100 Most Recent Comments
by Hawkeye on ScrappleFace

Note: Some commenters use fictitious names, which means that not all of the comments
on this page were necessarily written by the same author.
Back to 100 Most Recent Comments page.
Headline: Right-to-Starve Added to Feminism's Victories
howie, Why prolong her suffering and the angish(sic) of her family any longer? Posted by: howie at March 19, 2005 09:00 AM Who says she is suffering? She has problems with taking care of herself, but none of the videos I saw suggested that she was suffering. And who says her family is in anguish? If her parents are in anguish, it's because she is being put to death. If her husband is in anguish, it's because he wants to move on with his life and put Terri behind him. In fact, my own personal belief is that Terri is now in this condition because Michael wanted to murder Terri and failed.
Posted by Hawkeye on 2005-03-19 09:57:42 Top

Headline: Right-to-Starve Added to Feminism's Victories
betty, a nightmare of no individual rights, only that which is good for the collective. Posted by: betty at March 19, 2005 09:43 AM The sad part is that it is not even what is good for the collective... even the Congress of the United States (a fair representation of the collective if you ask me) is being ignored. The only one that's benefitting from this is Michael Schiavo... for whatever evil purposes one might imagine.
Posted by Hawkeye on 2005-03-19 09:50:50 Top

Headline: Bush Puts His Poll Numbers in Personal Account
I feel like Dan Blather... too much rambling... must get sleep... Good Niiighhhh.... (snoooorre!)
Posted by Hawkeye on 2005-03-14 23:06:11 Top

Headline: Bush Puts His Poll Numbers in Personal Account
There MUST be a way to get the education of our children back! Posted by: kajun at March 14, 2005 10:53 PM _____________________________________________ Well, yes there is... but it's not pretty. I've seen some science fiction movies where they put this thingy on your head and they suck all the memories out of your brain. You get all the bad stuff out... but then you pretty much take the good stuff too. There must be ANOTHER way! (I'm dying here people... help me out!)
Posted by Hawkeye on 2005-03-14 23:01:57 Top

Headline: Bush Puts His Poll Numbers in Personal Account
Going back to the last thread... I guess the Chinese would use a bamboo poll?
Posted by Hawkeye on 2005-03-14 22:51:37 Top

Headline: Bush Puts His Poll Numbers in Personal Account
When you hang Polish people on bulletin boards, do you need Pole tacks?
Posted by Hawkeye on 2005-03-14 22:49:14 Top

Headline: Bush Puts His Poll Numbers in Personal Account
By the way, Scott.... was that the North Poll or the South Poll?
Posted by Hawkeye on 2005-03-14 22:44:22 Top

Headline: Bush Puts His Poll Numbers in Personal Account
Did you just hear something about 100 posts? Oh well, just ignore it.
Posted by Hawkeye on 2005-03-14 22:41:41 Top

Headline: Chinese Daily-Washington Post Merger Boosts Credibility
I am reminded of a Chinese joke which talks about Won-Hung-Lo.... but I don't think we want to go there.
Posted by Hawkeye on 2005-03-14 22:40:05 Top

Headline: Bush Puts His Poll Numbers in Personal Account
Sorry... but this is a black day in California's checkered history, as black as the day in early 1973 when US Supreme handed down Roe v. Wade and its companion case, Doe v. Bolton. I am very saddened and disappointed that California has joined Massachusetts in a judicial middle-finger salute to the serfs, er, voters. §[:-(] Posted by: The Great Santini at March 14, 2005 09:41 PM _______________________________________________ A sad day indeed. Another in a long line of sad days we true patriots have had to put up with from the likes of those Anti-Americans :( Help us Lord to throw off the yoke of these wicked tormentors!
Posted by Hawkeye on 2005-03-14 22:25:49 Top

Headline: Bush Puts His Poll Numbers in Personal Account
I don't think President Bush should "a-poll-ogize" for anything. He wasn't getting great returns from the polls when he was going into the election (which he won by a handy margin). He wasn't getting any great returns from the exit polls on election day (but he still won). Now that I think about it, President Bush is the ultimate contrarian... when everybody else says NO, just do whatever Dubya is doing... it's sure to pay off.
Posted by Hawkeye on 2005-03-14 22:15:21 Top

Headline: Chinese Daily-Washington Post Merger Boosts Credibility
BienHoaBaby, Sorry about that! When I did my post at 11:36 AM, I had not noticed your post at March 14, 2005 09:28 AM. Would you believe... great minds think alike?
Posted by Hawkeye on 2005-03-14 15:17:55 Top

Headline: Chinese Daily-Washington Post Merger Boosts Credibility
I can just see the promotionals now... "For a 1 year subscription to the Wa-Po, we will give you a FREE abacus AND a magnetic Chinese checkers game!"
Posted by Hawkeye on 2005-03-14 15:07:56 Top

Headline: Chinese Daily-Washington Post Merger Boosts Credibility
Ms. RightWing, "Marxist Bros Duck Soup...quit being a "grouch--oh" Now this is the kind of entertainment I've come to expect... well worth the price of admission!
Posted by Hawkeye on 2005-03-14 14:15:35 Top

Headline: Chinese Daily-Washington Post Merger Boosts Credibility
Pat'sRick©, Good tunes my man. Your song-writing skills are beginning to rival those of the Great Santini... just beginning.
Posted by Hawkeye on 2005-03-14 14:10:53 Top

Headline: Chinese Daily-Washington Post Merger Boosts Credibility
"Wa-Po"?... sounds like the Chinese version of "Whopper" to me. "Yu want news?... we got sum Wa-Po fo' yu!"
Posted by Hawkeye on 2005-03-14 11:36:50 Top

Headline: EU Offers GOP 'Carrots' to Give Up 'Nuclear Option'
Leben Frei, Great post at March 13, 2005 06:15 PM. Will share that one. Thanks.
Posted by Hawkeye on 2005-03-14 11:02:10 Top

Headline: Condi Rice to Tour 'Hostile Democracies'
Err... that's Bashar Assad.
Posted by Hawkeye on 2005-03-09 17:13:52 Top

Headline: Condi Rice to Tour 'Hostile Democracies'
stop the madness, Good moniker... that's exactly what the U.S. is trying to do... in Afghanistan, in Iraq, in the Ukraine, in Palestine, in Lebanon. We're not the ones who are mad... it's bin Laden and Zarqawi and Bahar Assad. This just in... Yasser Arafat is still dead.
Posted by Hawkeye on 2005-03-09 17:12:47 Top

Headline: China to Build Stone Wall Around Taiwan
This whole wall idea sounds like "Chinese junk" to me. Who "floated" that idea anyway?
Posted by Hawkeye on 2005-03-09 16:53:13 Top

Headline: China to Build Stone Wall Around Taiwan
Some words from the Bible about that... Ezekiel 13:10 ...they lead my people astray, saying, "Peace," when there is no peace, and because, when a flimsy wall is built, they cover it with whitewash Isaiah 30:13 this sin will become for you like a high wall, cracked and bulging, that collapses suddenly, in an instant. Isaiah 59:10 Like the blind we grope along the wall, feeling our way like men without eyes. Ezekiel 38:20 The... earth will tremble at my presence. The mountains will be overturned, the cliffs will crumble and every wall will fall to the ground.
Posted by Hawkeye on 2005-03-08 13:12:00 Top

Headline: U.S. Claims Insurgents Fail to Warn of Bombs
By press time, this raging inferno had burned over 20,000 acres of buckbrush and boulders. Posted by: kajun at March 7, 2005 02:46 PM _________________________________________ Wow, even the boulders burned! That must be one hot fire.
Posted by Hawkeye on 2005-03-07 14:57:01 Top

Headline: U.S. Claims Insurgents Fail to Warn of Bombs
kajun news, That's what those liberal papers want you to believe... In reality, it was visiting Ted Kennedy whose alky breath (mixed with "liberal" doses of hot air) actually started the blaze.
Posted by Hawkeye on 2005-03-07 14:35:52 Top

Headline: Dan Rather to Confess: 'I'm a Conservative American'
Baldo birthday bash begins by borrowing bald brows, baby bottoms, balloons and buffoons. Hooray for Baldo!! Posted by: Pat'sRick© at March 7, 2005 12:49 PM _____________________________________________ But, but, but...!
Posted by Hawkeye on 2005-03-07 13:02:36 Top

Headline: U.S. Claims Insurgents Fail to Warn of Bombs
Hey Forrest, What would you call 40 sharks on surfboard... The Enron "Board" of Directors.
Posted by Hawkeye on 2005-03-07 12:48:22 Top

Headline: Dan Rather to Confess: 'I'm a Conservative American'
Dan Rather is one anchor that should definitely be thrown overboard.
Posted by Hawkeye on 2005-03-07 12:44:11 Top

Headline: U.S. Claims Insurgents Fail to Warn of Bombs
OT, but Ann Coulter has a good article at http://www.anncoulter.com or... just click on my name.
Posted by Hawkeye on 2005-03-07 12:28:27 Top

Headline: U.S. Claims Insurgents Fail to Warn of Bombs
White House calling charge of targeting her "absurd". Posted by: tomg at March 7, 2005 11:39 AM __________________________________________ So when did acting, sounding or being absurd ever stop a liberal from proceeding to do so?
Posted by Hawkeye on 2005-03-07 12:03:44 Top

Headline: U.S. Claims Insurgents Fail to Warn of Bombs
Happy 79th Birthday Mr. Baldo!
Posted by Hawkeye on 2005-03-07 12:00:41 Top

Headline: Dan Rather to Confess: 'I'm a Conservative American'
Happy Birthday Mr. Baldo... wherever you are!
Posted by Hawkeye on 2005-03-07 11:54:32 Top

Headline: Troops Shoot Italian Hostage's Car Despite E-ZPass
I guess an "Ill" Manifesto is one that's sick.
Posted by Hawkeye on 2005-03-05 11:00:39 Top

Headline: Troops Shoot Italian Hostage's Car Despite E-ZPass
Ill Manifesto? What does that mean in American? Posted by: George Maddox at March 5, 2005 10:09 AM From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. A manifesto is a public declaration of principles and intentions, often political in nature.
Posted by Hawkeye on 2005-03-05 10:32:10 Top

Headline: Troops Shoot Italian Hostage's Car Despite E-ZPass
What is known about the security agent who took the bullet to protect her after her release? Posted by: onlineanalyst at March 5, 2005 09:16 AM ___________________________________________ He was a former driver with Federal Express.
Posted by Hawkeye on 2005-03-05 10:02:06 Top

Headline: Troops Shoot Italian Hostage's Car Despite E-ZPass
In related news... Italian hostage Giuliana Sgrena, a writer for the communist paper Il Manifesto, was recently released by anti-coalition forces when they finally realized that she was a writer for the communist paper Il Manifesto. According to an unnamed spokesperson for the anti-coalition forces, "We read a few of her articles and realized that she was on OUR side... Any enemy of Bush is a friend of ours!"
Posted by Hawkeye on 2005-03-05 09:58:18 Top

Headline: Disgraced Anthropologist Drinks 40,000-Year-Old Milk
I've got some primordial soup in my refrigerator.
Posted by Hawkeye on 2005-02-19 10:21:35 Top

Headline: Media Warned About Faux News Advocacy Pieces
Or maybe, somebody could invent an invisible lettering system which would be attached to the anchors forehead. Every time they got biased, the words would suddenly appear... "AGENDA!"
Posted by Hawkeye on 2005-02-19 08:32:08 Top

Headline: Media Warned About Faux News Advocacy Pieces
CBS, CNN and MSNBC have had "simulated newscasts" for years. I think Walter Cronkite was a "simulated uncle" and Chris Matthews is a "simulated anchor".
Posted by Hawkeye on 2005-02-19 08:20:04 Top

Headline: Media Warned About Faux News Advocacy Pieces
Boy, with all that winking going on, TV viewers will begin to think news anchors are required to have a twitch in order to get hired!
Posted by Hawkeye on 2005-02-19 08:13:26 Top

Headline: Media Warned About Faux News Advocacy Pieces
Good one Scott. If only we could get such a protocol!!
Posted by Hawkeye on 2005-02-19 08:09:48 Top

Headline: Kim Jong-Il Threatens to Nuke North Koreans
the communist dictatorship's "revered" leader, Kim Jong-Il Scott, you have such a way with words.
Posted by Hawkeye on 2005-02-12 08:23:09 Top

Headline: Kim Jong-Il Threatens to Nuke North Koreans
Kim Jong-Il's first target should be the presidential palace.
Posted by Hawkeye on 2005-02-12 08:20:52 Top

Headline: Eason Jordan Quits, Bloggers Mull Next Target
Sorry, I guess I was on the wrong thread with "bukes". Maybe it's just too late for me to be Scrappling. Have a nice weekend everybody!!!
Posted by Hawkeye on 2005-02-11 21:45:38 Top

Headline: Eason Jordan Quits, Bloggers Mull Next Target
Hey Scott, Just for your info... My mother used to give me a lot of "pre-bukes" just before I went out at night as a teenager. So this is nothing new I'll have you know. Both my mom and dad also gave me a few "post-bukes" after I really screwed up. In fact, my wife has given me a few "post-bukes". What's a fellar to do?
Posted by Hawkeye on 2005-02-11 21:42:00 Top

Headline: Eason Jordan Quits, Bloggers Mull Next Target
Sorry, that's... "around". I think aroung is something on a ladder.
Posted by Hawkeye on 2005-02-11 21:36:44 Top

Headline: Eason Jordan Quits, Bloggers Mull Next Target
Oh come now Ms. RightWing, Inc. It's always safe for you to be aroung Scrapple Land! You know we only denigrate "lib" journalists. By the way, how is life in the bunker high above enemy territory?
Posted by Hawkeye on 2005-02-11 21:35:39 Top

Headline: Eason Jordan Quits, Bloggers Mull Next Target
Mig sings the "Fish Song"... what next?
Posted by Hawkeye on 2005-02-11 21:26:54 Top

Headline: Eason Jordan Quits, Bloggers Mull Next Target
kajun, Is that Walter Kronkite.... or Walter Kryptonite? He has been against all the "Super" men that I can think of... like our troops in Vietnam, Barry Goldwater, Richard Nixon, etc.
Posted by Hawkeye on 2005-02-11 21:23:51 Top

Headline: Eason Jordan Quits, Bloggers Mull Next Target
I agree. Eason Jordan is [sic][sic][sic]. It's good that he resigned so he doesn't spread any germs.
Posted by Hawkeye on 2005-02-11 21:19:06 Top

Headline: Christian Tsunami Aid Groups Withholding 'Best Stuff'
On a more cynical note, read how the tree-huggers are exploiting the victims of the Tsunami. http://www.freespeech.com/index.php?/weblog/the_world_is_corrupt_012205/ Or, just click on my name.
Posted by Hawkeye on 2005-01-22 13:17:57 Top

Headline: Bush to Take 'Red' and 'Blue' Oath
The hybrid, or purple, oath reads as follows: "I, George W. Bush, do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States." I don't think that this is really a hybrid oath... A true hybrid oath would read: "I, George W. Bush... and I, John F. Kerry... do solemnly swear... etc., etc." Thank God we won't hear a TRUE hybrid!!
Posted by Hawkeye on 2005-01-19 23:26:41 Top

Headline: Bush to Take 'Red' and 'Blue' Oath
Congressional Democrats immediately criticized the president's decision... So what else is new. Have they ever supported the President on anything?... well, for more than 15 minutes anyway?
Posted by Hawkeye on 2005-01-19 23:17:37 Top

Headline: Harvard Chief Sends Roses to Fainting Female Prof
♪=CoLoRaDo KiT cAt=♪, Answer... yes, there are a few crazies among us!
Posted by Hawkeye on 2005-01-18 22:33:09 Top

Headline: Harvard Chief Sends Roses to Fainting Female Prof
♪=CoLoRaDo KiT cAt=♪, I checked out a Dutch-English translation program. Does this sound about right?... "Is everyone here terribly crazy or WHAT? Oh my goodness!!" Posted by: ♪=CoLoRaDo KiT cAt=♪ at January 18, 2005 09:53 PM
Posted by Hawkeye on 2005-01-18 22:31:43 Top

Headline: Harvard Chief Sends Roses to Fainting Female Prof
For all you non-German-speaking Scrapplers... _____________________________________________ Besser Tot Wie Rot = Better Dead Than Red Du bist Tot! = You are dead! Yikes... Wem ist "Du"? = Yikes... To whom is "you"? Entschuldigen! 'Wer' ist "Du"? = Excuse me, WHO is "you"? Du sprechest nicht über die roten Zustände??? = You are not speaking about the "red" states???
Posted by Hawkeye on 2005-01-18 22:08:16 Top

Headline: Harvard Chief Sends Roses to Fainting Female Prof
♪=CoLoRaDo KiT cAt=♪, Dutch?
Posted by Hawkeye on 2005-01-18 21:58:19 Top

Headline: Harvard Chief Sends Roses to Fainting Female Prof
Fraulein Virginia, Entschuldigen! 'Wer' ist "Du"?
Posted by Hawkeye on 2005-01-18 21:54:16 Top

Headline: Harvard Chief Sends Roses to Fainting Female Prof
Fraulein Virginia, Du sprechest nicht über die roten Zustände???
Posted by Hawkeye on 2005-01-18 21:50:41 Top

Headline: Harvard Chief Sends Roses to Fainting Female Prof
Besser Tot Wie Rot, Du bist Tot! Posted by: Fraulein Virginia at January 18, 2005 09:38 PM __________________________________ Yikes... Wem ist "Du"?
Posted by Hawkeye on 2005-01-18 21:42:17 Top

Headline: Harvard Chief Sends Roses to Fainting Female Prof
I Have a Bellyache Posted by: onlineanalyst at January 18, 2005 05:48 PM ___________________________ I think it was the bellyache that caused the "wide-screen" format... or, Scrappleface in Panavision.
Posted by Hawkeye on 2005-01-18 21:34:04 Top

Headline: Harvard Chief Sends Roses to Fainting Female Prof
Hey everybody, I've been watching the news and I wouldn't be surprised if Maestro Scott comes out with something on Barbara Boxer and her re-enanctment of the Spanish Inquisition at the Condi Rice hearings. Sheeesh! To quote Bill O'Reilly... what a pin-head! __________________________________ NO ONE EXPECTS THE SPANISH INQUISITION!!!
Posted by Hawkeye on 2005-01-18 21:28:09 Top

Headline: Harvard Chief Sends Roses to Fainting Female Prof
♪=CoLoRaDo KiT cAt=♪, Sorry, I didn't realize you just posted something like that in your post at 7:34 PM. Guess I'm not paying attention... Good morning!!
Posted by Hawkeye on 2005-01-18 19:43:02 Top

Headline: Harvard Chief Sends Roses to Fainting Female Prof
Ms. Hopkins told The New York Times, "When he started talking about innate differences in aptitude between men and women, I JUST COULDN'T BREATHE." Didn't Hillary go through something like that when Billy Boy told her that he had lied about Monica? I guess bad news just makes lib women "breathless".
Posted by Hawkeye on 2005-01-18 19:39:16 Top

Headline: Harvard Chief Sends Roses to Fainting Female Prof
I promise, no more bad humor. Posted by: Ms RightWing, Inc at January 18, 2005 12:10 PM I'll take a "Good Humor"... ice cream bar, that is.
Posted by Hawkeye on 2005-01-18 12:39:51 Top

Headline: Harvard Chief Sends Roses to Fainting Female Prof
In related news, it was learned today that Mrs. Summers (wife of Harvard University President Lawrence Summers) had reminded her husband not to bring up the subject of differences between the sexes at the conference. "As he went out the door that morning, I told him to keep his prejudices to himself... that he might offend someone," she told reporters. "Obviously he was only listening with half his brain again."
Posted by Hawkeye on 2005-01-18 08:49:02 Top

Headline: Harvard Chief Sends Roses to Fainting Female Prof
If she hadn't walked out of the conference, she said she "would have either blacked out or thrown up." Women... it was probably her hormones acting up.
Posted by Hawkeye on 2005-01-18 08:34:00 Top

Headline: Harvard Chief Sends Roses to Fainting Female Prof
Wow, with such an overabundance of libs in academia, you'd think they would be a little more concerned about being P.C., no? Click on my name for more about academic bias.
Posted by Hawkeye on 2005-01-18 08:27:07 Top

Headline: Report: U.N. Could End Global Poverty with Cash
Mr. Baldo, Good to hear from ya. Have you considered giving away free samples of your wax? Ya never know, they might get hooked! Next thing ya know... there will be a stampede for Baldo's Wax! Another suggestion.... alternate uses for Baldo's Wax. Like maybe, wax your car? wax your hardwood floors? wax your wood furniture? Anything that can use a shine is a possibility. In Marketing 101, that's called "line extension."
Posted by Hawkeye on 2005-01-17 22:00:46 Top

Headline: Report: U.N. Could End Global Poverty with Cash
Hankmeister©, Well, maybe I read too much into it, but I thought it was great. My respects to D. James Kennedy for inspiring YOU. My respects to YOU for an inspirational exposition on the verses you quoted. Made me think about some things. P.S.-- I knew D. James Kennedy did not say "Stuff happens." (That was pure satire on my part.) Don't forget... this IS a satire site.
Posted by Hawkeye on 2005-01-17 21:15:44 Top

Headline: Report: U.N. Could End Global Poverty with Cash
Aunt Sarah and Uncle Willy, "funny smellin smokin sticks"... Great! Love it.
Posted by Hawkeye on 2005-01-17 21:06:32 Top

Headline: Report: U.N. Could End Global Poverty with Cash
Isn't that language a little "salty" for ScrappleFace? Posted by: kajun at January 17, 2005 08:45 PM To the contrary, the Bible is a "pillar" of knowledge.
Posted by Hawkeye on 2005-01-17 20:57:48 Top

Headline: Report: U.N. Could End Global Poverty with Cash
Maybe I should go now? I think perhaps I'm keeping honest people from posting. They probably assume I'm going to slobber bad humor all over them... and they're probably right! See ya later all.
Posted by Hawkeye on 2005-01-17 19:00:23 Top

Headline: Report: U.N. Could End Global Poverty with Cash
No apostrophe in "Lots". Posted by: onlineanalyst at January 17, 2005 06:48 PM Really? I thought I saw something in the Bible about "Lot's wife".
Posted by Hawkeye on 2005-01-17 18:56:28 Top

Headline: Report: U.N. Could End Global Poverty with Cash
Cost of "Axis of Weasels"... $12.95 Donation to Tsunami victims... a few hundred dollars. Government taxes... a few thousand dollars. Having a good 'ol time with my Scrappleface friends... PRICELESS!
Posted by Hawkeye on 2005-01-17 18:38:17 Top

Headline: Report: U.N. Could End Global Poverty with Cash
"This research shows that the root cause of poverty is the absence of money" Another great line Scott! Where do you get this stuff? Oh, the news?... of course, I knew that!
Posted by Hawkeye on 2005-01-17 18:33:49 Top

Headline: Report: U.N. Could End Global Poverty with Cash
Ms RightWing, Inc OK then, take that.... $$$$$$$. And that..... $$$$$$$$$$$$. And worst of all, take this.... $$$$$$$$$$$$$. Satisfied now??? Huh???
Posted by Hawkeye on 2005-01-17 18:26:26 Top

Headline: Report: U.N. Could End Global Poverty with Cash
Hankmeister©, Regarding your post at January 17, 2005 05:12 PM COOOL!! I never really thought about it that way. My respects to both you and to D. James Kennedy... BTW, did Dr. Kennedy actually say in his sermon, "Stuff happens!"(?).... Just kidding. Great insight. Thanks!
Posted by Hawkeye on 2005-01-17 18:20:38 Top

Headline: Report: U.N. Could End Global Poverty with Cash
Kofi Annan should take some lessons from the movie "Brewster's Millions"... but I don't think it would take.
Posted by Hawkeye on 2005-01-17 18:04:13 Top

Headline: Report: U.N. Could End Global Poverty with Cash
You know the old saying... Give a man a fish & you feed him for a day, Teach a man to fish & you feed him for life. Could also read... Give a man your money & he's rich today, Teach him to make money & he's rich for life. We need to teach people how to become self-sufficient, not just throw money at them. Throwing money at poor people never leads to anything. In the words of one black comedian... "If you send a ton 'o money down here to the ghetto, you just gonna get the biggest dang craps game you ever seen."
Posted by Hawkeye on 2005-01-17 18:01:27 Top

Headline: Amber Alert: Dr. King's Legacy Reported Missing
"...and leave nothing but empty skin." What a great line Scott! I guess if you remove the "character content", that's about all you have left.
Posted by Hawkeye on 2005-01-17 12:45:46 Top

Headline: Amber Alert: Dr. King's Legacy Reported Missing
I guess it is easier to adhere to the Democratic Party than to the Word of God? They are a rather "sticky" bunch aren't they?
Posted by Hawkeye on 2005-01-17 12:40:27 Top

Headline: Amber Alert: Dr. King's Legacy Reported Missing
And how about this quote from Alveda... Jessie (Jackson) was one of the first spokespersons against abortion, he said it was genocide, and he firmly supported that for a long time. He changed and that’s when we parted ways. Today I look to the voices of political leaders who are not afraid to adhere to the word of God.
Posted by Hawkeye on 2005-01-17 12:33:56 Top

Headline: Amber Alert: Dr. King's Legacy Reported Missing
I concur with those who have posted before me... Excellent article Scott! Unlike Martin Luther King, the majority of black leaders today seem bent on keeping the status quo. If every Afro-American were to reach their true potential (like Colin Powell and Condi Rice), they would have no need for people like Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton. If every person of color were to be well-paid and satisfied with their employment, there would be no need for organizations like the NAACP. Jackson, Sharpton, NAACP, et al. should be trying to work themselves out of job. But instead, they want to keep their positions of power, so they work to maintain the status quo. They like being the leaders of an angry, prejudiced, and "repressed-in-spirit" mob... That's their power base. So they continue to find ways to whip up reverse racism.
Posted by Hawkeye on 2005-01-17 12:15:56 Top

Headline: Guilty Abu Ghraib Guard Joins Prison Cheerleading Squad
Hawkeye, In your righteously "trashy" rant, you sparked something. Since, in the bible, Beelzebub means "lord of the flies", I now know what Dan Rathers' pimping grounds acronym means!!!!: Channeling Beelzebubs Sophistries ************************** Posted by: ♪=CoLoRaDo KiT cAt=♪ at January 16, 2005 01:11 PM Or, how about... Channeling Beelzebubs Stuff (as in "trash")
Posted by Hawkeye on 2005-01-16 13:49:56 Top

Headline: Guilty Abu Ghraib Guard Joins Prison Cheerleading Squad
Doesn't it just seem like the LSM is "magnetically" attracted to trash. (I would have used another word, but I know Scott's delete button would have been activated). The LSM reporters remind me of flies swarming around whatever "trash" they can find. Then they put in print or on the airwaves so everyone in the world can share their "trash"... ("Look everybody, I found "trash" and I want to shove it in your face and under your nose. And... oh, by the way, this "trash" is coming to you courtesy of the U.S.A., and/or George Bush, and/or Republicans, and/or Christians, and/or anything else that you hold near and dear.") The big question is... Who will get the "Academy Award" of trash sniffers (sometimes referred to as "The Lord of the Flies")?
Posted by Hawkeye on 2005-01-16 12:14:52 Top

Headline: Guilty Abu Ghraib Guard Joins Prison Cheerleading Squad
♪=CoLoRaDo KiT cAt=♪, I don't think Brig Gen Karpinski has a "bright" future anywhere. Did you see her interview on Bill O'Reilly's show? She wasn't ignorant, but... she was no Einstein either.
Posted by Hawkeye on 2005-01-16 12:01:11 Top

Headline: Guilty Abu Ghraib Guard Joins Prison Cheerleading Squad
BTW, some people die doing stupid things. Graner is lucky he only got 10 years.
Posted by Hawkeye on 2005-01-16 11:54:51 Top

Headline: Guilty Abu Ghraib Guard Joins Prison Cheerleading Squad
IMHO, Graner was just a sap who wanted to impress his friends back home by taking a couple of photos of the enemy in embarassing positions... nothing more. He and his friends just got caught doing something stupid, that's all. People do stupid things.
Posted by Hawkeye on 2005-01-16 11:53:44 Top

Headline: Guilty Abu Ghraib Guard Joins Prison Cheerleading Squad
BTW, I don't know if y'all have seen this, but I think it's a great idea. Take a moment to thank Tony Blair at... http://www.thankyoutony.com/index.html Or, just click on my name.
Posted by Hawkeye on 2005-01-16 11:49:17 Top

Headline: Guilty Abu Ghraib Guard Joins Prison Cheerleading Squad
♪=CoLoRaDo KiT cAt=♪ Regarding your post at January 16, 2005 11:17 AM As a follow-up to your link at "Blackfive", here's another one that's on topic. Just click on my name.
Posted by Hawkeye on 2005-01-16 11:36:21 Top

Headline: New Science Book Stickers Evolve After Court Ruling
libswurst, Good article. Can't you just feel their irritation with the LSM?
Posted by Hawkeye on 2005-01-15 16:39:58 Top

Headline: Sharon Offers Talks on Suicide Bombing Quota
"We want to be good neighbors," said Mr. Sharon Like a good neighbor... Abu Mazzen is there!
Posted by Hawkeye on 2005-01-15 16:20:23 Top

Headline: Sharon Offers Talks on Suicide Bombing Quota
I should also point out that this does not include the $350,000,000 pledged by the U.S. government... or the money being spent by the Pentagon through the use of it's aircraft carriers, helicopters, personnel, etc.
Posted by Hawkeye on 2005-01-15 14:48:43 Top

Headline: Sharon Offers Talks on Suicide Bombing Quota
BTW, Off-Topic, but if you haven't been keeping track, Americans have given $652,537,941 toward Tsunami relief. Go to http://blog.simmins.org/ for more info. Or, click on my name.
Posted by Hawkeye on 2005-01-15 14:42:42 Top

Headline: Newdow Petitions to Strike God from Judge's Ruling
kajun, Did ya ever meet Fred Flinstone in person? Did ya get his autograph? He's famous ya know.
Posted by Hawkeye on 2005-01-15 13:38:20 Top

Headline: Sharon Offers Talks on Suicide Bombing Quota
For more good info on what's happening in Israel and the Middle East... go to http://www.debka.com/ or click on my name.
Posted by Hawkeye on 2005-01-15 13:21:46 Top

Headline: Sharon Offers Talks on Suicide Bombing Quota
Ms RightWing, Inc Very impressive! I'm still trying to figure out if it's Off Topic or not.
Posted by Hawkeye on 2005-01-15 13:16:55 Top

Headline: Sharon Offers Talks on Suicide Bombing Quota
kajun, Arafat Suicide School... LOL!
Posted by Hawkeye on 2005-01-15 13:14:31 Top

Headline: Newdow Petitions to Strike God from Judge's Ruling
2 Thessalonians 2:11 Therefore God sends upon them a strong delusion, to make them believe what is false, 12 so that all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
Posted by Hawkeye on 2005-01-15 13:03:46 Top

Headline: Sharon Offers Talks on Suicide Bombing Quota
Mack, Regarding your post at January 15, 2005 11:30 AM. Good ideas. I'm pretty fed up with all those mamby-pamby, appeaser libs. We should make those terrorists afraid... Very afraid!
Posted by Hawkeye on 2005-01-15 12:31:39 Top

Headline: Sharon Offers Talks on Suicide Bombing Quota
Mr. Scott Ott, Really good satire as usual. It would really be funny if it weren't so sad.
Posted by Hawkeye on 2005-01-15 12:20:51 Top

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