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Scott Ott Premiere Speakers Bureau
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February 07, 2005
Preemptive Dem Budget Slashes Austerity Funding
by Scott Ott

(2005-02-07) -- Democrats in Congress today announced they would launch a preemptive federal budget proposal to counter the president's expected $2.5 trillion spending plan.

The alternative plan offers "potentially huge savings" through deep cuts in government austerity measures and reductions in funding for belt-tightening.

President George Bush, in his state of the union address, said his budget proposal eliminates 150 obsolete or ineffective programs and reduces some discretionary spending with the goal of cutting the federal deficit in half within five years.

But Congressional Democrats said that the White House has "wielded the budget ax unfairly, ignoring some Republican darlings."

"The Bush budget wastes untold millions on auditors and other bean counters whose only job is to monitor and hinder the flow of money through government agencies," said one unnamed Congressional aide. "Our fiscally-responsible Democrat plan eliminates these expensive bottlenecks, so funding can flow unfettered through our vast benevolent system. The savings are incalculable, but we suspect they'll be substantial."

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