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March 01, 2003
Clinton Jury Duty Campaign Gets Strong Start

(2003-03-01) -- A couple of years ago, he was the most powerful man in the world, now William Jefferson Clinton is just Prospective Juror No. 142 in a Manhattan federal court.

But that hasn't stopped Citizen Clinton from leaping into the opportunity with the zeal that has marked his political career.

Speaking at a fundraiser last night for his 'Jury Duty Campaign 2003,' the New York resident said, "I have a vision for this jury that's bigger than any one man's ambitions."

A Jury Duty Campaign spokesman said Mr. Clinton has already raised $1.3 million to compensate him for the time he'll spend carefully weighing the evidence, challenging the definitions of words and assuring that "justice rolls down like waters" for defendant Dushon Foster.

Mr. Foster stands accused of attempted murder in an alleged gang shooting.

by Scott Ott | Donate | | Comments (8) | More Satire | Printer-Friendly
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I am full support of his right to be a jurist.
It is his right and "duty" as an American citizen.

Amoral character, ignorance of responsiblity, and
and his criminal empathy would make him highly
qualified to make sure that Mr Foster gets an
long extended, fair, and unbiased trial.

Unless .. Mr Foster allegededly used a gun! In
that case Citizen Clintion might not be able to
be truly objective.

Posted by: Phrog Poet at March 1, 2003 01:08 PM

Vote Ex-Pres Clinton (per)Jurist!

Bumper stickers and campaign buttons will be avialible soon.
Place your orders with campaign manager James Carville.

When ask his opinon of the future of the campaign,
Carville commented, " I am very proud to be an important
part of this magnanimous culmination of Mr Clinton's
exemplary brilliant career as a public servant.
It's important for Ex-Presidents to continue to
make a valuable politcal contribution. They are not all
going to be able to win a Nobel Peace Prize, You know?"

From the Carville "Democrat with an Attitude"
"Civic duty is far from dull these days. There's
a lot going on out there when it comes to politics
and policy. You've got to make your voice heard.
The best way, of course, is to vote and I mean
in every election, from the race for dogcatcher
all the way up. But voting is not enough. Good
Democrats need to roll up their sleeves and jump
into the mix in many other ways, too."

If Clinton should loose this race... there is
always Dog Catcher he can run for. He is a scrapper
we can count on to remain politically significant.
he won't be giving up.

Posted by: Phrog Poet at March 1, 2003 07:37 PM

Clinton is also building up the esteem to run for 'Lowest Janitor at the White House' and Carver claims that this [large-scale] job as a jure could be the lift he needs. Please, use your taxes (somehow) to get Clinton in the jure position, so he can then run for [lowest] Janitor at the White House. Donations can be made to-
This is a fake address
Please, don't send anything here
But if you really want to,
Have fun getting your letter returned
PO Box 458900

Posted by: Paul C. Tindall at March 1, 2003 08:23 PM

The prosecutor wants Clinton off the jury. The scumbag's lawyer wants him on. 'Nuff said.

Posted by: Robert at March 2, 2003 08:15 AM

Manhattan-----After rumors started, that William Jefferson Clinton might use his political might to get out of jury duty, Mr. Clinton quickly quelled the rumor. He was quoted as saying, "I have a deep feeling for our Judicial system, and besides, this is yet another way to meet some hot babes, hell, if we are sequestered, the Government will even pay for the hotel room, SWEET! Some 'players' think laundromats, and grocery stores are swell places to hunt tail, but when they are in the jury box, they CAN'T just get up and leave!"

Posted by: Susan Serin-Done at March 2, 2003 11:36 AM


Fourty One More prominent Democratic Senators have stepped
forward to announce they are not going to run for the Presidency
in 2004. Unification of the Democratic Party was sited as the
primary reason.

"It was aaaah a difficult decision," Said Senator Ted Kennedy,
"But aaahh unification of the party and winning back the
White House has to be put ahead of aaah of the politics of
personal destruction."

A unnamed spokesman for the DNC said they were all in agreement
on not entering the Reader's Digest Sweepstakes, also, and had
unanimously thrown their applications into the trash so that other
party members would have a better chance of achieving the
American dream when the tax cuts where defeated by a filibuster.

Posted by: Phrog Poet at March 3, 2003 02:56 PM

Bill Bill Bill ... will do ANYTHING to get his name and face in the paper on tv even radio....gotta feel sorry for the guy you know? Oh wait he is gettin paid for his time by who???? Bet the cheapscate even takes the few bucks the other jurors will get. Some things never change.

Posted by: grannyv at March 4, 2003 08:53 AM

Interesting. Why do you suppose they'd let someone who has LIED UNDER OATH be on a jury???? Can he be trusted not to LIE AGAIN???? (ha ha of course not!) What a f'd up system we have where you can lie under oath and get away with it.


Posted by: Dusty at March 5, 2003 08:30 AM
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