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January 14, 2003
U.S. Decides to 'Not Have Enemies'

(2003-01-14) -- Thanks to a few gentle words by singer Sheryl Crow, the Bush administration has decided that the United States will not have enemies. President Bush announced the decision in a Rose Garden speech this morning where he introduced ambassadors from Iraq, Iran and North Korea as "representatives of the axis of joy."

During a music awards ceremony last night, Ms. Crow said, "I think war is based in greed and there are huge karmic retributions that will follow. I think war is never the answer to solving any problems. The best way to solve problems is to not have enemies."

President Bush, concerned about the karmic consequences, said, "I didn't realize how simple it was--that we could just 'not have enemies'. All this time I was thinking we had to protect our citizens and the world from maniacal dictators with weapons of mass destruction. But all we really have to do is be close friends with Kim Jong Il and Saddam Hussein. I'm sure their people, who have lived for decades as virtual prisoners, will be excited about all the good karma we generate by helping to prop up those regimes."

The President invited Sheryl Crow to the White House next week for a "peace concert and love in."

by Scott Ott | Donate | | Comments (16) | More Satire | Printer-Friendly
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In a related story, Muslim clerics in Saudi Arabia have launched a new marketing initiative aimed at stopping all war and guaranteeing peace for the world.

"It's not a new idea," said Sheik Muhammed al-Fasaid, Grand Mufti of the No More Enemies mosque in downtown Riyadh. "We have been trying to bring peace to the world for over fourteen hundred years. Once we slaughter or convert all of the apes and pigs, there will be no more enemies, and thus no more enemies."

Sheryl Crow's publicist came out with a statement.
"In a time where singers come and go overnight, Sheryl Crow is a rarity - on top for almost a decade."

Posted by: at January 14, 2003 10:35 AM

More details of the No More Enemies movement have just been announced. Rodney King will chair the "Can't We All Just Get Along" oversight board.

A nationwide celebration is scheduled for Saturday night, as people are urged to climb on their rooftops and sing the Beatle's classic, "Let It Be", followed by an interminable chanting of NA NA NA NA NA NA NAAAA NA NA NAAAA HEY JUDE.

After a brief potty break on Sunday morning, celebrants should walk towards Main St., linking arms and singing, "All we are saying, is give peace a chance." Wrap-up meetings will take place at Starbucks, where "NO BLOOD FOR OIL" buttons will be handed out.

Posted by: MarcV at January 14, 2003 03:03 PM

Dudes--lighten up! All she wants to do is have some fun.

Posted by: leavinglasvegas at January 14, 2003 05:43 PM

Scrap - If Letterman's writers could come up with material this good, I would watch him. Have you ever been invited on a talk radio show?

Posted by: dave at January 14, 2003 10:54 PM

Hysterical! But then one recalls that The Crow Doctrine was official US foreign policy for the 8 years of Clinton/Gore. Kumbaya. Karma. Krap.

Posted by: Wil at January 15, 2003 10:16 AM

But the best way to "not have enemies" is to declare war on them and kill them.

Posted by: Baldrick at January 15, 2003 11:33 AM

Crow's foreign policy insights were immediately attacked by Ms. Sarandon and Ms. Streisand as "focusing on the negatives."

"Not having enemies is only a first step, not a destination" Miss Streisand said, "and it creates a negative energy -- 'not' brings its own micro-karmic damage as does 'enemies'. All we are saying is 'have friends, make peace, create love' -- a totally positive force. It's hard for me to believe that Ms. Crow would miss this simple distinction -- I know she's young and she definitely is a developing talent with prospects of being a very decent, if not exceptional, voice. Once she's done with music lessons and has the benefit of more time to study international relations as I have, I'm sure we can look to her for more positive comments. The 'no enemies' idea with it's double negative put me into a brown field that took three days to break down. Is she a Republican -- does anyone know? She sort of sings like one, though I very much like her voice. Has she recorded anything yet?"

Posted by: B Carson at January 16, 2003 03:28 PM

Kind of reminds me that the guy who sang "Imagine No Possessions" was a multi-millionaire living in the Dakota.

Zevon said it best: send lawyers, guns and money.

Posted by: the talking dog at January 16, 2003 06:46 PM

LMAO! You made my day.

Posted by: Brent at January 17, 2003 11:10 AM

I think we should send Al Sharpeton, Jimmy Carter, Jesse Jackson, and James Carville to Iraq. They could negoitiate their way out of the rapture!

Posted by: catfish at January 18, 2003 07:42 AM

All we are sayyying, is give peace a chance!
All we are sayyying, is aa peaase saa daam !

I always thought rock'n roll was about "kicking ass!"
Guess not.
Where's the pro war celebrity voice? Looks like Charleton and Ted are it!

Posted by: Peter Lang at January 20, 2003 12:19 AM

"Enemies!" Ah, nuts. I thought she said enemas. I was hoping to bypass my weekly cleansing.

Posted by: John Lemon at January 20, 2003 11:48 PM

Hey Catfish...don't forget Jeff Spicoli! He's already familiar with the job!

Posted by: Robert at January 21, 2003 03:04 AM

It's so nice to live in a simple world where any given problem has, not one, but two possible solutions:

* beat 'em
* join 'em

no wonder democracy's dead.

Posted by: jon at January 21, 2003 01:43 PM forgot the third choice..."Get the hell out of the way".

Posted by: Robert at January 21, 2003 02:32 PM

Niccceee pagee

Posted by: Acanty at February 20, 2004 07:52 AM
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