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November 06, 2004
Specter Retracts Ill-Conceived Abortion Remarks
by Scott Ott

(2004-11-06) -- Sen. Arlen Specter, R/D-PA, today retracted previous remarks on judicial nominees which "may have been ill-conceived."

The Associated Press had characterized Mr. Specter as warning President George Bush against nominating judges who might overturn the Supreme Court's Roe v. Wade abortion ruling.

"If I could review the transcript of that AP interview, I would extract those remarks and take a pair of scissors to that portion of my statement," said Mr. Specter.

A spokesman for the president said the Bush administration is still debating the question of "when a chairmanship actually begins".

"Technically, Sen. Specter is not the chairman of the judiciary committee at this point," White House spokesman Scott McClellan said. "He has the potential, but senate Republicans still have a choice, and although he's likely to serve out his term as chairman, his colleagues may make an exception to protect the health of the Constitution."

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