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February 12, 2003
Allies Exchange Angry Words Over Turkey

(2003-02-12) -- At a dinner last night in Brussels, hosted by U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell, NATO allies exchanged angry words over turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy.

According to an unnamed source who attended the feast, Mr. Powell was joined at the head table by the ambassador from Belgium, two men from the French foreign ministry and a rather grumpy German official.

"Powell politely asks what his guests think should be done about the Iraq situation," said the source."I couldn't believe their reactions. The Belgian waffles, the French whine and the sour Kraut is practically steaming.

by Scott Ott | Donate | | Comments (12) | More Satire | Printer-Friendly
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Posted by: Homer Simpson at February 12, 2003 09:20 PM

the behavior of those european b*st*rds is leaving me with a rather bad taste in my mouth...

Posted by: Wm Duffy at February 12, 2003 09:46 PM

Thought you might enjoy this:
Monty Python on Belgians.

Posted by: David Pinto at February 12, 2003 10:58 PM

..not to mention the United Nations
being debatedly clueless.

Posted by: John J. Coupal at February 13, 2003 01:37 AM

Those three wily european weasels are useless and inutile. No need to get their votes. Why waste time? Simply ignore them. Lets roll....

Posted by: Neil at February 13, 2003 03:13 AM

The Belgian waffle, sour Kraut, and French whine.
That, ladies and gentlemen, sounds like a food fight.

Posted by: Bill H at February 13, 2003 03:17 AM

Joke all you want, but Belgium has a secret plan to get through this crisis...

Posted by: Maarten Schenk at February 13, 2003 04:50 AM

I know the answer!!!! I know the answer!!!!
They are going to buy surplus white flags from the french (lowercase intended )

Posted by: Hilton Roberts at February 13, 2003 07:44 AM

I say we make Turkey the 51st State, then pave Iraq for needed Parking.

Posted by: 1 of many at February 14, 2003 02:16 PM

"Pass the fried weasel please...."

Posted by: Eric Cox at February 14, 2003 10:31 PM

Having to listen to the French is just plain galling.

We must have a beef with that. After all, our honor is at steak!

Posted by: Joseph Hertzlinger at February 16, 2003 07:49 PM

Beef? Steak? Is it possible that they are suffering from mad cow disease?

Posted by: Michael at February 17, 2003 11:10 PM
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