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March 03, 2005
Bush to 'Get In Step' with NYT/CBS Poll
by Scott Ott

(2005-03-03) -- Shocked and saddened that a New York Times/CBS poll proved he is "out of step with Americans," President George Bush today outlined a four-point plan to get back in step with people who respond to media polls.

The Times/CBS poll showed that...
-- 90 percent of Americans think the budget deficit is a "very serious or somewhat serious" problem,
-- 60 percent disapprove of the way the president is handling the deficit,
-- 79 percent think it's the government's responsibility to provide a "decent standard of living for the elderly."
-- 49 percent don't think that Social Security will provide the benefits they expect at retirement.
-- 55 percent said the problems with Social Security were serious enough that they should be fixed now.
-- 51 percent believe allowing individuals to invest a portion of their Social Security taxes on their own is a bad idea.

The president's "get back in step" initiative, which will synchronize his actions with the financial wisdom of polled Americans, includes the following measures...
--Pay off the budget deficit with money from the Social Security trust fund.
--Use 100 percent of the resulting annual budget surplus to provide a "decent standard of living for the elderly."
--Tax Social Security retirement benefits on a sliding scale that increases with age and reserve that money to provide future benefits at a level that "most people expect."
-- Turn America's decaying urban core into a casino enterprise zone to ensure the plan is revenue neutral.

Several dozen Congressional Democrats immediately agreed to co-sponsor the legislation.

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