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Headline: Arnold's Border Quip Sparks Praise in Neighbor States
Several years ago when Califonicate's property prices skyrocketed they sold out and started moving north. At the time a sign appeared along I-5 in southern Oregon telling them there was free gas for those who kept on going through to Washington. We Washingtonians haven't been on speaking terms with Oregonians since.
Posted by George Lowe on 2005-04-21 02:32:39 Top

Headline: Biden Claims Bolton Staring at Him During Hearing
"lake powell" Posted by lake powell at April 20, 2005 09:06 PM Is dat waaaaaaay up dere north of Oppalousas by all dem 10,000 lakes?
Posted by kajun on 2005-04-21 02:24:05 Top

Headline: Vatican Spins Off U.S. Catholic Church
I officially declare myself as "Writer of the Shortest Posts" here on scrappleface! Who dares to defy me now!? Posted by: Liquid at April 20, 2005 07:35 PM I.
Posted by camojack on 2005-04-21 02:07:29 Top

Headline: Arnold's Border Quip Sparks Praise in Neighbor States
Ms RightWing, Inc--50 sumptin' and holding Didn't have a bic lighter...still rubbing the sticks together...I know I'm running late...C'mon--burn!...a wee-tendril of smoke...Got it! Holding it high!!
Posted by kajun on 2005-04-21 02:02:19 Top

Headline: Vatican Spins Off U.S. Catholic Church
and did you guys see this?? Don't read it if you will be offended by light humor with the Pope's title. My favorite humorous pope names below: Pope Palpatine How about "Pope Benny" for short? The Pope formally known as Ratzinger Pope Aratzi Perhaps if he'd just gone with Pope Loretta I, Andrew Sullivan wouldn't have had that emotionally overwrought reaction. Diet Pope with Lime Pope Classic (for you old schoolers) It's Da Pope! Ratttttt-ZINGER! (BahBWAHHHH-bwah!) He's the man, the man that they call the Pope! Gives Christians hope! Mister Ratttt-ZINGER! (BahBWAHHH-bwah!) He's the man, the man that the Vatican picked! Now he's Benedict! Mommas and the Pope-as The Pope-enator :-)
Posted by Alessandra on 2005-04-21 00:12:44 Top

Headline: Arnold's Border Quip Sparks Praise in Neighbor States
Ms RightWing, WooooHoooo!!! Encore! Encore! Bic lighter held aloft in your direction. Happy 50th!!
Posted by Hawkeye® on 2005-04-20 23:15:41 Top

Headline: Vatican Spins Off U.S. Catholic Church
it should have been: ...they want to uphold at that particular moment.
Posted by Alessandra on 2005-04-20 23:15:12 Top

Headline: Vatican Spins Off U.S. Catholic Church
Benadryll XIII, the FlipFlop Pope... :-) R.C Lite! That's too perfect to describe a ton of "Catholics" I know. Another excellent label was given at WorldMag: Cafeteria Catholics - they pick and choose which beliefs they want to upheld at that particular moment. :-) Homo Sullivan and his blog fans were wishing Pope Benedict dead already... homos are such darlings...
Posted by Alessandra on 2005-04-20 23:13:28 Top

Headline: Arnold's Border Quip Sparks Praise in Neighbor States
Ms RightWing, Inc: So glad I stumbled by in time to catch you on your Birthday. Happiness and blessings to you, dear lady. Your wit and verve make a real difference in the Scrapple-trenches.
Posted by Miss Spelling on 2005-04-20 23:07:27 Top

Headline: Kerry: Ratzinger Papal Election is 'No Mandate'
MargeinMi You forgot to warn new readers never to read the posts or comments with liquid in your mouth or just in front of your mouth.
Posted by Evon on 2005-04-20 23:06:52 Top

Headline: Arnold's Border Quip Sparks Praise in Neighbor States
Ms American Idol,Inc
Posted by Maggie on 2005-04-20 22:57:41 Top

Headline: Vatican Spins Off U.S. Catholic Church
I can't believe I haven't complimented S. Ott on the mirth he causes me with his writing; I am particularly tickled by the following, "We need a pope with nuanced ideas. [....] He can't be afraid to change his deeply-held convictions in light of shifting public opinion." I'll be giggling all the way through purgatory over that one. ;)
Posted by Shane O. on 2005-04-20 22:55:06 Top

Headline: Arnold's Border Quip Sparks Praise in Neighbor States
California Schemen' To the Tune of California Dreamin' by the Mamma and Pappas All the illegals are brown And the public is going to pay every taxpayer is going to balk Another thousand came today They'll be safe and free once there in L.A. California schemen' On such a screwed up day Stopped into an office They passed along the way Oh, they got a welfare card There going to make you pay You know the courts like to screw ya They know they're gonna stay California schemen' On such a screwed up day All the illegals are brown And the public is going to pay every taxpayer is going to balk Another thousand came today If I didn't live here I would leave today California schemen' On such a screwed up day (California schemen') On such a smoggy day (California schemen') On such a smoogy day
Posted by Ms RightWing, Inc--50 sumptin' and holding on 2005-04-20 22:52:54 Top

Headline: Vatican Spins Off U.S. Catholic Church
Wow - I admire the dedication in here of you all. Me, I have to post in between work and family life .... ;) Liquid - what do you mean by modern-day Apostles? As in the Mormon view? As a Catholic (Orthodox can too, for that matter), we can literally trace the lineage of our bishops' authority back to the original 12 Apostles (especially Peter's line, for obvious reasons). We don't generally call them apostles, but we call them the successors to the Apostles, replaced as in the manner of Matthias replacing Judas. Christ had many disciples ('followers'), but I don't think he had more than 12 apostles - in fact the Bible specifically lists the 12 (and the symbolism of the 12 in place of the 12 tribes of Israel is also important). Acts 9:32-42 discusses Dorcas/Tabitha. In my version, it mentions her as a 'woman disciple'. Peter's prayers led to her resurrection, it appears (v. 40)(By the way, Lydda is the name of the town). To be fair to you, I have heard (but can't remember now) of an spot where a woman is mentioned I think as a deaconess in the NT. It's been too long since I read how the RC Church interprets that one (it's even possible it's this reference to Dorcas, for all I remember). Hankmeister - do you believe in the Trinity? You won't find that term anywhere in the Bible either, just the evidence pointing towards it (I admit that the Trinity evidence is more overwhelming than that for purgatory). As for purgatory, the doctrine goes something like this (I've read a few posts in here that indicate that several of you all don't understand what the Catholic Church teaches about it): God is absolutely holy and just, and nothing 'stained' can enter into his presence in heaven. Our salvation is certainly bought and paid for by Christ, but it must be applied individually to each of our lives. For those of us who live lives of heroic virtue on Earth, we more or less get a pass straight into heaven; for the rest of us (me especially), we have to be purified (yes, by Christ, but not instantaneously) before we may enter God's all-holy presence. Somebody in purgatory is already assured of heaven, they're just getting cleaned up first; nothing the rest of us on Earth does will decide whether someone in purgatory gets to heaven or not, although our prayers may speed the cleaning process (many apologies for doing a terrible job of explaining this one - I should just give the reference to the Catholic Cathechism).
Posted by Shane O. on 2005-04-20 22:49:37 Top

Headline: Arnold's Border Quip Sparks Praise in Neighbor States
Ms Right Wing,Inc You will know what I mean when I say "Josephus".
Posted by Maggie on 2005-04-20 22:49:21 Top

Headline: Arnold's Border Quip Sparks Praise in Neighbor States
Lest i seem cold, Happy birthday to the nice lady in the Martha Stewart bunker. Onlineanalyst, I likely get your emails under your real name but don't recall the alias. If I do I write back. Mig, thank you, I am feeling less grouched out and missed my friends. Brandi and other new people, though not the first, let me not be the last to welcome your comments and your opinions. You folks are right, there are a lot of people here who seem like family. A word of warning though, trolls can and do fight dirty when you beat their rhetoric into the fertilizer it is.
Posted by Mack on 2005-04-20 22:35:20 Top

Headline: Arnold's Border Quip Sparks Praise in Neighbor States
PanamaRed Sorry I have misled. Fifty sumptin, means sumptin, not 50. I have seen the best of my 50's dwindle away like an old beeswax candle but it has not burnt to the stub yet. Sixty is still a dirty word though and I don't care to go there yet.
Posted by Ms RightWing, Inc--50 sumptin' and holding on 2005-04-20 22:34:19 Top

Headline: Kerry: Ratzinger Papal Election is 'No Mandate'
Who died and made Kerry God??? Last I checked it was Benedict and not Kerry that was Head of the Catholic Church. The responsibility of leading all Catholics is Benedict's and not Kerry's. So excuse Kerry for his complete ignorance. Last I checked the majority of US Catholics did not even vote for Kerry.
Posted by Joel on 2005-04-20 22:32:07 Top

Headline: Vatican Spins Off U.S. Catholic Church
Hankmeister:May all true Christians agree in principle even though we may differ in opinion on certain theological issues which do not represent the core dogmas of our common faith. Amem and amen. kajun:If you won't tell me what my Church should or shouldn't do, I won't tell you what your Church should or shouldn't do. That's a deal. If God leads one to speak to another about God and he or she is receptive to sharing information, I believe that it is appropriate to discuss such matters otherwise let your behavior be a good testimony of your faith so that others will want to ask about your beliefs. Guten nacht!
Posted by Leben Frei on 2005-04-20 22:32:00 Top

Headline: Arnold's Border Quip Sparks Praise in Neighbor States
Happy Birthday MsRightWing. Now that you've turned 50, look for that AARP card coming to your mailbox soon!
Posted by PanamaRed on 2005-04-20 22:19:11 Top

Headline: Arnold's Border Quip Sparks Praise in Neighbor States
Time to stop supporting Mexico's poor. Mexico publishes books and DVD's on how to access the welfare and free medical care in the US. In many cities, it's illegal to ask them for proof of citizenship or call immigration. Ifa Mexican Nation is deported, it's a felony to re-enter the US. An illegal can murder a US citizen (or another illegal) and have no fear of extradition if he makes it to the Border since Mexico will not extradite citizens who may face the death penalty. Here in OZ, hospitals are closing ER's because they fill up with illegals and they are prohibited from collecting from them. Have a baby in the US and you have two illegals who can legally live in the US under the babies US citizenship. Illegals hurt the US economy. As soon as illegals get parity in pay ( they destroyed white employment in the drywalling industry in California) more illegals are imported to work at a lower wage. It would be more humanitarian to just invade Mexico and develope it to keep the people there while improving their quality of life, but then I guess you need Vincente Fox to gas a few indigenous people to justify that! The MMP shut down border crossings in AZ, the Mexican Govt. just hauled the illegas past the checkpoints in pickups so they could cross there. Arnold is right. Close the Border except at established checkpoints. Our politicians do not care about the people that elect them, and at the rate we are going, ilegals will be allowed to vote in both state and local and federal elections. They already do in reality, since no ID is required, just a utility bill or just show up at the polling place on E-Day!
Posted by PanamaRed on 2005-04-20 22:17:10 Top

Headline: Vatican Spins Off U.S. Catholic Church
Ms.RightWing, Inc.:Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag! CMN
Posted by Leben Frei on 2005-04-20 22:15:54 Top

Headline: Vatican Spins Off U.S. Catholic Church
vox popeye, Yes, this is one intermediary between God and man and it is Messiah Jesus. Hebrews 7:25 boldly proclaims, "Hence, also, Jesus is able to save completely those who draw to God through Him, since He always lives to make intercession for them. For it was fitting that we should have such a high priest, holy, innocent, undefiled, separated from sinners and exalted above the heavens..." More than any Pope, more than any saint, more than any priest, and more than Mary the mother of Jesus, Messiah himself "always lives to make intercession" for the true believer. However, the Bible also flatly asserts that we should not put aside fellowshipping with one another - and that means joining a local congregation. Acts 2:42 gives us the church history of God's desire for the continued fellowship of believers: "And they were continually devoting themselves to the apostles' teaching AND TO FELLOWSHIP, to the breaking of bread and to prayer." I John 1:6-7 documents the necessary immediacy of our own dependence upon fellow believers: "If we say that we have fellowship with Him and yet walk in darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth; but if we walk in the light as He Himself is in the light, WE HAVE FELLOWSHIP WITH ONE ANOTHER, and the blood of Jesus cleanses us from all sin." Like you I am not easily impressed by the robes, the trappings or the liturgical aspects of certain churches since these things do sometimes convey an artificiality to those of us whose minds are predisposed against such things. But some people are not offended by such elements and in fact they celebrate the special messages that are found in those things that others may see as the more mundane aspects of Christendom. Because of that I neither mock nor judge any true believer who is comfortable with such things. But let us all pray for discernment between that which is true Christianity and churchianity. Personally I don't believe there is real power in rosary beads or in the veneration of the saints or in the adulation of Mary. But I leave it to God who judges the heart and intent of all men and women, praying that none of those things become idols in the lives of those who do believe such things. The Lord knows I have my own idols in the world with which I must do battle so I have neither the time or energy to devote to Quixotic attempts to "reform" the teachings of other churches. Churches are made up of imperfect people who are being perfected with each passing day. Ones baseline of comparison is not where others are in their spiritual lives but where one is today compared to where they themselves were yesterday...or yesteryear. May all true Christians agree in principle even though we may differ in opinion on certain theological issues which do not represent the core dogmas of our common faith.
Posted by Hankmeister© on 2005-04-20 22:07:12 Top

Headline: Vatican Spins Off U.S. Catholic Church
New Pope, new hope. Relfection on the Resurrection: If you believe in your God, that is good. If you mock another's God, that is bad. God gave Moses 10 Commandments, not 10 versions and interpretations of the Bible. Some people don't believe there is a God while others sometimes do and sometimes don't, but would believe if there was proof of a God. Hold a newborn in your arms and you hold God's science of man can create life from inanimate sources. The old debate over how many angels can dance on the head of a pin used to determine one's piety or biblical knowlege is answered simply..As many as God wants. I grew up with Catholics and they were just like me. I was tried to be raised as a Baptist, but there was not much difference between them and Catholics. Jehovah's Witnesses...they so believe in their faith that Hitler respected their beliefs and their faith in them. Most of my family that is of church going inclination are Mormon. Comparative religion is no more than comparing Fords and Chevrolets...everyone who like one or the other is convinced their car make is better than the other. I know there is a God who watches over us, sometimes we fail to understand how things that happen could be allowed by God, but then I don't recall God appointing anyone to do his explaining for Him. Go forth and know there is a God. Enjoy your relationship with Him. Understand that good is better than bad as a life experience, not as God's directive. Look for God...He is all around you unless you choose to be alone. Be glad that our brothes and sisters of the Catholic faith have a new Pope. May God guide him judiciously to attend his flock and may we all benefit from those we choose to lead us in good thought and deed. Let no one die because their God is better than your (or someone else's) God. Bad deeds come from bad ideas, good deeds from the heart.
Posted by PanamaRed on 2005-04-20 21:49:26 Top

Headline: Arnold's Border Quip Sparks Praise in Neighbor States
Kajun- I didn't mean tax the health care I meant the proceeds from a sales tax would help fund the clinic and when the qouta was reached... I was being sarcastic about shutting down business. I was referring to the demos shutting down the Senate... Big deal, like they have done anything except attach an amnesty clause for illegals onto the military spending bill... How are those two related? I just think that Sales tax, everyone pays. If you want that 20,000 diamond engagement ring for JoLo than do it... Taxes come too. Now Ben doesn't have to whine at a convention that he doesn't get to pay his share...
Posted by mig on 2005-04-20 21:33:14 Top

Headline: Arnold's Border Quip Sparks Praise in Neighbor States
Sandman has a point. Last weekend an un-armed off duty Polk County Sheriff's deputy (Iowa) and his brother in law were shot repeatedly and left for dead after following a crazed driver and calling for Des Moines police. The crazed driver then exchanged shots with a Des Moines police officer who wounded him as he was trying to steal the wounded deputy's pick up. Even after being wounded, the suspect led police on a high speed chase before being apprehended. He was in the country illegally and wanted for a similar incident when he fired on some people who were fishing in a spot he wanted. They estimate that his trial and incarceration as well as the medical costs and recovery cost for the wounded deputy and his brother in law will cost the state of Iowa well over a million dollars. If he is convicted he will get mandatory life in prison, free room and board, free medical, and other ACLU accumulated perks for life. He will live better than some working people on the tax payer's dime. He is one of many. Some time check out the San Diego County California Sheriff's Department web site and check out the list of incarcerated people. Look at the names listed. Over 2/3 of them are Hispanic. They are mostly illegal aliens who committed felonies and are waiting trial. Some will try for INS parole which means they get released to the feds who haul them back to Mexico. After which they promptly sneak back in. Yet the California Supreme court struck down Prop 187 which would have barred public money from being spent on illegal aliens, stating it was un-constituional. Now they wonder why they still have a problem.
Posted by Mack on 2005-04-20 21:33:05 Top

Headline: Biden Claims Bolton Staring at Him During Hearing
lake powell
Posted by lake powell on 2005-04-20 21:06:37 Top

Headline: Bolton Denies Boxer's Claim: 'I Am Not the Walrus'
lake powell
Posted by lake powell on 2005-04-20 21:06:33 Top

Headline: Senate Dems Pre-taliate Against 'Nuclear Option'
lake powell
Posted by lake powell on 2005-04-20 21:06:27 Top

Headline: CIA Says Sen. Frist Lacks Nuclear Capability
lake powell
Posted by lake powell on 2005-04-20 21:06:22 Top

Headline: Vatican Spins Off U.S. Catholic Church
hermes1LA and camojack...great minds think alike! >:-}
Posted by 'da Bunny on 2005-04-20 21:02:56 Top

Headline: Kerry: Ratzinger Papal Election is 'No Mandate'
Great minds think alike hermes1LA! >:-}
Posted by 'da Bunny on 2005-04-20 21:01:20 Top

Headline: Vatican Spins Off U.S. Catholic Church
kajun, funny post to MargeinMI about her tearing down the "light poles". LOL!
Posted by 'da Bunny on 2005-04-20 20:58:23 Top

Headline: Arnold's Border Quip Sparks Praise in Neighbor States
MargeinMI I found your personal welcome on the Kerry:Ratzinger Papal election thread.7:38pm Thank you!
Posted by new poster on 2005-04-20 20:56:15 Top

Headline: Vatican Spins Off U.S. Catholic Church
This is absolutly hillarious. Are you always this funny or is this caused by that 27th cup of coffee today? Java, the evangelical drug of choice. Keep up the great work!
Posted by qandablogger on 2005-04-20 20:53:34 Top

Headline: Arnold's Border Quip Sparks Praise in Neighbor States
er, end
Posted by Ms RightWing, Inc--50 sumptin' and holding on 2005-04-20 20:49:43 Top

Headline: Arnold's Border Quip Sparks Praise in Neighbor States
Fella scrapplers keep them letters and cards coming in (specially the JC ones). I'm safe this time around because there is no zero nor fiver at the ebd of my age this time, nor is there one for another 3 years. Been lying low waiting for the birthday bunny, fairy or what ever is suppose to show up, but nothing yet. My pretend daughter came by and took me to lunch and had a 1/2 burger (loaded) at a local burgery and someone else brought a vanilla candle which I put near the cat box. Now the bunker smells a little better.
Posted by Ms RightWing, Inc--50 sumptin' and holding on 2005-04-20 20:46:32 Top

Headline: Vatican Spins Off U.S. Catholic Church
That reminds me of the trucks with over-height loads, traveling on a road which passed through a small town, rather than the road designated by the company. When the drivers came back, the dispatcher asked them: "What time did you drive through (this small town)?" I heard one of the drivers say: "I don't must have been about bed-time...all the lights were going out!"
Posted by kajun on 2005-04-20 20:24:06 Top

Headline: Vatican Spins Off U.S. Catholic Church
MargeinMI The power went off shortly after you began tearing down fence? Hey! those weren't fence posts...they were light poles
Posted by kajun on 2005-04-20 20:17:07 Top

Headline: Vatican Spins Off U.S. Catholic Church
Later everyone, have a Blessed evening. Nick J
Posted by Angus the Scot on 2005-04-20 20:15:24 Top

Headline: Vatican Spins Off U.S. Catholic Church
Oh! Again~ The former Cardinal Said he "was a H I T L E R youth in 1945 as it was compulsory."
Posted by Angus the Scot on 2005-04-20 20:13:42 Top

Headline: Vatican Spins Off U.S. Catholic Church
Congats to everyone for discussing the topic without goingbonkers. I'm usually the one who does. Yes Benedict XII is an excellant choice. Bishop Tutu would rather "someone else was chosen." The former Cardinal Stated that yes he was a youth in 1945. It was compulsory. But I already knew that. By-the-way..."Sword of Heaven." Is this a good time to come out with a Crusade Movie? The Russian Television Network is going to show, Mel Gibsons "The Passion." It suprised the Orthodox Church hierarchy.They thought it would be just,"another Decadent Western Film."
Posted by Angus the Scot on 2005-04-20 20:09:47 Top

Headline: Vatican Spins Off U.S. Catholic Church
Camojack April 20, 2005 11:15 AM My hat goes off to da'Bunny for coining the term - "German Shepherd." She beat me for 20 minutes, while I was drafting, redrafting, deleting, editing my post. All is in good faith. Congratulations. Posted by: hermes1LA at April 20, 2005 05:51 PM hermes1LA: The "German Shepherd" descriptor had also occurred to me when I was reading the article, but while reading the comments I saw that 'da Bunny and you had already thought of it...that's why I noticed both posts, and the timing thereof. GMTA?
Posted by camojack on 2005-04-20 19:54:45 Top

Headline: Vatican Spins Off U.S. Catholic Church
R.C. Lite...a tradition that began in the early 16th century.
Posted by jeanne on 2005-04-20 19:50:34 Top

Headline: Vatican Spins Off U.S. Catholic Church
An awful lot of "preachers" here today so I won't quote scripture or doctrine-just want to say that the new Pope seems to be an excellent choice for the Roman catholic Church and for the whole world.
Posted by Dee on 2005-04-20 19:43:41 Top

Headline: Arnold's Border Quip Sparks Praise in Neighbor States
Attn: New Posters at Scrappleface, go back two threads for a personal welcome. Back to the previous program....
Posted by MargeinMI on 2005-04-20 19:42:19 Top

Headline: Kerry: Ratzinger Papal Election is 'No Mandate'
Senator Kerry still doesn't get it! I wonder who was his candidate for Pope? Al
Posted by Al on 2005-04-20 19:38:34 Top

Headline: Kerry: Ratzinger Papal Election is 'No Mandate'
I'm seeing a lot of new posters here lately. WELCOME!!! Personally, I lurked for six or so months before 'coming out', but never regretted it for a moment! I've been a Scrappleface 'regular' poster for about a year now (?), and let me tell you, if you have a warm heart, and speak honestly without a bad attitude, your views are welcome here. If you want to have fun, and have a knack for satire, parady, poetry, lymric, haiku (what happened to that Scrappers??), have links you think readers here would enjoy: C'mon in, enjoy the fun, the more the merrier, party on dudes, do the macarana, ....somebody stop me pleaase.... Welcome! :o)
Posted by MargeinMI on 2005-04-20 19:38:01 Top

Headline: Vatican Spins Off U.S. Catholic Church
I officially declare myself as "Writer of the Shortest Posts" here on scrappleface! Who dares to defy me now!? Liquid's short trasnliteration: "irytshrtrthanu.Irox"
Posted by Liquid on 2005-04-20 19:35:14 Top

Headline: Bolton Denies Boxer's Claim: 'I Am Not the Walrus'
Ohioproud, It's a;; part of the VRWC...If I recall correctly, Caterpillar is owned by a white Christian. *GASP*
Posted by Liquid on 2005-04-20 19:28:56 Top

Headline: Vatican Spins Off U.S. Catholic Church
eeek... It's late in the day. I need to go home. Liquid's word of the day: Medol; a cross between Midol, medal, medle, and model. The latter seems to fit my previous post the best.
Posted by Liquid on 2005-04-20 19:20:05 Top

Headline: Vatican Spins Off U.S. Catholic Church
vox popeye... What then is out medol for prayer and how can we accuratly discern what God's answer(s) might be without some form of guidance/guidelines?
Posted by Liquid on 2005-04-20 19:17:18 Top

Headline: Arnold's Border Quip Sparks Praise in Neighbor States
Sandman wrote: "Actually, I do have a question for everyone out there, why do illegal immigrants have rights that cost all Americans tax money." Money? Hey, our rights were secured at the cost of blood, sweat and tears! (Why must everything be measured in money?) All the more reason to shut 'em out!
Posted by Major Mojo on 2005-04-20 19:15:35 Top

Headline: Vatican Spins Off U.S. Catholic Church
As I've been catching up for the last hour, since my power went out shortly after my last post this morning, I'm so happy to see others before me have already stated what I wanted to say as I caught up: Great posts lately hermes1LA! I'm glad to see you get some kudos, I always view your posts as 'updates' to Master Scott's. Are you really him incognito?
Posted by MargeinMI on 2005-04-20 19:11:53 Top

Headline: Arnold's Border Quip Sparks Praise in Neighbor States
The new branch of the Nevada Minutemen is setting up on the state's western border. The only folks that get through are those with confirmed reservations at Las Vegas, Reno, or Lake Tahoe casinos. The Nevada Gaming Commission came out strongly in favor of this new "Fleece and Release" policy.
Posted by basic mid-western guy on 2005-04-20 19:00:43 Top

Headline: Arnold's Border Quip Sparks Praise in Neighbor States
Oh, and a very happy birthday to you,Ms Rightwing.
Posted by Dee on 2005-04-20 18:57:26 Top

Headline: Arnold's Border Quip Sparks Praise in Neighbor States
Arnold has the right idea. Why can't our government get on the stick about this problem? The president is really off on his ideas about illegals. Last but not least, God bless the Minutemen-patriots every one!
Posted by Dee on 2005-04-20 18:56:12 Top

Headline: Vatican Spins Off U.S. Catholic Church
In God's eyes, all religions are equally silly. Clergy, liturgy, commandmends, vestments, chalices, blessings, rituals, et cetera, ad nauseum These are all a bunch of man-made crap for the benefit of the clergy. God knows who and what you are. If He is in your heart then you don't need to check a manual, consult some person in a funny collar, or go to some special building to find out what He wants you to be or wants you to do. Just pray, and listen with your heart.
Posted by vox popeye on 2005-04-20 18:52:07 Top

Headline: Arnold's Border Quip Sparks Praise in Neighbor States
YAY kajun! I devote the 10 hours I've been on my Murray this week to Ms. RW too! (after yanking another 100+' of old fence, brush-hogged down another 200 sq. ft. or so....found another garbage pile, ugh :o( ). I wish I'da known the big day was a'comin', I'da been takin' pledges toward that JCPenny gift card! Love you Lady!
Posted by MargeinMI on 2005-04-20 18:40:47 Top

Headline: Vatican Spins Off U.S. Catholic Church
Many years ago, I saw a sign in a bar named "Doc's" The sign said: Doc made a deal with the bank. The bank won't sell drinks and Doc won't cash checks. So, I offer a similiar deal: If you won't tell me what my Church should or shouldn't do, I won't tell you what your Church should or shouldn't do. Fair enough?
Posted by kajun on 2005-04-20 18:33:52 Top

Headline: Arnold's Border Quip Sparks Praise in Neighbor States
I'm a Californian and I don't own a pair of birkenstocks... actually I don't wear shoes
Posted by Smokey McPott on 2005-04-20 18:27:35 Top

Headline: Arnold's Border Quip Sparks Praise in Neighbor States
In honor of Ms RightWing Inc's Birthday, I will now go ride my Sweedish Lawn Morwer (Huesqvarna) and cut the grass. Or as the Pfrench would say: "mow-de-lawn". That Sweedish Lawn Mower was made in one of the Carolina's though. Don't remember if it was North, South, or East, Carolina.
Posted by kajun on 2005-04-20 18:13:25 Top

Headline: Senate Dems Pre-taliate Against 'Nuclear Option'
Very good blog.You cat probe my blog if this url don't work you can try pharmacy sale PS sorry for my english.
Posted by pharmacy on 2005-04-20 18:03:29 Top

Headline: Vatican Spins Off U.S. Catholic Church
Camojack April 20, 2005 11:15 AM My hat goes off to da'Bunny for coining the term - "German Shepherd." She beat me for 20 minutes, while I was drafting, redrafting, deleting, editing my post. All is in good faith. Congratulations.
Posted by hermes1LA on 2005-04-20 17:51:41 Top

Headline: Vatican Spins Off U.S. Catholic Church
Hank...good points. There is NO Purgatory! Scripture is very clear that it is appointed for each man to die once and then judgement. God has provided eternal salvation for us through his Son Jesus. All we must do is accept the gift of faith that he offers us, and he even provides us with the Holy Spirit to help us with this! Don't be counting on someone to bail you out later...aint gonna happen!
Posted by USS Jimmy Carter "Attack" Submarine on 2005-04-20 17:49:32 Top

Headline: Arnold's Border Quip Sparks Praise in Neighbor States
I have nothing to say state is a disaster. If the whole left coast from LA up to Humbolt would just fall into the ocean I'd be happy. We can still get buy with Hollywood cuz that's where I'm going to school this summer, and is where I'll be working for the rest of my life. God Bless the People's Republic of Mexifornia. =/
Posted by Liquid on 2005-04-20 17:38:38 Top

Headline: Arnold's Border Quip Sparks Praise in Neighbor States
MRW! I sent you an e-card, lest I be thought remiss. Many happy returns! Raising a toast on Scorpion Hill...
Posted by Possumtrot™ on 2005-04-20 17:36:21 Top

Headline: Vatican Spins Off U.S. Catholic Church
Just jumpin' in: As I've stated on an earlier thread, Jesus' reference to being "born of water and of the Spirit" seems to be most reasonably interpreted in the following manner: It's not good enough to be naturally born of water (amniotic fluid) into present religious structures (in that case it was Jewry) but also to be "born of the Spirit". "Born of water" is a direct reference to the natural birth process of all men and women, that birth which is accompanied by amniotic fluid. Born of the Spirit means to have ones spirit made alive through the infusion of the Spirit of God by grace through personal faith. A completed work of God in a person's life with respect to salvation would involve not only the "birth through water" at the beginning of ones life but also the water baptism which symbolizes a believer's life being found in the death, resurrection and life of Messiah Jesus. To "be refined AS THROUGH fire" is not the same as "being refined by fire" or "being refined by literal fire." What refining process that does occur in a believer's life happens in this terrestrial sphere, not in a purgatory. I can't remember how many times I've read through both the OT and NT and I've yet to find an abode/place called purgatory - implied or otherwise. I've never considered the story of the rich man and Lazarus as simply a parable because Messiah never assigns names to characters in his other parables. I believe this is a literal rendering of an event which actually happened in a place called "Hades", for this is what Hades was. Hades now only contains the souls of those awaiting final judgement, hence the reference in the Book of Revelation to "death and hades (being) cast into the Lake of Fire". The Bible does not say Jesus "descended into Hell", but rather Jesus "descended into Hades" (the original Greek transliteration). And He descended into Hades to "lead on high the captives", that is, those who were found in Abraham's bosum as faithful Jewish believers. Faithful Gentile believers pre-Crucifixion converted to Judaism and would be found in Abraham's bosum, too. There is a lot of Mosaic Law which dealt with that reality. Hades is a bi-part abode where the faithful are kept in "Abraham's bosum" and the wicked are kept in torment for their final judgment. There is no concept of purification ever assigned to Hades. Between them was a gulf which could not be breached. "Hades" is to be distinguished from the final abode of unbelieving humanity (Lake of Fire/gehenna/Hell) where the fallen angels (demons), the anti-Christ, and Lucifer himself will eternally reside. To be eternally unregenerate in the burning presence of a Holy God is a far worse torment than that to be found in the Lake of Fire which is also described as the "Outer Darkness". Ergo, it was God's mercy which led Him to create a place where a person will torment himself/herself for all eternity with the flames of their own lust having known the way yet rejecting it because of the arrogant pride in their own hearts. rant mode/off
Posted by Hankmeister© on 2005-04-20 17:34:07 Top

Headline: Arnold's Border Quip Sparks Praise in Neighbor States
Maybe we need to put up a big wall around Hollywood.... Posted by: Trelaina at April 20, 2005 08:42 AM Then fill it with water? I would prefer to fill it with concrete. Fast setting concrete.
Posted by Purple Raider on 2005-04-20 17:33:08 Top

Headline: Vatican Spins Off U.S. Catholic Church
Shane O. No women were specifically mentioned in the Bible, but there were also more than 12 Apostles. Throughout the New Testament, others were "promoted" to the position. I don't recall any women being mentioned but that doesnt mean they didn't exist. If you study Early Church History, we find that there were churches that were lead by women. Check them out and see if they or others) were ever considerd Apostles. Since I'm at work I'm at a loss for their names, but if memory serves me correctly, at least 2 were mentioned. I belive, but could be wrong, that Tabith (Dorcas), and Lydia, may have been church leaders. Question, do you belive in modern day Apostles?
Posted by Liquid on 2005-04-20 17:21:36 Top

Headline: Kerry: Ratzinger Papal Election is 'No Mandate'
My hat goes off to da'Bunny for coining the phrase "German Shepherd," even it was for 20 min while I was trying to write my little satire. All is in good faith.
Posted by hermes1LA on 2005-04-20 17:13:39 Top

Headline: Arnold's Border Quip Sparks Praise in Neighbor States
mig and kajun Check the Proposed National Sales Tax of CMN and look for the tax discussion.
Posted by Pat'sRick© on 2005-04-20 17:06:11 Top

Headline: Arnold's Border Quip Sparks Praise in Neighbor States
CalGirl Healthcare is free if you have no income and someone else pays for it. To paraphrase NBC "If you haven't paid for it, it's free to you!"
Posted by Pat'sRick© on 2005-04-20 17:00:12 Top

Headline: Vatican Spins Off U.S. Catholic Church
Angus, you are a tough man to keep up with ;) So .... I'll only mention a couple of things and let you bounce even further ahead of me. The RC Church doesn't say it's impossible to ordain married men. We all know that there have been married priests in the past (and even some now, such as married Anglican priests who convert to RC-ism are often dispensed from the celibacy discipline). As for prohibiting marriage - I don't think forbidding it for one role in the Church is the same as the forbidden-ness spoken of in the Bible. My own personal guess is that we're heading to a point in history where secular forces (probably extreme feminism as a large influence) will forbid marriage some day in the future (as a possible interpretation of that prophecy). Why does St. Paul refer to himself as a spiritual father if we are to take the 'call no man father' thing completely literally? RCs don't rely solely on the Bible (which requires the authority discussion to ascertain why the Bible alone isn't our faith/morality guide), but also weigh heavily the 2000-year tradition, following Christ's own example of choosing only men. Can you give me a specific reference for 2 women apostles? I haven't heard that one before.
Posted by Shane O. on 2005-04-20 16:53:13 Top

Headline: Arnold's Border Quip Sparks Praise in Neighbor States
Happy birthday, Ms Righty-- Party at the bunker!!! Git down!! She bad...she bad.... §[:-)]
Posted by The Great Santini on 2005-04-20 16:48:22 Top

Headline: Arnold's Border Quip Sparks Praise in Neighbor States
"What part of "illegal" doesn't the President understand?" Pat'sRick© Do you suppose his Sister-in-law has anything to do with it?
Posted by kajun on 2005-04-20 16:22:55 Top

Headline: Arnold's Border Quip Sparks Praise in Neighbor States
tomg "felons" makes sense to me. What part of "illegal" doesn't the President understand?
Posted by Pat'sRick© on 2005-04-20 16:11:29 Top

Headline: Arnold's Border Quip Sparks Praise in Neighbor States
Ms Right Wing,Inc Happy Birthday to the 1st lady of Scrappleville and may you receive many JC Penneys gift cards. 50 eh? party like its your birthday. The bunker will be rocking tonight.
Posted by Maggie on 2005-04-20 16:09:08 Top

Headline: Arnold's Border Quip Sparks Praise in Neighbor States
Pat'sRick© - how about new slang: i -squareds ii's illegrants immigals 2-i'd Joses or my favorite, "felons" (like fell on us)
Posted by tomg on 2005-04-20 16:08:04 Top

Headline: Arnold's Border Quip Sparks Praise in Neighbor States
mig I don't know about your State, but in my State (and I suspect..most States), there are no sales taxes collected on doctor or hospital charges.
Posted by kajun on 2005-04-20 16:01:52 Top

Headline: Arnold's Border Quip Sparks Praise in Neighbor States
From il·le·gal adj. Prohibited by law. Prohibited by official rules: an illegal pass in football. Unacceptable to or not performable by a computer: an illegal operation. n. An illegal immigrant. ============================= im·mi·grant n. A person who leaves one country to settle permanently in another. A plant or animal that establishes itself in an area where it previously did not exist. adj. Of or relating to immigrants or the act of immigrating. ================== I started this to protest the conjunction of "illegal" and "immigrant". Just shows how little I know. However, I would like to propose that we do not put "illegal" and "immigrant" together because it clouds the issue. All of us come from immigrant families. I am in favor of immigation - as long as they come to settle in as "Americans". We don't need more "Afican-Americans", "Hispanic-Americans" or any other hyphenated American. All immigrants should take an oath to support and defend the Constitution. I'd like to see all people given the choice to support and defend the Constitution or leave sometime between their 18th and 21st birthdays. Why should legal immigrants be the only patriots?
Posted by Pat'sRick© on 2005-04-20 15:55:23 Top

Headline: Arnold's Border Quip Sparks Praise in Neighbor States
Okay let's solve the problem. Sales tax. No more income tax. Sales Tax. Then when those Hollywood types want to buy big boobs and botox faces... sales tax. When illegals come over and want to buy water... sales tax. They can pay the tax and then who cares if they sit in line at a clinic. The sales tax will cover it and once the clinics have used up thier portion of the tax, clinics closed until the the next dole is given. SALES TAX... And Happy birthday Ms. Right Wing and to you to Angus the Scot... Long may you reign!
Posted by mig on 2005-04-20 15:50:29 Top

Headline: Vatican Spins Off U.S. Catholic Church
Chow... Posted by Angus the Scot at 03:15 PM I see you haven't eaten yet either. (some great posts BTW)
Posted by kajun on 2005-04-20 15:33:01 Top

Headline: Vatican Spins Off U.S. Catholic Church
The faith guardian kicked in again, It should have read; "Its okay to ordain a G A Y bishop."
Posted by Angus the Scot on 2005-04-20 15:26:38 Top

Headline: Vatican Spins Off U.S. Catholic Church
In Catholic High school we called R.C. Cola, Roman Catholic Cola. Drum roll please~ Ta - da Boom!
Posted by Angus the Scot on 2005-04-20 15:18:12 Top

Headline: Vatican Spins Off U.S. Catholic Church
Keeeery as pope? Time to move to Firenze. Venezia would be nice. Radda Chianti and some olive oil and bread. Chow Arriva derci,Roma. How about we drive down the autostrada to Roma and the Da Vinci aeroporte?
Posted by Angus the Scot on 2005-04-20 15:15:41 Top

Headline: Kerry: Ratzinger Papal Election is 'No Mandate'
Kerry's big tent didn't work for him. His mandate was rejected by America because he tried to give the people what they wanted, "flip flopping". Should Benedict 16 change and be all-inclusive he will be labeled a flip-flopper. Under JP2, the church grew by leaps and bounds with it's conservative message in. In America it shrunk and was stagnant as american catholics chose to not abide by Rome. Europe's catholics also continued their decline, with dead irrelevant churches. Islam is growing fast with a fundamental, moral message. Pentecostal/fundemental christianity grows world-wide with a timeless biblical intrepretation. Kerry and others who want Roman Catholics to water down the faith, remind me of a teacher that allows the class to do anything they want if they will just attend. It is far better to have a clear set of rules and expectations. Those who do not wish to attend can leave. The rest can stay and learn and have real fellowship. What is the point of a church where you can believe and do anything? What is the point of a school where you can act however you want, or an army that each man chooses his own mission, or chooses to do nothing? I am not a catholic, but I respected and honored JP2. If B16 is honorable, consistent and loving, I plan on being good with him too! J
Posted by John on 2005-04-20 15:14:13 Top

Headline: Arnold's Border Quip Sparks Praise in Neighbor States
Second verse to the tune Happy Birthday to Youuuu! ©Timothy J O'Houllahan. ♬♬ May your days all be bright... And you get drunk tonight... So get plastered you baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa d (girl or boy)... Happy Birthday to youuuuuuuuuu! ♬♬
Posted by kajun on 2005-04-20 15:12:32 Top

Headline: Arnold's Border Quip Sparks Praise in Neighbor States
And for everyone's information, Californians don't go backpacking in Birkenstocks, we wear TEVAs. Hmmmpf.
Posted by CalGirl on 2005-04-20 15:10:06 Top

Headline: Vatican Spins Off U.S. Catholic Church
I went to college with a guy named Robert Pope. we were all Catholic and some of us rented rooms from Bob. We called the house, "Vatican West." I don't think they have parties in the one in Rome though.
Posted by Angus the Scot on 2005-04-20 15:09:58 Top

Headline: Vatican Spins Off U.S. Catholic Church
At a resturant, I overheard someone say this is the anti-C. Since when is the anti-christ a staunch conservative? Does this relate to the "it's okay to ordain a bishop? If In the old Testament God said "No" and Paul said it was wrong, then isn't that an anti-christ ordination? Most of Revelations has already been accomplished. In Acts, 3:21, When we all agree or when the five fold ministry is restored? When the whole world acknowledges the one true God? ???, lots of ???
Posted by Angus the Scot on 2005-04-20 15:05:11 Top

Headline: Arnold's Border Quip Sparks Praise in Neighbor States
prettyold-er Oops! I just deleted the only cookie in my computer (no cake, candy, or other virus' found), before your posting. Darn... Happy Birthday Month anyway!
Posted by kajun on 2005-04-20 14:59:54 Top

Headline: Vatican Spins Off U.S. Catholic Church
German Shepard. The pope is German. The shephard refered to is Jesus. He was the Shephard we are the sheep. Dog is dog, unless he is in VN where he is on the grill. Go wok your dog, etc. There is a Restorante in Italy where you can get Donkey meat, Bella! I didn't try it. Heehaw..Oh! my nose~~~~
Posted by Angus the Scot on 2005-04-20 14:50:41 Top

Headline: Vatican Spins Off U.S. Catholic Church
Shane O Born of the Water and filled with the Spirit. Some new converts were speaking/praying in Tongues before water Baptism. There were 120 people in the upper room when the holy Spirit came upon them. Peter was not the first to say that Jesus was the son of God.Lazarus had two sisters,which one of them said it, Mary or Martha? Just a few notes, and thanks. Paul, in his letters refers to two Women Apostles.Some people say there can be no women Apostles.Others say if you haven't seen Jesus when he was still here, you can't be an Apostle, except Saul/Paul because we all believe it was Jesus who came to him on the road to Damascus. Peter was one that was married. There is nothing in the Bible that strictly forbids women pastors or married Priests. In fact it says not to forbid marriage.Jesus said, "Call no man Father,except your father in heaven." The correct order of the 5 gifts; Apostles,Prophets,Teachers,Evangelists and then pastors. Apostles are the leaders, the Prophets tell the Apostle what God is saying. The teacher relates to the Evangelist and the Pastor the meaning of the prophecy.
Posted by Angus the Scot on 2005-04-20 14:42:20 Top

Headline: Arnold's Border Quip Sparks Praise in Neighbor States
I know two different families, who lived in California ,that have moved to Utah. Whole falilies. Grandparents, parents and, children. At a guess ,about 20 taxpayers. What a great idea Camo. Let's start by just declaring Mexico and (English -speaking)(We don't want those Phrenchies)( And,yes, I am biased)Canada,the 51st and 52nd States . Take care of a lot of problems. I had to miss my birthday ,on April 6th,but I have declared this to be my "Birthday Month ".All Cakes,candy,cookies,gifts and renditions of "Happy Birthday" will be cheerfully and gratefully accepted. Happy Birthday to you, Ms Rightwing, you young whipper-snapper! And many more.
Posted by prettyold-er on 2005-04-20 14:35:44 Top

Headline: Vatican Spins Off U.S. Catholic Church
Too funny for words. Why I keep coming back!
Posted by Rod Stanton on 2005-04-20 14:06:32 Top

Headline: Vatican Spins Off U.S. Catholic Church
A better name would be Dramamine III - all the shifting positions gives me motion sickness
Posted by Prince on 2005-04-20 14:03:09 Top

Headline: Kerry: Ratzinger Papal Election is 'No Mandate'
I thought it interesting that the See-BS news release linked by "Another Random Liberal" referred to "a nun..." It wasn't until you were way into the article that you were told that this isn't a nun, it's a former nun, who chose to forsake her vows because the new Pope refused to allow her to re-write scripture. This nuance is typical of the liberal press. It appears the impression CBS wanted to leave is that this is an old, jack-booted conservative who is going to run roughshod over the "modern" church. The Bible is not a "living document" that can be changed over time, as man's power (read; "Satan's power)on earth becomes stronger. Now if we could only impress the politicians and judges that our Constitution should be looked at in the same light.
Posted by SeaDog on 2005-04-20 13:54:17 Top

Headline: Arnold's Border Quip Sparks Praise in Neighbor States
I think the left-wing kool-aid kooks ought to spend less time worrying about space aliens at Area 51 and spend more time worrying about how their social security benefits are going to be cut down the road as a result of illegal aliens pouring across the borders and siphoning off their benefits in the years to come. Of course it didn't help that the immoral left green-lighted the in utero murder of 46 million future taxpayers that would have propped up their vaunted Social Security pyramid scheme.
Posted by libswurstnitemare™ on 2005-04-20 13:44:38 Top

Headline: Vatican Spins Off U.S. Catholic Church
Pope Benadryl XIII.......I think my drink actually went up into my nostrils. I will remember never to consume a beverage while reading "Scrappleface". Great stuff.
Posted by Morgan on 2005-04-20 13:34:21 Top

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