Former Weapons Inspector: Iraqi Pranks Could Hamper Work
(2002-10-02) -- A weapons inspector who worked for the U.N. in Iraq in 1991 said Saddam Hussein used every conceivable method of delaying and foiling his work, including pranks like short-sheeting inspectors' hotel beds.
David Kay told MSNBC he had not seen similar behavior since college. In a phone call this afternoon, Mr. Kay said Saddam and his associates would also...
- Super-Glue a small piece of plutonium to the floor and giggle as you try to pick it up.
- Offer you mixed nuts from a can, then a "snake" springs out coated in white powder.
- Say 'Pull my finger' and then release a small amount of sarin.
- With handheld noisemaker, create rapid clicking sounds during Geiger counter scans.
- Call the inspection office and ask to speak with "Anne Thracks"
by Scott Ott |
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