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Scott Ott Premiere Speakers Bureau
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January 05, 2004
Britney Spears 'Humiliated' by Marriage News
by Scott Ott

(2004-01-05) -- Pop singer Britney Spears is reportedly "humiliated" by news that she married a man this weekend whom she had know since childhood.

The "shameful" nuptials followed a triumphant year for Miss Spears, highlighted by her open-mouth kiss on live TV with fellow singer Madonna -- an act which has sparked imitation among teen girls nationwide.

"O, how far Britney has fallen since the MTV music awards," said her publicist. "We hope her fans realize that this marriage was a youthful indiscretion and won't hold it against her, or boycott her music. She would never intentionally do anything to sully the image which has earned her the admiration of teens and parents alike."

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