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February 21, 2003
Iraq Destroys Prohibited Missiles Immediately

(2003-02-21) -- The Republic of Iraq today destroyed "every last one" of its Al Samoud 2 missiles, which were prohibited by a U.N. Security Council resolution more than a decade ago. The sudden action came in response to an order by chief UN weapons inspector Hans Blix.

"We have eliminated all of these missiles so thoroughly that there is no longer any evidence that they ever existed," said and unnamed Iraqi spokesman. "It's just like with all of the chemical and biological agents. They're gone, and there are no records. Not a trace. Our nation is completely purged of dangerous weapons and the associated documentation."

French Foreign Minister Dominique de Villepin said he is now satisfied that Iraq has fully complied with all UN sanctions.

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FLASH!!! French buy Brooklyn Bridge. Deal closed on fruit box under BQE.
"Mayor Bloomfield was so charming and generous." French Leader Chiraq gushed. "He was not at all like those rude men in Washington. I haven't felt this happy since I was a leetle girl".

"All the news that fits, we print".

Posted by: wizegoi at February 21, 2003 08:55 PM

To France and European COLLABORATORS of Saddam;

Every Iraqi and Kurds has the right to be free (like the Europeans) from the dictatorship and tyranny of Saddam.

SHAMELESS France supports Saddam as a way to protect their oil contracts at the expense of every Iraqi and Kurds. France DEPLORAPLE business with Saddam are all in violation of the UN trade embargo and therefore illegal. DESPICABLE France must be tried as an ACCESSORY to all atrocities and genocide committed by Saddam to its own people-particularly the Kurds.

Bootlickers can show their CROCODILE concern by putting Saddam as the King of France and the President of Europe. ìVive Europe - Long live Der Fuhrer Saddamî.

Posted by: Ylmas (a KURD) at February 22, 2003 06:12 AM

Let's not forget that other great man of peace so favored by Mr. Chiraq...Robert Mugabe.

Posted by: Robert at February 22, 2003 11:35 AM

C-mon guys. Give france a break. They belong to a very rare specie-the missing link between apes and man.

Posted by: Neil at February 23, 2003 03:22 AM

Newsflash -- Iraq offers to destroy all of its prohibited missiles

... by launching them at tel aviv

Posted by: chiraq le cowboy at February 24, 2003 06:32 AM

If You're Happy And You Know It Bomb Iraq - by John Robbins

If you cannot find Osama, bomb Iraq.
If the markets are a drama, bomb Iraq.
If the terrorists are frisky,
Pakistan is looking shifty
North Korea is too risky,
Bomb Iraq. >>>>>More
If we have no allies with us, bomb Iraq.
If we think that someone's dissed us, bomb Iraq
So to hell with the inspections,
Let's look tough for the elections,
Close your mind and take directions
Bomb Iraq.
It's pre-emptive non-aggression, bomb Iraq.
To prevent this mass destruction, bomb Iraq.
They've got weapons we can't see,
And that's all the proof we need,
If they're not there, they must be there,
Bomb Iraq.
If you never were elected, bomb Iraq.
If your mood is quite dejected, bomb Iraq.
If you think Saddam's gone mad,
With the weapons that he had,
And he tried to kill your dad,
Bomb Iraq.
If corporate fraud is growin', bomb Iraq.
If your ties to it are showin', bomb Iraq.
If your politics are sleazy,
And hiding that ain't easy,
And your manhood's getting queasy,
Bomb Iraq.
Fall in line and follow orders, bomb Iraq
For our might knows not our borders, bomb Iraq
Disagree? We'll call it treason
Let's make war not love this season
Even if we have no reason
Bomb Iraq

Posted by: John Robbins at February 24, 2003 08:06 AM

Dear John Robbins:

You voted for Gore in 2000. Perhaps you meant Florida?

Posted by: Carlos from the Philippines at February 24, 2003 10:06 AM

Maybe someone should explain to John that Gore lost the recount too. If he bothered to learn anything from a media source that wasn't left leaning, he would have heard about it.

Posted by: Robert at February 24, 2003 12:24 PM

Why don't France and Germany want us invading?
The aftermath of the invasion will show evidence that France and Germany have been violating the sanctions the whole time and are Saddam's main trading partners in chemical and bio agents as well as nuke tech.

Mark my words.

Posted by: Rightwingmac at February 24, 2003 01:50 PM

News Flash (Monday, July 14th 2003): With a mushroom cloud rising behind the Eiffel Tower, EU Emperor Chirac stated early today that he supported redoubling the number of inspectors in Iraq (for the 16th time) to give Saddam Hussein his 27th and final "last chance" to prove that he has now expended all his weapons of mass destruction. (He was supposed to have exausted his supply in the destruction of the US, Britain, Spain, and Israel in June.)

Kofi Annan, at the new UN headquarters in Cannes, France, questioned the move, since it would require that China abolish its one-child policy in order to raise the earth's population to the required number of inspectors.

Posted by: Bruce at February 25, 2003 03:38 AM

Never were elected? Where was this John Robbins clown back in November? Vacationing in France? Democrats, including Clinton and Gore, made the governor's election in Florida a referendum on the 2000 election. Fair enough...the people of Florida have spoken. Talk about a serious case of denial.'ve got to take that first step on the road to recovery. Accept the fact that you have a problem, and then you can get the help you need.

Posted by: Robert at February 25, 2003 04:28 AM

To Ylmas (a KURD)

Following the Gulf War George Bush Sr gave signals to the Kurds in the North and to the Marsh Arabs in the South that it would be a good time to revolt. All the signals were that the Allies would assist.

When the revolts happened, both the US and the UK turned a blind eye and left the rebels to the tender mercies of Saddam.

Good luck !

Posted by: John Smith at February 25, 2003 11:01 AM

"C-mon guys. Give france a break. They belong to a very rare specie-the missing link between apes and man. "

Actually, it would probably be more accurate to say that they are the missing link between apes and WOMAN.

Posted by: Opeth at February 27, 2003 02:19 AM

John Robbins is so cute and witty with his poetry and song! You know, at first I was mildly annoyed, then really irritated. Finally, after seeing it posted 34 times it has really gone to work on me! I felt obligated to read it each and every single time it turned up just to see if he added any new wit or charm, though he didn't. Through this I've gone from a hawk to a dove! He's so dedicated and he must therefore be right, you know? Tweedle dee, tweedle dum, tee tee dooty dooo... da da deedle deedle deedle doot tee do... !!!

Posted by: zzebu at February 27, 2003 04:13 PM

Lost the recount? Which recount? The first one they tried to do was interfered with by Republican hooligans, and then cancelled by the Supreme Court in one of their tawdriest moments. The 2nd recount was inconclusive, with many theories as to which way it would have gone. The evidence has since been destroyed, so a truly definitive answer is no longer possible to obtain.

The fact is, there were several voting irregularities in Florida in 2000. The governor and (more importantly) his electoral supervisor worked hand-in-glove with W's campaign, which compromised the integrity of the election right off. The main problem is not so much that young Shrub "won" the election as that the election was compromised. The man has the mandate of the Republican party, but not the nation. Personally, I despise him and his policies, but if I felt for an instant that the election had been fair and honest, I would not have an issue with his legitimacy as President.

Posted by: Argyle at April 19, 2003 12:40 PM
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