my French ancestors all left France ebfore their insane Revolution.

Posted by: Green Baron at March 4, 2003 03:04 AM

Really Green Baron, what does the proportion of the French component of your blood have to do with the degree of your being American?
To be an American is determined by your love for and identification with America and the American people - not the chemical composition of your ìbloodî.
Please relax - you are a 100% American.
Lucky bum!

Posted by: Tadek at March 4, 2003 07:29 AM

George W. Bush, 1978-84: senior executive, Arbusto Energy/Bush Exploration, an oil company; 1986-90: senior executive of the Harken oil company.
Dick Cheney, 1995-2000: chief executive of the Halliburton oil company.
Condoleezza Rice, 1991-2000: senior executive with the Chevron oil company, which named an oil tanker after her.
And so on.

Posted by: Mary at March 4, 2003 07:43 AM

Mary: February to March 2003. Left wing shill. Willing to sell fellow citizen down the river, especially if in the military.

Shows a stunning lack of historical knowledge, except for fashionable cliches.

Sadly lacking sense of humor. Monomaniac. Tends to get all weepy at an Oppressed Minority.

Fixated on oil wells and Middle Eastern dictators. [Note to self: Hole in the ground symbolic? Strong hairy men a plus?? Must consult with Vienna.]

Irrational hatred for anyone no residing in Berkeley.

Further details in the case as analysis progresses.

Posted by: Charles at March 4, 2003 08:50 AM

Mary, what's your point?

Posted by: Rip Rowan at March 4, 2003 09:12 AM

Hey Mary, you fill up the ol' Volvo with gas, don't you?? Lighten up, honey.

Here's a conspiracy theory for you to follow up on:

Santa and Satan: Both use the same letters, both wear red, never seen at the same time.

Man, I gotta get me a ride on that Condoleeza Tanker! Hoofa!

Posted by: Ameri-can at March 4, 2003 09:20 AM

Tadek> True, true.

I am American born and I have an American flag on the right shoulder of my camoflauge uniform.

Even though I think Bush is a bit of a big-Government liberal, he is my Commander-in-Chief and I am so glad that I made my final enlistment oath after he became President, because the thought of serving under Clinton makes me a tad naseous.

As for the genealogy fixation, I'm of Scottish descent, so I tend to be a bit fixated about ancestry. An odd quirk, which will lead me to buy a kilt out of the Clan tartan, though my loyalties are to America. I even go againts my own Pope over Iraq, though he speaks out of personal feelings and not on any doctrinal issue, and I believe the upcoming conflict meets the Just War criteria.

BTW, where are you from?

Mary> Perhaps that shows some oil connection, but the oil companies are against the war. Besides, I doubt Christopher Hitchens or Tony Blair are motivated by oil.

Don't forget that Hamid Karzai has been a consultant for an oil company, if you are looking for conspiracy connections, plus Thomas White was an Enron Executive :)

Posted by: Green Baron at March 4, 2003 09:36 AM

BAGHDAD, Iraq ó Saddam Hussein sent a signed letter about the upcoming war to his people, the letter was read over stte controlled radio and television on Tuesday.

"We believe, with the coming of the Islamic new year and with God's help, we will be victorious against the tyrant," the Iraqi president said in the letter, which was read by an announcer on state-run television. "The believers will triumph over tyranny and its accomplices."

"The tyrant of this era thinks that he is an alternative to God and is His shadow on Earth," Saddam said, referring to the his leadership of Iraq. "The tyrant imagines himself, God forbid, as God ... and thus his devil has thrown him into the abyss of evil."

"The tyrant thinks he is capable of enslaving the people and hiding the decisions, freedoms and legitimate choices [they were born with] when their mothers delivered them as free people," he continued.

"Tyranny will be defeated," the Iraqi dictator declared. "Arrogance will be of no help to it."



Posted by: Darth Chef at March 4, 2003 10:47 AM

"Saddam sealed his fate when he decided to switch to the euro in late 2000 (and later converted his $10 billion reserve fund at the U.N. to euros) -- at that point, another manufactured Gulf War become inevitable under Bush II. Only the most extreme circumstances could possibly stop that now and I strongly doubt anything can -- short of Saddam getting replaced with a pliant regime.

"Big Picture Perspective: Everything else aside from the reserve currency and the Saudi/Iran oil issues (i.e. domestic political issues and international criticism) is peripheral and of marginal consequence to this administration. Further, the dollar-euro threat is powerful enough that they will rather risk much of the economic backlash in the short-term to stave off the long-term dollar crash of an OPEC transaction standard change from dollars to euros.

All of this fits into the broader Great Game that encompasses Russia, India, China."

Posted by: Frenchman at March 4, 2003 11:46 AM

Right on Chef !!

May the Force be with you !

What is appalling is that Frenchman, Mary,
and the Left actually believe Saddam. ???

Posted by: Phrog Poet at March 4, 2003 11:48 AM

I think I now understand the French and German strategy. The probably see that a terrorist attack with Weapons of Mass Destruction as inevitable, so what they are doing is making themselves less of a target. That way all the terrorists/terrorist nations will see the USA and Israel as the prime targets.
So we see once again that the French surrender when the shots are fired, hence the name CHEESE EATING SURRENDER MONKIES!

Posted by: Justin at March 4, 2003 12:37 PM


Backing the euro, are you? My, my, my...

To show you how much I impressed by your economic insights, I offer -- just for you now -- a marvelous chance to buy a historic bridge in New York City.

However, the sale is contingent on a purchase in dollars. I don't want to be stuck with a worthless currency.

Posted by: Charles at March 4, 2003 01:08 PM

Just for the sake of argument, How would a regime change in one oil producing country, which only produces 5% of the worlds oil, stop the other oil producers from changing the currency standard from dollars to euros if they were so inclined? If a war stopped that sort of thing, would we not need to go to war with many more oil producers all over the world? You have entirely failed to explain how a regime change would avert a currency change. Assumption of your scenario as being true is erroneous.
Second, I fail to see the relevance of Sherman's words, whatever they may have been as it relates to this issue. The United States and many prominent figures in US history has done things and said things that we cannot as a nation be proud of becuase they were just plain wrong. However, France as described by others above is just as guilty of attrocites, racism, genocide, colonialism, imperialism, and continues to adversely affect its former colonies to this day. So let's as you say focus on the issues and not try to put France on some pedestal above the US or any other country where it does not belong.

Posted by: Jon at March 4, 2003 02:34 PM


Babs Streisand...Haliburton styockholder in 1999. So what's your damn point?

Condi Rice...there's going to be a lot more than an oil tanker named for her by the time she's finished. It's really gonna frost you liberal feminazis when the first female and first black VP is gonna be rolled up into one brilliant Republican conservative.

Posted by: Robert at March 4, 2003 02:44 PM


I admit to being confused by your argument. Just how is it that the government is going to force the oil companies to get their solely from Iraqi oil fields? Forgetting for the moment that we are a nation of laws that would prevent such a thing, isn't Shell a European oil company? How about British Petroleum? In what manner would the United States be able to dictate the terms of each of their contracts?

Back to our being a nation of laws. There are no end of laws in our nation that prevennts the Federal government from interfering in the affairs of private corporations.

As an aside, we do not believe in "each according to his needs". We are a capitalistic nation, where those who work harder or more intelligently can, do, and SHOULD be paid more than others. It's one of the reasons for our existence for all these years.

Posted by: Fleck at March 4, 2003 02:53 PM

Sorry for the typos - I was understandably "irritated" when I typed the above!

Posted by: Fleck at March 4, 2003 02:54 PM

Bless you DC and may we all be proud of your son's integrity in dear memory...

Posted by: zzebu at March 4, 2003 04:09 PM

Green Baron,
Glad I could contribute to assuaging your discomfort! It is good to have oneís identity settled - especially now, when you have enlisted. My congratulations with joining the US military forces - the greatest fighting force ever committed to the defense of liberty. And not only American liberty.
I am not in a position to comment on your claim about Bush being a big-government liberal as I live in almost socialist Denmark (although I am Polish) and almost any government seems small compared to ours. But I understand very well that you are glad not having Clinton (or God forbid Carter) as a commander in chief.
What a coincident that you should mention the Just War criteria ñ I am in the middle of reading St. Thomas discourse on this subject. It is amazing how modern the fellow sounds.
Take good care of yourself.

Posted by: Tadek at March 4, 2003 05:04 PM

I agree with Robert about Condi Rice. You know all those people at organizations such as NOW, Rainbow Push (don't get me started on jessie) and others are just going crazy at the success of a black woman in a conservative role. It will be interesting to see just how far she will go. It is ironic to see how others label them, like that one guy calling powell an uncle tom etc etc

Posted by: Justin at March 4, 2003 05:19 PM


Still waiting for you to explain why we aren't attacking Saudi Arabia instead.

Posted by: Eggo at March 4, 2003 07:10 PM

I read all y'all's posts about Condi Rice having a bright future as a Conservative candidate. I thought she might be someone I would like when I first heard about her. Then I heard some inside dirt about her tenure as provost at Stanford U. The employees of Stanford were not big fans.
Now really I want to elect her President. Twice.

Also, about the blood for oil thing, give up. You are trying to teach economics to Marxists. I'd rather try to teach a potato to square dance.

To all the servicefolks who visit, thanks.


Posted by: Dennis at March 4, 2003 08:17 PM

Still waiting for you to explain why we aren't attacking Saudi Arabia instead.

You are already "protecting" the Saudi Royal family !

Posted by: Frenchman at March 5, 2003 04:08 AM

Be patient, Frenchie...the Saudis will get their turn.

Maybe at the 2004 convention, Cheney will announce he's stepping down for "health reasons". Don't worry...he'd never be more than a phone call away. W picks Condi to fill the spot. Can you imagine anything that would give the GOP any more momentum heading into November, other than Bin Laden's head on a stick?

Posted by: Robert at March 5, 2003 06:24 AM

Frenchman, you're right. Oil is motivating a certain government, read this.

Posted by: Frenik at March 5, 2003 07:28 AM


Still waiting to hear how the U.S. can force the oil companies to ignore OPEC and only buy their oil from an American-controlled source (Iraq)?

Note that I didn't attack your nationality or your arguments - just an open question that you appear unable to answer.

Posted by: Fleck at March 5, 2003 07:29 AM


We are still waititng for your comment on Tadek's email concerning French groundbreaking contribution to the art of genocide. After all, his post was a response to YOUR OWN challenge/quiz. Does it mean that you have surrended already? If so, we understand - after all one must be faithful to one's national traditions.

Tom Magnussen

Posted by: TomMag at March 5, 2003 08:38 AM

To Tom Magnussen

I already answered that it is absolutely true and that it is a shame.

Posted by: Frenchman at March 5, 2003 10:26 AM

To Fleck

Iraqi oil fields are the second (and perhaps first ) in the world, the cheapest on earth regarding extraction costs and with the greatest potential for future increase of production compared to any other field on earth.

Nobody will force the Oil companies to go there because they already want to control these fields for their own future.

Please note that the must powerful Oil companies are US and closely linked with US administration.

The problem is not OPEC it is the currency used by OPEC in international transactions.

Posted by: Frenchman at March 5, 2003 10:40 AM

Oil is motivating ALL governments.

*We want to save the world* is only propaganda.

Posted by: Frenchman at March 5, 2003 10:46 AM


I missed that one. I apologize.

Tom Magnussen

Posted by: Tommag at March 5, 2003 11:25 AM


You had better go back to your French dressing.

This diet of Oil and Vinegar is making you demented.

Posted by: Phrog Poet at March 5, 2003 03:14 PM

Got a little list for you, Frenchie.

Identify the following:

Pierre Laval;
Phillipe Petain;
Admiral Darlan;
Edouard Daladier.

In the culture field we have:

Maurice Chevalier;
Jean Cocteau.

Now what did they do during the World War II era?

What do they have in common?

Posted by: Charles at March 5, 2003 03:55 PM

Yeah, Condi Rice did upset a lot of people while at Stanford. She basicaly got rid of all affirmative action quotas and told the women to start showing some real work and not ride the I'm a beaten down women syndrome. So many were upset that she left, but the better professors were left. She believes that one should WORK for what they get and that's what she has done, she's a good role model.

Good article, it just shows that the French, Russians & Germans (aka Axix of Weasles) cannot be trusted. Why do we accept their input/veto/criticism when they are so economicaly biased? I think we should end all trade (of course I don't own anything french) with these countries until they realize that America is a better trading partner than a murderous tyrant (butcher of baghdad).

Posted by: Justin at March 5, 2003 05:35 PM

Don't feel bad about missing Frenchman's posts. All he does is cut and paste and bails. He forgets what all he posts and where and doesn't return to see the logical/factual objections to his rantings and ravings.

Posted by: Justin at March 5, 2003 05:39 PM


If you truly believe that oil is the number one motivating factor for ALL nations as you said, I can only feel sorry for you. Whever you went to school, or possibly when you went to school, has left you indoctrinated, not educated. The educated person listens to both sides of an argument; the indoctrinated can only spout the party line. The largest oil company in the world, last I looked was still the Dutch consortium Shell. British Petroleum is gaining on them, but still number two. Don't you think we'd start drilling more in Alaska, where the reserves are thought to be larger than the Saudi deposits if this was "all about oil".

Just maybe we wish to help those weaker than ourselves? After all, we have done just that in WWI and WWII - and you didn't even have any oil!

Posted by: Fleck at March 5, 2003 06:09 PM

Frenchies :

Less you forget, read this letters again...


To France and European COLLABORATORS of Saddam;

Every Iraqi and Kurds has the right to be free (like the Europeans) from the dictatorship and tyranny of Saddam.

SHAMELESS France supports Saddam as a way to protect their oil contracts at the expense of every Iraqi and Kurds. France DEPLORAPLE business with Saddam are all in violation of the UN trade embargo and therefore illegal. DESPICABLE France must be tried as an accessory and accomplice to all atrocities and genocide committed by Saddam to its own people particularly the Kurds.

Bootlickers can show their CROCODILE concern by putting Saddam as the King of France and the President of Europe. ìVive Europe - Long live Der Fuhrer Saddamî.

Posted by: Ylmas (a KURD) on February 22, 2003 06:56 AM




Quote by Saddam Hussein, 1992, expressing anger at French participation in the Gulf War:

"As for financiers, industrialists and above all those responsible for military industry, the question must be put to French politicians: Who did not benefit from these business contracts and relationships with Iraq? . . . With respect to the politicians, one need only refer back to the declarations of all the political parties of France, Right and Left. All were happy to brag about their friendship with Iraq and to refer to common interests. From Mr. Chirac [now the center-right president] to Mr. Chevenement [the socialist former defense minister] . . . politicians and economic leaders were in open competition to spend time with us and flatter us. We have now grasped the reality of the situation [of France's support for the 1991 Gulf War, a betrayal in Saddam's eyes]. If the trickery continues, we will be forced to unmask them, all of them, before the French public"

How noble of Mr. Chirac, since 1992, to spend a decade weakening sanctions against Iraq and to fight against the liberation its people, for fear of his own ass.

Since scandal is hardly a new thing for Mr. Chirac, whatever Saddam has on him must be a peach. In fact, if Mr. Chirac hadn't been re-elected, he'd be in court for numerous other scandals, if not already in prison by now.

This one is going to be the mother of all scandals.

More here:

Posted by: Keith on March 1, 2003 08:31 PM


Do I need to say more??

Posted by: Neil at March 6, 2003 04:21 AM


Why don't you like to use your real french name --- Marie de France.

Posted by: SMITH at March 6, 2003 04:28 AM

As I said in an other post:

I was really surprised and disturbed that one of you was educated enough to know Marie de France.

But you also are only one of those undereducated Americans.

Marie de France, Eleventh (11th) Century French Poet who wrote for the English Court. "Marie ai num, si sui de France"

Le Lai du Chevrefeuille

D'eux deux il Ètait ainsi
Comme du chËvre-feuille Ètait
Qui au coudrier se prenait.
Quand il s'est enlacÈ et pris
Et tout autour le f?t s'est mis,
Ensemble peuvent bien durer.
Mais qui les veut ensuite dÈsunir
Le coudrier meurt bien vite
Et le chËvre-feuille avec lui.
"Belle amie ainsi est de nous
Ni vous sans moi, ni moi sans vous."

(Dedicated by me to Mary ;))

Posted by: Frenchman at March 6, 2003 09:50 AM

Marie de France, Eleventh (11th) Century French Poet who wrote for the English Court... other words a whore, like the rest of her country men/woman.

You know skunk boy, you sure do like to be insulted. That has made me speculate that either you are an American who is getting a kick out of stirring everyone's anti-frog sentiments or you are just pathetic.

I must say, you do provide for entertainment whenever I get a minute or two to read the postings. And there is my point, you are entertaining, you are doing what your people are best at, servicing those you fear or are aroused by. Whatever works for you. You are doing a good job. Now get ready to watch how men deal with tyrants.

Posted by: George at March 6, 2003 10:57 AM


Now that you've done with Marie..

Try my list. Laval, Petain, etc..

Lemme know. I reckon you know already, but don't wnat to say it.

Posted by: Charles at March 6, 2003 11:54 AM

Undereducated Americans. Funny, if I'm not mistaken, your esteemed President Jacques Chirac went to school here. Worked at Anheuser-Busch and HoJo's, too. In fact, many people in other countries who want to get the best education come to the undereducated USA for school.

Undereducated Americans. Hmmm...I don't hear a world outcry about the dominance of French culture. I don't hear a lot of international diplomacy being conducted in French. In fact, is that French the French air-traffic controllers are speaking? Wait, no, it's dumb old English.

Hegemony is great.

Posted by: Jayhawk at March 6, 2003 12:34 PM

Dear George,

I am not surprised to see that you ignore that the English court was speaking French at that time.

And to name a poet a whore give a good idea of your level as a human being.

Posted by: Frenchman at March 6, 2003 12:35 PM

My dear friends

Did you notice

1) That in Europe the admiration and imitation of the American way of life is found mainly in the lower classes.

2) That the American Upper class is imitating the European way of life.

3) That in the american popular culture men are dressed like pimps and women like whores.

Posted by: Frenchman at March 6, 2003 12:55 PM

Frenchman is just an example of the attitude that some european countries have towards the USA (I say some because Spain and others are standing behind us). He spouts off to someone asking how many languages he speaks as if his speaking 2+ languages makes him smarter and claims that Americans are undereducated.
Here are some questions for dear old Frenchie:
Where do the majority of medical advances happen? I'm sure France isn't on that list?
Where do the majority of technological advanced happen? (ie, automobile, airplanes, computers, telephone, steam engine, nuclear capabilities, etc)
The fact is that without the USA, the rest of the world would still be in the stone-age. Our individual freedom allows and pays us to be inventive and take risks. The American Revolution sparked democratic reforms throughout the world, INCLUDING FRANCE (the french revolution hint hint). Socialism/communisms doesn't promote those individual initiatives and that is one of the many things that makes America great.

Posted by: Justin at March 6, 2003 12:55 PM

Frenchie...I'm starting to wonder if you really are French. If you were, you'd know that the crowds packing McDonalds in Europe are the upper middle class...especially the young people.

Imitating the European way of life? Hardly. Smoking is on the decline in the US.

Whores? Hey, it's all those Euro models on Fashion TV strutting down the European catwalks showing their boobs. know you need the oil. Do you really want to have to eat your snails raw, in the dark, and in the cold? Do you really want to have to pick your own snails off your basement floor, because transportation costs have driven prices through the roof down at the local market?

Posted by: Robert at March 6, 2003 01:11 PM


Now this I know about: education. The American system starts low. Largely because it's universal. We don't segregate our students into the Success Track and the Peon Track early in their lives as you do. In other words, for them life is not over by the age of twelve.

We catch up and pass you generally in the first years of College/university. This is especially true in science and engineering. By the time graduate school rolls around, Europe is left in the dust.

At this point I can only speak of science and engineering. As a practicing person myself, I can assure you there is no great desire for Americans to study science anywhere but here.

You might notice that some Americans come over to specialized institutions - I'm thinking of CERN - but this is a glaring exception. We have the equivalent of many CERNs over here: Fermi Labs, SLAC, Brookhaven, plus the graduate schools to supply the theory: Caltech, Stanford, MIT, Harvard, and a few dozen more [apologies if I missed yours, people]. Oh, I forgot Institue for Advanced Study at Princeton, Rockefeller; we have those private institutions too.

And the upper class - if it exists - goes on its merry way without Deconstruction. We don't have the inherit-your-place-in-society that you do. The USA features the meritocracy: any number can play.

In a word, "Our Betters" doesn't exist over here. And certainly not to the degree that you do in France.

Frenchie, take off and have a nice drink. You're beginning to sound stupid.

Posted by: Charles at March 6, 2003 03:12 PM

"...And to name a poet a whore give a good idea of your level as a human being."

Listen here Nazi lover, where you rate me as a human is irrelevant considering the fact that you and your people find a man like Hussein OK. The French did not mind shipping the Jews to their death's, so don't give me this crap about about my level of humanity.

The French are whores. If that makes me sub-human in your eyes, then so be it.

Your still a cheese-eating surrender monkey.

Posted by: George at March 6, 2003 04:55 PM

"France has neither winter nor summer nor morals. Apart from these drawbacks it is a fine country. France has usually been governed by prostitutes."

---Mark Twain

Posted by: George at March 6, 2003 04:59 PM

Reading through most of these posts, and forgive me if I missed it, I fail to see the comment that challenges Frenchie on his comment of Saddam converting his 10 billion in UN reserves to Euro dollars.
I thought that his country was poor and that the evil empire (USA and it willing coalition) was starving the peoples of Iraq. Instead of storing that money for when he finally has the chance to run and hide, as well as building his 100 personal palaces per year, why doesn't he take care of his people? Seems more like a case of why didn't we just kick his ass a long time ago...

As for taking over oil laden countries, we could have Kuwait without a fight. We are now 300,000 strong to their 500,000 population and our troops are all armed.

As for anyone else that is worrying about the poor innocents of Iraq, lets hope that your kids are never close enough to feel the real pain of 9-11 (my company lost over 800 financial friends that day). I would kill anyone that threatens my kids, my wife and my way of life. the preservation of freedom is what my relatives have died for.

I pray earnestly that Saddam will just go peacefully and let his people live. But I'm sorry, better Them than Us.

If my stats are wrong, blame the mass media.

Poor Uneducated White Trash.

Posted by: White Trash at March 6, 2003 05:02 PM

In another breaking news story from France, it was found out that the news stations France 2 doctored up their video and falsely reported on the death of that 12 year old palestinian a few months ago. That boy that was being cradeled by his dad and trying the stay away from a fire-fight between Israeli troops and armed palistinians. It has been found out that the whole thing was staged and that the boy probably isn't dean. It was also discovered that it would have been impossible for the Israelis to have killed the boy from their position (a wall was in the way). An investigation has been initiated, but the reporters/tv station refuse to turn over the raw footage of the event. Why refuse? Are they hiding anything?
Yet another way for the French to deceive the world!

Posted by: Justin at March 6, 2003 05:41 PM

I apologize for my spelling, I meant to say that the the boy was being cradled by his dad and that he probably didn't even die (not dead instead of dean).

Posted by: Justin at March 6, 2003 05:45 PM

The Upper classes? The Lower classes? Please, dear Mr Pommes Frites, do NOT even attempt to drag your car-bombing, Jew-hating, Ass-licking class warfare over here. You must, indeed, be French since you obviously have gained all your knowledge of this country by watching Brady Bunch re-runs.

In this nation, jerk, it does NOT matter what "class" you are in - if you are good enough to get off your [backside] and do something, EVERYONE will applaud you.

Sounds like your Merde de France must be confused with Merde Antoinette.

Posted by: Fleck at March 6, 2003 11:20 PM


Classes: there's always Holywood, a lot of which (not all) is too "good" to be American except when the cameras are pointing. And then grudgingly so.

Posted by: Pawel at March 7, 2003 12:30 AM

Frenchman posted:
The Real Reasons for the Upcoming War With Iraq: A Macroeconomic and Geostrategic Analysis of the Unspoken Truth by W. Clark

Although completely suppressed by the U.S. media and government, the answer to the Iraq enigma is simple yet shocking -- it is an oil currency war.

I am with you 100% in the war against terrorists and against you 100% in the war for oil.

the dollar-euro threat is powerful enough that they will rather risk much of the economic backlash in the short-term to stave off the long-term dollar crash of an OPEC transaction standard change from dollars to euros.

Oil is motivating ALL governments.


all the above ( may or may not be valid points) they all ( could be probable and possibly probative)

but they are invalidated by a simple oath of office

each issue is invalid under a constitutional oath of office, every President of The United States has a duty to protect America with out regard to any political economic or self interest

a clear and convincing direct threat supersedes all other issue at hand, no President of The United States can forgo or ignore a direct threat

Posted by: all the above at March 7, 2003 08:20 PM

Dear all the above :

"but they are invalidated by a simple oath of office. each issue is invalid under a constitutional oath of office, every President of The United States has a duty to protect America without regard to any political economic or self interest. "

Are you joking or are you serious ?

Posted by: Frenchman at March 10, 2003 08:22 AM

1.The upper classes of the US and Europe imitate themselves, as they always have.
2. The majority of people both in the US and in Europe are not upper class. This being especially true in the more rigid class system that exists in Europe.
3. Because of a more rigid class system, lower class europeans have no reason to try to immulate the upper classes as it is almost impossible for them to be accepted into them.

4. It is erroneous and snobishly presumptuous to suggest that because many of those below the upper class in many european countries support US policy and the US way of life that they are somehow uninformed or do not have valid reasons for doing so.
5. The majority of people all over the world are not trying to immulate the image of American popular culture because in contrast to the credit you give them, they are actually smart enough to tell the difference between an image and reality. They do however admire the idea of being free to realize one's full potential without the roadblocks that many european governments and educational systems have put in their way to stop them from ever reaching a higher level than they currently are at.

Posted by: Jon at March 10, 2003 10:35 AM
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