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Scott Ott Premiere Speakers Bureau
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December 02, 2004
U.N. Money-for-Peace Scam May Force Annan to Resign
by Scott Ott

(2004-12-02) -- U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan today vigorously denied allegations that he has overseen a complex, fraudulent scheme to pilfer billions of dollars from 191 nations under the guise of providing "global peace services."

U.S. Sen. Norm Coleman, R-MN, said "this money-for-peace scam stinks even more than the oil-for-food scandal which funded Saddam Hussein's murderous regime."

"To state it simply, the U.N. doesn't deliver the peacekeeping services it promises, yet it continues to cash the checks from member nations," said Sen. Coleman. "It's a global Ponzi scheme, taking money from one nation to cover obligations to another and ultimately producing nothing but paychecks and perks for an army of phony diplomats and lazy bureaucrats."

Mr. Annan brushed off suggestions that he should step down, and insisted he has fulfilled his role of fostering global peace by "holding meetings, eating in fine restaurants and speaking very softly in a charming accent."

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