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December 16, 2002
Sean Penn Tours Hollywood: 'Violence is Avoidable'

(2002-12-16) -- Peace activist Sean Penn, just back from his inspection of Iraq, is now touring Hollywood, CA. He said he believes "violence is avoidable."

"I came here because I'm concerned about my children's future," said Mr. Penn. "There's so much senseless violence, and I don't want to have that blood on my hands."

Mr. Penn was allowed to ride unescorted on Hollywood tour buses, and to visit movie theatres and video rental facilities. He has collected documentation to demonstrate that Hollywood directors are bent on pursuing military action, murder, bombings, rape and other forms of violence as "public policy."

"I'm here for a simple reason, which is because I'm a patriot and an American who has benefited enormously from being an American," said Mr. Penn, "and because I had areas of personal concern and conscience that led me to come to Hollywood."

Mr. Penn plans to take out a full page ad in several national newspapers accusing movie distribution companies of "stifling debate about this bloodshed that touches the lives of all Americans."

by Scott Ott | Donate | | Comments (16) | More Satire | Printer-Friendly
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I don't know, I get pretty violent if I have to sit through a sappy morose Sean Penn movie...

Posted by: Groinus Maximus at December 16, 2002 09:20 PM

The hell with WMDs-- letting Sean come back here is enough of a "casus belli" for me-- let's bomb Iraq!!!

Posted by: the talking dog at December 18, 2002 04:55 PM


I'm trying to reach Sean Penn. If you are able, could you please forward this to Sean Penn or his representative?

Jon Previtali

Hello Sean,

I'm a member of a pro-peace group called BAY AREA UNITED AGAINST WAR. We are organizing a peaceful demonstration against the war on Iraq on Feb 15 in San Francisco. The protest will consist of a march and rally. It will coincide with the United for Peace action in New York City and several other actions in Europe that weekend. We would like you to give a short speech at the rally if you are available. Could you please contact me if you can do it at

BAY AREA UNITED AGAINST WAR is a coalition of about 25 small to large pro-peace groups in the SF Bay Area. We formed last month specifically to organize rallies against the war in Iraq. The groups that make up the coalition come from many different religious and political backgrounds, but the coalition is not affiliated with any religious or political organization.

Jon Previtali

Posted by: Jon Previtali at December 30, 2002 05:47 PM

Mr. Previtali,

Your best bet would be to forward your request to the Iraqi Embassy

Posted by: Morris Koude at December 30, 2002 08:57 PM

To Mr.Penn:

Dear Mr. Penn,

As someone who is not a great fan of your work I sat and watched your interview on Larry King last night and was highly impressed with your articulate and heart felt plea for peace.

I am not what you would call a peace nik. I have been to war, some 30 yrs ago, not the sanitized war of today. I also have been worried about the sounds coming from the White House. I firmly believe that no matter what the inspectors find in IRAQ the president will find some excuse it invade.
"Hail to the new boss, same as the old boss..."

Posted by: Ed Beecher at January 12, 2003 07:41 PM

Mr Penn

I used to dislike you.
Now your my Hero.

You have started the momemtum
that save the world.

Posted by: bill at January 13, 2003 03:44 AM


I also suggest checking with the Iraq Olympic Committee for possible speakers (if you can find any alive or not in prison). The only national Olympic Committee in the world with its own prison and torture chamber.

Posted by: Robert at January 20, 2003 04:15 PM

Jeff Spicoli for President!!!

Posted by: Robert at January 21, 2003 02:50 AM

I am writing to you today to ask you for your help in getting this E-mail with my number to Mr. Sean Penn ASAP! I am sorry to say this but there is a conspiracy going on right now with Mr. Bush and Mr. Penn needs to know this information along with the rest of the world!
My phone# is (403) 201-9534 I live in Calgary Alberta Canada. It is imparative that you get this to some one like Mr. Penn that cares about the US going to war with Iraq! I thank you very
much for your time in reading this and I will say to you this is not a prank and the sooner you hear this story and see my evidence the sooner we can get on with our lives! I am sorry to say this but if you are reading this I have just put my life in your hands! So please be very discrete with this information because the Governments of your Country as well as mine are involved!
Rod Lutz

Posted by: Rod Lutz at February 4, 2003 10:39 AM

LOL..... Rod your and idoit.... LMAO

Posted by: Alan at March 4, 2003 01:21 AM

Sean Penn could have voiced his opinion regarding his anti-war position without going to Iraq. I feel this action was extreme and as far as I am concerned he is a traitor and should not have been allowed back in this country. Most stars that are protesting the war, are living in a fairy tale world. If the war comes closer to home, unlike the rest of us, they can afford to take their family to a safe place. They could care less about the people in Iraq that live in fear everday of their lives. They cannot voice their opinions for fear of torture and death. I would like to see Mr. Penn move to Iraq and voice his opinion on how that country should be run. If he or anyone else does not like the stance our president is taking, at least stand behind our military, who are willing to fight so that Mr. Penn and his Hollywood cohorts can enjoy their luxury and freedom. If you don't love America...get the hell out!!!

Posted by: mystic at March 4, 2003 01:31 AM

Save the world?? PLEASE Well folks here we go again, every Tom, Dick and Liberal are lining up in droves as they always do to scream and yell for the tyrant to protest the very actions that have provided them all of their freedoms. I truely think we should boycott these Hollywood extrodinaires and any other whiny pukes for their so called anti activism and hit them right where they can understand what this country gives them. Blood on their hands? I do not think so. Better look back to 9-11! Bet if California was where that sad event happened it would be a whole different ideal on the the West Coast.

Posted by: no liberals here at March 5, 2003 06:07 PM

Actors are for entertainment, not for using there popularity (which we gave them) as a soap box for there personal feeling. Sean Penn and all the SAG members that protest against the government should be taken over to Iraq and left there. Most of these self-centered actors/actresses are legends only in their minds and in Hollywood. The rest of just want to see a good movie, we don't care that most of you are as dumb as a box of rocks. Or anything else about your sorry personal lives. Only old ladies in Grocery stores that read tabloid print and teen agers who probably share the same IQ with you care what you might think. Stick with acting or come out here in the real world and express your views to the real people of this great country.

Posted by: Scott Perry at March 7, 2003 02:34 PM

If Conscientious Sean is so self-righteous about hollywood, why did he himself not turn down the multi-millions of greenbacks to make his most recent movie about an Italian thug who gets revenge on his daughter's killers by murdering a man in cold blood?

once again, we see the shallowest shallows of the breadth, depth, and width of the moral integrity of actors such as sean penn...all talk, no character.

go home to momma sean and stop distracting us. let the real men do the tough part in iraq

Posted by: Tom Bogen at November 26, 2003 04:14 PM

Sean Penn is one hypocritical child. If he is so concerned about the "Violence" propagated by Hollywood, he sure doesn't show it by his actions.

His most recent movie depicts himself as an italian criminal who seeks revenge on his daughter's killer by violently taking the life of his childhood cold blood. Its a horrifying scene...and exactly the thing he speaks out against.

I'm so tired of hollywood babies who don't have a single callous on their hands. Like most liberals, they don't do any genuine soul searching or even simple thought for themselves...they just tune into their local DFL propaganda machine and then them an aura of self-importance and purpose.


In the mean time, let the real men (many of whom are 1/2 your fricking age) do the hard work in Iraq, and please, stay out of their might get a callous on your pretty hands.

Tom Brownrigg
Mpls, USA

Posted by: tom brownrigg at November 26, 2003 04:24 PM

i think sean is very good at what he says and DEFINITELY KNOWS WHAT HE'S TALKIN ABOUT i also think that you tom brownrigg [deleted] don't ever say things like that about sean penn infact go to your mum and ask her to grow up i think there should totally be a stop to war cos over the years it will just get worse they should leave other countries to be themselves and if you go to the're country you play by their rules like when a kid goes to school he has different rules there then from his home except we're talkin about the whole fricken world! [deleted] sean penn might be old but he looks 13-14 years younger!

Posted by: lisa at April 26, 2004 04:34 AM
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