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February 10, 2003
New UN Resolution Gives Iraq Only 12 More Years

(2003-02-10) -- France today will introduce a new resolution in the United Nations Security Council giving Iraq "only 12 more years to comply" with the UN resolutions of the past 12 years.

The resolution is the hardest line yet taken by the French, and has driven a wedge between France, Germany and Belgium. Leaders of the latter two nations support a competing resolution calling for "inspections forever, or until nothing is found, whichever comes first."

"We want to demonstrate that we are serious about protecting people from weapons of mass destruction in the hands of Saddam Hussein," said French Foreign Minister Dominique de Villepin (who is a man). "Some may call it saber-rattling, but at the end of 12 years, if Iraq has not disarmed we may suggest doing something about it. That's the deadline. Period."

German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder called Mr. de Villepin "a crazy cowboy who's pushing his dream of the return of French imperialism."

by Scott Ott | Donate | | Comments (28) | More Satire | Printer-Friendly
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The U.S. has countered the French resolution by suggesting that they will provide the U.N. with 150,000 weapons inspectors. They will be "dropping in" on any moment, said a white house spokes person.

Posted by: George at February 10, 2003 08:30 AM

It's hard to tell which is satire and which is the (unbelievable) truth. Mr. de Villepin actually suggested that perhaps Iraq could solve the problem by "enacting laws against weapons of mass destruction." A-friggin-mazing. Scott will have to stay up nights to stay ahead of this crowd. The French, the French/ a curious race...

Posted by: Bill Rudersdorf at February 10, 2003 11:58 AM

"The hardest cross I have to bear", said Churchill during the war, anent De Gaulle and the Free French, "is the Cross of Lorraine"

Posted by: Robert Wells at February 10, 2003 12:20 PM

Tii-iii-iiime is on my side, yes it is.

Those wily Frenchmen know a thing or two about the patience needed for proper ageing. Does it not take 12 years for immature brandy to become Courvoisier? Let them take care of the "timing" issues, as their Old World knowledge is far superior to the Yankee immediate gratification culture.

Posted by: MarcV at February 10, 2003 12:48 PM

I think that the French are just afraid that once we and our allies beat the living crap out of Iraq that we will find that they have been playing drop the soap with Saddam all along.

Posted by: Mikey at February 10, 2003 02:15 PM

This just in! Iraq's Information Ministry pronounced today its complete and unconditional agreement to the French plan. In fact, Saddam personally invited Chirac to visit Iraq so he can give him a big sloppy kiss. In a related event, President Bush announced that Colon Powell will be addressing the U.N. Security Council to release classified evidence of France's unlawful support of Saddam's pursuit of WMD one week from today. Colon Powell, speaking on Fox News Channels "The BIG Story" states that when you here the entirety of evidence against France, I believe our plans for preemptive strike will be justified. But this quote from Powell was most ominous "You see, we have our troops already deployed in Germany which will make victory assured since we only have to look towards France and they will surrender." Boasts Secretary Powell.

Posted by: Jody at February 10, 2003 02:24 PM

Iraq is complying. They just passed a law agains the production of WMD. Whew! That was close. We almost had to have a war! I guess the Frogs hippies in the street were right; if we just ask really, really nice, Saddam will understand. Problem was, we were just asking really nice before.

Posted by: John Lemon at February 10, 2003 03:47 PM

What is the best fighting force FranÁaise? The Foreign Legion. Follow my drift?

Posted by: Nick Fringo at February 10, 2003 04:57 PM

Ann Coulter had this whole thing figured out last fall. Look in her archives for her classic: "Attack France."

Posted by: Jim Brady at February 10, 2003 08:42 PM

Scott, another tour de force!
And the remarks of your commenters aren't bad either!
Let us join with the froggies in this cunning plan...and then we shall rule France!

Posted by: Jennie Taliaferro at February 10, 2003 10:20 PM

Speaking to the Reichstag today, German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder said that he owed his entire upbringing to the men he knew as his uncles. "These were good German men. They taught me everything I needed to know about being German."

He swore that he would avenge his father's humiliating defeat at the hands of the Americans, British and Russians. "This evil alliance has sought to suppress and humiliate the fatherland. Now we may humble them and bring them to their proper place."

Joshka Fischer added, "He is The Leader. All true Germans supports him in this great cause."

Posted by: Dishman at February 10, 2003 11:31 PM

Being beaten by Germans during WWII (Best army of the world at 1939 with new war concepts like blitzkrieg) would not undervalue French people. On the other hand Beating Germany at the end of the war (After 6 years of war at multiple fronts against 12 nations and after Russia did most of the job) would not give a superiority to Americans.

Posted by: Son of a Bush at February 11, 2003 08:14 AM

And why was russia winning on the ground ,because who was bombing germany back to the stone age.Can you say b-17,i knew that you could.

Posted by: Gox at February 11, 2003 12:01 PM



Aug 23, 1942 - Massive German air raid on Stalingrad.

Sept 13, 1942 - Battle of Stalingrad begins.

Nov 19, 1942 - Soviet counter-offensive at Stalingrad begins.

Jan 27, 1943 - FIRST bombing raid by Americans on Germany (at Wilhelmshaven).

Feb 2, 1943 - Germans surrender at Stalingrad in the first big defeat of Hitler's armies.

Conclusion : Can you say "I don't know History" ? I knew that you could.

Posted by: Son of a Bush at February 12, 2003 04:26 AM

So your saying after the defeat at Stalingrad the gig was up that the russians won and it was all over.We should have never invaded Normandy then the russians had it all done then.

Posted by: Gox at February 12, 2003 10:40 AM

Sonny...that round goes to Gox. just don't get it. The point isn't whether the Americans or Russians did more. The point isn't that the French didn't do s**t, except collaborate. Can you say Vichy...or Papon, Laval, Petain, Azais, or Touvier, etc., etc.?

Posted by: Robert at February 12, 2003 12:18 PM

Sorry for the typo...the point IS that the French didn't do s**t.

Posted by: Robert at February 12, 2003 12:19 PM

It appears that Son of a Bush is the ever-so-logical X of the "UN Forms Agency" commentary. With such a reputation for logic, how could we even be so foolish to argue with Sonny!

Posted by: John Lemon at February 12, 2003 12:53 PM

Hey Sonny Boy -

Sept 13, 1942 - Battle of Stalingrad begins.

Nov 19, 1942 - Soviet counter-offensive at Stalingrad begins.

Approximately during this same time period - Russian winter begins.

Although I'm no expert on WWII history I seem to remember seeing pictures of dead, frozen German soldiers, wearing summer uniforms and covered in snow. One bad winter and the war is over? Oh, and that little band of boats that floated across the channel had nothing to do with the outcome of the european theater. I guess Overlord was over-hyped. It is certainly under-appreciated by those who were freed.

John, I think you're right - the logic of Sonny Boy reeks of X.

Posted by: tom at February 12, 2003 02:45 PM

My dear friends,

I would like to give a little advice in your interesting and as usual very delicate and witty discussion.

If you are kind enough and patient enough to read my humble message written in bad English about one point that I already discussed somewherelse in this forum. I am greatly interested in you answers (but only if it is not only pre-war propaganda)

You all say "WE won the war".

I have a problem with your “WE”. You said "WE" as if you were all WW2 veterans.

Those were other Americans NOT YOU.

So, if France (as a People and as a Government) thank and bless and respect your courageous and heroic grand fathers who came to save our Grand parents (It was demonstrated by the grat fervour observed during the ceremonies for the anniversary of the D day),

I do not understand why it would implie that present France (as a People and as a Government) would automatically obey Present US government as a simple vassal.

Posted by: A Frenchman at February 13, 2003 12:45 PM

WW2 was one example, there was the cold war that saved you from speaking russian and the economic help we gave you so you're country wouldn't collapse.but i guess them don't count either.

Posted by: Gox at February 13, 2003 01:44 PM

What kills me about the French.they don't want us to tell them what to do,but think its ok for them to do it to us.

Posted by: Gox at February 13, 2003 02:03 PM

Many french guys think US is the only one on his side,and that every one think like France.Why?because they don't get any good informations.For example,in many TV news u could only see Bush say 'The game is over' with comments only on that part of his speech...
Besides, French people-I would say more than 60% of them- are against US for any reason:US can't be right any moment.French suffer from a infiriority complex,that make them say incoherent things.US shouldn't be the leader,that's what they say.Actually,France should be! - that's what they really think-
About the french imperalism,I think that's kinda true.You may have heard of what France has done in Africa recently.Did they ask for help of UN?No! they did it on their own,whithout asking.And now what do they want?The UN not to let the US act in Iraq.Strange isn't it?
Vive la France

Posted by: Toffman_fr at February 14, 2003 08:55 AM


Posted by: John Lemon at February 14, 2003 10:52 PM

To John Lemon: I believe Toffman_fr is referring to the current crisis in Cote d'Ivoire, which the French have decided to handle UNILATERALLY with their armed forces. He is also referencing the general French resentment of most things American.

You see, after the American Revolution, when it bacame apparent that the US was going to be a happening place and outdo them both, old adversaries GB and FR were left with two choices: jump on the bandwagon or sit and sulk. GB sagely chose the former course, leaving France as the bridesmaid.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank General Powell for making this trip through the morass of the UN necessary, and Secretary Rumsfeld (and his big, unelected, crass, arrogant mouth) for now rendering it impossible.


Posted by: yaksun at February 15, 2003 11:03 PM

Hmmmmmm. So it's "What have you done for me lately?" eh, Frenchie?
It's touching sentiment like that which endears your countrymen to us all.

On the bright side, at least now we can stop being grateful for your country's help hundreds of years ago, which you personally point out when you feel it useful for furthering your obviously confused agenda. We can now see you clearly for the shallow, self-serving, stab you in the back kind of folks that you really are.

Once again you've demonstrated the moral bankruptcy and lack of cohesive thought of your country and it's inhabitants.

I personally can't wait to jack your oil imports after we kick Saddam's butt. I hope that it takes months and months and months of UN debate to sift through all the French/German collusion we're going to uncover in postwar Iraq, before they turn your oil back on and start proceedings to remove you from the Security Council. Perhaps there is still hope for the UN, albeit quite slim at best.

I just hope that you can afford to fuel your sissy motorscooters.

P.S. Thank you Frenchmen and yaksun for being so cooperative and so misguided in the first place.
Really, we couldn't have learned it without you!
Thanks guys!
I do however feel a deep sympathy for your pathetic, washed-up, joke of a country.
It was once so great...
But hey, that was a long time ago, right?
And it was never THAT great.
Besides, it can probably still show Ecuador or Nigeria a thing or two about cooking, eh?
Viva Bizarro! Viva Jerry Lewis!

Posted by: Okie Dokie at February 16, 2003 11:36 PM

Curb your hostility, Okie. It is possible to like Frenchman, and France, without agreeing with everything the French government does. The same holds true with US. I admire Frencie for even trying to express his opinions, including those I disagree with, in a foreign language and a hostile forum. He's not as nasty as some of the other posters in the "Weasels" forum.

Does the word "jingoistic" mean anything to you?

I agree with you completely about one thing. It will be amusing when we do beat Saddam, without their help, to see these same feet-draggers try to horn in on the reconstruction of Iraq (and its oil fields).



ps: I was born and raised in El Paso, Texas, hombre. My daddy flew B-52s for a living.

pss: Jerry Lewis turned in a great performance in "The King of Comedy".

Posted by: yaksun at February 17, 2003 12:07 AM

Hello guys !
Nice to meet you ? I'm french (Feel lonely here)
Just want to say something :
We are not your doggy ....
You want oil ... OK take it, but don't say you want to fight for freedom, peace, liberty, a perfect world and everything, because nobody -- exept you -- believe it.
You didn't seems to realize that you are alone on this point. Maybe governements in the world said : we're with you, but peoples don't want it.
remember Black hawk down ? We were here two ... but instead of shooting everywhere, we made it peacefully ... and we didn't had trouble...

Posted by: BBL at February 19, 2003 04:10 PM
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