September 30, 2005
NARAL Applauds Bennett's Pro-Choice Remark by Scott Ott (2005-09-30) -- The National Abortion Rights Action League (NARAL) today praised an apparently pro-choice remark by former secretary of education Bill Bennett on his conservative radio talkshow yesterday. On the nationally-syndicated 'Morning in America' program, Mr. Bennett told a caller "...if you wanted to reduce crime, you could, if that were your sole purpose, you could abort every black baby in this country, and your crime rate would go down." A NARAL spokesman today said she was "delighted to hear that Bennett is seems to be coming around to the pro-choice position, even if his remarks were taken totally out of context." "Although NARAL usually emphasizes the personal benefits of purging unwanted pre-human tissue masses from the womb," said the unnamed source, "We realize that societal benefits are the icing on the cake." However, the spokesman added said she was "saddened by the racial element" of Bennett's remarks. "Our ongoing heartache has been the relatively low abortion rate among white women as compared with black women in America," she said, "even though white women provide much of the funding for our efforts." Donate | More Satire | Printer-Friendly | |
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