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February 26, 2003
Pro-Bush Forces Plan 'Virtual March' On Hollywood

(2003-02-26) -- A coalition of groups which support President Bush's plan to disarm Iraq by force if needed today announced plans for a 'virtual march' on Hollywood on March 19.

Inspired by the massive impact of today's 'Win Without War' virtual march on Washington, a spokesman for 'Win Without Weaseling' said they plan to flood phone lines and email bins in Tinsel Town in an attempt to stop the emotional manipulation of the American public by entertainers such as Martin Sheen, Woody Harrelson, Matt Damon and Susan Sarandon.

"We'll tie up every centimeter of fiber optic line in Hollywood to make our point," said the unnamed spokesman. "Agents won't be able to pitch producers, actors won't get through to their agents, and several million dollars in cocaine deals will be foiled."

by Scott Ott | Donate | | Comments (97) | More Satire | Printer-Friendly
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I'll send my share of spam, if the war isn't over by then.

Posted by: Dishman at February 26, 2003 09:10 PM

I'll spam the celebrities, but not against war.

Posted by: Paul C. Tindall at February 26, 2003 09:34 PM

I'll spam them, just because they're stupid.

Do you need any other reason?

Posted by: Fleck at February 26, 2003 09:50 PM

Hell yeah! I can't stand these people! I'll do all that I can and then some!

Posted by: Alex at February 26, 2003 10:01 PM

virtually supporting US

Posted by: Rob at February 26, 2003 10:10 PM

Great satire, yet also a great idea, Scott!

Posted by: Mac at February 26, 2003 10:11 PM

Boo hooh, waaaaah, boo waaaaah! Stop it! Stop it! You're being so mean to me. Boo hoo hoo. Take me seriously! I was in Mystery Men as a bowler. Waaaaaaahhhhh!

Posted by: Janeane Garofolo at February 26, 2003 11:42 PM

These people (hollywood types) call Bush stupid??!!

Posted by: David at February 26, 2003 11:46 PM

Heh. Even better, check out BigWig's idea over at Silflay Hraka

Blinding Them With Science

Posted by: John Branch at February 27, 2003 12:51 AM

The impending war will not be fought over terrorism, anthrax, VX gas, Saddam Hussein, democracy or the treatment of the Iraqi people.

It is about OIL.

It is about OIL.

Posted by: Ronald Mc Donald at February 27, 2003 07:20 AM

Uh Oh, Ron didn't take his meds today, call security.

Posted by: Mikey at February 27, 2003 08:40 AM

Ronnie, have a burger, will you?
Your types screamed about "no blood for oil" the last time and you were wrong then. We didn't take over the Iraqi oil fields in '91 and we won't take them over in '03.
When the war is over will you post an apology?

Posted by: tom at February 27, 2003 09:10 AM

The last sentence says it all! Another winner, Scott. Keep it up your on a roll!

Posted by: Richard at February 27, 2003 09:32 AM

If the war was about oil, Bush would have bombed Venezuela and took it over (he may actually do this in the not so distant future since there is a communist in power who has now started murduring his political opponents). Or...he would have signed some contracts with Saddam LIKE THE FRENCH AND RUSSIANS did. Why do some people just not get it??

Posted by: Another European at February 27, 2003 10:08 AM

I can settle Venezuela! One shot one kill, if President Bush would recind a certain executive order. Same thing applies to Saddam Husein. And for the CLOWN that thinks it is about oil, can you say --- VX, Sarin, Thickened Mustard Gas, Ricin, Somin, Anthrax, Variola (smallpox), Yersina Pestis (plague), tularemia, brucellous, and a few others I can name. How would you like your friendly terrorist to visit Hollywood with that stuff in hand??? On the other hand-----hmmmmmm Hey, Saddam I know this great place--------------

Posted by: Larry at February 27, 2003 10:24 AM

Check this!! Truth outdoes fiction every day!!!

About time.

Posted by: A European at February 27, 2003 10:48 AM

Dear all,

EACH of you here is talking as if he were a courageous SOLDIER ready to fight.

Lesson to me : YOU ARE NOT.

WHO here will go to Irak ? NONE of you.

WHO here is a WW2 Veteran or even a Soldier ? NONE of you.


They won WW2, NOT YOU.

THEY were soldiers, YOU ARE NOT.

Please STOP FANCIYNG yourself as heroes. YOU ARE NOT HEROES.


Posted by: Frenchman at February 27, 2003 11:38 AM

Frenchman. What's an Irak? And how do you "know" so much about everyone who enjoys Scrappleface? I suspect you may be stereotyping a tad. Seek help. Or maybe just your weekly shower might calm you down. Ooops...stereotype, sorry.

Posted by: Wil at February 27, 2003 11:44 AM

Lesson to me Frenchman. Wen yoo git to forth grad, tha will teech yoo how to spel.

Posted by: Pooke at February 27, 2003 11:48 AM

Uh... good point; sure. Because that's how civilized democracies work -- you pay an army to make your decisions for you, because they're the only ones "brave" enough to carry out those decisions. Therefore, of course, in a democracy, "ordinary citizens'" opinions are totally irrelevant; it's what their soldiers (read: employees) think that really matters.

Idiot. Go bully Eastern European nations into bending to your petty hegemonic will, or whatever you do when you're not being saved by Americans or collaborating with every evil regime ever to attain power.


Posted by: Shlif at February 27, 2003 12:22 PM

Hey Froggie,

All the soldiers are working on whipping [tails] that needs whipping.

We're holding down the fort to keep morons like you from taking over while our people do the job that your country couldn't handle for fear of losing its oil contracts.

Posted by: Cap'n Stuby at February 27, 2003 12:25 PM

Hey FROG, I spent 30 years in the Navy and I have been everywhere including the mideast and north africa.!!!! I whipped your [tails] in bars in the Med and I can do it now, even if I am 58. You really ought to learn that the highest complement that you can pay me is that I am "just an ordinary citizen"! I am proud to be an ORDINARY CITIZEN in the greatest country the world has ever seen.

Posted by: Larry at February 27, 2003 12:37 PM

Dear Frenchman...

1) It is quite possible that several posters have fought for our freedom and the freedon of others(including but not limited to France's). Many posters may soon be doing the same. Please do not assume that which you don't know.

2) Many of us have family who fought and died defending freedom during WW2. Exercising our right to speak freely is the best way to honor those who died for that right.

3) One of the greatest aspects of a free democracy is that "ordinary citizens" have a voice.

4) The freedoms that you and your countrymen enjoy are a direct result of the
sacrifices "ordinary citizens" have made. Keep in mind that they were mostly non-French citizens.

Posted by: scooter at February 27, 2003 12:41 PM

leave it to a frenchman to attempt to lecture Americans about Soldiers, Courage and Heroes. How pathetic... the unmitigated gaulle.

hey frenchie, you'd be speaking german if it wasn't for the Ordinary Citizen Soliers of the United States of America. And you would be speaking Arabic in the near future as you cheese eating surrender monkeys would stand on the streets of Paris with tears on your face as hordes of camels (instead of panzers) would stream into the Champs-Elysees. Unfortunately for you and your country (fortunately for the rest of us) your country's pathetic attempts to hide the illegal and immoral business dealings with Saddam will be revealed by the US Marines and Special Operations Forces when Iraq is liberated in the coming weeks. And then all the Ordinary Citizens of the USA will voluntarilly boycott everything to do with France, and your little country will wither away.

bye-bye Frenchie - your 15 minutes are almost up.

Posted by: tom at February 27, 2003 01:33 PM

The ultimate irony...being lectured on bravery by a Frenchman. What's next? Bill Clintin' doing volunteer work at the rape crisis center?

Posted by: Delbie at February 27, 2003 01:54 PM

Wow! Check the prose - it's Andy Koffman! He came back as the "Frenchman"!!! Blood for oil? Attention residents of Hollywuss - limos will not run on blood...

Posted by: zzebu at February 27, 2003 02:40 PM

What do you call 100,000 French men with their arms in the air?

The Army

Posted by: CHAD at February 27, 2003 02:43 PM

Actually, Frenchman, some of us are soldiers. Stuff it.

Posted by: Redleg at February 27, 2003 04:31 PM

Time to boycott the products those nitwits in hollywood produce.

Let's start with:
Jeaneane Garafolo, Sean Penn, Barbara Striesand (of I'm sorry she hasn't produced anything in years)and George Clooney. Don't go to their flix, if one of them shows up on cable, turn the channel, don't rent a vid they star in. They won't get another nickel outta me.

Posted by: wizegoi at February 27, 2003 05:47 PM

Sorry being so slow in posting a rebuttle to your absurd post, but I wasn't alive during WW2, so I couldn't have fought in it. Sorry, but have YOU fought in a war? No? I wonder why...? Wait, it's cause France is to cowardly to send it's [pitiful] army into war, and even if it did, what would it do? Nothing...

Posted by: Paul C. Tindall at February 27, 2003 06:48 PM

Most of you never been in don't know anything about us...i m a frog i never take shower i hate america i eat smelly cheese and my wife is hairy...that's what you want?? OK!
Then taste France...and you will see how 60 millions of frogs could live much better than 250 millions of fat and brainwashed american...
I taste the US, so I can talk...

Posted by: AnotherFrenchMan at February 27, 2003 07:53 PM

I realize America is bad. That's why we have such a huge immigration problem.

Posted by: Robb at February 27, 2003 09:36 PM

My father spent WW2 in the army. He enlisted before Pearl Harbor. I spent 4 years in the navy during NAM. I enlisted too. If I had a son, instead of a daughter, I'd be proud as hell, if he was fighting for this country. Our country was founded by "ordinary citizens" fighting, at that time, the best army in the world. "Ordinary citizens" whipped Hitler's [tail]. He thought Americans would never fight, that they were too soft. Saddam's made the same mistake. Europe has a sickness in it's soul.

Posted by: Geoff at February 27, 2003 11:56 PM

Actually Frenchman, some of us are sailors too, so stuff it again.

Posted by: Bubblehead at February 28, 2003 01:37 AM

Fortunately, Frenchman, evolution has provided these Poster Boys For Indoctrination an out.

Those with war mongering caveman genes will become extinct by natural selection.

Posted by: Simmer_Down at February 28, 2003 03:40 AM

Ronald McDonald is right!!! it's all about oil! It has always been! Canola versus Mazola, Corn oil versus Olive...It's never ending. Burgers being tossed aside, fries (freedom) go soggy, salads ruined. And a top of it all, the issue of shortening over lard. Now you see why the world is in peril! Thank you for the enlightment Ron!!!~

Posted by: Killerflix at February 28, 2003 05:36 AM

let me get this right, simmer..."with war mongering caveman genes" we would be considered a lower if extinction isn't fast enough for you, you wouldn't have any problem help nature out, correct? So the "peace movement" applies only to those who share your political views. The rest gets the gas-chambers the gulags and the killing fields...well bring it on pumpkin, let evolution take it's course!
Now you see folks why the second amendment is so important!

Posted by: killerflix at February 28, 2003 05:50 AM

Of course Frenchman hasn't fought in a war, but I hear he has surrendered in several.

Posted by: Robert at February 28, 2003 12:44 PM

Let me get this straight...the war is about oil??
Do these anti-war protestors have a clue how much oil and fuel those environmentally un-friendly greyhound buses use on that trip across the country to protest about a war about oil actually use? Pretty ironic to protest what you think to be a war about oil....then use thousands of barrels of oil to get to that very protest.

Posted by: Steve at March 1, 2003 10:27 AM



Osama Bin Laden
The Taliban
Saddam Hussien
KimJung Ill


The List of Hollywood Artists United, Who aid and are providing Material support to Al - Quaeda and terrorist States

Susan Sarandon, AKA Susan Bin Laden
Jeananne Garafalo, AKA Jeananne Bin Laden
Mike Farrell, AKA Khalid Shaikh Farrell
Robert Greenwald
Gillian Anderson
Edward Asner
Rene Auberjonois
David Bale
Kim Basinger
Ed Begley, Jr.
Theo Bikel
Barbara Bosson
Jackson Browne
Peter Buck (REM)
Diahann Carroll
Eugene J. Carroll, Jr.,
Rear Adm. U.S. Navy (Ret.)
Kathleen Chalfant
Don Cheadle
Jill Clayburgh
David Clennon
Jack Coleman
Peter Coyote
Lindsay Crouse
Suzanne Cryer
Matt Damon
Dana Daurey
Ambassador Jonathan Dean
(U.S. Rep. to NATO
Warsaw Pact)
Vincent DíOnofrio
David Duchovny
Olympia Dukakis
Charles S. Dutton
Hector Elizondo
Cary Elwes
Shelley Fabares
Mike Farrell
Mia Farrow
Laurence Fishburne
Sean Patrick Flanery
Bonnie Franklin
John Fugelsang
Larry Gelbart
Melissa Gilbert
Danny Glover
Elliott Gould
Samaria Graham
Robert Greenwald
Robert Guillaume
Paul Haggis
Robert David Hall
Ethan Hawke
Ken Howard
Helen Hunt
Anjelica Huston
LaTanya Richardson Jackson
Samuel L. Jackson
Jane Kaczmarek
Melina Kanakaredes
Casey Kasem
Mimi Kennedy
Jessica Lange
Tea Leoni
Wendie Malick
Camryn Manheim
Marsha Mason
Richard Masur
Dave Matthews
Kent McCord
Robert Duncan McNeill
Mike Mills (REM)
Janel Moloney
Esai Morales
Ed O'íNeill
Chris Noth
Peter Onorati
Alexandra Paul
Ambassador Edward Peck
(former U.S. Ambassador
to Iraq)
Seth Peterson
CCH Pounder
David Rabe
Alan Rachins
Bonnie Raitt
Carl Reiner
Tim Robbins
Steve Robinson,
Sgt., U.S. Army (Ret.)
Mitch Ryan
Susan Sarandon
Tony Shalhoub
Jack Shanahan,
Vice Adm. U.S. Navy (Ret.)
William Schallert
Martin Sheen
Armin Shimerman
Gloria Steinem
Marcia Strassman
Michael Stipe (REM)
Susan Sullivan
Loretta Swit
Studs Terkel
Lily Tomlin
Blair Underwood
Dennis Weaver
Bradley Whitford
James Whitmore
James Whitmore, Jr.
Alfre Woodard
Noah Wyle
Peter Yarrow
Howard Zinn
Ed Asner,
Ossie Davis,
Jane Fonda,
Danny Glover,
Casey Kasum,
Oliver Stone
Marisa Tomei,



Susan Sarandon - AKA -Susan Bin Laden,+Susan

Robert Altman,+Robert
Edward Asner,+Edward
Ossie Davis,+Ossie
Jane Fonda,+Jane
Danny Glover,+Danny
Marisa Tomei,+Marisa
Oliver Stone,+Oliver

Posted by: justice prevails at March 1, 2003 10:48 PM



source: ceritifed united nations security counsel resolution 778

you would have to bomb the UN Secratary Generals Office to gain legal control of Iraqs oil



RESOLUTION 778 (1992)
Acting under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations,

1. Decides that all States in which there are funds of the Government of Iraq, or its State bodies, corporations, or agencies, that represent the proceeds of sale of Iraqi petroleum or petroleum products, paid for by or on behalf of the purchaser on or after 6 August 1990,

shall cause the transfer of those funds (or equivalent amounts) as soon as possible to the escrow account provided for in resolutions 706 (1991) and 712 (1991); provided that this paragraph shall not require any State to cause the transfer of such funds in excess of 200 million dollars or to cause the transfer of more than fifty per cent of the total funds transferred or contributed pursuant to paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 of this resolution; and further provided that

States may exclude from the operation of this paragraph any funds which have already been released to a claimant or supplier prior to the adoption of this resolution, or any other funds subject to or required to satisfy the rights of third parties, at the time of the adoption of this resolution;

2. Decides that all States in which there are petroleum or petroleum products owned by the Government of Iraq, or its State bodies, corporations, or agencies, shall take all feasible steps to purchase or arrange for the sale of such petroleum or petroleum products at fair market value, and thereupon to transfer the proceeds as soon as possible to the escrow account provided for in resolution 706 (1991) and 712 (1991);

3. Urges all States to contribute funds from other sources to the escrow account as soon as possible;

4. Decides that all States shall provide the Secretary-General with any information needed for the effective implementation of this resolution and that they shall take the necessary measures to ensure that banks and other bodies and persons provide all relevant information necessary to identify the funds referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 above and details of any transactions relating thereto, or the said petroleum or petroleum products, with a view to such information being utilized by all States and by the Secretary-General in the effective implementation of this resolution;

5. Requests the Secretary-General:

(a) To ascertain the whereabouts and amounts of the said petroleum products and the proceeds of sale referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 of this resolution, drawing on the work already done under the auspices of the Compensation Commission, and report the results of the Security Council as soon as possible;

9. Requests the Secretary-General to repay, from any available funds in the escrow account, any sum transferred under this resolution to the account or State from which it was transferred, if the transfer is found at any time by him not to have been of funds subject to this resolution; a request for such a finding could be made by the State from which the funds were transferred;

Posted by: justice prevails at March 1, 2003 11:01 PM

I can understand the opposition of all but Paul Haggis. [Paul Haggis, where are you when we need you?] [Who is Paul Haggis, anyway?]

Posted by: munson steed at March 2, 2003 12:40 PM

Munson you remember Paul Haggis don't you? He played the "Postman" on the Publisher's Clearinghouse Sweepstakes TV commercial...

Posted by: zzebu at March 3, 2003 10:48 AM

It has occurred to me that if Martin Sheen is, by virtue of his position on the TV program The West Wing a certified foreign and domestic affairs expert, then wouldn't Ted Danson then be allowed to practice medicine, by virtue of his position on the TV program Becker? Shouldn't Sam Waterston be permitted to prosecute cases in the state of New York, re Law and Order?
I believe that I have stumbled upon a trend that needs to be explored further. Please do so.

Posted by: Joseph at March 3, 2003 10:59 AM

This post certainly makes one think about the wonderful world of entertainment. These folks who have been so blessed by all of the capitalistic benefits our country offers now have the temerity to use their influence in areas they know little if anything about. They would have the public believe that they know more than the US military, the President of the USA, the Dep't of Defense, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the CIA, the Defense Intelligence Agency, and so many others who have labored in this field for decades. How many satellite photos of Iraq's campaign against its own people has Mike Farell seen? How many Incursion Reports has Ed Asner read? How many high ranking defectors has Jeanine Garofolo interviewed? Yet, with impunity, they blurt forth their venom into the open wound that is the nation's hesitancy to shed blood-Iraq's or our own, if our safety can be assured by other means. Where will it all end? When our troops are approaching Baghdad, will these people be blocking railheads here in the US? When our pilots are flying missions over hostile territory will they be endangered by the aid and comfort offered bo Hussein by these people? How many of them are sincere and how many just fear never working again? These are legitimate questions.

Posted by: Joseph at March 3, 2003 12:45 PM

I think it's good that a lot of these 'artists' are coming out against Bush and jumping on the political bandwagon. It lets me know whose crap NOT to buy, go see, or in any other way 'pay for' in the future. And in some cases, certain artists' being against Bush on this only strengthens Bush's case against Iraq, if you ask me. Hey, this is America. These artists have a right to be complete idiots if they want to, and if you ask me, an obligation to let us all know who they are.

Posted by: Les Cromann at March 3, 2003 01:49 PM

I think all citizens should boycott all movie 0pening across the United States on Memorial weekend. this will get the attention of all the employers of all these actors and im sure we wont see them in the spot light anymore complaining about this great country that guards thier freedoms and provides them with the lifstyles they have. lets do it!! get the message out!! print this out and send it to friends!!!! you wont find me at the movies this Memorial weekend.

Posted by: jeff at March 3, 2003 01:50 PM

Frenchman, I served in the USMC during Desert Storm and I would go again, if called-you are way off base-how much military service do you have? We didn't start the war, but we defend freedom as long as it takes.

No, we didn't take over the oil fields then, nor will we do it this time.

I hope we don't have to go to war, because human life is priceless, whether it is Iraqi or American; our foes wish nothing less than to maximize loss of life regardless of race, creed or nationality. Sometimes you must fight or risk losing freedom.

Max Tollens

Posted by: Max Tollens at March 4, 2003 09:00 AM

I'd like to volunteer all of these Hollywood numb nuts actors and actresses speaking out against the war as human shields for a batch of sarin gas in mid-Iraq. I wonder if they are so against the war that THEY are ready to lay down their lives for what they believe. If I were able, I'd be at my local military base volunteering to go do the bidding of my Predident and my country.

Posted by: Fred at March 4, 2003 09:03 AM

These are not really anti-war protesters. If they were truely anti-war protesters they would have protested when Saddam invaded Kuwait, when Bill Clinton attacked Somalia, Sudan, Afganistan, Iraq, Bosnia and Kosovo.

Posted by: Keystone at March 4, 2003 09:24 AM

Will someone post a list of the E-mail addresses of the hollywood types who have publically taken a stand against the President's plan to disarm Iraq,and their agents?

It would be most helpfull to post a method of transfering those addresses inorder to send the same message to all above in a single transmission.

Posted by: John Morgan at March 4, 2003 09:52 AM

We will not forget---and we will never again go to a movie showing these so called Hollywood stars !!!!

Posted by: Philip at March 4, 2003 10:32 AM


You are not only an imbecile but also an incredible [*****]!

I'm 80 years old. I was born in 1923 and I was 21 when I watched my friends die on your blood flooded beaches.

After reading your filth, I now wish to God that we had killed you French instead of the Germans.

You and your countrymen are the biggest nation of bigoted back-stabbers the world has ever known.

How dare you have to gall to say that none of us are veterans? I am and I know plenty more that are still alive.

I may be old but I know what the hell a computer is and how to use one. And I can still pull the trigger on a Springfield, if you care to bring you and your butt slimed countrymen to our shores. We died on your shores; yet none of you Cockroaches showed up to help us on Sept. 11th. Screw you, little French boy and all your kind!

I also am old enough to know that you and your countrymen cried like babies when blood flowed in your country. ?You fleas of life? came begging for deliverance and cheered when we took town and village back for you. My friends died for you worthless scum.

I know you French all too well, for a Frenchman betrayed my own platoon. Men died. We at least gave him a blindfold when we caught up with him. I think you deserve no quarter.

You... whining little [weasel] you. If I were still young enough to serve, I would vote to kill you French first before you could back-stab us, like you French have proven time after time.

What really makes me angry is my Grandson was a UN inspector the first time we had this horse and pony show in Iraq. The inspection teams consisted of groups of four men from various countries. His job was to keep a close watch on you French because you [weasels] kept tipping off the Iraqis.

Do you know what he phoned and told me? He said that you French did this to spite Americans just because you French hate us. Your words prove it.

You coward [weasel].... how dare you even speak? You should be put up against a firing squad. You certainly deserve every bullet since you overtly declare to be our enemy.

I will never forget seeing my friend smile at me only to see his face vaporize into a bloody mist a second afterwards. It is something I will never forget. Damn you, you worthless little [runt]!

I survived for three years and watched too many friends die for swine who would betray us in a second. You cowards didn?t deserve to be saved from Hitler.

You piss ant little...wipe. I would give anything to see your snot-nose crying little [tail] on that beach as Maschinegewehrs and 8mm Mausers mowed down your friends. All the while during Kraut 88?s blew chunks of earth skyward mingled with limbs and heads.

You wretched little [weasel], how dare you speak such garbage? You wouldn?t have lasted a second in action. You would run and all the rest of the French did.

I was there and you cowards did nothing! You would not even fight for yourself. Your politicians did, however, make themselves very comfortable with the Nazi commanders.

You are disgusting! How dare you speak such trash after we shed so much blood in your country?

Posted by: WWII Vet at March 4, 2003 05:32 PM

Posted by: WWII Vet on March 4, 2003 05:32 PM

Posted by: JUSTICE PREVAILS at March 4, 2003 06:06 PM

Liberal celebraties make me sick to my stomach ! You dont represent the majority of America ! You dont speak for me ! You may have the loudest voice due to your money, and liberal friends in the media but the majority of America ! The Real Americans ! support our president and nothing you boycot or protest will change the decision of our administration ! Get over yourselves and deal with the facts !!!

Liberal Hollywood !!! THE AXIS OF WEASELS !!!

Posted by: Tony at March 4, 2003 06:45 PM

What all of you have to understand is that Saddam is a nice guy. All of the talk of the Iraqis wanting freedom is insane. They like to be raped and tortured because they disagree with their president. They also like it for their families. The president wasn't even elected! We don't even know that Saddam has Weapons of Mass Distruction! Let the inspections work. We have to concentrate on Al Qaeda. Saddam only kills his only people, he isn't a threat to us.....

Posted by: nancee pelosi at March 4, 2003 09:53 PM


I really and absolutely want to apologise if you have been offended by my previous messages.

God bless you and all the soldiers who came to fight in Europe.

There is no word to say what we owe you.

I did not meant that none of you are veterans in general. I did say that none of the posters I was talking with were able to say "we won the war" because they were NOT WW2 veterans. YOU can.

Please receive again here the real respect that you and all WW2 veterans dead or alive deserve.

I wish to discuss the other points of you message later.

I prefer to give in this one nothing else than my respect and admiration.

Posted by: Frenchman at March 5, 2003 05:04 AM

Well Frenchie,

I am sure WWII vet doesn't give a rats [behind] about your weak apology. My grandfather was also over there defending your sorry French [cabooses]. Tell me something, why is it when a country needs money, food, protection, and medical help they all cry out for America's help, but when we need help, we don't hear anyone speaking up to help except Britain. Maybe we should send all these liberal actors over to France with the rest of you idiots.

Posted by: TazzTheTerrible at March 5, 2003 12:07 PM

Dear TazzTheTerrible,

1) Please do not speak for somebody else.

2) I respect all War veterans for what they are not for what they think about me.

3) My respect does extend to your grand-father.

4) My respect does not extend to you.

5) US do NOT need help because they are attacking SH.

6) SH is NOT OBL.

7) SH has no proved link with OBL.

8) SH has no nukes.

9) SH has oil. Please refer to other posters about this complex point.

10) Why don't US go to North Korea first ?

11) SH is a criminal but not more than the others in the area.

12)Could you please be kind enough to list all the countries who provided SH with the products which were used to gaz the population ? (ALL of them and not only a bowdlerized version)

Kind Regards,

Posted by: Frenchman at March 5, 2003 12:51 PM


I read your apology to the WW2 vet. I also went back and read all of your other postings. Many cut and paste repetitions, but you do possess some original thoughts also.

I am still angry with you.

However, your apology to the WW2 vet has cooled my jets somewhat. Even though the other guy didnít agree and I cannot speak for the Vet.

An apology as such cannot be merely ignored. It reveals that you do harbor honor in your heart. If what you said was truly sincere. It sounded so, anyway. Because of this, I will address you with some measure of respect from this point on. It takes a big man to apologize.

Most of us stick to every one of our views like old glue.

For you too make this concession does harbor merit.

You also mentioned why are we not in Korea?

Interesting point. I will ponder some more on it.

However, I still believe that Saddam must be stopped.

I have just viewed some horrible pictures of small Kurdish children gripped in the stiffness of death. It was not pretty.

I do not believe that any of us should take a chance with this leader.

He is without a doubt.... most untrustworthy. You can agree on that at least, correct?

I still agree with most of the others posting in this forum.

I fear that nothing will be done about Mr. Hussein until it is too late.

I believe you have a saying in your country that goes something like....îWhat was once old is new again.î

History is this way also. Qui? Let all of us never forget this!

Perhaps there is still hope for our countries. We should not hate each other. We should all work together. Right now we need your help.

I will consider what you have said.

All I asked in return, Ö is that you really stop and ponder what most of us here have said.

Please ignore the vulgarities and profanities. We are most upset and rightfully so after Sept. 11th. We speak passionately from our emotions. What happened to us cannot simply be ignored. Iím sure you can acknowledge that also, canít you? Iím sure you do.

We have been at war since that dreadful day. We have awakened. The rest of the world has pushed Sept 11th off into the past as if it happened eons ago. I can assure you that we Americans have not, and will not, forget until this war is finished.

We have lost family and friends. I lost loved ones also. This affected all of us without a doubt. Not just in lives but in many other ways. We have been deeply wounded. We have been attacked and are now at WAR. None of us here care for this ìOil by Warî nonsense.

We are at WAR. Understand this if nothing else Ö for us this is WARÖnot Exxon!

We have much oil already. Anyone can look these figures up. It is common knowledge. I make my living in Geology and I can assure you without a doubt that we have plenty of reserves.

In addition, only the simple minded could not recognize that if we simply wanted more oil Ö we could get it at much less expense in Latin America.

You strike as intelligent enough to know this. It is simple common sense.

I believe the only people on this forum who agree with you about ìOil as a motivationî are extreme left ìwinged-outî liberals. You must understand that these people do not have a firm grasp on realityÖ. they only crave for what they cannot haveÖUtopia.

We all know that is a very long way away? Qui?

Mr. Frenchman, what is your first name Ö if I may ask? I have given you mine.

Posted by: M. Ronald Smith at March 5, 2003 02:36 PM

It amazes me that about 120 Celebes think they are smarter than our leaders.

? we really believe people like Julia Roberts who bashes the intelligence of our President. Big words ? and from a high school drop out too.

These words of witlessness come from a woman with the face of a horse that only made it in Hollywood by playing the part of a street whore.

My, how ?conveeeeeeeeeeeenient? bet that wasn't too hard for 'ya, huh Julia?

I'll never watch anymore of her films or videos.

Besides, with teeth like hers, she could eat corn on the cob through a picket fence.

I wonder if she whinnied like a horse during auditions?

Posted by: Idiot Police at March 5, 2003 03:08 PM

Oooouch IP ! Ya' bad! Yea ya' R ! Ha!

Posted by: zzebu at March 5, 2003 04:27 PM

Join us at LOYAL AMERICANS FOR BUSH;=108464&ck;=

Posted by: Bob at March 5, 2003 10:44 PM

Dear Scott Ott:

If the 'Virtual March on Hollywood' was planned by "Pro-Bush Forces", the 'Virtual March on Washington' was planned by "AGAINST-BUSH FORCES", correct?

I would like to ask you what groups organized the 'March on Hollywood'; you wrote: "A coalition of groups which support President Bush's plan yada, yada, yada". Did you FORGET to provide the names of these groups? Or you simple DON'T HAVE THEM BECAUSE THERE IS NO SUCH COALITION?!

Also, the response to Hollywood was not "inspired" by their jamming of the White House and Congress switchboards and fax machines! It was only that: a response to let them know that we do not appreciate what they did.

It is interesting to observe that you did not provide a link to the 'Virtual March in Hollywood' --interesting and very indicative... So, here it is:

Well, let the 'Sheenites' scream: WE the people have the power to stop consuming their garbage! Sit and watch us do it!

Posted by: Milla at March 6, 2003 10:46 AM

frenchman -- you are too puffed up with self-importance to realize how worthless you really are. oh, that's right -- you make wine (so what? we do too)and you're experts at surrendering and then begging the U.S. for help. What's that? you only like those Americans who pledge to bleed to death for you and your lousy country?...if that's the case we can fix it so you don't like ANY of us. clemmie

Posted by: clemmie at March 6, 2003 12:28 PM

To Ronald Smith

It always a pleasure to talk with civilised people.

I would be pleased to give you my first name if you could suggest me a way to avoid it to be misused by less civilised posters.

I have a question related to your interesting points.

After being attacked on September 11th by OBL's terrorists, the US administration decided to bomb SH's Irak.

Why ?

I simply do not understand the shift and I am not the only one.

Nobody doubt that Americans citizens are honest sincere and patriots.

Observing things from the outside, we have simply the impression that the people's legitimate hatred has been canalised and redirected from OBL to SH.

And we try to understand who wanted that shift and why.


Posted by: Frenchman at March 6, 2003 01:59 PM

To Ronald Smith

I forgot to say that I deeply understand that all of you are upset and legitimately so after Sept. 11th.

I understand also that all of you are speaking from your emotions.

Please be sure that we understand your emotions but we are really concerned that you could loose your reason.


Posted by: Frenchman at March 6, 2003 02:11 PM

The United States of America possess statues that are designed to indemnify the people of this nation against sedition and treason.

However, they have not been enforced in this country for decades Ö unless you were a top-level scientist or held a high a position in the administrations of places like the JPL or Los Alamos, for instance.

Celebrities, teachers, professors, and politicians have not been prosecuted for so long they actually believe they are untouchable.

Guess again!

These statutes were SPECIFICALLY passed with these very people in mind. These statues have been drafted and passed to prevent these people from undermining our Government.

We possess the laws, now we need to begin enforcing them again.

Public servants, especially teachers have tremendous influence over their students. These traitors necessitate immediate incarceration, first and foremost.

When my children come in from school telling me that their teacher is right and our leaders are wrong we have a serious problem of astronomical proportions at that point.

Not only is litigation in order, but also indictments are automatically mandatory. They are guilty of one the most serious crimes in our nation. TREASON. Lets remember that EXECUTION has always been a most appropriate sentence for this crime. It would be prudent of these people to bear that in mind.

Celebrities, many who aren't even educated, speak as if they are divine profits and condemn our leaders. They blatantly are guilty of violating these laws. Especially when organization is involved.

For any American to visit, collaborate, participate with, speak out for, or stand behind our enemies is without a shadow of a doubt 100% guilty of treason.

There is no gray area here. These laws are most specific regarding acts of sedition and treason.

Furthermore, you don't need to be a rocket scientist to know the difference between "free speech" and "sedition or treason".

It's time for our leaders and law enforcement agencies to do their job and prosecute these people to the fullest extent of the law! These traitors must be held accountable for their actions.

If not, then these law enforcement agencies must be charged with the same crime, even more so because they have specifically sworn to serve and protect us from these very criminals. If they believe they are indemnified against prosecution themselves, then think again.

Only when we enforce our laws and these traitors are incarcerated or executed, which is allowable by law, will these traitors be brought to their knees and held accountable.

No longer can these people be allowed to operate as if they are above the law. They are criminals in every sense of the word.


Start sending certified letters to congress and senate demanding that they enforce these laws for national security. That is why we have them in the first place.

Do not send email or make a phone call to congress or you representative. Send them certified mail so these politicians will be forced by law to sign for the letters themselves! Otherwise you are wasting your time. Email is easier, but it is also easier for them to just click "erase all".


It takes little effort to send a letter, but the results on the receiving end will be overwhelming.

Just think about it. Then do it. You know it will work.

If you are too busy ÖÖ.. then just copy and print this letter and mail copies to all of your state and federal politicians. You can get their mailing addresses at these web sites:

Believe me, they will get the message.

Posted by: M. Ronald Smith at March 6, 2003 03:03 PM


You may contact M. Ronald Smith at

Posted by: M. Ronald Smith at March 6, 2003 04:24 PM

I have just finished reading your posts and must say I am deeply offended by your statements. You say you have respect for the soldiers who freed France during World War II but not the ìORDINARY CITIZENSî of the US. My grandfather died in France during the war and it would have been nice if your country had given him a heads up that you would respect him but none of his fellow citizens or his offspring. I donít at all understand your hatred for the US. Not only did the US liberate Europe but we rebuilt it afterwards. The US could have let Europe self destruct after the war; instead we sent billions of dollars in the Marshal Plan and used our power to deter the Soviet Union from invading Western Europe. Your thanks are to condemn our war against terrorism and accuse us of being imperialist and oil-hungry warmongers. Itís easy to see why Europe feels such affection towards the Middle East with your common hatred for the US, your anti-Semitism, and propensity to invade your neighbors but itís a shame I never got to meet my grandfather because he died liberating an ungrateful continent.

Posted by: RBStorms at March 6, 2003 07:13 PM

Well Frenchie, you have been able to stirr up most everyone who posts here. This seems to be the thing that your countrymen are best at. I will not stop at calling you froogie or snail heads, or even formage suckers, because I have been to France and have seen how you live, your habits and your desire to live life to its fullest. We however do not have the luxury to live as you do, to block your ally at every turn. The WWII vet has said it best, you welcomed us when we liberated your country and now you stab us in the back. This will not be forgotten...
My observation of how you live is a panaphobic view of anything American and yet you will watch our movies, listen to our music and even, god forbid, eat our food....For instance the Mc Donalds in Paris is always overflowing with to eat freedom fries and Le Big dont prejude our foods, culture and commitment to is something you should aspire to, not cowardly hide from.

So, in simple terms go back into that little hole you reside in and eat your food and drink your wine, because once again our government and our men and women will make the sacrifice to rid the mid east of a terrible dictator.

A Viet Nam Veteran

Posted by: Jim at March 6, 2003 07:22 PM

Frenchman! Your Living in s dream world. Probably Buddies with al Sharpton. I served in the Gulf war. I was With the 174th Air National Guard. I served my time, And was Wounded In doing so. I would Go There today if i could, But my Last stay there LEFT ME DISSABLED! But i hold no Grudge With my country. But i DO for that SOB madman Over there in power.

As for this being over oil? Who is fooling who? Sure it is, BUT its the french And the russians that are knee deep in Iraqs oil. They BOTH have BILLIONS of dollars in contracts. Did these Idiots(antiwar} people forget that the french sold Iraq a friggin neculear Reactor? It was blown up, and the FRENCE were going to replace or rebuild it for them. GET A GRIP and be an american, Dont say you are while hiding behind the rights Me and other Vets Spilled there blood for.


Posted by: Harry at March 6, 2003 10:42 PM

Hey Frog-boy (I'm not racist, but a visit to Paris gave me a reason to be..)
I may not be a soldier or a vet, but it's through no fault of my own. Heart disease and health problems are things the service doesn't like. But that doesn't mean my heart isn't with the friends of mine who ARE over there, ready to fight and die for their country and myself.

How do you say "hello" in French?

Answer: "I Surrender!"

Posted by: Chris Lenz at March 6, 2003 11:07 PM

This proves it. These whinning actors make far too much money. Then they have way too much time on their hands to let the public see firsthand how little they really do know, and how shallow they are. I think they would do the US much more of a service if they were to get on one of those "greenpeice" boats and drive in front of a large ship.

Posted by: David at March 6, 2003 11:32 PM

Lets see most of these celebrities are against the death penalty, the war on Saddam.... What is it about murderous thugs that these idiots find so appealing?????

Posted by: Hugh Jass at March 7, 2003 12:50 AM

Lets see most of these celebrities are against the death penalty, the war on Saddam.... What is it about murderous thugs that these idiots find so appealing?????

Posted by: Hugh Jass at March 7, 2003 12:50 AM

you can find all you need about the Virtual March on Hollywood at just follow the links!

Posted by: killerflix at March 7, 2003 02:15 AM

To Killerflix,

Bravo .... Bravo .... very good site...with great links.

However, lets give those political jerks actually "solid matter" that they have to deal with ... Certified Mail !!!

They will have to take time out to sigh for it.

Can you imagine their pompous irritation?

At that point, they will have something in their hands to see, read, touch, feel, and decide on.

Tons of letters are the most effective way now, simply because our politicians are not equipped to cope with a flood of good old-fashioned mail.

They are geared for the electronic age ... Now we can sting 'em where it counts, right in their office.

Right now, in my mind, I can see those bumbling fools buried in heaps paper envelopes.

Damn...that makes me feel good just thinking about it!

We really can make mountains out of molehills. (Snicker, snicker)

You know.... some things do get better with age.
Hee hee heeeeeeeeeeeee!


Posted by: M. Ronald Smith at March 7, 2003 01:26 PM

To Another Frenchman,

Yes .... most of us have never been to France.

What the Hell would we want to do that for?

Nobody wants to go France anymore? Catch up with the decade 'ya moron.

With words like yours, itís no wonder.

By the way, Froggie, (urp) you socialists are so "brain-soaped" you froth at the mouth.

Ribit, fart, belch!

Posted by: Idiot Police at March 7, 2003 02:18 PM


After your initial comment, nothing you say is going help you. You French didn't listen to sense and reason before WWII, and it is very apparent that you are not going to listen now. I am sure though the next time your country is being overrun, you will be crying for help like last time, and I am also sure it will be us (unfortunately) pulling your butt out of a sling.

Posted by: TazzTheTerrible at March 7, 2003 06:37 PM

I recieved this in my email today and thought it was appropriate with these postings.

> Newsflash:
> Lorraine, France
> 03/03/03
> French officials have announced that they will be
> banning fireworks at Euro-Disney effective
> immediately after a recent fireworks display
> caused a nearby French Army camp to surrender.

Posted by: TazzTheTerrible at March 7, 2003 07:07 PM

To WWII Vet, God bless you! I and my children thank you, and all that made the ulitmate sacrifice on the french soil.

Justice Prevails, your'e all right. I agree with all your posts, thanks for saving me all the keystrokes.

I for one will not watch Dan Rather or the network since his Iraqi Propoganda Interview, and the Hollyweirdo's who are Anti-American,I do not have to watch,rent or buy their DVD's or music CD's.
The West Wing must have gone to Sheen's head, and Mike Farrell, the Korean War was real...your M.A.S.H sitcom was not.

Thanks to the freedom in this country they can openly speak their opinion. But they have all crossed the line to anti-americans. The protests should have been to rally support against Sadaam to give it up! Not for the U.S. to back down. We are the only one of the few nations with B_ _ _ s big enough to enforce the 1st UN resolution from 12 years ago. And thanks to my government I can freely post my opion for all to read.

Posted by: momof5 at March 7, 2003 08:33 PM

If the celebs were republican they would leave the president alone. Lets face it, these celebs give a damn about the war or the iraqi people - they just want to make the president look bad. Bet is Clinton was in office they would not open their ignorant mouths - where were they when he did all his bombing in other countries....hmmmm? It's all about politics. Liberals are still bitter because we did not get another demo president - Thank God. Well, I and many of my friends and family are pro Bush and pro Military, and support him all the way. I am personally boycotting the movies/music/etc. by the celebs, just as they are boycotting the removal of a terrorist regime. Read the history of Sadaam - tell me if this is a man who should have the power over iraqi people. If you care about these people, you would want better for them. It's not for Oil - unless you refer to the French and the Germans who are getting free Oil as a trade for other things. They will be hurt once they don't get the free oil anymore and are worried about their own interests - not the iraqi people or of terrorism. Lets face it, Liberals just protest everything - must be they have nothing better to do. Actors - get a real job. Even Sadaam can act.

Posted by: kaye alexandra at March 9, 2003 07:18 PM

To all who support us old vets.

Thank you all. I showed this to my friends who still hang on life by a thread.

It sure made their day to see that people care for us after all these years.

Again thank you all.

Also, I would encourage you all to do as Mr. Smith has suggested and send certified mail that these people have to sign for.

Write your congress. I beleive that gentleman is right. They won't bother with emails but they must deal with the U.S. Postal Service. Thank God some things haven't changed.


Posted by: WWII VET at March 10, 2003 01:07 PM

Thank you to all who have served this country.
We are free today because of the sacrifices that many have made. FREEDOM IS NOT FREE! It comes with a great and terrible price...lives...

I honor and respect our fighting men and women!

Posted by: margee at March 12, 2003 10:30 PM

I invited all those who hate this wonderful country and our wonderful president to go find a better place to live! No where will you find the same freedoms or opportunites!

Posted by: margee at March 12, 2003 10:33 PM

I am sick of spoiled, rich people telling me how to feel, how to act and how to think. Let me think the way I wish. Let me act responsible, let me feel like a Christian and let me respond to their selfishness. WE have sat around too long and let you entertain us with your views, we have watched your movies, your performances and granted, you are talented, but should you be paid thousand, millions for your work, while we are paid hundreds? I don't think so. We work hard, we like to relax and enjoy ourselves when our work days are through. We don't care to do what you do, but do you wish to do what we do. We labor,you play. We don't care to hear how much money you spent to go and enjoy your time off. We couldn't afford you vacations if we worked a lifetime, is that fair? NO! We work hard, we deserve to have some fun too but we spend our money to be entertained by you and what do we get for it? YOUR opinions on how we should think, act and feel. Well feel this, spend some of our hard earned money on the people who matter, the hard working! The Truly needy, the elderly, the infirm, the children and stop excessing on yourselves. We could care less how many homes you have, we are lucky to have one! We could care less what you drive, we are lucky to have one car that runs all the time. We could care less how you feel about war, are you afraid we will watch the news to see how our children are and not watch your movies and shows to make you millions. You are hyproctrites and we are sick of your whining!

Posted by: Grandma of Many at March 15, 2003 06:47 PM

I am also going to boycott the OSCARS! Who cares who wins, does it matter to anything but the rich actors? NO! Who cares what outfit who is wearing, what jewelry they have on, it doesn't change a thing!
As for the French. Next time they have a problem and want us to step in and help them, we should remind them of their yellow bellies and tell them they are on their own!

Posted by: Grandma of Many at March 17, 2003 10:48 PM

It s not so much they have opinions its just that they think we should give a rat s rearend.... And then they are shoved down our throats at every opportunity..........

Posted by: Hugh Jass at April 4, 2003 11:58 PM

I would like to add to that list of idioits. The Dixie Chicks. THese girls have admitted to saying they were ashamed of the president for cheers. They made the comment in London, where at the time Brittain was anti war. They have given a half hearted apology but the next interveiw they did, they said they were proud of what they said. I don't think these people even know half the stuff they should to be protesting. I think it's a publicity stunt. WEll, they got my attention and I refuse to give them a nickle. To the solidars and vets on this board I would like to say thank you for everything I have today. And to Frenchman.... COWARD!!! That is all the time I will spend on you. Melissa from Iowa

Posted by: Melissa Ashby at May 14, 2003 07:12 PM

Above you say that ScrappleFace readers are intelligent enough not to express themselves without obscenities. Well that's as far as your intelligence goes. Obviously you weren't smart enough to figure out that you were being lied to and conned-hence, at this date no WMD's. No Saddam. No Osama. When are you people going to wake up? IT'S ALL ABOUT OIL!!! not WMD's, or liberating Iraq. You people are good for a laugh, but past that, not particularly I think I'll take myself to a movie.

Posted by: Jan at July 1, 2003 12:12 AM

"To the Army and Navy and the battels they have won, to America's colors, the colors that never run; may the wings of liberty never lose a feather!"
We are the greatest country in the world, and the enemy Sadaam, Osama, FRANCE, Germany are all jealous of that. AND I LOVE IT!!!

Posted by: Maria at December 9, 2003 10:05 PM

If it came down too it, I have to say I truely regret that I have but one life to give for my country. With the freedom of choice, religion, etc. U cant ask for anything more and in American you recieve no less. I supported our country's decision to action in Iraq and stand by her still today. It was not only Bush's decision to go into Iraq but merely our nations call for action. Many hiperocrits live in this country and the world and can't see or understand whats right in front of their faces. I remember what has happened and do not want it ever again. It makes me sick sometimes to think that u can sit down with down with a madman and talk diplomacy...anywayz..God bless America. lol.

Posted by: Anthony at December 9, 2003 10:24 PM

Our nation must stop sticking our nose where it does not belong. This is why so many countries and miltant groups hate us. We should worry about our own borders and citizens first instead of policing the world. If our help is asked for we shall lend it and become more like a big brother nation, than a bully.

Posted by: Tom at December 9, 2003 10:30 PM

"This nation will remain the land of the free only so long as it is the home of the brave." ~Elmer Davis

This country will remain the home of the brave because of our true heroes over seas protecting our freedom and ignoring what others do not understand!

Posted by: Elizabeth at December 9, 2003 11:09 PM

It is amazing how we can get up and go to work, make money, come home to our families, and veg in front of the tv, computer, and anything else that makes us happy. What if that was taken away from you? What if you had to go to work and worry all day if you wife, husband, mother, father, sister, brother, and children were safe? What if you came home and your house was in shambles and your family dead? How would you feel? What happened to us on 9/11 is every day life in countries like Iraq. Imagine being punished, killed, and tortured for believing in GOD? Imagine your mother, wife, and daughters being raped by the ones in control. Just imagine. Imagine 9/11 all over again. I can't. I can't ever imagine living in fear that way. I am so proud of this country and how we are helping all the innocent people in Iraq. WE are the United States of America, WE are the strongest country in the world, WE are the best and the bravest country in the world, and if YOU don't like it, go live in Iraq with your family and go through everything I said.

God Bless Our Troops. Our service men and women are heros and deserve the best!! I salute all of our service men and women! I salute, honor, and pray for you! And to all those who have lost their lives for us: THANK YOU and because of you, our heros, we are safe. God Bless You, Enjoy Heaven!

Posted by: Toni at December 9, 2003 11:21 PM

I commend you and your purpose. I'm so tired of actors who live and work in a pretend world decide to voice what they think is a realistic view of the way this country should be ran. I live in the state of Washington is there anything I can do to support your cause and Pres. Bush

Posted by: tonya at March 6, 2004 04:34 PM
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