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September 10, 2005
Bush Unveils His Flight 93 Memorial Proposal
by Scott Ott

(2005-09-10) -- As Americans reacted in shock to the proposed 'Crescent of Embrace' memorial to Flight 93, which resembles the crescent trademark of Islam, President George Bush today unveiled a proposal of his own.

"The people who died in Pennsylvania fighting for control of United Flight 93 on September 11, 2001, don't need a new memorial," said Mr. Bush. "In very real sense, they already have two memorials: We call them The White House and the Capitol Building."

Mr. Bush explained that since one of those two buildings was the likely target for the Muslim terrorists who hijacked the plane, "the fact that they're both still standing is a lasting tribute to the people who gave their lives fighting evil."

"Every time you see those white pillars or that gleaming dome," the president said, "remember the 40 Americans who volunteered in a moment to defend freedom with their own blood. Remember the ones who looked fear in the face and said, 'Let's Roll.'"

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