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March 02, 2003
Daschle Demands Release of Top Al Qaeda Operative

(2003-03-02) -- U.S. Sen. Tom Daschle, D-SD, today demanded the release of al Qaeda's top planner, Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, who was captured yesterday in Pakistan. Sen. Daschle said if Mr. Mohammed were not released, the United States would have to attack Iraq.

"We Democrats have been saying that attacking Iraq is a bad idea since it distracts from the war on terror," said the Senator. "But if we continue to capture al Qaeda members, then Americans will think that we can do both at the same time. We must release this man immediately."

Sen. Daschle went on to talk about the horrifying results of any U.S. war on Iraq. When asked by a reporter if he meant that the U.S. would lose the war, he said "No, you fool, I mean we won't win back the White House in 2004."

by Scott Ott | Donate | | Comments (62) | More Satire | Printer-Friendly
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Oh my god... Scott, you've outdone yourself.

Posted by: Paul C. Tindall at March 2, 2003 08:28 AM

After Mr. Mohammed was released, the Democrats of the world (and all Europeans) breathed a collective sigh of relief, for they wouldn't have to attack Iraq.

Posted by: Paul C. Tindall at March 2, 2003 08:30 AM

Please note-Daschle is from South Dakota and not North Dakota. [Editor's Note: Original post corrected. Thanks.] At the moment, us NoDaks are massing on the South Dakota ready to invade Daschles underground bunker in Pierre, however the guy that owns the only tractor too haul us down there is a Democrat. Damn peaceniks-there everywhere.

Posted by: nodaky at March 2, 2003 09:36 AM

The best humor always has a ring of truth to it.

Posted by: addison at March 2, 2003 11:05 AM

"Daschle said if Mr. Mohammed were not released, the United States would have to attack Iraq."

Whew... At least the Libs will have a reason now
besides Oil. Now the Democrates can be in full
support of Senator Daschle and still support the
war effort.

Bush really blew it.. I can't beleive he said "Fantastic"
He should have said, "That stupid damn CIA, what are they
trying to do.. mess up my war, screw me out of millions worth of oil?"
He should have been depressed over it..
so the Democrats would think it was fantastic. *sigh*

Posted by: Phrog Poet at March 2, 2003 12:31 PM

I am outraged! OUTRAGED!! To think that Mr. Scrappleface is calling into question my patriotism is outrageous. Think about the children. Who will stop them from drinking gallons of arsenic? I am outraged!! I'm also very concerned. Concerned that Scrappleface would call into question my patriotism. I'm concerned for our children. Concerned that this administration is forcing them to drink gallons of arsenic. I am concerned that Rush Limbaugh is making me say these things and look foolish. It is outrageous. Outrageous, I say!! And that concerns me.

Posted by: Tom Daschle at March 2, 2003 02:53 PM

I aaaahh I support Senator Dashle in his aaahh
his aaah outrage, and in his aaahhh his concern.
If we allow this aaahh current administration to
aaahh continue.. to aaahh force this atrocity on
our chilrin, then who are going to not allow to
say "in ahhh God we Trust, or aahh " uner God"
when they do the aahh Pledge of Allegence.

It is also a wmafug off ahhh txlaht psyreers
montyey aaxh vseyiry auntpatriontoecet!
vseyiry auntpatriontoecet! vseyiry auntpatriontoecet!

Posted by: Ted Kennedy at March 2, 2003 04:08 PM

Are you making fun of Teddy Kennedy, my main man?
Hey, Daschle, come over here. I wanna show you this shiny stick. No, of course it's not a gun... That's right.... A little closer....

Posted by: Paul C. Tindall at March 2, 2003 04:29 PM

You keep outdoing yourself.
Please keep it up.
I'm having the most fun.

Posted by: Okie Dokie at March 2, 2003 05:09 PM

Scott, I think a huge celebration would be in order for your 500,000th visitor! A tremendously funny article would be nice, but since all fo them already are...

Posted by: Paul C. Tindall at March 2, 2003 06:51 PM

People WAR is NOT necessary! How many times must I tell you? Uncle Ted can simply invite Saddam to Chappaquitick, and take him for a leasurely drive!

Posted by: Robert Kennedy Jr at March 2, 2003 07:02 PM

Why is it that every time my eye scans the word "Daschle" my brain interrupts it as "dachshund". Does anyone else have this problem?

Posted by: wallace at March 2, 2003 09:03 PM

I hope that moron Clave stays out of here. He tracks sand where ever he goes.

" Clams got legs "


Posted by: Smitty at March 2, 2003 11:10 PM

Every time I see the Daschle word I think of it as a dislexic french EUnich. Le Dasch, i.e. the fast run, as in, for the hills. Oh God, I might have to fight for my beliefs. It's too hard. Let's go the easy route, i.e. tail between my legs, hide in a corner and not face reality. Le Dasch away and wait for the Americans to do what's right. Then after the storm, I'll come out and enjoy everafter! Pepe Le pEU has returned!!

Posted by: Kat at March 3, 2003 02:12 AM

A quizz:

Who first referred to a genocide as “THE FINAL SOLUTION” ?

1) Hitler, Adolf
2) Eichmann, Adolf
3) Goebbles, Joseph
4) Goering, Hermann
5) Hess, Rudolf
6) Himmler, Heinrich
7) Sherman, William Tecumseh

Posted by: Frenchman at March 3, 2003 05:53 AM

First of all Frogman, quiz has only one z. I guess the other is because your stupid ideas put us all to sleep.

The proper answer to your quiz is:
8) Vichy, France.

Posted by: MensaMan at March 3, 2003 09:27 AM

Let us enjoy it again ;)

A quiz:

Who first referred to a genocide as “THE FINAL SOLUTION” ?

1) Hitler, Adolf
2) Eichmann, Adolf
3) Goebbels, Joseph
4) Goering, Hermann
5) Hess, Rudolf
6) Himmler, Heinrich
7) Sherman, William Tecumseh

Posted by: Frenchman at March 3, 2003 09:57 AM

General William Tecumseh Sherman, the nefarious pillager of the South, shared his "enlightened" view on what he referred to as "the final solution to the Indian problem" with Ulysses S. Grant (commanding general of the federal army) in 1866 :

"We must act with vindictive earnestness against the Sioux, even to their extermination, men, women and children."

Posted by: Frenchman at March 3, 2003 10:03 AM


In which conflict below were the French victorious?

1) French & Indian War
2) War of Spanish Succession
3) Napoleonic Wars
4) Franco-Prussian War
5) World War I
6) World War II
7) War in Indochina
8) Algerian Rebellion
9) None of the above

Note: I should have mentioned the French Revolution, where French were victorious only because they were fighting the French.

Care for some Bratwurst?

Posted by: Ameri-can at March 3, 2003 10:35 AM

Dear Ameri-can,

Why did you not answer my little nice quiz (with only one Z as nicely and usefully mentioned by a good-willing poster).

Are you ashamed to know that US soldiers were killing women and children ?

Posted by: Frenchman at March 3, 2003 11:18 AM of all people should get this: There is no need for any civilian deaths. All the French...oops...Iraqis...have to do is surrender.

Posted by: Robert at March 3, 2003 11:23 AM

Frenchman you're not supposed to ask and answer your own posts! That's just not how it works! You post, then someone else, then another, etc. Get it? After some time, several opinions are expressed, and then you jump out and say "Got me!" Hahahaha!
In regards to your question, "Who first referred to a genocide as ìTHE FINAL SOLUTIONî ?" Everybody knows it was Billy Bob Thornton when he was affronting Dwight Yoakum in the movie "Sling Blade"! Mmmnnnh hummmmn!

Posted by: zzebu at March 3, 2003 11:32 AM

"People WAR is NOT necessary! How many times must I tell you? Uncle Ted can simply invite Saddam to Chappaquitick, and take him for a leasurely drive!

Posted by: Robert Kennedy Jr on March 2, 2003 07:02 PM"

Maybe we could get John Kennedy Jr. to fly Saddam over here!! Oh, too late.

Posted by: TK at March 3, 2003 11:39 AM


Actually, I have no problem with the 150 year old US history that you cling to. The Sioux nation had killed plenty of our women and children, which is why we had to deal with them. Try asking one of them, if you can FIND one. That's what happens when you bring a knife to a gun fight.

You see, we stick up for ourselves when we are attacked. You guys should try it, clean up your own mess, instead of calling us everytime you need us.

So there, I answered your question. Now answer mine. Why is the French flag red, white and blue but the French Military flag is just white?

Maybe you could teach the Iraqis how to hold both arms in the air. Be useful, for a change.

Posted by: Ameri-can at March 3, 2003 11:43 AM

Just be patient Ameri-can, you can bet the Frenchies will duck
and run for cover at the first volley. Watch and see...
They will emerge and the true "leaders" of the Iraqi war mechine. the "front" when it's time to retreat.

Courage in the face of fire is a "foreign concept" to them.
All we see is thier their "butt-side" any which way they are facing.

Posted by: Phrog Poet at March 3, 2003 12:19 PM

I've tried to go head to head with Frenchie-poo
on various different issues, all with the same result:

After a while he just gives up.

And then a lightbulb went off -
He's FRENCH! Of course he gives up quickly!

so, for all you posters, all you have to do is answer him with facts once or twice, and he'll go back to what he was doing - shopping for cheese but forgetting to buy deodorant.

Posted by: Ameri-can at March 3, 2003 01:37 PM

Scott, you are the greatest. It is good to see other people sick of Daschund, Daschle...take your pick.
Does Frenchie have to come into every forum and make [a fool] out of himself?
I think the french don't want to help in the war because if any of their soldiers were killed it would be from a bullet in the back, now how does that happen....? That is a better reason other than there oil contracts, there pharmaceutical equipments sales...

Posted by: Justin at March 3, 2003 02:23 PM

Frenchman, here is the answer to your quiz:
Actually it was the French on the island of San Domingo (today Haiti) during the reign of Napoleon. Napoleon appointed his brother-in law General Charles Leclerc a commandant of the island. His job was to restore the island to French control following black revolt against reinstallation of slavery. The French troops conducted their campaign with unprecedented bestiality. I am quoting from one of many sources which deal with this monstrous chapter in French history: ìLeclerc ordered that all blacks over the age of 12, including women, were to be killed. The genocide that followed sparked outrage in America and Europe. His successor, General Donatien Rochambeau, took the massacres to even greater levels of brutality. In one incident at Cap Francois he executed 6000 blacks and brought in savage bloodhounds to hunt the rebels down. He ordered that the dogs not be fed, their only food would be the meat of blacks, he saidî
The unspeakable atrocities perpetrated by French in San Domingo dwarfed anything Western countries would stoop to at the time. Sadistic brutality has always been the hallmark of French rule in colonies. Just ask Algerians. They hate the French like pest.
Anyway, Frenchman does it answer you question? Well, doesnít matter really. Iím sure you will soon resurface with some other absurdity. You seem to love to make a fool of yourself. Or is it because you canít hold your cheese?

Posted by: Tadek at March 3, 2003 02:58 PM

Frenchie, how many wars that France was losing did France drag the US into? And which one killed so many of my personal friends.

{hint: it's in SE Asia}

Posted by: wallace at March 3, 2003 03:42 PM

not only did they drag us into that one, they left us high and dry.

Posted by: Justin at March 3, 2003 05:29 PM

about SE Asia...

...I seem to recall that during those days we spent an inordinate
amount of time at the "Paris Peace Talks" arguing about whether
the negotiation table should be round or not.. so that no member of
the committe had and "unfair advantage".

And then we established a "demilitarized zone" *rolls eyes* as the
solution. We didn't lose that war.. we just gave up on convincing
anyone there that freedom was a good idea.

Nobody wants to even talk about what happened there after we left.

Posted by: Phrog Poet at March 3, 2003 05:54 PM

wallace , i resent the term i think of a dachshound . i own one , and they are loyal and brave . please no more insults to my loyal dog . thanks

Posted by: dave at March 4, 2003 09:16 AM

Hey Mr. Frencman,

Here's a song for you to squeeze on your accordian.

(Sung to the tune of Oh Christmas Tree)

Oh Oppenheimer,
Oh Oppenheimer,
How steadfast are
Your fiery branches!
Your boughs are red
Over Franceís slime
With their crepes
and awful wine.
Oh Oppenheimer,
Oh Oppenheimer,
How steadfast are
your fiery branches!
Oh Oppenheimer,
Oh Oppenheimer,
Nuke those Frogs of slime
With bombs aloft,
France crossed the line
Your toys inspire
this song and rhymes.
Oh Oppenheimer,
Oh Oppenheimer,
What fate befalls the French?
Oh Oppenheimer,
Oh Oppenheimer,
Your toys can
teach the French this time,
that treacherous acts
from hopeless slime,
bring US strength raining
from the sky.
Oh Oppenheimer,
Oh Oppenheimer,
Your toys can
make better French Fries!

Posted by: All Americans at March 4, 2003 10:37 AM

Mr. Frenchmen,

Please accept an invitation to come over to America and spout off your views and morals of a trash can cat.

Let us know when and where we can expect you to arrive. We make it a national event. I'm sure you will be well received by millions of Americans.

OOPS...what was I thinking? ...You?ll need at least a decade to debate with yourself, won't you?

Oh well...happy trash can digging. While you at it, see if you can find a toothbrush in the garbage. And then again, never mind.... with the hygiene habits of you French morons, your teeth probably rotted out long ago. But hey.... you might still scrounge for a razor and some deodorant.

Posted by: Ronnie Smith at March 4, 2003 11:04 AM

Hey Frenchie, Just remember you could have been saying Heil Hilter, every morning of your I am sure that your French history books, (aka...How to surrender) will show that the French people are nothing but a bunch of cowards who cannot stand up for themselves...

Posted by: Stars&Stripes; 4ever at March 4, 2003 12:37 PM

To Tadek

"The unspeakable atrocities perpetrated by French in San Domingo dwarfed anything Western countries would stoop to at the time. Sadistic brutality has always been the hallmark of French rule in colonies."

This is absolutely true and a great shame.

Posted by: Frenchman at March 4, 2003 01:07 PM

To Ameri-can

"Actually, I have no problem with the 150 year old US history that you cling to. The Sioux nation had killed plenty of our women and children, which is why we had to deal with them."

They were invaded and defending themselves. Weren't they ?

Posted by: Frenchman at March 4, 2003 01:10 PM


Regarding the Sioux.

I doubt that you can call a campaign of survival an invasion.

Yet you French were worse in Louisiana. You massacred the Chitmacha, Coushatta, Choctaw, and the Tunica-Biloxi nations. Wow...Frenchie.... you guys took out four nations in one state. We won't even go into the ones prior to the Louisiana Purchase.

What a hypocritical moron you are.

You should know all of your facts before you go and make a fool of yourself by opening your pie-hole without knowing what you are talking about.

Besides, all of you French should keep you mouths shut anyway, because you all have such bad breath.

Posted by: All Americans at March 4, 2003 01:39 PM

Frenchie- you're back!

I guess if I give you 24 hours you'll return with an argument, although you still haven't been able to provide me with any French military victories - you'll need 24 years for that.

Why not visit the 'Win Without War' website and post your nonsense there?

You see, after watching our own jump out of a 100 story building because it was too hot to stay inside, many of US do not care what France thinks, what Europe thinks, or even what those inbreds in the middle east think. You'll all find this out when our money stops making it across the Atlantic.

I don't remember seeing Ground Zero passing buckets like I was.

Posted by: Ameri-can at March 4, 2003 03:16 PM

And if the "toothbrush" had been invented anywhere else in the world except France, it would have been named the "teethbrush" ...

Posted by: zzebu at March 4, 2003 04:02 PM

Posted by: Frenchman on March 3, 2003 11:18 AM



Posted by: FREE IRAQ at March 4, 2003 06:16 PM

To All Americans

Could you please explain me what is *a campaign of survival* ?

Posted by: Frenchman at March 5, 2003 11:00 AM

OK Frog, you want to say that we invaded, we did. You want to say we conquered, we did. The fact is that unlike the French, we have moved forward and have corrected many of the wrongs inflicted by generations before us. Granted it won't make a difference for those who actually suffered, but as your people are so fond of saying in that lack of testosterone language of yours, Ce'lavie, or something like that. Why don't the French and all their European friends return the gold they plundered from the Americas and Africa?

Go find a master to serve.

Posted by: George at March 5, 2003 11:39 AM

To All-American

*Yet you French were worse in Louisiana. You massacred the Chitmacha, Coushatta, Choctaw, and the Tunica-Biloxi nations. Wow...Frenchie.... you guys took out four nations in one state. We won't even go into the ones prior to the Louisiana Purchase.*

This is the information I found (but only in a quick research):

The only interesting element is 1729: The Natchez Massacre. I did not found any mention of French mass-murdering women and children.

Feel free to provide me with any information.

Anyway I do not think that the French were better than the others.

If I remember correctly this discussion began about the famous quotation *We are the Good*.

And I wanted to say that it is not true and so started with the Indians.

I do not pretend to say that the French are *good*.

I pretend to say that NOBODY is good enough to say "We are the Good".

Kind Regards,

Posted by: Frenchman at March 5, 2003 11:51 AM

Dear George

Thank you for your sincerity. Please refer to my previous answer about my interest in the question.

*OK Frog, you want to say that we invaded, we did. You want to say we conquered, we did. The fact is that unlike the French, we have moved forward and have corrected many of the wrongs inflicted by generations before us.*

Could you be more precise when you explain that you have corrected many of the wrongs inflicted by generations before ? Thanks

Please note that you say "the wrongs inflicted by generations before us" but never "The Generation before us won WW2". Isn't it some sort of double standard ?

Kind regards,

Posted by: Frenchman at March 5, 2003 12:02 PM



You mean to tell me you LIVE HERE?

You post nothing but anti-American sentiment on this site and you RESIDE IN THE US??????

What are you doing here? Going to college for half price tuition?

If you have sooooooooo many complaints about us, why don't you go back to France where your rants will be supported by the other thankless, ungrateful slobs??

Go back home to Jacques Iraq...I mean Chirac.
Oh, and as long as your here, I'd work on the accent. Some Americans may take the fact that you are French to task.

Posted by: Ameri-can at March 5, 2003 02:27 PM

Froggie, what the hell do you mean by

"Please note that you say "the wrongs inflicted by generations before us" but never "The Generation before us won WW2". Isn't it some sort of double standard ? "

The only double standard here is that we didn't beat France to a pulp the way we did with the Germans, your daddy's, and the Japanese. One wrong we corrected was slavery. Unlike you continuous anti-Semitism which you love to mask by blaming Israel for everything wrong with the middle east.

Anyway, until next time you cheese eating surrender monkey. Assume the position, there's an Arab coming your way.

Posted by: George at March 5, 2003 04:40 PM

I have also seen the reports of rising anti-semitism in france. It is unbelievable that that type of hatred is still running rampant in an area where so many have died. I cannot believe the amount of blood that has been spilt on French soil and the disgrace that their government/ideals disgrace it.

Posted by: Justin at March 5, 2003 06:01 PM

Frenchies :

Less you forget, read this letters again...


To France and European COLLABORATORS of Saddam;

Every Iraqi and Kurds has the right to be free (like the Europeans) from the dictatorship and tyranny of Saddam.

SHAMELESS France supports Saddam as a way to protect their oil contracts at the expense of every Iraqi and Kurds. France DEPLORAPLE business with Saddam are all in violation of the UN trade embargo and therefore illegal. DESPICABLE France must be tried as an accessory and accomplice to all atrocities and genocide committed by Saddam to its own people particularly the Kurds.

Bootlickers can show their CROCODILE concern by putting Saddam as the King of France and the President of Europe. ìVive Europe - Long live Der Fuhrer Saddamî.

Posted by: Ylmas (a KURD) on February 22, 2003 06:56 AM




Quote by Saddam Hussein, 1992, expressing anger at French participation in the Gulf War:

"As for financiers, industrialists and above all those responsible for military industry, the question must be put to French politicians: Who did not benefit from these business contracts and relationships with Iraq? . . . With respect to the politicians, one need only refer back to the declarations of all the political parties of France, Right and Left. All were happy to brag about their friendship with Iraq and to refer to common interests. From Mr. Chirac [now the center-right president] to Mr. Chevenement [the socialist former defense minister] . . . politicians and economic leaders were in open competition to spend time with us and flatter us. We have now grasped the reality of the situation [of France's support for the 1991 Gulf War, a betrayal in Saddam's eyes]. If the trickery continues, we will be forced to unmask them, all of them, before the French public"

How noble of Mr. Chirac, since 1992, to spend a decade weakening sanctions against Iraq and to fight against the liberation its people, for fear of his own ass.

Since scandal is hardly a new thing for Mr. Chirac, whatever Saddam has on him must be a peach. In fact, if Mr. Chirac hadn't been re-elected, he'd be in court for numerous other scandals, if not already in prison by now.

This one is going to be the mother of all scandals.

More here:

Posted by: Keith on March 1, 2003 08:31 PM


Do I need to say more??

Posted by: Neil at March 5, 2003 10:31 PM

Dear George-the-poet

"Unlike you continuous anti-Semitism which you love to mask by blaming Israel for everything wrong with the middle east."

I don't think that blaming Israel is anti-Semitism.

Nowadays, if one say "Ariel Sharon is fat", one is said to be an anti-semit.

Posted by: Frenchman at March 6, 2003 01:12 PM

Did you guys see the news that representative Marcy Kaptur D-Ohio compared Bin Laden and his extremist follers and the founding fathers.
How can someone even conceive of the notion that they similiar an any way shape or form. What kind of people are we electing? I don't think I will ever be able to understand democrats and their irrational ilogical way of thinking.

Posted by: Justin at March 6, 2003 02:46 PM

here is a news flash, Israel is not totaly responsible for all the problems. French tend to be anti-semitic and it is easy for you all to blame them for the existing problems.
Who started the infidada (spelling?)?
What would you do if a neighboring country started sending its citizens over to blow up your buildings, buses, clubs, restraunts and shoot/blow up innocent women and children. I don't condone some of the Israeli responses (and some lead to more terrorist acts), but who started it? The need to sit down and come up with a solution, but it won't happen because the PALISTINIANS don't want it to happen. I believe they turned down a peace initiative where the got like 95% of what they wanted, not a 50-50 proposal but 95%. They want all the jews dead and out of Israel and that's it!

Posted by: Justin at March 6, 2003 02:52 PM

Israel is a civilized country with civilized people.

Palestinians are not civilized.

If you ask any Palestinian what their goal is, they will NOT say the end of Israeli settlements.

Their goal, as is the goal of most other Muslim countries, is the destruction of the state of Israel.

Israel has no choice but to fight back. If Sharon said to Arafat: "One more suicide bomber and Jenin will be no more" it would end.

Actually, the Palestinians would test this. But after Jenin was completely destroyed, they'd get the point.

FYI - Interesting stuff on CNN about the long and friendly business relationship between France and Iraq. It explains many things.

Posted by: Ameri-can at March 6, 2003 03:58 PM

Here is a way to solve the Israeli-Palestinian problem:

Remove everyone from the West Bank, Gaza Strip and other occupied zones. Those refugees will be relocated to other arab nations.

A solid defensive perimeter will be set up between Israel and the Arab neighbors effectively seperating the two. We know that the Arabs want complete destruction of the Israeli state and the death of all Jews (and Americans alike).

If this seems harsh, just recall the attitude of the muslims. This is that all non-muslims are infidels and deserve death. The WTC is a testament to that.

Posted by: Justin at March 6, 2003 05:52 PM

To The Frenchman

You keep brining up the American Indian struggles in the early stages of the united states

Yet you fail to include that America was composed of several nationalities including France Germany England Spain,

It seems to me that France has a history of concurring and occupation of foreign lands

Also (France) have a very bloody history in your homeland,

Not mention France in Africa, Viet Nam,

That was then this is now its a none issue
we can go back a bring up issue after issue ...

hello France and English wars
oh how about Napoleon
hmmm how about this man Napolean !!

you leave him out of you argument like he never exsisted well well well ......
I see you have little to say War and Peace

Posted by: freedom now at March 6, 2003 06:51 PM

Dear Justin, Dear Ameri-can,

Here is a way to solve the Israeli-Palestinian problem: Kill as much palestinians as possible, put the survivors in reservations and steal their land.

Posted by: Frenchman at March 7, 2003 04:20 AM

That's the first time I've ever heard you make sense!

(by the way, it's "Kill as MANY Palestinians as possible")

Also, you never answered me about WHERE YOU LIVE.

Posted by: Ameri-can at March 7, 2003 09:38 AM

To Freedom now

"Also (France) have a very bloody history in your homeland,"

It is true but my President never went so far as to say "We are the GOOD".

1)Because we think that NOBODY is good enough to pretend that.
2)Because he would have been laughed at by every overly educated French citizen.

Posted by: Frenchman at March 7, 2003 10:23 AM

Dear Ameri-can

"Kill as MANY Palestinians as possible"

Thank you for your kind support in my improvement in English.;)

Also, you never answered me about WHERE YOU LIVE.

Is it so important ?

Posted by: Frenchman at March 7, 2003 10:26 AM

You are overlooking truth and forgetting your history (again) Frenchie,

Palistine is already the "reservation" for the unfortunate hated and driven, that Syria, Jordan, and the other Arab "tribes" didn't already masacre.

Yeah.. Isreal could "win without war" .. if only they were big hearted and "Christian" enough to endure the "injustice" they would have to put up with.

Posted by: Phrog Poet at March 7, 2003 02:19 PM

I don't recall saying "kill as many palestinians as possible." If they were removed the issue would end. Israel needs to keep strong borders to protect itself. Why? loog at the last 50 years and see how many times it had to defend itself from its Arab neighbors. Of course Egypt wised up after it got its ass kicked one too many times.
Frenchie, why do you keep bringing up the indian issue? We have dealt with our ghosts, but apparently you have not. Since you haven't you must bring up the same senseless argument over and over and over and over and over and over and over (sorry, I hope he catches my subliminal hint).
It would be interesting to hear what country you live in Frenchman just to see if you have seen what you are talking about or if it is just what if have read in your book "The Socialistic and Overtly Liberal Look at North American History".

Posted by: Justin at March 7, 2003 07:15 PM


I live in New York, New York. Maybe you've heard of it.

The importance of where you live has to do with your anti-American sentiment. If you live here, I think you should back up and go home. You don't have the right to criticize a country that you are living off of. I've been to France, and if you don't speak the language, the French could not be more rude. I can only imagine what would happen if I lived there and criticized Jaques Iraq.

If you live there, I'm rewarded by the fact that you live in a country of cowards.

So, are you going to answer me? This is the third time I've asked:


Posted by: Ameri-can at March 8, 2003 12:09 AM
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