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February 11, 2003
UN Forms Agency to Look for Non-Existent Weapons

(2003-02-11) -- The United Nations will form a new agency this week to address the growing need to have highly-paid experts wander about in nations that have no weapons of mass destruction.

The new agency will free up UNMOVIC to do its real job of monitoring and verifying compliance with U.N. resolutions.

Secretary-General Kofi Annan decided to form the new agency when South Korea announced this week that North Korea has no nuclear weapons.

The new Commission for Hiking Around Regions Absent of Destructive Elements will replace the UNMOVIC staff in Iraq and stay there as long as France and her allies insist on it.

by Scott Ott | Donate | | Comments (27) | More Satire | Printer-Friendly
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Iraq is more dangerous than North Korea, they have petrol. North Korea only has nuclear weapons.

Posted by: x at February 11, 2003 07:59 AM

Leading western leaders, from the US, UK, Poland, and many other European countries today announced an alliance of opposition the the unilateral invasion of Iraq by French and German Axis of Weasels "peacekeepers." Vowing to protect the sovereignty of the Iraqi people, the Allies promised their support to send in troops to defend Iraq.

German and Russian diplomats met to defuse the situation, but decided instead to split Poland.

Posted by: Jonathan Cohen at February 11, 2003 08:10 AM


I Love it.

Posted by: a different Bill at February 11, 2003 10:03 AM

Hey X -
we tried the weenie-liberal route with NK about a decade ago. in 1993 we caught them red-handed violating the 1991 nuclear arms agreement. a year later Carter and Clinton produce another agreement - in return for free crude oil and two free nuclear power plants the North Koreans promised not to create any nuclear weapons. only Jimmy and Bill forgot to include verification and weapons destruction procedures. the result? Carter got a nobel, Clinton got the issue off the news radar, and the North Koreans (who crossed their fingers when the "promised" Jimmy they would build any nukes) went underground and built them anyway.

so now what do we have?
Iraq, with no nukes that we're aware of but the means to build them (thanks to France and Germany) and the connections to distribute them (OBL and his 'kill all the infidels' believers).
North Korea, with nukes and the missiles to deliver them to LA.
it makes more sense to go after the low-hanging fruit (Iraq) to show the crazies in NK that there's a new sheriff in town.

Posted by: tom at February 11, 2003 12:30 PM

Hey, X...that's right. Iraq has oil. And you want it. You know you do. Go ahead, I dare you. Try to live tomorrow without oil. Don't drive your car. Don't heat your home. Don't take public transportation. Don't eat food that got to the store on a truck. Don't wear any clothing that got to the store on a truck. Don't use any other product that came in contact with oil.

Posted by: Robert at February 11, 2003 03:48 PM

Actually Tom, if I remeber correctly, North Korea can't hit L.A. with their missiles (yet), or even the US. But Japan, China, and other countries in the region (especially South Korea) are all in peril.

Posted by: Eric Cox at February 11, 2003 06:05 PM

All we are saying, is give CHARADE a chance!

Posted by: John Lemon at February 11, 2003 07:04 PM

Last time I checked, Alaska and Hawaii are still a part of the US. ;) Most assessments say they are both within range of NK missiles.
But you are correct that all assessments are they cannot (yet) hit LA or even Seattle.

Posted by: nathan at February 11, 2003 07:05 PM

To Robert

Iraq has oil. And WE all want it. WE all know WE do. WE will go and take it.

North Korea has Nukes and we will not go.

Logical conclusion : Saddam Hussein does NOT have NUKES.

Posted by: x at February 12, 2003 04:06 AM

Eric -

the last time the NK's test fired a missile by launching it OVER Japan it seemed to revise alot of assessments about the nuclear weapons capability of those crazies in NK. I seem to remember that the Japanese reaction (what the hell was that?!?!) did not exactly square with the consensus capability estimates of the day. I would assume that their current capability is somewhat larger than the assessments made publically available and especially so given that Carter's '94 agreements had zero verification procedures.

Whether they can hit LA right now is not the point - the points are threefold:
1) we made a huge mistake in '93 and '94 by assuming another agreement would take care of the nuclear problem in NK. I'm not saying we should have gone to war in '93, but we should have put SOME compliance and verification procedures into the agreement, especially since the NK's just got caught breaking the '91 agreement. But Carter didn't put any teeth into the agreement and it allowed the NK's to build their nukes AND get free crude oil. Shame me once, shame on you...
2) more agreements with Saddam won't work - 12 years of him blowing off 11 UN security council resolutions should be proof anough. We should deal with Saddam before he has nukes and agreements won't work - therefore we forcibly dis-arm him.
3) taking Saddam's WMD off the table in the middle east will prevent those weapons from getting into even crazier hands. the best defense, at this point, is a good offense.
4) as for NK, they have nukes and are crazy enough to use 'em. Keep trying diplomacy and display resolve by forcibly dis-arming Saddam. Hopefully we can buy off that crazy nut in NK and put him into exile in France.

Posted by: tom at February 12, 2003 10:43 AM

whoops, make that fourfold

Posted by: tom at February 12, 2003 10:44 AM


Iraq has oil. So does Saudi Arabia. So does Kuwait. So does Canada. So does Nigeria. So does Venezuela. So does Mexico.

N. Korea has nukes. Nukes can cause massive devastation if used in military conflict. Iraq has no nukes. Iraq working on developing nukes. Iraq may have nukes soon.

Logical conclusion 1: Let's wait till Saddam gets nukes so more Americans may die.

Logical conclusion 2: You're a complete idiot.

Posted by: Eggo at February 12, 2003 11:48 AM are so right. Iraq doesn't have nukes...yet. And we're going to make sure they never do.

Re NKorea...thanks to the pair of idiots Clinton and Carter...we're probably too late there. We'll deal with them next. You don't actually think W's going to stop with Iraq, do you?

I agree wholeheartedly with Eggo's conclusion #2.

Posted by: Robert at February 12, 2003 12:00 PM


This is a brillian analysis. You are a genius. I suggest you tell this to as many people as possible. Also, I strongly urge you to write your logic on a posterboard and march around with it this Friday. Talk to the media. Make sure you are quoted in the newspapers. I also urge you to endorse John Kerry or any of the other Democrats in the presidential race as I think they would like to be associated with your logic. In fact, go door to door to "the people" and spread the word. We need this message out there. Go tell it on the mountain, over the hills and everywhere!

And by the way, my salad has cukes and olive oil. Hopefully it won't be invaded.

All we are saying, is give X a Why?

Posted by: John Lemon at February 12, 2003 12:47 PM


As of yesterday (2/11) afternoon, I submitted about 40 or so poems to the website Many of these poems were about diversity and accepting alternative viewpoints. Several were anti-war in that I am all for ending the war that Iraq started 12 years ago by ensuring that he complies with the conditions of the ceasefire. (There was no treaty ending the war). So it would seem that I met the conditions of the peaceful poet sight.

Alas, not a single one of my poems has been published online. Sigh. I guess I'm not that good of an artist. I think I will stick to defecating in tin cans.

Posted by: John Lemon at February 12, 2003 12:50 PM

Eric -

just out this afternoon from the AP -
In Washington, meanwhile, intelligence officials warned that North Korea has an untested ballistic missile capable of reaching the western United States. The North Korean missile is a three-stage version of the Taepo Dong 2, said Vice Adm. Lowell Jacoby, director of the Defense Intelligence Agency.

Thanks, Jimmy!

Posted by: tom at February 12, 2003 02:27 PM

If you want to read some real poetry, go here:

John...I bet the WSJ would have published you!

Posted by: Robert at February 12, 2003 02:45 PM


I'm a regular reader of Taranto (which is how I found ScrappleFace). Good stuff. I have to admit though, that some of the poems on today's BotW were a bit too serious and I miss all the regular idiocy he highlights on a daily basis. I really, really hate poetry...even the stuff people tell me is supposedly good.

Posted by: John Lemon at February 12, 2003 04:22 PM

Yes, they just announced today on the news that NK missles can hit the Western US. I stand corrected.

*making plans to move out of California*

Posted by: Eric Cox at February 12, 2003 05:33 PM

Anyone for missile defense systems now?

All we are saying, is shoot missiles down.

Posted by: John Lemon at February 12, 2003 05:52 PM

Shoot missles down, except if their trajectory is sending them to Berkley, CA. But don't worry, even the Berkley City Council doesn't want Star Wars - I'm just bowing to their wishes:

I'm a little close to Berkley for comfort (sacramento), but I'll take my chances.

Posted by: Eric Cox at February 12, 2003 08:09 PM

Maybe we can make them a trade. We will give all of Beserkely, including Cal, to North Korea if he ends all nucular programs. As a bonus, we will throw in some of our best movie directors and actors to boot!

Posted by: John Lemon at February 12, 2003 09:44 PM

Words Words Words
How Arrogant we are
Let us kill all of them
oil will be our
But don't let one survive
to come and get his revenge

Posted by: x at February 13, 2003 08:06 AM

it looks like X is up to his CIA counter-blogging again

but who said we'd let one survive, anyway?

Posted by: tom at February 13, 2003 01:03 PM

Oh my! We've been shot down by bad poetry.

Posted by: John Lemon at February 13, 2003 05:25 PM

Best wat to deal with NK is to offer their leader, a 'leading man' role in an upcoming Hollywood Blockbuster.

Posted by: 1 of many at February 14, 2003 02:21 PM

...with Sean Penn.

Posted by: John Lemon at February 14, 2003 10:50 PM
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