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Scott Ott Premiere Speakers Bureau
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October 10, 2003
Al Franken to Substitute for Rush Limbaugh
by Scott Ott

(2003-10-10) -- Former comedian Al Franken will replace Rush Limbaugh on the Excellence in Broadcasting Network for the next 30 days while Mr. Limbaugh participates in an addiction treatment program.

Premiere Radio Networks announced the substitution shortly after Mr. Limbaugh told his millions of listeners that he is addicted to prescription painkillers and is going to deal with it "once and for all."

"When Rush told us he needed 30-days off, we knew we had to find a top-notch replacement," said a Premiere spokesman. "Although we had not heard of Al Franken before, we received a barrage of emails suggesting he is the next great American radio host. Apparently he used to be a comedian, and knows Bill O'Reilly personally. We were impressed with that. We're hopeful that America's ditto-heads will warm to Mr. Franken right away."

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