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Scott Ott Premiere Speakers Bureau
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January 05, 2004
Judge Repeals Parent Notice for Abortion, Driver's License
by Scott Ott

(2004-01-05) -- A federal judge today declared a New Hampshire law unconstitutional which requires parental permission before a minor can drive an automobile. Last week the same judge struck down a parental notification provision in the state's abortion law.

U.S. District Judge Joseph DiClerico said the driver's license law is unconstitutional because it lacks an exception to protect the minor's health.

Judge DiClerico's ruling included the following example: "If an unlicensed 16-year-old girl, home alone, needed to drive somewhere to get an emergency abortion to protect her health, she would have to violate state law to do so since she didn't have her parent's permission to operate the motor vehicle."

"This is unqualified good news," said a spokesman for the National Driver's Rights Action League Pro-Choice America (NDRAL), "Teens across the Granite State have been further freed from the oppressive rule of their narrow-minded parents."

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